The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Captain Tommy’s Hot Ass Ho’s

Chapter 11—Connie Cunnilingus

Not for the first time, Meredith Vale told herself that this had been a mistake. Carnivals were for kids, she told herself, and certainly not for people her age.

But she’d come anyway because it was something Jack had promised to her. She’d come because he’d made it sound like fun. She’d come because he’d made it sound like they’d have fun together.

She only hoped she wouldn’t run into Jack here.

This was a big mistake, she’d told herself. This was a very big mistake.

She sighed as she handed the man behind the booth one of her tickets. Throw the ball. Knock over the milk bottles. Big whoop. And if she did, she’d win a prize. It would have been better if Jack had won it for her but Jack wasn’t here.

She wondered if maybe Jack was here with his new girlfriend.

Not for the first time, Meredith shook her head. The girl had to be half Jack’s age. No, more like a third, Meredith corrected herself. She wasn’t dumb. She didn’t ask herself what Jack saw in the girl. She might have been a vapid teen straight out of high school or maybe a little older, but Meredith knew what Jack saw in the girl. It was what everyone saw first. The girl had big tits.

Okay, maybe she had other things but it was her tits which caught everyone’s eyes. It certainly was what Meredith had noticed first.

She’d thought better of Jack. He’d spun her these tales of how they weren’t getting older, they were getting better. Meredith didn’t exactly believe the words but she liked hearing them nonetheless. Her husband had left her when Bob Junior was only three. Left her for a younger girl, he had. Left her for a girl not tied down by motherhood and housework, and so Meredith had been left to raise her son all on her own.

She’d actually considered moving back home for all of about five minutes but although she loved her mom, she knew her mom was best taken in small doses. If they had to spend the same time in the same house, day after day, week after week and year after year, she knew she’d go crazy, so she’d stayed where she was and she’d raised Bob Jr on her own.

But now he was gone away to college. Oh sure, he came back from time to time, when he needed laundry done or some such thing, but the apartment which had seemed cramped with two people in it now suddenly seemed very, very empty and into that world had come Jack.

They’d met at the library and there seemed to be a connection. They did things together and Meredith enjoyed the time but most of all, she just enjoyed being with somebody. Jack was widowed, he’d told her. His wife had died of cancer five years back and he was only now getting over it.

They’d seen the poster for the carnival and Jack had said they should go. “That’s just for kids,” Meredith had told him.

“What,” Jack had said with a twinkle in his eye. “You don’t think you’re a kid.”

“I’m definitely not as young as I used to be.”

“What’s that got to do with it? I asked if you were a kid.”

“But I thought you asked—”

“I asked if you were a kid. I didn’t ask how young you were.”

Meredith understood or at least she thought she did and in a way, she did feel like a kid when she was around Jack and so the two of them had agreed to go to the carnival together.

But that was before she’d found out about the girl.

She’d gone to the mall to see a movie. It was one she was sure Jack wouldn’t want to see so she hadn’t even bothered to ask him. She’d just gone on her own.

She was walking through the mall when a chance look into one of the shops caught her looking right at Jack. She saw him but he didn’t see her and she certainly saw the girl he was with. Meredith wasn’t even sure why but she snuck up on the couple.

“Oh, Jackie,” the girl was pouting, “I’m not sure my mom would like this.”

“What’s that got to do with anything, Tiff. You’re an adult. You can do what you want.”

“Yeah, but—”

“But nothing. Be a kid. You don’t have to do everything your mommy tells you to do.”

“I’m not a kid,” the girl said angrily. I’m an adult.”

“What’s that got to do with anything. I’m talking about being a kid. I’m talking about doing what you want to do just because you want to do it and doing it even if your mother doesn’t like it. I think that top would look great on you.”

“You really think so,” the girl gushed.

“I know so and in fact, I’m going to buy that top for you because I know just how hot you’re going to look when you wear it and it may be kind of selfish of me, but I know I’d like to see you wearing it.”

She could have jumped out and caught the two of them together but really, what was the point. She’d managed to slink out of the store without being seen and after that, she’d gone straight home. After seeing what she’d seen, she wasn’t in any mood to see a movie.

She wasn’t in any mood to see Jack either. He’d tried calling a few times but she’d ignored the calls. He tried coming over once but she hadn’t been home and after that, the phone calls slowly died off. Let him fuck his little teeny bopper was what Meredith told herself.

So what was she doing here, Meredith asked herself for the umpteenth time. What was she doing here around all these kids?

She was about to go when she saw the booth. She wasn’t sure why she hadn’t seen it before. She’d passed that very spot multiple times and yet she was sure she hadn’t seen the booth before and yet there it was.

The man inside the booth was trying to call people to him. “Step right up,” the man called out. “Step right up ladies and gentlemen and see Captain Tommy’s hot ass ho’s.”

Meredith looked to the left and to the right. It seemed almost as if no one had heard what she’d heard.

“Come on, ladies and gentlemen. Come on. Step right up and see Captain Tommy’s hot ass ho’s.”

Meredith took a step in the man’s direction. It wasn’t really that she wanted to see what the man had to offer but, she told herself, there was something intriguing about what the man seemed to be offering.

“Step right up,” the man was saying. “Step right up.”

Meredith peered at the carnie. He was an old man with long, white hair. His face had the creases that only comes with years and years of experience.

Meredith tried to peer past the man trying to see into the interior of the man’s booth but the interior was dark and she could see nothing. She found herself getting closer and yet no matter how close she got, the interior of the man’s booth stayed dark.

Curiosity finally got the better of her. “What have you got there,” she asked.

The old man peered at Meredith. “Why, little lady, I got me here some of the finest, little collection of hot ass ho’s that you ever did see.”

Meredith peered into the man’s booth. “But I can’t see anything,” she protested.

The man grinned. “You don’t think I’d show you what I got for nothing, do you, but I’ll make a deal with you.”

“A deal? What kind of deal?”

“I’ll let you see what I have and if you like what I got, you owe me twenty bucks but if you don’t, if you decide to walk away, I’ll give you a hundred.”

“Wait a minute. What’s the catch?”

“No catch. Just a deal. You look at what I have and if you like what I see, you give me twenty bucks, but if you walk away, I give you a shiny, new hundred. That’s a five to one bet you’re making so how about it?”

Meredith shook her head. There was something wrong with that. “I don’t think so,” she said. “I don’t even know you. How do I know I can trust you?”

“We can do it right here in the open where everyone can see it. The man took out his wallet and he pulled out a hundred dollar bill which he put in front of Meredith. “There’s my money,” he said. “You know you’re curious or you wouldn’t be here. So how about it. Let’s make a deal.”

Meredith was intrigued. She was sure there was something wrong with the deal but the pitch was too good to turn down and if she lost, all she was going to lose was twenty dollars. She could afford that and the man was right, she really did want to see what it was he was offering so without further ado, she reached into her purse and she pulled out her wallet and she handed the man a twenty dollar bill.

The man took the twenty and he put it next to the hundred and then without saying another word, he reached under the counter and he took out a metal box.

Meredith could feel the anticipation building as the man opened the box. Inside, was something wrapped in a black cloth. The man pulled the black cloth out and he pulled the ends apart to expose ...

Pictures. Pictures of women. Pictures of naked women.

Well, maybe not exactly naked, Meredith thought. After all, she couldn’t see their whole bodies but from what she could see, it didn’t look like they were wearing any clothes.

The man was laying the cards in front of her. They had names like “Molly Moron” and “Debbie Dumbass”. Looked like it, too, Merdith thought. A bunch of brainless little bimbos. This had been a monumental waste of time.

The photography was really, really good. In spite of herself, Meredith stared at one of the cards. The photography really was very, very good. Sure the women in the photographs all had that same vacuous stare but if she didn’t know better, she could have sworn the woman in the photo was moving.

Wait a minute. The woman was moving. Meredith was sure she’d seen the woman blink and now she was sure she could see the woman moving in the photograph. What the hell was going on here?

“I think I have something you might be interested in,” the man said.

In spite of herself, Meredith looked to see what the man was holding.

It was another card just like the others only this one didn’t have a name or a picture. Without even realizing she was doing it, Meredith’s eyes locked in on the spot where the image should have been.

At first glance, it seemed to be completely blank but as Meredith looked, she realized that wasn’t exactly the case.

It was as if she was looking into a deep, dank fog and now as she looked, she could see there was something in the fog, something in the fog that was coming towards her.

It was a person. She could make that out, now. It was a person. It was a young person, a young bimbo Meredith might have thought if she’d bothered to let herself think.

The girl was naked, of course. She was in her high teens or low twenties. Her face had the same vacuous look as all the other girls and yet, she looked familiar to Meredith.

Meredith might be forgiven for not recognizing that face right away. After all, it had been over forty years since she’d seen it last but there was no doubting what she was seeing. Same short, brown hair. Same blue eyes. Same pouting lips. It had been a long time since she’d seen that face but there was no doubt about it. That face was hers.

Well not exactly hers, Meredith thought. The face was completely devoid of thought. Well, not devoid of thought, maybe. Maybe it was the way the girl was playing with her pert, young tits, and somehow Meredith could feel it, too, the feel of those hands on her pert, young tits, but somehow she knew the woman in the picture was thinking about sex.

“You understand now, don’t you,” she heard the man say and yet she couldn’t take her eyes off the card. “You understand now, now that it’s too late, Connie Cunnilingus.”

Letters were starting to form at the top of the card. First a ‘C’, then an ‘O’ and an ‘N’ but as the letters continued to spell out the name, the woman hardly noticed them. She had her eyes fixed on the younger version of her. She wondered what the younger her was thinking and yet, she knew.

She knew what the girl was thinking. She knew. The girl wanted to slide her tongue between another woman’s legs and she wanted to find the other woman’s clit and then she wanted to lick her and eat her and she wanted to make her cum and cum and cum. She wanted to make the other woman dance on the tip of her tongue until the other woman was worn out and spent. That’s what she wanted.

“You understand now. You come when called, don’t you?”

Both the women, the one in the card and the one looking at it, both the women nodded.

If any of the passersby had chosen to look, all they would have seen was Captain Tommy manning his booth. The old man picked up his cards including his newest acquisition and put them back in his box for safe keeping and then he put the box under the counter and finally, he picked up the two bills and he put them in his wallet. Easy money, he told himself. It was easy money.

* * *

At the very same time that Meredith was at the carnival, Jack was also there with his new teeny bopper girlfriend. In fact, without her even knowing it, Meredith had literally come within minutes of running into her old boyfriend.

“Let’s go down here, Jackie,” the girl was saying. “I want you to win me a teddy bear.”

Winning a teddy bear really wasn’t what Jack had in mind but the way the girl’s ass bounced in her short, little skirt was. The girl seemed to bounce out in front of him and not for the first time, Jack wondered if she was doing it on purpose just so he could get a better look at her ass. If she was, the man thought, then it was very effective.

Once again, she darted out in front and then once again, she darted back to him. She grabbed him by the hand and she was pulling him toward a booth. “Come on, Jack-ie. Win me a teddy bear.”

She was pulling the man towards a ring toss game. Jack could already see how this was going to go. Spend a lot of money and come away with nothing. “How about we try something different.”

“But I want a teddy bear,” the girl pouted.

“I know, but look at the people already lined up. Wouldn’t it be better to keep on moving?”

“I guess,” said the girl in a tone that said she really didn’t agree with the logic.

But the two of them kept moving.

“What about that booth,” the girl said suddenly. “There’s no one there.”

Jack could have sworn a moment earlier that there hadn’t been a booth where one now was but that obviously was not the case because clearly, there was a booth there. There was an old, white-haired carny barking his call out to the passersby but as Tiffany had rightly pointed out, there wasn’t another person there at the booth.

“Sure,” said Jack. “Sure, we can go and see what he’s got.”

The older man and the younger woman approached the booth and yet even as they did, Jack still couldn’t make out what it was the carny was trying to sell.

“Step right up,” the old carny beckoned. “Step right up and see Captain Tommy’s collection of hot ass ho’s.”

“What are you selling,” Jack asked.

“Ah. A discriminating customer,” the carny said. “I like that.” He was looking Tiffany up and down as if appraising her. “But the question is are you coming here to buy or to sell.”

“What are you talking about? My girlfriend and I—”

“My apologies, sir,” said the carny. “I know exactly what you want. You want to buy but is it for you or for her?”

“I don’t understand,” Jack said. “What are you selling?”

The old carny reached under his counter and he took out a metal box. “Come on,” he said. “Don’t hold back like that. Come closer.”

Jack couldn’t help but get the feeling that there was something wrong here but he and Tiffany stepped closer.

The old carny opened the box and then he removed the felt covering. He took out what looked like a deck of ornate cards and he began to lay them out one by one on the felt. “Just tell me if you see one you like,” the old carny said.

“Hey, the pictures are moving,” Tiffany exclaimed.

Now that she’d pointed it out, Jack could see she was right. At first, he’d thought maybe it was just trick lighting or holographic images but that wasn’t it at all.

Jack was about to question the carny about it when Tiffany pointed at a card. “Hey, I like this one,” she exclaimed.

Jack looked at the card she was pointing at. The woman in the picture looked vaguely familiar but he couldn’t remember where he’d seen her before. It was a short-haired brunette. He guessed her to be in her early twenties. Nice tits, he thought. Nice and round and firm. He liked that. “What do you like about her,” Jack asked.

“I like the name. Connie Cunnilingus. I like that.”

“Ah,” said the old carny. “My newest acquisition. I got her less than an hour ago.”

“What do you mean,” the man asked.

“How much do you want for her,” the girl interrupted.

“A hundred bucks.”

“Wait a minute,” the man demanded. “What’s going on here.”

“I want her,” Tiffany said. “Can you buy her for me?”

“Wait a minute. What am I buying?”

“The card silly. I want it. Can you get it for me? Can you get it for me, ple-e-e-e-ease?”

“How much did you say it was?”

“A hundred bucks.”

“Too much,” Jack said. “Come on. Let’s go.”

“But Jack, I want it.”

“It’s too much. Let’s go.”

“I can let it go at a reduced rate,” the carny said.

“How much?”


“Still too much. Let’s go.”

“But, Jack. I want her.”

The man shook his head. “It’s too much. Let’s go.”

“I want it. Ple-e-e-e-ease?”

“I can go as low as ninety,” the carny said, “but I can’t go any lower than that.”

“Ninety, huh?”

“Ninety. It’s the best I can do.”

“I want it. Ple-e-e-e-ease.”

“Ninety, huh?”

The carny nodded and Jack pulled out his wallet and counted out the bills and with that, Tiffany walked away with her new present.

* * *

Jack fully expected that they’d be fucking nice and hard. The girl was usually an eager, little beaver with a tight, little body but with a ninety-dollar present to show her the way, he had no doubt that she’d be all that more willing to show him just how appreciative she really was and Jack was right.

They’d barely gotten his front door shut before he was turning the girl towards him and pulling off her top and grabbing her firm bra-unencumbered tits. He kissed the girl right then and there. “We’re going to have some fun tonight,” he told her.

If the girl was startled, she didn’t show it. Instead, her hand just slid down the front of Jack’s pants. Moments later, she was pushing her hand inside and wrapping it around his cock. “I want you to do it,” she purred. “I want you to do it. I want you to fuck me hard.”

That was all it took to get the girl into the man’s bedroom and from there, to get her out of her shorts and out of her panties.

Then it was Jack’s turn. He let the girl undress him, letting her take off his shirt first and then his shorts and then finally letting him take off his underwear and when she was done, she wrapped a hand around his cock and she looked back at Jack. “Are you going to fuck me now.”

The man nodded and then he pointed at the bed and the girl squealed as she jumped up onto the bed. For a moment, she was posed there on her hands and knees and she wriggled her tight, young ass back at the man and then she was turning around and leaning back on the bed.

Jack stood there for just a moment as he surveyed the girl with her hand between her legs. He liked watching her play with herself. He knew she knew that and he knew that was why she was playing with herself now.

Still, there was something he liked even more than watching her play with herself so the man climbed up on the bed and he slid between the girl’s legs and he pressed his cock up against her cunt.

“Oh God,” the girl half-moaned and half-whimpered. “Oh yeah. That’s it. Fuck me.”

And then she was moaning all over again as the man shoved his cock in her tight, little cunt.

“Oh yeah,” she moaned. “Oh yeah. That’s it. Fuck me. Fuck me.”

And that was exactly what he did. He took her slowly at first and then faster, and harder, and faster and harder still.

“Oh geez,” the girl moaned. “Oh geez. That’s it. Fuck me. Fuck me.”

The man wasn’t about to stop. His dick kept coming and the girl kept moaning.

Her eyes were wide as she looked up at the man. She still looked as if she wanted to moan but she wasn’t making any sound at all. She just lay there on the bed and she looked up at the man as his cock fucked her pussy.

Suddenly, she seemed to find her voice again. “Oh God. Oh God. Oh God,” she said in a quick staccato and then she seemed to pause in a voiceless scream but in the next moment, she was screaming for real as that cock finally pushed her over the edge. “Oh God. Oh yeah,” she half-panted and half-giggled as that cock kept pushing her, “oh God. Oh yeah.”

The man kept his still-hard cock buried in the girl’s cunt even as the girl continued to cum.

Tiffany was sobbing with relief. “Oh yeah,” she half-moaned and half-sobbed. “Oh yeah, that’s it. Make me cum. Make me cum. Make me cum.”

Jack left his cock in the girl’s cunt as the girl continued to cum but it was only after her orgasm had run its course that he finally pulled himself free. His cock seemed to bob in front of him, still stiff and hard and pointing almost accusingly at the girl.

Tiffany stared at the man’s cock. She knew what he wanted.

“Come on,” he said. “Come on. Do it.”

The girl knew what he wanted but she didn’t want to do it.

“Come on,” the man said again. “Come on. Do it.”

She had to do it, the girl told herself. She didn’t want to do it but she had to do it.

“Come on,” the man said yet again. “Do it.”

The girl rolled over and turned herself around on the bed. The man’s cock was right there in front of her face. She reached out and stroked it and then after only a moment of hesitation, she opened her mouth and she slid it down around the man’s cock.

This wasn’t as bad as she’d thought it would be, she told herself, and if she tried, she could almost believe that. This wasn’t as bad as she’d thought it would be.

The man certainly seemed to be enjoying it. Either she was really good at what she was doing or the man would have liked it no matter what she did. She wasn’t sure which way she wanted it to be. All she knew was Jack liked having his dick sucked.

And now it was his turn to groan. “Oh yeah,” he groaned. “Suck it. Suck it. Suck it.”

As if she had any choice, Tiffany thought. She had the feeling he wasn’t about to let her mouth come up off of his cock.

“Suck it. Suck it. Suck it.”

She could do this, she told herself. She could do this.

“Suck it. Suck ... suck ... oh fuck.”

Tiffany struggled to try and pull her mouth off of Jack’s cock but he wasn’t letting her do it. God damn it. The bastard was cumming in her mouth and he was still doing it. He hadn’t even told her he was going to do it. He’d just gone ahead and done it and he was still doing it.

She could feel herself surrendering to the inevitable. He was cumming in her mouth. That’s all there was to it and now there was something else, too. She tried to fight it. She tried to tell herself no but she could feel her body surrendering to it. She tried to stop herself but she couldn’t.

She swallowed some of his cum.

Oh God, that was gross, she told herself and yet at the same time, she also knew she thought it was kind of hot, too.

The next time was easier. She’d already done it before. She swallowed more of his cum.

Oh God, that was gross, but it was hot, too.

She didn’t even bother to fight it as she swallowed more of his cum. It was still gross but she knew she liked it and she knew she was going to do it again. Of course, that didn’t mean she was going to tell him that. She was going to make him earn her mouth on his cock and if he got her something nice, then she’d suck his cock just like he wanted and for that matter, she was going to make him make her cum before they went to sleep that night.

* * *

Tiffany woke up later that night with the feeling that something was amiss.

Well, there was one thing for certain. She was horny and she never woke up horny but somehow, that wasn’t it.

She could hear Jack’s regular slow, deep breaths that showed that he was still asleep. She hadn’t thought it was him that had woken her up and she was glad it wasn’t.

It was the noise that got her attention first and she followed the noise to its source and that was when Tiffany realized that she and Jack weren’t the only ones in the room. There was a woman in there with them.

There was enough moonlight coming in from the window for Tiffany to know the woman was naked. She’d been sitting in a chair over in the corner but now she was getting up and coming towards the bed.

“You’re the woman from the card,” Tiffany said with a start.

The woman put a finger to her lips and then cast a quick glance over at Jack. Tiffany knew what that meant. The woman wanted her to be quiet.

And then the woman was there. She knelt on the bed and the bed creaked ever so slightly and then she was leaning over kissing the girl.

It was the surrealness of the situation that got to Tiffany. Here was this woman bent over her. She could feel the woman’s breathing as she leaned in close to her body and then she could feel the woman sliding down, sliding down and pushing her knees apart and then she felt the woman slide in between her thighs.

“Oh,” the girl moaned as she felt the woman’s tongue between her legs.

The brunette pulled back if only for a moment and even in the darkened bedroom, Tiffany knew the woman was looking up at her. “Shhhh,” the brunette said in what was little more than a whisper and then once again, her tongue went back to work.

Once again, the brunette dropped down between Tiffany’s thighs and this time, Tiffany fought the urge to moan.

But it was so hard. The woman’s tongue seemed to hone in on her clit and then it stayed there, getting her hotter and wetter. Oh God, Tiffany thought. Oh God. SHe wanted to moan. She wanted to moan so bad.

Her hands grabbed her tits and her fingers found her nipples. She pulled on her nipples and fought the urge to moan. Why couldn’t she moan, she wondered. Why did she have to stay quiet.

Her hips were starting to bounce in time to the tongue between her legs and she couldn’t help it. She let out a little whimpering moan as her fingers pulled on her nipples. She was going to cum now. There was nothing that was going to stop that.

Tiffany came hard. She hadn’t known a girl could do that to her but she’d cum so fucking hard and the woman between her legs was still licking her pussy and Tiffany moaned again. If she didn’t watch out, the woman between her legs was going to make her cum again.

But the woman wasn’t going to make Tiffany cum again, at least not the way that Tiffany thought she was. Already, the pace of her tongue was slowing between her legs and then it stopped altogether and when Tiffany looked back down at the woman, she could see the woman peering back at her.

Tiffany was about to say something but before she could, the woman put a finger to her lips. “Shhh.”

But that wasn’t all the brunette was doing. She was crawling up over Tiffany’s body and her tits just barely brushed up against Tiffany’s and Tiffany couldn’t help but let out a whimpering moan and then the stranger leaned down and kissed the girl.

“Are you ready for something really cool,” the brunette asked.

Tiffany nodded breathlessly.

“Are you ready,” the brunette asked again and again, Tiffany nodded.

The brunette was turning her body around and suddenly it wasn’t her mouth poised over Tiffany’s face. Suddenly, it was her pussy. “You know what to do,” Tiffany heard the brunette whisper and in the next instant, Tiffany felt the other woman’s tongue as it once again went after her clit.

Tiffany couldn’t help but moan again. She knew what the brunette wanted but she hadn’t done that with a girl before but then the brunette’s tongue had stroked her clit again and suddenly, what she’d done before hardly seemed to matter. Her hands reached up and grabbed the brunette’s ass and her tongue wedged itself between the brunette’s legs and buried itself in her wet, little cunt.

“Oh yeah,” Tiffany thought she heard the brunette whisper but she wasn’t sure. What she was sure of was the way the brunette’s tongue attacked her clit and in the next instant, she was returning the favor.

Oh God, Tiffany thought. Oh God. She’d never licked a pussy before but Oh God, she liked it.

This was insane, Tiffany tried to tell herself. This was insane. Here she was in bed with her boyfriend and here she was licking another girl’s pussy. He could wake up at any moment and what would she say, what could she say if he caught her with her face between another girl’s legs.

And did it really matter. It seemed almost as if with every lick of the other woman’s pussy, it seemed as if she wanted it more. She wanted to make the other woman cum just like she wanted to cum for her.

Did it really matter? She wanted to make her new lover cum. She licked her clit even harder. She didn’t just want it. She needed it. She moaned softly even as her tongue continued to do its work. She needed to taste the brunette’s cum.

It was all that mattered. The tongue on that clit. Tiffany knew it was all that mattered. The tongue on that clit. She had to make that pussy cum. She had to taste it. She had to make that pussy cum.

She could feel her pussy wanting to cum. No, she whimpered to herself. No. Not yet. Not yet. I need to make this pussy cum. No. Not yet.

Her body wasn’t paying attention to what she wanted and the brunette’s tongue was just too intense.

But then the brunette was cumming, too, and suddenly, all was right with the world. Tiffany knew what she wanted. She wanted to make this woman cum.

When it was done, the brunette laid down next to Tiffany and the two women kissed. “Did you enjoy yourself,” the brunette asked.

“Yes,” the girl gushed.

“I’m glad,” the brunette said.

Tiffany looked back at her boyfriend. What was she going to tell Jack, but when she turned to look back at the other woman, the other woman was gone.