The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Azure and Crimson, Magical Girls of Light: Season 2

Episode 6 — The Yellow Rose

(mc, cb, ex, hm)

The girls tried to settle in to the bare earth under streams of light peering through the cover of leaves. Yellow Rose had her arms impatiently crossed waiting for Crimson’s return. Azure eagerly awaited her return for the promised bento box.

“I got udon and katsu, I hope it’s enough.”

Azure had to focus to keep from drooling her thanks, “Oh-my-that-sounds-perfect!” her words toppling over each other as she greedily grabbed the package.

Yellow turned out, “We should move soon, there is not much cover here.”

Crimson raised another box, “I got another one for us. Didn’t have too much money left.”

She allowed herself a smile, “Okay.” The Magical Girls enjoyed a grabbing moment of respite to eat and thank each other. In the midst of Azure’s exaggerated joy for the taste of udon, Yellow Rose cut in, “You know, I’m really impressed with your Spanish. Both of you speak with perfect accents.”

Azure smilled with a noodle hanging down and hid her mouth with a bashful hand.

“I’ll take this one,” Crimson smiled, “It’s the power of the Goddesses. When we are transformed, we can understand every language. I’m speaking English, and you sound vaguely Texan to me.”

“Oh, I guess you sound kind of Cuban to me. And she sounds very proper Castilian.”

“Thank you,” Azure nodded setting her box down for a moment, “But you, when did you become a magical girl?”

“Been a few months, I guess. The light with the high pitch voice came and told me. I thought maybe I’d accidentally gotten some drugs in my water. But then it turns out I could change and suddenly become a powerful hero.”

Azure leaned in with concern, “How was your first transformation?”

Crimson was grinning openly, “Was it amazing? I bet it was fo friggin cool, like pow!”

Yellow Rose nodded confidently, “Yes, it was very cool.”

Crimson cheered, “Story time!”

“Okay, well like I said, I was mostly worried that I was drugged or maybe crazy, but the first time I transformed was on the way home from a bar.”

“Oh, I’m still the youngest? Of course,” Crimson crossed her arms and pouted.

“Okay, short story, I got the mask as a gift. Later I was going home from the bar, someone tried to attack me and boom, I transformed.”

“Oh, please, we would love to hear the whole story.”

“Okay, but I’m leaving out names.”

“Why?” Crimson balked.

“I do not know your names, so—”

“Oh that’s it? That’s not an issue,” Crimson transformed back into Kristen Flint and introduced herself.

Azure followed suit, “I’m Tendo Aoi, but I assume you know that from the news.”

Yellow thought for a moment and nodded, “Okay, then it is a pleasure to meet you both. I am Carmella Pinchando Sulemán…”

I work with my mother cleaning houses after we finish chores on the farm. I went to clean the Governor’s home on my own that day. He’s not really the governor, he’s just a businessman, but everyone calls him the governor because he owns everyone in office. I’m not complaining, he’s not evil, and the cartels don’t bother us, so life is peaceful. His home really doesn’t need much cleaning, I think he just has us work so he can pay us. I think he likes my mother, too, but he would never say anything and she is happy to have the work for us. Anyway, I was cleaning in his study and I noticed something I had never seen before. There was a little white domino mask on the bookshelf. It was too small for the Governor, so I thought maybe it was for a friend for some costume party.

I just kept cleaning, but then it lit up with a strange light. It was like, a shimmer. I thought my mind was playing a trick, because when I looked closer, it was normal. Before I put it down, it shimmered again. I checked for batteries, but there was nothing. That’s when Emilia, the governor’s daughter, came in. She seemed very excited that I was holding the mask. She asked me if I wanted to keep it. You have to understand, Emilia is such a sweet girl. She is only twelve years old but she has such a big heart. I was a terror when I was twelve.

I told her I couldn’t take the mask. I very much like the job so I wasn’t going to take advantage of her. She seemed sad.

A week later, she was going to leave to a private boarding school in England before she left, she made sure to find me as I was cleaning and give me a present. I didn’t think to open it before she left. It sat in my bag until I got home. I felt bad taking a gift from her but she insisted and when Emilia insists, she finds a way. She’s a very strong willed little girl. Anyway, I open the box and of course, there was that weird mask.

Before I could close up the box, a little firefly flew out of it, but it was much brighter than any normal firefly. I went to swat it, but it said, “Hey, watch out!” Yes, the first time I met Kiki, I tried to swat her. You can imagine my surprise when she asked me where she was and how long she’d been hidden. She seemed panicked. I told her I didn’t know and she said we needed to hurry. Okay, long story short, I put the mask on and she told me I was a superhero with the power in my heart to do good in the world.

I thought it was cool, but I looked a little silly wearing a mask that wouldn’t stay on. Kiki said she wanted to start training me right away, but I promised Julio I’d meet him at the bar so I took the mask off and put in my purse. So I went, and I got a beer and waited while Don Marco wiped the bar and told everyone silly stories like he does. There were some foreigners there which is really unusual because we’re a small town. One of them kept trying to talk to me or buy me drinks, but I didn’t let him. I was trying to be polite because foreigners mean money for Marco, but he put his arm around me so I flipped him.

“And that’s when you transformed?” Crimson asked leaning in.

“No, I just flipped him. He was skinny, and I’m a farmgirl. Maybe this will help.” Carmella smiled as she transformed back. She wore a tank top and jeans that had seen plenty of days in the sun and the muck with a flannel shirt tied around her waist. More impressive was her smile when she flexed her arm muscles. She wore her fitness with a pride that came from hard work. “The muscles are mine. They don’t come from a mask.”

Azure looked down and blushed.

“Daaamn gurl,” Kristen exclaimed, ”You buff!”

“Anyway, to finish the story, he didn’t like being humiliated by a girl, he cursed me a bunch. Julio never showed up, so I left and when I did he was waiting for me with two friends. The foreigner, not Julio. They grabbed me, I punched his face, he got a gun, then suddenly the mask was in my hand. So I put it on and boom.

Crimson jumped in again, “Then you transformed.”

“No, boom, he shot the gun,” she waited a beat to let Crimson hush up. “Then time stopped slowed down. I could see the bullet moving toward me, but then the mask glowed super bright and whipped around me. My clothes disappeared and I was naked and glowing, but then this outfit just bam, shoop, and it was on me. When it finished, I looked like a luchera. Then the bullet flew but it bounced off me. I threw the men off me and I ran away. I didn’t want any people who know me to see me wearing a silly costume. While I was running, I could tell that Kiki wasn’t happy. She frantically told me that I needed to learn to connect with Raluciesh and there were two others like me who would need my help. Then she was gone, poof.”

“When I was alone I changed back but the mask was gone. But I can still transform, so I guess it’s a part of me or something? Okay, so now I have questions.”

“Go ahead,” Kristen smiled.

“What the heck is happening? What is transformation? Why doesn’t Kiki come tell me what I need to do? And what in the heck is a Raluziesh?”

Kristen mouth had no answers to give. She had a freshly steamrolled look and deferred to Tendo.

“Let’s start with the last one, I think because it it the most important,” Aoi had transformed back to her normal self while Carmella had been telling her tale. Her prisoner’s jumpsuit fit her serious tone well in contrast to Kristen’s flitting looks and head turns. “Perhaps that is the name of your Goddess?”

“Oh. That’s a weird name for a Goddess isn’t it?”

“I could not say,” Aoi looked down again.

“Another question, do you two deal with this kind of stuff all the time? Not like criminals and handsy gringos, but actual monsters?”

Kristen nodded, “Oh hell yeah, we fought a big nasty demon dog with big teeth, a giant squid monster, and this dude who made shadow copies of himself.”

Aoi smiled, “We fought our best—so much happened it is a bit of a blur sometimes. But in the end, it was the powers of the goddesses that saved the world from evil and we are grateful for their blessings.”

Kristen cracked her knuckles and shoved herself over in the rustling ground to hug her old friend, “Ugh! That modesty, I have missed that so much, you don’t even know. Sorry, yeah, it’s weird, everything is weird, but you get used to it, you know?”

Carmella nodded with a deep breath, “I guess I will eventually.”

“How long have you been a superhero?” Tendo Aoi asked quietly.

“A few months. I like it. Especially when I found out I could fly. That was pretty cool. I only learned to collect the light last week so it’s pretty new to me. So,” she tossed her hands up.

The girls explained their powers the best they could which ultimately led Carmella to feel more confused than when she began.

“Okay, I think that enough for one night,” Aoi smilled. Carmella’s brow had become too acquainted with the furrowed position.

Kristen wore a smile too big and strained even as she shivered in the cool night air.

“Kristen-chan, are you okay?”

“Yeah, yes, I just… thinking about our next move.”

Carmella brow furrowed anew, “I agree. I thought our next move was to rescue you, but that isn’t needed.”

“I’m sorry, Kristen-chan, I meant to ask how are you, you sounded very troubled in the emails. I mean concerning the visions.”

“Oh, right, yeah, those,” Kristen’s voice dropped off. Aoi reached with reassuring fingertips to Kristen’s shoulders that shivered. Kristen rustled into the leaves again taking a breath to compose herself. “It’s… They’re… I just...” After the false starts, she shook her head and launched forward. “They’re visions, kind of but, not really visions. They’re real things or at least, they feel real, like they are really happening, but they end up not having happened. I don’t know if they are from the goddess, I don’t think so. They can’t be. Right?”

Carmella’s eyebrows recoiled at the sudden change in the energetic young American. Aoi just silently comforted her friend until she calmed.

“Anyway it doesn’t matter. Uhm, I think they have stopped now that we are together. I think we’ll be better if we can just go home now that we’re safe.” Her own words felt hollow. She didn’t feel like she really had a home to go back to, except for maybe some really disappointed parents who couldn’t possibly understand what was going on with her.

Aoi’s shoulders fell, “I’m afraid that is not possible.”

Carmella nodded, “Right, you’re a criminal now. You can’t go home, they’ll be looking for you there. We should go back to the Americas.”

Aoi shook her head, “We can’t leave.” To answer their questioning looks, she finished, “The Meiyo Sentai. I think they have been possessed by demonic influences. We must save them.”

“How can we save them if they are corrupted?” Carmella asked, but Kristen’s face lit up.

“You mean Estra’s cleansing waters! Oh wow, right, we’re back! This is going to kick so much butt. Gosh, it feels so good to be a team again.”

Aoi nodded, “Carmella, I am sorry I haven’t had time to prepare you yet, but I promise, we will work to develop your powers. We should have found you a long time ago to start your training.”

“It is not a problem. How could you have known I even existed?”

Aoi looked off in thought, “It is odd that Kiki did not come to tell me.”

Kristen smacked herself in the forehead loudly. “Oh, frighten duh. They told us. Months ago, the goddesses themselves told us; with the mask from the guy, the Dark Trickster Guy! We’re so dumb.”

Morning lights peered in on the three young women camped out in the woods. Carmella was the first to wake up well refreshed and famished, the others soon followed. Quickly they set upon their jobs. Yellow Rose transformed and began to meditate as instructed by Azure to commune with her goddess. Azure took Crimson’s phone to search for potential places to find the Meiyo Sentai. That left Crimson as the only one with currency and a clean set of civilian clothes to go on another food run.

Crimson grumbled right along with her stomach as she flew into town and dropped into an alley to transform back into her other change of clothes. She was glad to have stripped off the other outfit after last vision. She considered discarding the entire outfit but it wasn’t hers to discard. In the end she’d folded everything up except the missing panties and left them with Azure.

She checked her reflection in a gleamingly polished window and considered herself good enough. Jean shorts and a cute flowy top were probably perfect for Miami but she was feeling the chill. Her footfalls were hurried as she scanned the shops for a good place for breakfast, but it was a bit hard to know what to look for without a maps app. She didn’t walk the fastidiously clean streets long before seeing the first potentially acceptable place. From the outside it looked like it might be either coffee shop or a soup shop. Either way, she dove straight in. The hanging dried sea life nearly made her spin right around and head out, but she heard a heavily accented voice call out, “Halloo!”

The old bespeckled salt and peppered proprietor of the shop spoke English! Kristen’s feet decided not to spin and walk out and instead, she smiled wide. She managed to order some non-gross looking things and something called a “natto” which she hoped would be enough for the trio. She didn’t even care about the sporadic side eye she got from other customers. She also didn’t notice the brief flicker and dimming of the fluorescent lights. With the bustle and clatter of utensils and politeness gave the little shop the feeling of perfectly clean efficiency that the entire city had. Nothing seemed out of place, everything was pristine.

But when her bottom touched the chair she’d chosen, Kristen groaned and cursed her luck. Her bottom landed in the squish of a wet chair. She jumped up to make sure it wasn’t coffee or something, but it was just wet. She scanned the room and cursed herself for not seeing the big aquarium that composed the wall she was sitting next to. Live squid swam around with an open top. They much have splashed the chair when they got some squid earlier, she reasoned and cursed herself for not looking first.

“Guess that’s why no one was sitting in it,” she muttered to herself. Slumping her shoulders, she just chalked it up to lousy luck.


She heard it, like a whisper in her own head. Kristen turned to see who said it, but there was no one there. The lights flickered again.

Stuck in a place where she couldn’t even read anything, Kristen grew utterly bored. She couldn’t even watch cat videos without her phone. Her eyes wandered until the squid caught her eye with its little tentacles. “You are somebody’s lunch. Sorry little guy.” Kristen adjusted forward in her seat but that wasn’t really all that comfortable. She scooted back and relaxed, seeing as how all the water was already well soaked into her shorts. Strange that it didn’t feel all that cold or clammy.


Kristen felt pleased with her success in finding food and smiled at the little squid she decided to name Lunchy Larry. The sight of the little beasty reminded her of that epic fight she’d had against the giant demon squid. Its water powers had blocked some of her flame strikes and she couldn’t beat it the first day, but with Azure’s help, she was able to fight it and burn it the second day. It’s been a good fight and one of their early victories against their new foe.

A strange quirk of pleasure prodded Kristen to squeeze her thighs together and arch up to sit in her seat. She’d met Caleb around that time, hadn’t she? It seemed so long ago.


There was something bothering her, something that she was forgetting. Her languid fingers drifted up to her warm forehead and she recognized a curious little euphoria and lassitude mixed together. She licked her lips reflexively and settled into the seat again feeling another affirmative squish in her shorts. “I feel… funny,” she mused aloud to no one in particular.

A dark shadow watched her vibrant lights turning deeper red. She reached out with her shadowed hands to touched the tendrils of Her mind and whispered, “Remember this…”

The little squid guy reminded her of one of the stories she’d read. One night chatting with Tabitha, she mentioned Matt again, because of course Tabitha mentioned Matt, and his anime obsession. She talked about how the Japanese were so weird with their tentacle fetishes and stuff. Kristen ended up looking up some of those tentacle stories on her favorite mind control site and spent way to much time fantasizing about being teased and pleasured into rutting madness. She watched the slow deliberate waving of the tentacle and a strange image came to her mind. A throbbing giant tentacle close to her face. It wasn’t a vision, it wasn’t actually there, but she could see it clear as night in her mind. There was a smell, a delicious smell, that invaded her senses she soaked it in with greedy delight that gave a shiver to her nethers.

That strange heady euphoria kept her mind swimming as unfocused eyes saw the memory of a penis shaped tentacle and the desire to lick, suck, and taste. Her skin flushed with warmth and her lips parted to taste a memory. Desire passed in and out with her every breath panting faster. Wouldn’t it be something, she imagined, to be taken and so thoroughly swept up in lust. Just like that time she took Caleb back in the bathroom when they first met. She’d been such a little minx back then, what had come over her? She tasted her own finger but it lacked the salty musk of Caleb’s manly scent. Her thighs squeezed together feeling so itchy and gooey.

“Feel so…” Her pussy had started to thrum with an aching desire for contact. She squeezed her thighs together against the seam of her jean shorts and bit her lips. In the story, the girl had summoned a tentacle beast to torment her enemies, but accidentally got her own juices on the summoning totem since she’d masturbated right before summoning it. The beast she’d summoned had captured the sorceress and slathered her body with mind numbing aphrodisiacs. Kristen imagined her own giant beast slathering her body with aphrodisiacs. She’d try to resist but it was too much to fight. Her will would be sapped away with lust.

Discreetly, her own fingers had found their way down between her thighs touching herself over her jean shorts. A surge of shame overcame her and she looked around to make sure no one had seen her. Kristen blushed, looking down but it seemed like no one had seen. She glanced back over to the counter at the old man who’d been taking orders and he was still working. Out of the corner of her eye she thought she saw a shadow.

The dark shadow reached back for Her bright throbbing red essence and caressed them again with her own dripping memories and whispered, “Remember.”

She was fine, nobody was watching her and no one could see what she was thinking. A small smile crept over her lips as she dove back into her little fantasy. Kristen imagined herself a Crimson Spirit like sorceress with a witch hat and shiny red outfit. “Go get the Dark Trickster,” Crimson Witch ordered her summon. But she’d been so careless in her preparation that she’d botched the summon. Just like in the story, the large powerful creature lunges out pinning her down. She tried to struggle but it was far too strong that she was helpless to stop it from tearing open her robes. Worse yet was the milky liquid that seeped from its tentacles. She knew she couldn’t let it make contact with her skin but the scent was so heavenly and part of her wondered what it would be like to feel the bliss that the books had warned her about. It smeared all along her breasts and teased at her nipples and she could feel that peculiar tingling of unbidden arousal. She knew she should feel disgusted but she didn’t. The aphrodisiac robbed her of her faculties until those powerful beautiful tentacles looked like exactly what she needed. She remembered craving and felt her pussy squishing between her fingers. She wanted to lick and taste the wonderful milky cum that enchanted her body and mind. It offered itself to her and frightened but curious, she let her tongue slither out to taste that glistening phallus. The taste, she found it so familiar and so wonderful. How odd that she’d have such a strangely clear sense memory of a taste that was only her fantasy.

Her lush lazy moan tangled tongue into fingers; Her memory flared taking something into her mouth while her hands touched and rubbed other slick fleshy things. She felt it probing against her lower lips and she spread her legs as an invitation. Oh, how badly she needed to feel that thick monstrosity inside her! It obliged and thrust deep. She could feel it thrusting inside her, the only sounds around were the squish of goo with flesh, her passionate cries, and the ocean’s crush of waves on sand. The Jizzopus was fucking her so good and she didn’t care who knew or saw, they would understand if they could just feel the pleasure it brought! Crescendo so near, she thrust against her monstrous lover feeling it deep inside. Her fingers rubbing her engorged clit maddenly fast, Kristen cried out in pleasure as she shook and blissed out.

Kristen’s eyes shot open to find she was cumming with her hand down her panties and the other in her mouth. Everyone in the shop was staring at her in shock muttering. Finally, one of the women spoke up, “Baka gaijin!” Another added, “Hentai!”

Kristen panicked, pulling her hand and threw soaked fingers out with a snap of her waistband. The man at the counter threw her bag of food down on her table and barked, “Go!”

She stumbled out of the shop on wobbly stems and trembling hands. Her jean shorts were still unbuttoned to match the rest of her dishevelled look. Worse yet was the confusion. It hadn’t been a vision, it’d been a fantasy. She stumbled back into the alley pulling her shorts to keep them up and wipe up her moist fingers. Her mind kept going back to that fantasy that felt like a memory. But that wasn’t what happened. She transformed in a flash, but her confusion didn’t go away with the renewed powers and connection to the goddess.

She took flight, muttering to herself, “It didn’t happen like that.” She remembered the fight. There was a beast and she’d threw fire at it, but it had blocked them and almost got her, but she used embers from a fire pit to escape. Then the next time they fought, Azure was there and she helped. They split up and she killed the beast. She replayed the event again in her head and nodded to herself. That was how it happened. That was how she remembered it. By the time she got back she almost believed that the fantasy was complete bull puckey.

Except that desire to lick, to suck, and to taste felt so compelling… ‘No, I’m not going think like that, I’m a freaking superhero.’

Back at the restaurant, a wisp of a woman walked out. Around her people only saw her from the corner of their eyes. They walked around her without thinking about her. She lacked substance, disappearing when anyone would look at her, but she felt something that made her exult in joy—the feeling of pressure beneath her feet. “Voice, are you near?” SHe felt her smile even if no one could see it. The voice would hear it, the voice would understand.

“I am here, primal.”

“I can feel, I am becoming! It is just as you have said Master!”

“We are closer, but not complete yet. There is a problem.”


“Something unforeseen, but I will deal with. If the two are turned, the one will fall easily. Rest now, you have more work to do in time and soon you will need a name.”

She smiled, dissipated into mist, and dreamed of a name she might one day hear his voice utter.