The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

My Cousin the Hypnotist

by Hypno S


Chapter 1:

the Show, Introductions and Inductions

I had met Vanessa at the library one day, she worked there part time to pay for school and I needed to find a book on economic theories. I struck up a conversation and soon it became obvious to both of us that we had a lot in common. One thing led to another and soon I was having coffee with her on a regular basis.

Coffee was great, every time. We bantered and talked and basically told each other things I don’t think either of us had envisioned telling another human being. Still coffee was just coffee and I wanted to move the relationship along further but she was hesitant. Her last boyfriend had been abusive, so she wasn’t looking forward to an intimate relationship anytime soon. So I had to be content with coffee and the odd movie companion.

Still I could not help falling for her. She was beautiful, with shoulder length brown hair and a pair of glasses that gave her a sort of Lisa Loeb look. That’s what I think of when I think of her, her face... not to say her body was lacking. She was everything I had hoped for, but it seemed like she’d never let me get close.

So I came up with a plan.

My cousin is a stage hypnotist. That’s what he does for a living he travels around the country doing shows in clubs, for companies and on television. We both grew up in the same neighbor hood and both had discovered a mutual hypnotism fetish when we were in high school. We both studied and practiced on each other (to avoid humiliation) and where as I had gone on to university (were I am now) he had made a career out of it.

Lucky bastard.

Where he enters our story is that I saw he was coming into town and I convinced Vanessa to go with me to the show. Normally she doesn’t like clubs, but I explained that he’s my cousin and I don’t get to see him perform much anymore. She finally relented, and I phoned up my cousin for tickets to the show. I didn’t know what hotel he was staying so I called his pager, which he keeps with him no matter where on the road he is.

“How are you Richard? I haven’t seen you for a year or so.” he said when he returned my call.

“Yeah, well you know school and everything. Hey it’s great you’re in town, we should get dinner together.”

“Yeah I don’t know if I’ll be able to. Too many dates too close together right now. I’m just in and then out really. But why don’t you come to the show? Free ticket as always.”

“Of course I’m coming. Also could I get an additional ticket? I’m bringing a girl.”

My cousin made a noise at the other end of the phone, “A date?”

“No not really.” I gave him a brief explanation of the situation.

“Well sounds like maybe I can help out. She sounds pretty conservative and probably won’t volunteer, I’ll get her onstage however. After that you and her should come back into my dressing room and I’ll get everything sorted out.”

“Great but how are you going to get her onstage?”

“Trust me.”

Vanessa and I arrived at the club early to get our passes and get a seat. The passes were like backstage passes for a rocket concert, big tags on string that hung around our necks. They said GUEST in big letters and above that my cousin’s stage name.

“Robert Gaze? Is his name actually Robert Gaze or is that made up?” Vanessa asked as we watched people fill into the club. She was examining her tag closely.

“No, it’s a stage name. Robert is real though, my family’s got a thing with ‘R’ names. Robert, Richard, Rachel. Forester is his last name.” I said checking out the crowd. Most people were dressed up, as this show had been promoted as sort of a social event. Vanessa however had on her trusty jeans, I’ve never seen her wearing anything but jeans and slacks, and a simple sweater with a shirt underneath. She still looked amazing but her look didn’t really fit in. Still I hadn’t been able to convince her to dress up.

“Are you going to volunteer?” I asked.

“No way. I don’t want to give up control like that. Besides I’m too smart to be hypnotized, you have to be a bit dim for that. I don’t want to spoil your cousin’s show by going up on stage and then not going under.” she explained.

I laughed, “I’ve come to learn that there is no one who can’t be hypnotized.”

“Yeah well I can’t. I had a girlfriend who tried it on me and a few friends once. They other girls all went under but I didn’t.” she said. Hearing her talk about hypnosis made me so horny I could have done it right there on the stage if she’d let me, on lookers and all.

Right then however the lights dimmed and music started playing. I recognized the song as my cousin’s intro music and when the lights came up again there he was onstage.

He did he usual intro speech, which I’ve found is fairly standard to all hypnotists. You can’t be made to do anything you don’t want to do... very relaxing.... blah... blah... He calls the speech his intro-inudction. It’s main purpose he says is to lull everyone into a semi-trance. Relax everyone and open them up to the suggestion of coming on stage. Which is when he calls for volunteers.

And I must say he got some good ones. Since my cousin has always been interested in the erotic aspect of the show he always makes sure his stage is well stocked with beautiful women to hypnotize. Tonight he was particularly lucky. Still Vanessa wasn’t up there, which would have made my day, no matter how much I nudged her.

“This next part is called the induction. During this part I need absolute quiet and concentration on the part of both the audience and the volunteers. Any noise during this part could ruin the whole show, or at least set us back to the beginning. Now if I could just have the lights dimmed please.” the lights went down, “Thank you. Now just relax and take a deep breath and let it out. Relax. Now those of you in the audience just be very quite and very attentive. I find it fascinating to watch people drift under hypnosis and you should watch these people on stage very carefully as they fall under. Deep breath and hold it a second and now out and relax. You may even feel a bit of the effects where you are sitting and this is perfectly normal. Deep breath and relax, hold it out and relax, let it out. Relax. Now you might find your eyes focusing on various things as I speak. Relax. Some of you in the audience may have wanted to come up on stage, but you were too shy or too reserved to. Now that you don’t have to worry about going on stage you can relax. In and out. Relax. I find that a part of everyone in every audience wants to experience hypnosis. Deep breath in and out. Relax. Now is you chance, as you listen to my voice you are already beginning to feel what these people on stage are going to be feeling very soon. Relax. Right now though I know there is someone in this audience who wants to be onstage. Deep breath and relax.”

I kept pinching myself to avoid falling under his trance. I looked around the club and the patrons were all starring at him intently. Even the waitresses and the bartenders had ceased what they were doing and stood transfixed by his words. Meanwhile Robert had fixed his gaze on Vanessa. I looked at her and saw that her eyes were locked in with his, like a deer starring into a pair of headlights.

I shifted my weight to hide my erection. From who I don’t know. At this point I doubt Vanessa would even notice if I removed my pants and put them on my head.

“This one person in the audience is already in a trance. Eyes lost deep into mine. All I need to do is tap them on the forehead and they will fall into a deep sleep, a deep trance. Breathe and relax. In fact all I need to do to any of you is tap you and you will sleep.”

He turned away from the audience to the volunteers who were all glassy eyed as well. One by one he tapped them on the head and they went limp.

“Now you have seen my power. They are all deeply relaxed, deeply asleep. There is one more chair onstage though. One more chair for one person who wants to be deeply relaxed and deeply asleep. Think of how good you feel now, think of how good you feel this relaxed. If you relax even more, your pleasure will double. Now then Vanessa Marshall come sit in that seat and prepare to relax even deeper.”

I was surprised that he knew her name, until I remembered we’d signed the guest list. But that surprise was nothing compared with the sight of a entranced Vanessa standing up and walking on stage and sitting in the last remaining empty chair. She moved like a zombie in one of those cheesy B-movies. Her arms hung at her side and she took small steps. When she turned and faced the crowd there was absolutely no sign of activity in them. Once she sat down Robert went over to her and spoke to her for a bit, he had turned off the microphone so the audience couldn’t hear, although I’m assuming he was deepening her trance, and then he reached down and tapped her on the forehead. Her eyes closed and she fell against the girl beside her. Limp. Hypnotized.

I was going to describe the show, but there was nothing too special about it. Envy my cousins job as I do, there really isn’t much that he does that any other hypnotist doesn’t do. The volunteers all did dances, lost parts of their body and played with invisible animals. He shot them with an orgasm gun. I enjoyed the show because it was amazing seeing Vanessa up there doing that stuff. Aside from that it wasn’t one of his best performances, but I didn’t mind.

At the end of the show he released the volunteers from their trance and sent them off one by one. When he came to Vanessa he whispered to her a bit and then awoke her and she walked back to her seat in a daze.

“Well that was a great show.” I said after she sat down.

“Yes it was. It’s unbelievable that those people could do those things, without even knowing it.” she said.

“Hey you were up there too.” I pointed out.

“Ha ha. I was not I was here the whole time with you.” she replied.

“No you were up there. You took off your sweater and t-shirt when you thought you were a stripper.” this had been a crowd favorite

“Right, sure thing. Maybe in your fantasy Richard but I was right here. You can’t tell me otherwise.” she persisted.

I guess Robert had made it so she wouldn’t remember anything, which is unusual for him. Normally he loves the have his subjects squirm with embarrassment after.

“Why don’t we go backstage and say hi.” she suggested.

“Huh. To who?”

“Robert silly. He is your cousin, don’t you want to see him?”

“Yeah. I just. I’m surprised you want to.”

“Why he seemed nice enough when he was onstage.”

So Vanessa practically dragged me back to Robert’s dressing room. I had feared that she would want to go right home, the last thing on her mind being meeting a hypnotist in his dressing room.

Robert was outside the room talking with some people, I think he was about to put a waitress under as a demonstration. He saw us and turned, “Richard. Great to see you I hope you enjoyed the show.”

“Every bit as much as you would imagine.” I said and the two of us enjoyed a chuckle at Vanessa’s expense. “This is Vanessa.”

“Nice to meet you. Why don’t you two go into the room and I’ll be join you in a few minutes. Oh and Vanessa as soon as you sit down you will think of magnets.”

Vanessa looked at him oddly, as one would if a total stranger had told them to think about magnets, “Okay.”

We went in and I sat down on the nearest chair. Vanessa took a seat on the couch across from me and suddenly her left arm began to drift upwards. She looked at it in surprise. “My arm is rising.”

“Yeah, why do you think it is?” I asked.

“I have no idea. It’s like there is a magnet in it or something. I can’t lower it, it just keeps going up.” she tried pushing it down with her right hand but it didn’t budge, it only slowed the arm’s ascent. “This is freaky Richard. I can’t control my hand or arm.”

“Why don’t you just let it go and see what happens?” I suggested.

By this time the arm was up to her shoulders. She gave it one last push with her right arm and then gave up and watched as it drifted up past her eyes and came to rest touching her forehead. The moment her hand touched her forehead her eyes closed and her whole body went completely limp. Even her head fell forward, taking the attached arm with it. I sat looking at her for a couple of minutes completely aroused and wishing I could take a picture, when Robert walked in.

He nodded at me and then spoke to Vanessa.

“Vanessa your arm is no longer magnetic. Let it fall to the side and let it falling to your side help you relax even deeper.” Her arm fell. “Good. Now I need to talk to Richard for awhile and you would find that so boring so I want you to keep occupied by counting from one to one thousand. With each number you will imagine yourself taking a step down a long flight of stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, at stair number one thousand, is a big relaxing bed for you to lay in. Once you get in this bed your mind and your sleepy brain will lay down and sleep even deeper than right now. However your body will open its eyes and stand up, ready to listen to my voice some more and to relax even deeper. Now begin counting to yourself.”

He turned to me, “I’m disappointed in you Richard this girl is so suggestible, why didn’t you give it a try yourself?”

“I don’t know, I didn’t think it would work. Besides I don’t want to screw this up, trying to control her mind might sort of do that. I’m actually smitten with her. If this wasn’t such a turn on for me, seeing her zonked out like that and if I could get close to her in another way I’d have maybe suggested it to her. Besides she said she couldn’t be hypnotized.”

“Well you know better than that. She’s amazingly suggestible.”

That surprised me, Vanessa always seemed so in control.

“So then after tonight I’ll have given you so may post hypnotic induction points that you can sneeze and she’ll drop into a trance. Not only that I’ll have her programmed to love being hypnotized by you. She’s going to think it’s the greatest thing ever.”

“Great, thank you.”

“Hey without you to practice on back home I probably would be working at Burger King, so I owe you.”

And with that our conversation turned to tales of the road, as he told me stories from his travels across this nation called America. Okay so that sounds overly literate, but this is my story so I’ll do what I want.

Anyway after about ten minutes I noticed Vanessa’s eyes open. She then stood up and looked straight ahead.

“Wow.” I said at the sight of her glassy eyed and entranced.

“I know it always gives me a thrill. No matter how much I do this. Now Vanessa look at me. Who am I?”

She turned and looked at him, “Master.”

Robert shot me a look as if to say, “I love this job.” and then turned back to Vanessa. “Yes you are my slave and I am your master. However you have another master, slave. Look at Richard now.”

Her head turned to me.

“He is also your master. You must obey him as much as you obey me. You love being his slave as much as you love being mine. You want to please him as much as you want to please me. You want him to hypnotize you as much as you want me to hypnotize you. Now you know this. Your sleepy mind and your sleepy brain know this. However waking Vanessa doesn’t know this. When Vanessa wakes up she won’t remember anything since she got in this room. She’ll only think she’s been talking with Richard. On the count of three sleepy Vanessa will once again becoming waking Vanessa. One, two and wake up three.”

“Thanks for coming back here. I don’t get to see Richard that much and I’m happy to get a chance to meet his friends. How did you like my show?”

Vanessa blinked and looked confused for a minute. She sat down and shook her head to clear it and then smiled, “Great I loved it. Really funny I don’t think I laughed so hard for years. At the end of it Richard tried to convince me that I had been onstage, but I didn’t fall for it.”

Robert laughed, “And how do you now that you didn’t go up on stage?”

“Oh I can’t be hypnotized.” she said.

“Really. Why are you so sure?” he prodded her.

“Well a girlfriend once tried it one me, and it didn’t work.” she explained.

“So you don’t think me, being a pro, would do any better?”

“No. She’s a psych major so she’s good at it.”

“Well then why don’t you let me give it a shot anyway?”


“Why not the worst I can do is fail right? Besides if you can’t be hypnotized, you can’t be hypnotized. Right?”

Vanessa nodded reluctantly, “I suppose. Just to humor you though.”

“Okay, fair enough. Now I want to do this a bit different than I did for those people on stage tonight. Could I see you necklace?” he asked.

Vanessa’s necklace was a gold heart locket on a chair. It was hidden beneath her sweater and shirt, but we had all gotten a good look at it when those had come off on stage. Vanessa didn’t clue in that Robert had not seen it yet, and quickly removed it and handed it to him.

Robert took the locket from her and moved next to her on the couch. He held the locket up so it was hanging right before her eyes. He moved his wrist a little to set it swinging back and forth, just like in the movies.

“This locket is obviously very special to you. Whose picture is in it?” he asked.

“My sister’s.” she answered.

“What’s her name?”


“That’s a very pretty name. So is Vanessa. Now this is obviously a very important thing to you so you had better keep your eyes on it at all times. Don’t move your head but let your eyes follow it back and forth and back and forth. But you trust me don’t you?”


“Good because it is important to trust me. Because you may notice your eyes getting tired and heavy. They are probably already starting to water and your might have to blink them very soon and you won’t be able to watch you locket while your eyes are closed. But since you trust me you know you can close your eyes and nothing bad will happen to your locket. You can blink and your locket will still be here. Blink.”

With that her eyes blinked and then opened again.

“Deep breath in and hold it and now out and relax. It is good that you trust me because you are going to have to blink a lot because your eyes are so heavy now. It was so nice to blink them that they will want to blink again and again. Blink.”

Down her eyes went and after a second back up.

“Deep breath and relax even more. Now each time you blink you are so happy that your locket is still hear for you to stare at. For you to fix your heavy eyes on and watch as it goes back and forth. Each time you see your locket again you relax more. Blink. And each time you relax more your eyes are heavier and sleepier and want to blink more and more. Blink. Relax. Blink. Relax. Blink. It is so hard to open your eyes now. Blink. And even though you want to keep looking at your locket you want to let your eyes close even more. Blink. Relax. Blink. But it is good that you trust me because soon when you blink you will find it is just so much better to keep your eyes closed. Blink. When your eyes stay closed you know that I will keep good care of your hypnotic locket. Blink. Trust. Blink. Relax. Blink. Trust. Blink. Blink. Blink. Blink. Blink.”

Her eyes were closing and opening in a flurry now. Every time she’d manage to struggle and get them open he’d say ‘Blink’ and they’d fall shut right away and then it would take her up to a minute to force them open only to be sent closed again.

“Blink. Blink. Sleep.”

With that her eyes closed and stayed closed.

“It is so good to be this relaxed. Now just let me take you deeper. Relax and go deeper. You are going to feel hands touching your body as you feel them you will let that part of your body become as relaxed as your eyes. First your legs.”

Robert gestured to me and I slid off my chair and crawled over to Vanessa and began to rub her legs. I did this for every part of the body as he called them out.

“Hips, so relaxed and so heavy. Stomach, so relaxed so warm and sleepy. Breasts, so heavy. Arms, and hands. Heavy, warm relaxed.”

And on it went until every muscle in her body was completely loose.

“Now Vanessa have you ever been hypnotized before?”

A sound escaped her lips that neither of us could make out.

“It is okay now for sleepy Vanessa to talk to us. She wants to tell us everything we ask. She wants to answer all my questions, even the ones only sleepy Vanessa knows. Have you ever been hypnotized?”

“Yes. Twice before.”


“Tonight and two months ago.”

“Who hypnotized you two months ago?”


“Her friend.” I mouthed to Robert.

“Describe what happened when Lisa hypnotized you for us.”

“She had just taken a course on hypnotism and wanted to show me and three friends. So she had us sit in her apartment on chairs and her sofa and she dimmed the lights and began to have us breath deeply. Then she began to tell us how relaxed we were and how sleepy we would become. As she did this I noticed the other girls start to fall asleep. I got worried because I didn’t want to be controlled by Lisa and I was going to get up when she started talking only to me. She started telling me how much I needed to relax and how good it would be for me to close my eyes and sleep. Then I found I couldn’t do anything but look into her eyes and then mine closed.”

“What did you do when you were asleep for Lisa?”

“We all did some silly tricks like talk to her dog and then she said that everyone would remember everything except for me. Then she woke us all up and sent the other three home. Then she began to talk to me in a low voice again and I felt so heavy and fell asleep again.”

“And then?”

“Then she told me I was a lesbian and I was in love with her. Then she had me eat her out. Then she made me sleep again and told me I wouldn’t remember it.”

“Did Lisa tell you anything that you’d do later?”

“Yes. Anytime she says to me, ‘Pussy sleep’ I will fall back to sleep.”

“Good now Vanessa I want you just to relax for a minute and drift even deeper. Pay no attention to anything that is said until you feel a hand on your knee okay. Now drift.”

Robert turned to me, “Wow.”

“That’s what I was thinking. I had no idea that Lisa was. That.”

“Have you ever met her?” Robert asked.

“Yeah. She’s really gorgeous and everything and from what I gathered from Vanessa a bit of a tramp, but not a lesbian or a hypnotist.”

“Well you’re going to have to deal with her at some point. You can’t have her messing around in Vanessa’s head, especially after tonight. My suggestion is you have Vanessa invite her over and you hypnotize her to stay out of your girlfriend’s head.”

“I can’t do that.”

“Of course you can. You were better than me at this. The only reason you can’t is your afraid. Now look you have to do this. Okay.”

“Okay I’ll do it.”

“Good now on to Vanessa.” Robert reached out and touched her knee, “Vanessa you are so relaxed. I am going to snap my fingers and you will wake up. You won’t remember anything about being hypnotized and you will believe that I failed. However every time I scratch my nose you will take off one item of clothing. You will not notice that you are doing this until I saw that it is cool in here. When you realize what you are doing you will find yourself unable to stop from taking off all of your clothes. Once naked you will find that your clothes are so heavy that you can not pick them up off the floor.” With that he snapped his fingers.

“Okay I give up you won. You’re un-hypnotizable.”

Vanessa shook her head, to clear it, and then laughed. “I knew it. Still you did good. You almost had me there I think.”

Robert scratched his nose, “Don’t say that to make me feel better.”

Vanessa pulled off her sweater to reveal a yellow t-shirt with the name of a local resort on the front. Her breasts were more evident without the sweater and I saw Robert appraise them. “Okay, I’ll admit it you were no where near.” she said as she pulled off her shoes after Robert had scratched his nose again.

“You almost put me under.” I joked.

Vanessa laughed and Robert scratched his nose. Off came her jeans.

“Is your nose itchy or something?” asked Vanessa.

“No.” he said scratching it again, “I just do this out of habit.”

Vanessa pulled off her shirt and I almost came right in my pants. Her body was so beautiful and this was the most I had seen of it, except for quickly on stage tonight.

Robert smiled, “Vanessa don’t you find it a bit cool in here?”

“No. Why?” with that Vanessa looked down and saw that all she had on was her underwear, her socks and her glasses. Her hands went about taking off the rest as she protested, “Hey what’s going on? How come I’m naked. I can’t stop. How did you do this?”

Her glasses fell to the floor last and I quickly picked them up so they wouldn’t get stepped on. She tried to cover her body with her arms, one across her breasts and one down below. Still it was a magnificent view.

“Vanessa,” Robert began, “I bet you find now that when I snap my fingers your arms are so heavy you can’t hold them up anymore. They’ll just fall to your side.” With a snap her arms suddenly fell and the view improved. Her breasts were much larger than I had imagined, but that was because she always took care to understate them.

She then tried turning so we couldn’t see, still protesting.

“Vanessa, when I snap my fingers you will find that your mouth has relaxed to the point where you can only speak when you are to answer a question. You will also find that you must turn and face us and that you can not turn away.”

He snapped his fingers and she fell silent and turned back towards us.

There was a knock at the door.

“Vanessa there are now two metal bracelets around your wrists. When I snap my fingers these bracelets will become very light. So light that they will pull your arms straight up into the air as far as they can go. Once there you will find you are unable to move your body in anyway. You will just stand there and wait for my return.”

He stood up, snapped and then left the room. I watched as Vanessa’s arms drifted up and then went rigid. I don’t know how long Robert was gone for but I tried my best to burn the sight of Vanessa’s body into my brain.

When he returned he was smiling.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Well it seems I may have more time than I thought. The hotel were I was booked for the next week just burnt down, which means I’m open. How big is your place?”

“Sorry man I live in the dorms. It’s my bed and a desk. Not even enough room on the floor.”

“How about hers?”

“I’ve only been there once, but it’s pretty big. It’s a four person flat but two of her roommates moved out so it’s half empty.”

“Good that will do. I suppose you’re in for a sleep over anyway.”

“Vanessa I want you to relax now and be very open to my voice again.”

After a bit of further programming Vanessa woke up, dressed and then suddenly invited both Robert and myself to stay with her as long as we liked.

“As long as we can get Beth to go along with it.” she said.

Robert smiled and I knew Beth would probably end up being happy to help out.

Since Robert traveled with a few crew he had to talk to them before we left and he said he’d meet us back in his dressing room about an hour. He left and we sat there uncomfortably for a few minutes. I was trying to think what to say, without letting on that ten minutes ago I’d been watching her strip.

Finally she broke the silence, “This has been really a fun evening, thanks for inviting me.”

“Hey no problem. It’s just too bad you didn’t get hypnotized.”

“Yeah well, you know I can’t.”

“I bet I could.”

“Really. I don’t think so but I’ll let you try it out on me.” part of the suggestions that she had received was that she would jump at the chance to be put under by either me or Robert.

“Okay well just close your eyes.”

“I thought I was supposed get hypnotized to close them?” she teased.

“I know I’m skipping a step. Just close them and get into a comfortable position and take a deep breath. Now hold it. Now let it out. Now take another and let it out too. Keep breathing deeply, focus on your breathing and my voice. That’s all you have to worry about right now. You find with each breath you take in and let out your body relaxes a little more. Just breath and relax. Listen and relax.” I reached over and put my hand beside her ear and snapped my fingers. “That sound you just heard is a very powerful sound. In a minute after you relax even deeper you will hear that sound again. When you hear it again you will try to open your eyes up. However after hearing that sound again you will find that your whole body is so relaxed and comfortable that your eyes don’t want to open up. They want so much to remain closed that they will disobey your mind and stay firmly shut. The harder your mind tries to open your eyes the tighter shut they will become, until your mind grows so tired that it relaxes just like the rest of your body and listens only to my voice. Now you’ll notice already parts of your body relaxing, your legs and your feet are feeling so warm and heavy. In fact I bet your can’t even feel your legs or your feet as they are so relaxed and so heavy. Your arms too are so heavy and warm. With each breath you take another part of your body relaxes and falls asleep. Your neck now, just let your head fall wherever is most comfortable as your neck falls asleep. Warm, relaxed. Breath. In and out.” I snapped my fingers again. “Trying, trying to open your eyes. So heavy, so comfortable. Too heavy, warm and relaxed. Give up now and let your mind fall into a warm sleep like your eyes, arms, feet and legs. Deeper, deeper and deeper.”

I was amazed, I still had it. Robert was right, of the two of us I was always better at hypnosis but I just couldn’t perform well on a stage. After being booed off a few times I left Robert to do that act and went into law. But one on one, I was still as good as ever.

“Deeper, and deeper. You are about to learn some important words and phrases right now Vanessa. First is ‘Nap Time’. When I saw ‘Nap Time’ you will fall fast asleep, deep asleep and you will stay asleep unaware of everything around you until I saw wakey-wakey Vanessa. Next is ‘Vanessa Doll’. When I say ‘Vanessa Doll’ you mind will be so sleepy that it will shut down and leave me in control of your body. You will do whatever I say and you will be my slave. When I say ‘Trance Time Vanessa’ you will fall back into this deep trance ready to listen to my voice, wanting only to listen to my voice. Lastly for now whenever I tell you to do something and then snap my fingers you will immediately forget what I told you to do but you will feel like doing it anyway. Now when I count to three you will wake up and not remember any of the suggestions I gave you. However you will remember everything else about your trance. For the first time tonight you will remember that you have been hypnotized. One, two, three.”

Vanessa’s eyes opened and she looked around. “Wow.”

“How was it?” I asked.

“It worked. I mean I think it did. I just closed my eyes and then when you snapped you fingers I thought for sure I was going to be able to open my eyes but it was just so nice not to.” she paused, “Did you make me do anything? Give me any suggestions?”

“No, not this time. But soon I think I will. Trance Time Vanessa.”

Her mouth opened to say something but then her eyes fell shut and her whole body fell back into the couch.

“Deeper and deeper. Now Vanessa you will relax. Deeper and deeper. When you wake up every time I say something and clap my hands you will become that thing. If I say truck you will be a truck, if I say stripper you will be a stripper. Waking Vanessa will not remember that suggestion until I say the word ‘Remember’. Waking Vanessa however will remember how easily I can put her back into this deep state. This excites you very much. You like the thought of me controlling you and you want me to do it more, to make you do increasingly sexual things. One, two three.”

“Was I just out again?”

“Yes you were. But actually you were more of a store mannequin.” and I clapped.

She assumed some typical store pose and froze that way. I stood up and moved her in a way that I could slide her sweater off her body, followed by her shirt.

“Actually Vanessa you were more of a belly dancer.” and a clap.

Vanessa looked at me and began swaying towards me, dancing in a way I couldn’t have imagined her doing before tonight. She kept passing her exposed belly just inches away from my face.

The door opened and in walked Robert, “Oh I should have knocked.”

“Trance Time Vanessa.”

Vanessa stopped her gyrations and closed her eyes, letting her arms fall limp at her sides.

“On the count of three you will wake up and no longer be affected by the clapping suggestion. You will not remember any being hypnotized until I say the word. One, two three.”

Vanessa shook her head and looked around, her shirt and sweater on the floor and her standing right in between my legs. “What happened?”

“Remember.” I said.

She looked at me and then Robert and then burst out laughing. “Oh my God! I didn’t actually do that? I didn’t think. Oh dear.” she looked at Robert, “I guess your cousin is a better hypnotist than you after all.”

“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell him for years.”