The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Takeover

Chapter Three — “Capture”

Annabelle awoke gently into a cloudy haze. Her eyes had trouble adjusting, but she knew Amy and Jessica were gone. They had left Annabelle in the same place she was when she blacked out. Remembering what had happened, Annabelle was ashamed at how easily she succumbed to their newfound sexual allure. Attempting to sit up, she felt a strange tightness in her head, and the stiffness in her body prevented her from getting off the floor just yet. She panicked momentarily at the thought of herself on the floor; a sitting duck, waiting to be discovered and control-banded by some human programmed for recruitment. The thought was enough to get her to try… she slowly rose to her feet. Weakly, she began to walk forward. She was still disoriented, unsure of a direction to go or even what she would do when she got there. But something in her told her she must keep… moving..

Although Annabelle still felt self-aware, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something other than herself was exerting powerful influence over her thoughts. As her mind attempted to think freely, this external force would channel those thoughts towards a new “central purpose”.

As she walked through the hall, she thought about finding Amy and Jessica again, but doubt crept into her mind… Where would she find them? Do they really want to be saved? After all, she remembered Amy clutching desperately for her control band when Annabelle had thrown it down the hall. When she found them, would they attempt to convert her? Annabelle entertained the image of herself... stripped down to her panties, banded, walking stiffly with no direction, like the co-worker zombies she was now passing in the hallway. Thinking of herself in this way both excited and horrified her. The conflict in her mind was now apparent. Something in her desperately wanted to touch one of these co-workers, let them take her on the floor…. and somehow she was resisting this inclination…. for now.

She stopped walking. The thought of resisting momentarily broke her free from this sleepwalking trance. Now aware that she had been moving closer and closer to the 2nd floor conference room, she became wary of the new “central purpose” that guided her actions. Something wanted her to be “processed”, like the rest of her co-workers. Looking around her, she noticed a large mirror to her right. Cold reality hit her as she stared at the reflection of herself in the mirror, a control band strapped tightly across her forehead, her eyes opened wide and blank with obedience. She reached up and felt where the band gripped the back of her head, running her fingers over every part of the foreign device that now was attempting to control her. The initial shock quickly gave way to both dread and pleasure…. She couldn’t help being a little excited by the way she looked… stripped down to her ripped panties, a sexy robotic drone ready to obey.

Annabelle knew that she needed to pull the band off before it fully took her mind, but something held her back. She liked the way it made her feel… and besides, it seemed to leave her the ability to keep most of her free will. Perhaps she could use it as a disguise to go undetected as she searched for her friends. She convinced herself that it was a valuable asset to her. Leaving it on, she continued robotically toward the 2nd floor conference room/processing center.

Still retaining the presence of mind needed to avoid detection, Annabelle entered through the back and walked cautiously through the rows of now empty cubicles. Papers and debris were strewn among the room, boxes turned over on the floor… clearly many of the humans put up a struggle here. She remained out of sight, peering just over a cubicle wall into an all-glass façade that displayed the large conference room.

One part of the room was crawling with “co-workers”… unprocessed… mindlessly humping and grinding in damp, long worn out undergarments. The air was thick with the sweet heavy musk of sex. It reminded Annabelle of the ballet classes she attended as a teenager… the studio had always smelled faintly like sweaty panties and feet… Annabelle always found it a strangely pleasing and exciting aroma.

She recognized many of the faces… Veronica and Rachel from accounting, Jasmine from IT, Mike from building services, Bianca from marketing… all now under the mind-bending alien control. Then she spotted Amy and Jessica in the middle of the swarm. Their clothes now completely abandoned, they rubbed their soft flesh against each other eagerly. The friction heat generated between them was almost visible to the naked eye, and they were covered in sweat that lubricated their motion.

“They’re beautiful, aren’t they?”

Startled, Annabelle whirled around to find her former boss glaring at Annabelle like cat that caught a mouse.

“You can have them anytime you want, you know.”

“Kiera?” Annabelle’s fear could not mask the twinge of excitement she felt as she took in the sight of Kiera’s full breasts dutifully filling out her tight alien leotard.

“And you will have all of them. I see you’ve been banded already. It looks good on you. All you have to do now is let it win.”

“Their technology doesn’t work… on… me…”

“You’re obviously resisting your control band, but I think we can remedy that.” Kiera sneered dismissively. “We usually have no trouble with the males, but the masters have found that about 5% of females in our species are highly resistant to the effects of the standard control band…. ”

Kiera forcefully pinned Annabelle against the back of the cubicle wall and motioned for two nearby “helpers” to hold her down. “ …but our new masters have discovered a solution for people with your… attention problem”

Kiera removed Annabelle’s control band. Annabelle was mildly jarred by the lack of its presence in her thoughts. The residual programming of the control band asserted itself from some dark, hidden corner of her brain. She struggled in vain against her captors, not to avoid what was coming, but rather from a startling desire to re-submit herself to the control band’s influence.

“I must return to… my control band. I must…. be…. controlled”

Kiera placed a soothing hand on her shoulder to calm her and whispered into her ear. “Soon you will understand total control”.

Kiera gently parted the hair behind Annabelle’s head, and centered a strange device squarely in the middle of the part. Pressing a green button, Kiera watched with sick delight as the device went into action. A small rounded tube pressed against the base of Annabelle’s skull, secreting a gel-like alien hormone that dissolved a small hole into the back of her head. Although Annabelle felt no pain, she passed out from the shock of the procedure. As the hormone continued to act, the hole began to re-form into a tight slit, resembling the folds of a slick, wet pussy.

When Annabelle came to, arms still in the tight grip of Kiera’s nameless hypno-zombie-girl “assistants”, she could feel the strange pleasure as Kiera stroked the back of Annabelle’s new “access point”.

“It feels fantastic, doesn’t it?” Kiera beamed. “We’ve established direct access to your brain. Soon you will obey us without question or resistance. You will submit to complete control when we want it… and you will help us control others”.

“uhhh…. No… you’re wrong. I… can still…. resist. I will never… help… you.” Annabelle mounted a weak struggle against the assistants that held her, but she was no match for the unrelenting grip of the zombified assistants.

“I don’t think you quite understand…. “ Kiera held up an oddly-shaped metallic band, displayed delicately between her hands. A smooth 4-inch probe protruded from the back of the band, into the center of the band’s circle. “The masters are always thinking of new ways to help us obey. This new band device will help you let go of your resistance. You must obey”

Kiera attached the new control band to Annabelle’s head, slowly sliding the probe in, further and further, deep into her helpless brain. Annabelle tried again to resist, attempting in vain to wrench her arms away from her captors. Against her will, she felt the overwhelming pleasure as the probe fully penetrated her mind. Annabelle let out an orgasmic gasp.


Her defiant thrashing was soon quieted. The probe gently pumped into her new “access point”, spewing a thin, milky, mind control serum directly into her frontal lobe. Its effect was instant. Her arms went limp. Her body convulsed weakly as the evil liquid permeated into every part of her mind, changing the very way it functioned. She now felt blank, open and receptive, ready to obey. The band’s electronic “guidance” filled the void, and she started to crave every sick command that it fed into her mind.

She understood now that she was beyond saving now… no one could be saved… Amy, Jessica, Kiera… it was impossible to resist. They would forever serve the will of their alien masters, and no one would stop them. She came suddenly at the thought of the human resistance attempting to “save” and “de-program” her, only to find themselves stunned with her signal gun. They will ALL obey.

She no longer saw Kiera as a threat… Kiera was her guide and master. Annabelle would obey without question now. The assistants released their grip. Kiera commanded Annabelle to walk towards her. Stiffly, she complied. As Kiera pulled her close, she felt excitement as Kiera’s breasts pressed tightly against her own. Her cunt felt warm as it rubbed against Kiera’s… the only clothing between them was Kiera’s slippery black one-piece. As if to show off the absolute control she had over her new slave, she whispered only a one-word command into Annabelle’s ear:


Annabelle happily complied. She went stiff for over a minute, letting the mind-warping orgasm take over complete control of her body. Kiera relished in the feeling of Annabelle’s warm, stiff, convulsing body against her own flesh.

“Excellent, Annabelle. Follow me. We have plans for you”