The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

(This is the second chapter of the Mashiekeh cycle. My thanks to those who e-mailed me in support of the series, as it is always good to hear feedback. I would also like to apologize for the occasional grammar and spelling errors in the first Chapter, I have done what I can to eliminate them in this one, though I’m sure I will find a whole slew of them once this is submitted. Anyways, don’t read this if you’re likely to get offended, or if you were offended by the first chapter. Enjoy the experience of becoming a Mashiekeh’s apprentice.)

Mashiekeh: Apprentice

The dark city streets winded endlessly. I had never been to this part of town before, and was slightly unnerved by the winding dark alleyways. Sparro did not speak, merely walking with a sense of power that I now understood. We would occasionally pass the denizens of this place... brooding people with shifty eyes. My empathy was completely gone... and the world seemed so dull. I also felt nervous and unsure, unable to sense the intentions of those who watched our slow trek through Old Town.

One of the people we passed caught my attention especially... he looked at me as if I were food, and stepped in front of us, revealing sharper than normal teeth. My breath caught... in all my bewilderment at the powers of Mashiekeh, I had completely forgotten Sparro’s revelation that vampires were more than campfire stories.

The newcomer smiled in the same way a lion might when facing prey. “I see you have brought a specimen, Sparro. Plenty of blood in this one... might I have a taste before you drain him? The blood is always a bit... cooler... after you’ve taken their essence.” With that, he leaped at me. I threw up my arm to cover my throat and braced for the blow, but it never came.

“Stop!” We both froze. “This one is not for you, Damien. Step away now, and do not harm him.” The vampire snarled, but obeyed.

Sparro turned to me with a look of amusement in his eyes. “As you can see, even the Nosferatu are bound to our will. On occasion I will bring food to this one when he needs to keep his head down. Hunters, you see. They may find him anyway, but Damien here is much safer when I bring him his treats, once I am finished with them, of course.”

I looked at the monster that was still glaring at me. “Do you ever feed on them?”

“Only in times of great need. The Nosferatu have emotions and thoughts, of course, but the taste is decidedly bitter... the reason I can smell one within ten feet. They are not worth the trouble most of the time, and can be useful allies occasionally. I recommend tolerance.”

Sparro walked on past Damien, who stared pure hate towards me. I followed as quickly as possible, ready to cry out at the first sign of attack, but none came. Sparro’s commands held firm, even when given to the undead. It was some time, however, before I no longer felt those eyes on my back.

We entered an old warehouse, that by all appearances had been abandoned for some time. A service lift took us to the third floor, and I stared in shock. The room might have been in a completely different building for its appearances.

The shoddy woodwork and concrete were gone, or at least tastefully covered up. The room looked like it belonged in a palace, with a velvet curtain surrounding a four-poster bed, fine carpeting, and expensive paintings on the wall. There were no windows, but the paintings gave a fair illusion of a view on a medieval countryside. There was also a simple table, with two wooden chairs that faced each other.

Sparro sat at one, indicating with his hand that I should take the other. We faced each other for a while, in silence. I knew Sparro was searching, though, feeling my thoughts. I imagined a probing sensation in my brain, though I knew it was just imaginary. Sparro was far too subtle to do anything detectable by mere humans.

When he spoke, his voice was firm. “This will take some time. The process is delicate... and must be handled with care. Your experimentation last night was actually necessary for this... you will need the facility to use the powers, and there is little room for trial and error. This process may claim your life, but I suspect you are proficient enough with the powers in question to survive.”

I didn’t respond, but settled myself, concentrating on what he said, determined to succeed. My control over Allie wasn’t forgotten.... I wanted that, and was determined to have it. I smiled as I remembered the look of complete submission she had given me. It was worth it.

Sparro nodded. “We will need some help. Angelica!” A beautiful girl entered the room, looking in every way like a royal concubine. Her hair was a long curly blond, falling to her waist and framing a body that made the entire experience seem like something out of a young man’s dream. She was neatly groomed, sexily dressed in silk, and as much a piece of furniture as the velvet couch she lounged upon. Sparro certainly paid her no more mind.

“Now, I want you to express yourself to me... as much as you can. Thoughts, fears, desires, dreams, your songs if you wish to sing them. I will be taking them, drinking as deeply as I can. In time you will begin to attain the power yourself. You will know this time when you can sense her thoughts.” He waved a hand at Angelica.

“Let it wait... until you feel you could command her. Then, begin drawing from her. A simple command and she will perform, and you can feed on her while being fed on by me, to keep you alive. Before she is fully drained, you will have the power to interact with me, and absorb me as I absorb you. Then, it is only a matter of time.”

He settled himself, then opened his eyes. “Oh, and if you don’t mind, do try to leave something of her left. Accidents happen, but she is a particularly fine specimen, and I would hate to have to feed her to Damien.” He frowned at the possibility, then looked at me. “Begin.”

I opened my mouth, and my life poured out. My parents, my childhood, my homes. Old loves, my first guitar, learning to play, choosing to live by my music. I recounted them in detail that surprised even me... I suspected that Sparro was enhancing my recital here in much the same way he had inspired my performance at the coffee house.

My tale was halfway through High School when the lethargy began to seep in. I was beginning to have to work harder to draw out the memories, and felt a weakness of heart. It occured to me that Sparro was now feeding directly from me, unlike in the coffee shop when he had been sampling a full smorgasboard. I began to panic... wondering if I would be completely drained before I was able to...

Suddenly, I was aware of Angelica. A sense of anticipation was exuding from her, and growing as she watched the scene before her and listened to my tale. The familiar sense of submission was there, but unlike what I had sensed from Allie, this was practiced, a barely noticable buzz behind her other emotions. There was excitement...and it was focused on me. She was eager to receive a command from me, the idea of another Mashiekeh excited her, even though she overheard it might cost her life for me to be formed.

My weakness was beginning to reach disturbing levels, even as my awareness of her became more and more focused. Suddenly, the moment seemed right. My eyes, which had been closed from almost the beginning, opened and locked on her. “Perform for me.”

Without even the slightest hesitation, Angelica stood and walked till she stood beside the table, on a small Persian rug I had not noticed before, which bore a design that matched the one on her harem-girl outfit. She kneeled and put her face to the ground. “Yes, Masters.”

For a moment there was no movement, and I began to panic. I reached for her with my mind, trying to draw her in, but without expression I couldn’t. I opened my mouth again to reissue the command when she began to uncurl...

It was eerily like watching a rosebud bloom, slow, graceful, sensual. A sense of sexual desire tempered by a playful shyness flowed into me, and I drank it like a parched man drinks water. Its taste was exquisite... smooth and sweet like a caramel. She moved as one with no inhibitions, sliding her hands along her skin until she was fully outstretched, then slowly moving back down, a flower wilting.

The red silk that served as her only covering was only loosly held to her body, flowing along her form at the slightest movement, occasionaly fitting to her form in ways that left little to imagination. She was a small creature... barely five foot two with a waifish appearance that was oddly offset by her well formed breasts.

She wasn’t done performing. As her slow, methodic movement continued she began to sing, not with words but with pure sounds, long stringing vowels joined by smooth consonants. It was submission... distilled perfectly into a form I could consume, that I needed to consume.

My own story continued, now well into my adult life. It must have been an odd scene, with Angelica singing and dancing, accompanying my recital, all of which was flowing into Sparro, who had lounged back in his chair, and was licking his lips.

I couldn’t hold on to what I took fromAngelica for long. No sooner had I absorbed her emotions than they were drawn by Sparro, requiring me to draw yet more from her. My empathic senses were becoming clearer and clearer, yet I was having to draw harder and harder from the girl. Her dance continued, but slowed, her voice weakening. My sense of her was getting harder to maintain as she was drained, and yet Sparro continued his consumption, forcing me to draw even more from her in order to remain alive. Slowly, she began to crumple to the ground, finally laying her head at Sparro’s feet. There was hardly anything left of her, and I reached for that last spark...

Suddenly I was aware of Sparro, the great well of humanity he had stored inside himself. I could feel the connection he had made, like a straw into my soul. I seized it and began to draw back, releasing Angelica and concentrating on him.

The flow, for a time, was one way, and I began to fill myself. Then I became aware of another connection from him, drawing from me. A cycle began, as we exchanged our essences, then again, then again...

I am not sure how long we sat at that table, staring at each other, Angelica’s prone form crumpled to the side. There was no moment of searing pain, no great scene of writhing in my transformation. There was just a moment when I knew... an epiphany that opened my eyes to my new existence. I broke off the connection to Sparro. He smiled at me.

“It is done. It was a near thing... I think something in you was resisting the transformation, but it is done. You are now a Mashiekeh. Welcome.”

I felt that I should have had something to say to this, but nothing was forthcoming. I merely nodded, and looked down at Angelica. Sparro followed my gaze, clicked his tongue in irritation, then knelt beside her, placing a hand on her forehead. There was a quiet moment, then he smiled again. “She will live, though it was a near thing, even closer than your own ordeal. You took all but her last spark... the very point of light that differentiates between human and vegetable. She will be days recovering, but she will recover.”

Carefully he picked her up, carried her to the bed, and laid her on it, placing her as gently as one would a baby. I watched her for a moment. She was pale, even paler than before, but I could see her breathing now. “She was incredible.”

Sparro laid a blanket over her, nodded. “She is among the finest I have ever taken, and I have taken a few. I found her when she was fifteen, a runaway. That was ten years ago. She is doubtlessly the finest of my current collection.”

I looked at him. “You have others?”

He smiled. “Of course I do. Few luxuries are worth as much as a variety of pets to feed from. They are a reserve... should hunting be bad or if I merely want to remain indoors. The others are not here... they would have been a distraction. Now, to you.”

He faced me, a stern look putting me on my guard. “There will be a time of learning for you, during which you will be my apprentice. You are too inexperienced yet to resist my commands, that will come in time. I will teach you the way of it myself. In the meantime, you must learn how, and how not, to use your powers.

I pulled myself to my full height. “Am I not a Mashiekeh, then? How is it that a Master follows?”

Sparro was not amused. “Your powers are weak. If you need an analogy, you are a child that was born a matter of minutes ago. The exact form of your powers has yet to take shape. Simply put, you need time to grow up”

I was confused. “I feel strong, stronger than I was last night.”

He chuckled. “As strong as that? You did well enough with one girl... given time to gain influence and stimulate an already overactive libido... I daresay you did her a favor by putting her on a leash. Yes, I was watching you. With last night as your only reference, you clearly do not even know what strength is. But beyond that, you are not even that strong... on your own. Any noticable power you have now is residue from me... gained through all of your life energies and most of hers.” He jerked his head towards the bed.

“In time it will wear off... and then you will have to nurture it, let it grow. Without my aid, you will starve before you can effectively control someone else enough to feed. But now, I suppose you are hungry.”

I was, at that. It was a different hunger, a different emptiness. I nodded. He grinned, or at least showed teeth. “Very well, apprentice. Let us get you fed. Your first hunt. Use my strength, while you still have it.”

The Glitz was a ritzy place downtown, where the beautiful people met to dance and party. I had only been there once before and that by mistake. Sparro, however, knew it well, and was passed by the bouncers without even having to use his powers. I was included in his invite, if only by association. He glanced around fondly as we entered.

“I have always enjoyed this place as hunting grounds. I have rather developed taste in my pets. The beautiful make for a fun evening, the deep make for an excellent meal, and those who are both often make the best pets. You will have to determine what you like best, of course. Every Mashiekeh has his own particular taste.”

I was suddenly distracted by a sense of familiarity. Allie was here, I knew that somehow. I turned and there she was at the bar, flirting heavily with some men while showing a ridiculous amount of flesh. She was fulfilling my command to behave normally to the letter.

Sparro noticed my distraction. “Ahh, your distraction from last night. You are wondering how you knew?”

I nodded, in wonder at what I had done. He smiled. “My young friend, you experienced her in a way that people who are lovers for entire lifetimes cannot. You ingested her very essence, experienced her completely. Our telepathic abilities are limited in many ways, but we always possess a certain... affinity... for those we feed deeply upon. Will you feed on her again?”

I watched her for a while, pondering. She had been delicious before... and would pose little difficulty to control now. I almost nodded, then shook my head. “No. I may need my power over her later... when I no longer have your residual strength. But perhaps I could use her...”

Sparro said nothing, but his emotions radiated approval. I continued watching Allie, then suddenly realized she wasn’t alone. She was with a friend, a darker beauty who was dressed only slightly more reservedly than Allie. I was a moment remembering her name... Andrea. I started to walk towards her but Sparro caught my arm.

“You are too aggressive, my young friend. The direct approach has its merits but lacks the artistry of a proper hunt. You barely know her. Before you can completely control her, you must learn her, how to press her buttons.” I hesitated, then nodded. He released my arm. “Now, can you isolate her emotions from the chaos of this place?”

I closed my eyes. The Glitz was a cacophony of emotion and hormones that made locating the mind of one girl quite like trying to locate one flower in a greenhouse by smell. Possible, but insanely difficult. I finally managed by isolating Allie and moving next to her. Sparro nodded. “That is one way our previous meals can assist us. Now, feel into her mind. You cannot absorb her at this range, but try to read her thoughts. They are not particularly complex.”

It was difficult, but soon I had it. Andrea was bored. She watched Allie flirt with the young men with a touch of jealousy, a touch of snobbishness, but mostly a large dose of amusement. Her thoughts were not formed... she seemed content to gaze and zone.

My Instructor whispered. “Now, form a thought, and place it in her mind. Something obvious, such as a tickle in the nose to induce a sneeze. Keep it basic at first, more complex things will come in time.”

I closed my eyes again, feeling around inside her thoughts. I imagined an irritant far back in my nose, then rather clumsily envisioned it as part of her thoughts. Suddenly, the thought settled into her mind as if she had thought it herself, releasing a rather explosive sneeze. Allie turned to her absent-mindedly and gave a hurried “Bless you.”

Sparro smiled. “Excellent, you have her. Now, our purposes are served much better if she is aroused. You have noticed the presence that our powers grant us. As is, she would be eager for time alone with you if you were to appear by her side. If she were aroused, it would become a need to be alone, with a hope to be intimate. Make her feel good... feel desire.”

Turning my attention again to Andrea, I imagined the good feeling of arousal. She started looking confused, and glanced nervously at her drink. Sparro almost exploded. “No, fool! That is male arousal, which she has never experienced! You must make her feel aroused in the way a woman feels it, or it is all worthless.” I nodded quickly, then got confused. I wasn’t sure at all how to make her feel female arousal. Sparro rolled his eyes. “I forget you are so knew. Look around you... surely not all of these women can be faking arousal. Discover one who isn’t, then experience it, and translate it for your target. Believe me, it will all be worthwhile in the end.

I let my mind rove, searching for a suitable subject. I found her, a younger girl dancing in a way that might have stimulated a corpse. I could smell her arousal but I had to probe her mind for some time to recognize it. Whereas my own arousal was quick and powerful, like a thunderstroke, hers was a slow, burning fire. Weak at first, but building till it could have melted through steel. It was this that I brought to Andrea, who had gotten a new drink, and was really starting to feel the music. Sparro nodded to me. “Now, you may approach her. Make me proud.”

As I walked towards her, I reached deep inside of her mind, and planted the seeds of the burning flame. Like before, it began with only a weak spark, but I was startled at how eagerly the rest of her psyche accepted the flame, and added to it. It was as if her other emotions were slowly feeding themselves into the sensation, simplifying her mind in return for greater arousal. She began looking around, measuring the men she saw, clearly looking for someone to associate these feelings with. As her eyes rested on each one, I placed a negative in her mind, and she continued looking around. As I arrived at the bar, Allie saw me before Andrea did.

“Kyle!” She ran towards me, her previous objects of flirtation forgotten, and feeling a bit put off. I smiled at them, temporarily sampling their spite and jealousy. It had a spiky taste, somewhat akin to a shot of whisky. I made a note of this to myself, then greeted my pet.

“Hello, Allie, it is good to see you again. You must introduce me to your friend, here.” I indicated Andrea, who had had her eyes locked on me since Allie’s outburst. I placed a strong sense of command into my statement, and Allie lowered her eyes in a temporary look of submission I decided to overlook... she positively reeked of disappointment. In a moment it passed and she was bubbly again, turning so she could face the both of us. Andrea’s fire was nearly at its boiling point.

“Yes, of course, what was I thinking? Andrea, you remember Kyle, from school. Doesn’t he look fantastic?”

It turned out that Andrea was getting bored at the Glitz... she wanted to leave rather quickly. Allie rode up front in the taxi as I sat in the back with Andrea. While having the both of them would have been a feast, I wanted to concentrate for the moment. Allie would be available at my leisure.

Andrea was something, all right. Her dark eyes latched on to mine at every opportunity, and the desire in her burned so hot that consuming it was almost painful... much like a good Mexican dinner. She was different from Allie, however... her desire was to have me, but so far on her terms. She had no doubts as to how the evening would end, and she secretly (so she thought) was working on blowing my cool. Her eyes had taken on the look of a lioness on the hunt, and I the prey. I decided to let it continue, in the interest of broadening my horizons.

There had been a time in my life, not quite a full day past, when I had been uncomfortable during any prolonged silence with a woman as attractive as Andrea. Those days were clearly behind me. I held my silence, drinking in Andrea’s desire, Allie’s frustration, and even the occasional taste of the Driver’s boredom. It was all very new.

It was Andrea who broke the silence first, as we walked up the stairs to the apartment that she and Allie shared. “How is it that someone as delicious as you has stayed out of my sight for so long.”

I reacted nonchalantly, holding the door for her as we entered her apartment. “We knew each other, once. You never seemed interested back then. In college.”

She drew herself up slightly. “You have changed since then, Kyle. As, I hope you’ll find, have I.” On an impulse (which came like a shock of electricity of the now overwhelming heat of her sexuality) she reached up and kissed me, then started removing her tight top as she walked into her bedroom, stopping for a moment, to toss a come-hither look in my direction before she disappeared completely from sight.

I was left in the entryway with Allie at heel behind me. I turned to her. Her eyes were full of need, but there was also a sense of fear. She was like a dog that had already been hit once. I cupped her chin with my hand and raised her face till we were eye to eye.

“Allie, tonight is not your night. You will go to your bedroom and sleep, dreaming of me. Your time will come again. You have been a very good girl.”

A faint smile crept to her lips. “Thank you, Master,” she whispered. I gave her a pat on her rump as she walked by, putting a slight spring in her step, and watched as she went into her room and closed the door. Then I joined Andrea.

She had not been idle. The only light in the room came from candles that burned on a bedside table, and she was laying back on the bed, arms draped over the pillows and legs casually crossed. She wore only skimpy lingerie, something straight from a Victoria Secret Catalog, with a leopard’s print that fit the setting like a glove. I had definitely entered her lair. She smiled, a look full of assurance. “You took your time. I was beginning to wonder if you were trying to have Allie and I at the same time.”

I smiled as I approached the bed. “Do not think the idea didn’t enter my mind. I might try it later, but I think you will do well enough for now.”

“Oh you do, do you?” She smiled, then started to crawl towards me over the blankets. “Just enough, perhaps? You are a very sexy man, Kyle, but you have found more now than you can handle.”

With that, she sprung from the bed to stand right in front of me, her eyes barely millimeters from mine, as her hands went to the buttons on my shirt. A roguish smile was on her lips. “You might even be worth keeping, once I’m done with you.”

Her forward manner flowed into me like melted chocolate, the aggression spicing her desire in a way that made me want more. I felt my own powers sharpening as I fed, my awareness now completely wrapped around the woman in front of me. Her internal fires made me feel like I might start sweating.

I moved forward and kissed her as my hands wrapped around her, easily removing her underwear, which had barely been there to begin with. For the barest moment I sensed irritation from her... it was clear that she preferred to be the initiator of these things, but it was consumed in those flames like a marshmallow tossed into a blast furnace. I drank her in, lifting her and placing her on the bed, my own shirt tossed to the side. Every fiber of her being screamed for release, though the only sound she made was a soft purring. I gave it to her, while taking all I wanted in return.

Hours later I sat on a chair, watching her. Her breathing had returned to normal, her naked form slowly rising and falling with each breath, her hair stuck to her slick skin. Sweat drenched her, and I watched, curious. I sensed Sparro before I heard him enter the room. “Is she dead?”

I shook my head, not removing my eyes from her. “She was nearly insatiable, it took hours before she finally lost consciousness. Had I not been feeding her, I daresay she would have outlasted me.”

Sparro smiled. “Such creatures are rare. Yet you should try the last spark, sometime. It is by far the most delicious part of the psyche. After all, you can only have so many pets. I assume you bonded her, like the one sleeping in the next room.”

I was caught off guard for a moment, having completely forgotten Allie. “No, it never came up. Submission was never a part of it. When she wakes, she will remember being satiated like no one has ever been able to do for her in her whole life... and that perhaps might do something to the same effect, but I never planted control in her. It was... a mutual thing, barring my feeding, of course.”

“Of course.” Sparro watched me with curiosity. “How are you feeling?”

“Tired... perhaps the lethargy following a huge meal?”

He nodded slowly. “Something like that. My powers are almost completely gone from you by now. Your weakness comes partially from that... even after such a feeding it takes time for your own powers to develop. What you need now is some rest. We’ll go back to the warehouse.

I hesitated for a moment, then stood and dressed. On an impulse I walked to the bedside and kissed her. When my lips touched hers I felt her essence, the life spark still burning brightly, with the promise of taste and strength if I would but take it. I almost did, then pulled away.”

Sparro studied me for a moment. “Such self-control is rare in most young ones. You are a very dangerous man, Kyle. I think I have chosen the perfect apprentice.”

There seemed to be no good answer to this. I followed him out of the building. As we left I felt a wash of nausea come from someone who was paying for a night out in a side alley, as well as the slightly horny patience of a young whore plying her trade. I walked past them both. Sparro would tell me when it was time to hunt again.