The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive




Over the next couple of weeks Brianna found herself starting to obsess about some things; her sessions with the glasses that Robert was happy to provide.

Between sets she often went to his office where he let her wear them. She thought it really helped her dancing get to a new level with the added bonus it really mellowed her out and made her feel good. As an odd side effect on those nights, she found her pussy getting wet when she danced. For some reason the sessions were making her very horny. She didn’t mind though, dancing like that, her head kind of buzzing, her pussy wet, her body so much more responsive to the music made her feel sexy. Like the coke, it helped her get through the night.

She also started thinking about Robert more. First at the gym, then at school and now lately even at home. She found she sometimes day dreamed about him. How good he looked, how funny he was, how smart. Once she even thought hazily how he would look naked, what his cock would look like erect. That one she laughed off, it was so stupid crazy she wondered how the hell the idea got into her head.

Their relationship had gotten even closer. She had approached him one night and told him she had the idea that he might be the one supplying some of the girls and high end clients with coke. Like a good, honest friend and told her yes. She told him that she used sometimes and asked if she could buy from him. He smiled and pulled a big bag from his desk. This one was free, he said, so she could try it out.

The rush was incredible. It was by far the best coke she had ever done. She sat in her car and fully enjoyed the feeling. It made her feel so alive. She had only planned to do two small lines, her usual, but before she knew it she had done six.

Since she had always been an adventurous, curious girl by nature, trying alcohol, vicodin, hash, pot and some coke at high school parties she was not afraid to experiment and go for new feelings. One night in Robert’s office before her second set she asked him if she could do a few lines before a quick session with the glasses.

He smiled and said go for it. The effect was amazing. It intensified the feelings three fold and when she danced that night she felt so sexy and numb and happy. She moved like she never did before. She loved every second of it.

After a few nights she realized she had been wrong about the coke. She had not been using just enough to make it through the nights at the club; she had not been using enough because it kind of made it all fun. She wondered how she had been stupid enough not to have caught onto this year ago; usually she made pretty good decisions.

Many of the dancers at the club had habits, from small to large and Robert was nice enough to take care of them, keep them away from scuzzy drug dealers who sold weak shit.

There was a group who got lit up every night. Brianna would see them leave the dressing room in a pack and retreat to the large rest room. She could hear the laughs and giggles as they did line after line, helping each other put on their makeup, shoving their boobs into various revealing bras and bustiers and other apparel and doing all the things they needed before the dance.

They would come out later, their noses sniffling, glassy eyes, and cocaine jittery smiling; giggling, high as kites and ready to show off their bodies. Some still had powder on their nostrils and didn’t know it. The other girls would laugh and wipe it off. It was like a sister hood of the coke strippers. They even had a name for the pack, The Cocaine Strippers Club.

Brianna had avoided going to the bathroom when they were in there. She didn’t judge them or think lesser of them, it just wasn’t her scene.

One night she had listened to the raucous laughter and merriment and decided to wander in. She brought her coke bag with her. The girls were in various states of undress, mussing with their hair, lipstick, makeup and clothes. They were smiling and laughing and doing huge lines off the sink.

Brianna stood and watched them having all that fun, high, helping each other get ready, touching each other’s young bodies, having the time of their lives. They noticed Brianna and fell silent.

Candi Rizzo, a gorgeous a young blonde with spectacularly erect fake D cup boobs was the pack leader of the Cocaine Strippers Club. Candi was always smiling and staring at Brianna and constantly telling her how gorgeous she was. It was apparent that Candi had a serious crush on her.

“Hey Kendra, come on over!” No one at the club except Robert knew her other than by her stripper name. She always followed that safeguard.

Brianna swallowed and walked to Candi. Brianna held out her bag and dumped it all on the sink. “Go ahead girls, let’s do it up,” said Brianna.

The girls let out a huge cheer and started patting Brianna on the back and giving her high fives. Candi pulled Brianna to the sink and gave her a rolled up dollar bill. “Hey girl, your honors. That is a fucking pile of good shit you just gave up.”

Brianna leaned down and did two huge lines. She watched her bright green eyes dilate in the mirror. There was powder on her nose. She giggled. Candi gave her a long, wet kiss on the lips. “Welcome to the fun side of High Lights,” she whispered with warm breath in her ear. Brianna smiled at her reflection and did another line. Then another and another.

The girls devoured Brianna’s coke like locus going through a wheat field but she didn’t mind. It was fun as hell, beating the shit out of hiding in her car alone like some loser or runaway. She felt like she really belonged now and unlike the other girls she knew she could handle it.

Robert sold her a bag that night, yeah it was expensive, maybe a little more than it was worth but it was primo stuff and she had money to burn. Besides, it was Robert and what was coke money between friends?

The other thing she developed besides a passion for coke was a hard new desire for the gym. As a jock she loved to work out. When Angel was working she would hook up with her college friends for games of softball, basketball, volley ball and her real love lacrosse.

She was still so very young and loved the feeling of competition and being in top shape. It also helped her look good for the customers at the club and she realized that was becoming important to her, looking good for the customers.

She had always made the time three days a week to hit the weights hard and get in her running too. But lately she had increased it to five. Yes, it took away a little time from her girl friend, but Angel didn’t really mind because she loved that fit body so much, what it felt like, what it did to her, the places of extreme ecstasy it took her in bed.

Brianna was naked in the locker room, done with a very intense workout. She looked at herself in the huge mirror, taking stock of her athletic body. Her triceps and chest muscles were engorged with blood and were puffed out. Her tits seemed swollen.

She really liked how she looked right now. Her musculature was perfect, not blown up like a body builder or a man but all her muscles stood out, firm, hard, giving her body erotic lines, sexy dips and curves, so inviting to be touched.

Brianna had never been vain. She knew just how hot she was but never advertised it, never dressing for sex and seduction unless she was pursuing someone before she met Angel, out on a night for a sex hunt. Now she only flaunted it when she and Angel went dancing together.

But today she seemed to have a new appreciation of her physique. She looked at her long toned legs, the smooth muscle in her thighs and the round muscle in her calves.

She turned sideways and looked at her thousand squat round, hard ass. She gazed at the slight, sexy cut of her abs on her tight tummy, her thin waist and the sexy snake like S curve she could shape her torso into when she moved her round hips. She admired her round, tanned, golden shoulders and the dips and curves carved into her back.

Brianna just stood there, staring at herself, really thinking deeply, contemplating her body seemingly for the first time.

It dawned on her that her spectacular body was almost like a separate entity from her mind. And this entity had a certain control over her, sometimes even stronger than her weak mind. Weak mind? Where the hell did that come from? That’s not me. No way,she thought, laughing and shaking her head to clear it out. I gotta shower and get home.

But soon she found herself staring again, thinking.

Her mind drifted unbidden to Chad and Ashley. She hadn’t thought of her high school lovers in so long yet now they invaded her mind for some reason. She remembered how much she crushed on them. How attractive she found them. Their bodies. And she remembered how her own attractive body seemed to yearn to touch theirs, seemed to fill her brain with a fire she could only put out by being with them, melding her body and theirs into one for those glorious moments of pure, primal sex.

She remembered how she just had given into what her body told her it needed from Chad and Ashley, how irresistible its commands to her brain had been back then.

As she stared deeper into the mirror she looked down to her smooth, shaved pussy. It looked so nice. And she remembered how it burned when it wanted touched, sent endless messages of sex to her brain regarding Chad’s and Ashley’s bodies.

Brianna could feel her pulse and respiration rise; she took one last look at her cunt, licked her suddenly dry lips, swallowed hard and closed her eyes, thinking back real hard to those days.

Her pussy had made her a slave back then. And her pussy was part of her body, so her body had made her a slave. My pussy made me a slave to my body. When her pussy burned for Chad or Ashley she had no will at all. She had to have sex with them. Her pussy tingled and buzzed now, telling her it agreed with her thoughts, that it approved.

She opened her eyes and gazed at her perfection again. She realized she enjoyed the thoughts she was having and accepted them. “You have such a sexy body,” she said to the hot young girl in the mirror.

Why shouldn’t my body, my pussy control me sometimes? She thought about it some more. How easy and fluid she walked and moved, like she was riding the air itself while almost everyone else seemed to wallow in the mud.

How her body made her such great athlete to enjoy the sports she so loved and was so good at when most others stumbled around trying to play. How quickly it had learned to master self defense which made her so dangerous, safe and confident. How it lets me earn all that crazy money by stipp….dancing, she thought.

And the sex! Her body let her get any man or woman it wanted; what her pussy craved ever since she was fourteen. She never had to ask or beg or stalk or plead like so much of humanity. When her body craved another all she had to do was snap her fingers and she had it. So if my body controls my mind…my weak mind once in awhile, what’s wrong with that? she mused. The thought made her giggle.

Brianna was standing there, arms dangling at her side, her shoulders pulled back making her chest jut out. Her eyes were half lidded, her mind racing with fun, erotic thoughts of her bodies control over her.

And if my beautiful body, my hot wet cunt made me want Chad or Ashley or now it makes me want Angel….or say even Robert, then there’s not a fucking thing my mind can do about it.

She moaned softly and closed her eyes again. She thought she could see dim flashes of lights and colors dancing along her eye lids. They looked nice. She kept her eyes closed, just relaxed, enjoying the light show. Whether they were really there or not, she didn’t care.

After a long, long time she opened her eyes. She smiled at her reflection. “You are so fucking hot, control me,” she purred in her sexiest voice.

A girl she hadn’t even noticed come in said, “Did you say something to me?”

Brianna started then laughed with embarrassment. “Uh no….sorry, just going senile I guess.”

The other girl laughed. “No problems, I talk to myself all the time. Maybe we’re all going senile.

Brianna showered and got dressed. As she walked out her mind once again drifted to hot Chad, sexy Ashley and smart, handsome Robert. Her pussy thrummed pleasantly. She smiled and took out her cell to call Robert. She felt like having a nice, long session.

One day Robert wanted to get a look at Brianna’s reputed fighting prowess. How good could a girl be? And if she was, was there some way he might be able to use that? In the back of his mind a little voice was always whispering that she could be a weapon of last resort for him; a way to extract himself from Sarkosian and Sullas.

He had a heavy bag installed in his gym then told Brianna to come over and show him what she had. She was delighted by the invitation.

She arrived looking sexy as hell in a jog bra and blue jean cut offs, her taut stomach and belly button on display. There was black handle sticking out the back of her waist band.

She removed her sneakers and socks. She turned to him and winked. “Don’t blink or you’ll miss it.”

What he saw stunned him. She was a whirling dervish, lashing and battering the bag with elbows, knees, kicks, punches all of them way to fast him to block or even see. The bag thumped with loud, hollow bangs and each blow left a lethal indentation where the blow struck. The muscles under her skin moved and flowed with perfect, easy coordination as each attack shifted and varied.

She kept it up for twenty minutes her face set in brutal, fierce concentration. He could see the jock she had been now and he felt sorry for those she must have faced on the lacrosse field or any other athletic endeavor.

She finally stopped then pointed to the bag. “You need that?”

He shook his head. “I don’t plan on becoming a boxer.”

She smiled. “Good.” She reached behind her, grabbed the handle and pulled out a knife then went to work. She struck at the bag, twisting, ducking and moving like a mongoose against a cobra. In just a few seconds the bag was rent open by dozens of gashes the stuffing falling onto the floor.

Robert whistled.

She turned to him and gave him that crooked smile, put one hand on her hip and tossed the knife up in the air and caught it with total ease with the other hand. She wasn’t even breathing hard,

“Pretty good, huh?”

He whistled again.

She stuck a pose for him, arching her back and shoving her breasts out. “And pretty sexy too.” She giggled.

Her body was gleaming with perspiration. She relaxed now, not kidding around any longer, putting her hands on her hips and smiling at him. She knew exactly what she had done to that bag. She looked so commanding so in control of what she had done, of who and what she was. She looked so beautiful, so sexy. He had a huge boner.

And he knew without a doubt he had found his weapon against Marius and Sarkosian. But he couldn’t wait for a year to use it. Once he signed High Light’s over to Marius’ front man he would never get it back. Despite Santos’ warnings, he would have to take the chance and accelerate Brianna’s conditioning. It was a chance worth taking. The stakes were nothing short of everything he valued in his life. The only thing that really mattered to him.

Franko Little was at the old warehouse late at night. He leaned back against his Lexus and fired up a Marlboro Light, a suitcase lay at his feet. If everything went as planned that Lexus would be his beater car in a year or so if he decided to keep it. Visions of BMW I-8 kept running around in his head. He knew he would look really good in it and he knew girls who occupied the passengers seats of those cars also looked mighty fine, hell the ads even showed them, smiling, looking sexy with vacant faces and full cock sucking lips, right?

Another car pulled in, a black BMW with the headlights off. Not what he would buy but still nice in an understated way and he thought Sarkosian always carried himself in an understated way, like a shadow that was always there but you just didn’t notice.

Sarkosian emerged from his car decked out in a thin black, leather jacket. It seemed kind of warm for that but then Little thought of Sarkosian as a bit cold blooded and no matter how many times they had met he had never seen a single drop of perspiration on him. Sarkosian sauntered over like he didn’t have a care in the world, also carrying a suitcase.

“Hey big man, you looking good. Those assholes at the club never fuck with Roberto as long as you’re there. Am I right or am I wrong?”

“Hey I do what I gotta do. Run a smooth ship. You know brother.”

The two men smiled and shook hands, then hugged. The scene was almost comical given the height and mass discrepancy between them; it looked a father hugging his twelve year old son, a huge father and a small son.

But when they hugged Sarkosian was right there by Little’s belly, perfect position to gut him and just step back and watch the his intestines run out like snakes on the dirty pavement. Little had heard about Sarkosian’s reputation with the knife and he wondered if the man measured him with each hug calculating just how to slip the blade in just in case someday he had a reason to which to, which was why Little made damn sure he never would.

Little handed over his briefcase and Sarkosian did the same. Neither man checked the others simply because Sarkosian knew Little would never fuck him as long as he was of sound mind and wanted to keep in sound body and Little never checked his because he did not want to insult the other man.

Little reached into his pocket and pulled out a flash drive and gave it to Sarkosian. “Here is the month’s tally.”

Sarkosian took it, reached into his pocket and pulled out an envelope which Little took.

“What do you do with those envelopes I give you? I know you’re not giving them to Charles Schwab. You’re not a 401K man, I can tell.”

Little chuckled. “Naw, man, I got a plan. None of that sucker bullshit the losers do.”

Sarkosian nodded, the dark hiding his features as the single unbroken halogen lamp in the parking lot did not cast much light. “You won’t tell me. That’s because you’re smart. Never divulge your plan Little. You know why, because once you do it’s not your plan anymore. It’s your plan and the guy you told and that’s not the same. I think you know that. So many have lost everything because of that one silly mistake.”

“Fuck yeah I know it. I’m no fool. That’s why I’m still in the game making moves, just like you.”

He could feel Sarkosian watching him. He had the funny feeling the small man could see him just fine in the dark, every nuance of this face, like a rat or a wolf with that night vision. He almost expected Sarkosian’s eyes to glow in the dark like the animals he loved to watch in nature shows. Those animals were almost always killers, lions, tigers, leopards. Those eyes were the last thing the weaker animals saw before it all ended.

“You know, before you leave, you must have a replacement ready. There is so much at stake here which you must realize as I have taken you into my confidence. Robert is a great friend of mine but sometimes I think he shows unhappiness. I think it’s a psychological thing with him. So someone must always be there to stay on top of things, to keep it all running like a happy family. To give me the numbers.”

Before I leave? I never told him my plan but he knows.

“I’ll have a replacement. There’s a guy who started working there about a year ago. He looks up to me. I’ve taken him under my wing. If I decide to leave I’ll have him up and running for you. No shit. It’s a done deal.” Little took a hit off his smoke.

Once again Sarkosian stood in silence, watching. “Franko, you will go far someday, I know, I can see it in you. You have what it takes. But there is something you must know.”

Little leaned closer excited to hear advice from such a successful gangster. Any wisdom he could impart could be worth its weight in gold when he started his planned endeavor.

“I tell you this as a friend otherwise I would not even think to speak.”

“I got it. Thanks. Tell me. What is it?”

“Those cigarettes. They will kill you someday.”