The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Alif sat under the forecastle platform with her uncle and younger brother, seeking shelter from a late summer shower. Her empty breakfast bowl was on the lap, the heavenly smell of Miek porridge still in the air. She smiled as Uncle Favrin, captain of the “Kraken’s Whore” told them ribald stories of sea wives and exotic ports. Fevir, her sibling, erupted in laughter, and a clump of porridge flew from his mouth onto an oarsman, leading to more hilarity. She was so happy, she tried to ignore the insistent voice of the other person sitting under the forecastle. She was content to let the healer work on her foot while she enjoyed this brief reunion with loved ones.

* * *

Sandor dipped his hands in the foot bath to rinse the liniment off his fingers. He then began wrapping the bandage tightly around Alif’s left ankle and foot. The girl had sustained a minor injury while dancing in the palace, and had been sharp witted enough to exaggerate its severity so to have an excuse to see Sandor in his shop. Once the he was done with her ankle, he spoke to her again.

“Alif...listen to me....if you want this dream to be must focus on what I say.”

The girl’s eyes opened and she turned her head towards him. “What is it....why are you such a bother.....can’t you leave a girl to her breakfast?” Her voice held more humor than actual rancor. Her ability to switch between trance and reality had always been startling to him, and when this first manifested itself he had feared she was somehow waking.

“Close your eyes, and lay back into the soft, cool pillow, Alif. Deep breath in, and out.” She did as he bid, and he leaned over and opened an eyelid, satisfying himself she was deep.

“Well...I see you liked your breakfast well enough.” He wiped the porridge from her mouth and put the cloth into the empty bowl resting on her stomach.

“ put in enough salt.”

“I’m glad I meet your high culinary standards. Now, focus on my were saying something about Manki traders?”

“Yes.....Admiral Jost toasted the Teroshi.....said it was genius to turn the Manki. ...then the Teroshi struck him in the face before he could say anything else. Now..Sandor...please rub my feet do it so well....” There was a flirtatious lilt to her voice.

It all made sense. As secretive and self sustaining as the Brotherhood was, it still needed to trade with a few trusted merchants. It had done business with the Manki Mercantile Empire for generations. Sandor pitied the Manki leaders, there would certainly be a blood price for their betrayal.

He began massaging her soles again. Alif sighed, and her limbs and body became totally limp. He knew he was likely to hear from his superiors soon, and he would likely need to speak again to her soon.

“You will tell the people back in the Palace that I greatly improved your ankle, but you need to see me again.”

“Yesssss, need to see you more, Sandor....not just for the ankle...not just because you say..I want to see you..something I have to say...not some timid southern the north...the woman tells the man......”

He was again taken aback. She continued.

“I think about you all the time....first because you’re going to take me home...then because you are so only friend...want to see with you....want to show you how I feel....”

‘Why haven’t you said anything?”

“Don’t want to endanger you......the Teroshi is jealous........don’t want you to think I am using you for escape...but so lonely....” She sounded very emotional despite being in trance.

Sandor had suspected she was growing attracted to him, but had tried to ignore it. Sexual contact could be used in the Art to deepen the ties with trance slaves. But he was honest enough to admit that he had feelings as well. They had spent hours together, and she was a breathtakingly beautiful. More important, she was very intelligent and entertaining company both in and out of trance. Most important, he admired her courage in a horrible situation.

He tried to distract himself with the the two prostitutes and Tanna, it was not as if he needed the Art to bed them. But when he was with those women, his mind always came back to Alif.

But he knew acting on these feelings would only lead to sorrow. He couldn’t bring himself to take advantage of her in trance, and she was not likely to survive her ultimate task of killing the Teroshi. He was a member of the Brotherhood, and he had a mission to complete. Besides, if he didn’t, neither him or the girl would likely survive the Brotherhood’s wrath.

He leaned over, and tenderly kissed Alif lightly on the lips, but removed his mouth before she could turn it into a more passionate act. He began rubbing the center of her forehead with a circular motion of his thumb. As he did , he whispered:

“There will be plenty of time for that when you are safely home. Now into a deep sleep...”

Sandor, for the first time in his life, experienced doubt.

* * *

Later that morning, Alif was returning early to the Royal Liter. She was in a wonderful mood, as she always was after spending time with her friend. Her foot still ached some, but was much improved. “Sandor does so much for me...I wish I could do something for him”, she thought.

Alif passed by a stall selling silks and other cloths. Her eye was caught by a bright blues dress, ready to be worn. The cloth merchant, noticing her interest, turned towards her.

“Greetings Honored Customer. I see My Lady looking at the blue dress. An acting troupe was performing “Maiden of Windless Isle” but fell on hard times. See, how authentic it looks. Far finer craftsmanship then you normally see in theatrical costuming.

Alif thought perhaps she had found an answer. Perhaps it would be a better disguise for her escape. Even if not useful that way, it would be a nice gesture for her friend, When trapped in a foreign land, even a small reminder of home could do wonders for one’s spirit. If northern spices and a bowl of Miek could make her happy, perhaps a dress from Sandor’s home island could do the same for him.

She began haggling with the merchant. He insisted it was worth every bit of fifteen coppers as it was part of a full costume set including a long blond wig and sole less foot straps simulating the sandals that the island women wore. She paid him eight, and took the whole set, reasoning she might dye the wig black should she need it for their escape.

Alif took the bundle to the abandoned whale oil shop. As she stepped in, she felt the familiar greasy floor underfoot. The tactile feel of the slippery floor under her bare soles made her think of other times here. She looked around, amused that this burned out shop was once the focus of her her hopes and dreams. But that was before she had met the wonderful Sandor. She sensed that the attraction was mutual, though neither dared speak about it aloud. But if she could not have him now, maybe someday they would be safe up north. He would be a stranger among her family for a while, but their appreciation for her rescue would make them warm to him. Besides, none of them would dare to interfere if she chose him for a groom. Perhaps wearing the dress could lay the foundation in his heart for that future day.

She looked at the pile where she had hid her escape supplies. It had taken so much effort to accumulate them, yet now they were forgotten. A frown creased her brow. What exactly had Sandor done to get her away from here other than talk about it? At least, here in this shop, she could see concrete results that could lead to her salvation. Yet she hardly ever came here anymore, spending time instead as directed by the Healer.

She pushed these troubling thoughts down. Sandor had done so much for her, and she somehow just knew could trust him. Further internal debate ended when she heard the Teer’s gong sound, calling for the High Slaves to return to the liter.

Alif headed for the fountain to wash the whale oil grease from her soles. As she did, she noticed one of the liter slaves, a stout, middle aged man, squatting in the shade of the fountain. When she drew closer, he saw her and cast his eyes down. Alif saw his back was criss crossed with the scars of the lash.

“General Sek?” she asked, astounded. “What are you doing here...dressed like that?”

Keeping his gaze cast down, he answered.

“My punishment for burning the banner.. My was a trophy in battle taken by his Great Grandfather..the Teroshi’s justice is both firm and merciful....he left me alive so I can continue to make amends.”

The former General Sek’s words greatly troubled Alif as she entered the liter, which confused her. Sek had always been a pig, and his drunken carelessness nearly burned down that part of the Palace. There was no reason Alif should feel bad for him...let alone guilt.

* * *

Sandor was still thinking about Alif’s words when he entered the book seller’s shop.

“Greetings, Honored Customer” said the seller from behind her counter. “Here for more love poetry?”

He was about to respond with a flirtatious quip, when he saw an old blind man, his hand on the shoulder of a teenaged servant who was reading to him from a scroll. No one else was in the shop. Hiding his surprise, he pleasantly said:

“Pretty Kellis must listen to the Shadow Hawk. Kellis, your shop is closed. Please stand by the door and see no one disturbs us.”

“Yes, Master.”

The female merchant padded past Sandor, and left the shop. Once they were alone, Sandor faced the old man.

“This is madness...Brother....why are you here? You risk all I have accomplished in know they may be watching me!”

“We are moving up the timetable, Brother. This mad Teroshi has gone too far.”

Sandor’s heart sank, he knew what this meant for Alif. He tried to put off the inevitable by asking: “Is the Citadel evacuated as I advised?”

“Of course. The Valayshi and their sellswords will only find our traps.”

“Then there’s no reason to kill him yet.......having Alif at his side.....even married to him is the best plan for our future, Brother.

“That is not your decision, Brother. We have decided he must pay....along with the cursed Manki. All must be done before the Solstice.”

“That’s too little time..there’s only one more market day until then. I have no way yet to smuggle a weapon to her.” Sandor struggled to find more excuses for delay.

Instead of answering, the old man tightened his grip on the teenager’s shoulder. He reached into a satchel and handed a vial of transparent liquid to Sandor. He uncorked it, and carefully sniffed it.

“It’s clever.....seems to be just perfume but there’s something else.”

“You always were a good student, Brother. Perhaps you remember the ‘Tear’s of the Lover’?

Sandor had, but had thought it only a Brotherhood legend. A poison that did not kill the drinker, but turned their body into a weapon. Their saliva, sweat, blood, tears, or any other bodily fluid would become deadly, causing a series of painful spasms leading to a slow, excruciating death. One long kiss would be enough.

“They’ll suspect her..torture her to death...”

“And so? She was always meant to be an expendable dagger, or have you grown confused, Brother? That’s why we chose her for your Art.” The malice dripped from the old man’s voice. “We don’t want her to escape. We want her to tell the world that we did this...that this is the price of insulting us.

Sandor knew that any further protest would only endanger both him and the girl. He corked the bottle, and hid it in his robe.

“Of course, I meant no disrespect, Brother. It will be as you say....I only wished to preserve a powerful asset”

“Just have her drink the potion in is painful at first. She must then seduce the Teroshi within a few hours, after that, her body will return to normal. Once he is in the throws of his death spasms, have her tell all that we commanded her to poison the Teroshi as punishment.”

“And what happens to me?

“We have not forgotten you, Brother. If you can, get to the docks. You will find an Irusti caravel merchantmen is docked there. He regularly stops here. The captain has been well paid to follow your instructions. Let us know when and where you land, and we will come for you.”

“Thank you, Brother.”

Sandor’s mind raced. Keeping his face neutral, he began thinking the unthinkable.

* * *

The next moon day, Alif carried her bundle from the oil shop. She had troubling dreams, somehow involving General Sek, but today she refused to let any sad thoughts intrude.

She was not supposed to arrive at Sandor’s for a couple of hours, plenty of time to arrange her surprise. After washing the whale oil from her feet at the fountain, she looked towards his shop. She was soon rewarded when he left on errands without seeing her. She was dismayed to see that a low caste girl in a short shift walked with him. Alif knew she had no right to be jealous, but warmed to the idea that when he saw her in the Windless Isle garb and after she did her hair, he would forget his market tarts.

Alif entered the shop. Seeing the jewel suspended above the rugs, she felt an urge to lay down and gaze at it. Using all of her will, she proceeded to the back of the shop, separated from the treatment room by a curtain. She opened the bundle and saw the dress and the rest of the costume. She began working on her hair, using a brush and pins bought that morning. Alif tried to remember how Windless women wore their hair.

* * *

Sandor had spent the morning laying the foundation for an escape. He knew it would be a monumental task. They would be fugitives from first the Valayshi, then his Brotherhood.

His work done for now, he headed into the spice shop. He needed the spice for the Miek porridge. If his plans worked, this morning’s bowl might be the last hot meal Alif and him might have for some time. He knew that defying the Brotherhood was madness.. None of that mattered, he had to get her away from here. Perhaps if he could get her to her family, they could protect her. That is, so long as she did not kill him when she learned how he had used her.

His thoughts were interrupted by the spice merchant.

“Greetings Honored Customer! How can I be of service, My Lady First Slave?”

* * *

Alif wished she had a mirror. She had never been to the Windless Isle, and had met few people from there Hopefully, she had the hair right. She removed the hated foot jewels which the Teroshi had given her, and found the leather straps under the superfluous wig. She wanted him to have the full effect, so she tied the straps so to look like Windless sandals. She winced a little as she tied it on her sore foot. At least the dress fit well enough.

* * *

Tallenda stood at the shop entrance smiling, with a Royal Guard at her side. He bowed to her, noticing that she immediately averted her eyes from him. As he went past her, she quietly said:

“But actually, I was looking for you Master Healer. I was hoping for a treatment.”

“It would be a great honor, My Lady....perhaps you could come by in three hours.”

The smile faded from her face, which was turned slightly away from him. “No, Healer. Now. You see, I’ve heard so much about you .....and your ‘Art’”

It took all of Sandor’s skill to hide his shock. He nodded his assent, and the three of them left the shop, with Sandor leading the way.

“Please do not try anything stupid, Healer. I won’t look at your face. Besides, you’re not being arrested. My guard here has a taste for Teeko, which I get in ample supply from my family. His loyalty is to me.”

“My Lady...I don’t understand..”

Tallenda smiled again. “You soon will, Healer.”

They got to his shop and entered, after Tallenda made Sandor wash her feet. Once inside, she studied the suspended jewel and gestured to the guard, who pushed Sandor to the rug and tied his hands behind him, and then his ankles. He then placed a hood over Sandor’s head. As he sat in darkness, he heard Tallenda talk to the soldier.

“Thank you Sark. Here’s your reward. Be a dear and wait for me across the way. If you hear me scream, cut this man’s throat, no matter what I say. Oh...and lend me your dagger.”

“As you command, My Lady.....and thank you....” His voice shook in anticipation of the Teeko. Sandor heard the Guard leave

“We all have ways of making slaves, do we not, Master Healer?”

* * *

Alif, was on the floor behind the curtain, trying her best to be quiet. She had been terrified when she first heard Tallenda’s voice. The more she listened, the more she was confused.

“What does she mean ‘ways of making slaves’?” she asked herself.

* * *

“My Lady...I must protest...I have done nothing but heal the women of this city.”

“Heal them and much more. I’m sure they will all sing your praises like the dutiful sleepwalkers they are. Oh..and having the girl start the fire was genius. But know this, Sandor...I am no simple minded girl like your blonde toy. How fun it must be to take such dimwits and make them your puppets. But no one controls me.” From her voice, he could tell she was now standing in front of him. She continued: “I know all about your so called ‘Art.’ How you lock gazes with these foolish women and burn away their souls. I know that with your demon eyes hidden you have no chance to enslave me or anyone else. Perhaps I should gouge them out. " She pressed the flat blade of the curved dagger against his cheek through the hood.

Despite the danger, Sandor felt relief. Whatever she thought she knew about the Art was corrupted by misinformation and fantasy. As for the blade, he knew she had another agenda. As he expected, she withdrew the blade.

Sandor tested the cords binding his wrists. They were tied well enough to bind most normal men. But he was of the Brotherhood. He tried to remember his training, and began slowly twisting and contorting his hands. After a moment, he felt some give.

“My first thought was to reveal you as a spy, taking all the credit. But the more I thought about your power, I thought how useful you could be. I have arranged with my family to create a cozy space for you near the port. We have many warehouses there. From time to time, women will be brought to you and your burning red eyes. I’ll have you enslave the other High Slaves... the Royal Harem, all the women of Court. They’ll all be puppets dancing to my tune....if you wish to live, that is. You do well, I’ll improve your living conditions. I might even give you a night with Alif before I have you order her to jump off the ramparts.

Sandor continued to covertly work his wrists. He also thought about how her faulty knowledge of the Art could work to his favor. He needed more time.

“My Lady......I can see I am will be as you say.”

* * *

Tears poured down Alif’s face. She did not want to believe any of it, but it made so much sense. It explained why she had abandoned all of her own escape plans. Why she had blocks of missing time, especially after market days. Tallenda’s words about the fire explained why Alif felt guilty about General Sek. A sleepwalker....that was how she often felt.

It also explained her attraction to Sandor. She was the daughter of the Thane of Korgia.......why would she be so attracted to a common healer like him. Her anger grew and grew as she listened. The very notion that the bitch Tallenda would “let” Sandor have her body made her shake with rage.

* * *

“I am so glad you see reason, Healer. You and I will do great things. Once I know I can trust you, there are all sorts of rewards I can imagine for you. Money, Teeko...other things....” Her voice had almost become seductive. Despite himself, he had to admire the woman. She was at least as good a manipulator as he was, in some ways.

“Oh, I saw reason as soon as you covered my eyes, First Lady. A brilliant stroke. So few are smart enough to find our weakness. What chance did I have against someone such as you, who goes to such effort.” Sandor put subtle emphasis on the word “effort”, drawing it out. Muscles in his throat began to alter his voice, adding a slight vibration and lowering its pitch.

“I’m always willing to work hard for what I deserve. And I deserve it all.”

“I see that now. Tell me who illuminated you regarding my powers, First Slave?” He emphasized the last word again.

Sandor sounded so reasonable, and Tallenda enjoyed bragging about her accomplishments. “I followed you last Moon and the girl. The fool Captain thought I was his tool, and asked me to eavesdrop on the two of you from the priest balcony. You made her get fruit, remember? I then went to the Royal Healer, and he told me all about your Art. Don’t worry, he thinks I was asking about a story I read.”

“And the Captain, First Slave?”

“Still in the dark. Why should I help him...he’s no friend of mine?”

“Smart, My Lady. But it must be tiring to do all this work, keeping track of so much..exhausting really, First Slave.”

“Oh, I’m willing to work hard, Healer. I see what I want and I take it.”

Sandor noted her voice had become softer and her words slower. He matched his pace to her, his voice becoming more deep and resonant.

“I understand, First Slave..I do. Talk to anyone truly successful in life, and you find they have iron focus...they focus on their goal until they see nothing else. But still, to concentrate so hard....everyday keeping up that becomes a heavy weight, does it not? Heavy...exhausting weight....I would think your only relief is when you sink into your pillows in the cool, dark night, First Slave.”

There was no response. He was soon rewarded by the sound of Tallenda sitting down across from him, under the jewel. She finally said: “Anything worth having takes effort....and I’ve wanted this since I was a child.”

“No doubt, First Slave. I have some idea, though, of the price you pay. A heavy, heavy price. I always have to keep up appearances, which greatly weighs me down, saps my strength. I have a method, though. When I am very, very tired....I remember to focus in a different way that actually brings me peace and relaxation. I use the jewel to focus...completely focus and completely relax.”

“How....How can a jewel do that?”

“It is hard, too hard for most common people. It only works for special people with strong minds and wills. Such a person needs only to focus, focus on the jewel, focus so hard your eyes water, focus until all you see is the pretty, pretty jewel, everything else fading away. Are you strong enough to focus like that, First Slave...can you do it, First Slave?

“Yessssss.....” Her voice was a murmur,

His hands came free.

“I knew you could do it. You are strong enough for the gem. You are deserving of its reward. The gem will reward you now by showing you what you most desire. As you continue to concentrate, with complete focus, an image will image of your deepest desire. Take a deep breath....and exhale. As you do the image will become more and more clear. Deep breath in....and out. Deep breath in...and out.”

He heard her breathing falling into the pattern he requested. “First Slave, do you see an image?”

“Yes....I see Queen. No Royal Harem.....only me at the Teroshi’s side.”

“Yes, of course, the reward for all your hard, tiring work. Focus on the image, and it will reward you by becoming real. See the way the light glints off the crown. Feel the Ganderbeast fur of the Royal Robe as it warms your shoulders. Feel the weight of the royal jewels hanging from your neck, wrists, and ankles. Can you feel these things, First Slave?


“You are so good at this, First Slave. But your eyes must be getting tired. Deep breath in, and out. So very heavy from focusing so hard on the jewel. Why don’t you close will still see the image in your minds eye. Close you eyes, First Slave.” After a few seconds of silence, Sandor took a chance and removed the hood. Tallenda appeared to be sleeping, but was sitting directly across from him, her chin on her knees. He untied his ankles, and moved toward her. He gently laid her back onto the cushion, and stretched her legs out. Her body and limbs were completely limp. He rose and cautiously looked out his door. The guard was at a safe distance, in the alley, a cloud of green smoke about him. Sandor went back in front of Tallenda and sat. He put her bare feet onto his lap and massaged her soles until he found the right spot.

“Do you like this, First Slave?”

She nodded her head slightly and smiled. A line of drool fell down her chin.

“You’re doing so well. Let my massage relax you even further. Deep breath in...and out. All other sound fading away, until you only hear my voice. Let my voice guide you you to you to you to your you to the throne. I am the Master are the First Slave.” He put emphasis on “Master” and “Slave”. “You can speak now, without effort, each word relaxing you more. Tell me, who am I....who are you?”

“You are Master Healer, I am First Slave.” She mirrored his cadence and emphasis.

He thought for a moment. A plan was coming to mind, but he did not have much time to indoctrinate this arrogant woman. Despite this, he needed to bind her to him at the deepest level.

“If you want the throne, you must do all that I say, do you understand?”

“Yessss, Master Healer.”

* * *

Despite her her hurt and anger, Alif found herself relaxing as she listened to Sandor’s voice as she had done so many times in the past. Her eyes were growing heavy, and her limbs as well. She wanted to lay down on his sleeping rug. Better to let his voice take her......

“NO!” she thought to herself. She twisted her hurt foot until she almost cried out. “Not this time.”

* * *

Sandor carefully lifted Tallenda’s eyelid and saw her eye was rolled up into her head. He had done it....he had sufficiently placed her in a trance. He knew he did not have time to completely enslave her. Instead, like Alif, he had to use his Art to convince her it was in her best interest to obey. He also needed to deepen the trance so that he did not need to wake her when finished.

He began again:

“In a moment, I will have you open your eyes, but you will remain in this relaxed and open state, accepting all of my suggestions. When I do, you will see me as a man that holds the key to the throne. You will be very attracted to such a man. You will want to use your body to make me yours. You will know that once you make love to me, I’ll do anything you wish. In return, I will give you great pleasure, the best you ever had, though you will do so quietly. Each sensation of pleasure will deepen your state of open relaxation. Every word I say and do takes you deeper. The deeper you go, the closer to throne you will be. You will know that you can trust me..that you can let me stay here in the market.....that you have won me completely. Now open your eyes.”

Tallenda complied, and blinked several times. She seemed surprised to be on the rug, with her feet in his lap. Then, she made eye contact with him, and smiled. Her right foot buried under the cushion on his lap, and she played with him through his pants with her toes.

“Master I was saying....Helping me always has rewards. Let me show you how good it is to be my friend.” She came forward, wrapped her arms around his neck. She then closed her eyes and kissed him with her open mouth. She began to take off his healing robe.

As they made love, Sandor would occasionally whisper in her ear, deepening her trance and implanting thoughts.

When they were done, Sandor rubbed her forehead again with his thumb until she closed her eyes and fell into a deep contented sleep. He stood, and was pulling up his trousers, when he saw the drapes at his private area move. Moving stealthily, he picked up the dagger and grabbed the curtain and pulled it open, ready to strike whoever it was concealing.

It was Alif, her hair up, wearing a long blue dress. For a second, he thought she was wearing sandals. She was crying, but her eyes had a fierce look. He finally stammered:

“Alif....I can explain...”

She slapped him so hard he nearly fell to the ground. She spoke, her Korgirian language sounding guttural:

“What have you done to me, demon....I trusted you......felt for you....and you used me. Lied to me. Made me do things..made me frame an innocent man.”

“Alif, Alif....Sek was far from an innocent man. Do you know how many of your countrymen and women he fed to the fire demons?”

She paused, then another horrible realization came to her. She whispered: “How many times did you use my body like you just did Tallenda...How many times?”

“Never.....I couldn’t do that to you....Alif, I love you...I’m going to get you away from here, you have to trust me.” he pleaded.

“LOVE ME, ARE YOU MAD?” She was nearly shouting, and Sandor grew worried about the guard across the way. He knew he had forever lost her. If he had any chance to save them both, he had to make her part of his new plan. Reluctantly, he said:

“Pretty Alif must listen to the Shadow Hawk.”

He was shocked to see her tense her shoulders, and grimace.

“Not...this.....time.” she said, grinding her teeth.

Sandor looked down and saw she was twisting her bad foot. He knew what he had to do. He spoke again, slowly and clearly speaking the words.. “Pretty....Alif.......must listen to the Shadow Hawk......there’s no pain at all, pain in your foot.”

Her shoulders relaxed, and her arms dangled loosely at her sides. She looked straight ahead.

The whole left side of his face was sore, his cheek swelling. He began: “Alif.....”

“More lies.....for your puppet...Sandor? What will you make..your.....puppet”

“No more lies Alif.........I promise you....You must understand and accept what I say, for it is the truth...I swear on my ancestors, it is the truth.” He told her everything, about the Brotherhood, his life in it, the mission he had been given. He told her how she had been selected as the assassin based on her likely hatred of the Teroshi. He told her about how his admiration for her and her spirit grew into something else. How he was abandoning his mission to get her away. How the intervention of Tallenda gave him the idea for a new plan, one that could save the both of them from the Valayshi and the Brotherhood.

“Why...tell me this?...why not....just make me obey?” she murmured.

“I need you to stay in’s the best way for you to remember all you have to do, and it’s the only way you’ll do some of the distasteful things needed. But you are strong willed, and I think you can break this trance...I know you can. But if you stay under...I promise you I will get us both out of this....and your father the Thane will be avenged.”

“How can I trust you Sandor?”

Sandor thought for a minute,

“If you don’t believe me, don’t still love me, I give you permission to wake right now..and do to me what you will.”

Alif stood perfectly still for what seemed an eternity, then her head rose. He could tell by her eyes she was still deeply in trance.

“I suppose I have no choice. What are my instructions, Master Healer?”

“Wait here....I have some more commands for our friend, plus I want to find out more about this ‘priest’s balcony’.”

He closed the drape, and returned to the sleeping First Slave. His mind raced as he formulated the new plan.

* * *

Hours later, at the temple fountain, Tallenda was pleased with herself. The healer might have his power, but he was a man like any other, and he belonged to her now. The combination of sex, the promise of monetary reward, and the threat of being thrown to Captain Heer were enough to keep him in line, making the complication of involving her family unnecessary.

Imagine...she had a pet demon now. Plus, he had given her quite the gift. She looked down at Alif, at her feet

The water was bracing and refreshing on Talenda’s bare feet. Even better was the feel of Alif’s hands thoroughly washing them.

“That’s enough.”

Alif stood straight. “Yes, Mistress.”

Tallenda giggled. Looking around, no was close or watching.

“Be a dear, and step in the fountain, and dunk your head, then come back out..”

“Yes, Mistress.” Alif stiffly stepped up on to the fountain side then into the fountain water without a trace of hesitation. She did not react to the cold water, which came to her upper legs. She kneeled down, then bent her body until her head was immersed. She then stood and walked back to the fountain edge, and stepped out next to Tallenda. Water came off her into a puddle at their feet.

Tallenda clapped her hands in glee. “Very tell me your secret name again?”

“Northern Slut, Mistress.”

“That’s right. And who do you obey?

“The beautiful Queen Tallenda. I am blessed to be her Majesty’s first subject.”

“Well said, Northern Slut. It seems the Art improves your Valayshi as well as your attitude. Well, let’s get back to the liter....don’t forget my bag.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

* * *

Heer watched amused as the Guardsmen took turns lashing the former General Sek. It was close to time for their return to the Palace, and the old fool had refused to stand up. When Sek was completely motionless, Heer turned his attention the Market Teer, who came waddling over, looking as fearful as ever.

“What do you wish me to do with the body, Captain?” Jugal tried his best to conceal his hatred of the Guard officer. He had killed his most useful, slave. Worse, the Teer’s fear had made him severely reduce his Teeko use when on duty.

“The river sharks need to eat.”

Jugal nodded. Scores of people died in the city every day, many penniless and without family. Municipal slaves took the bodies and placed them in weighted bags and threw them into the river. The Teer snapped his fingers, and male slaves picked up Sek and took him away.

Heer saw an odd sight. Tallenda and Alif were approaching the liter together. The First Slave had always hated the northerner, yet here they were. He approached them. He noticed that Alif was drenched, and did not look at the ground the way she normally did when she encountered authority figures. He studied her face, and noted that her eyes were dilated.

“Hello, Captain.” Tallenda’s voice had its normal insolent tone, but her eyes were strange as well. He realized why. Tallenda’s family had first made it rich in the Teeko trade, and had never stopped. It was of no great importance, many of the women of Court were addicted. But, the First Slave always had her ambitious agenda, and he was curious as to why she was now sharing the expensive powder with the target of his suspicions. “Careful, First Slave, the Teroshi does not want his High Slaves to be a Teeko fiends, especially this one.”

He bowed, and walked away. The two women went to the liter, and the Lieutenant checked Alif’s bag. He looked in and a curious look swept across his face. Tallenda came close to him, and pressed a small box of Teeko into his hand. He looked at her, smiled, and said: “All in order, First Slave.” and helped the women into the liter.

Heer got onto his horse, and saw another surprise. Sandor was at the fountain. He had never escorted Alif to the Royal Liter before. Heer rode over.

“So, Healer, I suppose we can add creating friendship to your talents.”

“I don’t understand, Captain.”

“I suspect you understand quite a bit more than you let on, Sandor. Look over there.” He pointed to the wagon taking the now bagged body of Sek away. “You have all of the doves of Court singing for you now. How wonderful to be loved. Things can change, though. Good old Sek was once loved as well, one of the Teroshi’s favorites. Just look at him now.” With that, Heer rode off to the front of the Royal Guard escort.

Later, as the Royal Liter approached the Comet Gate, Heer rode up to it and lifted a side curtain. The High Slaves were chatting or napping in their normal clumps, except Tallenda was stretched out, with Alif rubbing her soles. The First Slave appeared asleep, but then nodded her head in response to something Aliff said to her. Heer closed the curtain contemptuous of their intoxication.

When the liter arrived at the Palace, the Captain was waiting for Tallenda, the Lieutenant at his side. “A word in private, My Lady?”

“Certainly, Captain. Alif, dear, please go to my chambers, and wait for me.”

“Yes, First Slave.” The blond went into the Palace.

Once she was gone, the Captain stepped closer to Tallenda.

“What game are you playing at, First Slave?”

“What are you talking about, Captain? I’ve done all you have asked. I spied on her and Sandor from the temple balcony. She’s just a simple minded northern girl, and he’s just a healer. Now, if there is nothing else, I wish to take a nap before preparing tonight’s entertainment. I am positive the Tersohi wants me to be fresh.” She imperiously strode into the Palace. He turned to the Lieutenant.

“Watch them.”

The Lieutenant, feeling the guilty weight of the Teeko box in his pocket, bowed to the Captan, and went inside the Palace.