The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Various Techniques

Epilogue—Loose ends

3 months later...

Troy awoke first feeling the comfortable warmth of Sean curled against his chest, a blissful smile on his sleeping face.

Not wishing to wake his favourite slave he ran his hand through Sean’s hair, a good long fuck session was a definite option once the slave was awake.

Frowning in concentration he tweaked the TV remote control, telekinesis was a new talent he had been practicing.


“In other news today, The New Orleans provisional administration has won its controversial referendum on public nudity by a startling 96%. The legislation seems to have caught the public mood with many residents stripping down as soon as the results were announced.

<cut to a crowd shot with several “decency patches” edited in>

Acting Senator Avitus V. Bassian is quoted as saying “Mardi Gras will be something special this year,”

In reaction to the news, the Reverend Phillip “Purgatory Phil” Bradley accompanied by some of America’s top legal minds.....


SKY news

New York was a safer place today as the Naked Crusader’s one boy war on crime bags the notorious Texas Nine in their Manhattan hide out. SuperTeen posed for the cameras before flying off to investigate reports that the villainous Transgenderiser had been sighted in Harlem.

<picture of the naked SuperTeen from the waste up, hands on hips>



Singer Adam with backing band Westlife announced that first stops on their world tour will be Bath, UK followed by New Orleans as part of this year’s Mardi Gras festival. Rumours of an affair between Adam(18) and millionaire playboy Troy Ma... <click>

Praise Channel

Sources close to the Pope refused to comment on Bishop Brennan’s conversion to Elagablism. But this reporter would like to condemn.....


Troy reached over Sean to the bedside cabinet where The Slave had left the mail on a silver plate.

The first letter was a report from Jean-Claude, The black doors leading to The Master’s inner sanctum remained firmly shut even resisting the reality twisting programme. The scientific staff confirmed that Sam, slave Trev’s brother was last seen in the inaccessible rooms.

The next envelope was in a handwriting he didn’t recognise, the post office stamp smudged beyond reading. The fact that the stamp morphed into an animated gif of two guys fucking gave away who it was from. It contained James’ congratulations on Troy’s solution to the New Orleans problem and his assurance that he would be in town for the Mardi Gras to “help throw a shrimp on”. Troy wasn’t at all sure what that meant and wished again that he knew where James was based. The house he had visited in NYC had vanished, had in fact never existed. He was pleased that James liked his solution to the problem. James was just about the only independent that knew the whole story.

A census of the city population had revealed that 70% of the young males and 43% of professional older males had become slaves and were irreversibly gay. 97% of the remaining population thought everything was normal. The first priority had been to avoid detection by the outside world. The simplest solution was to continue and enslave the remaining population. All suspicious outsiders were reported to the police who now had a lot less real crime to fight The first problem had been the disappearance of several key political figures. A committee of concerned and loyal citizens had of course immediately appointed appropriate replacements selected by Troy. The Master’s agents in Washington had ensured that Bush didn’t object. The more long range problem had been population, with everyone gay the lack of a noticeable birthrate would tip off the government. Troy had ordered his slaves to ensure that they each fathered a child. The DNA splice would ensure that future generations would tend to toward being physically exceptional, gay and obedient as their natural state without the need for intervention.

Meanwhile The Master’s scientists were ordered to test mind control on females. He’d figured that it was only fair for the girls to have their own fun and have a parallel society.

Once things had stabilised he decided that the city would slowly evolve into a more utopian model. The abolition of laws on public nudity was only the first. Pressure groups had already been ordered to demonstrate against certain other laws.

Troy picked up the next letter, Time-life believed he might have won a million dollars in their prize draw. He snorted in disgust. Some things never changed.

The last letter was much more interesting, To say the least. Envelops sealed with wax were uncommon. The letter within appeared to be written with a fountain pen on parchment. It was a reply to the advert he had placed in The Times. The advert had said

Dear Doctor,

In a case of regeneration, would your bearded friend be considered reformed in his new circumstances?

The reply was somewhat cryptic and less than reassuring.

“Probably. I would need to review the case notes.”

The parchment had a red wax seal on it with the impression of a “?” acting as a signature.

Sean stirred and looked up adoringly at his master, ready to serve. Troy guided Sean’s head to his nipple. Sean understood what was required and began to tease the nipple between his teeth.

The letters scattered on the floor forgotten.

* * *

Lake pontchartrain

Jacob and Brian waited on the flatboat, they had dumped dead fish in the water here three days running. Today they would show themselves Jacob was sure.The water rippled and he felt a surge of hope that was soon confirmed.

“Are you sure this is what you want Jacob?” asked Brian

“I have permission Brian, I belong with my own kind, my master understands this.”

The rush of spray heralded the arrival of three naga water gleaming on their naked torsos.

“Hey bro!” yelled Jacob.

John waved a greeting and surged closer leaning on the boat’s side.

“So you enjoying the use of my body?”

John smiled broadly and nodded a positive yes.

“Excellent. I thought you would. So do you want to swap back?”

John shook his head looking unhappy.

“That’s what I figured. I have permission to rejoin the family. So its either swap minds or get transformed.”

John licked his lips and offered his hand.

A little while later Brian gunned the engine and headed for shore, alone apart from a few discarded items of clothing.

* * *

Lair, French Quarter

The seven imps perched on the lid of the sarcophagus watching the skeleton with the eagle talon charm about its neck. The skull rocked and twitched as its occupant wriggled free of its old home. With one final shove the little imp freed itself from the skull and sat on the floor getting used to the feel of its newly freed wings.

The largest imp launched itself into the air, gliding down toward its prey. The tiny creature had no chance against its three month older brother, within seconds it was pinned flat, the elder’s prehensile penis impaling it the smaller creature gave a squeal of delight.

Tal knew the instant that Sen impaled him that he was no longer the dominant. A tiny part of him cursed his luck at getting caught before he had time to prepare, even as all his new instincts demanded his ecstatic submission. One by one in strict order of precedence the others descended on their little brother. By the time they were finished Tal felt very ecstatic and very submissive. Tomorrow they would once again assert their dominance his arse tingled at the very thought of it.