The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Shining Shards: An MC Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Story


Chapter 9: Time Enough

“I know it’s time someone explained, Katie, so here it is. Have you ever seen Get Smart?”

That was so not what I was expecting. This Marthe person says she’s going to explain and then she starts talking about old TV shows?

“Yeah, I used to watch the re-runs with Tammy all the time.”

“You remember that there were two agencies, KAOS and CONTROL?”

“Yeah.” I shifted in my seat. What does any of this have to do with Get Smart?

“We are, in spirit, CONTROL. We’re an agency that picks up talented individuals like yourself, trains them, licenses them, and guarantees them. Oh, and we’re ruled by Committee, of course; the Controller’s Committee. Jared and I are, as extremely powerful Controllers whose talents lend themselves to leadership, members. If you decide to train with us—”

“Train? I don’t have any special powers!” Jared nuzzled his head against my knee. I petted him.

“I thought you’d figured it out, dear. You have total control over anyone who tastes you…for a while, anyway. That was what this whole setup with Jared was for; we had an inkling that you had powers, but we weren’t sure what form they took. It was a test, and you passed with flying colors, dear.” She patted my hand. “We’re not sure how long the control lasts or if it’s absolutely necessary to have them taste you. Smell is eighty percent of taste, you know, so a really strong whiff might be sufficient.”

“But if I get licensed by you guys, can I use my powers? Isn’t that why Josh got in trouble?”

“Not at all! He wasn’t licensed by either of us, and he was grossly misusing his powers. Of course, once you’re licensed you have total control over how large a part your powers play in your life. You could control everyone around you all the time as long as you didn’t deprive them of anything, or maybe just wear some special ‘perfume’ on job interviews.” She winked.

“Perfume? What do I smell like, or, for that matter, taste like?” I sort of muttered off into the air, but Jared answered.

“Barbeque sauce,” he said. “The really good kind.”

“Uhhh…” OK, bizarre. Time to end this tangent. “Would Control have total control over me?”

“Oh no, like I said, you can use your powers freely once you’re licensed. We just like to keep tabs on our people. The principle of Control is that you clean up your own messes when you’re done making them. We can help with that; we have people who specialize in memory erasure, conditioning, and therapy. We advocate responsible use of power, and we punish those who don’t practice that responsibility.”

“Wait, wait, wait…train me? Won’t that take a long time? There’s school, and people will notice I’m gone.”

“No one will notice; both agencies are outside of time, in an Otherspace pocket.”

“Both agencies?”

“We’re the good guys, Katie. We need bad guys around to justify our existence. Our nemesis is Chaos. Technically, you could train with them; we have a consul, but—”

“How is Chaos different?”

She looked equal fractions shocked and pained. “Chaos, ruled by a dictator, is an agency built under the assumption that people with powers are better than normal humans and are thus free to do as they wish. They hurt people, Katie.”

Well, maybe Control hurts people too; look at Katie. Where should she train? If she should go to Chaos, read 1. If she should stay with Control, read 2.


“They’re still better than you guys! I want Chaos.”

Marthe’s face fell.

“It’s your choice, of course, but I don’t think you’ve chosen wisely. I will go fetch the consul.” Gravely, she slid her chair back and made her exit, sadly stooped.

A few seconds later, a dapper young man in a suit strode in.

“Helllllooooo, Katie! Hi, I’m Clive, the Chaos Consul, and I’m here to be your guide. You’ve made a wonderful choice, young lady, and I’m going to make sure none of the goons here talk you out of it.”

He put out a well-manicured hand and I shook, tentatively at first, but then with more force. This was totally the right choice!

Still holding my hand, Clive gave me a concerned look. “They mistreated you without even consulting me, Katie, and that was a grave injustice I promise you will not happen again. I guarantee it.”

“Thank you, Clive.” This guy seemed to actually have my welfare in mind. Thank goodness, maybe now I could relax.

He gave me a giant grin. “You’re welcome, young lady. Please, come this way. We’re going to get you over to our offices right away.”

He reached out his hand to shake mine. Hadn’t we already done this? Eh, who knew, this whole day was crazy. I stuck out a hand; he grabbed. He didn’t let go.

The world went blue.

And she doesn’t wake up until Chapter 11, section 2.


“Well, I was always Control when we played Get Smart…I guess I’ll train with you guys.”

A warm smile lit up Marthe’s face. She clasped her hands and wrung them in joy.

“Oh, oh wait just a minute! I have to go tell everyone, oh, this is so wonderful!” She leaped from her chair like a little kid whose lost dog had just been found and raced out of the room.

I sat in silence for a minute. Who knew I would get this big of a reaction?


“She does that for everyone.”

I blinked. Oh, yeah; Jared was still here. “So she went crazy when you opted in, too?”

“Actually, I brought her in. She’s only been here for a year or so, I’ve been here for five.” He yawned and rubbed his cheek against my ankle. “As you can tell, I’m pretty damn gifted.”

Yeah. So gifted he couldn’t make it in the real world.

“Yeah…sure…so, anyway…”

“The training? No big deal. They teach you amplification of your own powers, which should be fun for you.” He smirked. “You learn how to link your powers to those of other controllers. They teach you about some of our new technologies, and there’s also some crap about discipline and responsibility in there.” He shifted his head over to the leg of the chair.

“Yeah, you sound like a true-blue Control agent. Why aren’t you over at Chaos?”

Jared opened his mouth. He frowned. He closed his mouth. He bit his lip and ran his fingers through his layered hair. He plucked at his suit a bit.

I rolled my eyes and put my feet up on the desk. I had to inch my chair backwards to do it, which, because he was still leaning on it, caused him to slide down to the floor. I giggled.

He growled. “Look me in the eye and do that again.”

“Ha. Not likely. Eat my pussy and say that again.” I blew him a kiss.

“If I did that I’d space out again, you know,” he said. “Then the head wouldn’t be as good.”

I dropped my feet and leaned down over him. My hair fell past my neck and brushed his lap. “Not if I told you not to,” I teased.

Jared reached one sinewy hand up and pulled my head into his. Our kiss was long and steamy. His hands wandered through my hair, past my head, and started tracing letters on the back of my neck. Involuntarily, I arched my back and sighed, breaking the kiss. I could feel a new wet spot forming in my panties.

“Oh, hell!” I scampered over the edge of the chair and tossed myself into his lap, but kept my face turned away. “You’re just too damn cute!” I made sure my eyes were closed before I leaned in again.

This kiss was deeper than before, and I could feel his tongue waiting to get into my mouth. This was my pleasure time, so...nope. Denied entrance, tongue! Either way, I don’t think I’ll be getting any more oral today, so...just concentrate on the kiss...needy and succulent and, well, surprisingly, not as good as Jordan’s kiss. Man, I’d never live that one down if anybody ever found out about it. Jared wasn’t bad, though. His lips were nice and firm, and they still tasted like me. Yum!

The kiss was nice, but I was done with Spiderman style; I wanted more. I let myself slip off the chair and onto his lap. He put his arms around me and wrapped me in a warm embrace.

Well, warm on top; he was heating up more than just warm down below. Come to think of it, so was I. Sex made you want more sex and I’d had plenty already. Plenty, as in, not enough.

I wiggled my butt into his lap and felt his hardness. I pulled back from the kiss, giggled, and nipped him lightly on the tip of the nose. I put my hands on his shoulders (boy, he must work out a lot!) and kissed him again.

We were startled out of that earth-shaking kiss with an “Oh, my!”

I looked up, expecting to see Marthe again, and was shocked out of my mind to see...Merri. My brother’s girlfriend.

“Hey Kate-ster. What’s up?”

“What’re you doing here?”

“Me? I’m here to train you. Jared, we’re done with you. Scram.”

Go to Chapter 11, section 1.