The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

[mc, mf, fd]

synopsis: Alexandra Ryder—a.k.a. Agent 47-D—is back and this time it’s personal.

Corruption Games

(By S.B.)

25 — Sweat and Tears

“Listen to me carefully, Agent Simms,” Sergeant Vasquez said. “The key to getting out of this alive is a steady hand and not looking at the clock. Now, there are two red wires close to the main detonator. Can you see them?”

“Yes,” Simms replied, taking a deep breath.

“Good. I want you to gently cut the one to your right. Be careful not to touch any other wires as you do so.”

“Understood.” Simms rotated the blade of the pocket knife to place it under the wire and with a single swipe snapped it in two. No one dared to say anything while he waited for the next command.

“Good. One less threat to worry about but there are others,” the Sergeant continued. “Please focus on the wires attached to the canisters now. “I’m seeing eight of them with five different colors, three blue, two yellow, one white, one black, and one green. Can you confirm that?”

“Yes. No... wait. One of the blue ones has a red line running underneath and one yellow has the same line but in black.”

“Hmmm, okay. That means we have a couple of decoys there.”


“In explosives such as these, there are usually three wires directly connected to the canister’s release valves. The different color coding is meant to throw us off and trick us into taking out the wrong ones.”

“Okay, but which ones do I cut? Because the timer...”

“I told you not to look at it. Focus on my voice. Cut the green first.”

Simms repeated the process from before, effortlessly severing another connection. They had less than a minute now but he tried not to mull about it.

“Very good. Of the three blue ones, which one is closer to the detonator?”

“It’s the middle one,” Simms moved his head aside for the drone above him to get an even clearer view of the area.

“Then you need to cut the one to the left of it. Don’t worry about anything else and simply do it.”

Simms gulped and lowered the blade to the chromatic mesh, a slight tremor on his fingers. He pulled himself together and cut the corresponding wire. Only one more to go.

“Excellent. Now, this is where it gets tricky.”

“Just now?”

“The last wire should either be a yellow or the white one, but since there are two yellows, any of them can be the key, unless...”

“Unless what?”

“Unless they’re all decoys in which case cutting either will trigger the blast no matter what.”

“Fuck! I need an answer pronto!”

“A yellow makes more sense because of the confusion installed, but if whoever built this expected us to consider that...”

“Hurry, please!”

“Okay. Ignore everything I said and cut the black. Do it now!”

Simms heard the authoritative tone and didn’t hesitate. The good news was that there was no explosion. The bad one was that the timer hadn’t stopped. “Twenty seconds,” he thought.

“Agent Simms, another one wire by the detonator should defuse the device permanently. Two green, one yellow, and an orange one left, correct?”

“Yes, but one of the green has the same black line running across it.”

“Forget that and cut the orange.”

Simms adjusted the knife in his right hand, sweat rolling down his fingers. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four...


The wire was cut in two, the countdown coming to a halt. The FBI agent fell on his back on the floor of the derelict warehouse and remembered how to breathe again.

“Oh, my God! That was too intense!” he exclaimed.

“Agreed, but you did great for your first time,” Sergeant Vasquez said. “I’m glad you all made it out in one piece but you’re not out of the woods yet.”

“What next?”

“I’ll ask Melvin to dispatch a Hazmat team to safely remove the canisters and dispose of their contents accordingly. You’ll need to stay on the site covering them until they arrive.”

“We can do that,” Lieutenant Colonel Mayborn said. “You’re a lifesaver as always, Sergeant. Thank you.”

“My pleasure. I only wish I could have been there in person. It was an incredible rush.”

“You’ll always be one crazy son of a bitch.”

“Guilty as charged, Sir. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to cut this conversation short before my nurse gives me another side eye.”

“Go get some rest. You’ve earned it. Mayborn over and out.”

Eyes staring at the ceiling, Simms finally allowed himself to shed a tear of joy. He would never forget that day and how close they had all been to turning into dust. Without saying a word, he swore something like that would never happen again, and putting a bullet between Accardi’s eyes became his number one priority.

* * *

The agent stationed outside the elevator that separated Alexandra from her main objective sank into a trance in utmost silence. She had no time to waste. After using his key card to gain access, she led him inside and then switched outfits with him. The nurse’s uniform didn’t look good on him at all but she rocked the black suit as if it were a second skin. With her hair wrapped in a ponytail and a pair of dark sunglasses covering her eyes, she could fool the cameras long enough to reach the bedroom of the Secretary of Defense and then...

As she exited the elevator, a strange thought crossed her mind. While the security detail was somewhat impressive, it was still proving too easy to navigate the hospital’s corridors, which made her reconsider her approach. Alexandra peeked through the hall that led to the last barrier she had to overcome and noticed no one else was around and that was an immediate red flag.

“What’s going on here?” she thought.

Seeing as it was already too late to back out. Alexandra made a run for the bedroom, opened the door...

... and stared at an empty bed.

“Are you sure you’re in the right place, 47-D?” a familiar voice chirped behind her. It was Henry Simms and this time he wasn’t smiling. Two FBI agents accompanied him, guns on the ready if she tried anything funny.

“What are you doing here?” she asked.

“Funny, I was about to ask you the same thing,” he replied. “I doubt you’re here for a social call, so how about we skip all the crap and go straight to business?”

“Where’s the Secretary of Defense?” Alexandra turned around and sat on the clean bed.

“Somewhere safe where he’s getting all the medical attention he needs, and that’s all I’m saying on the subject.”

“So, he was never here...” she concluded, caressing the linen sheets with her beautiful long nails. “You fed the press and the other agencies a cover story and then set up this ruse to give it credence.”

“Yes, I knew you would figure it out. We were certain someone would come for him again but I didn’t expect it to be you.”

“You think I came here to kill him?”

“You tell me. Because if you didn’t, then I need to know what the hell is going on. Why did you sneak in?”

“I’m not at liberty to discuss that.”

“Shall I call General Hayes directly, then? Your little undercover assignments can’t be used as an excuse for matters of national security and you know that.”

“I would love it if you could call him, but that’s not possible either,” Alexandra confessed.

“Oh? Yet another reason for you to cooperate. Full disclosure this time around, Alexandra. No more dilly dallying or I’ll be forced to have you arrested and interrogated until you come clean.”

“You know interrogation techniques won’t work on me.” She crossed her legs and untangled her hair, the sunglasses tossed behind her. “I need to know the exact location of the Secretary of Defense and I need it now.”

“Do you?” the bureaucrat smirked. “Is there anything else I can get you? The lottery numbers, perhaps?”

“If you have them on you, I don’t mind...” she chuckled.

“The truth, please.”

“Not with them in the room,” she pointed at the other agents. “You wanted to talk privately earlier, so now I expect the same courtesy. We’re wasting time we don’t have.”

“Do you promise to tell me everything for real if I comply? I need to hear you say it.”

Alexandra cocked her head and then reluctantly said ‘yes’. Her plan had already gone to waste and his connections could still prove useful in the long run. “I’ll stay true to my word if you stay true to yours.”

“Very well. Gentlemen, will you please excuse us for a moment?”

“Sir?” the agent to his right raised a quizzical eyebrow. “Do you really think that’s wise? We don’t know what she’s capable of.”

“You may not, but I do. Alexandra and I have a history and her intel may prove valuable to cracking this case. Just stand guard outside. It’s not like there’s any other exit out of here.”

“Understood, but be careful. I smell a rat.”

“There sure are plenty of those in the capital,” Alexandra retorted. “Come on, Simms. This is your one and only chance to make your power move.”

The two operatives left the sterile bedroom, leaving him with the hypnotic vixen in a manly suit. Alexandra ditched the jacket and unbuttoned the white shirt to allow her femininity to breathe.

“Start from the beginning, please,” he said.

“As I mentioned earlier, Colonel Gibbons was not in full control of his mental capacities when he tried to murder the Secretary of Defense. His mind was tampered with.”

“Tampered how? Drugs? Brainwashing? Hypnosis?”

“A combination of everything. David and I discovered the place where it happened, underneath a gym. We also know who’s responsible for it, a man named Paolo Accardi.”

“I never heard of him. Who’s this Accardi and what’s his interest in all of this?”

“That’s a long story but let’s just say his main motivation is revenge.”

“Against the Secretary of Defense?”

“No. Against my organization, and most especially myself and the General. Colonel Gibbons was just a means to set up a chain reaction to ultimately destroy us all.”

“Okay,” Simms cleared his throat, “but still that doesn’t explain why you’re here. Are you tracking this Accardi guy, is that it?”

“It’s more complicated than that,” Alexandra got up and leaned against the naked bedroom wall. “He gave us the slip recently and took the General with him.”

“General Hayes has been kidnapped?”

“I’m afraid so. The last I heard from him, your stepbrother was trying to locate him. I didn’t come here because I wanted to but it was the only way to ensure the General’s survival for now.”

“Blackmail, huh? One life for another, I take it.”

“Yes. That’s the truth, Simms, but if gets wind of what’s really happening here, then this will not end well. Back in the car, you told me you didn’t believe the stories you keep hearing about my organization. I hope you still feel the same way after all of this.”

“My sentiment stands. We don’t like one another but you’ve always fought for the good side, so yeah... I believe you. This Accardi seems like a nasty piece of work.”

“And you don’t know half of it, which is why I didn’t want to put a target behind your back but once this is all over, I promise to give you the full scoop.”

“That’s all good and dandy. Unfortunately, now that I know what’s going on, I’ll need to keep my secrets more than ever. You can’t have the real location of the Secretary of Defense, Alexandra. It’s too risky.”

“While I get it, you’re signing the General’s death sentence that way.”

“I’m sorry, but what else am I supposed to do? My job is to keep the Secretary of Defense alive and that necessity outweighs everything else. General Hayes understands that and so do you, especially if the suspicions I confided in you check out as well.”

“You’re still thinking about the Senator...”

“I must. Everything that’s been happening behind the scenes here in Washington implies that something is amiss with his political maneuvers. The timing of all of this can’t be a coincidence.”

“Perhaps, but there’s no way to prove any of that for now and I refuse to let the General be collateral damage in this war. I can’t believe I’m about to say this but I think I need your help.”

“My help how?”

“You said the Secretary of Defense was never here and yet there were images of his shot at his hospital shown all over the news recently. Either you took the pictures in a closed set or you have a body double on the premises to keep fueling the narrative and controlling its flow. Which one is which, Simms?”

“The latter. We have an agent in full makeup ready for when it’s time to issue an update on his condition. We purposely shoot everything from skewed angles to more easily sell the deception.”

“That’s good. We can use that.”


“Get him in here and we’ll do a shoot of our own. Accardi will want proof of the Secretary of Defense’s death, and this way he can have it.”

“I see, but we can’t go public with the news or there’ll be chaos everywhere.”

“We don’t have to. I just need to convince him it happened long enough to find him and take him down. He’s been playing with us from the moment this mess started. It’s my turn to repay the favor.”

“Let’s assume I go along with this crazy plan. What are you planning on doing once you find him?”

“What I should have done a long time ago.”

“Kill him? That’s not like you at all, Alexandra.”

“I’ll do whatever it takes to stop him even if it means crossing my personal boundaries. Nobody fucks with those I care about. Are you in or not?”

“I need to be honest. I don’t like your plan at all.”

“I’m not thrilled about it either but it’s the easiest option to implement for now. The alternative is me hypnotizing you, getting the info I need, and then taking out the guards outside to go infiltrate another secure facility somewhere. I know I can do it but by the time everything comes to fruition, the General may already be dead. Keeping the ruse going is our only chance of success. If you believe me like you say you do, you’ll go along with it a.s.a.p.”

“Hmmm... It’s crazy enough to work but I’ll need to coordinate things with the rest of the security detail.”

“It would be unwise to inform everyone. Stick to the bare minimum to make it work. All I need is your body double to play dead for a while and then I’ll take care of the rest. Please, Simms! Think of all the clout you’ll get when I stop this insanity and then inform all the other intelligence agencies of your invaluable contribution.”

“Is that your way of bribing me, 47-D?”

“I’m merely repeating your own arguments in a much more convincing light. You asked me to open up to you and I did. Now, I trust you will do the right thing.”

“I see you haven’t lost your negotiation skills...”

“Do we have a deal or not?”

“Yes, Alexandra,” he finally admitted. “I’ll play along if that’s what it takes to keep a killer off the streets but don’t you dare fuck me over again afterward.”

“I won’t. Not this time. You have my word.”

“Let’s get to work then.”

Alexandra nodded. A laborious effort awaited them but it was worth the risk. The Secretary of Defense was about to ‘die’.