The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Sinsational Sinthia

Chapter two

Hmmm, interesting that I would get an IM from this particular man. I had been hearing from some friends that this particular man had been inquiring about me. Usually when I hear that, it indicates a deep interest, maybe too deep for his own good. smile I let all the questioning go for a few days and then lo and behold, an IM from him pops up. It made him sound very nervous and almost shy, which for a hypnotist of some ability and reputation, was remarkable.

I took my time reading the IM that I received on Fri night after I got in from a date. I devoured it and could see between the lines, that he had to send it and was very eager for my response. Having revealed that, it automatically put me in the drivers seat, which I relish so much. He even signed it ‘hypnotically yours’ as if he was wanting something very much. Then there was the issue of his chosen name on IM, sleep pet, which I found almost humorous. sleep pet, indeed.

I was busy that weekend, so I was nowhere near a computer. But on Monday evening, I composed a response. I had to laugh again at his chosen screen name.

“sleep pet, I am sorry I missed you, but I will be online Tues at 3pm your time. I think it might be fun to compare notes about our common interest, don’t you?. I like the name you chose for yourself, by the way. smile—Sinthia”

There that should do it, was my thought as I hit enter. I sat back and thought about our little conversation coming up. He is an experienced NLP user, so this discussion of ours might take some interesting little twists and turns. Yes, it just might......

* * *

The days went by and I kept checking my yahoo account. Nothing, sigh. I asked about her in the chat room to see if anyone had seen her over the weekend, but the answer was no to my dismay. It seems she doesn’t stop by much on the weekends. At least this is what I was told, and since I had sent her the IM on a Friday, I thought she may not have even have seen my message yet. On Monday I was sure she would have seen it, but by 5 P.M. she had not answered me, and my wife had gotten home. Meaning, I couldn’t stay online. But my mind was preoccupied all that evening and while in bed.

On Tuesday I got up and even before showering, wanted to check my IM. As soon as my wife left, I hurried to get online. When I saw an offline message from Sinthia, my heart jumped to my throat. My mind passed over the thought of why would that single message be so significant, but it didn’t spend much time on that thought. I was just too elated at getting a response from her. She said in her note that she was sorry she missed me, and that she would love to chat about hypnosis with me at 3 P.M. my time. The words ‘love to chat’ rang in my ears.

I know that time didn’t really slow down that day, but it sure felt like it did. It was only 9 A.M. when I picked up her message, so that left 6 hours. 6 hours that seemed to go by so slowly, tick by tick. I thought about what I should wear and of course I took my shower, almost fidgeting like this was my first date. Hell, it wasn’t even a date, but I found that I wore something nice and casual. I wanted to look my best, because I thought I should. But on the other hand it was just a discussion on the internet about hypnosis. So why does it feel so significant? I found myself anticipating this conversation more than anything I have in recent memory.

* * *

At precisely 3pm his time I turned on my computer and the IM. Alas, there he was like Pavlov’s salivating dog waiting for me. I very much enjoy talking to people like we are having a nice conversation and then dropping without warning into something that seems like a nice conversation, but really is meant to test the suggestibility of the other person. Then letting him (or her) get used to the tone and timbre of my words. Not only get used to my words, but look forward to my next utterance. Just sitting there waiting, waiting... longing for my next words, letting everything else just slip out of their mind.... just waiting.... little did I know that I inadvertently used a trigger that had been embedded itself into his subconscious. Of course without me conditioning him to listen to me, the trigger would have been meaningless... well more on this later.