The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Dorvak Reckoning 13

Petey woke when Spender’s headlights flashed into his room.

He sat up, covered in a blanket of paperbacks. He used to read “The Mysteries of Armand Dupuis” for fun and out of family pride. Now he read them for clues to help him rescue his mom and cousin. The problem was that he no longer could rely on the books as gospel truth. Briar Gasdsen had admitted that she was what his creative writing teacher called “an unreliable narrator.”

Petey had gained more insight by watching the two “Dorvak” women closest to him, Cassie and his Aunt Briar. He realized that even though they are deeply brainwashed, they were not zombie robots. They both had memories and feelings no matter how deeply submerged. In Cassie’s case, her love for her brother Mikey helped to somewhat break through her programmed “Daisy” persona.

But there was another side to this memory retention. In Briar’s case, it seemed the Dark Count had somehow found a way to invade her dreams and use her lingering love for Armand Dupuis to manipulate her. Her love for Armand.....and her guilt about something that happened to their dear Sikh Prince Singh.

Petey was glad Dr. Spender was home, he needed to discuss his ideas with an expert.

These thoughts ended when Cassie came barging through the door. She was already dressed in bell bottoms and a tee. She carried a cereal bowl and a glass of his beloved Tang.

“Get your butt up, Squirt. We’re leaving. Get dressed while I pack you up.....and eat some breakfast. It might be the last food you get for a few hours.” She put the breakfast on his dresser then started throwing his clothes into his duffel bag.

”What is it it the Dark Count?”

”I don’t know....Grayson came home and told Briar we gotta get out of here. Seriously Kid....get moving.”

Petey hated when she called him “Kid”. But he sensed the urgency in her voice and began to dress.

”Eat your breakfast.”

Ignoring the cereal, Peter gulped down the fake orange drink. He then kneeled and started throwing his book collection into the duffel bag. Cassie said something, but she sounded a hundred miles away. The room began to spin. Then, he saw blackness.

Cassie stood, and opened the door. Briar stood just outside. When Cassie spoke, her voice trembled.

”I want to obey you, Comrade.....I have to obey you.......but are you sure we had to drug Mikey?”

Briar smiled sweetly, her face utterly serene.

”Hush now, dear. Of course my darling Armand knows what’s best for all of us, including dear Peter. Soon we will be in his presence and all will be well.” She closely looked at Cassie’s troubled face. “I can see this distresses you. I will tie the boy should just close your eyes now and rest. Rest.”

Cassie’s eyes closed

* * *

Rukiya made her stealthy way through the still dark beach house. She was tense. She’d been surprised to find the back door unlocked. Her training told her this could be a trap. She held her silenced pistol ready.

Her Comrade Master had commanded that after the scientist was secured that the rest of his group be eliminated. She would obey without hesitation. The Cause demanded it.

Suddenly from the darkened top of the stairs, a sweet voice called out.

”Good Morning, Janet Clayton, daughter of Marcus and Clara Clayton.”

Rukiya knew she should have immediately shot in the direction of the voice. But something held her still. A wave of confusion swept through the brainwashed assassin.

“What.....what did you call me?” Without realizing it, the gun slipped down to her side.

Briar slowly padded down the stairs. Rukiya stood frozen as the older woman walked over to her.

Rukiya’s CIA programming tried to reassert itself.

“My name is Rukiya......I am the instrument of the Revolution......a soldier of the Great Cause.”

Briar now stood in front of her, and cupped her face in her hands.

”No, Janet Clayton. You’re not. It’s time for you to wake from that dream, wake and discard both Rukiya and Aiysha. Now you must become Janet again. Sweet, obedient Janet Clayton.” Briar stood on her toes, and kissed Janet on her forehead. Janet’s eyes closed and she sighed.

”Time for you to remember, Janet Clayton.”

Janet’s eyes blinked open, and she sweetly smiled. When she spoke, she sounded somehow younger, more innocent.

”I remember.....I remember now. Have I done well? Is Master pleased with me?”

”Very well, my dear. He is very pleased with you. But you have more to do. Mr. Carlson has another task before we are done with him. You must pretend you are still Rukiya. Can you do that, Dear?”

”Yes, Ma’am.....sure.....I like acting. Back in school, I was Maria in the Theater Department’s Production of the Sound of..... .”

”Marvelous, Dear. Now, where is my darling son, Grayson?”

”Secured in the lab, Miss, with Mr. Carlson.”

“And what were Rukiya’s orders for us in the house....what was she about to do?”

”The Cause commanded Comrade Rukiya to kill you and the boy. Comrade Daisy as well if I....I mean Comrade Rukiya couldn’t trigger her. Then a team would be sent to bring your son to aid the Cause.”

“And Mr. Carlson?”

”He’s needed to get control of Norma Breckinridge and her cult. Once that’s done, he’s also to be terminated.”

”Not a bad plan, except of course for murdering dear Peter, Daisy, and myself. We must be brought to my Darling Armand, and Mr. Carlson and Mrs. Breckinridge will help us. Now, listen carefully, My Dear. Mr. Carlson has surely had some time to talk to my son. We must assume they will try and take control of Rukiya. Let them think so.”

Briar began whispering in Janet’s ear.

* * *

Fatso Carlson looked dubiously at the tape recorder.

”You sure this will work on Rukiya, Doc?”

”According to know, Daisy, all the CIA Dorvak Women have the same induction trigger. Sloppy of them, to say the least. Just play the music. Look.....I have your Mother, Cassie.....the’ll let them go?” Spender sat tied to his chair.

”Sure, Doc. You got my word, so long as you play ball.” He sounded sincere, though he knew Rukiya had probably been busy with her silenced pistol. “Now give me Norma’s trigger, so we can finish our deal and we can all be on our way.”

Spender sighed and told him.

Carlson gave a short unpleasant laugh.

“Figures. She’s always got a Sinatra album on the stereo. I’m more of a Vic Damone fan, myself.” Suddenly, all humor drained from his face. “You better be on the level, Doc, or I’ll kill Mommy and the kid myself in front of you, slow.”

Carlson went over to the phone and dialed.

* * *

”How nice a dame I can be.”

Norma’s voice was toneless and subservient. She listened for a bit.

”Yes, Master. I want you. I want you so bad. I love you. Yes....with my mouth. I want that.”

She listened again.

”Yes, Master. Ten million dollars and the Breckinridge Industries corporate jet. Tampa International....., Yes...Yes, Master, I understand.”

Another pause.

”Yes, Master. Good night.”

Norma hung up the phone, then turned to the empty space on her bed. She burst out laughing.

”What a putz. Frank, you had him pegged. He couldn’t wait to trigger little ole me....didn’t even take the time to say hello, first. Oh, if such a lard ass could have Norma Breckinridge.”

She giggled, and seemed to listen.

”Sure...Sure, Darling just like you said. Me, the Waitress, and Trevor will pick them up and bring them to you. I mean I would have thought you’d want us in Vegas or Palm Springs....but you know best. Switzerland it is. Of course I’ll have to move up the TV interview.”

Another pause.

”Frank....we talked about this. The interview will really take our new religion to a new level. Think how many more slaves you and the Sponsor will have to feed on. I’ll do the interview and off to the airport we go. I promise.”

She lay back. Soon she was miming kissing thin air, her tongue darting in and out of her mouth. After a bit, her legs spread and her back arched.

* * *

”Well, I guess you kept your word, Doc. Norma was nice and goofed up real good.”

Spender suddenly looked over to the door. Rukiya quietly entered the lab.

“Hey there, Ruki.” There was a slight tinge of nervousness in Carlson’s voice. Slowly, his hand reached for Spender’s tape recorder.

Rukiya looked at Spender. “Why is the Doctor still awake? You were supposed to inject him for the trip. The rest are dead, and we have to...”

” bastard!” Spender screamed. “You promised!”

“Yeah...I guess both of you ought to know there’s a change in plans.”

Fatso pushed play. As the music box melody played, Rukiya’s face grew blank.

“Sorry, Doc, I think I got all I need from you. Ruki, please kill Doctor Spender. Lady’s choice as to how.”

She stood perfectly still.

“Rukiya. You’re triggered. You have to obey. Kill him...NOW!”

Spender looked at him with hatred.

”Sorry, Mr. Carlson. I guess I forgot to give you the whole trigger. Rukiya, are you with me?”

”Yes, Comrade, I am with you and I am your barefooted instrument”

Fatso Carlson was not stupid, and quickly realized his mistake. He lunged for his pistol on the table.

“Protect me.” Spender ordered Rukiya.

With lightning quick reflexes, Rukiya kicked Carlson’s head, staggering him back. She then grabbed the gun, and put three slugs into him just as he was moving forward again.

Spender sighed.

”All right Rukiya, release me now.

Now it was Spender’s turn to be surprised as she ignored him and went to the door.

”It’s safe to come in, now”, she called towards the house.

Spender fought through his confusion. “Rukiya...untie me this must obey.”

The assassin turned and sweetly smiled. “I am, Doctor, and my name is Janet.”

Spender was still formulating a response when Briar and Cassie entered the detached garage.

”Oh thank God, Mother! I should have known it’d take more than a brainwashed girly to top you.”

Briar knelt next to him, concern on her face.

”Oh, son.....I can’t take all the credit. Armand helped me throughout.”

Spender noticed how dilated her pupils were, and how rarely she blinked.

”Why aren’t you untying me, Mother?”, though he already knew the answer.

”Janet, Dear?”

”Yes, Miss Briar?”

”My son has been under quite a strain. Please give him the injection now, and then we can prepare for our trip.” She turned back to Grayson, and caressed his face. “Isn’t it lovely? Mrs. Breckinridge is going to help us go to Dear Armand. How I so long to be with him.”

”Mother.....Mom....don’t do this. It’s not Armand Dupuis.... it’s the Dark Count hypnotizing you. You have to.........”

Janet expertly injected him in the neck.

Spender never finished his sentence.