The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Trophy Champion

by The Dark Narrator

Part 3

April smiled brightly as she sat across from Alex, “I haven’t slept this well in months, I feel so full of energy. Coach has noticed and crushing it again. Thank you so much for helping me!”

Alex smiled and nodded, “Now it’s important that you remember that you don’t talk to anyone about our sessions. It’s a secret and you will always keep my secret, won’t you April?”

“Oh yes sir! I won’t say anything.” She replied with a beaming smile. “Your secret is safe with me, any secret you share with me.”

“Good girl. Now we only really need a few more sessions and I think you will be fully back to your own self. Without any real disruptions, we can say that it’s a full success.”

Alex watched the girl as she smiled and nodded. She was not that much younger than he was, she had a really great set of tits and a shapely ass. His mind wandered into dangerous territory as she sat across from him. He had been very hesitant to use his program to help the girl, Melissa had pushed his buttons and he wanted to succeed where she failed.

Now he had to contend with these dark urges surfacing again. Megan was a great outlet for those urges, and it had kept him out of trouble. April was pulling out those urges again. Especially when her sultry voice called him sir. “Are you ready to begin?” He said as he pulled out a pair of noise canceling headphones.

April nodded eagerly, “yes sir!”

He watched as the program took hold of her mind. Her eyes glazed over and her face softened. He pulled out his phone and sent a quick text to Megan to be ready for him when he got home.

* * *

Alex opened the door to his house and could hear Megan shouting from upstairs. “I don’t give a shit, Jerry. This market is primed for a surge and if you want to play it safe then you should find another advisor. I have the balls to take this market by its dick and squeeze until I’ve milked it for all it’s worth. If you don’t want to make money, then you don’t want to work with me.” He could hear her move around upstairs. She always paced when she was doing business. She reminded him of a lion stalking its prey.

“I can transfer your account to one of the more conservative advisors in the office. Maybe you should consider investing in tampons, because you’re sounding like a bitch right now. Fine, but when my clients see a five percent increase in profits and you miss out on it, just remember I warned you.” Alex heard her sigh heavily and her heels clicking on the stairs.

He was never stunned when he saw her, tonight she was only wearing a pair of leather thigh high boots and a thick black collar. Her makeup was perfectly applied and her hair teased up in a way that he liked. When her eyes met his, she squealed in joy. “Welcome home, sir!” She wasted no time in rushing over to him. Her grace in the heels practiced to perfection. Her kiss was hungry and needy, her eyes seductive. Once the kiss was broken, she was on her knees with a smile. “I need your cock in me, sir. Please let me suck your cock.”

Alex opened the door for Megan, allowing her to step out before he closed the door behind her. She smiled brightly as she met his gaze and then turned to the house she had grown up in. A small blur of red hair zipped across the distance and leapt into Megan’s arms. Alex smiled as he watched Megan’s little sister jump into her arms. His eyes moved to the door as he saw Megan’s mother smiling. She was almost as tall as her daughter and shared the same fiery red hair. Alex waved as he walked up.

“Hello, I was hoping to meet Ms. Dorden. Is your mother home?” He grinned at the terrible joke, but it never hurt to flatter the parents of the person he was going to marry.

“Young man, I appreciate the flattery but if you don’t come give me a hug right now.” The older woman asked as she stepped onto the covered porch. Alex was pulled into a warm hug by the woman as she whispered into his ear. “Megan had told all of us how much you helped her get her head right after the injury.” She hugged him tighter. “I can’t thank you enough for that. She’s in such a better place these days.”

Alex smiled into the warm hug. “She’s an incredible woman. I may have helped her with her problem, but along the way she stole my heart.”

A few minutes later they were seated in a very comfortable living room chatting. “So tell me Alex, what are your plans after college?” Darcy Dorden, Megan’s mother asked.

“Well, the idea is to either work with an established clinic to start my career or I may just take the leap and open my own clinic and see where it takes me.” Alex said while holding Megan’s hand.

“Mom! Don’t bother him with all of that right now.” Megan whined.

Alex held up a hand and smiled, “It’s totally fine, Megan. She’s asking a legitimate question.”

Darcy nodded, “I like this one, he’s a keeper. Ambitious but still understanding of the world. I wonder though, how does that play into your relationship with Megan?”

Alex squeezed Megan’s hand tighter, “I feel like once she gets that diploma, she can write her ticket wherever she wants. As a financial advisor she will be best served to go to a major city, so if we are still together, I would happily open my practice wherever she ends up.” Megan smacked his shoulder when he mentioned them still being together.

“Now Alex, you have the best woman you will ever meet sitting next to you. I will be disappointed if you don’t give her a ring in the next few months.” Darcy replied.

“OMG mom!” Megan said as her mom basically tried to marry her off.

“Ms. Dorden,” Alex held up a hand to stop her from interrupting him for not using her first name. “I know you said to call you Darcy. Darcy, your daughter is something special. I do know that and I will be incredibly lucky if she put up with me long enough for that to happen.”

“What the hell did you do to her, Daumer?” Melissa asked as Alex finished his salad. “I’ve been working with Jennifer for months and you dove her issues inside of eight weeks.”

Alex chewed on a piece of lettuce, thinking of what to say, “I’m not a miracle worker. Your groundwork didn’t hurt at all. I just came at it from an angle you haven’t tried yet. It’s not some miracle”

“That’s bullshit, and you know it. You know something you’re not telling me about.” Melissa said in an accusatory fashion.

Alex laughed, “That’s right, Melissa. I have a magical device I’m using to alter the minds of my patients to heal them.”

“Don’t be an ass, you know what I mean. I know you’re into all of that new age stuff they are using in the schools these days. I just want to know if I need to start employing those hippy shots right out of college.” Melissa countered as she waved at the waitress to refill her wine glass.

“I use mostly standard techniques, with a few alterations from some of the newer schools of thought. But it’s not groundbreaking. If you want, I can send you some reading material to give you some pointers.” Alex said a bit snottier than he meant to.

“Oh, shut up.” Melissa said. She knew he was keeping something to himself, she just needed to figure out what. “Good work with the Madison girl. Let’s hope she’s smart enough next time when she’s dating. Hell, if I wasn’t 15 years older than her, I would have asked her out.” Melissa gave a predatory smile.

“15 years, Melissa?” Alex questioned.

“Shut up”

* * *

Melissa Padilla wasn’t known for being a good sport. More than a few people had called her a sore loser. The truth was, they were right. She was the most successful private practice on the whole east coast, and she was known as the problem solver. The hardest clients were referred to her. Alex solving a case she couldn’t only made her more curious about what he had done.

The man that sat across from her was a small man and upon further inspection he seemed to be the most boring man ever. His simple button-down shirt and slacks were off the rack brands that millions of men wore every day. His glasses were large, but not large enough to stand out on his face. “So just to be totally clear here, I just want you to break into his office and copy his files. No damage, no evidence. Just get as much information as you can.”

The man nodded, “Seems simple enough. Hardly worth the trouble if you ask me.”

“I’m not asking you; I’m paying you. A lot too. Just get the files, all of them. If you can do it tonight and get me the files by tomorrow, I will double your rate.”

Megan was hugging her mom tightly, the graduation cap she wore was tilted to one side. “I’m so proud of you Meg.” Her mom said.

Megan beamed brightly as she was let go, her head scanning the crowd. “Where’s Alex?” She asked and turned around. Her mouth fell open as she saw Alex there, down on one knee with a ring box in his hand.

“Megan Dorden, marry me.” He said with tears in his eyes.

The many people around her erupted in cheers and she looked up to notice that the whole volleyball team had moved into a loose circle around them. She gasped loudly and put her hands over her mouth as she began to cry. She was lost for words and all she could do was nod and cry. Alex took her hand and slid on a beautiful but reasonable ring onto her finger.

He stood quickly and they kissed, the world melted away as they fell into each other. They were engulfed in a huge group hug as the team rallied around them. “Ladies, I can’t breathe.” Alex said jokingly.

* * *

Alex finished off his drink and walked from his small apartment kitchen into the bedroom. Megan lay on the bed, tied hand and foot by her honor cords. Her robe was open, exposing her naked body. The panties she wore were shoved into her mouth. Alex smiled brightly as she squirmed against her bonds. It was late, the celebration of their engagement had gone on long into the night. They had been the center of attention for the whole night and now she was the center of his attention.

“Don’t you just look lovely. All tied up and nowhere to go.” He moved forward and ran a hand up her leg, stopping just short of her needy clit. “Whatever should I do with you?”

She squirmed and moaned as he touched her, the panties in her mouth not allowing more than that. “Nothing to say for yourself?” He asked playfully. His fingers tease along her clit and he smiled, “maybe I should just leave you like this. Let you simmer for the night.” Alex took a step back. Morgan whimpered through her makeshift gag as she squirmed against the ropes.

Alex watched her squirm as he slowly took his pants off. Sliding his underwear off he strokes his cock and moves to the foot of the bed. He relishes the needy look on her face as he slowly mounts her.

Melissa sat in her office, the large pile of paperwork and flash drives taking up most of the large desk. She was only a few pages into the documents but she knew that Alex did in fact have some special thing that he was using. If what she was seeing was right, he had used it extensively on his now wife, Megan. She sat back and thought about that for a second, Alex Daumer used a mind control device on his own wife. It made her wonder about April Madison, was he doing the same thing to her? She tapped a finger on her lips and tried to figure out how to use this to her advantage. She had a copy of the program on the flash drive, should she alert someone to this? Should she delete it?