The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Past Life Regression with Jenny

by Jenny’s Admirer

Part 1

Jenny was dressed in her “Cleopatra” outfit when she hypnotized me. She wanted to do some past-life regression with me. She explained that for this she would have to do a long induction to get me deeply under. This is what she said,—

“OK my lovely, I want you to lay back in your bed. Look deeply into the picture of my eyes again. Now, when you have the image of my eyes firmly fixed inside your head, close your eyes and keep thinking of my eyes looking deeply into yours.

I’ll guide you with some suggestions for enjoying the process of relaxing. You are in control at every step of the way. I’m just a guide today. If I make a suggestion which you believe is not right for you, you may adjust it in any way which seems appropriate.

Get into a comfortable position so you can relax easily. Take a long, deep breath. Exhale slowly.

That’s good . . . and as you breathe normally, just become aware of the rhythm of your breathing.

Prepare to enter a level of relaxation which is right for you at “this time. When you relax the physical body and have the electrical activity of the brain at an alpha level, the creative mind can be very alert. It is like the period between sleep and awakening, when dreams are quite vivid. It is a creative time. When you quieten the physical body and keep the mental body alert, you quieten the critical/analytical factor and allow the creative factor to function at its best.

Hold your hands in a comfortable position. Please sit comfortably. Adjust your body as necessary for your comfort. Keep your back as straight as possible to keep the chakras or spiritual centers aligned . . . and when you are ready, just close your eyes.

Take a deep breath; exhale slowly. That’s good . . . and as you breathe normally, just become more aware of the rhythm of your breathing. Become aware of your hands as they touch your body. As you rest there, become aware that you are beginning to experience a sense of comfort, calmness, and inner peace.

Become aware of the temperature of the room. It is just right for this experience and it can help you to gain access to what you are seeking at this time.

Become aware of the sounds around you. Those sounds contribute to your accessing what you want to experience now. Those sounds, whether loud or barely audible, are cooperating in helping you to relax and to be at ease and at peace. The sounds are easing you into deeper and deeper relaxation. They are a part of all things; they belong there. It is normal. Should you hear a telephone ring, you’ll be able to blend that sound, too, into your experience. The sound of my voice will go with you as a guide. Should a fire alarm ring or should there be any other indication of an emergency indicating a need for you to respond consciously, you will become alert immediately and you will be able to respond appropriately.

Your eyes are closed and your eyelids are beginning to relax. Allow the relaxation to increase—becoming more and more relaxed. If, at any time you sense some movement in your eyelids, you will know that it is called REM — Rapid Eye Movement—and that it is a normal part of this experience. It is similar to the state of dreaming.

Now, please take a long, deep breath and allow the muscles in the eyelids to relax. Good. Allow that feeling of relaxation to move to the whole facial area. Now let it spread to the neck and throat, to the shoulders, arms, hands, and fingers. Take a long, deep breath and, as you inhale and exhale, allow the chest -area to relax. Allow the relaxation to flow along the spine, relaxing all areas as it moves along. Let the relaxation spread to the hips, legs, and feet—all the way to the toes. That’s great. Now, take another deep breath and realize that the whole body is becoming more and more relaxed.

Now please take another deep breath, exhale slowly, and continue breathing normally. Each breath is a gift—a gift of life. Please focus on appreciation for the gift of life. Focus on the opportunity you have for expressing who you are. Now, please focus on your awareness of your divine origin.

Focus again on the rhythm of your breathing. Observe the deep inhaling rd the slow exhaling. As you continue to be aware of your breathing, you continue to relax . . . and, as you breathe, you realize that you are experiencing spiritual energies. Sense an inner balance.

As you flow with the rhythm of your breathing, you are becoming aware that, as you breathe, your body becomes more and more relaxed and seems to be lighter.

You feel lighter and relaxed. Lighter and relaxed. And you are becoming very comfortable, calm, and peaceful. You are entering a very pleasant state of relaxation. You might feel that your body is asleep but that your mind is alert. That’s good. Very good. The most important thing now is your own inner reality.

Some people like to ensure further protection by surrounding themselves with a White Light. If you choose, you may do so now. You may use any form of further protection that you choose. A protected, safe, rewarding experience is in process.

You are much more relaxed now. In a moment, I’11 count rapidly from ten to one and with each descending number, you will relax deeper and deeper and you will be more centered. At the count of one, you will reach a level of relaxation which is right for you at this time and for the present purpose. I’ll begin by counting downward. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1.

Your are now, at your own level of relaxation sand, from this level, you are able to function as you choose. You are in control at every step of the way.

You may begin by moving yourself to a time wh6n you were in your teens. You will find that it is very easy to do. Choosy a memory of that time. Choose a scene or an event that you would like to relate from your teen age years. Bring the saliva to your mouth and let your lips become moist so that you may speak easily and now, you are in your teens. Describe what you are experiencing—what are you doing, or seeing, or hearing, or feeling, or sensing?

That’s good. Now, continue moving to a time when you were about three or four or five years old. Again, choose an experience and focus on the memory . . . You are now three or four or five years old. What’s happening?

You are doing well. Now continue to move beyond that time. Move to the time of your birth. If you want to do so, you may pause to note the time of your birth.

…. and now, move beyond the womb experience. Move to the place where you were before you entered the body. Some people refer to it as a Blue Mist. It could be something a little different for you. It is abounding space; a room without walls or ceiling; a timeless place. It is a place of inner peace and gentle rhythms.

The Blue Mist—this timeless, spaceless place—is really the avenue of the heart to the Infinite. You feel very comfortable and happy; yet, you must follow your plan to go beyond that comfortable place to bring to your memory scenes or events from one of your other lives on earth. You are guided to a horizon. You perceive a light. You realize that the light is good and you move toward it. You travel with your feelings.

Now, you are beyond the Blue Mist. Light surrounds you and protects you. You feel energized for an inner adventure and you are ready to recall or to revisit some scenes or events from your other lives on earth.

Take a. deep breath. Feel, see, or sense yourself being drawn to earth. As you move toward the earth, you place your feet firmly there. The movement is happening automatically. Just allow it to happen . . . and as your feet touch the earth, wherever it might be, you know, at the soul level, exactly what your purpose is. When your feet reached the earth, you may raise your yes finger to indicate that you are ready.

You are doing well. As you step firmly onto the earth, trust the impressions that you receive. If necessary, use your creative imagination to get the process started. Just allow the story to unfold.

What is your name my lovely?”


“Claudius—sounds Roman—as you a Roman?”


“Are you in the royal family?”


“So you are not Emperor Claudius?”


“What is your job Claudius?”

“Slave—I serve her, i must get to her?”

“Who do you serve Claudius? The Empress?”


“Who then?”

“Cleopatra. Now please stop asking me these questions. I need to get to her?”

“Why do you need to get to her Claudius?”

“Great danger, I must tell her.”

“OK I will not stand in your way, but you must tell me the whole story as we go together. Deal?”

“Yes. You see although I am a Roman, I serve the Egyptian Queen. I have heard from my Roman friends that Julius Ceasar is heading for Egypt. He intends to kill my queen and make her brother sole ruler of Egypt. This cannot happen. I must warn the queen.”

“Yes of course. Tell me what you are seeing Claudius.”

“We are going passed the guards. They know me, they trust me. I am approaching my majesty. She is bathing in a pool of milk. She is looking at me with those wonderful eyes of hers again.”

“She is looking at me with those lovely big beautiful light eyes of her, her hair is cut back shorter than usual, and her skin less white than usual. She is asking me. I am telling her all. She is telling me not to worry. She will make a plan.