The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

[mc, mf, fd]

synopsis: Alexandra Ryder—a.k.a. Agent 47-D—is back and this time it’s personal.

Corruption Games

(By S.B.)

18 — The Voice of Reason Goes Silent

For what appeared to be an eternity, no one dared to say a word, but their states of mind weren’t that hard to guess. David Simms was the first to break the bubble of silence, stern eyes focused on Alexandra’s all too pensive expression.

“I hope you’re not seriously considering agreeing to that lunatic’s terms.”

“And what if I am?” The secret agent replied, her tone cold as ice.

“The US government doesn’t negotiate with terrorists! The General knows that in every war there are casualties, and I’m sure he’s prepared to face whatever consequences may come from this predicament. You’re better than this, Alexandra.”

“Your sudden concern about me is touching but I will not let him die. I’ll do whatever it takes to get him back just like I did with the Colonel. As for the ‘non-negotiation with terrorists’ policy, you’re not naïve enough to believe everything you hear, are you? That’s just PR speak, what the agencies feed the press to keep the general audience content. Not only do we negotiate all the time, we also fund and cover for the actions of many fringe organizations as long as their actions benefit our geopolitical interests.”

“One man’s life is not worth the downfall of the system. I hate to say it but the General is as good as dead now and if you go down this path, so are you.”

Alexandra pulled up a chair and sat heavily on it, right hand under her chin, furrowed brow not tight enough to contain the sweltering fury underneath. While limits exist to be pushed, hers had already gone nuclear.

“I know that underneath that somber facade of yours you mean well and are actually an excellent agent, but you don’t get to decide how I do things around here. Your brother tried that and look what happened to him. Back off! I need to think.”

“We’re partners on this. If there’s something to think about, we should do it together.”

“He has a point, Alexandra.” Melvin intervened before she exploded in their faces. “We need to keep our cool and weigh our options.”

“You don’t know him like I do.” She sibilated. “That wasn’t a threat but a declaration of intent. And I’m tired to keeping my cool! It has brought me nothing but headaches since this mess started, so unless you have a brilliant idea to locate them, I suggest you get me a flight to D.C. as soon as possible.”

“And then what? Are you seriously going to drive to the hospital to put a bullet on the Secretary of Defense’s forehead?” Simms retorted. “Even if you’re able to go past the security detail, there’s no way you’re exiting the building alive. Colonel Gibbons was lucky because everything that happened was unexpected. You won’t be. Not with all the contingencies already in place to make sure this doesn’t happen again.”

“You seem to know a lot. More than you shared so far, in fact.”

“I have my connections too and since I’m a part of this for the time being, it’s in my best interest to make sure things don’t blow out of proportions, needlessly. You would do the same if you were in my shoes.”

“Perhaps,” she thought, but there was no way of knowing for sure. It was the first time she was in such a delicate position, and the control freak in her was anything but pleased.

“You want options?” Melvin queried. “Let me see if I can get you some then. I was able to record part of the feed. Give me an hour to analyze it. Perhaps I can find something that will lead us to their whereabouts.”

“Fine. You have one hour. If nothing comes of it until then, I’m heading out and you better not to try to stop me. In the meantime, I’ll be in my quarters if you need me.”

Simms blocked the exit of the room with his open arms. “Wait, we’re not done yet.”

“Yes, we are.” She brushed him aside as if he were nothing more than an annoying buzzing fly in her ears.

Alone with her thoughts, Alexandra walked down the winding hallway back to the elevator, not paying attention to anything else. It was going to be a long wait.

* * *

Meanwhile, in some place unknown, General Rupert Hayes confronted his kidnapper once more. He had had a good life and, with not really anything left to lose, he might as well go out, guns blazing. He was tied to a metal chair, thick ropes pressing against his diaphragm and ribs, a gag loosely hanging under his chin for when his diatribe became too much to handle. The room where he was being secured was dark as a basement and had but one window at top, a small square opening not even a highly skilled contortionist could squeeze through. A boat horn echoed in the distance. They were somewhere close to sea.

“Your plan makes less sense with each passing moment.” He spat. “There’s no way you’re getting what you want, Accardi.”

The assassin stood behind the chair, pocket knife in one hand, slices of freshly peeled onion in the other. He took a bite of one and grinned when the acidic juices dripped down his lips. A common trigger for heartburn, he had long resisted its effects by the simple fact of not really having a heart. “On the contrary. There’s no way Alexandra will contain herself no matter how much she tries.”

“You’re overestimating how much I matter in the grand scheme of things. I’m just one man. They can replace me at any time.”

“You’re not just ‘one man’ to her. You never will be. The same as the Colonel. You two are her weaknesses which is why it’s so satisfying to use you against her. Alexandra will break and do what I want. She doesn’t have a choice.”

“There’s always a choice. You have one, too. Stop this madness now and...”

“... and what? You’ll forgive my transgressions and get me a nice comfy cell in which I can spend the rest of my days? I pass. This is so much better.” He gnawed another slice of onion, yellowed teeth showing in-between the crunchy bites. With the dim lighting obscuring half of his features, it was if as he was eating a part of himself.

The General looked away in disgust. “Could you at least loosen up these ropes? Having a hard time to breathe here...” He panted.

“Nice try but you’re the right way I want you to.” Accardi juggled the knife between his soaked up fingers. “I suggest you get comfortable while you can.”

The moment he finished eating the healthy snack, the killer left the room. Outside, a flock of seagulls hovered his secret hiding place, their squeals loud enough to muffle the frantic sounds of a screaming old man.

* * *

David Simms tapped on Alexandra’s door and asked: “May I come in?” Even before he got his answer, he was already pushing the door far and wide.

Agent 47-D held a change of clothes over a small polyester duffel bag. “What do you want?”

“To finish our talk from earlier.” Simms leaned against the threshold. “Come up with a better plan than have you go on a murder rampage.”

“Has Melvin found anything yet?”

“No, but he’s still looking.”

“Then we have nothing to talk about. I already decided. I don’t expect you to follow me.” She gnarled.

“And I hope I don’t have to arrest you to stop you from continuing with this stupidity.”

Alexandra glanced at him, hips swaying left and right. “Arrest me? You mean with handcuffs and all? No man has ever been lucky enough to do that to me. You’re not going to be the first.”

“Why are you making this so hard?” He puffed. “I’m on your side!”

“Are you really?”

“Yes. For someone so cunning, I can’t believe you genuinely think this an appropriate response.”

“I know it isn’t, but it’s the General’s best hope for survival at the moment. Don’t you get it? If Accardi can get us to whenever he wants, then he’ll be on the lookout for my reaction in the following hours and if he sees anything he doesn’t like until then, he’ll speed up the countdown.”

“Trying to buy your time this way is still a dangerous bet.”

“I have to fight danger with danger no matter the consequences.”

“Are you really willing to sacrifice your own life for that man?”

“I already said ‘yes’. Why do you doubt my resolve?”

“I don’t.” Simms exhaled. “Which is why I’m not too thrilled about this but since you leave me no choice...”

Like a swift-fingered stage magician with, Simms moved closer to her, the glint of the cuffs reflected on his eyes as he grabbed her right wrist. Already anticipating his betrayal, Alexandra took one step backwards and rotated her body out of the way, pushing his arm into his chest.

“Are you sure you want to do this song and dance again?” She asked, assuming a fighting stance.

“Just like you, I’ll do whatever it takes to make you come to your senses. This is not the right way.”

“Okay. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Alexandra hit his elbow with a vigorous slap forcing him to stumble momentarily and drop the cuffs on the floor. As he tried to regain his footing, the secret agent stepped on his left shin and pushed him against the Queen size bed.

“Fuck, that hurt!” He defended himself with a kick on her right ankle.

“How about this?” She took hold of his leg before he could retreat it and punched him in the joint. Simms clenched his teeth in pain and, before he could realize what was going on, Alexandra had already grabbed the handcuffs from the floor and was restraining him to the bedpost.

“Much better this way, don’t you think?”

“If I didn’t know any better, I would say this is foreplay.” The FBI agent countered.

“You would love to be so lucky.” She pinned him against the Red mulberry silk sheets. “Are you going to stop squirming now?”

“Are you going to listen to the voice of reason?”

“Not this time. You mean well, Simms, but you have one problem.”

“And what problem is that, 47-D?” He wrapped his legs around her waist forcing the rest of her body down, sultry lips too close to the promise of an unexpected kiss.

“You think too much. And all the wrong things, too.”

“That seems like two problems instead of one...” He grinned, smelling her perfume. “Damn!” He muttered.

“You like that, huh?”

“I’m not giving you the satisfaction of an answer.”

“You already did.” She slapped his forehead and then sinuously escaped his leg embrace. Sitting at the far end of the bed, Alexandra brushed the dust off her clothes and resumed her packing for the trip ahead.

“So now what? You’re leaving me here?”

“Yes, but before I go...” She hissed.

“Oh, no!” His skin crawled at the sudden realization of what she was about to do.

“Oh, yes. I can’t have you running after me the moment you get out. You may not see it right now, but I’m actually protecting you from the fallout if this indeed blows up.”

“Alexandra, don’t...”

Agent 47-D lowered her gaze to meet his scared eyes, her hypnotist voice gently ringing all around.

“Shhh. Easy, Simms. You think too much and all the wrong things but I can take care of that. I can take you to a place where the only things you need to think about are the things I think for you. And it’s so easy to get there even if you believe you don’t want to. Just like your brother did so effortlessly becoming exactly what I wanted him to be, all you need to do is listen to the sound of my voice and follow me gladly. Listen and follow. Follow and listen. Have you noticed that when we think about things we truly like, our mind drifts into them even if we’re just imagining? That’s exactly how going into trance feels... you open yourself to the things you love imagining and when you can’t stop thinking about anything else, then you’re already there, falling, drifting, sinking... thinking about not thinking at all. Something even funnier happens when you try your best not to think of something you find arousing and then the thought gains a life of its own inside your spirit. Just like now. You fear falling for me, anticipating that you will lose control when you do, but I can assure you I have no intention of turning you into a mindless zombie that sleeps and acts on command. No. The only thing I’m interested right now is having you relax, focused on me. The more you think about losing control, the less you have to stop my voice from taking over your thoughts and if you can’t stop my voice from taking over your thoughts, then perhaps it’s been there all along.

“Confusing? I’m sure, but dropping is easier when you’re not fully aware and your resistance turns against you before you realize why. You think too much, contradicting yourself at every turn. You think about falling and you think about resisting me, you think about my perfume and you think about not smelling it. You think about thinking about other things except me and then you realize they’re all me. All thoughts, especially the ones you are sure I’m not a part of, begin and end with me. And as you think of me, and understand how easy it is to continue feeling this way, you go down for me and relax... Follow me gladly. No thoughts but my thoughts now, no voice but my voice on your lips. In a moment, you’ll be so absorbed by me you will not be able to move. Lie still and relax, frozen in place. You can’t think. No need to think. No need to move. Still now... a statue for me. Statues don’t think nor do they resist. You are a statue for me. You’ll only regain your mobility three hours from now, no sooner no less. Listen and follow. Follow and obey. What your mind believes in, your body accepts. You believe in my voice, and the power of my thoughts over yours. Drop. Freeze. Now!”

Simms’ breath slowly faded, becoming less than a whisper. He was indeed as susceptible as his brother and would also look ravishing in a floral dress but perhaps some other time when there was nothing of importance at stake and they could have some real fun. She would love that and would make sure he did, too.

With the voice of reason completely silent, and drifting in trance, Agent 47-D booked a last-minute flight to Washington. The clock was ticking.