The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Most Beautiful Thing

Chapter 22 — I Mean, I Guess I Don’t Mind

I’m not a “Tiger Mom” or whatever racist bullshit term people use these days. I’m just a mom. I’m uptight, sure. It’s a real world out there, and it doesn’t do anyone any good to pretend otherwise. And I’ll be first to admit (privately) that sometimes you have to make a decision without enough information. But on this one occasion, I am dead certain that I’m making the right call. That boy is literally trifling nonsense. He will serve no purpose to Amber other than to distract her from the important goals she is trying to reach.

And hey, I was young once. I understand passion, and “love”. But it doesn’t last, and it needs to be balanced against long-term goals. You can’t meet those unless you do the short term work, and this… this boy was stopping her from doing that work.

Plus, what kind of moron doesn’t know that a peanut butter sandwich has peanut butter in it? Or doesn’t ask why his girlfriend has a bracelet that says “PEANUT ALLERGY” on it? There’s carefree boy toy, and then there’s just being a moron…

Actually, I think the thing that really cemented my contempt for the boy was when he just… left the hospital. Rather than explain what happened, and stay to look after my baby, he decided it would be easier to literally just walk away. I don’t want my daughter mixed up with a boy who is so lazy.

When I got home from some shopping, I heard something from the bedroom. Humph. Probably Amber watching TV on her phone. I should lock it for anything but phone calls and text messages. That’ll help her to focus.

But when I got to her room, her door was open, and… and she wasn’t on her phone.

“What is HE doing here!?” I practically shrieked. Amber is often willful, but openly defying me and OMG is he naked! This is insane. She was sitting on the side of the bed, but he was under the covers, but clearly not wearing a shirt.

I turned to Amber. “What insanity is this Amber Closkey Stone” I hissed. “I tell you, I tell you that you are to not see this boy anymore and you bring him to your room! Are you having sex with him? In this house?!” my voice was getting colder and colder. Kids don’t respond to loud voices. She just stared at me. At least she looked appropriately shaken.

“And you!” I hissed again, turning to face this boy. “Get dressed, get out, don’t come back. Is any of that unclear?”

“Uh, um. Yes ma’am” He stood up. I knew what he meant even if he was literally too stupid to understand that he meant ‘No’, not ‘Yes’.

“WAIT!” Amber? Why…?

A flash of movement, and Amber had yanked the bedding to the foot of the bed, exposing this boy.

“AMBER!” we both yelled, him startled, me outraged. Does she think I’ve never seen a naked boy before?

But, uh … oh.

I heard someone murmuring, but nothing important was said. I assume. I mean, what else could be that important. Wow. I felt my anger just drain away.

After a second, I felt Amber come behind me, and she whispered in my ear.

“look at it. You want to look at it. Don’t look away.”

“Amber?” I said questioningly, not taking my eyes of it. God, it was gorgeous. Had Amber seen this? Amber should probably see this, it was too beautiful not to see.

“Just keep looking. You like it, right?” she whispered.

“uh… Yeah. Wow.”

“Hey, Amber? Are you—” I heard someone say.

“Shush! This is important” I heard my daughter say sharply.

“Mom. You want to keep looking at it. If you send him away, you won’t be able to look at it, right?”

That… that did seem true. I nodded my head. I wanted to look at … it. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it.

“So you don’t want to send him away. He can come over any time he wants”

Something about that seemed … wrong. But if I understood her logic, it did seem sensible. I nodded again.

“You think he can come to my room. It’s ok that we’re having sex. We can have sex whenever we want. You don’t mind if we have sex. You don’t mind at all. We can have sex. You don’t want to stop us from having sex. ”

Yeah. It’s ok. I don’t mind. I don’t want to stop us…

“You’re going to go back to your room. You won’t bother us tonight.”

It was hard. If I went back to my room, I couldn’t, you know, still be here. But she was right, I needed to go back to my room. I didn’t want to bother anyone.

I looked up at his face, and he looked shocked, but I have no idea why.

“Ok. I’m going to go.” I said shortly, and stepped out of the room. So hard to walk away from that amazing penis.

“What the fuck was that?” I heard him say from the hallway, but I didn’t hear the reply.

* * *

I went to my room and sat down at my writing desk. After a few minutes, I realized I was bored. Normally I’d be organizing things in the house, doing dishes, but tonight I just wanted to stay in my room. But I didn’t know what to do with myself. Weird, I don’t think that’s ever happened before.

I decided to make some lists to keep my organized, but I have to admit that I was finding it hard to focus. Twenty minutes later, I realized that I was just doodling. I’d gotten distracted making a shopping list, and had spent a good portion of the time just thinking about that boys penis.

. Hmph. I’m not normally distracted by this kind of frivolous thing. But I had to admit that I was pretty distracted! My husband was out for the week on a business trip, so I knew he wouldn’t be available. It’s too bad, if he were, he’d be ever so grateful.

After a few minutes I thought about it. I mean, I didn’t have to stay in my room or anything. I just didn’t want to bother them. So I found myself sneaking down the hallway, and I probably would have shrieked, except that … I don’t know, I shouldn’t bother them. I said I wouldn’t. The boy was dumb as a stick, but he was pretty nice to look at.

I peeked in, and they were definitely having sex. Which was fine, I don’t really mind.

He was on his back, and she was riding him. I disapproved in general. It’s more proper for the man do the work. But every time she slid up I could see, almost like a shining beacon, that boy’s beautiful penis. I was entranced by it. But I needed to stay quiet and not disturb them.

I’ve never done this before, watching someone; but I could feel the heat in my groin. It was a struggle to stay still, as I found myself clenching and unclenching my thighs. But I managed to keep myself still enough. They continued to have sex. I think not only don’t I mind if they have sex, but I kind of liked it happening here in my house. You know, if it’s here, I can… I can keep my eye on it clench. You know, because I’m her mother. Who knows what she might get up to if I wasn’t around. clench Who can even imagine the kinds of things they might get up to. clench Oh even the thought of the kinds of activities clench, the things clench that they might do to each other! clench That he might do to her. clench. So it was good that it was happening here. clench Oh! She was making a lot of noise. She was rising and falling on that beautiful cock as fast as I could imagine anyone going. clench She was whispering something to him, but I could hear that she was getting louder. clench With a shout she slammed back down one last time and collapsed on top of him, shuddering. clench Then my whole body stiffened, and I felt waves of pleasure rolling through my whole body. If I hadn’t been leaning against the wall, I would definitely have collapsed. When I regained awareness of things around me, I beat a hasty retreat. I didn’t want to bother them.