The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Captain Tommy’s Hot Ass Ho’s

Chapter 10—Nadia Nevermind

Detective Bo Barton scowled at the reports arrayed out in front of him. Three missing persons and seemingly nothing that tied the three people together.

Jordan MacRae sat down at the desk across from him. “Nothing, huh?”

The man scowled. “Not a damn thing. Three missing persons, four if you count the reporter but I’m not counting her yet, and they don’t seem to have a damned thing to do with one another.

Detective MacRae took another sip from her coffee. It was at times like these that she felt most out of place. She’d only gotten her promotion to detective in the past three months and she knew the guys were staring at her and why shouldn’t they. She knew they were looking at her fully rounded tits but she wondered if sometimes, guys couldn’t seem to see past her tits. She was a detective. She had a brain, but sometimes, she wasn’t sure if there were some guys who just didn’t bother to notice it.

Barton sat back. “We got three missing persons and aside from the fact that they seem to be about the same age, I don’t see a connection. Do you?”

That’s what Jordan MacRae liked about her partner. He always seemed to know just the right time to ask just the right question. Do you? It was so simple, and yet it said he recognized something. He knew she had a brain.

Problem was, when someone said something like that, you wanted to show them that their faith in you was justified. You wanted to show them that they were right. You wanted to show them that you weren’t just another pretty face. Problem was, she was no more able to see a connection than her partner was.

The phone on Bo Barton’s desk rang and the detective picked up. “Barton here.”

“Hey, Bo. It’s McCulskey here at the front desk. I got a kid here you might want to see. He says he might have some information on one of you’re missing persons cases.”

“He does, does he? Which one.”

“I don’t know,” the desk sergeant said. “You want me to ask him?”

Idiot, Barton thought. He should have asked him already. “Don’t bother,” the detective said irritably. “I’ll be down in a minute to pick him up,” and with that, he slammed down the phone.

“Something wrong,” his partner asked.

“Front desk says they have a kid with information about one of our missing persons.”

“Which one?”

“I don’t know. They didn’t bother to ask.”

“They didn’t—”

“I know. I know. Bottom line is we haven’t got anything on any one of them so does it really matter which one it is?”

His partner shook her head.

“All right then. I’ll go pick up the kid. What room’s available?”

Jordan consulted her computer. “Looks like room 3’s open.”

“Okay. I’ll go get the kid and we’ll meet you there.”

Jordan MacRae stopped by the coffee station and poured herself another cup of coffee. She pumped in a packet of cream and stirred it in before continuing on down the hallway.

“Kid” was right, Jordan thought when her partner finally escorted the kid into the room. He had to be about nineteen or twenty. Dark hair, ruddy complexion. The kid was looking around him as if her were trying to take in every detail of his surroundings.

“This here’s Darren Samuelson,” Bo Barton said by way of introduction. “This is my partner Detective Jordan MacRae.”

Jordan shook hands with the kid. Kind of limp hand shake, Jordan thought. She didn’t much care for that.

“So Darren here was telling me that he saw something the other day when he went to the carnival with his friend.”

“The carnival,” Jordan asked.

“I’ll let Darren tell it,” Bo said.

Jordan looked at her partner. Was he actually amused at something, she wondered. She looked back at the kid. “The carnival,” she asked again.

The kid nodded.

“So what happened?”

“So me and my buddy Willie, we go to the carnival, right, and we’re just hanging out there and then we see this guy, right, and he’s got this booth, but he’s got nothing in it.”

“He’s got nothing in it?”

“Well, that’s what we thought, but I was like telling Willie we should go see what the man has and Willie’s okay with that.”

“Okay.” Jordan had no idea where the kid was going with this but it was clear that Bo already knew.

“So this old guy says he’s got something to show us but he says we have to pay first.”

“Pay for what?”

“That’s what Willie wanted to know, but the old man said we had to pay first. Willie didn’t want to so I said I’d pay the money for the both of us.”

“That was magnanimous of you.”


“I said that was kind of you.”

“Oh. Yeah. So anyway, I gave the dude the twenty bucks and that’s when he showed us the pictures.”

Jordan really hoped this was going somewhere fast. “He showed you some pictures?”

“Yeah, this old dude, he had this box and it was filled up with these cards and on the cards, there were these pictures.”


“Oh wait. I gotta tell you something. Willie’s girlfriend is one of the girls, one of the one’s whose missing.”

“Which one is that?”

“It’s Brenda Simpson.”

“Okay, go on.”

“So Willie sees one of the cards and he sees that he it has a picture of his girlfriend on it and he sees that she’s naked.”

Jordan MacRae sat bolt upright in her chair. “Wait a minute,” she said. “Are you saying you saw a naked picture of Brenda Simpson?”


“Okay,” the woman said excitedly.

“I think you should tell her the rest of it,” the male detective said.

“What? There’s more?”

The man nodded. “Tell her.”

The kid looked just a little uncertain but then he nodded. “I, um, I took one of the cards.”

“Okay?” Jordan wondered where the kid was going with this.

“I took one of the cards. I, um, I stole it,” the kid said, “and that night when I was home alone, the card came to life.”

“The what?”

“The card came to life. Well not the card,” the kid amended, “but the girl on the card. She came to life.”

“She did, huh?”

The kid nodded and there was just something in the way the kid looked that made Jordan MacRae sure that he hadn’t told her the whole story. “What else,” she asked.

The kid looked her straight in the eye. “She, um, she fucked me.”

Jordan could see her partner grinning broadly now. “She fucked you,” the detective asked.

The kid nodded. “She tied me to the bed and—”

“Wait a minute. She tied you to the bed?”

The kid nodded again. “She had to,” he said. “She said she wanted to ride my cock.”

“Okay, let me get this straight. You and your buddy went to the carnival and you saw this guy with these cards?”

“His name is Captain Tommy.”

“Okay, so this guy named Captain Tommy shows you these cards with naked women on them and you took one of them and when you got it home, the card came to life and the girl fucked you and she tied you to your bed. Is that about it?”

The kid nodded.

“Well, okay,” the detective said. “I think I’ve got everything I need.” She turned to look at her partner. “How about you,” she asked. “You need anything more.”

The man shook his head. “No,” he said mirthfully. “I think I’m good.”

“Well, all right then,” Jordan said. “I want to thank you for coming down here and bringing this to our attention. I assure you. We’ll be giving this all the attention it deserves.”

“You’re going to arrest him then?”

“Well, I don’t know,” the detective said. “Most definitely not right away. We’ll have to do some investigating first.”

“I could do some investigating for you.”

“No, I think we can handle it on our own but I want to thank you for bringing this to our attention.”

“You’re sure?”

Jordan closed her notebook. “I’m sure,” she told the kid.

“How about I take Darren back down,” Bo said.

“I think that would be good,” his partner agreed.

And with that the man and the kid walked out of the interrogation room.

Jordan was sitting at her desk when Bo came back up. “You knew,” she said accusingly.

The man grinned even as he dropped himself into his chair. “He told me in the elevator on the way up.”

“You could have warned me,” Jordan said.

“What, and missed the look on your face when you heard his story? Mo way. That look was priceless.”

“Well, I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Jordan groused.

The man smiled. “I did enjoy it.”

“I think I owe you one,” the junior detective said.

The man grinned again. “I think you do, too.”

* * *

All the way across town, a man was looking at a deck of cards. He looked at the old man behind the counter. “What do you mean I can’t have the one I want,” he asked.

“You have to pick from what’s there.”

“But I want her,” the man said. “I want Tia Tawdry.”

“Sorry, son, but that’s the rules. You can’t have the same girl twice.”

Once again, Willie Ryder leafed through the deck of cards. He wasn’t sure why but for some reason, when he’d woken up the next morning after fucking Tia, and when he found not only her but her card missing, Willie had got it in his head that the girl was back here and he was determined to get her.

Of course, if he’d bothered to think about it, he might have remembered that when he’d been here last, he’d been determined to get the card that had his girlfriend’s picture on it. He hadn’t gotten what he’d wanted then, either, but that was when he’d come away with the card containing Tia Tawdry.

Once again, he leafed through the deck of cards. Once again, he didn’t find what he was looking for. “Come on, old man,” the kid said, “I know you got her.”

“Do I?”


“Are you sure?”

Of course, he was sure, only ...

“Why don’t you take a closer look.”

A closer look? Why? But then he did.

That he saw anything at all might have been in question. Sure, he saw a deck of cards but it wasn’t until he took that second look that something else started to become clear to him. There was one card in particular that seemed to be calling to him.

“What you looking at there, son?”

Willie looked up at the old man and then he looked back at the card. He’d been meaning to say ... to say what?

“What’s her name,” the old man asked.

It took Willie a second to recognize that the question had been asked of him. He looked back at the card and then back at the old man. “Her name’s Nadia,” the boy said.

“Nadia what?”

The boy looked back at the name emblazoned across the top of the card. “Nadia Nevermind.”

“You know, funny thing about those cards is that sometimes they have just as much affect on the person holding them.”

Willie shook his head. Why was it getting so hard to think?

“They say those cards have a way of finding just the right owner.”

Willie looked up at the man. The best he could manage was a sluggish, “Huh?”

“The last time you came here, you were looking for your girlfriend, but you left with someone else. Now you’re back again, only this time, it’s not the girlfriend you want. This time, you came back for the girl you had before, so the question is, which one do you really want?”

Willie was confused? “Which one,” asked his confused mind.

“Which one do you really want?”

The boy looked almost helpless, as if he were trying to think of something that just wasn’t coming to his mind.

“Which one do you really want,” the old carny said.


“You have to make a choice, son.”

The boy seemed to get a little nervous. “Um, I ... I mean, I don’t know what to say.”

“Come on, son, you can do it. All you have to do is make a choice.”

Willie looked even more uncertain. “Um, never mind,” he said.

“An excellent choice,” the old carny said. “I think you’ll be most happy with her.”

“What? Huh? No, wait. You don’t understand.”

“What’s to understand? You want to stick your cock in some girl. There’s nothing wrong with that, son?”

There’s nothing wrong with ...

Willie didn’t notice that the man had tucked the card in his front pocket or that he’d pulled out his wallet and handed the carny yet another hundred dollars. He didn’t even realize that he’d turned and walked away.

For the next fifteen minutes, the boy noticed almost nothing at all but as the time wore on, reality once again reasserted itself in his mind. He remembered who he was and where he was and very vaguely, he remembered meeting the old man and he remembered one thing more. He remembered the old man putting something in his pocket.

He reached in and he pulled the card out. It was the picture of a brunette with deep, brown eyes. She was playing with her tits but the boy hardly noticed her tits. It was her eyes that had his attention. They were so deep and dark and brown.

The boy could feel his mind getting heavy again. It was the card, he told himself. It was the card. There was something about it but he could feel his mind slowing down and he knew it was the card that was doing it.

Somehow, he managed to shove the card back in his pocket and even then, the effects persisted but slowly, the effects started to die away.

They did die away and that was when he realized how horny he was. Had he been this horny before. He couldn’t remember. All he knew was he’d come here to get one of those cards. All he knew was he’d come here to get laid.

And he’d gotten what he’d come here for only ... only every time he looked at the card, it seemed to make him stupid.

Yeah, and so what. He hadn’t come here to improve his mind. He’d come here for something else.

Yeah, but this was different.


He knew what that was. That was his dick talking. His dick wanted to get fucked and his dick didn’t much care what happened to his mind in the process.

Willie growled to himself. This wasn’t fair, he told himself. This wasn’t fair. He didn’t want to get all stupid again, and yet ...

And yet, he knew what he wanted. He wanted to stick his cock in Nadia’s pussy and he didn’t care how stupid that made him. He just wanted it to happen and he knew it would. All he had to do was to take her card out of his pocket and he knew, somehow, she’d come to life. Somehow, she’d come to him and she’d want to fuck his brains out.

But he didn’t want to, his mind argued back. He didn’t want to. He didn’t want to become stupid.

There was a part of him that already knew he’d lost but he wasn’t willing to admit it yet. He could hold it off, he told himself. He didn’t have to give into what the card wanted him to do. He was in charge of his own life.

Only, he was getting so fucking horny. The longer he waited, the more he put himself off, the hotter he got. He knew what he needed. He needed to fuck.

Only, it wasn’t that. It was more than that. He needed to fuck. That much was true, but he knew what he needed. He needed to fuck the girl on the card and he knew he could. All he had to do was pull it out and let it make him stupid. That was the trade-off for getting what he wanted.

And still the boy resisted. He could fight this, he told himself.

He made it to the parking lot and to his car. The seat was hot. The car was hot. What would it hurt, he told himself. Just one little peek. What would that hurt, and then he could drive home, and he could really do what he wanted to do.

Don’t do it, he tried to warn himself. Don’t do it.

But he was way to far gone to pay attention to the sensibilities that his mind might have wanted to impose on him. His hand went into his pocket and he was pulling the card out.

No sooner had he pulled the card free than he could feel it happening. He could feel his mind slowing down even as he stared at the picture of the girl on the card. He wasn’t sure when he’d pulled his cock out of his pants but he sat there in the front seat of his car, and he was pulling on his dick even as he stared at the girl on the card. “I want to fuck you,” he said even as he pulled on his dick. “I want to fuck you. I want to fuck you.”

His mind had stopped thinking altogether. All he could think about was the girl on the card. I want to fuck you, he kept thinking. I want to fuck you.

Why wasn’t she coming, he kept thinking. Why wasn’t she coming. He was almost there and still, there was no girl.

He looked at the girl on the card yet again. I want to fuck you, he thought. I want to fuck you.

The boy closed his eyes. Fuck it, he thought. She wasn’t coming, but he was. It was the only thought that kept running through his addled brain. She wasn’t coming, but he was.

The boy groaned. Why wasn’t she coming. Hadn’t he done everything right?

And that’s when he felt it. The feel of a different hand wrapping itself around his cock and when h opened his eyes, there she was. She was naked just like she’d been on the card and she was looking up at him even as her hand stroked his cock. “Do you want me to suck it,” she asked.

“Fuck yeah,” the boy groaned. Now that she’d said it, it was all he could think about. “Suck it.”

She didn’t have to be told twice and the boy groaned as the girl slipped her mouth down around his cock. He couldn’t help himself. He moaned as his cock surged and in the next instant, he felt the girl’s mouth tighten around his cock.

Fuck, the boy thought. Fuck. That’s it. Suck it. Swallow it. Oh fuck yeah. That’s it. Fuck it and swallow it.

The boy groaned. He was cumming hard. He only wished the girl had come to him earlier. Then maybe, they both might have been able to cum.

And it was only then that the man realized something interesting. He’d just cum and he’d cum hard but his cock was still just as hard as it had ever been. How could that be?

In an instant though, he knew the answer. His cock didn’t belong to him, at least not anymore. His cock belonged to the girl for as long as she wanted to own it and the kid groaned. His cock belonged to her.

Her hand was stroking his cock. “You should have taken me home,” she said. “We would have had more room in your bed.”

She was right, the boy agreed, or at least he thought she was, but now that he thought about it, he couldn’t remember where he lived.

“It’s okay,” the girl said, almost as if she sensed the boy’s confusion. “It’s okay. We can fuck here in the car. We can do it just fine.”

Willie seemed relieved at that. He wasn’t sure why. He just knew he wanted to fuck the girl.

“But,” the girl continued, “if you’re going to fuck me here, then the first thing we got to do is get you ready.”

What did she mean, Willie wondered.

“The first thing we have to do is get you out of all these stupid clothes.”

Willie looked on blankly as the girl climbed onto his lap.

“Oh yeah,” the girl said, “I can tell what you want from the way you’re staring at my tits.

He hadn’t been staring at her tits, at least he hadn’t thought he’d been staring at them but just the suggestion of it was enough to get him leering at the girl’s bared tits.

“Yeah, you like those, don’t you. I’ll bet you can’t wait until you get to kiss them.”

Willie didn’t say anything. He just kept staring at Nadia’s tits, and Nadia wasn’t waiting for him to say anything. She slipped a hand behind his head even as she mashed her tits against his face.

“Yeah, you like this, don’t you,” she goaded him.

“Yeah,” the boy groaned.

“But it’s not just my tits, is it. You want it all. Grab my ass.”

Obediently, the boy grabbed the girl’s ass.

“Do you like that?”


“Yeah, I’ll bet you do. That’s a prime ass you got there. Give it a squeeze and tell me you want to fuck me.

Willie squeezed the girl’s ass. “I want to fuck you.”

“What’s that?”

“I want to fuck you.”

“Come on. You can do better than that.”

“I want to fuck you,” the boy begged again.

The girl seemed to pause if only for a moment. “You know what,” she said. “I think I believe you.”

The boy didn’t say anything as he waited to see what the girl would do next.

The girl pulled at the boy’s shirt and buttons popped as the girl pulled the shirt open. Nadia slid a hand inside the boy’s short and her hand stroked his chest. “I want you to fuck me, too.”

Her hand slid down and wrapped around his cock. “I want you to put this inside me and I want you to tell me what it’s like.”

The boy didn’t say anything but then he didn’t have to. He could feel the girl’s hand as it wrapped itself around his member and then he could feel the girl’s pussy as it slid down around his cock.

“How’s that feel,” the girl asked.

“Good,” the boy said woodenly.

“Good? Is that the best you can do? Good?”

Why was it so hard to think, the boy wondered. The girl seemed to want something from him but he had no idea what it was.

The girl grabbed her tits. “That’s it,” she said even as she squeezed her tits. “That’s it. That’s the best you can do. You really are a little, mindless fuck slut, but you’re in luck, because a little mindless fuck slut is just what I want, too.”

There was something wrong with that, Willie thought. It was the most coherent he’d been in quite a while. He wasn’t supposed to be the fuck slut was he.

Or maybe he was.

All he seemed to be able to think about was his cock and how good it felt to have his cock buried inside a wet, little cunt. If the girl, what was her name, N-n-na ... na something ... who the fuck cares, if the girl wanted to fuck his cock, he didn’t care what her name was, if the girl wanted to use his cock for her pleasure, then she was welcome to it.

Willie groaned again. Maybe he was a fuck slut.

Nadia loved the feel of her butt as it was backed up against the car’s steering wheel. She liked having something hard and unforgiving pressing up against her there. Maybe she’d have the boy do her there next.

But for now, she knew what she needed. She pressed her tits against the boy’s face. “Fuck me,” she commanded him. “Fuck me. Come on. Fuck me hard.”

Willie was finding it hard to breathe. Those tits. Oh my God, those tits. Oh God, he loved those tits but they were making it hard to breathe.

But what a way to go.

“Are you going to cum for me,” Nadia said.

The boy groaned. Just the sound of it. Just the way she said it. If he hadn’t wanted to cum before, just hearing her say that was enough to get him excited.

“Are you going to cum for me,” Nadia asked again.

The boy groaned as his cock surged and even as it did, he could feel the girl’s cunt bear down on his cock and he was happy. He liked to cum and he liked to make girl’s cum and for the moment, that was all that mattered to him, that and the fact that he wanted to do it again and again and again, and he had the feeling he’d be doing exactly that, and that was all he needed to know.