The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Wata-8 : We are the Abyss Chapter 8

By Amaranth.

* * *
Have you ever gone to the edge and wanted to look over.
Wanted to look at the abyss.
Wanted to see the abyss; to see if it looks back.
If you do; If you dare; if you look; do not stare to long and do not blink.
The abyss doesn’t blink, and when you do; it can take you.
Amaranth—Once you know, you never go back.
* * *

“Hello again Rhea.” John says greeting her as she stepped out of the minivan Tamara had brought her to the gravel quarry in.

“Hello John.”

“Is Tamara staying?”

“I don’t really know. I know I’m moving into your house in a few days but I do not know what all is going on.”

“She brought you out here to begin learning to shoot guns.”

“I know that.”

“Do you want to learn?”


“Then we’ll start with something basic.”


“Have you ever shot a gun?”


“Are you afraid of them?” John asked picking up a glock while motioning her to move beside the table he is standing at.

“Somewhat, but not really.”

“That’s good.” John said ejecting the clip, cycling the slide to eject the other round in the chamber then releasing the slide back, “Here take this keeping your finger off the trigger and point it down range. I don’t care how you hold it, I just need to know where you are so I know where and how to start with you. What you just saw me is called safing, it means the firearm is unloaded and safe to handle.”

“Ok.” Rhea says taking the pistol and pointing it down range.

“Now lower it to your side, then raise it, point it at one of the targets and pull the trigger so I can see how you move.”

“Ok.” Rhea replied lowering it. Then a moment later she raised it to point at the center of the three targets and pulled the trigger in one smooth motion like she was stretching or dancing. She nearly dropped the pistol when it went off and gave an aborted scream.

“Want to guess the rule on safed firearms?” John asked loud enough for Rhea to hear over the ringing in her ears.

“If I didn’t, it’s not?” She asked back just as loud, barely able to hear herself.

“Who do you trust to unload a firearm for you?”

“Me.” Rhea shouts unable to determine if she is experiencing a flashback of terror or an adrenaline high.

“Good. Now go get settled, we’ll do this again when I can, once you have settled down.”

“Yes sir.” Rhea says meandering toward the car where Tamara still waits. Rhea is unable to tell if Tamara is laughing or wanting to scream about what John just did. Rhea just wants to feel that moment again.

* * *

“Ma’am, sir.” Simon said, looking at Virginia’s parents over the picnic table, “Please allow me to introduce everyone. I am Simon, we’ve spoken on the phone. In order these are Anna, Mindy, Carissa, Tamara, Leah and Tia.”

“How is she?” Virginia’s father asked, looking at Virginia playing on a nearby swing set. At that moment she was laughing and smiling at something only she saw, a rare treat since this ordeal began. He is clearly seeing not the victim there now, but the little child he used to push on a swing set just like it in a park back home.

“Physically, Virginia is alive and well.” Simon answers, “However there are some heavy caveats to that answer.”

“We’ve heard what the cops said.” Virginia’s mother said grimacing, “Now, what really happened?”

“Mr. And Mrs. Anderson.” Simon said into ensuing silence then paused with pursed lips, “She is doing as well as can be expected.”

“Young man,” Mrs. Anderson said with a firm tone, “There are no police here, no social workers, no people from the government at all. It is just us. We saw how they ‘tried to help her’, what she was like while they ‘tried to help her’ their way. We saw the drugged stupor they wanted to keep her in ...”

“She didn’t smile like this.” Mr. Anderson picked up speaking when his wife’s voice choked up, “She just stood around blankly and the best we could hope for was that she didn’t drool too much. Unlike my wife, I have seen how long recovery from trauma takes while drugged up like that. That was just another reason we couldn’t bear to keep her like that. In just a few hours it was already too much. That is why I, we, went along with your request to care for her. She can never truly recover if she is kept drugged out of her mind like that.”

“We are doing the best we can.” Tamara told them.

“I believe that.” He replied, “But the question remains, what happened to my daughter?”

“There is little we can say given that the investigation is ongoing.” Simon answers.

“Bullshit.” Mr. Anderson growls unexpectedly given his cooperative nature so far, “You people are in this up to your eye balls. Enough, now I already know I won’t like what you have to say, so let’s get it out in the light so it can quit festering in the dark.”

“He’s right Simon.” Tia said with a sigh.

“She is his daughter. It will hurt him. It may wound him, but he, they ... they have a right to know.” Leah finishes.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Simon asked.

“No.” Tia answers honestly.

“You’re the ones who found her, go ahead.” Simon answers, drawing a hard stare from Mr. Anderson.

“How do you want us to answer you?” Tia asked, “Would you like a nice answer, or would you like the drag your knuckles across the concrete floor until they’re bloody kind that leaves no room for any possible misunderstandings?”

“Start where it starts.” HE answers with a gulp.

“Ok then. Your daughter gave herself a sixteenth birthday present, an early thanksgiving celebration with her then boyfriend Kurt.”

“We suspected.”

“Well, she liked it, she liked it a lot.”

“We made sure she was being careful. Using protection, at least that she had it available.” Mrs. Anderson replied staring at her daughter who had chosen that moment to stare at them at the top of her arc on the swing.

“By Valentine’s Day she was celebrating a lot.”


“And was using that to help her with little things. Important things she needed at first, then later knick-knacks like fancy make up and other fashion accessories.”

“Are you sure?” Mrs. Anderson asked.

“Unfortunately, yes.” Leah answered sadly, “We have no idea even now why she went down that road so hard or so fast.”

“How did you all get involved with her?” Mrs. Anderson asked warily.

“We, most of us anyway.” Tia answered when Leah hesitated, “We used to be on similar paths, we did similar things, made similar mistakes. We know the signs.”

“So what we do.” Leah continues, “Is give them a choice. Work with us, or have what we have collected either dropped on the cops or given to social services.”

“We can’t help everyone though.” Tia resumes, “Only those, mostly girls of course, and the few guys, who fit a profile which identifies them as receptive, or more often that they can be made to be.”

“I take it that, ‘help’, doesn’t involve stopping?” Mr. Anderson asked as she realizes how much the idea that celebrating means sex and knick-knacks means things she could have easily gotten other ways, disturbs her. It means she failed in some way, that she failed her daughter and now her daughter is paying the price of that failure.

“No it does not Mr. Anderson.” Anna said interrupting, “They have tried that in the past and it does not work. The attempt itself is counterproductive. Instead, they try to steer the girls onto better paths, letting them learn the lessons in a safer environment.”

“The arcade is a brothel?” Mrs. Anderson asked after her husband sits silent for several seconds.

“Yes.” Carissa replied, “We are ... We are a specialty type of brothel. We do our best to filter the, Clientele, to keep the girls from catching diseases or getting hurt. We also cooperate to a limited extent with law enforcement which lets us check our clientele with NCIC and some other databases discreetly. We decline any with a violent past or that fit a few other profiles.”

“Then she was a working girl?” Mr. Anderson asked very quietly.

“Yes.” Carissa replied levelly, “She was. She was before we came along as well. All we did was do everything we could to keep her from getting hurt.”

“She was before?”

“Yes sir, she was. She was using sex to garner money and trade favors.” Carissa said bluntly, ending all subtlety on anyone’s part, “She was also getting sloppy. We picked her up, so to speak, when she was on a She left with us when we demonstrated that her drink was spiked.”


“At that point we make the girl a deal, join us and get the protection we offer, or we make sure she gets caught. If we hadn’t picked her up when we did, she might have ended up drugged out of her mind the same as they wanted her, but at someone’s house as a pet, or as a sex slave somewhere.”

“Not a very subtle lot are you?” Mr. Anderson asked.

“No point.” Carissa replied, again levelly, “Those that choose this path are almost impossible to turn from it. Instead, we use that determination to make them choose to get an education. By the time they get done with that phase, they are either in school or through school. We do what we can, but their looks, the easiest way to get into a new market, are no longer that of the innocent. Only then can we get them out.”

“Un-diseased I take it?” Mr. Anderson asked hopefully.

“As close as humanly possible anyway.”

“That is...” Mrs. Anderson stammers.

“Horrid and a relief, both at the same time.” Carissa offers, “It leaves you feeling a little sick to your stomach that you can feel grateful, but you do anyway.”

“Yes.” Mrs. Anderson whispers.

“About Virginia?” Mr. Anderson prompts, but looks down.

“She was leaving an assignment when she was taken. The FBI are looking into it further, we are being kept in the loop.”

“The FBI?”

“Yes. They know about us, what we do. We occasionally loan them one of the older working girls as part of a cover, never anyone under eighteen, rarely under twenty one, and only volunteers. Anyway, they are looking for the perps as we speak. Based on the M O, the ‘Modus Operandi’, they believe it to have been the work of a white slavery ring that kidnaps girls and sells them internationally.”

“How often have you lost girls?” Mrs. Anderson asked unable to look up.

“We haven’t lost one yet, and Virginia is by far the worst injury we have had.” Carissa told them while ignoring the pain they were both suppressing, “Had we not known everything about her day, known her every movement, she would have simply disappeared. When they grabbed her, they stripped her of everything, including the tracking jewelry we give girls to wear on assignment. Its removal was our first warning, we were searching within minutes.”

“How long to find her?”

“Knowing everything, even with full FBI cooperation and resources, six hours.”

“How long otherwise?”

“They would have made it out of town, been gone. They had police scanners and went to ground when they heard the roadblocks ordered. They were set up at sixty miles, we eventually found her fifty eight miles away. They had their escape plan all worked out, your daughter happened to be the one they chose. At random, just because of where she was. Even thinking she was random, they did everything they could to keep her from leaving any kind of a trail.”

“She wasn’t targeted?”

“No. She just happened to be the one to fall into their trap. Had she not managed to swallow one of her earrings, after being tasered a number times, we would likely not have found her.”


“Yes. We believe in safety, we are in fact maniacal about it. Her earrings were acid activated gps based tracking devices designed to send out a locator beacon randomly. It, they, are designed to do that for several days.”

“Seems like a lot of effort to go to for a simple whatever you all are.”

“While we are many things Mr. Anderson.” Mindy laughed, “None of them are simple.”

“How is she really doing?” Mrs. Anderson asked.

“Well.” Anna replied, “She has periods of lucidity and awareness. We ask what questions we can when that happens.”

“We have to strike a balance of course.” Simon added.

“Push too little and learn nothing.” Mr. Anderson said with a grimace, “Push too hard and you drive her back into the shell prematurely.”

“Exactly.” Mindy agrees, “Every clue, observation or opinion we can get from her helps, even impressions help, often a lot.”

“Then she really is still in there?”

“Yes.” Anna replied with sadness, “and reliving it every time she gets coherent. It will take a lot of patience, but eventually the sharp edges wear thin as they round out, then the real progress begins.”

“God help her.” Mrs. Anderson whispered and everyone nods in agreement.

“Welcome back.” John, James’s father said greeting Rhea.

“I’m glad to be back.” She replied looking around the semi abandoned rock quarry before turning her attention to the pistols laid out on the table.

“We are going to start you off with revolvers to work on your stance.”


“Will you be taking part as well?” John asked Rhea’s escort who had not spoken so far, even to introduce herself.

“Robin and not just yet.” The five foot eight strawberry blond B cup in a well rounded out jogging outfit replied.

“Odd accent, I haven’t heard that one before. Sounds a lot like New York, but not quite.”

“Good catch.” She replied with a genuine smile, “Guttenberg, across the river from Central Park.”

“Never heard of it.”

“It’s still a city in its own right, but New York kind of flows around us.”

“Odd for you to end up here of all places.” John replied staring, “I mean in the middle of nowhere Nevada.”

“I’m a recent transfer.”


“I was in an Acupressure, Dojo and Dance studio in Philly two weeks ago.”

“And now you’re here?”

“And now I’m here.”

“Are you one of Mindy’s girls?”

“Yes.” Robin replied without hesitation, “I was headed to a bad place when Mindy brought me into the UCA. Mind you, I still hate her guts, but I have to admit she likely saved my life. Definitely saved me from disease and a likely though unwanted pregnancy. My boyfriend at the time claimed to have been snipped because he didn’t want kids. He had had surgery down there all right, but he wasn’t snipped during it, that’s for sure.”

“That’s sad, you never joke about that sort of thing.”

“True, but back on track. The reason not just yet is I am evaluating what I do and don’t want to get involved with.”

“I thought they just gave out assignments and you did them?”

“For the straight up work, yes. They say screw this guy, have sex with that guy or girl and we do, however much and in whatever way we are ordered. We have to. We can think what we want, but it happens anyway, just like if we had decided to for ourselves. For the side stuff though, not so much.” Robin replied with an odd grimace, “I mean sure they will grab you if they need you and have no choice, but they try to respect your own wants and or needs as much possible outside of work.”

“Is that why more of you don’t try to get away?”

“There is no getting away, and by the time we are able to really think about it, we understand where we are and how much better off we are here than on our own. Not that I don’t resent being told who to sleep with or have sex with. Make no mistake, I resent the hell out of it. Yet at the same time I also know, not believe, know, I know at a gut level that if anything happens to me they will move heaven and hell to find me. Look at how they are handling Virginia. Her injuries are the worst by several magnitudes that any have ever taken, yet no one even hesitated.”

“A question I have to ask.” Mr. Anderson said putting his cup of coffee down.

“Shoot.” Robin laughed looking at the table.

“Not about this.”

“Then what?” She asked, noticing Rhea staring.

“Do you, the escorts, have to, umm, in his own bed?”

“Do we have to have sex with him in his own bed in his room?” Robin asked pausing for a moment, “I think what you really want to know is do we have to do that in the house, is that right?”

“Yes.” He admitted with a grimace.

“Yes we do,” Robin admitted, “And it has to be in his room with Virginia there. She has to know that he is sated. She can’t feel the slightest pressure toward him that way. She can’t have the slightest worry that he will have any needs her way. Hers is not a typical rape case, and sadly there is such a thing as a typical case. For the victim it feels like hers is the only pain that can be that bad, yet the pain of a so called ‘normal rape’ is in some sick and demented ways, quantifiable, but not for Virginia. In her case the trauma is both different and far worse than normal.”

“Isn’t doing that in front of her like that going to keep bringing it up if nothing else?”

“Believe me on this Mr. Anderson,” Robin said earnestly, “Sex is the first thing on her mind, the thing she thinks about the most and the last thing on her mind. She is going to think about it no matter what we do or don’t do. This way ensures she knows that not all sex is the kind that hurt her. This way ensures she doesn’t feel pressured to have sex with him. This way ensures that he isn’t even tempted by her and further ensures that she knows it.”


“From what Mindy explained to me,” Rhea interjects, “That desire for sex with him will happen no matter what. What they are doing is ensuring that when something does happen it will be her wanting something for herself, not her body wanting intercourse, yearning for an echo of the closeness, of the moment it felt once before.”

“This is where almost all the recovery programs out there for sexual torture victims as opposed to simple rape go awry.” Robin said picking up the flow, “They recommend abstinence in one way or another and that does nothing except make the memories bigger. By exposing her to it all the time we keep that dread small and keep making it smaller by wearing it away. In a simple rape case, and believe me when you are the victim there is nothing simple about it, it is a onetime occurrence of a specific type so the mind can isolate it. What happened to Virginia is different, it happened over time with physical torture involved. Once is one thing, twice is not much worse, after that it grows vastly for a while, then after about ten or twelve times you start becoming inured in a way as a defense mechanism to keep your mind intact. Virginia is that taken to an inhuman extreme.”

“Almost like an inoculation then?” He asked, not wanting to think about what her words imply Virginia is even now going through.

“Exactly like one.” She agrees, “She will eventually lose the one to one association of sex, intercourse and pain. Mostly they just try to talk them out of it in the rehab centers and camps assuming it will fade with time and words.”

“I take it that goes bad when it goes bad?”

“Very. If it doesn’t work, they either turn into hermits, or go out and the same thing happens to them again. So what we are doing is helping her learn a new association.”

“Thanks, still not real happy, but thanks all the same.”

“I understand, now how about we shred some paper?” Robin laughed looking at the guns on the table with genuine interest she finally let show.

“Who is this guy again?” James asked Simon as the group gathers at what looks like a small dance studio.

“All I really know is he is called Guide Tye.” Simon answers shrugging.

“He is a martial arts instructor.” Mindy chides them, “He is teaching everyone the basics of self-defense as preparation for later.”

“Preparation?” James asked.

“What? You think I’m going to fail to find the best I can for my people?”

“But why me?” James asked, “I’m just a repair tech and glorified sitter.”

“Because right now any of my girls could drop you on your ass; including Virginia.”


“Yeah, oh.”

“Can you make sure whoever is with me tonight knows massage please?” James pleads quietly two hours later, sure that the joke about Virginia was made just to bait him into a trap, and even surer that he had taken that bait. Mental cripple or not, Virginia’s self-defense skills worked just fine, which answered many people’s questions about her status perfectly.

“Her name is Francesca, call her Fran.” Simon told him while James tried to find a comfortable way to sit for the ride home. Virginia has no real difficulties despite having tossed him and several others around after stretching exercises. To James, it is just proof that the universe is fundamentally unfair.

“I wanted to thank you girls.” James’ mother said while they are washing the dishes from dinner.

“It’s not a problem. I don’t mind dishes.” Rhea replied, trying to reach an upper shelf.

“No problem, and it’s part of the job.” Francesca replied, her odd accent drawing attention.

“I just wanted you to know it is appreciated, it really is.”

“But?” Francesca asked.

“Well, I have to ask a question and doubt any of you girls are going to want to give me a straight answer, but after last weekend I need one.”

“Ask away.”

“Are you...”

“You mean are we...In his bed?” Francesca asked.


“Yes. I haven’t yet, but I will be offering tonight, and every night that I am here, it is my job.”


“Two fold.” Rhea interjected, “One, Virginia needs to know he is not alone the way she feels inside. Two, she needs to learn a new association with sex besides pain and torture.”

“Before you ask.” Francesca breaks in, “Despite what happened and in many ways because of it, she is thinking about sex. It is foremost in her mind. Your husband wants to shield you from the truth, but your little boy saved more than just that girl’s life. Now having him near is the only thing keeping her sane. We keep him sated, and are happy and safe doing so. This demonstrates that sex need not mean pain. She will think about sex anyway, this just uses what is inevitable for a purpose.”

“So I should quit worrying about my little boy growing up?”

“If you had still had a little boy, Virginia would be dead.” Rhea stated flatly, “I watched James when he was recovering, even when still suffering the after effects himself, he was worried about her.”

“What happens when she wants...”

“She, like us, has an implant, we can’t get pregnant. As for wanting sex, she will likely get it once she convinces him she has the capacity to ask in her own right, lots of it at first I think. That is one of the signs we are waiting for. It will mean she has found enough of herself to start making some decisions. It matters not at first if those are good or bad ones, it only matters that they happen.”

“How long?”

“We are hoping it doesn’t take over a year or two.”

“And you all will keep doing this?”

“As long as it takes.”

“Thank you for being honest.”

“Thank you.” James said sleepily to the woman working on his back.

“You’re welcome.” Francesca, Fran to her friends and people she gets nude with, said as she stretched his calves, eliciting another groan.

“How are you V?” he asked the so far very quiet young girl staring at them from her cot.

“Hu rt s?” Virginia asked tilting her head like a bird.

“V, this is one of the good hurts.” James explains for what seems like the thousandth time.

“Goo duh ... hur tuh?” She asked puzzled, one syllable at a time.

“This hurts a little now to help me feel better later.”


“Fran, can you show V the before and after?” James asked.


“V, would you like to see for yourself so you know?”


“Come over here then V, do what Fran does. She will show you how.”

“Kay.” Virginia said, moving beside James’ bed.

“Fran, would it help to put me out for this part?”

“I’m not sure how she would react to it.”

“V, Fran is going to make me sleep now, ok?”


“To make it easier. You know the way I sometimes help you relax and sleep for tests?”


“Same idea.”

“Trus ta fur ann?”

“Yes V, I trust Fran, so can you.”


“Yes, its ok.”

“Rest easy.” Fran said leaning over to whisper in James’ ear, then the world faded for him leaving her and Virginia alone.

“Ok V.” Fran said, turning to her.

“Gin ya.” Virgina corrected.

“Oh, only he calls you V?”


“Sorry, I didn’t know.”

“Iz Kay.”

“Good, we start with his feet. First you take in your hands like this, then start here doing this.” Fran said, illustrating and gently correcting Virginia until she has it right. Virginia enjoys the chance to touch James while helping him feel better later.

“Gently now.” James hears. It seems a moment later to him that could be hours in reality. What distracts him from estimating that, however, is not so much the cloth laying across his eyes indicating to just lie there, but more the nipple he finds at his lips.

“Mmm.” James smiled while he does as instructed, gently taking it in his mouth.

“Just let your body do what comes naturally.” Fran instructs him, “It remembers how.”

“Mmm.” James repeated as he suckled and then gets a shocking and enticing treat, warm milk.

“Enjoy.” Fran giggles, this feels good to her, “Remember, you have another one to go yet.”

“That was...Wow.” James mumbled after a minute when it finally runs dry.

“Remember, gently.” Fran reminded him as she placed her other breast for him to suckle her other nipple.

“Fee ell goo du?” Virginia asked fascinated, watching.

“Yes Virginia, this feels good to me.” Fran answered with a silly grin.


“It just does.” Fran answered, closing her eyes and enjoying James’ attentions.


“That is...” James mumbles when he finishes.

“I know. It’s good on this end to.” Fran laughed.

“How?” James asked.

“It’s kind of my thing. Back before they picked me up I had a so called ‘hysterical pregnancy’, the kind that results from stress. I was maybe a little mental and my body reacted to it. I started lactating. My boyfriend liked it and I did too, well, I liked him liking it. I traded some admittedly kinky sex to a research doctor and then a pharmacist to get personalized birth control pills. They keep me from getting pregnant and keep me lactating. Win win.”

“Wow.” James repeated, still lying there with his eyes covered.

“I’m between customers right now.” Fran answered, straddling James, “The whole nursing thing comes in waves. I should have an easy few weeks until people start wanting me for that again. In the meantime, I still need what I need, despite my otherwise easy time.”

“I don’t know what to say.” James said, stopping when he feels Fran stroking him erect.

“I know it’s a bit of a reversal, but just hold still and let me have what I want for now. You can have what you want later.”

“I don’t expect anything.” James said honestly.

“Nice to know.” Fran said as she guided him into her, moving him in and out of her several times until he finally penetrated far enough to relieve the pressure she feels driving her.

“Thank you.” Fran gasped as she rocked back and forth while pivoting her hips to pull James all but out of her, then drive him back until he bottoms with a sound halfway between a smack and a thud.

“I don’t need someone who thinks were making love,” She went on in a shallow gasp, “I don’t even want sex, just plain old intercourse as hard as I can get it.”

“Holy...” James panted as she moves faster and faster while she pushes harder and harder.

“Play along.” Fran said, sounding surprised as slowed her pace.

“What?” James asked as he felt another weight on the bed.

“Play along.” Fran said while still riding him.

“Wh...” James started to say when a nipple fills his mouth. It is smaller than Fran’s, but firm.

“Gently.” Fran said, just as she had earlier.

“Good boy, gently.” Fran said as she shifted her weight so she could simply roll her hips for most of the thrust she wanted while James felt the nipple replaced with another.

“Perfect.” Fran said as James felt the nipple in his mouth leave. Then she leaned forward, kissing him. A time passed like that, kissing her as she rode him and then he climaxed bringing a giggle from Fran.

“You like that?” She asked as she finally slowed.

“Heck yes, but was that.” James panted, trying to sit up. A glance at Virginia shows her night shirt unbuttoned, not unusual, and she is red faced as well as very satisfied looking.

“Yes, Virginia decided to get involved.”

“Unexpected.” James said reaching for tissue to clean them both.

“But a good sign I think.” Fran said, cleaning herself.

“I’ll let Anna know tomorrow.” James said, settling into his covers after turning off the light.

“They’ll be happy.” Fran agreed, cuddling into James still nude, enjoying his half erect status.

“Wakey wakey.” Brought Stewart awake. He finds himself already in someone, and she doesn’t mind.

“What?” He tried to ask but nothing coordinated much except the feeling as she drove him into her, before pulling back and repeating herself over and over.

“I think he will do nicely.” Another voice said and then he feels like he is drowning in the kiss that comes from nowhere while the feel of being ridden just goes on and on.

“Agreed. Fluo Per Vada Stewart.”

“Ok.” He agrees automatically, not sure why is playing along, but it all feels way too good not to. The kiss goes on until it is replaced by a nipple and the whispered words, “You know what to do.”

“Hold still.” Nina ordered as she finally came into focus after the second nipple.

“Ok.” Stewart said. He stopped moving in response and then maintained position as she climbed off him.

“My turn, move with me.” Lana ordered as she moved over him to settle herself where Nina had just been. As Stewart entered her, she begins moving and he moves with her automatically.

“Better than a vibrator.” Nina laughed, kissing Stewart who returned it enthusiastically.

“Suckle me.” Nina ordered, breaking the kiss. Stewart mouthed the proffered nipple instantly.

“Boy does good.” Lana laughed without breaking her rhythm.

“Sure does.” Nina agreed changing breasts.

“Think we should keep him?”

“Definitely.” Lana agreed, climbing off of Stewart.

“Do you know who we are?” Nina asked.

“Yes.” James answered, feeling giddy.

“Who are we?”

“You are Nina and Lana.” He said

“What else?”

“We are in bed together.” He stated.

“We are also your girlfriends.”

“You are?”

“We are now.”


“We are going to have lots of sex.” Lana explained as she cleaned Stewart.

“We are?” He asked.

“Yes, we are.” Nina agreed as she stroked him back erect.

“Sit up.” Nina ordered and he does.

“Now you need to choose.” Lana laughed as both girls place one of his hands on a bare breast apiece.

“Choose what?” He asked, confused but playing along for some reason. The whole situation confuses him, but he finds it easy to not think about it.

“One of us is going to give you a blow job, the other is going to give you a massage, choose.”


“Choose.” The girls laugh as one.

“Ummm.” Stewart mumbles as he struggles to play along and make choices at the same time.

“So how are you doing settling in?” Guide Tye asked Rhea Sunday afternoon. They are sparring in a dojo rented in town for his two week stint here.


“Good well or just well enough?” He asked as he wove away from a series of punches that she didn’t realize she was telegraphing.

“I find it hard.” Rhea admitted, dropping her hands.

“Tell me.” He told her as he dropped to sit cross legged facing her.

“It’s just that I feel so alone sometimes.” She admitted, dropping to face him.

“Because he has two women sleeping in his room, you know one of them is in his bed, and yet you sleep alone?”

“Something like that.” Rhea accidentally confirmed while trying to evade a direct answer.

“I have an idea. I’ll make some calls. You are not the first girl I have seen in your type of position.”

“I’m not?”

“No.” He laughed, “You’re not.”

“All on her own?” Simon asked, almost disbelieving.

“Yes.” Fran confirmed, “He did nothing to tempt her. In fact, I was getting my jollies when she decided to join us. She had minutes before asked me about me having him nurse me. It elicited some sort of a response.”

“It’s an odd first act, and way ahead of anything we even hoped for.” Anna commented.

“I have an idea why.” Fran said.

“Let’s hear it.”

“I think she responded to me because I lactate. She had an odd reaction when she saw him nursing me.”

“That’s odd.”

“She seemed interested, no, more fascinated.”

“Really odd.”

“Of course it might also have been James’ reaction itself.”

“Strong?” Anna asked.

“Yes, it took him by surprise and then he was really into it.”

“As are you?”

“Yes. Like I told Mindy, I like the feel. I mean I really like it. I had to talk really fast to get her to let me keep lactating.”

“You really like it when guys nurse you?” Anna asked, surprised.

“I don’t even mind it when it’s a girl. I’ve even filled in as a wet nurse a few times. Not for long since I don’t produce a lot, but a meal, even a small one, at the right time often helps with a whiny small one.”

“I checked and you’ve been working six or seven days a week for over three months straight. How much of a break do you want?”

“That’s my problem Anna, if I take a break, I quit lactating. Getting it started again is a pain.” Fran said grimacing in memory, “And don’t even bring up a pump, it distorts the nipples and I like mine just the way they are thank you very much.”

“I was actually thinking of a way for you to keep what you want and give you a break both.”

“How so?”

“Would you like to be the full time chaperone for now, with relief shifts say at school or of an evening.”


“Yes, and you would receive enough context info to make him very biddable for you.”

“I get my rocks off on vacation, he gets laid, completely sated, and maybe just maybe Virginia gets somewhat interactive.”

“You got it.”

“You’re very like her.” Fran said seriously, obviously referring to Mindy.

“Thank you.”

“That wasn’t entirely a compliment.”

“I know.” Anna laughed.

“Why are you two being so nice to me?” Stewart asked, staring at the girls.

“You mean why are you getting laid like a rug?” Nina laughed.

“Um,” He mumbled turning red, “Yeah.”

“Partly.” Lana answered seriously, It’s because we do happen to like you.”

“It’s also a work thing.” Nina said, picking up speaking, “We are right now, literally on the job.”

“Where are we?” He asked looking around. The off white room is not a bedroom or hotel or motel room.

“Somewhere safe.”

“What is going on?”

“We are simply making use of you until you finish recovering.”

“Making use of me?”

“Yes. As agreed, you are going to score us on the record.” Nina said with a smile.

“Both of us, and more than once as well.” Lana grinned.

“We are going to share you.” Nina laughed.

“As nice as it will be for you, you serve our purpose, not yours.” Lana went on while smiling, “So while you will get the rep points you wanted, they will be on our terms.”

“Your terms?” Stewart asked, puzzled. He is getting laid, as much as he wants apparently, but something about the situation seems off.

“Yes.” Nina answered seriously, “For the most part you will be happy with the arrangements.”

“For other times though,” Lana went on flatly, “You will be little more than a dildo that does massage.”

“What’s happening?” He asked, confused as the fog in his mind refused to clear.

“Quite simple actually.” Lana told him, “Every other week we will sleep with you on your terms.”

“And once a week you will sleep with us on our terms.” Nina said.

“Your terms?”

“Yes. When it is your turn, you can do as you want and we will have no choice except to cooperate or do as we are ordered. When it is our turn though, you will learn to use foreplay and any other skills we assign you to worm your way into our beds.”

“What the?” Stewart asked, “Why?”

“There is more going on than you know.” Lana told him cryptically.

“So far the notice he draws is easing off as expected. The more normal he treats us around other people, which he is learning to do, the more we just become part of the background.” Fran said, finishing her report.

“So far so good then?” Simon asked.

“So far.”

“I have to admit I had a lot of reservations about this.” Simon admitted, looking at Anna, “So far it appears to be working just like you indicated you thought it would.”

“Close enough anyway.” Anna corrected with a small grimace, “The thing at the pool was a surprise. She knew he was going to hit his head before it happened. That indicates some real math and spatial skills are working somewhere in that skull of hers.”

“Did she have them before?”

“Never demonstrated, not at that level anyway, but she was also on the college cheerleader track so who knows.”

“Can I interject a question?” Fran asked.


“I have to ask. Given the kid’s size, his weight, his diet and everything else, how can he go at it, that is be sexually active, almost every night. Sure he has lost some weight based on file photos, but his endurance is unbelievable. Tamara alone should have half or more killed him.”

“I have a confession to make.” Anna admitted, “James and Stewart are beta tests of ‘Chip and Dale’.”


“If it works even half way for them, it should work great for any proper candidate.” Anna replied with a giggle, “Besides, we might learn something about them, or the mods.”

“You want to know if the implementation is sound.”

“Precisely. Ninety percent of our workers are female, but they get ninety nine percent or more of the research effort. This is my attempt to balance the scales somewhat.”

“This is why you offered me a stable position isn’t it.”

“Partly.” Anna said smiling, “What I want is for you to teach him, and guide his development as the package matures.”

“He will also make a good tool for teaching Virginia massage and other stuff about the body. Let her play some if she wants to when she knows he can’t do anything to her.”

“How far do I let her play?” Fran asked after a moment’s pause.

“As far as she wants.” Anna told her, “but never directly invite, simply accept if she wants to join you.”

“I am assuming her implant was checked?”

“It was replaced.” Simon answered flatly, “We are taking no chances.”

“Good, but what happens when the counter reaction reflex hits?”

“Counter reaction?” Simon asked.

“If she has him helpless, she will eventually be curious about being helpless, even if she never realizes or admits it.”

“That is in fact part of what we are hoping to encourage. The question, not the act or its expression.”

“Until you know that she is debating being unsafe you can’t be sure she knows she is safe.” Fran whispered in near shock as she finally understands the point.

“The question is a sign of integration, one we hadn’t even hoped to see for months if not years.”

“And then the other night happened so you are letting the schedule accelerate itself.”


“Fancy meeting you here.” James heard as he removed the black contacts he wore while escorting Virginia through changing into her swimsuit for swim time PE.

“Stew?” James asked, surprised.

“Yeah man, what are you doing here?”

“Me? I’m supposed to be here.” James asked as his eyes focused, “Man you look like shit, what happened?”

“Let’s call it food poisoning.”

“Food poisoning?”

“Yeah, something didn’t entirely agree with me, so now I’m on limited everything until I get my strength back. Why are you swimming when the class is on the field? Nice escort.”

“Sorry. Fran, this is Stewart, Stewart, this is Fran, my sitter. She is also Virginia’s escort.”

“Virginia?” Stewart asked staring at the semi wild looking girl staring at him as though deciding on running away or attacking.

“Sorry, I assumed you had heard.”

“Heard what?”

“Virginia was the missing girl.”

“Missing? I heard something about that. Sorry, been kind of umm, you wouldn’t believe me.”

“Really?” James asked gesturing toward Virginia who growled at Stewart.

“Ok, you first.” Stewart said moving back from Virginia just a little.

“Ok,” James replied, pausing for a moment, “V, go ahead and start without me, just don’t drown, ok?”

“U shur?” Virginia asked, looking back and forth between the boys.

“Yes, V, I am sure. Go ahead.”

“K.” Virginia replied running for the pool.

“No running in here V, especially not by the pool, you know better.” James told her automatically.

“Sree.” She laughed as she jumped into the pool.

“Is she ok?” Stewart asked, concerned by the obvious speech impediment and somewhat jerky movements.

“Not really. Fran, what’s the protocol here?”

“Stewart, indigeo tui?” Fran asked looking at him.

“Lana, Nina, adaptive.” Stewart replied, looking startled to hear himself answer.

“It’s fine, he’s clear.” Fran told James, who looks confused.

“What the?” Both boys asked in near stereo.

“I just asked what his requirements are.” Fran answered, puzzled by their lack of understanding.

“What?” James asked.

“It’s just like I can make you relax at night James.” Fran answers.

“Make you relax?” Stewart asked, staring at James.

“It’s complicated.”

“Not really.” Fran disagrees, “He is Virginia’s mind sitter, I am his escort to make sure nothing bad happens sexually, a publicly explainable reason why Virginia is safe from him since she will currently do anything he explicitly orders her to do.”

“She’ll what?”

“It’s like your arrangement with Nina and Lana, only in reverse.”

“What arrangement...” James is asking when Stewart talks over him.

“What? How do you know about that?” Stewart demands.

“You boys should talk while you swim.” Fran said, obviously evading answering, “I doubt Stewart will be up to his full hour of swim time yet. He won’t be that recovered yet, you should talk over the weekend.”

“Come on Stew.” James said, recognizing the ‘Please don’t make me make this an order’ tone.

“Ok.” He replied, following James toward the pool. Fran ascended the lifeguard chair leaving the boys to talk as they swam.

“This is mean.” Rhea growled as the second of the six rounds in the little pistol failed to fire, revealing just how strongly she is jerking when she pulls the trigger.

“It is also the best way learn not to.” James’s Father replied with patience.

“How do you take learning like this?” Rhea asked flipping the cylinder out automatically as she laid the pistol down on the bench.

“Normally this is advanced, not basic learning.”

“So this is a relearning exercise, not a learning one?”


“Guide Tye has me doing basically the same sorts of things, only in the Dojo.”

“It is because we don’t know where you are in anything.”

“So I take baby steps until you know I can walk?”

“More or less.”

“So where am I?”

“That is hard to put into words.”

“Try please.” Rhea requests.

“Can I be blunt or would you prefer I dress it up some?”

“Let it sun bathe in the nude if that makes it easier.”

“Ok then.” He laughed grimly, “You are aware that you are what would be considered unstable right?”

“Yes.” She admits glumly.

“You are also very very bright, and extremely intelligent.”

“Thank you, but what is the difference?”

“We can cover that later. For now what I am doing is teaching you new skills so you can learn how to learn, using that as a way for you to learn your way out of the little mental box you keep yourself in.”

“I am learning the fixing of myself.” Rhea asked in broken words.

“Yes, that way you no longer need us, any of us. They, we now I guess, don’t want anyone who needs us. We want only people who want to be here.”

“But I thought the UCA brought people in who aren’t volunteers.”

“They are not a part of what I am. There is more to the world around you than you have chosen to see.”

“Then you are just waiting for me to open my eyes?”

“And choose to either close them again...”

“Or choose to use them to see.” Rhea whispered, finally choosing to really look around her for the first time since her rescue.

“Now Stewie, remember,” Lana told Stewart in a backroom at the UCA as she positions his hand and fingers on her head, “Your thumb goes on the top of the forehead with your fingers curled beside it.”

“Then you slowly uncurl your fingers like this.” Nina demonstrates on Stewart.

“Like this?” Stewart asked trying to duplicate Nina’s movement, lightly dragging his fingers along the top edge of Lana’s skull. He was almost stroking it as his fingers circled around the back and then along her jaw while his thumb described another smaller arc ending up beside her eye. That he is nearly trembling doesn’t help him, and the girls made him repeat the movement over and over until he finally got it right.

“Very good.” Nina complimented him, pinching his chin thumb down with one hand while the other pinches lightly at the base of his skull. Then she dragged him forward into a kiss.

“Yes, very good.” Lana agreed as Stewart felt a finger nail make a delicate line down his spine. She grinned as Stewart’s hands grasped Nina’s shoulders, thumbs forward just above her collar bones, fingers lower in the back and then pulled her forward into a firmer kiss. It was as expected. The packages were starting to kick in. This should be fun.

“So James will be out of school the entire next week?” The vice principal asked.

“Yes sir.” Anna replied, pointing to paperwork on his desk.

“For what exactly?”

“As indicated, we have been able to secure the services of a specialist in brain body interface issues. He has agreed to look at Virginia to see if he can do anything for her.”

“And this will take all week?”

“We are calculating a day’s drive there, leaving three days for testing and then a day’s drive back. That gives us the weekend as a buffer if anything runs over.”

“How is he holding up?”

“That is part of why I brought the paperwork in personally Mr. Allens.”

“You have an additional request I take it?” He asked.

“Yes sir.”

“If it were not for the very public nature of your organization’s good works, even what we have allowed would not be possible, so be careful. I do have limits on what I can do.”

“I know that,” Anna replied, seeking a good way to ask, “And we are grateful. However, as you have by now guessed, this has been hard on James.”


“And I would like to ask that his friend Stewart be allowed to accompany him, assuming his parents agree of course.”

“Any particular reason for asking for him?”

“They have been friends for years, since early childhood, and I knew them both, though not well I have to admit, before I met my current boyfriend who normally completes the triumvirate.”

“And you happen to know about that food poisoning or whatever it was that he is so slowly recovering from?”

“And I happen to know.” Anna acknowledged, “Fran mentioned Stewart happening to drop into the pool area during swim time for James and Virginia and they had a nice long talk.”

“As you by now know he is only here to collect school work, and not every day. Coming here is part of his physical therapy, he is exhausted by the time he gets home. The doctors want him to do more of course, but he still tires so easily.”

“So if you can tempt him to come in for his homework while V and J are in what amounts to free time, and he happens to do some swimming?” Anna quips.

“Yes, I did happen to arrange for him to visit the gym at that time, both boys have been under the weather so to speak since school began, as has someone else I could name.”

“Was that a question?” Anna asked, “Or is that an indirect accusation of some sort?”

“Both, yet not really either.” Mr. Allens replied, furrowing his brows in concentration, trying to understand what was happening.

“Are you asking why I didn’t ask for my boyfriend since you have already figured out I am going as well?”

“You have become very disconcerting.”

“I haven’t changed Mr. Allens,” Anna replied softly, “I am as I have always been. The only difference is that I can make a difference now.”

“So you are.”

“So I am.”

“You remind me of someone I met once several years ago.”

“I do?”

“Yes, in fact she used to run that arcade you manage. I think she moved up in the company.”

“You could say that,” Anna laughed, “Assuming you mean Ms. Sofet that is.”

“I never knew her last name, but Mindy, yes, you remind me a lot of her right now.”


“And that is not entirely the compliment it might seem. She was also driven. She also served a master larger than herself.”

“We have some things in common I will admit.”

“Your organization has built up a lot of goodwill over the years, be careful spending it.”

“I am.”

“Go ahead, take Stewart, it will do him some good to get away for a few days.” Mr. Allens told her and then pauses for a moment, “However, remember that you are becoming visible. People are starting to see you. That can have consequences.”

“I will bear that in mind, thank you.” Ana said, rising, “I will check with Stewart’s parents this afternoon after school is out about him going along. I will inform the office if they have no objection.”

“You have a plan?” Mr. Allens asked.


“Good, and good luck.”

“I take it we are leaving before Monday?” James asked Anna and Simon as they explained that Virginia was going to be examined by a specialist in brain body issues the next week.

“Saturday.” Anna confirmed.

“Stewart is going as well.” Simon added.

“Why do I get the feeling this just keeps getting bigger.”

“It’s not getting bigger.” Anna disagreed, “You are just becoming more aware of it.”

“Are we going back to the cave?”

“Yes, initially anyway.”

“Does it get any less scary?”

“Not for a while.”


“Just keep still.” Fran told James Friday night as he nursed her. He lay flat on the bed, wrists, ankles, throat and eyes covered with handkerchiefs indicating he was not to move them or try to peek.

“Mmm.” He mumbled around the nipple in his mouth as he felt weight shifting on the bed indicating that Virginia had decided to get curious again. Then a third and a fourth nipple were offered, the latter two giving no milk, just pleasure, since they are Virginia’s.

“That was...” James was saying when another handkerchief settled over his mouth so he let himself go silent and simply wait. In a minute, he felt delicate hands exploring his body, tracing muscles and teasing him with lightly dragged fingernails.

“Shhh.” He heard Virginia say as he felt himself stroked erect. His determination not to move and scare Virginia makes him react strongly to her engulfing his erection. It magnified the feeling as her tongue glided along him, rubbing and compressing. With the motion of her head, it provided an undulating feeling of movement. That feeling brought him to climax far quicker than he was prepared for. A low sound escaped him when he felt himself lightly bitten as he ejaculated. What feels like moments later, it happened again when the teeth move. The giggle of delight from Fran finishes unsettling him. He no longer knows what is happening with his world.