The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Nerdy Professor

by J. Darksong


“Okay. Thing’s aren’t quite as bad as I painted them out to be earlier,” Ted amended a few minutes later. “Bad, yes, but not hopeless. Nicky Boy has a complete formula... but not the true formula you created. When Dr. Porter showed me a model of the completed molecule chain, I was able to piece together what the missing piece was, both from the general shape, composition,” he said smirking, “and knowledge of your rather particular eating habits.”

“Really? So if you didn’t give him the missing component, what did you give as a substitute?” Scott asked, pacing idly back and forth along his living room. “I never actually gave much thought to what would function as a proper catalyst and bonding agent, you know. Once I discovered what I had, I was more interested in mapping out exactly what the overall effects were, and the limits of those effects.”

“I thought as much,” Dr. Allen replied derisively. “It figures that you would luck into the find of the century... no, of the millennium, and treat it more like a pet project rather than sharing your findings—”

“Which, if I had, would have given Farnsworth access to the completed true formula,” Scott pointed out, “and we’d be even worse off than we are now. That’s why I kept it a secret, and destroyed all the other vials of the serum—to keep it from falling into the wrong hands!”

“Okay, granted,” Ted replied contritely. “But still—you gave the notebook with all your detailed research notes to Farnsworth in the first place!”

“At that point, I didn’t even realize what I had. And anyway, I took the final piece of the puzzle home with me. If you hadn’t pointed him in the right direction, he wouldn’t have a working formula to use.” He frowned, pausing for a moment. “Which was what, exactly? You never did answer.”

“Chocolate,” Ted replied smugly. “Undiluted pure chocolate. Should add quite a kick to the recipe, don’t you think?”

“Chocolate, hmmm?” Scott repeated, pacing again. “Yes... yes. Should cause a system wide metamorphic shift... increased production from the adrenal, pineal, and thymus glands, not to mention the effects on the pituitary.”

Ted raised an eyebrow. “Really? Are you thinking xantheose poisoning on a wide scale?”

“No, no... well, possibly,” Scott amended, frowning. “But that would be a secondary concern, and only after repeated doses. Which, incidentally, he would need, as the genetic alteration and augmentation would be temporary, since the interaction with larger amounts of theobromine and the ATCH pumped out by his pituitary would in effect cancel each other out, creating all sorts of unwarranted byproducts, which will, in turn, overstimulate hormone production in altered glands—”

“Okay, guys,” Karen cut in, causing both men to turn and face her in surprise, “I took Honors Chemistry in high school, and Anatomy 101 in college, and that’s about it. Is there any way you two could explain again what’s going on for all of those who don’t have a Ph.D.?” Sarah and Liz nodded, chuckling softly.

“I wasn’t going to say anything,” Sarah added, “but I did kind of feel like I was listening to an episode of the Big Bang Theory for a minute there.”

Scott smirked. “Sorry. I, um... kind of forgot you were all still here. Ahem. Well... as you know, I accidentally invented a formula that causes a genetic change to a subject’s endocrine system—”

“Um, smaller words, please?” Liz said, blushing slightly. “Sorry. I um, skipped science. My college major was Business Economics.”

“—ahem, causes a chance in a person’s hormones. The idea was to create a specific scent for a perfume company, one that would attract the opposite sex—or, in some cases,” he added, nodding to Liz and Karen, “the same sex, of the wearer. You all probably know about the big rush a few years back about using animal hormones in perfume, to see if it would affect human beings the same way it did the animals they were harvested from. Well, after the animal cruelty rights advocates and the fact that the results were less than promising, the idea was pretty much abandoned.” Taking off his glasses, rubbing them idly against his shirt, he added, “Abandoned, but not forgotten.”

“So, Professor Pringle here,” Dr. Adams picked up the story, “he has the brilliant idea of mimicking the pheromones produced by one of the largest jungle cats, the Bengal Tiger, and creates a synthetic copy, which will be bonded to the base perfume scent to presumably make it more powerful. But, along the way, he has a small accident, and spills chocolate milk into the mixture—”

“It was Yoo-hoo, actually,” Scott pointed out.

“—whatever. The end result is a formula that affects the hormone producing glands in a person’s body to the point where they naturally send out pheromones powerful enough to alter the behavior of the people around him.”

Liz and Karen glance at each other, then laugh outright. Sarah, already knowing about the serum, merely stays quiet, pulling back from the two women, moving back over to couch. “So, what? Your formula turns anyone who takes it into a human Pepe Le Pew, but in a good way?” Liz remarked caustically. “I can’t see how that can really be a problem. I mean...if you know about it, just hold your nose, walk up to the guy, and lay the smack down!”

“It’s not that simple,” Scott said wearily, shaking his head. “The formula changes the person on the genetic level. They literally become another person, usually someone you wouldn’t even recognize unless he came up to you and told you who he was. And by that point, you would likely already be under his spell, completely at his whim. He could make you think, see, or experience anything he wished.”

Karen rolled her eyes. “Okay, well, that sounds good... in theory. But you already said that the guy that has your formula doesn’t have the final ingredient. You gave him a substitute, one that will apparently cause a lot of other bad ‘scientific-sounding’ side effects. So, I still don’t see what the problem is.”

“Hmmm. I see. Maybe a demonstration is in order then. Liz, Karen, please look at me for a moment.” Once both girls were watching him, Scott sighed, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. With a slight body wide shudder, Buddy emerged, as Scott’s body shape and frame altered right before their eyes, his hair lightened and his skin darkened. He removed his glasses, placing them in his shirt pocket, and opened his slate grey eyes. “So, ladies,” Buddy said with a slight smirk, “any questions?”

Karen and Liz both stared, momentarily stunned, then blinked, and blinked again. “Um... sorry, I think I spaced out there for a moment,” Karen said slowly. “What just happened? Hey, um, Buddy? Where did Scott go?”

“Amazing!” Ted whispered, moving closer, reaching out to touch Buddy’s arm. “That’s incredible... truly incredible! So, that’s the effect of the completed serum? I saw it with my own eyes and I can hardly believe it!”

“Believe what? Saw what?” Liz exclaimed in exasperation. “I don’t get it. What did we miss?”

“That I am Scott Pringle,” Buddy said gently, reaching out a hand to both women. “When we first me, I didn’t want to have to answer a lot of uncomfortable questions, so I ‘persuaded’ you both not to notice my changing form. I convinced you that it wasn’t worth paying any attention to, that you didn’t even need to think about it consciously, but that on a deeper level you would simply accept that we are somehow connected.” As his skin made contact with them, both women gasped, eyes widening in surprise, as the veil over their minds was suddenly lifted. Buddy released their hands, and they took a step back, drawing away from the man that until now they’d trusted absolutely.

“We can all talk about my amazing double life at a later date,” Buddy said, pushing on. “For now, we need to focus on the immediate problem. I am, admittedly, no saint. Far from it. But I am definitely not the sadist that Nicholas Farnsworth is. I think I demonstrated exactly what someone affected by my formula is capable of—and that was with me in my normal state. The effect is much more potent when I am upset, or agitated, or angry—which Nick usually is, even at the best of times.” He shook his head. “No. You don’t even want to imagine what he will be capable of even with an inferior version of my serum. I have to stop him and make sure the formula is destroyed for good.”

“Alright!” Sarah said, standing up from the couch again. “Sounds like a plan. So... how do we go about it, Professor?”

“Sorry if I misspoke,” Buddy said archly, crossing his arms, “but I meant I... as in me. Alone. An army of one. I am going to face Farnsworth by myself.”

“Hey! Hold on!” Sarah protested. “You can’t do this by yourself!”

“She’s right,” Karen said with a sigh. “We do have a bunch to talk about, once this is done,” she said with a slight frown, “but we’re still your friends. We can’t let you do something like this by yourself.”

“You have to,” Buddy replied simply with a shake of his head. “Think about it. If he’s already taken the serum then he has the same pheromone control that I have. As soon as you get within ten feet of him, you’ll be his puppet, dancing to his strings in any way he sees fit. At best, you’ll be a hindrance. At worst...” he glanced meaningfully at Liz. “My enhanced body is in rather good shape, but Lizzie here would give Hulk Hogan a good workout. No... I’m afraid, I must insist on doing this alone.”

“Sounds good to me,” Ted replied smirking. “You couldn’t pay me enough to face him again, even as his normal annoying self, let along hopped up on super pheromones! Have fun, and good luck, Pringle! You’ll need it.”

Buddy frowned, glancing at his colleague. “Oh, yes, Ted. I know. Believe me, I know exactly the type of person I am dealing with.” Not exactly the kind of person to stab you in the back, like Nicholas. No... Ted Allen is an opportunist, the kind of guy who would be more than happy to sit back and watch from the sidelines, as Farnsworth and I hopefully kill each other off, leaving him alone to pick up the pieces, and use his knowledge of the formula to recreate it himself once things died down a bit.

“Still,” he continued without pause, “if nothing else, Nick is an amateur at best, while I have had several weeks to practice and hone my skills.” He grinned. “For instance... did you know that it is more difficult to control someone who is aware of you and your abilities and are actively fighting it? It generally takes several seconds, maybe even as long as a minute, minute and a half, for enough of the pheromones to be absorbed in the person breathing them to render them vulnerable to control. And even then, it’s more of a matter of subverting the person’s will than actively trying to fight against them.”

Ted raised an eyebrow. “Oh really?”

“Yes, indeed. I’d be willing to bet that when Farnsworth first exposed you to his original formula, he kept you all distracted, talking on and on, probably boring you to death with his whole ‘villain’s monologue’ as it were.”

“Heh. You called it,” Ted said with a smirk. “That’s exactly what he did.”

“And for good reason,” Buddy replied, his eyes flashing. “It keeps the person off guard and distracted enough that they don’t think about trying to resist... until it’s too late. So... for instance, if I told you to... forget everything you know about the formula, my research, and the details of what Farnsworth has been up to for the several weeks... you’d have no choice but to comply, since the moment you heard my cleverly worded suggestion, the pheromones would have compelled you to obey before you even realized you were supposed to resist.”

Ted nodded, frowning slightly. He’d been about to make a comment, to respond to Pringle’s supposition... but for some reason he couldn’t quite remember exactly what they were talking about. And... why the hell am I even over here anyway? I certainly have better things to do that spend it hanging around with Professor Nerdly... even if he has cleaned up his look a bit, and gotten himself a few female friends...

“Um, er, yeah, right, whatever,” Ted said, faking a yawn. “Look, Pringle, this is all very fascinating stuff... but I really need to go. You know, places to go and things to do. I trust I was able to help you with... um...” he frowned, trying to remember, “er... whatever it was you needed help with?”

Buddy grinned, giving Sarah and the others a wink as he walked the confused doctor to the door. “Oh yes, Ted. You were a big help. Thanks for stopping by,”

* * *

“Well?” Nicholas Farnsworth growled impatiently. “Any sign of him yet?”

“No, Sir,” a lab assistant replied meekly, shuddering slightly in fear. “I’m sorry, Sir...but it looks like Dr. Adams left the University grounds completely.”

Nick groaned deeply. “Idiots! You fools can’t even keep track of one man?” He sighed dramatically. “You know, I always thought it was kind of cliché, and more than a little bit unreal. You know, all those video games like Mario World, and Zelda, and Mega Man... where a villain with an entire army at his disposal and hundreds of loyal followers at his command is somehow defeated by one guy!” He shook his head. “And yet, here I am, on the cusp of greatness, running towards the finish line—about to be tripped up by one errant little peon you imbeciles let escape!”

“But... but Sir,” the hapless man stuttered, “su-su-surely, he can’t tell anyone about what you’re about to create? I mean, none of us could even think of going against your wishes!” He shuddered again.

“That’s because I merely turned him into a moron, then gave him back his intellect,” Farnsworth answered, seething. “I didn’t bother to give him the same spiel about obedience and loyalty to me... not that he would have even understood what I was talking about in his previous state. The point is, he is walking around loose right now! He could talk to the police!”

“And, even if he did, who would believe him?” Natalie Porter asked, sidling up next to her Master. “From what you’ve told me, you already have control of Chief of Police, the Mayor, and two circuit court judges, not to mention the University staff. Even if he somehow managed to convince someone what you were up to, what could they do? In just a few minutes we’ll have the test results on the first batch of the completed serum—”

“We have it!” Tom and Abigail said simultaneously, rushing into the Professor’s office. Glaring momentarily at each other, Tom stepped aside and let Abigail through first. “I have the test results. All test results came back positive in all ten lab rats, male and female. The new serum works on both.”

“She’s right,” Tom broke it, holding up a stack of papers. “Blood and tissue analysis confirm it. All subjects introduced to the serum, either by consuming it or injection, have undergone distinct changes to their hormonal systems. Their glands are producing a substance identical to the... formula that you used on all of us,” he said grimly, trying to force a smile. “Further, all the normal rats the subjects have come into contact with are acting just as infatuated as the original rats in the control group.”

“Excellent!” Nick replied gleefully, rubbing his hands together. “That is indeed good news, everyone! Looks like that deserter managed to come through for me after all. How are the test subjects doing? Vital signs?”

“All stable,” Abby replied, nodding. “No adverse effects from the serum as of yet. The next battery of tests should take about an hour to make sure—”

“Forget it!” Farnsworth said, reaching for the large beaker of thick brown liquid, filling a large hypodermic needle from it. “If it’s safe enough for them, then why should I wait? " Grinning evilly, he jabbed the needle into his arm, and injected himself. “Fortune favors the bold. And let it never be said that Nicholas D. Farnsworth was not bold.”

* * *

Sarah waited patiently as Buddy, Elizabeth, and Karen said their goodbyes, and parted company. Finally, as Buddy went to the closet for his jacket, she spoke up. “So...what’s the plan?”

“Plan? Don’t really have one.”

Sarah blinked. “Really? You don’t have a plan? The ‘man with the plan’ doesn’t have a plan?” She shook her head. “What are you going to do when you get to back on campus? Walk into the lab, ask Professor Farnsworth to give up his devious plot to enslave everyone, and persuade him to turn over a new leaf?”

He shrugged. “Maybe. Who knows, it might work. It depends on whether or not he’s taken the serum himself.”

Sarah frowned, crossing her arms. “And if he has? What if he’s dosed himself, and is running the same mojo that you have? I’ve seen Farnsworth on campus a few times. You’re pretty good, Buddy... the way you took down ‘The Pimp Formerly Known as Donnie’ was unbelievable. Still, if he’s had the same ‘augmentation’ as you, I’d have to put my money on him.”

Buddy turned to stare at her. “Well, thank you for that vote of confidence,” he grunted, zipping up his jacket. “Just the kind of pick me up a person needs before heading off to a confrontation.”

“Well, that’s why I’m going with you,” Sarah replied, reaching into the closet for her own jacket.


“Buddy, please, just listen for a moment, okay?”

“No,” he replied firmly, causing her to take a step back. “We’ve already had this conversation. Having any of you along to ‘help me’ will only be a hindrance. This whole endeavor will be hard enough by myself.” He sighed softly, softening his tone. “If things go south quickly, I might have to literally fight my way to Farnsworth. I could see myself attacking my former colleagues, if there was no other way, hurting them if it meant stopping Farnsworth’s scheme. Against you, or Karen, or Liz, however...” he said, looking down. “When I say hindrance, this is what I mean.”

Sarah nodded, smiling inwardly at his gallantry. “Okay. I can understand that. So...just do what you have to do to make sure I won’t betray you.”

Buddy blinked. “What? Sarah, what are you saying?”

“Okay, I’ll be direct,” she murmured, stepping close to him. Looking him deep in the eye, she wrapped her arms around his waist. “Use me. Change me. Do that voodoo that you do so well. Put me back in that same vulnerable mindless state I go to during sex, and turn me into your watchdog, your protector, or whatever. Leash my mind, and collar my will. Whatever it takes to make it so that you can trust me, do it.” She sighed. “I can’t believe I’m saying all of this... I can’t believe I’m offering my mind to a guy I’ve really only know a week... but, dammit, I really... um.. care about you. And I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

Buddy stood there for a long moment, just staring at her. Then, finally, he let out a breath and walked into the kitchen. “Fine. You can come with me,” he said, returning a few minutes later with a small glass bottle. “I’ve never had anyone put so much faith and trust in me before. It’s nice... kind of unsettling... but in a good way.” He smiled crookedly at her. “If you really want to help me, you could slip down onto the production floor and sabotage the system. Pour a few ounces of nitric acid into the solution and it should completely ruin his supply of the formula. It shouldn’t be too hard to do with the distraction I plan to make.”


“Me,” Buddy replied grinning. “I plan to call Nicholas out. Publically. If I know Farnsworth half as well as I think I do, he won’t be able to resist a showdown. He’ll probably have all of his minions there as well, a captive audience, to watch as he finally beats his archrival, the ‘great Professor Pringle’.” He held up the bottle, a container of Yoo-hoo she saw, then placed it in his pocket. Then he turned and exited the house, with Sarah following behind.

“So, you’re saying all of this is personal between you two?” she asked once they were in his car. “What’s the deal, Doc? Why does he have such a hard-on for you anyway?”

Buddy blinked. “Er... I wouldn’t have phrased it quite that way, especially considering the kind of confrontation we will likely be having... but yes. Nicholas and I have... history. We were both undergrads at this very school some fifteen years ago. I was working on my Senior thesis, trying to discern the correlation between traces of aluminum in a person’s system and occurrences of Alzheimer’s in patients.” He sighed. “Nicky was working on a way to stimulate a woman’s arousal merely by scent. We were both utilizing a large portion of the lab for our projects, and butting heads the entire time. Still, we remained civil enough to each other.”

Sarah waited several moments, and when he didn’t immediately continue, she prompted him. “And?”

“And... on the final day when we were to submit our projects and our findings, Nick was in a hurry to get out of the lab. He’d left his Bunsen burner going, and I called out to him to let him know. Either he didn’t hear me, or he was in too much of a hurry to care, and assumed I would take care of it for him. At any rate, I went to follow him into the supply room, clutching the test tube of serum I’d created to, hopefully, stimulate activity in the damaged and dormant brain cells of an Alzheimer’s patient. He, in turn, was coming out of the supply room, carrying a large open mouthed beaker containing his solution. We collided. He fell backwards, dropping his beaker, splashing himself with about ninety percent of the contents. I reached down to help him up, then slipped in a puddle of the liquid, dropping and shattering my test tube of formula as well.”

Sarah smiled, picturing it perfectly in her mind’s eye. Despite the seriousness of the situation, she burst into laughter. “Sorry, sorry... I can just see it now... like something out of an old Jerry Lewis film!”

Buddy sighed softly. “Yes, well... ahem. My point is, his final project was ruined. The serum he had splashed on himself had pretty much ruined his clothes, not quite dissolving the fabric, but weakening it enough that it started to split and tear all along the creases and worn areas. And worst of all, the small amount of serum left in the mostly empty beaker had been contaminated with several drops of my formula, which had apparently splashed up when the test tube broke. I, luckily enough, had created enough of my own formula to fill two test tubes, so I had a spare. Nick wasn’t so lucky. Our Professor was very understanding about the accident, and gave him a few weeks to recreate his serum and resubmit his project... but in the meantime, my own presentation so impressed he and the rest of the Biology Department that they recommended me to make my findings known to a major pharmaceutical company. They took my formula and my findings, which went on to become one of the more widely used Alzheimer’s treatments being used today, and I received the fame, recognition, and a fully paid scholarship to continue my education at the school of my choice.”

“Scholarship? You mean you don’t get royalties or anything?”

Buddy shrugged. “Believe it or not, there are more important things in the world than money. All I wanted was to go to school, to continue my education and my research. If I’d taken the money, the government would have taxed it, and taken their share... and I would have used the money to pay for Grad school anyway.”

“So... basically he resents you for becoming a success in your field, and ruining his chance at the spotlight?”

“Pretty much. Or maybe it might be because I ruined his chance at fame and fortune again a few years later. You see, that mixture of our two formulas had produced a very unique compound, one capable of rendering a person completely obedient and docile to the one who administered it. He’d apparently saved that small bit from the accident, and once he discovered what he had, set out to recreate it.” He chuckled softly. “From what I hear, he spent years trying to crack the code, trying to recreate the exact conditions that caused the two formulas to mix again in exactly that combination. And when he failed, he decided to use the tiny bit he had in the best possible way to make himself rich... and get back at me at the same time.”

“Really?” Sarah asked, getting into the story. “How? What did he do?”

“I was back here in Michigan just after I’d completed my Doctorate, when I got a call from Romar Pharmaceuticals. They wanted to meet with me to discuss a problem with my formula. Naturally, I went. I was brought in to the CEO’s office, and was more than a bit surprised to find Nick standing there along with the company CEO, a bunch of vice presidents, and a couple of corporate lawyers. I won’t bore you with the details, but suffice it to say, he’d used his evil elixir to convince them all to turn the company over to him, and to not only cut off funding to my continued education but to sue me for the full rights to the formula I’d given them.”

“Damn. That’s cold blooded. And... so... what? How did you beat him? He’s obviously not the CEO of a major company now. How did you break his hold over the heads of the company?”

“Oh, that’s the best part,” Buddy said, chuckling. “I didn’t truly beat him. As always, he beat himself. He couldn’t resist gloating about how he’d taken control. He even took out the serum, which he’d put into an old perfume bottle with an atomizer attached. I shook my head at him is disbelief, saying that this was all some kind of trick, that there was no way a squirt or two of that stuff could make someone obey his commands. So, of course, he proved it, by spraying a fine mist of it into the room, dosing everyone. I still pretended that I couldn’t understand what he was talking about, acting dumb, interrupting as he explained, until finally, in a fit of rage he yelled out, ‘That’s it! Forget it. Forget the whole thing! Just pretend this entire conversation never happened!’ ”

Sarah’s eyes widened as she connected the dots. “And they did. The CEO, lawyers and all.. they forgot everything Farnsworth had told them! Wow... that’s brilliant... but... wait. How come you remember? Why didn’t you forget like everyone else?”

“I didn’t breath in the mist,” Buddy said simply. “It was pretty much luck, though. I was just getting over a really bad cold, and I had a sinus infection. Believe me when I say the inside of my head was locked up tighter than Fort Knox. He’d let slip the time difference it took for it to be absorbed into a person’s brain, so I kept my mouth closed and held my breath for a few minutes until the air cleared.” He sighed. “He ended up being tossed out on his ear for breaking into the office unannounced. Frankly, he was lucky he didn’t end up in jail... and sad to say, we are ALL lucky that Mr. Dithers didn’t remember anything about how Buddy had gotten there, and the formula he’d used to make it happen. Which, unfortunately, brings us back to today...”

They arrived at the University’s main gate. The security guard, Bill, glanced up from his magazine as they approached. Normally, he would merely wave at the Professor as he drove through, and return to his light reading; tonight, however, he left the booth, walking down to meet them with a clipboard in hand.

“Name?” he asked, staring down at them intently.

“Pringle. Professor Pringle. Come on, Bill, you should know me well enough by now,” Buddy said in Scott’s voice. “Come on and buzz us through. I need to get back to my office for... some files I forgot.”

“Uh huh,” he replied noncommittally. “And who is that with you?”

“Me, I’m, um...”

“This is Sarah Miller,” Buddy cut in, giving the guard a small grin. “She’s a... cousin of a friend of mine. I’m taking her home but I need to make a pit stop here to retrieve my files for tomorrow. Now, if you’ll just let us through...”

“Sorry, Professor,” Bill said woodenly, moving to return to the booth. “No unauthorized personnel allowed on campus at night. Rules are rules.”

“Oh, but she is authorized to be on campus,” Buddy replied smoothly, causing Bill to pause. “She’s a student here, studying Physics in Dr. Porter’s office. Show him your ID card, Sarah, dear.” Shrugging, Sarah dug the small plastic card from her purse, and held it up. As Bill leaned into the car to take a look, Buddy continued, “So, as you can see, there is no need to hold us up, is there Bill? It is perfectly fine to simply let us pass.”

Bill frowned slightly. “Huh. Looks like everything is in order then. I... guess I can let you pass.”

Buddy nodded, grinning. “And there’s no need to even log us in or inform anyone that we’re here. You trust us, Bill.”

He nodded. “Sure thing, Professor. I trust you.”

“These aren’t the droids you’re looking for. Move along,” Buddy added, winking at Sarah, who clamped a hand over her mouth to keep from laughing. When Bill looked at him sideways, scratching his head, he merely sighed. “Just buzz us through, Bill,” he replied grumpily, which only garnered more laughter from Sarah.

“Hey, at least I got the reference,” she said once they were through.

“One of the many things I love about you, kid,” Buddy answered in reply. Campus security was out in force, causing them to take the scenic route to the Science Department to avoid detection. Buddy sighed as they finally pulled up to the main building. “Well. Not as easy getting on campus as I’d hoped, but it does tell us a few things. Obviously Nicholas has expanded his control of the campus, and is searching for the missing Ted Adams. I’m not sure if they sent someone to his home to wait for him or if they are only looking on campus, but at least it means we won’t have to deal with them once we’re inside.”

“It also means that he’s most likely used the potion on himself,” Sarah said with a frown. “That’s going to be trouble.” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “So... that brings us to me. I guess... it’s time for you to do what you need to do to make me... safe.” She swallowed somewhat nervously. “Whatever it takes, remember? Well... I’m ready.”

Buddy simply nodded. “Do you trust me, Sarah?”

After a moment’s hesitation, she nodded. “Yes. I do.”

“Good,” he replied, taking the bottle of Yoo-hoo out of his pocket, and placing it in her hands. “Because I am trusting you now.”

“Um, thanks?” she said awkwardly, somewhat confused. “But I’m not thirsty.”

“It’s the formula,” Buddy said brusquely. “THE formula. The real, completed formula, not the counterfeit stuff of which Farnsworth is partaking. I’m entrusting it to you. If, on the very likely chance, something goes wrong, and Farnsworth beats me, then run. Take the serum and go.” He closed his eyes. “Don’t use it unless you think it’s absolutely necessary, but if you do, then this is what you can expect. ”

“It will feel good,” he continued after a moment, looking her in the eyes again.” And I mean very very good. Orgasmic good. All of your senses will be heightened, your vision and hearing, sharper. You’ll feel a bit like you have lightning coursing through your veins instead of blood. As for your mind... well, it will literally make a new woman out of you. You’ll still be yourself, with the same memories and thoughts and emotions... only it will be your true self, without inhibitions or limits, or conscience.”

Wow... Sarah thought, glancing down at the seemingly normal bottle in her hands. Aloud, she answered, “But... you’re not like that at all. You have a conscience—”

“I developed one,” Buddy corrected her. “Or as Scott likes to put it, he’s ‘rubbed off’ on me as much as I have on him. We are, now, more or less the same person... but in the beginning, when I first emerged I had about thirty-seven years of repressed angst and sexual frustration driving me. I could still think rationally... I just didn’t care to.”

Sarah nodded softly. In retrospect, it explained a lot about the differences between Scott and Buddy. “And.... you’re giving this to me... why?”

“Because I trust you,” he repeated with a smile. “More than I trust myself.” He opened the car door and slipped out. “With any luck,, you might not need to use it. Remember, I just need you to sabotage his supply, and erase the computer files containing the process. Do that, and get out, and hopefully I will meet up with you. Got it?” She nodded.

“Yeah, I got it,” Sarah replied softly, watching the Professor as he slipped quietly into the building. Sighing to herself, trying to ignore the cold hollow feeling in the pit of her stomach, she left the car as well, and made her way to the entrance of the adjacent building.