The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Part #1 of the series





This story is humbly, respectfully, reverently, appreciatively, and fearfully dedicated to the lovely, loving, and lodestone-like LADY KRYSTAL MESMER. It should not be read by any minor. It should not be read by anyone who is ethically, legally, morally, religiously, or personally {for any reason(s)} prohibited or proscribed from doing so. It should not be read by anyone who is fearful of, or uncomfortable with, the subject of feminine influence/control/domination/superiority/supremacy/inspiration or the topic of mind control in any of its forms or both.


An erotic hypnoteuse elects to entrancingly expand her horizons.

INTRODUCTION BY Lady Krystal Mesmer

“Jarod Whitestaff’s story “The Shadow of Lady Mesmer” has very much intrigued me, entertained me, and given me much to contemplate. I find this story to be as thought provoking as it is hypnotically engaging. I do hope you find it as stimulating as I do!”

“Our world is far more controlled by sighted persons than it is ruled by men”

- Jarod Whitestaff


“Ow, ow, ow, ow!” He sucked in his breath, winced, and rolled his eyes at HER. “I do have functioning pain receptors there.”

“Yes, I know. How fortunate pour MOI!” KRYSTAL’s captivating countenance bore a slightly gleeful expression.

“LADY MESMER, there are times when I fear YOU greatly.”

“So then, the only thing you have to fear is ME?”

“So it seems. I have only one more thing to say to YOU. YOU are,” he was futilely attempting to scowl at HER now, “absolutely adorable! YOU may not desire to be thought of as such. Nevertheless, this perception of YOU is accurate. So there!” He considered sticking out his tongue. For one of the few times in his life, good sense prevailed.

“What do you mean there are only three,” SHE asked? SHE arched HER eyebrows in disbelief.

“As we have discussed, hypnoerotica is only one form of adult, mutually consensual, erotic play. BDSM is another very pleasurable game among certain people. One person chooses to voluntarily relinquish some degree of control. The other individual elects to be the one in charge. In my cursory study of the subject I have found only three elemental motivations for someone’s becoming, what is sometimes called, a dominant. They are: pleasure, I enjoy being in charge of others; profit, I can make a good living by having some amount of control of others; and payback, I will use the power I have attained over others to redress the wrong(s) committed by them, or some individual(s) within their group, or their group in its entirety against me or some member(s) of my group or both. For my taste an erotic or a romantic dominant motivated by pleasure is preferable to one primarily interested in profit who is preferred above someone whose motivation is some kind of payback. Speaking of my preferences, in my exploration of hypnosis and erotica I was seeking a Superior Woman to guide me who was at least as fascinating outside of these realms as She was within these spheres. Fortunately, for me, I have been captivated and then captured by YOU.”

“I do not remember you telling ME why you are a subbie.”

“That is because I am not one. Not according to the generally accepted definition. There are some within the rank and file of The Sisterhood to whom I will open myself. So far, only a few women fall in this category. I will not, under any circumstances, of my own unfettered volition give any access to my inner self to all women, all sexually dominant females, or all erotic hypnoteuses.”

“Why do you have a problem with the lovers game or idea of female supremacy?”

“Female supremacy is only one of the many examples of group supremacy. It is the root and trunk, not some branch(s) springing therefrom, which I dislike. It is the underlying belief system, not some expression(s) thereof, with which I firmly disagree and which I fervently and thoroughly detest, despise, disregard, and abhor.”

“Why do you so loathe group supremacy?”

“Long ago, this concept was spoiled for me. In truth, spoiled is all this idea can be. I have ferreted out one of the dirty, little secrets about this idea. Namely, it is nothing but an illusion and a lie.”

“Why do you believe this?”

“There are sighted persons who believe they are superior to all sightless persons. There are, hopefully, fewer of such individuals than I believe exist. There are probably more of such persons than YOU may think are extant. I was an academically advanced student when I attended public school with a vast majority of sighted persons. I had to write my homework twice. The first time was in Braille. The second time I had to type it out. For as sightless people know, the number of sighted people who can read Braille is exceptionally small. There were no personal computers in those days. I believe few tasks connected to written communication are more time-consuming and irritating than having to use a writing system which you can not read. None of the sighted students had to do this. My grades were almost always better than most, and at least as good as the remainder, of the sighted pupils. How can one who is allegedly inferior do more work than those who are assumed to be superior and get better results than most of those who are supposedly superior? Conclusion, the assumption that all sighted persons are superior to all sightless individuals is not a fact. It is merely only an unfounded, personal assumption. I have found all sighted people are not superior to me. Why then should I subscribe to the, in my judgment inaccurate, notion that all members of some group(s) to which I do not belong are automatically superior to me?”

SHE digested the facts he declared, the reasoning he used, the conclusions he espoused, and the questions he posed. “You know what I believe in such matters. You know what I think, and how I feel, about the encumbrances wrought upon all human beings by traditional, patriarchal sex roles. Why are you sitting across the table from ME? Some of MY male, erotic hypnosis clients want ME to assume the role of an avowed and avid FEMALE SUPREMACIST.”

“YOU have given the correct answer to YOUR own query. I will willingly and eagerly surrender myself to YOU. Note, the operative word in that statement is, “YOU.” I did not say I will give up any personal control, at any time, to all women, supposedly dominant females, or hypnoerotic Sisterhood members. I say again, I will allow access to my inner self to YOU! I have some things which belong to YOU.” He placed one thumb on his forehead, the other over his heart, and extended the rest of his fingers in HER direction. “Or to be physiologically accurate.” He simultaneously placed one thumb on each side of his head and pointed the remainder of his hands’ digits to LADY KRYSTAL MESMER. “I hope the symbolism is understood?”

“it is,” said SHE. “Nevertheless, it is theoretically possible that I might someday become a bona fide, actual, lifestyle FEMALE SUPREMACIST. In that case, I will believe all men should be subordinate to Superior Women. Why are you, from time to time, willing to temporarily act in a more submissive role when you are interacting with me? I do not recall you ever telling ME why you chose ME as your favorite HYPNOTEUSE?”

“It is not any belief system YOU may one day espouse to which I yield. It is YOUR proven, personal superiority and the excellence of YOUR character, personality, and ability that has drawn me to YOU and subsequently deliciously, delightfully, and deeply influenced me. I have studied YOU for some time. The information YOU have intentionally and unwittingly (if the latter was ever the case) provided, my analysis thereof, and the conclusions spawned by both of these show forth YOUR actual greatness to me and to many other perceptive human beings. i, therefore, willingly and eagerly surrender myself to YOUR exceeding excellence and to YOU.” He paused to let his words sink in. “Some members of The Sisterhood seem to be far too enslaved to the notion of actual male inferiority. For these women what is play acting to other persons is believed to be literally true. Ironically, in some cases, this state of affairs reduces or eliminates their power.”


“Consider the following scenario. One person says to another, “I am the boss and you are nothing.” The second individual responds, “So, then, you are boss over nothing.” Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce co-starred in a series of movies about Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. My complaint about these films is that they make Watson into a bumbling incompetent. These cinemas are meant to showcase the brilliance of Great Britain’s first consulting detective. Why was it necessary to turn his closest confidante into a witless fool? Consider the next hypothetical circumstance. Two people, called Q and Z, are declared to be geniuses. All of the persons who have drawn this conclusion about Q are stupid. All of the people who assert that Z is a genius are brilliant in their own right. Whose mental prowess impresses YOU more, and why?”

“Z’s. Z’s mind is considered greater than the advanced minds of Z’s associates. Z’s mind, then, is exceptionally magnificent. Q’s mind has not been stacked up against any great minds. One must be compared to the entire spectrum to ascertain one’s proper place within it.”

“I think as does MY LADY KRYSTAL MESMER. Then, the question to be judged is this: If some person(s) can only be powerful, or as is said in BDSM circles, “Dominant,” when someone else is pathetic, what does this indicate about the supposedly strong individual?”

SHE chose to mull over his last question. “Now, what about the causes of volitional, sexual submissiveness?”

“So far as those who play the game in the submissive role are concerned, I have deciphered two primary roots for this desire.” He would say no more.

“You should never withhold from ME.”

“Withhold what,” he interjected?

“Are you trying to toy with ME?”

“I do not wish, and it is not wise for me, to answer that question on the grounds that my response might incriminate me and lead to other things. I know better than to refuse YOU anything, in any way, at any time, or in any place.”

“As well you should. So, MY powerless plaything (SHE knew both of them loved it when SHE gave him harmless, little pet names), you are indeed going to tell ME what I wish to know. Are you not?” SHE passed one of HER perfumed hands near his face. His nostrils happily drowned themselves in HER wonderful feminine scent. SHE knew well the affect such gestures wrought upon him. SHE so savored wielding so expertly such influential, feminine power over someone like him. It was difficult to discern which (if either) of these two enjoyed it more.

“LADY MESMER, YOU and I know how hard it is for me to refuse YOU virtually anything. The two elementary roots of voluntary, sexual submissiveness are: pleasure, I enjoy giving up some measure of control; and penance, I must atone for (insert person’s reason(s) here.)”

“And what did you say about the schools?”

“The educational system has not served YOU well.” He rolled the folded white cane on the table.

“Why do you say that,” SHE inquired?

“Sighted people are taught to use your primary sense. Rarely, if ever, are any of you fully instructed in the development of any of your other senses.” He paused for several seconds. “I think I know YOUR response to that statement.”

“What do you assume it is?”

“Most seeing persons are auditorially taught how to speak. This proves our sense of hearing is properly developed.”

“Sometimes, I wish you wouldn’t do that.”

“Do what, KRYSTAL,” he inquired?

“Correctly anticipate MY thoughts.”

He silently tapped his fingers on the tabletop. “Just one of the perks of being part of,” he fell silent for emphasis, “The Real! Dark! Side! Those who physically see have access to the visible realm. Perhaps Providence, if YOU’ll pardon the pun, has granted some or all of us who do not see increased perception of some of the invisible things in our reality.”

He thought for several moments about the course of their relationship. “Besides, I am the one who should be talking about what has been done to whom. I may, at times, be able to perceive YOUR long held thoughts or long-standing mental processes. YOU have, and have had for some time, the ability to mesmerically manipulate at will and turn three parts of me into mush. And YOU know, very well, which ones I mean. The ability to hypnotically control trumps the capacity to occasionally understand. Is it not so? YOU can, assuming YOU have not already done so, acquire the requisite tools to analyze my mind, as I have, on some occasions, done with YOUR own. I would not even know where to go to obtain the skills meet to bend YOU to my will.” He bit his lower lip several times. “I hear that self-satisfied smirk.”

“Your being under MY influence, shall we say, is the natural, proper, and preferred order of things in the cosmic hierarchy. Correction, the universal matriarchy. Do you not agree?”

He began to laugh. “Would it really matter if I didn’t?”

“No, it would not. I know you need to agree with me. I know you want to agree with ME. I know you will always and everlastingly agree with ME. You agree with your harmless, little, and lovely KRYSTAL.” SHE moved HER long, lovely, and well-manicured nails on the table. SHE smiled wickedly and mischievously when SHE saw him respond to the sound by quickly withdrawing his hands into his lap. “Why did you move your hands away from ME? Why did you so quickly retreat from the talented touch of KRYSTAL?” HER emerald eyes sparkled triumphantly.

“Because I am deeply fascinated by YOU and am pleasurably afraid of YOUR degree of hypnoerotic influence o’er moi. As if YOU didn’t know. Interacting with YOU is more thrilling than the wildest roller coaster on Earth. It is far more mentally and emotionally stimulating. The pleasure also lasts a whole lot longer.” He smiled humorously. “I never have to worry about losing my lunch after a session with THE WORLD’S MOST FASCINATING HYPNOTEUSE.”

SHE leaned back in HER chair and softly purred. “So, you believe moving your hands away from ME now makes you safe from ME, MY good, little boy?” SHE paused for several seconds. “Alas, you have avoided MY hands. If only there was some other way to.” SHE slowly and sensuously crossed HER shapely legs. Several times, SHE mesmerizingly moved the tip of HER open-toed shoe up and down his ankle and shin. While doing so, SHE seductively wiggled HER toes against his skin. “Are you safe from ME now,” SHE laughingly asked after completing each cycle? SHE was thoroughly pleased by his reactions.

“YOU and I know the only kind of man who is safe from YOU is the unfortunate soul who has sensorially never perceived YOU, mentally knows nothing about YOU, and psychologically has no connection to YOU, lovely LADY KRYSTAL MESMER. My last time of safety from YOU was the moment prior to my wanting to learn more about YOU. Besides, in this case, who wants to be safe? What pleasure is there in safety from YOU, anyway?”

“Points well taken.”

“Now, back to the subject at hand. How would YOU respond to someone who made the following statement. “I know how to tell blue from green. Therefore, I know how to see."”

“I would say such a person has much to learn and far more to, hopefully, joyously experience. Distinguishing one color from another does not even begin to encompass the many wonders of having and using sight. Recognizing a loved one’s face, literacy, differentiating one artist’s style from another, identifying some beautiful bird or plant, and driving a vehicle are only a few of the many important visual skills.”

“Exactly. One skill does not a well-developed physical sense make. Were YOU taught to notice the different sounds made by a dropped penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and silver dollar? Can YOU tell, not by using YOUR irresistible, emerald eyes, if a person has picked up or is using a knife, spoon, or fork? Can YOU describe the physical dimensions of a room based solely upon a few noises made within it?”

“Unfortunately, no.”

“These are but a few examples of what a properly trained sense of hearing can tell YOU. YOUR, formal or amateur, teachers can not entirely be blamed for their failure. One can not impart what one does not know.”

SHE regarded him pensively. “How did things come to be this way?”

“In the U.S., there are (if my calculations, and the statistics upon which they are based, are accurate) approximately five hundred and forty sighted persons for every sightless, or as I would say, “Blind,” individual. Few, if any, of YOUR teachers personally knew anyone who could not see. Sight-dominated ways of thinking were the only ones available to them. Parenthetically, these thinking strategies are usually called “normal” by their creators or practitioners who are imprisoned by them. As it was for YOUR instructors, so was it for their teachers—and so on and so on. Ironically, what was intended to be, and is frequently perceived as, a tremendous blessing is in fact a great curse. Sighted persons are consistently and insistently instructed to (and do) highly develop and ubiquitously utilize your visual acuity. This is a good thing. Suppose the same degree of training had been applied to your other senses. Your lives would be far richer, sensorially speaking and perhaps in other ways, than many, if any, of you can possibly imagine. I am sometimes quite sad when I consider what has been unintentionally withheld from you. So far as I know every civilization this planet has ever known, irrespective of its size, was, or is, exclusively governed by the sight-ruled mindset. Our world is far more controlled by sighted persons than it is ruled by men. YOU may not agree with that statement. Nevertheless, it is accurate. In fact, some things YOU may attribute to male dominance are actually spawned by sight domination of most human minds.”

“You will, of course, give ME some examples.”

“I was hoping YOU would ask for evidence. Yes, MY LADY MESMER, I shall do as YOU bid. For YOUR will is stronger than my puny, undirected, little, imprudently focused, insignificant, not properly disciplined, minute, male will. Let us begin with every erotically dominant superior woman’s favorite, the high-heeled shoe, boot, slipper, etc. Question, am I a man? I am not asking YOU to tell me if I am much of a man.”

“Yes, you are.”

“Have I ever said I want or need YOU to wear high heels?”


“Don’t a significant majority of YOUR male hypnoerotic clients or male submissives beseech YOU to wear them? I mean the shoes, not the men. Though, I believe, many would eagerly accede and succumb to that desire, if YOU ever wished to engage in that activity.”

“Yes, almost all of them do.”

“In what way(s) do I differ from all of YOUR other male hypnotic clients, erotic submissives, or voluntary and very devoted sexual servants?”

“All of them can physically see.”

“Most of YOUR male clientele want YOU to wear high heels. I am privileged and honored to have been selected as one of YOUR willing and eager male, hypnoerotic clients who also happens to possess a sexually submissive, slaveboy streak. Therefore, I want YOU to wear high-heeled shoes. Oops, I do not care if YOU wear them or not. The syllogism does not hold together. Conclusion, men who want YOU to wear high heels desire this because they can see, not because they are men. On a more personal note, YOU know very well what I want. I do not desire YOU to go through any rigorous or elaborate preparations for me. I don’t wish YOU to psych YOURSELF into some specific frame of mind before we spend any time together. When I am in YOUR presence, I want YOU to kick off YOUR shoes, let YOUR hair down, (Do both of these figuratively or literally or both.) and enjoy YOURSELF. That means much more to me than anything YOU could wear, any words YOU might say, or any act YOU can do. Two sources of YOUR immense, full, and feminine power supersede all the others combined. I know what hey are. Why would I overly concern myself with, or devote much of my focus to or both, YOUR shoes, clothes, hypnotic fixation devices, BDSM paraphernalia, any or all aspects of YOUR physical appearance, or even YOUR oh so sexy and irresistible voice? Without YOUR two greatest assets all the others would have taken YOU, or any other person who possessed their equivalents, only so far.” He paused for several seconds and took three or four deep breaths. “YOU know the only two things I truly want from YOU, have ever desired from YOU, and will ever long for from YOU are invisible, inaudible, untouchable, and not directly detectable by any of the other two senses. The appetizer(s) or the dessert(s) hold not my interest. Only the two main courses will satisfy me! The frosting is not the object of my search. The two cakes are my sole longing!”

SHE clearly felt the emotion behind his words. SHE was acutely aware he was opening himself to HER. SHE also knew he was doing something else as well. Due to both (but particularly the latter) of these things SHE did not speak. On this sole occasion, SHE was glad he could neither see HER facial expression nor read the unspoken message(s) in HER eyes. For the latter SHE was especially grateful. SHE fervently hoped HER thoughts or feelings or both were not communicated by some nonvisual cue(s). SHE was unsure where this strand of their conversation would lead. SHE had to change the subject ASAP.

“What other evidence, if any, can you offer in support of your contention?”

He knew how perceptive SHE was. He assumed SHE had gotten his message. He suspected what SHE had done. He believed it was unnecessary and unwise to press HER on this point. He hoped he could restrain himself and wait for a more opportune time and place. He fervently wished these two items would soon manifest themselves.

“Have YOU ever encountered any men who, based on YOUR looks and particularly the color of YOUR hair, assumed YOU were stupid or naive or both?”

“Yes, I have.”

“How many of these men were sightless?”

“None of them lacked physical sight.”

“Parenthetical question, will YOU tell me what YOU did with, or should I say to, some of these males? YOU may not be cognizant of this fact. Sometimes, I have voyeuristic and sadistic tendencies.”

“Perhaps someday, if you are a good, little boy for KRYSTAL.”

“I promise to be good. I will even be bad if YOU tell me to.”

“I like a man who knows and freely acknowledges his place.”

“In my judgment, attempting to correlate the size of an individual’s pyloric sphincter to that person’s intelligence level, is as sensible as linking someone’s hair color to that person’s expected mental capacity. Now I Return to the topic. Have I ever indicated, in any way, I believed YOU are not intelligent?”

“Fortunately, for you, you have not.”

“The desire for self-preservation can be very beneficial. I do not claim to be the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree. However, I know enough to not get on YOUR bad side. Sidebar, YOUR PREDECESSOR and MENTOR, MISTRESS MARQUESA, states, in the first message in HER “Setting a Standard” series, the opinion that an excellent dominant need not be an Einstein clone. I concur. I am only a man. There is no other legitimate option than for me to subscribe to what YOUR FELLOW PRACTITIONER OF MIND MOLDING says. YOU know I am afraid of HER. Please don’t tell HER. However, anyone who knows YOU, or HER, well realizes BOTH OF YOU are far closer to the upper end of the intelligence spectrum than YOU are to the other one. Pardon me, second sidebar. YOU are at times paradoxical. I believe YOU desire to have certain people know who YOU are and what YOU are about. YOUR website, and YOUR other content, can reveal much about YOU to one who is astute and is not so taken by the lovely trees that he or she does not perceive the forest. Both of us know YOU are highly detail-oriented. YOU would have done a far better job of covering YOUR tracks and concealing YOURSELF had YOU wished to remain inconspicuous and incognito to everyone. Yet, YOU will not jump up on a table (figuratively, I am unsure about literally, speaking) and shout, “Here I am, look at ME!” This is what I think and feel YOU want. Anyone who desires to truly know YOU should: gather and analyze all legally permissible extant data concerning YOU; draw conclusions based on the information and the concomitant analysis; and combine these facts, the deductive reasoning, and their progeny along with any intuitive insights into a composite perception of YOUR nonmaterial essence. End of final sidebar.”