The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

[mc, mf, fd]

synopsis: Alexandra Ryder—a.k.a. Agent 47-D—is back and this time it’s personal.

Corruption Games

(By S.B.)

17 — The Countdown

A whirlwind of glass splattered against the white wall before shattering in a million pieces at Alexandra’s feet. The only thing worse than the fury of a scorned woman was the one of a hypnotist. She stood inside the General’s office, accompanied by Simms and Melvin Chandler.

“Shit!” She kicked her superior’s chair, sending it spinning out of control. “This is supposed to be one of the most secure facilities in the world and yet... Fuck, I can’t believe this is happening!”

“Is she always like this when she’s mad?” Simms asked his blank-faced companion who, up until that moment, had chosen silence over any kind of remark.

“I’ve seen her unpleasant side more times than I can number, but I believe this is the worst...” the tech expert muttered. “Don’t say a thing if you know what’s good for you.”

The FBI agent remained as stoic as possible as the secret agent unleashed all of her frustration on every inanimate object at hand until she finally calmed down and leaned against the desk, clawed hands on her legs.

“Melvin, please tell me we have any good footage of that son of a bitch leaving.”

“I wish I could. We have a few stray angles here and there but, for the most part, he knew where all the blind spots were.”

“Of course, he did. Damn it! Now the General is in danger, and it’s all my fault!”

“I can’t believe I’m about to say this... but how is this any of your fault? You just got played, that’s all. You all were.”

“It’s precisely because of it that it is my fault. This doesn’t happen. Not on my watch! Not to me!”

“The great 47-D is human! Is that really such a bad thing?”

“If my failure to understand what was going on leads to his death, then yes, it’s a terrible thing.”

“Let’s get not ahead of ourselves.” Melvin intervened. “If the purpose of this charade was to kill the General, then surely we would already have a body on our hands, right?”

“Not necessarily.” Alexandra gasped despite trying her best to remain positive. “The Crimson Angel staged many of his victims. He could very well be preparing for his demise right now.”

“Or he simply wants another leverage for whatever is coming next.” Simms scratched his nose.

“You think his plan isn’t over...”

“Do you?”

“I’m having a hard time knowing what to think, so I’m open to suggestions.” She finally conceded, the irony of her last words not going unnoticed.

“We know General Hayes drove out in his personal car. Can’t you just track his GPS?” Simms queried, taking the mantle of the investigation.

“We could, had the signal not been disabled the moment they exited the parking lot.” Melvin replied. “The last few seconds of feed show us which direction they took, but that’s it.”

“How about traffic cameras? Surely you can access them to track the car’s movements!”

“The system is jammed at the moment, one last gift from his intrusion from before. We’re practically blind here!”

“That won’t do.” Alexandra snapped. “Melvin, please go through the footage again to see if you can find any clue we missed. Simms, can you pull some strings in your agency so we can have access to their network?”

“I can certainly try.”

“Please do then. Until we have the situation under control on our end, we need all the resources we can get.”

“Agreed, but what are you going to do in the meantime?”

“Melvin, is Colonel Gibbons’ condition still stable?”

“I believe so. But why? You’re not thinking of trying to get inside his head again, are you?”

“No. After what happened last time, it’s simply too risky. But maybe he remembered something of interest on his own in-between.”

“Worth a shot, I guess.”

“Okay.” Alexandra sprang back to action and headed for the door. “Please keep me posted if you find anything worthwhile and I promise to do the same.”

“Good luck, Alexandra.” Melvin said.

“You too.”

The moment she left, Simms remarked: “That went well.”

Melvin offered him a complicit look before adding: “She’s really troubled. Frankly, I’m getting worried.”

“That she won’t be able to do her job properly?”

“No. That she’ll do it too well if she gets her hands on Accardi.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I know you believe what she did to your brother was cruel and undeserved but trust me... that was just child’s play. She knows a million ways to fuck someone up and make them wish they were dead.”

“I keep hearing stuff like that yet her lack of trust is becoming more and more apparent, so what’s up with that?”

“Okay, you didn’t hear it from me but both the Colonel and the General are like father figures to her. At first, they were just men in suits recruiting her to have some extra fun at the expense of criminals and whatnot, but the more she dug into this world, the more she realized things aren’t as black and white as she thought. Though she acts like an arrogant bitch most of the times, that’s hardly all she is. In fact, if you’re lucky to have her show you her true self, you’ll be surprised at the oceans she has within.”

“Does that mean you and her have... you know?” Simms suddenly asked as if he were a teenage boy with an unspoken crush.

“Oh, no!” Melvin chuckled. “It’s not like that at all. She loves to play with my head and I love letting her do it. It’s just that, as strange as it may seem, certain truths are more obvious when there are altered states of mind involved. You should let her have her way with you, some time.”

“No way!”

“Never say never, Simms.”

“Right...” He immediately changed the subject. “I need a secure line for the Bureau. Can you get me one?”

“Sure. Follow me.”

Meanwhile, in the Infirmary section, Colonel Henry Gibbons was sitting in bed eating out of a bowl of dark green jello. As expected, it tasted awful but, even worse than the affront to his aging taste buds, was the splintering headache ravishing his temples. His memories of the last couple of days were fuzzy, like a picture drenched in so many different Instagram filters that it was no longer possible to discern the original take. Only the shots fired remained vivid enough to spur him to action, but he was too tired to go against the wishes of his body. After so many years dodging the possibility, retirement didn’t seem such an impossibility.

Alexandra’s beaming smile interrupted his slightly depressive train of thought as she sat in bed next to him. He laid down the jello bowl and hugged her.

“Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes? Hello, my dear. I’m so glad to see you.”

“As am I.” She parted his receding hair. “Feeling better since the last time?”

“I... think so.” He slightly choked on his words.

“Good. I’m glad.”

“Thank you. So... what’s the word out there? Have you figured out who’s behind this mess?”

“I have, but the mess is far from over. Paolo is back.”

“Paolo Accardi?” He furrowed his brow and shivered. “But how can that be? He’s dead! We...”

“No. He survived. I don’t know how, but he’s the one pulling the strings from the start, using me to hurt the people I care about. You were first but, since his plan didn’t work out the way he was hoping for, he set his eyes on someone else. Colonel, he was here just now and took the General with him.”

“Mother of God!” The Colonel scrambled in bed, trying to get up. “Alexandra, help me out here, please!”

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“Officially getting back to business, of course! If he kidnapped the General, then I’m officially next in the line of command. I need to coordinate things and I can’t do that if I’m stuck in bed like an invalid, right?”

Alexandra nuzzled him against the pillow, magnetic eyes locked in his. Her hypnotist’s voice ringed on his tired ears.

“As much as I appreciate your enthusiasm, I’m afraid that’s impossible. Next in line of command or not, you’re still part of an assassination attempt. The FBI won’t allow you to resume your duties until this matter is handled appropriately.”

“Screw the Feds, Alexandra! We’ve always handled things our own way! How can you expect me to sit tight on a moment like this?”

“I expect you to do the right thing and take care of yourself, first. You’ve been through a lot, lately. I would never forgive myself if something happened to you.” Her eyes watered.

“I know...” He sighed, sunken eyes facing the ceiling. “I just don’t want to feel useless.”

“You’re not and never will be, okay?”

“Yes, Alexandra. Is there anything I can do to help at least?”

“I hope so. That’s why I came to see you. How much do you remember from when I rescued you from the FBI?”

“I remember you looked fantastic in that catsuit.” He blushed. “You should wear it more often.”

“Always the flatterer. How about before that? Did anything else come back to you?”

“I’m sorry, but no.”

“Are you sure? It can be anything, no matter how small. We need clues to help us understand where Paolo may have taken the General.”

“What makes you think I might have any?”

“We found the place where your mind was allegedly warped but, with the way he’s been keeping tabs on all of us, I have this gut feeling he has another base of operations in the area. It’s possible you were there too, and he repressed your memories of it.”

“If that’s the case, you have my permission to dig deeper. Do your worst!”

“No. I fear that the strain put on you would be more damaging in the long run. I don’t want to try to force anything out of you unless it’s really the only way.”

“Well, if you change your mind in-between, you know where to find me...” He grabbed the bowl again. It was almost empty. “Any chance you can get me another?”

“Sure.” She caressed his right hand before standing up. As she headed for the small fridge at the end of the room, her phone rang. It was Melvin.

“Hey... what’s up?”

“Please come up here, stat! We’ve just received an encrypted video call. It’s Accardi, but he won’t talk to anyone except you.”

“On my way.” She replied and ran out of the infirmary, but not before giving the Colonel his much expected refill. The older man graciously nodded until he noticed the darker color staring back at him and sighed. He hated blueberry.

* * *

Paolo Accardi looked at the camera, a half-joking smile on his face. He sat in a gray room with no distinguishable features, his face lit up by a single lamp hanging above his head. Everything about his posture screamed utmost confidence for he knew his connection couldn’t be tracked.

“Took you long enough, Alexandra.” He said when her worried face appeared before him. Simms stood behind her, hands in his pockets. Having dealt with a few hostage situations before, he had a good idea what to expect if the situation derailed.. Silently, he hoped things wouldn’t go so far.

“You son of a bitch!” Alexandra spat. “Where’s General Hayes?”

“Alive, and that’s all you need to know for now.”

“I want to see him.”

“I don’t care what you want, Alexandra. We’re playing my game, not yours. I promise no harm will come to him, but only if you do exactly what I say.”

“Why should I believe you?”

“Because I just gave you my word, why else?”

“The word of a killer is not exactly the most trustworthy thing out there, is it?”

“As opposed to the word of a hypnotist? Deception is in your blood, not mine. I never tried to hide who I am. Unlike you, who does it all the time.”

“Cut to the chase, asshole. What do you want?”

“I want to see everything burn and since good old Colonel Gibbons failed to complete his assignment, guess who will kill the Secretary of Defense for me?”

“Are you insane?”

“I’m always dead serious, Alexandra. Your organization is going down and you will help me do it because, if you refuse, I will scatter your precious General all over the 50 states. You have 24 hours. Make them count!”

His smile receded into darkness as the call went dead. The countdown had begun.