The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

UC:Fates Act3-Part1

This future set story is a result of a more than gross number of hours straight on a job. Six and a half days in, straight through, we finally found and fixed the problem. I had reached the point where caffeine was having paradoxical affects, it was actually calming me.

“Brenhar are you ok?” Lucas asks. This is the third morning she has woken before third bell sick to emptying her stomach. In two days they leave to return to school for the spring session, but not if she took ill.

“I’ll be fine.” She grimaced, “Just get me toast if you would please and some of that drink Charles favored, the caramel, vanilla bubbly one.”

“On it.” Lucas said throwing on a robe and heading to the kitchens, again.

“Thank you.” Brenhar says when he returns. A quick trip for this early, the kitchen staff must have expected him, she thinks.

“They sent a warmed brandy as well.”

“No, I don’t think that would be appropriate.” She replied with a smile.


“I need to go see the healers.”

“Here,” Lucas says with a grin, “I kept one of the chairs with wheels the doctors left next door for your second cousin after her fall from the tree.”

“Thank you, fourth cousin by the way.” Brenhar says gratefully as she seats herself. She knows what is coming, yet she dreads it as well. The healer called another healer. The healers called a doctor, the doctor called another doctor, Brenhar was tired of being poked prodded and any manner of tests long before fifth bell.

“Now.” Brenhar says softly just as sixth bell, mid day, is rung. A gross of heart beats pass then it is rung again, six more. Then another gross of beats pass and it is rung a third time. Then a dozen beats pass and one lone bell, softer, deeper, then the others is rung, just once.

“I take it that is the official announcement?” Lucas asks.

“That it is. It is another of our ancient traditions. When the state of the Heirs changes, the next mid day it is announced. Six bells for the Land Mother being well, fewer for her health. Six bells for the House mother, fewer for her health. Then finally six bells for the Heir Primus, that’s me. Then six for the Heir Secondus. That off bell three times is a healthy child for whoever it follows. The single today is the announcement of me being the youngest self confirmed Heir Primus since the Sync Wars. There has been no one with child younger than me since then, it is a great omen, a sign of strength, Michelson stands firm and strong now, united. Had I not this child I stood little chance of being confirmed in my own right to House or Land Mother, now I am confirmed and if I survive delivery none can challenge my right, just as she intended.” Brenhar says staring off in the distance thinking.


“If Lisa mirrors today or even soon and I miss her, pass a message for me will you?” Brenhar asks while setting a lone though ornate chess figure in the window, a pawn.


“Tell her pawn to queen’s seven, check.”

* * *


“Lisa, how are Nicole and Yen doing?” Charles asks at third bell in her dorm on the first day of school in the new year as they arranged their things in her dorm before going to his dorm to arrange them there.

“I think it worked collaring them inside like we did Brenhar. The instability of Yen and much of the moodiness of Nicole have been taken care of, as is at least part of her mouth. Least wise she isn’t complaining quite as whinily as she was anyway, though I fear nothing is going to help with either’s attitude, to be honest though, I do have some sympathy for them, just don’t tell them that. Still, they seem stable enough now even if Yen is still very Yen. I’ve also been meaning to ask, why did you take one of those single person closets they call individuals dorms anyway? I mean seriously, a communal bathroom?”

“Excellent, well good at least. Brenhar was right, they were broken, we had to fix them.” Charles told her with a grin at her not understanding him even now, “As for my choice of sleeping quarters, think of how it would have gone with trying to deal with you three with witnesses.”

“I know, there was just no warning with them, they reacted differently than we did, they seeme fine, then just kind of nuts and truth be told I’m still not sure why. And yes I know you would have attracted attention, likely way to much for my good at least, I shudder to think what would have happened to Sinda and Sandy with a crowd.”

“I think Nicole asking to be taken oral and vaginal at the same time by Lucas and I was one clue. I also like the true quiet I get by being alone. I know we are basically alone here except for Sinda and Sandy, and yes it is amusing when they use my dorm room when I’m here with you, but what is it you really want to know anyway?”

“As I said, I know. I still don’t see how changing the locks did that though. I mean just because we changed the order of authority on the doors in the inner white room, that shouldn’t have been enough to make them crazy.” Lisa admitted looking at him for several hearts then continuing, “Do you value quiet when you sleep or study that much?”

“Lisa,” Charles said then waited until she looked at him, “It is because with the changes we made the only things that still felt the same inside and outside were humiliation. Those were the only thoughts that didn’t change, so that was what they wanted, something consistent, unchanging. As for sleep privacy, I need it when I’m asleep, the rest are just bodily functions.”

“So those were the only ones that still felt real?”

“Exactly. It’s like when you weren’t allowed to hurt me. Do you remember what it was like when the thought to stab me wouldn’t form?”

“Yes. It never really formed, but I acted like it did if I persisted, at least in so far as acting on the replaced thoughts that is, the original having been lost. Wait, that’s why I woke again so late, you kept me asleep until everyone else had gone to eat or to class, that way I wouldn’t have to clean myself up in front of a crowd.”

“Now imagine if you could have had that thought, if you could have thought about stabbing me and had that thought stay about stabbing me instead of being replaced. But by the time it made it out of you it was different. If you could have still been thinking of stabbing me when you sucked me off and it felt the same, then later you would realize it was different. If simply making a thought real changed it, and you could tell later but not at the time. Then imagine being unable to get on with your day even though you had witnesses. That’s why you three had such awkward schedules for a while, it was the only way you didn’t have to do everything you couldn’t do in my half bath in public, basically on display.”

“Oh. So if she concentrated on doing something, say stabbing you, she then got to experience attempting to stab you as sucking you off.” Lisa replied as she let herself think about what it would have been like to be forced to get herself ready in public like that.

“Literally. In her mind she saw herself and decided to stab me, then went down on me instead, still envisioning stabbing me.”

“Then instead of smelling your blood she tasted your climax.”

“How many times can that happen before you start going a little crazy.”

“I don’t know, but not very many. I still think we should use Sien for the next part though” Lisa acknowledged while changing uncomfortable subjects. Knowing it was as much her fault for misreading the ancient texts, as for her impatience and not looking up everything left Lisa with a surplus of guilt. Choosing instead to answer with experiments to save time, rather than spare the girls pointless suffering had been expensive in terms of suffering.

“Why?” He asked accepting the change of subjects with an understanding grin.

“She is my next recruit’s size. She is kind of short, he really is, and under developed for his age.”

“You think it will help?”


“How do you want to start?”

“I’ll summon Sien once we get our stuff done so we can collar her like the others.”

“I can’t believe they let you come back to school.” Lucas says to Brenhar in his, now their, dorm. They are alone in it now, Nicole and Yen having been taken away yesterday and returned to their old dorm after helping Brenhar get settled in. Now the room is Brenhar’s alone to keep straight unless she came to need help due to physical needs, like not being able to bend over anymore from belly expanding.

“As you saw, it was a fight. My Mothers did not want me away. A pregnant Heir, let alone a Primus, off to school on her own, no matter her age. They considered the idea to be a scandal. Especially with the school not allowing any armsmen on campus, even for this. I have to admit though, there is no real danger to me being here. See them or not, I suspect the Legents are watching due to my age if nothing else. Seven years early is quite the miracle, to us and the Legents I think, your third Heir really knows how to put on a performance. I have learned they do that, the Legents that is, they just watch sometimes, whether you see them or not.” Brenhar said rambling as she laid clothes out on the bed, suppressing a nervous glance out the window as though she would see a Legent if they didn’t want to be seen.

“Is there a real reason you dragged me along to the meetings with the upper and lower houses of the allied families of Michelson?” Lucas asked hoping for an answer this time, but short of issuing orders like he really dislikes doing, that hope is lonely and shallow.

“Yes. First they are the clan house and the family house.” She answered confirming the expected evasion.


“The upper house is the heads of the clans, the lower is the heads of the actual families in the clans.”

“Are you evading my question?” He asked with a smile as she does what he had anticipated, again.

“Yes.” Brenhar admitted blushing, “I just don’t want to admit quite how badly I am outmaneuvered by your Third Heir.”

“Is that why I was your keeper to the upper house and your boy friend to the lower?”

“Yes. She paralyzes your government by putting you here with me. She pins mine with this child I carry. Between the two it forces both Familydoms to play nice.”

“How did you know that trick with me being able to allow you to humble me, if I chose to let you, would work?” Lucas asked astonished at the number of things those two little acts actually did.

“Because the collar might interfere with the birth so I knew she, Lisa that is, would leave me an out.”

“An out?”

“Yes, I could be out of this collar in a bell if I chose.” Brenhar laughed, “With your cooperation of course, even if I had to show you every step it would not take longer. She assumes, correctly I believe, that you would give it in order to save the child.”

“What!? Of course, the child comes first.” Lucas gasped offended.

“That is why you could choose to let me humble you. It is a way to ensure the life of the child. She would kill me herself with a smile if it fit her purposes, thankfully it does not. But she would never willingly or even knowingly endanger an unborn child. Therefore there exists a way out of this collar, just in case, and that way is you.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I am bound because I gave my word. You control me because it is my parole, you are my keeper and I must do as you say.” Brenhar said softly with an odd tone, “Yet I also have a responsibility to my child. She, they, caused me to have this child and it comes before all else, even me.”

“I do not understand.” Lucas said hearing more than one level of meaning though the rest evaded him for now.

“You allowing me to humble you for testifying is a sign of faith on your part. That the possibility exists is Lisa’s oath that life comes before death.”

“Then I really can release that abominable collar somehow?” Lucas asks.

“Yes. But you will not and must not unless ordered to do so by the healers or the doctors to save the life of the child.” Brenhar stated flatly as an order, her ability to do so affirming in her mind she was correct, “You will not do so to save my life, it is already forfeit. If you have not figured out how if and when the times comes, I will tell or instruct you on how to.”

“The child isn’t mine is it?” He asks deflecting yet again as his new world opens yet more.

“You know the odds.” She laughed.

“If it were any other circumstances it would be.”

“I know. My age aside, which is impossible on it’s own, I was only with him, Charles, for a night and part of a day.” Brenhar said looking at Lucas with an odd look of yearning and something else that evades words in his mind, “I have been with you for moons now. I have, as ordered, been offering myself to you morning and evening in addition to you using me as instructed and I haven’t resisted even once, I have in fact welcomed you and we both know it. Yet we both know the child is Charles’.”

“It feels weird talking about this.” He replied thinking of the game and ritual she has made of her obedience and sentence.

“It is weird. I am confirmed though.” Brenhar said smiling for real, “I introduced you as my keeper to the clans because clans are political, I introduced you as my boyfriend to the families because they are personal. The clans are held fast by your presence, the families by the child. Were we butterflies or other flitting things there would be pins aplenty sticking us in place.”

“I didn’t ask to be named like that.” Lucas replied with a shudder.

“I know, but you are now Heir Primus Consort, accepted and accredited. Those that do not know what is going on think this child is yours, making you a talisman to be held closely. Those that do know what is going on know this child is Charles’, making you an inalienable conduit to Her.”

“In ali what?” He asked losing her meaning at a word he doesn’t know.

“Sorry, been studying too much from our archives at home. I hadn’t realized how much it gets into your head. It means that since she put you here, she will always listen when you speak to her.”

“At least I don’t have to do that dance of wills anymore.” Lucas laughed, grinning as he remembered how delicately the real emphasis of the dance of wills had been explained, and his apparent standing in it now.

“No, they were rather specific on that.” Brenhar laughs remembering the firmness of the instructions from her mothers that she keep Lucas to herself while trying to forget the tone those instructions were delivered in.

“Any idea what happens next?”

“This is now officially our dorm. I feel like we are starting a life, yet this is just school. I am not sure what happens when the child arrives though.” Brenhar admits, wondering if she could keep the child here in the dorm for her last year since pregnancies lasted fifteen to eighteen moons. Hence she would deliver at the end of next year with one year left in her formal education, a first in the history of the school.

“I am going to ask that they officially remove the collar before the birth.”

“Don’t bother, they won’t.” Brenhar laughed knowing he meant Charles and Lisa, while she meant her own upper and lower houses.

“Why not. This was obviously Lisa’s plan, us getting together and me being your consort. Though her instruction to keep offering yourself will have to be modified eventually.”

“It is obvious, but that only makes her and it more dangerous. It tells me, us, nothing, except that we underestimated her abilities. It is just a distraction. Even the instructions to use me are nothing but a distraction, a way of explaining the inexplainable. People know I offer, the juicy gossip of the ‘auburn witch’, yes I had heard that nickname and was at the time proud of it, as a chambermaid was too good to even hope it would stay contained.” Brenhar told him while still trying to understand what was really happening. “They know I have no choice, that I am your sex or bedroom toy, and in their minds that explains it. She even provides an excuse for the miracle not being a miracle at all for those few who bother to look deeper.”

“Making the youngest self confirmed Heir, let alone Primus, since the sync wars is a distraction?” Lucas asked tearing his thoughts away from the middle of her expressed thoughts, still afraid of being involved at this level of intrigue. Afraid of backlash since he is still instructed to use Brenhar. Afraid because she insists that he does and told her Mothers the same.

“Unfortunately, I know how it sounds, but yes.” Brenhar admitted with a frown, “I think no one has made a good estimate of that girl even now. Despite all my studies of her, I think my only real advantage is that I know and accept that I am missing more than I am catching. The rest think they have a handle on her, at least I’m not that stupid...anymore.”

“You knew what she would do to you?” Lucas asked startled as his eyes involuntarily went to her still flat stomach.

“I looked at her moves. They looked suicidal, yet she did them with such precision that it belied her missing that obvious fact, therefore they weren’t. She had us aimed for a rematch, everyone else thinks she took me in the fight after I got hurt again, not Charles, which would have led directly to war later, which made no sense. Once I looked at what it would take for the moves to make sense, impossible or not, the truth was staring me in the face. The rematch was a distraction for this distraction, an excuse for our Familydom to intervene, for me to be stepped on by my own Mothers publicly which stops the conflict between her and I cold. Which is itself yet another distraction, as long as they think they know why she is moody and distracted and brooding, they think they have a handle on her. Thus giving her freedom to be unseen in the midst of a crowd, as I said, it is all a distraction.”

“How did she do it?” Lucas asked still staring at her stomach, intrigued by the level indirection in Lisa’s actions, yet directness.

“In part, the collar.” Brenhar replies not wanting Lucas to know how deeply they are into her head, or he is into her heart, “Other than that I am not sure.”

“I’m sorry for my part in all this.”

“I’m not. I welcome you.” She replied honestly.

“Your mothers are acting like they think it is all my fault.”

“They have to.”

“Then why do both seem to hate me?”

“Because they know it is a ruse. The child is real, you are the ruse. They can’t admit the truth because the life debt would make the child his for the taking. By accepting you, even if it means accepting this fake enforced peace between our Familydoms. By welcoming you into our house, they keep the Heir they have to have to survive as they are, me. They also retain the honor of having the youngest Magist or Techist to bear a child in half a millennium. To do otherwise is to lose on a level that would make a losing an otherwise inevitable war look good.”

“In other words Lisa blackmailed them, the whole Familydom, into taking a life debt bribe that leverages the entire Familydom as collateral?” Lucas asked aghast at the audacity.

“Precisely. In exchange for the child, they are loaning the entire Familydom to her, through you as my consort. I am your plaything, and I have to stay your plaything, to ensure that we keep the child and that our army will respond to her call when the time comes for her to move.”

“And that is just her opening move?”

“Yes. Taking the largest Familydom on the continent as willing hostage is her opening move, and still a mere distraction I fear.”

* * *

“Hello Micah.” Lisa says to the nervous young man entering her dorm.

“Hello my lady.”

“I am Lisa here.”

“I knew who you are, Third Heir. My family are recent immigrants and we know who rules the lands we call home now. We know the place we are hoping that we may stay this time.”

“That is why I want to talk to you.”

“What is ma’am?”

“Micah, can we speak plainly please?”

“As you wish.” He replied nervously. He is just over two full hands shy of a fathom, skinny and not more than eight or nine stone despite his recorded age. She is taller, older and far more powerful than he is. He also finds her very intimidating, as much for her looks, that have changed from the beginning of the year, as for her presence.

“You are from Dest, A Techist enclave.”

“Kingdom ma’am, but Dest, yes.”

“Why did you leave?”

“We were driven out ma’am. They have many technologies and our magic, while minor, still disrupts the technology around us. We appealed to the crown, one of the princes heard our case directly, yet we were still forced to leave our home, though we were well paid for it. The crown even matched the sale price and paid our fare on the train one way.”

“Why did you choose Thomson instead the closer and larger Michelson.”

“They are larger, yet insular. It takes generations to be taken seriously there. We would have been less than servants until my grandchildren’s time. Thomson is known for taking in outsiders and judging them firmly, some say harshly, yet fairly.”

“You are old enough to be a second or third year, yet you are a first year, why is that?”

“Second year ma’am, I am still fifteen, I do not turn sixteen until equinox. As for my education, we did not have the money to send me to a place like this before, and we definitely could not afford here no matter what we did. When we arrived in, I was tested and qualified for some scholarship thing. Someone matched my family’s contribution so I could go to school here and truly learn, instead of picking up what I could on the street and likely getting in trouble from lack of experience with and control of my magic.”

“We have laws in Thomson.” Lisa told him, “One of them is that anyone who tests out above a certain point in potential goes to school in Centerversity. Below that, they attend our schools unless they can afford to go here on their own, so if someone matched your contribution as a recent immigrant, your Magic is not so slight as you think. Likely your younger sister’s will not be either, or your brother still on his way since the paperwork I have indicates your mother is expecting. You will find we take good care of expectant mothers in Thomson.”

“What can I do for you Third Heir?” He asked more wary and weary both than he has ever been.

“I need your help.”

“How can I help you?” Micah asked uncaring of the fear leaking in his voice.

“I need to make a deal with you.”

“What kind of deal?”

“I need to hire you to take some time off from school and make a journey back to Dest.”

“Hire? Why?”

“I need to speak to that Prince you spoke with.”

“You want me to be your guide in Dest?”

“Something like that.” She laughed.

“Why me?” Micah asked suspiciously.

“Because you have what I need.”

“I mean no offense but I have to ask, what’s in it for me? I hate asking but we are very poor, my parents contributing to me attending here used most of our reserves, it will be a very tight year for them. We have not had time to establish ourselves so we have had little work as of yet.”

“Let’s start there.”

“Start there?”

“Yes. To begin with I am guessing that you are having a hard time in school since you are a year or more behind?”


“Then I will arrange a tutor.”

“Thank you.”

“Further, I will put in a good word back home, I do have some sway in these matters.”

“What could I do that would rate that much effort on your part Third Heir?”

“You know that Prince you mentioned, he sounds like a good guy. I meant it when I said that I needed to talk with him. As soon as possible.”

“My studies though. As you said, I am struggling.”

“Be back here after supper.”

“Yes my lady.” Micah says retreating.

* * *

A bell later, in her dorm, Lisa is standing in front of the mirror both dreading and looking forward to what follows. But the dance card must be filled, the band must play on until the fat lady sings, else the audience’s attention might wander and she can ill afford that.

“Thank you for seeing me on such short notice.” she says as the mirror lights up in record time in response to her request to speak to either the Land or House Mothers. Then she blinks as a second of the four mirrors for the normal four occupants lights up as well.

“Good day Lady Ericson.” Land Mother Thomson says gravely. Affirming in Lisa’s mind that everything she has previously known about her future no longer applies, she is an adult now. Her Land Mother calling her by her adult title in front of witnesses, her House Mother and their combined amrsmen obviously counting, makes her legally an adult as of that statement.

“Is there a reason for you to mirror in the middle of the day?” The House Mother Thomson asks formally.

“Perhaps something you wish to share?” The first asks just as formally.

“Mothers.” Lisa replies politely bowing her head as though wondering how much trouble she was in, and for what exactly.

“How is our subject Lucas doing? Is he in good health?”

“Oh, Lucas.” Lisa frowns, fretting. She really has been dreading this, but now she is out of time, this is where the models in her mind meat reality and she begins finding out if she is as good as she hopes.

“He is in good health. What would you like to know Mothers?” Lisa, now Lady Ericson, asks.

“Is he happy? Is he content?”

“You’ve heard?” Lisa asks knowing the answer.

“Perhaps in your mad rush you overlooked a detail. Like maybe the fact that treaty and law both require the major Familydoms to inform each other of changes in Heirs or marital status?”

“Marital status?” Lisa asks truly surprised, the change in the Heir having been her doing of course.

“Perhaps you have been too busy with your pet projects to keep up. Let us enlighten you then. This morning we received formal word that Heir Primus Brenhar of Michelson is the youngest self confirmed Magist or other Heir in half a millennium. Further, we received this report a quarter bell after we received reports of massive troop movement along our common border.”

“Chaos!” Lisa whispers in shock, this was unexpected, and potentially trouble.

“We received another shock when those troops did not move on our border.”

“Thank order.” Lisa whispers in relief.

“We received our next shock when we heard that the Heir Primus Michelson now has an official and accepted consort.”

“She what?” Lisa gasps in true shock, this was far ahead of when she thought it even might happen, and the event was far from guaranteed as well.

“Your efforts were perhaps more effective than you had envisioned, or planned on I think.”

“How so?” Lisa asks wondering if she truly had missed something.

“Apparently their Land Mother is upset, quite highly upset, more so than our diplomatic people can explain, far more so than logic would explain if some notes are to be believed. However, when the House Mother along with the Upper and Lower houses all confirm, especially with well over a super majority in both latter cases, you live with it. You also try to find a way to like it, whether you really like it or not.”

“I am sorry, I had no idea.”

“Lucas is now the accepted and accredited consort. Publicly, everyone assumes the child is his of course. Grand celebrations are in progress in Michelson for the child, and some here in Thomson for Lucas as well.”

“I am so sorry. It never occurred to me that they might...” Lisa says stammering to a stop.

“You forgot the human element dear.” The Land Mother says gently though with something showing in her eyes.

“I take it the child is Charles’?” The House Mother asks, an obviously rhetorical question.

“Yes Mothers.” Lisa replied.

“Could that child have been yours?”

“Not the way we did it.”


“I can say no more on that at this time Mothers. To say more would be to endanger my works. I have learned that the mirrors are not as private as we have always assumed. There is a way to listen in if someone has the right information. I will send an envoy when I can.”

“We look forward to their arrival.”

“Thank you Mothers and I sincerely apologize. I never imagined that she would lay claim to Lucas.” Lisa answered out loud, but ‘This soon’ in her own thoughts.

“They have declared that he represents peace between our lands allowing them to withdraw from our border, short as it is, and concentrate on other problems. They are treating this as an official affair of state.”

“No fair! They hijacked part of my plan!” Lisa whined, praying.

“It lets them concentrate on Donalson and Dest, of course they did.” The House Mother answered, prayer answered.

“Wait, you said affair of state, not joining or marriage of state.”

“You caught that did you?” The Land Mother asked grinning. “The Land Mother formally protested you assigning Lucas as her keeper. The secret is out by the way, unofficially, about that trick you pulled with the collar. It was worded having to do with us, Thomson, keeping her on indefinite parole.”

“Not indefinite. Parole ends when she graduates. Besides, the parole is from Charles, not us, not even me.”

“The non protesting portions of their government are ecstatic to have an Heir on the way already and consider Brenhar staying with Lucas, a proven virile mate, as part of her parole to be the state of peace between us.” The Land Mother went on, ignoring Lisa’s outburst.

“In other words,” Lisa replies finally catching on, “They knew what their Land and House Mothers didn’t about how she treated people, boys who caught her eye in particular?”

“And are using circumstances to keep her under house, or would it really be bedroom, arrest. With Lucas as consort, even, or especially with him not being of one of the upper houses, we won’t attack except in response, so they can ignore us militarily. He stays consort as political cover for the fact that she is on parole of a sort for good behavior, and since he isn’t any part of our ruling families this is not an attempt to influence their government. They don’t push that parole or the unusual manner you have implemented it, because that collar enables Lucas, who they like by the way and think has good common sense, to force the Heir, Brenhar, that they don’t really want but are stuck with, to do her job regardless. The good part for them is he keeps her on a short leash, forces her to do her job, having the baby while keeping up her education, and hopefully keeps producing heirs. You may find the official request to have her parole ended when she graduates somewhat late, years late in fact, perhaps decades.”

“Oh sweet chaos, poor Lucas.”

“We received a personal note as well. The House and Land mothers have reservations about the whole setup but said Brenhar has never been on better behavior, and they emphasized, Never! They said Lucas is to keep attempting to provide more heirs and that he is to remain as her keeper to preserve the current state of affairs. It enables them to ignore us militarily because to attack would be to endanger one of our own, and us to ignore them, a boon for us both. They send thanks to you for saving them, losing Brenhar that soon after losing the last Heir Primus would have started them going downhill, and they offer their support later as needed.”

“They know it was me, not Charles, that set this up?”

“We think so. An addendum added from House Mother to House Mother said to thank you for taming Brenhar before she got herself killed like her sisters. She, The House Mother that is, considers the collar she despises a life preserving service, and hopes the next heir is Lucas’.”

“Order take me.” Lisa hisses.

“Our diplomatic people have indicated that their whole government has calmed since she arrived home for solstice. Their last gasp would have been attacking us for resources in a bid to stop others, Donalson, Dest, Kallows etc, from taking them as they came apart. Not that it would have helped, but they would have had no choice except to try and we know it.”

“This did not go the way I intended.”

“Yet you have saved them and preserved us.”

“I have saved no one yet. I have only forestalled the future. I have not stopped it.” Lisa stated flatly.

“How did you figure out how to make those collars again. Our records speak of them, we found them once we knew what to look for. Though you appear to have added a few new wrinkles.”

“I didn’t, Charles did. I showed him the records of them, asked him where to look to learn more. Then after thinking about it for a while and doing some research of his own, he was able to show me how to make and use them.”

“He did? He showed you how, not looked it up?”


“Then Michelson has an advantage in the upcoming years, they actually have a child of a now proven line with a good mind that grasps new things.”

“You see that as an advantage even now?”


“Are you asking when for me?”

“Yes.” The House Mother said bluntly.

“Not now, not for years. I had not considered the child a real advantage strategically, just a necessary pawn.”

“Not for strategy, for tactics and for politics.”

“Are you ordering?”

“No, not yet anyway, " The House Mother replied staring hard, “we are asking if it can be arranged.”


“Yes, if not you, then perhaps with Muren?”

“Are you asking if I can do the same thing to my Land Sister, the Second Heir, that I did to my enemy?”

“Can you?”

“Yes.” Lisa admitted reluctantly.

“What’s the problem?”

“Even if the person submits and doesn’t fight, it is torture.”

“Can you choose the father?”

“I can guarantee Charles, no one else. Muren has a consort already, he would be devastated.”

“They are already talking committing, can you make her Consort, or maybe one of her hangars on, her keeper?”

“No, that would be wrong.”

“Brenhar is twenty three, Muren is almost twenty eight. Not as much of a miracle for us, but close enough for what we need. Still under thirty and far less than the nearly forty that is not uncommon for us, there must be balance.”

“But she would be his, unable to refuse, resist, or even decide if she liked unless he allowed.” Lisa replied with a shudder.

“Once the child is born the collar can be removed correct?”

“Yes, and there is far far more to it than just the collar.”

“How so?”

“It affects the mind.”

“I see. You don’t mind potentially breaking your enemy and giving them an advantage, but you actually care about your sister so you are willing to cripple us.”

“That is a harsh way to put it.”

“We’ll talk later then. You should also know that Lucas now carries Michelson Family papers in addition to his for our Familydom.”

“They went all out then.” Lisa observes thankful for the subject change.

“We and they both want to know more about those collars. Even as a parole item they would be of enormous value.” The Land Mother said grimly.

“Have you actually studied what those collars allow even in the records?”

“Yes. We have studied them closely. We still don’t know how to make them, for some reason that information is missing from our archives, all we have are meaningless notes. But we have a listing of what they can do. Yet though they can be used to enforce behaviors, force truth, enslave, reduce the mind, redirect the will and alter the thoughts, we found nothing indicating their use as an aid to getting pregnant.”

“A different question then, do you object to the unofficial alliance with Michelson?” Lisa asked changing the subject slightly since the Mothers had at least a clue she was in part lying to them.


“Is what you are really asking me whether there is a way to turn the tables on Michelson tactically?”

“Yes.” The Land Mother replied staring hard at her, just as the House Mother had been.

“Is Tersa, my oldest sister Heir, the real reason you have a third heir?” Lisa asked probing.

“Umm,” Both Mothers replied almost as one glancing toward each other, perhaps Lisa wasn’t the only one lying. ‘But about what?’ Lisa asked herself silently as she stared back.

“I have suspected for a while now.” Lisa admitted out loud, hoping she was seeing more accurately through their lies than they were through hers.

“What are you thinking?” The Land Mother asked happy with the deflection, which left Lisa unhappy.

“She is thirty four and body wise quite the catch.”


“How close do you want this new peace to hit to home?”

“I see,” The Land Mother replied with a look of frustration, “We’ll talk later, about balance, all about balance. Goodbye for now.” And the mirror went reflective.

“You know what I think?” House Mother Thomson asks half a gross of hearts later looking across the room.

“That we have her exactly where she wants us?” Land Mother Thomson agrees looking back.

“That girl is too clever by more than half.”

“Do you think we even surprised her at all; really?”

“The longer I think about it, the less I think so.”

“She is more and more like her father all the time.”

“We’re in trouble aren’t we?”

“I think the more we learn about what she is doing, the more we will know about how much trouble the world is in, but I think we’re fine.”

* * *

“This is gross.” Lisa thinks to herself at seventh bell as she sits staring at the first sleep talking and then humbled Sien seated lotus style in front of her staring at nothing. They are both in semi formal robes with elaborate hoods hiding their faces from any view not directly in front. She herself is staring at traces of her own seed magic. Finding mention of the female form of the all too obvious male seed magic has been the work of moons, and impossible to understand without Charles’ help.

“I hope this works.” She thinks as she looks one last time at the tiny spice-measuring spoon of clear liquid that sparkles in her new sight.

“Open your mouth Sien.” Lisa orders and watches it happen. Then she puts the thumbnail sized half sphere spoon of liquid into Sien’s mouth and dumps it.

“Close your mouth Sien.” Lisa orders then prepares herself for the journey. Placing her hands on Sien’s forehead she reaches outward like she taught Charles, then she is in the white room inside Sien’s mind with the sleep talking girl staring ahead at nothing from her chair.

“Rise,” Lisa orders, then sits in the seat, “Now kneel in front of me and lay your head on my lap.”

“Good girl Sien.” Lisa says once Sien is kneeling as ordered. Lisa then places her hands on Sien’s head and once again reaches outward, this time as Charles had shown her.

“Good girl.” Lisa says to the humbled girl standing with her in the inner white room with a maze of tunnels running everywhere. Every mind she has visited has had the same first white room with the chair. However, the room reached from the inside room, while white like the other, is different in everyone she has visited like this, each has it’s own set of tunnels making each one individual, though much the same.

“Take me to supply.” She orders and the humbled Sien leads her away.

“I made a deposit earlier.” Lisa says to the smaller copy of Sien standing behind the counter of materials procurement, “I need a cup of my Seed Magic.”

“Yes ma’am.” The clerk version of Sien says after a nervous glance at her full size version who nods yes on command.

“Thank you.” Lisa says to the clerk, no need to be rude after all. Lisa takes the mug sized cup and then orders the full size Sien to take her back to the main room.

“Kneel.” Lisa orders as she withdraws a collar from her pocket. With a deep breath she dips the whole collar in the cup one bit at a time rotating it until the whole thing is wet though not dripping.

“Head up, chin high.” She orders and then, with some hesitation, she snaps the collar into place. Once there, Lisa firms it with a few spells then blends it, “Stand.”

“Now then.” Lisa says taking a deep breath, “Take the cup and listen carefully. From this time forward you keep the cup with you and safe. From time to time the cup will talk to you, you will do what it says no matter your wishes. Over time you will adjust yourself so that whatever the cup says to do, you will do and it will seem normal. Do you understand?”


“Good. Now eventually you will reach the point where you can no longer tell whether it is you thinking something or the cup talking, the sooner the better, but I know it will take time. I will soon be putting another collar on you outside, it will tell you things to be on the outside and you will be them, the role it assigns is the one you shall take on. Whatever role it is, that is who and what you are until released from that role or reassigned another one. If you are released from a role without being assigned another one, you will revert to your first role.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Good. You know Charles?”


“He is your body master. He controls you in all outer ways. You are a thing he can play with as he pleases and have you do whatever he wants. You will not passively obey him, you will actively obey him. You will want him to do whatever he wants with you. You will want to do what ever he wants you to do. You will not merely accept your servitude to him, you will celebrate it and revel in it. You desire to obey, serve and service him in all ways and in all things. You want him to have you, to enjoy you and to have him in you whenever, wherever, however he may desire. Do you understand?”


“Good, now I am with your very thoughts. I speak to you through the cup you carry and you shall keep it safe from all harm. If you have doubts, drink from the cup and it shall calm you. Each time you drink from it you will adapt, you will change, alter just a little to make it easier to do and be what I tell you next time.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Each time you need reassurance you will drink. There will always be drink in that cup, you will always carry the assurance, you will nurture it, keep it safe and it will keep you reassured. So long as you keep drinking from it when you need reassurance and adapting, it will always be full when you need it.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Now what happens if Charles wants you to sleep with him?”

“I sleep with Charles.”

“Does it matter what Charles wants?”

“No ma’am.”

“What are you to Charles.”

“I am a thing for him to play with. I am a service to be enjoyed at will. I am a toy that desires to be played with and used as often my owner desires or I can entice him.”

“Now as you adapt to me being your thoughts any time you fight me, you will become an extension of what I want from you, do you understand?”


“Excellent.” Lisa said and withdrew leaving the humbled girl in her own mind holding a talking cup that would reassure her in her times of need. Then left from the chair with Sien’s head still on her lap and found herself back in her rooms and more exhausted than she ever remembers being.

* * *

“Third Heir?” Wakes Lisa a while later and she turns her head to see Micah standing hesitantly in the doorway staring at her and Sien still facing each other sitting cross legged on the floor. She is stiff and finds it hard, but she rises stifling a curse at her aching joints.

“Come in Micah.” Lisa replies as she forces herself to her feet.

“You said to come back.” He replied taking an indicated chair.

“Yes I did. I promised you a tutor and I have one.”

“Her name is Sien.” Lisa says continuing and reaches out to dull the nerve points Charles taught her leaving Sien in an unresponsive body when Lisa releases the humbling, though wide awake.

“Sien?” Sien hears Micah say.

“Yes. She is going to be your tutor and more.” Lisa tells him much to Sien’s horror.

“She is?” Micah asks watching Lisa pull back the hood of Sien’s robe exposing her face.

“Yes.” Sien hears Lisa tell Micah as she simply stares straight ahead unable to do anything, even her eyes don’t respond, though they blink normally.

“What are you doing?” Micah asks making Sien apprehensive and curious.

“Do you remember that big fight earlier this year that Brenhar got into?”


“Sien was in that fight.”

“She was?” Micah asks and Sien remembers the feeling as her magic slid away and her body betrayed her, much as it is doing now.

“Yes. Brenhar liked to take unwilling guys as Pinnochios.”

“I’ve heard.” Micah whispered remembering the rumors and the warnings.

“Well at one point Brenhar was having a bad day.” Lisa said and Sien knew better.

“She selected a third year as her Pinocchio for the night.” Lisa continues and Sien remembers the rumors that led to that decision. Rumors about that third year having survived a conflict with Lisa, not a mere dance of wills, not just an arcanum, but a real fight. “The problem was that not only did she not invite him, he hadn’t asked, wasn’t interested and resisted her efforts to take him by force.”

“He did?”

“Yes. He was hurt quite badly in that fight. She was hurt as well, but recovered before he did.” Lisa told him and Sien relived seeing Brenhar stumbling around for days, then her fantastic recovery she remembered nothing of that everyone was still wondering about.

“When he got out of the healers wing after nearly two weeks,” Lisa continues and Sien can see it all again. The gathering of information, the talking, the decision to teach not just him, but his entire class of people a lesson. To show all the serfs, all the lower born, their proper place, teach them better, make sure they know their place, “She attacked him in his dorm when he was expected to be sleeping.

“What really happened?” Micah asked as Sien felt a soft and wide braided though thin collar fitted around her neck. She remembers that night, the feeling of triumph that the low born, the one who got lucky against Brenhar the first time would get his, what he had coming. Then the unexpected shields so like Brenhar’s own, the explosion as their combined attack was deflected, the dorm wall and the skeleton of the school taking the brunt of that ear shattering blast. Then Jack lifting in the air, turning with panic and some other emotion on his face, then nothing, Jack was gone. In his place a jack clothed thing lay looking intact, but feeling of nothing, no longer a part of this world. She remembers that moment when Jack went away, not even the living hell of the last moons has held that moment back, kept her from feeling and reliving it.

“He defended himself after the initial attack, but it was too late for some.” Lisa continued as she adjusted the collar to fit just right, “Sinda was already dead. One of the attackers was dead and Charles was defending himself from the rest.”

“Why did they attack him?” Micah asked. Sien knew, she could remember the talk, the banter, the excitement of the hunt, then Jack twisting wrongly and there being nothing on his face anymore as his body slumped in the wrong shape. Then Nicole twitching before just collapsing, then Yen twitching, giggling and finally collapsing in an orgasmic mess. She tuned out Lisa covering the rest, she knew what happened next. Her magic failed, her body failed, then she was trapped just as she was now only staring up at Brenhar near her floating with Charles waving his hand and Lisa telling him not to.

“They thought they had the right.” Lisa explained and Sien remembered the feeling when the humblement began to change, when she became aware, when she began to really experience what was happening, not just remember it later. When she began to be the passenger she had forced so many others to be. Being bound by ropes then taken by force, even repeatedly, would have been kinder than feeling yourself respond and obey as though you had decided to. Then later not being sure if you had decided or not, for the memories felt so much like your own. To feel your own body do another’s will, to feel it respond with yearning to the abuse she was subjected to. The feeling as she shuffled from sucking off Charles in the mornings, to class, to meals, to sucking him in the evenings. Then on again to service who ever she was told to by Lisa or who ever Lisa designated to run her life that night. This is the hell Sien has been living since the fight. Trapped, alone, unable to even scream, and unable to sleep. All while her body obeyed others while she was passed around as half toy, half prize, and she felt herself beginning to like it in order to survive it, to keep her mind intact if she should ever have a chance to escape.

“Ow.” Micah says pulling Sien back to the present.

“Now just put your thumb over the seam, make sure it gets your blood on it, then wait.”

“Ok.” Micah says just after Sien feels a warm spot on the back of her neck go cold then warm again.

“Hello Sien.” Lisa says coming around face to face with her, “I know you’re in there, I know you’re listening. I just want you to know you are bound by law for the murder of Sinda, the life debt of her return and the attempted murder of Charles. I, the appointed agent of Charles in these matters, hereby sentence you to parole by servitude, until such a time as you are released or formally sentenced by court or tribunal. Before you get to excited, remember, you killed Sinda. Even if Charles lets you off, as you know he doesn’t have to, you will then face me and I will no longer have his moderating influence to hold me back. This is Micah, you are now his chambermaid and tutor.”

“Now what?” Micah asks and though Sien tries to scream, tries to yell, tries to be defiant, her body does nothing though as Lisa tells him to humble her. Once more her world dissolves into that white bliss so much better than where she has been.

“She’s all yours.”

“Mine?” Micah asks.

“Yes.” Lisa answers with a smile, “Her permanent role is as your chambermaid, her secondary role is your tutor. As long as she isn’t carrying out some task Charles or I give her, she will assume any role you assign her. You can do with her as you will. You are her keeper until she faces trial. Normally the family would see to it that trial took place quickly, in this case though, her Familydom will make no protest, formal or otherwise. You are instructed to have her and enjoy her a minimum four times a week until after spring of hearts, though you may know it as Lupe and Cail, wolf wooing the song bird, or some other name for celebrating spring, it seems to have many many names. She is property, use her and treat her as such.”

“What?” Micah asks astonished and embarrassed.

“I have my reasons. Her sentence, if taken to court, will be either life inhumblement, or death. If I can assure Charles that she is getting used just like she used to use others, then he can let things go and not end up taking her to a formal tribunal. If you have any questions take them to Brenhar.”

“You are ordering me to umm?”

“Yes. She is bonded to you. The collar will enforce your will on her. Though she will remain to a certain extent free, disobedience will be something like painful for her, it’s not really pain, but close enough for now. The measures are harsh in order to prevent this kind of act in the future. Lessor sentences have failed to dissuade it, hence this.”

“Sien.” Sien hears Lisa say as the white bliss lifts and she is herself for the first time since the fight.

“What?” Sien demands angrily and feels the collar contract as fire fills her veins. The scream she hears isn’t real, it’s inside, then it lifts.

“For that you have a punishment and a new rule,” Lisa tells her as her eyes focus again.

“What rule?” Sien asks, but quietly this time. Punishment happens once, rules go on forever.

“Better. From this time forward you will always call Micah master. You can either do it out loud, or in your head. However if it is in your head, it must be how you think of him.”

“I am to call Micah Master out loud unless I think of him as my master in my head?” Sien half hears herself ask, half asks.


“And my Punishment?”

“You entice him into you all three ways, and he pops in you all three ways, by morning.”

“But that’s...” Sien starts in and then stops when fire starts filling her veins.

“Now you will also bring yourself off with him in you anally, display that attitude again and it’s twice.”

“Yes ma’am.” Sien replies quietly as she trembles in fear, wondering if being herself now is any better than what she was.

“Better. Now do all that by morning or be available to his dorm mates any time you are not on his bed or doing chores while in the dorm.”

“Yes ma’am.” Sien replies sick to her stomach, but determined to succeed. Two horrid moments is better than ongoing torment.

“Please don’t.” Micah asks embarrassed.

“She needs to be punished.” Lisa answers.

“Please choose something else then.”

“Ok then.” Lisa relents, “She gets you to pop in her three times by morning though, and one of those will be oral in front of your dorm mates. However, Charles will be adding something as well instead of further punitives from me.”

“Thank you.” Sien says softly, not even trying to keep the relief out of her voice. Males are easier in the torture department than females, whatever he chose should be easier than whatever Lisa would.

“Sien?” Micah says hesitantly.

“Yeah.” She replies off hand and fire fills her veins once again though this time she can breathe.

“Say it or think it.” Sien hears Lisa tell her.

“Yes master.” Sien forces out between the screams inside that won’t surface for no reason she knows of, then the fire is gone and she feels something more than just relief.

“Go.” Lisa tells Micah.

“Going.” He replies half elated half terrified.

“Did you forget something?” Lisa asks as he reaches the door.

“Sorry. Come on Sien.”

“Yes,” Sien replies as she feels herself decide to get up then the fire begins when she holds back from moving, “master.”

“Better.” Lisa replies watching.

* * *

“Relax Sinda.” Charles is telling her in his old dorm. They are alone except for Sandy, who is lying in a corner humbled.

“Good, just listen to my voice and relax.” Charles repeats and guides her to a talking sleep. He knows Lisa is dealing with Sien and her plan with Micah, and that made this the ideal time.

“You know the way you have been so completely obedient to me the last few months?”

“Yes sir.”

“That time is over. You are no longer required to obey me like that. Now things can return to normal, the way they used to be. Do you understand?”

“Yes sir.”

“I like you and have appreciated you, however the time for your unthinking obedience is over. From now on you will think before you obey and choose whether to. Your mind and your will are yours once more, now you will decide things for yourself.”

“Yes sir.”

“In a moment I am going to kiss you and you will kiss me back. You will respond to everything I do, being fully cooperative. You will go down on me and awaken as I approach climax. This one last time you will be fully responsive until I am done with you. Once I am done you will clean yourself up and leave. When you leave you are leaving the absolute control I have had behind. You will no longer be bound by it and will return to your normal self. You will not regret what you remember doing and it will never bother you in the future. It is different and no part of anything else, do you understand?”

“Yes sir.” Sinda replied and he kissed her. She kissed him back and he started in. She responded to his touch and touched back. The gentle caress of a cheek became a brush against a breast. The shirt that separated him from her touch was lost along with her’s that held her away from him. Subtle magics created trails of lingering touch where their hands wandered over each other.

Two hands each felt like four and they both responded to each other. Her kisses working their way down him. This lead to licks and a tongue brushing his tip several times before it disappeared. Piece by piece her smile ate his erection until there was nothing left of it except sensation. Silky smooth skin glided by under his hands welcoming his touch on her and him into her.

Sinda woke aroused beyond reason, wanting him not in her mouth, but elsewhere. She knew from his taste just an instant before he climaxed. She used silent magics now that she was awake to hold him at that moment, to sustain it, to drag him into that long moment that lasts a bell but passes in the blink of an eye, to make that heart beat into ten, then twelve.

Freed by her swallow she rose to be able to touch the whole of him, to be touched on the whole of her as he explored her again, for possibly the last time. Nipples on cupped breasts pressed into his palms with enthusiasm. She rose and fell, moving with him. Then she was over him and her next movement down was onto him and him into her. She felt the jar of him bottoming out in her from her hips to the bounce in her breasts as she stopped.

Minutes passed by with them in their rhythm. It seemed like hearts, yet he responded and soon let go again. No subtle magics were used this time. Where silent spells are weak, muttered ones can be nearly as strong as spoken ones, or screamed ones if you really really mean them. Muttered spells spoken like prayers hardened and firmed him, held him in her lifting him as she rose. A grunted spell of hers brought an impossible warmth all over as she spread the feeling he had in her, everywhere. She celebrated and drank in his climax like the sweet candy she was to him. He fed her climax, she fed his, they shared as his seed magic sang and tried to find a home in her once more. The only thing holding the moment back from perfection was him holding his seed magic back from settling in her, not allowing it to bond her to him once again.

Then it was over and he lay under her panting, more spent than he has ever been in his life save when Brenhar pushed and apparently tried to kill him with sex. Sinda lay over him reveling in the warmth that flooded him like a fever. He warmed her so well that not even the chill air of the room bothered her as she panted. His world narrowed to the feel of her breasts on his chest as she breathed. Her world was little more than his warmth and his breath transmitted by her still firm nipples that responded to his chest rising and falling as he breathed. Sandy lay forgotten, she would have to wait a bell, maybe two, maybe more, before he could free her as well.

* * *

“Do you want to be here?” Micah asks Sien as they reach his dorm.”

“No,” Sien replied and then frowned, “Master.”

“You don’t have to call me master.”

“Yes I do,” She replied then grimaced as inside herself she felt that the certainty that she must call him that wouldn’t bend, “Master. It is my rule now, he owns me, she runs my life and you are my keeper that I must obey.”

“You hate doing that don’t you?”

“Yes, master. But I have rules, things I have to do. I know you want me, to sleep with me, I can feel it and I should get started, I must have you in me tonight. Do I have your permission to begin?” Sien asks kneeling.

“Do you know hand talking?”

“Yes, master, though not perfectly, but I can learn.”

“Show me.” Micah signed slowly.

“Ok.” She signed back just as slowly, then smiled, she hadn’t had to call him master while hand signing.

“I thought so. I’ll be right back.” Micah said out loud standing at his bed as he went to grab something.

“Hold still.” He said and she did, she literally couldn’t move. She wanted to squirm away as she felt him do something with her ears that made the world all muddy sounding but she could still hear.

“I put a healing poultice on your ears so for now you can practice hand talking. I’ll tell them you are having your ears worked on so you can’t talk right now. As long as you can hand sign to me, you shouldn’t have to call me master where anyone else can hear you. I will talk to Charles about that rule, it is ridiculous and I do not want you to do that.”

“Thank you.” She said aloud, not noticing until much later that she hadn’t said master that time.

* * *

“How are you doing?” Lucas asks Brenhar days later in what is now their dorm. Outside frigid winter air runs in the wind, yet inside the school is warm, although many students cuddle and hold as though it were as cold inside as out.

“I am as well as can be expected.” She replied surprising herself at how much she has come to enjoy Lucas’ warmth.

“I am sorry about what they did to you.”

“Lucas,” Brenhar says quietly raising up from his chest to look him in the eye, “You have nothing to be sorry for. I am the one who started it all. I saw Lisa’s taunts, I knew they were a trap, yet I did what I did on purpose, like the idiot I was. None of that was your doing.”

“But the baby.”

“It is ok Lucas. Even if by accident, I made my own fate. As was explained, so long as I wear this collar, so long as I am what you tell me to be, I am as free as I can be. You saw the list of how my siblings died, how so many of my forebearers have died. Our power is growing each generation, and it is killing us.”

“But they expect me to treat you like...” He stammers.

“Like a chambermaid and an Heir Primus at the same time. As I was saying, you saw how so many of them died. I was just like them, I was wild and would have gone myself I fear, perhaps soon. The collar they put me in has stemmed those urges, that wildness. With it I am me.”

“Until they order me to make you something else.”

“Yet even when ordered you haven’t. You have been careful. You keep saying you are ordered to make me this or that, but not actually ordering me, not making me. You have left me as myself and I have played the parts, yet I am still Heir Primus. In truth I am more free as your willing servant than I ever was with my wild side running loose with me.”

“I saw.” Lucas admits finally.

“I hate her, but I owe her. Were I not the Heir Primus I would have been dead or permanently humbled as a servant of his or her family as punishment. I killed one of her maids, yet she saved me instead of what she could have done, not only from Charles, but from myself. I owe her the baby, the child, in truth I owe them both one and that is likely half the children I can even hope to bear if all goes well, two thirds if not all, if I am honest. That she is willing to let me keep this one is amazing to me.”

“But.” He whispers staring at her.

“I know Lucas, I know. However, the deal is done. So long as I accept this collar, so long as you are my keeper, I am not to be judged by Charles. He accepted Lisa as trade. If ever she leaves him I am doomed, if ever I leave you, I am doomed. Yet in truth for the first time in my life, I am at peace.”

“Are you sure?” He asks.

“Yes.” She answers and forces herself to face the simple truth, her greatest enemy saved her. Not by truly saving her, but by trapping her, forcing her to face herself. No male, ‘No man’ she forces herself to revise, before Lucas has ever treated her as more than a thing. Yet the one who truly could treat her as a thing, is in fact ordered to and expected to by foe and friend alike, doesn’t. Her world is confusing, yet simple. Absently stroking Lucas erect Brenhar lets her body do as it wants while she retreats inside to plot, to plan, to think.

* * *

Sien wakes to cold air caressing her nipples. It takes heart beats for her to realize the movement she feels is her own. Her body is stroking Micah on its own, she can see and feel it all, not distant like what she was before. The glance at his face tells her he is humbled and she recognizes the feel of smoothness of one long accustomed to such magics being used in such a manner. Combined with movements not her own she realizes the absurdity of the situation is overridden by it’s reality. Glances at Micah’s dorm mates tell her they are humbled as well, quite a feat to be done remotely.

It doesn’t take long for Micah to respond. Then Sien feels her fingers capture his Seed Magic on her fingertips and apply it to the back of her collar. Sensations race along her nerves as it soaks in, fear tries to congeal in her non responsive gut as more is taken and traced around the collar closing the loop. When the next trail goes to the hollow of her throat Sien begins to feel true fear. She is starting to feel the arousal below her, in Micah.

Micah responds again and a further trail is made from throat to belly button. Then from throat to nipples. She watches in pure horror as a second and then third blob soaks into her nipples making them sensitive and responsive. The thin film over the whole of her breasts brings gasps to her body that she can feel as she breathes. The trails continue then from her nipples around her sides to converge on her lower back just above her hips, before continuing down.

Blind panic ensues as she feels her own fingers renew Micah’s reactions and the trail is brought inside from behind. Relief and fear commingle when the trail continues under then around to the front of her as well. Words no longer express what she feels as the trail is joined to her belly button then a thin film is spread in a diamond shape going from navel to sides of hips and then narrowing downward.

When the traces start down the sides of her rib cage from where the nipple to lumbar line crosses she finally recognizes the chi map being used on her. Nerves are traced bringing sensation everywhere so even a handshake from Micah massages the bottoms of her feet while it strokes her nipples and teases the finger joint length of spread just inside her front. His hand shake would stroke her gently from now on and echo across the whole of her. His very touch is now an arousing thing bringing a gentle sensation of caress to her body as a whole. Kissing him would give her the feel of him going down on her as would her going down on him. All the skills, all the little tricks she knew to use on him would now help bind her to him ever more strongly, the more she obeyed and serviced him, the more she would want to obey and service him.

Unable to scream or yell, or even beg as the lines are absorbed, Sien feels herself take Micah in her mouth and the feelings reflect as though he did the same. She then works on him again as, to her horror, his hand rises to stroke her breasts, bringing her a desire she has never felt before. Still a passenger in her own body, she feels him climax, tastes his orgasm and swallows. The feeling of it is intoxicating, the taste beyond words as is the feeling filling her while she swallows. It dissipates as it goes down leaving her confused at first. She expects it when she feels herself mount him, words are a pointless effort as she envelops him and she moves her hips to use herself to stroke him by full immersion in her and then back out. Horror is compounded beyond comprehension as, after he climaxes again, forced she is sure, she raises herself upwards and impales herself on him again. From behind this time though it echoes in front as though she felt him both ways at the same time even as she worked on him with her tongue.

“Not as much fun on the receiving end is it?” Sien hears Micah ask with a voice not his own as she stares at him.

“I have decided that Lisa’s punishment was not enough in your case.” The not Micah’s voice says and Sien knows that it is Charles’.

“From this time forward him climaxing in you like this, in you from behind that is, grants you seven days where you don’t have to call him master, out loud that is. Until of course you learn to think of him that way inside even your own mind. Straight sex buys you four and oral two. However you must call him master and mean it when offering in order for this to count, him simply wanting or taking does not count. Do you understand?”

“Yes.” Sien finds herself able to answer.

“Questions?” He asks as fingers begin stroking her and the touch echoes across her nerves to the whole of her body.

“How? How can you do this.”

“Treat you like an organic sex toy?”

“That too. I mean how can you bind me, how can you make my body, and his, do this?”

“I am just treating you like you used to treat those you took. The only difference is I am not erasing your memory of it. Though you took their memories of it, they still lived through what you just have, they went through it all. They were your personal property during the time, you stole them from themselves and did this to them. Now you are personal property. You belong to me. I have chosen Micah as your keeper, Lisa as your administrator, they run your life from now on.”

“What was that you did with his seed magic?” Sien asked unwilling to even think about the rest of what he just said.

“From now on his touch is arousing. Any time he is aroused, you will be as well. Touch by other than Micah unless by order will not feel good, though by order it will. Resistance to his orders, his wants, his desires, will cause you to withdraw from yourself enough to make you biddable. Your body belongs to him now, it’s main purpose is his pleasure, sexual or any other way he wants it, accept his control or be a passenger like you have been the last while.”

“Yes my lord.” Sien replies feeling sick and defeated.

“I am going to give you a minor mercy though. You have a choice. He can either wake with you on him just like this with both of you mid orgasm.”

“Please no.” Sien pleads.

“Or he can wake with no idea this happened and you will entice him into you normally. Right now you have a week before you must call him master out loud. Do him tonight all three ways if he wishes them all again and I will give a bonus month.”

“Am I required to service his dorm mates as well?” Sien asks trying for some semblance of control of the situation, normalcy being out of the question.

“Only on his command.”

“Thank order for small favors. He has shown no designs on sharing me.”

“Adapt to your new role or I will take your mind.”

“I shall adapt.” Sien promises more scared than she has words for.

“You mean that?”

“Yes. How can you do this? How can you be in Micah? How can someone be in me? How can they be in me while I am in me?”

“What you are experiencing right now is much like what the humbled experience when you force them, but you and your kind take those memories or make them pleasant by order. You used the boys as things, you females are naturally stronger magically after all. Now you are my thing and Lisa’s thing. You will be used as a thing for Micah to enjoy.” He tells her and the induced orgasm simply reinforces that she is property to be enjoyed.

“I.” She gasps as the feeling drives words away, starting a war between parts of herself wanting to never feel anything like this again, and wanting it again, right now.

“Now you will bring yourself to climax looking Micah in the eyes before rising. Enjoy your new life Sien.” Charles said, terrified she stroked herself and in a few dozen hearts her body responded yet again and then Charles was gone. Sien was alone. Still on Micah, she simply sat there staring at him, unmoving out of fear and dread both. The feel of him in her that way is too much to bear, yet she has to force herself to deal with it. Eventually she rises, realizing the boys are all still humbled and that tells her she is being watched. After cleaning Micah she mounts him normally and pulls his hands to her bare breasts to be sure she knows his exact feel so if that ever changes she will know. The lacing of Micah’s seed magic in her in addition to Charles’ no longer matters to her. She can feel what Charles and Lisa did pulsing with Micah’s every move, can feel echoes of his every move cascade along her nerves carrying his arousal and joy. His unexpected climax brings her one that she isn’t sure is hers or his and that scares her. After cleaning him again, Sien goes to the shower. Micah finds her there a quarter bell later trying to hide her tears of impotent rage and helplessness in the warm rain of the shower.

“Shall we begin with a shower sir?” Sien asks humiliating herself in her own eyes, but this she knows how to do on her own. His desire and arousal sing in her like half of a duet she craves to accompany and artificially imposed or not, hers or not, it is as real to her as if it were own. Sien then responds to her master’s arousal.

* * *

“Please don’t make me go be poked and prodded again today.” Brenhar pleads with Lucas as her hands tremble with dread staring at the only non betraying dress from her closet, now lying on the bed safely out of her frustrated reach.

“I know you are tired of them, but you are so much younger than expected. They are concerned.” Lucas says as he dresses. As usual these last weeks, the lunch time meetings with healers on twes and then doctors on thores days have been a pain. The twes meeting this week had been mad, but the doctors have some new test they want to run and Brenhar is running out of patience with new tests.

“As if that bitch would allow a little thing like me getting sick to interfere with her plans.” Brenhar says disgusted as her favorite knee length winter dress with leggings no longer quite fits, “It would be so much simpler were I allowed to tell them, the healers and doctors, what is really happening.”

“I told you last week that that dress wouldn’t fit you again.”

“I know, but I like it. It looks good on me.”

“Would you like to skip afternoon classes and go have another made in town? I know a clothes maker who could do a nice job by tomorrow evening.”

“Can we just leave from here?” She asks hopefully.

“Would it help if I just told you to be a good patient for them today?”

“Please don’t. Me being cooperative would be something new and they would have another dozen or more tests for me. Then I never would make it to get that replacement made before I tear this one trying to put it on.”

“Besides the obvious of drafting me as your consort, have you found a way to fight Lisa yet?” Lucas asks holding up the frumpy dress from the bed, her last one that still fits that she had thrown down in disgust earlier.

“I’m stuck at the moment. The further I take it out, the less sense this makes as an opening move. I mean I make a great distraction, make no mistake, but this has the feel of something I haven’t thought of yet. I’m not fighting until the child is born at least, and only then once I understand the fight I’m in.”


“Practical. Since you are going to be with me can you kindly ask that strawberry blond bitch of a doctor to please stop trying to get me to allow them to check the baby’s gender. If I wanted to know I would ask and we have a family tradition of not checking anyway. Else I will, with all respect, have an ‘I’m pregnant’ moment. Rip her tonsils out with my fist and the jagged remains of her shattered teeth removed on the way in, then shove the resulting mess out her belly button via her lungs.”

“I take it that question is getting old already?” Lucas asked, startled at the sheer vehemence.

“Yes. I’m a tool and object to your Third Heir. I lost fair and square, fine. I am not an object to anyone else except you and they treat me as one at their own peril.”

“I thought the morning sickness was passing?”

“It is.” Brenhar admitted, “I just find that the relief that provides no longer covers my patience with this stupid doctor and her way of trying to poke in my head. With trying to understand how I came to be with child so young. I am pregnant, they should just be happy like everyone else.”

“There are questions.” Lucas states laughing, “A lot of questions.”

“Questions that as my accepted consort and reason for friendly detente between our Familydoms you will not ask, nor allow to be asked.” Brenhar answers ordering, surprising herself at how far her role as Heir Primus allows her to go.

“Down dear, I’m not attacking you.”

“Do you mean that?” She asks startled.

“Of course I do, I have no reason to attack you.”

“Not that, the other.” Brenhar laughed, surprised at her own reaction.

“Yes,” Lucas admits blushing, “That too. To my surprise you are not up close the person I saw at a distance at all.”

“I am not who I once was. I owe and blame it all on your Third Heir.” She admitted as she reluctantly began putting on the frumpy dress Lucas held out.

“Should I ask Lisa about Nicole or Yen as a chamber maid to help in here?” Lucas asked to change an uncomfortable subject.

“One woman not enough for you?” She asks teasingly.

“You’re too much for me really, but I meant with general cleaning since you are getting around a little less limberly than you are accustomed to.”

“Go ahead. Not that it matters, but I have no objection.” She replied as she turned her back motioning for him to please do up the zipper.