The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Thong Girls

Chapter 19 — I Told You Not to Do That

We still hadn’t told the cabbie where to take us which was a good way of saying we weren’t going anywhere fast but that was about to change. I gave the cabbie an address. “Take us there,” I told him.

“Where’s that,” Bianca asked.

“A friend of mine’s place.”

“A friend of yours. How likely is it that Kyle knows about this friend of yours.”

“Not likely at all. Why?”

“I was just wondering. That’s all.”

“You don’t think he thinks we’re on that train?”

“Let’s just say so far, he seems to have stayed on our trail pretty good.”

“Yeah so?”

“So if Kyle doesn’t think we got on that train, he’s going to be looking for us.”

“I agree.”

“So I’m asking again. How likely is it that Kyle knows about this friend of yours?”

“If you’re asking is the chance zero, then no, it’s not zero. Aaron’s not some random stranger. If you’re asking is it unlikely, I’d say yes. Aaron’s a buddy of mine from college. We talk every once in a while but not so much of recent, and Kyle knows me because of where I work. It’s unlikely that anyone at work, and that includes Sue, knows about him. I just don’t talk about him there.”

“Speaking of Sue, what are we going to do about her?”

“We’re going to get her back,” I said.

“That got both girls looking at me.”

“We’re going to get her back,” I said again. “You were right about one thing.”

“Yeah? What was that?”

“Kyle is going to be looking for us. If not right now, soon. That trick with the cell phone isn’t going to throw him off our tracks forever.”

“Why do you say that?” Melissa finally piped up grumpily.

“Because that phone’s going to do one of two things. Either it’s going to stop moving or it’s not going to stop moving. Either way though, it shouldn’t be hard to track down.”

“I don’t follow you.”

“If the woman finds it, she either turns it in to lost and found or she keeps it. If she keeps it, she probably keeps it at her house or she gives it to a friend to reprogram or something. Either way, the phone stops moving.”

Both women nodded at that.

“If she doesn’t find it, the phone will continue to move with her bag but it will move wherever she is. If you got a GPS tracker, and I’m sure Kyle does, he’ll figure out soon enough that we’re not where the phone is.”

“You make it sound bleak,” Bianca said.

“I’m just being a realist,” I said. “Kyle is going to figure it out.”

“You make it sound hopeless.”

“Not hopeless,” I said. “He still hasn’t caught us yet.”

“He’s got Sue,” Bianca said bitterly.

“Oh fuck. Are we going to start on that again?” Melissa said.

“Are we going to start on what again?” Bianca said angrily.

I jumped in before the two of them went at each other’s throats. “Ladies,” I said. “Ladies. This isn’t going to get us anywhere if we keep arguing like this and besides, we are going to get Sue back.”

“How?” Bianca asked.

“I’m working on it and you’re going to help me.”

I might have sounded more confident than I actually was. Aaron was a friend of mine from college but there were a few things that I hadn’t told the women about him and perhaps the most important of these was that his wife hated me. Well, maybe hate was too strong a word, but Charlotte definitely didn’t like me. The other reason why I wasn’t nearly as confident as I might have sounded was that I still had no idea how we were going to pull off a rescue of Sue.

The cabbie pulled up in front of the address and I paid the man. The complex was a series of two-story buildings, each containing four apartments. It didn’t look like much from the outside and as I recalled, it didn’t look like much from the inside either but that was neither here nor there. What it was was a place to go where Kyle probably wouldn’t find us, at least not for a while and it was a place where maybe we could figure out what we were going to do next.

“You guys let me do the talking,” I said as we approached the apartment and for once, I was glad to see that the two women agreed.

I knocked on the door and I waited and then the door opened.

It was Charlotte who answered the door. Damn. Couldn’t I ever get a fucking break. She was holding one kid while the other peered out from around her knees. “Paul McAdams, what brings you here?”

Her tone might have been light and airy but she didn’t fool me at all. She needn’t have tried to sound so nice about it. Heck, I almost expected her to ask me what the fuck brought me there.

“Is Aaron here?” I asked.

“He’s at work,” she said but the implication was obvious. Aaron was at work. Why wasn’t I at work, too.

I could already see this wasn’t going to work although honestly, we didn’t have anywhere else to go but I knew Charlotte wasn’t going to let us in. Still, I suppose I had to try. “What time’s Aaron going to be back?” I asked.

“I don’t know.”

Yeah right. You don’t know or you don’t want to tell me. They weren’t the same thing.

Melissa was making faces at the girl draped around her mother’s legs but I was more intent in trying to get something useful from the mother to care about that.

“What time does Aaron usually get back?” I asked.

“It varies,” she said.

Yeah right. Aaron wasn’t the kind of guy where that answer applied. He might not be home at the same time every night, but I was sure it never varied all that much.

“Is that all?” Charlotte asked.

“Come on, Charlotte. We’re in a bit of a bind. We just need a place to stay and regroup.”

Charlotte just laughed at that. “You want to stay here,” she said. “Now that’s funny.”

“Come on. We’re really in a bind here.”

“Maybe you should have called ahead then.”

Maybe I should have but then maybe if I would have, it would have just given her a chance to tell me no over the phone. And besides, it wasn’t like we had the time to call ahead. “Come on. We just need a place to regroup.”

“Regroup? What kind of trouble are you in, Paul?”

Was that concern I heard there?

I should have known better. She was just interested. Perhaps even eager to know what my problems were but that was it. “I’m sorry, Paul, but you can’t stay here.”

Sometimes, help comes from the most unlikely of sources because it was just then when the little girl started to cry.

Charlotte looked down at her child. “What is it, Phoebe? What’s the matter?”

But the child didn’t answer. She just continued to bawl.

“What is it, Baby. Mama’s here. What’s the matter?”

The girl pointed at Melissa. “I don’t want her to go,” the girl blubbered.

“Oh, Baby. That’s nice but they just stopped by to see your father and now they have to go.”

But the girl was not going to be consoled as easily as all that. She just bawled even louder. “Because you’re making them,” she bawled. “You’re making them go away.”

“Oh, Baby, no. It’s not that way. They have to go on their own.”

“No,” the girl wailed even louder. “No. You’re making them go.”

Charlotte looked at me with a look that seemed to say look at what you’ve done now. “I think you’d better go now,” she said.

“No,” the child screamed even louder. “No.”

Melissa got down on a knee. “My name’s Melissa,” she said. “What’s your name?”

“Phoebe,” the girl said as her crying abruptly stopped.

“Well, Phoebe. Your mom’s right. We’ve got to go.”

“No,” the child shrieked. “No. I don’t want you to go.”

I could tell Charlotte was pissed when she looked back at me. This, of course, was all my fault like somehow, I’d told Melissa to make friends with her daughter or that I’d somehow made her daughter react the way she had.

I could see it though. She didn’t want to admit it even to herself and especially not even to me but she’d lost. “I suppose you can come in,” she grudgingly allowed. “But only for a bit, and only until Aaron gets back.”

“That’s fine,” I said.

No sooner had we stepped into the apartment than the tiny Phoebe wanted to take Melissa to her room. “Is it okay?” Melissa asked.

“Go ahead,” Charlotte said and with that, Melissa was gone.

Charlotte motioned for Bianca and me to sit out on the couch and she took a chair. I’m sure she wasn’t all that happy that we were there but even as much as she didn’t like me, she couldn’t just leave the two of us standing around doing nothing and besides, there was something she wanted to know so she picked up the remote and she switched off the TV. “So why do you want to see my husband,” she said.

I heard the emphasis on the words “my husband” but I chose to ignore them. “We’re in trouble,” I said.

“Oh really? What kind of trouble?”

Was that a surge of excitement that I heard or was I just imagining things. “I can’t exactly say right now,” I said. “Let’s just say that we’ve got a problem that needs to be fixed.”

“And I’m assuming you can’t go to the police.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because,” she said sweetly, “you’re such an uptight prick that if you could have done it, you already would have.”

She smiled sweetly as if she’d just paid me a compliment. To be honest, I think she thought I’d react and I think she was disappointed when I didn’t. “This is something we’re handling on our own,” I said.

She nodded. “I see. And who are your friends?”

“This is Bianca Giovanni,” I said. “She owns her own company, and the other woman is Melissa Gruff. It was her mom that came to me with the story I’m currently working on.”

“Oooh, a story. That sounds rather melodramatic but I thought you food critics didn’t do stories. I thought it was all reviews like who’s got the biggest ... pop ... tart.”

There was no denying the emphasis that she’d put on the word tart. That she was closer to the truth than she actually knew didn’t make it any easier.

“So you still haven’t said why you’re here.”

“No I haven’t. We just need to get our act together and we need a place where we won’t be found.”

“Oooh. Sounds like you’re wanted criminals.”

I’m sure what was going through her mind was there was no reason why anyone would want me but I took it. “Let’s just say that there are some men who would like to find these ladies and we’re trying not to have that happen.”

Charlotte was looking anew at Bianca as if trying to see what it was someone was after her for but whatever she was looking for, she didn’t see it. “Fine,” she said. “I’ll let you stay here until Aaron gets home and then you guys can talk, but I want you and your two women out of here and Paul, if you bring anything bad down on this household, so help me God, I’ll make you pay for it. You got that?”

I nodded and Charlotte got up to go see what her daughter was doing with Melissa.

“She doesn’t like you much,” Bianca said.

“You noticed.”

“I was just wondering—”

“You were wondering what?”

“I was just wondering if given the way she feels about you, if this was the best place for us to be.”

“She doesn’t like me but even if that dislike were to extend to you as well, and I think it doesn’t, but even if it did, she wouldn’t know who to tell anyway, and besides, we do need a place to regroup.”

Bianca nodded. “I hope you’re right.”

Charlotte returned from the other room. “It looks like my daughter is having fun playing with your friend. Phoebe always has kind of trended to playing older than she actually is. Can I get you two anything to drink?”

I was sure that that offer really wasn’t intended for me. In fact, I was sure that if I’d been there alone, that offer would never have been extended but it was. “I’ll have a glass of water,” I said.

Charlotte nodded at that bit of annoyance and then turned her attention towards Bianca. “And you?”

“I’ll have some water, too,” Bianca said.

I couldn’t help but wonder what would have happened if Bianca had said she didn’t want anything. Would Charlotte have conveniently forgotten what I’d wanted and just let it slide? Probably not, I told myself. After all, she didn’t want to look like a bad host, but the fact that I wasn’t sure showed where my mind was.

Charlotte came back with the waters. “So how do you know Paul here?”

“He, um, he helped me out of some trouble I was in.”

“Oh? What kind of trouble was that?”

“It was a personal matter,” Bianca said quietly. “A very personal matter.”

Charlotte looked at Bianca and Bianca looked back at Charlotte and I think Charlotte finally got it that whatever it was that I’d helped Bianca with, she wasn’t going to be made privy to the details. “Well,” she said finally, “I’ve got some things I need to take care of in the bedroom. If you need me, you know where I’ll be.”

We both nodded and Charlotte left the room.

“What’s the deal with her?” Bianca asked when we were alone.

“What do you mean?”

“Oh come on. She’s been on your case from the moment we got here. So what gives.”

“I already told you. Aaron’s one of my best friends.”

“Yeah so?”

“So when he got engaged, I thought he could do better.”

“Uh oh.”

“Yeah, and it gets worse.”


“Charlotte finds out how I feel and she decides she’s going to have it out with me, but she can’t seem to do that on an empty stomach so she gets a bottle of wine—”

“Uh oh.”

“Yeah. She comes over all right and when I’m still telling her I don’t think she’s right, she starts to tell me she knows how to change my mind and before I know it, she’s trying to take my clothes off and I’m trying to make her stop.”

“And did you?”

“Did I what?”

“Did you make her stop?”

“I’m not saying.”

“Come on.”

I shook my head. “I’m not saying,” I said again.

“You’re stopping the story just when it was starting to get good.”

I couldn’t help but notice where Bianca’s hand was. “Knock it off,” I said.


“Someone might see.”

“No one’s here.”

“But they could be. They could be at any moment.”

“But I’m so horny,” she purred.

I shook my head. “I said no,” I said.

“But I want to fuck.”

“And I said no.”

Her hand continued to stroke the insides of my thighs. “Come on,” she cooed.

“No,” I whispered back.


“I said no.”

We settled into an uneasy truce there on Aaron and Charlotte’s couch. I turned on the TV but I was the only one who was watching. Actually, that wasn’t exactly true. Bianca was watching me and while I pretended to watch the television, I was keeping an eye on Bianca just to make sure she didn’t get a little too frisky.

It was a long couple of hours before Aaron finally came home. He was the same age as me but his hair was already beginning to thin. “Paul,” he said, “what are you doing here?”

I couldn’t help wonder which way he meant that. Did he mean why was I there in his apartment or was he asking just why the heck Charlotte had let me in the apartment in the first place. I decided to take it as the former and not as the latter. “We need your help,” I said.

“Sure, man. What do you need?”

“Not here,” I said. “Can we talk in private?”

By that time, Melissa had joined us and so Aaron’s eyes were going from me to the two women and then back again. “Sure,” he said. “Sure. We can talk in my office. How’s that sound?”

“That sounds good.”

For the next half hour, Aaron and I were alone in his office and I laid the whole thing out for him. For the most part, he just listened but his jaw was dropping a bit and heck, I couldn’t blame him. Even though I knew what I was saying was true, it just sounded so fantastic that even I had trouble believing what I was saying.

“So let me get this straight,” Aaron said when I was done. “This guy Kyle has given these girls a drug that makes them want to have sex?”

“That makes them want to have sex all the time,” I said.

“And you want to fix this ... why?”

“They don’t have any choice in the matter.”

“It sure looks like they’ve got a choice to me.”

“You don’t understand,” I said.

“I understand better than you think I do,” he said. “These girls want to fuck. From where I’m sitting, you ought to just get with the program.”

I shook my head. “It’s not like that,” I said.

“Sure, man. Whatever.”

“Look,” I said. “Can we crash here for a few days at least?”

Aaron ran a hand through his thinning hair. “You know if it was just up to me, I’d say yes, but you know Charlotte ...”

Yeah, I knew Charlotte. That was just what I was afraid of.

“Listen, you let me talk with her,” he said, “and I’ll see what I can do.”

“Thanks, man. I really appreciate this.”

“You just leave it up to me.”

“Well?” Bianca asked when I rejoined her and Melissa. “What’s the verdict?”

“Aaron’s going to talk to Charlotte.”

“And what’s that supposed to mean? Is he going to let us stay?”

“I don’t know. The book’s still out on that one. If I were a betting man, I’d say 70-30.”

“For or against.”


“I hope they let us stay,” Melissa said. “I like Phoebe.”

“Yeah? What’s the deal with that?” Bianca asked.

“What’s the deal with what?”

“What’s the deal with you and the girl. She seemed to totally like you.”

Melissa shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ve just always had this way with kids. I thought I’d like to get a job someday at a day care center.”

“You?” Bianca scoffed.

“Yes, me. What’s wrong with that?”

“You’re a slut.”

“No, I’m not.”

Bianca and I just looked at her.

“What?” she said defensively.

We were still looking at her.

“Okay, maybe I was a slut even back then but never around the kids and even now, even like I now am, even now I’m not a slut around the kids. It’s like I can turn it off when the kids are around.”

Bianca wasn’t buying it. “Bull shit!”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means you can’t tell me you don’t want to fuck. You have to know that there are two men in the apartment and given half a chance, you’d fuck either one of them.”

“Well yeah, of course.”

“So you’re still a slut.”

“I didn’t say I wasn’t. I’m a slut and so are you,” she said.

“So there you go.”

“I’m a slut and so are you,” Melissa said again. “It’s just that when I’m around kids, I’m not.”

“Bull shit.”

As interesting as this conversation might have been, I was more interested in what Aaron was going to say because as the minutes dragged on, I became more and more concerned.

Finally, Aaron emerged from the bedroom. “You can stay for a couple days,” he said, “but that’s it. After that, Charlotte wants you gone.”

“A couple of days?”

“It’s the best I can do,” he said. “You know, she really doesn’t like you and I’ve never understood why.”

“Well, a couple of days is something,” I said.

“Yeah, man. Sorry I couldn’t do more.”

“Hey, man. It’s fine. You guys going to be okay, here?” I asked the girls.

“Sure,” Bianca said. “Where are you going?”

“For as long as we’ll been on the run,” I said, “we need some stuff. New clothes and the like. Toiletries. And I need a phone. Nothing I can do about the lost contact information but I still need a phone.”

“We can go with you,” Bianca volunteered.

“No. Stay here.”


“Because there will be crowds where I’m going.”


“So I’m not sure I trust you with crowds.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You remember the train station?”

“Oh yeah.”

“I’m not sure you wouldn’t go off to get yourself fucked at the first chance you got.”

Bianca and Melissa both looked at one another and I knew they got it. They might not like it but they got it and more than that, they actually agreed with me so it wasn’t long before I left Aaron’s apartment with a shopping list in hand and confident that I had the two of them safe and away from Kyle.

Well, one out of two isn’t bad.

When I got back, the apartment was in total chaos and it was Aaron that came up to me first. “Man, I’m telling you, you got to get these girls out of here.”

That was my first indication that there was something wrong. “Why?” I said. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s those girls. You were right man. They’re out of control.”

I couldn’t help groaning to myself. “What did they do?” I asked.

“First of all, man, I want to tell you I didn’t have nothing to do with any of this shit.”

I’d known Aaron long enough to know that when he starts out saying something like that, you can almost bet the opposite is true but then I wasn’t going to call him on it, at least not right away. I needed to find out what had happened. “Why don’t you just tell me what happened.”

“It was that girl, man. It was all her fault.”

“It was which girl.”

“It was that Bianca chick. She was totally coming onto me. I didn’t have nothing to do with it.”

There he was saying it wasn’t his fault again which meant it probably was his fault and as I listened to more of his story, I could just imagine what had happened. I’d left the apartment and of course, he just couldn’t take what I said at face value. A hot girl who wants to put out. Hey, he wasn’t going to pass something like that up so he’d put a move on her and of course that was all it took to get her reciprocating in kind.

“She was totally coming on to me, man. You should have seen it.”

Yep. I was right. “Aaron, I told you what they were like.”

“No you didn’t.”

I just looked at him. “Well okay, maybe you did say something.”

“I didn’t say something. I told you everything.”

“Well maybe you did,” he allowed, “but I thought you were making some of that up.”

“Why would I make that up?”

“I don’t know. I just thought you were trying to brag or something.”

“Brag about what?”

“You know. About everything.”

I shook my head but what else could I do. “So what happened,” I said with resignation.

“Well that bitch, she’s totally coming on to me. She tells me she wants to suck my cock. She tells me she loves to suck a guy’s cock and she asks me if I like getting my cock sucked.”

“Yeah, and then what happens.”

“Well, she’s stroking my cock through my jeans and she’s looking at me and I’m thinking this can’t really be happening but what if it is, I ask myself so without even really thinking about what I’m doing, I tell her yes.”

I couldn’t really blame him for that. “So then what happens?”

“What do you mean what happens. I already told you. She sucked my cock.”

Somehow, I couldn’t imagine that he would have been that mad if all that had happened was that Bianca had sucked his cock. “Yeah, and?”

“And it was fucking great. I absolutely loved having her suck my cock and when she made me cum, well, I couldn’t help but love the way she moaned around my cock and the almost blissful way she looked when she looked up at me.”

“Yeah, and?”

“Would you stop saying that?”

“Maybe I would if you’d get to the point and tell me what’s wrong.”

“You want to know what’s wrong? What’s wrong is that she fucked me.”

I was pretty sure that that still wasn’t it. It might have been but I didn’t think that was what had him so pissed off.

“I’ve just come in her mouth and she’s looking up at me and she’s telling me she wants me to fuck her and I’m finally coming to my senses. I’m telling her we can’t do that. I’m telling her my wife’s in the other room and she’s like so what? She still wants to fuck me.”

Yeah, that sounded about right.

“She tells me she really wants to fuck me. She tells me she wants to fuck me right now and she tells me we can do it all and no one ever has to know.”

Yeah, I could imagine Bianca saying that.

“It’s not like I actually believed her,” Aaron said, “but then she wasn’t really giving me a chance to tell her what I thought. She was already coming up and that’s when I noticed that she had her jeans open and then she was pushing her jeans and her panties down.

“’You want to fuck me, don’t you,’ she said and I’m just looking at her and at her pussy and I’m thinking to myself, yeah, I kind of did.”

Probably more than kind of did, I told myself but I didn’t bother to say that.

“So then she’s in my lap and she’s reaching down and she’s taking hold of my and I realize what she’s going to do. She’s going to sit on my cock. Charlotte’s never done that.

“And then it’s not just she’s going to sit on it. Now she’s actually doing it and I can’t help but think just how good it feels to have my cock sliding up inside her cunt.

“I think I groaned a bit. I couldn’t help it. She had me right where she wanted me and there was no way she was going to let up on me.

“She keeps going and going and suddenly, I can’t seem to think of anything else but what it feels like to have my cock inside he.”

Yeah, I’d pretty much been there myself.

“She’s moaning now. She’s telling me wants to feel my cum. She’s telling me she wants to feel me cum inside her and there’s a part of me that’s thinking I shouldn’t be doing this only—”

“Only you’re not able to stop.”

“You know it, man. I’m not able to stop and even if I did, I don’t think she’d let me stop. She’s totally into it now and now I can’t help but think about what I know is about to happen.

“I’m really close. I’m so close. Just a little bit more and she’ll push me over the edge.

“And then it’s happening. I can’t help but groan as her pussy pushes me over the edge and it feels so good to be cumming up inside her.

“And that’s when Charlotte catches us.”

I was pretty much waiting for something like that.

“Here I am, cumming in Bianca’s pussy and my wife comes out because she’s heard something strange and she’s coming out to investigate and there’s not a damned thing I can do to try and explain it away because she’s got me dead to rights.”

Yeah, I could see that.

“She totally goes off on me and I don’t even blame her for it. I mean I’m fucked, in more ways than one. She tells me to get out. She tells me she never wants to see me again and then she goes and shuts herself up in the bedroom.”

“Obviously, you haven’t left yet,” I said.

“No, that’s where it gets really weird.”

I couldn’t wait to hear what ‘really weird’ was.

“So my wife’s not the only one that’s heard the commotion. Apparently, the other girl Melissa has heard it, too, and without me knowing it, she’s gone to the bedroom and she’s knocking on the door.

“Of course my wife thinks it’s me so of course, she’s not answering but apparently, the girl keeps knocking and when my wife still doesn’t answer, she opens the door.

“My wife’s pissed off at her. She’s gotten into bed. It’s a defense mechanism. I know that but it’s where she feels most comfortable. She asks the girl what she wants or some such thing and the girl tells her that she’s heard something and she wants to know if she can help.

“I doubt Charlotte really even wanted her help but I think she just needed to vent so she tells the girl everything or at least she tells her everything she knows.”

“Go on.”

“So your girl seems to have taken my wife’s side and she’s telling Charlotte that she should get back at me and my wife is like yeah right, how, and your girl is like well you can make him jealous and again, my wife is like how.”

I pretty much could have told him how.

“So this girl Melissa is approaching the bed and my wife’s like ‘What are you doing’ and this girl Melissa’s like you just need to find someone to make him jealous and then she’s coming up onto the bed and my wife’s getting a little more frantic. ‘What are you doing?’ my wife says but the girl keeps on coming and then she’s right there and it’s clear to my wife that she wants to kiss her and my wife is like ‘What the hell is wrong with you people?’ but then the girl kisses her anyway.

“You can make him so jealous, your friend tells my wife and that’s when my wife realizes the girl’s hand in under the covers and then it’s sliding into her panties and it’s sliding up against her pussy and my wife is like what is wrong with you people only she’s not so loud about it now.

“’I think you know how you can make your husband jealous,’ the girl tells her and then she’s pulling back the covers.

“’Oh my God,’ my wife tells her. ‘What are you doing to me?’

“’Showing you how to make your husband jealous,’ she tells my wife and that’s when she takes my wife’s panties down.

“My wife just groans but she doesn’t stop the girl. She moans as the girl slides down and puts her tongue on her pussy and then she moans again as your friend tongues her clitty.

“’Does this give you any ideas?’ your friend asks and my wife is like, ‘Shut up. Just eat my fucking pussy,’ and your friend does exactly that.

“Your friend gets my wife off and then do you know what she does?”

I shook my head.

“Your friend tells my wife that she should come out here and tell me everything that happened. She tells Charlotte to not leave out a single detail and then she tells Charlotte to tell me that the bedroom’s off limits to me, that I can sleep on the couch or somewhere else if I want but that she’s found someone to take care of her pussy any time she wants and that she doesn’t need me anymore and she tells her to tell me that if she ever catches me with Bianca again, that there’d be hell to pay.”

Cute, I thought. Really cute. In one fell swoop, Melissa’d made sure she was going to have her pussy taken care of because even if Charlotte hadn’t done it that one time, I had little doubt that she soon would be and at the same time, she’d made sure that Bianca was going to be cut off from the sex. Cute way for her to get back at her rival. Really cute.

“So you see, you got to get the two of them out of here,” Aaron said. “I have to get my life put back together.”

“I can’t. You know what the situation is.”

“I don’t care about your damned situation. I need them and you out of here.”

“I suppose if you want, you can play it that way but if you want my opinion, it’s not going to work.”

“What’s not going to work?”

“You think that by getting rid of me and my friends, you think that your life is suddenly going to go back to the way it once was but if we leave now, Charlotte’s still going to be pissed at you.”

“I can handle that,” he said.

“You sure about that?”

The fact that he didn’t answer right away was the only answer I needed.

“I told you what these girls were like,” I said. “I told you what they were like and yet you decided to let Bianca take advantage of you. You have to play it straight with them.”

“You still have to go,” he said.

“I’ll tell you what.”


“Charlotte wants to punish you so let her.”

“That doesn’t sound like much of a plan, man.”

“She wants you to suffer so suffer. Let her and Melissa do their thing and you don’t do anything.”

“Yeah, but—”

“But what?”

“But you know.”

“You’re worried about Bianca?”

Aaron nodded.

“How about you let me worry about that. I’ll do my best to keep her away from you and all you have to do is stay celibate.”

“That doesn’t sound like much of a deal to me.”

It didn’t sound like much of a deal to me either, especially since I couldn’t be sure just how long Charlotte was going to keep him in the dog house but there was one last card I could play. “You know from what I told you that Melissa’s going to want to get fucked, don’t you?”

Aaron nodded.

“And as much as she’s going to want to eat your wife’s pussy and have Charlotte do the same for her, she’s going to get a hankering for some cock.”

Aaron nodded again.

“So when she does, when she comes to you, just make sure you don’t go off and fuck the babysitter all by yourself. When she comes to you, just make sure that you and Charlotte do her together.”

“H-how’s that going to help?”

“Maybe it will, maybe it won’t, but after it’s done, tell Charlotte what’s been done to these girls and why they’re acting the way they are and maybe then, maybe she’ll cut you some slack.”

“You really think so?”

“I don’t know,” I said, “but if you ask me, I think it’s your only chance.”