The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Not the Alice He Once Knew

By Kentauros

Part 3

James was freaking out. He had forgotten to save his essay that he had just spent four hours working on, and his computer had crapped out on him. The essay was due first thing tomorrow morning, and it was already 1 AM! His mind started jumping to the worst possibilities. He was going to fail this class, then he was going to be put on accademic probation, then he was going to have to drop out of college altogether! He was a failure, and soon his parents, and his friends were all going to know it.

Then, Alice wrapped her warm arms around him, and asked him what was wrong.

James didn’t immediately calm down, but having Alice there, having her listening to his problem, it grounded him. He took a few deep breaths, and explained the issue. Alice listened with rapt attention. She cared about her boyfriend, and didn’t want to see him suffer unnecessarily.

“I’ve gone through the same thing before, James,” she said sympathetically. “It’s going to be tough, but I believe in you. Here, you can use my laptop, and I’ll start brewing some coffee. You’re going to need it.”

As Alice walked away towards the kitchenette, James couldn’t believe how lucky he was. They had moved in at the start of the semester, and things had been great. Sure, there was an early adjustment period to living with another person—divvying up chores, figuring out how to share the bathroom in the morning, but those had all be navigable issues. No, Alice was definitely James’ better half—of course he would be there for her no matter what, but she was so supportive, and always knew exactly how to navigate crises.

Soon, James was soon typing away at his second version of the essay. Alice could have gone to bed—she had early classes as well, but she stayed there cuddling with him, offering him support and talking through what he remembered of the old essay.

And... just like that, after two and a half hours James had an essay he could turn in. It definitely wasn’t as polished as his first take, but he was pretty sure he wouldn’t fail.

“Thank you for staying up and helping me,” he said, as they walked back to bed. He had tried to tell her a few times that she shouldn’t lose sleep on his account, but she had insisted that she would help him through this.

Alice smiled sleepily at him. “I know you would have done the same for me.”

They lay down next to each other, and James looked at his girlfriend falling asleep next to him. It was so peaceful watching her breath, knowing that she was there by his side. Alice really inspired him. He had only started volunteering at the soup kitchen once a week because it meant spending more time with her, and he had started unplugging from all social media on Saturdays. (He couldn’t quite live up to Alice’s completely social media free lifestyle, but he did get a lot out of spending time with friends and family, without the risk of screen time getting in the way of genuine human connection.)

James rolled over, and wrapped his arms around Alice, and enjoyed the feeling of playing big spoon to such an incredible, vibrant woman. She was like a star streaking across the sky, and he was prepared to follow her wherever her big heart took her.

James woke up, and saw that he was alone in bed. He rolled groggily out of bed, and sat up. Where had Alice gone?

She wasn’t usually a morning person. He shuffled to the bathroom, but soon heard a sound like someone talking in the living room. He poked his head in curiously, and saw Alice there in a yoga outfit, with her tablet playing a session, and her phone set up on a tripod to record her session.

He watched her for a bit. Mostly, he was just confused. Alice had never really been into yoga—and he wondered if the yoga mat, and clothes had been purchased during her little trip yesterday.

Eventually, Alice pressed her hands together, said “Namaste”, and stopped recording.

“What was that all about?” he said.

Alice replied sarcastically, “I’m trying to connect to my higher self, James.” She rolled her eyes. “Nah, really I just needed an excuse to take some good videos and pics in these yoga clothes. I mean look at me!”

James had to admit that the form fitting yoga pants emphasized her ass nicely, and that she looked incredible.

“Oh, that reminds me!” she said, pulling her camera off the tripod and taking a few selfies. “Actually...” she looked at James. “James would you mind taking a few photos of me.”

James was nonplussed by this—but he went along with it, taking a steady stream of pictures at her behest. He wondered if he had been too quick to think that the real Alice was still in there under all the hypnosis. But then she thanked him sweetly for doing all of the pictures, kissed him on the cheek, and asked what the plan was for the day. James smiled—her soul was still shining out through her actions.

Alice felt a bit silly. She had forgotten that she was supposed to be playing nice around James, but she was pretty sure she had played it off, and papered over his suspicions. She played sweet and kind, and soon she had the sense that James was eating out of her hand.

Alice wasn’t excited for today. Apparently, James wanted the two of them to make another stop at the state faire today. She couldn’t fathom why, for the life of her. It seemed like a dirty, smelly place for poor people, but James seemed insistent, so she decided to humor him. Alice figured she could at least get a few good pictures for Instagram out there—people ate up the idea of a humble farm existence, after all.

They arrived at the state faire, and James made a beeline for the hypnosis show. The first show was right after opening, and so he wanted to get the chance to catch Dr. whats-his-name as soon as it ended. But James and Alice waited there, and a few other people filed in, but then the start time came and went, and nobody was on stage.

Eventually, a stressed-looking woman with a clipboard came around, and got on stage.

“I’m really sorry,” she said. “The hypnotist show is cancelled for the day.”

James didn’t know what to say. He needed to speak to Dr. Senmensa, he needed his girlfriend back!

When the woman walked out to put a “Cancelled” sign on the board outside, James rushed to catch her.

“Um, I’m sorry to bother you,” he said. “But, why was the hypnotist show cancelled?”

The faire employee looked at him seriously. “Apparently, there’s been an accident. We just got word from Dr. Senmensa’s assistants that he’s in a medically induced coma.”

James was reeling. This couldn’t be. He needed to find the hypnotist and get his life back in order!

He slumped a bit, and walked back to Alice, who was busy on her phone. Alice looked up. (She reminded herself that she needed to play nice—just a little bit longer. Just until she could support herself with her online career.)

“Hey, James,” she smiled at him, the smile not quite reaching her eyes. “What’s wrong.”

“Well, the hypnotist got into an accident,” James said. “There’s not going to be a show today.”

Alice tried to remember what it looked like when people actually cared about other people’s well-being.

“Oh, no! That’s horrible,” she said, not quite nailing the emotions.

“Fuck,” James said, burying his face in his hands. “I want the real you back!”

Alice put her hand on James shoulder. That’s what people did to comfort each other, right?

“Oh, there, there, James,” she said. “What do you mean the real me? I’m right here—I’d never leave you.”

“No, you’re not,” he said. “The woman I love is gone. You’ve been hypnotized, and now you’re acting like a parody of yourself. I needed that guy to hypnotize you, so that you could get back to normal.”

Alice rolled her eyes. Dramatic much? She was acting normal! Luckily, James didn’t see her reaction, and she managed to quickly get back into character.

“Well, maybe you could try hypnotizing me?” Alice said.

James paused, and looked up at her. “What?”

“You said that the hypnotist did something to me. Maybe you could reverse it?” she said.

James looked at her. There was Alice’s brilliant mind. Even hypnotized, she knew the right thing to say.

“Why don’t we try it?” he said. He looked around. There was no one else left in the hypnotist tent, after the announcement.

“Alright,” Alice said. “What should I do?”

“Uh,” James said. “Sit there, and just close your eyes. No wait, open them and look at my finger.”

Alice wished he would just make up his mind. But she did as she was told, sitting up and looking at his finger.

“Watch my finger move back and forth,” James said. He had never done anything like this, but he hoped it would work.

Alice watched his hand. But she knew right away this wasn’t going to work. James didn’t have a very calming voice, and his nervous, expectant energy was putting her on edge. She decided it would just be easier to play along. She tried to force herself to look out of it, as she watched his finger.

“Good, now you’re feeling sleepy,” he said. “Every moment more sleepy and relaxed.”

Alice pretended to get sleepy. She consciously fluttered her eyes.

“When I count to three, you will be asleep. One, two, three!” James shouted the last part.

Alice pretended to slump forward.

James could hardly believe it. His heart was beating really fast now. Could this work? Would he soon have his Alice back?

“Alice, you’re not actually a self-centered jerk.”

Alice had to force herself not to show any emotion. How dare he say that! She wasn’t a jerk. She couldn’t help if she was naturally better than everyone else, and if she had a grand future and would soon be leaving all those little, unimportant people in the dust.

But she realized she had to play along.

“I’m... not a jerk,” she said softly.

James could hardly believe it. It was working! He was going to get his girlfriend back.

“You’re a caring, humble woman.”

“I’m caring... and humble.” Alice felt like she deserved an Oscar for this performance.

“You love working for charity, and helping others. You love indie music. You love making your own clothes, and you hate social media.”

Alice could not believe how pathetic James was. He couldn’t handle her personality, and so he was trying to cut her edged off and make her a perfect little princess. It was disgusting! James should just accept that the imaginary saintly girl he clearly would prefer dating didn’t exist. Or if she did exist, she was probably ugly and poor or something. Seriously, who did James think he was dealing with? Why had Alice even started dating a soft boy like this anyways?

If nothing else, this cemented the need to cut her ties with him. When the time was right—when she had milked him for just enough money, she was dumping his ass for sure.

“I love... charity,” she said softly.

“That’s right. When I snap my fingers, I want you to wake up and become the real you. Three, two, one.” Snap.

Alice opened her eyes. She looked lovingly at James. It wasn’t going to be hard stringing him along now—he had told her exactly how he wanted her to act after all.

“Oh, James,” she said, hugging him. “I’m so sorry about everything. I don’t know what came over me.”

James hugged Alice tight. He was so happy. It had worked.

“I’ve got a change of clothes for you in the car,” he said.

Alice tried to calculate what the right response would be. She hated that he hadn’t thrown out all her old, ugly clothes as she requested, and she wouldn’t be caught dead in them.

“Um... actually, I like this new look. I hope you don’t mind?” she said.

James smiled. “No, I totally understand. I realized that you must have been tired of being so perfect all of the time. If you need a little time to find yourself after all of that, then I’m happy to leave you as much space you need to process and integrate all of the new experiences you had.”

“James,” Alice said. “I, I don’t know what to say.”

“Don’t say anything,” he said. “Until you see this.” He pulled out a ring, and getting on his knees.

Alice smiled. The smile was genuine—the idiot was setting himself up to give her even more of his money. She could marry him—play nice for a few months, fuck hot guys on the side, and then divorce him and get half of all that he was worth.

“James!” she said. “Oh my god.”

“Alice,” he said. “Would you marry me, and make me the happiest man in the world?”

“Of course,” Alice said. “Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!”

James slipped the ring onto Alice’s finger, and she kissed him.

James was just happy that he had gotten his fairy tale ending. His girlfriend was back, and his life was back on track. Nothing could touch his happiness now!

All she could think was, “God, manipulating this schmuck is going to be too easy.”

This was going to be fun.