The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The White Room

4. The Barrier

Borealis watched his young trainee as she cut off several zombies head. They were clearing out a vampire den, but this den had also been infested with a few zombies. He himself had a shield, which he had dubbed Ancile, after the Roman God Mar’s personal shield. Ancile was a heater shaped shield that sported blades from either end, one at the top jutting from the straight edged top of the shield, while the bottom point had been sharpened into a blade. It was both an offensive and defensive weapon composed entirely out of a magical silver that did not burn the skin of vampires or werewolves but was far more lethal if it pierced the skin. His young trainee, Austen, wielded a rapier in her hand, stabbing several vampires through their heart and head. They had cleared the room temporarily and Austen came over to her teacher.

“Teacher.” She said, her voice young and innocent, “Something is not right, I can feel it.”

He had sensed the presence too, something truly evil was here, in this den, and very close by. However he wished to see what his apprentice had to say on the matter.

“Oh?” He asked.

“Yes. It is a sickening darkness.”

“I smell it as well.” Borealis replied, “They are not of my blood.”

“Not of your blood?” Austen asked.

“Not a werewolf like me.” Borealis said.

“I’m still uneasy about this secret that you hid from me for so long Teacher.” Austen said, concern in her voice.

“You did not need to know at the time, and I still destroy evil wherever I find it, I have for many years now.”

“I trust you Teacher.” Austen said.

* * *

“Carmilla!” The deep, dark, booming voice said.

“Yes Master Adrastos?” Carmilla asked.

She glided over to the man’s side with a supernatural grace. Her fangs were hidden behind her pouty lips, but were ready if the opportunity arose as it often did. Master Adrastos often had new “cattle for her to domesticate”. She smoothed her long black hair and made an elegant bow.

The slender man before her, whose face was becoming corrupted with dark lines, revealing the power coursing through his body, lit a fireball in his hand which caused her to shrink away slightly, but she maintained her composure.

“There are two perpetrators within our fortress here, they threaten to stumble upon our plans.”

“I will take care of them.” Carmilla said, “Where are they?”

“Only a few rooms away, but you must come with me, send your most trusted minion to do it for you.”

“As you wish.” Carmilla said.

Willing it to be so, she called upon her servant, Easton. Easton was a beautiful girl, just like herself. Powerful, ambitious, loyal. Well then again, Carmilla was far from loyal, only strategic in her endeavors to ensure maximum gain and satisfaction for herself. Like all vampires, she had pale skin, but hers was a darker hue due to her partial Hispanic Brazilian heritage. Easton was her most trusted assassin, and she answered with a dutiful bow, emerging from dark shadows.

“Mistress.” She said respectfully as she bowed.

“Easton my pet, you are to stop two hunters invading our castles.”

“Hunters mistress?”

“At least that’s what I believe they are. No one else is dumb enough or tenacious enough to come after us here.”

“Yes Mistress.” Easton replied, “Am I to kill them?”

“Use your discretion.” Carmilla said, “Killing is not necessarily the best option.”

“Yes Mistress.” Easton said, “It will be done at once.”

Easton bowed once again and then disappeared into the shadows.

“Shall we proceed?” Adrastos asked.

Carmilla nodded and followed the demon possessed man into more private quarters.

* * *

Easton sighed as she observed from the shadows. She was a special breed of vampire, a shadow walker, a vampire with the ability to teleport through the use of darkness and shadows. She was also invisible to anyone and everything when inside the shadow. Really, she was entering a “shadow realm”, a dimension of some sort that allowed her to bend space and move anywhere a shadow happened to be.

Carmilla, or Mistress as Easton referred to her as, seemed to think that she was a loyal servant, in reality, she was only bound by the blood oath that she had swore after being defeated in combat. Vampire culture worked that way. To determine who would rule, duels were fought, but no one ever died. Carmilla had personally defeated Easton in combat. Easton and Carmilla had both been the top prospects for the title of Queen, but Carmilla had bested Easton by feigning defeat and then pouncing upon the opportunity when Easton let her guard down. As tradition dictated, Easton offered her neck to Carmilla, who had taken her blood and given Easton some of her own. This had bound Easton to serve Carmilla. Through this blood oath, she could never openly oppose Carmilla. However, she was able to, if she so wished, take no action and therefore disrupt Carmilla’s plans if she was not given a direct order. For the past two hundred years of her life, she had been enslaved by Carmilla and she was truly getting tired of it.

Carmilla had changed recently as well. Ever since teaming up with Adrastos she had been different and Easton suspected that the Vampire Queen was up to something. If that was the case, it might also be an ample time in which for her to plant the seeds against her Mistress. With her Mistress busy with her new demonic overlords plans, Easton figured she might be able to orchestrate Carmilla’s downfall, the time might just be right.

She paced around the shadow realm in deep thought, thinking of ways to cause her Mistress to fall, but then she heard a small sound, a hint of a conversation. She opened a small window in the shadow realm and peered into a room where Carmilla and Adrastos were. They were in a dark castle room with black stone walls and dark purple flamed torches. There was a silver and black throne on which Adrastos sat. Form beneath the throne a large red carpet sprawled out, leading to a door. Her Mistress stood on the lowest step before the throne, a position of respect and fear.

“Listen.” Adrastos said, his voice booming.

Easton shuddered, the demon possessed man’s voice emanated power and fear. It almost sounded like a thousand men with deep voices singing in a Gregorian chant combined with the sound of a thousand angry generals yelling at their troops.

“These hunters, they plan on destroying you.” Adrastos continued.

“That will not happen.”

“Do not underestimate them!” Adrastos bellowed and even Carmilla shrank back. “Kyle and his friends are not to be underestimated!”

The room rocked with the demons booming voice.

“Yes Master Adrastos.” Carmilla replied, and bowed.

“They will start picking away at your forces, from the bottom up, then, when all of your forces are gone, they will strike at you.”

“Where will I find them?”

“You have sent your assassin after the two perpetrators?”

“Yes.” Carmilla replied.

“The perpetrators are monster hunters. She will not be able to kill at least one of them. He is far too dangerous and powerful. He will lead you to them.”

“We should strike them there then!” Carmilla replied.

“No!” Adrastos bellowed, “Time is our ally. We must only wait for the elf’s corruption and we shall be invincible and they shall fall to us like flies. The longer they are distracted, the more we take advantage of our ally. We will bide our time here and keep track of Skylight, Montana from afar.”

“As you wish.” Carmilla replied.

Easton closed the window into the room, the wheels turning in her head. She opened another portal, looking into each room of the castle until she found the two hunters. One, a grizzly man with dark brown hair with excessive body hair and bright yellow eyes, the other an innocent looking girl with bright blonde hair, and an almost unbelievable body. With a slight twinge of jealousy, Easton looked at her own set of boobs and then compared hers to the blonde girls. The girl had to have at least a D cup bra if not bigger. She remembered that Adrastos had warned Carmilla about the man. He seemed imposing, but nothing specifically about him was… she tasted the air. He was a werewolf! A werewolf monster hunter was unprecedented. Most who were infected with lycanthropy became mad with the sheer rush of power they received. Only the most experienced, powerful, and strong willed werewolves were able to resist the temptation to become feral. She would have to be careful.

From their body language, Easton surmised that the girl was under the tutelage of the werewolf, no doubt learning more monster hunting abilities. She burst from the shadows and threw a poisoned dagger right at the girl and it struck home, the sharp edge piercing just to the right of her navel. The werewolf turned, and snarled, rushing at her as he transformed into a massive werewolf. The girl cried out in pain as Easton pulled out her own set of weaponry, long sharp claws that she held like brass knuckles known as Bagh Nakha. The weapons originated from India, but Easton had learned them quite quickly after her conversion into vampirehood so many years ago. Now she was a lethal fighting force with them in her hands, but she was too smart to take a massive werewolf, an Alpha male judging by his size and speed, and she disappeared in a cloud of shadow. She rushed forward, attempting to strike the werewolf with her claws, but he was quick, and made a swipe at her that she was able to avoid with a quick shadow walk, but rebuffed her enough to keep her at bay.

She reappeared and the werewolf snarled.

“Shadow walker.” He snarled.

“Wolf.” She replied with a smirk. “It seems that we’re at an impasse. You’re not going to hit me, but I’m not dumb enough to take you on all by my wee little self.”

The wolf snarled again, but stayed his place, “What do you want?”

“I’ve done my duty. My name is Easton. Mistress Carmilla commanded me to get you to leave this place and as you might have noticed, that dagger is tipped with poison.”

“Wolfsbane.” the werewolf snarled as he sniffed the air.

“Teacher I-“ the blonde girl whimpered, and then promptly passed out. Perfect timing.

“If you were to save her, you’re going to need some help. I can tell you where to get it.”

“Why should I trust you?”

“Because I’m trying to help you ya big ball of fur.” Easton said with a snicker. “There’s a group of monster hunters, in Skylight Montana. They can help you.”

“Montana?” the werewolf snarled, “What do you get out of this?”

“Believe me buddy, I’m on your side.” Easton said, “I just happen to be a blood slave of your enemies. I’d love nothing more then to kill my bitch of a mistress. Go to Montana wolfie. I’ll see you there soon.”

Easton smiled at the wolf, flashing her fangs at him, and then disappeared into the darkness.

* * *

“So this is the barrier huh?” Kyle asked.

“Yeah, impenetrable, as far as I know how.” Dakota replied.

“Really? All the monster hunters we’ve had and we’ve never figured out how to bring one of these down?” Kyle asked.

“Uncle August could.” January said, “But he’s gone now.”

“Died when we were young, protecting our family.” Dakota said.

“Sorry.” Kyle said.

They were quiet for a few seconds. Kyle stared at the giant purple wall in front of them that intermittently had black flecks of energy that ran up it’s length. It seemed to have no end, both up and down and to his left and right.

“So there’s nothing we can do about this?”

“Nothing that I know of.” Dakota said.

“Wait! What is that?!”

There was a ripple along the length of the wall, and then, an grizzled overly hairy man appeared in front of them, clutching a beautiful girl with flowing blonde hair. She was looking very pale, and blue veins were forming around her arms.

“Please,” the man said, “You must help my apprentice.”