The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


This story begins some time after the ending of my previous story “Katherine Anne and me”, so maybe you should read that one first. It deals with the same characters, fetishes and style. This continuation will be published at a rhythm of one chapter per week, so you have plenty of time to catch up.

Hope you enjoy it! You can reach me at

Chapter 11

As the hours passed, I couldn’t take that morning scene out of my mind. It was time to face it: I had been manipulated into masturbating openly in front of one of my ex girlfriend’s close friends, who seemed to had been enjoying watching me perform this humiliating scene. Also, if I remembered correctly, the day before she seemingly had used my foot fetish to get me to fuck her, and then, as I was trying to recover from the encounter, used my weakness to put me into a hypnotic trance. So, now I was sensitive to the control of two different women, one of which could reveal a dark secret of mine to people I knew. I wasn’t worried about Katherine doing that, because she had no direct contact with my circle of family and friends. With Gabrielle, it was an entirely different situation. What if she decided to brag about her “power” in front of mutual friends? Or worse, talk about this to Caroline to compete with her (something I knew women could do with their girlfriends once a man entered the equation). What would Caroline say? Would then others know about it? A heavy cloud of concerns was descending upon my head as I pondered the possibilities. I really didn’t know much about Gabrielle, other that she was some rebel-like chick who always walked around in faded jeans and sneakers, and who liked to debate with men when they were around her. In fact, I think this was the first time I had seen her in thighs or sandals, for that matter. Maybe Katherine had warned her that I was following her, and advised her to dress accordingly? Or maybe this just was the dress code for a shopping mall attendant... In any case, she had exerted a considerable show of power over my mind the day before, trapping me into confessing my own fetishes and then guiding me into a role of sex submission to her. She wasn’t even that hot to begin with; just a run-of-the-mill college girl, one of those friends that, if you wanted to feel hot for her, you had to imagine her in different clothes and with some makeup on; that is, a totally different image to the one you were used to see in her. Otherwise, she was practically one of the boys. Caroline, on the other hand, was all feminine and catty; she would never be caught in less than perfect makeup and designer clothing. She used to be the guy-magnet in her group and behaved accordingly, appearing at the same time gorgeous and distant, and forcing the boys to be in awe of her but not conceding an inch of trust until she decided to. I remembered how long it had taken me to court her, and my feeling of elation the day she had finally let me kiss her. From then on, I had merely let her get away with whatever she desired, just to keep her from going away. Logically, after some months she had grown tired of me saying always yes to whatever she concocted; the challenges were now bordering the unreachable for any normal guy, and so she gradually lost interest until the moment came to officially dump me, softly but emphatically. I wasn’t getting all this while we were together; only after the breakup some pieces began falling into place, and I had to admit I had been a complete moron with her. She was now into other people and stuff, and I regretted that, because I really liked her group of friends. Gabrielle though, up until then, had been just another girl in that circle, and not the one who interested me most. There were other girls who were prettier, or even funnier. Gabrielle always had seemed a bit inward and secretive behind that rebel-like facade. I remember actually feeling pity for her, because it was obvious that she was alone, and never talked about a boyfriend. Maybe now she had turned to hypnosis to solve that? If not at the beginning of her course, surely by now she was pondering the possibilities.

Thinking about all this, tension grew into my general mood and by the early afternoon, I was sure anyone could have seen a deep wrinkle of concern between my eyebrows, clouding my usually relaxed expression. I decided I had to talk to Gabrielle before it was too late. I went to the mall and made a beeline towards the shoe store; but it was closed until four, and it was 2 PM. I realized she was probably at the seminar. Maybe I could visit the campus and see what was all about?

Some minutes later, I was walking through the big hallways of the Psychology campus building. Many boys and girls my age were walking around, carrying books and backpacks, sometimes zoning out inside their headphones. I looked around and started to walk down every corridor, looking through tiny windows at the doors of every classroom that let one see who was teaching at each one. Most of the teachers were middle-aged women, bookworm types, looking very serious while talking to their students. I wondered if I should ask for Katherine’s seminar. I began imagining a dialogue like this:

Me: Excuse me, where’s the hypnosis seminar?

Someone: Why? Are you volunteering?

Me -confused—: Emm, not really. I’m just looking for one of the students.

Same: You’re blushing. What is it? You hot for hypnosis?

The fact that this was a figment of my overgrown imagination and not the most probable scenario in a random dialogue inside the faculty, wasn’t making it any less worrisome. I was feeling like everyone in there knew about hypnosis and could guess what I was thinking! Ludicrous, I know, but still I was feeling defensive in there. I kept on walking, trying not to be noticed, until I saw one of the women Katherine had been hypnotizing -or so I thought- at the diner. Surely she was in the seminar! I don’t know why I thought that, but it seemed obvious at the time. It was a middle-aged woman in conservative clothes, with glasses and a deep mane of hair hiding the sides of her chubby face. I approached her.

“Excuse me, are you attending the hypnosis seminar? Where’s the classroom?”

She turned at me, not showing signs of recognizing me.

“Yeah, it’s at the end of this corridor. Follow me” she said, and started walking in front of me. I followed, noticing her big plump ass sliding one way and another under a dark long skirt. She wasn’t really attractive, other than for the fact that I had seen her go under for Katherine’s amusement, at one of her tables, some nights before.

Our parade finished at the last door; which she opened, disappearing inside the classroom. She seemed to have forgotten me. What should I do? I stood at the open door and gazed inside, hoping to wave at Gabrielle to take her out. But all I could see was Katherine’s face watching me from the front desk, where she was sitting! After a moment of surprise, she motioned for me to come in.

“Hi Gene! Are you attending the seminar now? Come in, don’t be shy!” Her hand made the universal gesture: “come to me”. I knew I couldn’t disobey her. Suddenly, I heard the door closing with a clack behind me, and Katherine, who had been staring at me the whole time, signaled an empty chair in the back.

“Go sit back there”.

I silently followed her suggestion, while the students, who were mostly girls, gazed at me with curiosity. I was wondering how I had become so passive around Katherine; I should have remained outside, asking for Gabrielle. Now it was too late. Deep down I knew, though, that I was really intrigued by the contents of a hypnosis course. Would the teacher make the students practice with each other? Maybe there were real subjects gathered for these practices?

“So. The Ericksonian handshake is the most widely known of his techniques, but there are many others” Katherine resumed. Soon enough, and although I was interested in what she had to say, my mind began rambling around the whole situation, paying no attention to her words, which became a friendly noise in the background. I noticed Katherine looked really serious at the front of the class, a true professional, and that the students, some of them her same age or just one or two years older, seemed to share a deep respect for her.

I looked around and sure, there was Gabrielle taking notes and biting on her pen throughout the lecture. She was now dressed in a conservative blouse and a thick pair of jeans, completed with white sneakers. She gazed at me and blinked an eye with a smile. I blinked back.

Among the others, there were a couple of faces that I think belonged to other Katherine clients at the diner. I guess some of her students wanted the whole experience, or else were interested enough to try learning the trade for themselves. The middle-aged woman who had walked me in was now sitting in the front, looking directly at Katherine, not moving a muscle. I noticed she wasn’t taking notes. Other than her student pose, she seemed fascinated with Katherine’s speech.

I tried to focus on the class, but every time I was beginning to reflect on one of the concepts being exposed, my mind was left kind of hanging, caught in the singsong tone of Katherine’s voice. It wasn’t that different from her videos, other than now she wasn’t smiling much, and looked at her students with a satisfied expression, that of someone with deep trust in her talents. After a few attempts at understanding her speech, I stopped trying and let myself stare, too, at Katherine’s mouth while she delivered the contents of her class. Her lips were moving fast and smoothly, her Texan drawl navigating the air and bathing the still figures of her students; it was as if her voice mixed with the sunlight coming from the big windows at our left. Soon enough, I was feeling lost in an easy, comfortable daze, and quite sure than most of the class were doing the same.

Suddenly, I looked up to see Katherine moving the diner woman’s extended arm up and down. The woman was now standing in front of her and listening to her talk, with the same neutral, almost blank expression of before. When had she stood up? I had missed that. It seemed Katherine was trying something on her. I realized she was demonstrating Milton Erikson’s handshake technique, something I’d seen in some clips about clinic hypnosis on YouTube. It was rather boring, this Erikson thing, because you knew the person was being hypnotized, but so slowly that it soon became tiresome for the viewer to keep on waiting for the subject’s response. Still, I could see the woman was letting Katherine slowly suspend her arm in the air, and when the teacher let go of her hand, it kept on floating there, as if she wasn’t aware of what was happening. After talking some more into her with a soft low voice, Katherine turned to her students. The woman didn’t look away with her; in fact, she didn’t move a muscle.

“As you can see, the subject is now lost in this loop we have created” she was explaining in a different, higher voice, the one of before. “Martha is not interested in getting out of there for now”.

I gazed at Gabrielle, who was taking notes furiously. Some of the students -or were they just other “subjects”?— were just staring at the teacher, fascinated. One of them turned his head back and then made signs to the others, who looked in my direction. A cute young girl smiled. Then I noticed my own arm was hanging up in the air! I quickly moved it back down, doing as if I just wanted to scratch something in my face. I was lucky, because I then noticed my mouth was hanging open, and there was a slight hint of drool at the corner of my mouth! I quickly rubbed it off trying to act naturally. Whatever it was Katherine was doing, it seemed quite effective!

“Now Martha” said Katherine turning to her subject once again, “I’m going to let your arm down and you will keep on feeling this relaxed, in fact even more deeply relaxed as I take it down now”. With this, she lightly grabbed Martha’s arm and slowly made it go down, until it was touching her leg. The woman never looked at it, her eyes deeply focused on Katherine’s face.

“That’s it. You’re feeling so relaxed now. Everything so peaceful now, even more so with every word that I speak”. Now I could hear Katherine’s voice more closely, but she hadn’t raised her tone one notch. It was as if some noise between her and me had disappeared completely, and now I could hear her loud and clear, like she was inside my mind. I wondered when she’d finally hypnotize that defenseless, passive woman standing before her with her shoulders leaning forward, her arms hanging loosely in front of her like lead weights, her expression completely blank.

“It’s a contagious feeling” Katherine continued. As I thought of this, an irresistible impulse to yawn took hold of my face. I opened my mouth silently and let out a deep sigh; before I could do anything about it, a new, bigger thread of drool was hanging over my chin and falling on the plastered surface of my desk. I watched it passively, feeling a bit disconnected, while Katherine’s words flew over my conscious mind, talking about calmness and relaxation. Then I noticed a heavy, peaceful calmness taking over my whole relaxed body, making it lean forward in my seat, as Katherine kept talking both far away and into the deep corners of my weak, passive mind, which was now slipping slowly but steadily into nothingness.

“Open your eyes”.

I did, and they focused on the thing that was straight in front of them: Katherine’s black boots. They were of the “Sherwood” kind, you know, the ones with the “mouth” being bigger than the calf, then slowly narrowing until they clinched onto the ankle, heel and foot. A moment passed, and I noticed that I was looking at them sideways. Also, part of my face seemed to be pressed against a hard surface, however warm. I was laying on the floor! I saw Katherine’s little hands grabbing her knees as she bent over me. “You can raise now, Gene”. She offered me a hand. After a moment getting the full picture -I was in the floor, at the front of the class, next to Katherine’s desk- I slowly moved up and raised a fluffy arm, which she took by the wrist with what seemed to me like great force. In a couple of seconds, I had stood up, going from being completely limp to stand, still stumbling on my feet, feeling a bit like floating. She was looking at me with an innocent smile.

“What happened, Gene? You seemed so focused on my class and then... Just out of the blue!” She snapped in front of my eyes and my mind suddenly felt more clear. I smiled shyly. I noticed I was being the subject now, and that the class was hanging on every little reaction. Save for Martha, that is, who was slumped in her desk, her eyes closed and seeming about to slide to the floor herself.

“So tell me Gene, did you like watching Martha being hypnotized?”

I nodded politely, still watching Martha, who was snoring softly.

“What would you do if you had her hypnotized?” Katherine inquired.

“I dunno... Maybe get her to lose some weight!” I shrugged. Some people laughed.

“Oh. I guess she’s not really your type, huh?” Katherine said. “You can look at me now, Gene”. I did. She was still standing there, so small and powerful.

“If you really could hypnotize someone, you’d go for someone like Lilly, huh? My colleague from the diner?” She raised her tone at the end of the question, innocently, like a kid being a little pushy. I had to smile and admit: “Yeah, that’s more like it”.

“What would you do to her?”

“Oh... What I wouldn’t do is more like it!” I quipped, trying to sound funny. Katherine’s smile was fading, but she made a motion with her hand. “Continue”.

“Well, I for sure would plant some suggestion on her to feel horny around me, to want me to fuck her”. I found myself surprised at what I had just said. Talk about sincerity! Some people watched me dumbfounded.

“It’s OK Gene, tell me more. Everything’s normal” SNAP

I blinked, trying to remember what I was about to say. “I’d make her go to my apartment and then I’d fuck her brains out... Right in her waitress clothing”. As I said that, I felt a squirm of pleasure flowing down from my mind, like a sweet shower of excitement. God that felt good. “I’d fuck her on all fours”. Again, I was feeling a light caress all over.

“She looks really hot on those clothes, huh?” Katherine enticed.

“Oh yeah! In fact, I think I’d hypnotize her right there in the bar, to fuck her bending over a table, with all the patrons around us, clapping. That would be a blast”. I took a big gasp of air. This was getting really cool, it was as if the images of my fantasies were more present than ever as I was telling them.

“But what if she didn’t want to?”

“Well... That’s what hypnosis is for” I smiled. “I’d also make her parade naked all over the bar, so those men can get a taste of what she’s hiding. Just with their eyes. She must be a sight to behold” I finished, beginning to get caught in my own fantasy.

Katherine looked aside, in the direction of the classroom, as if listening to a question; then made a quick stare into my crotch. She looked up and smiled towards the class. “Yeah, this is a common reaction when you guide the subject to some particular themes” she said. I didn’t dare to watch who had made the question: I liked to gaze at Katherine’s eyes and figure from up close. Still smiling, Katherine looked at me and asked:

“Tell me Gene, do you like to watch hypnosis shows on TV?”

“Sure thing”. Who wouldn’t?

“And what do you think hypnotists do... with those pretty girls like Lilly, when they have them at their shows?”

“They make them volunteer, then order them to go backstage to suck their cocks” I responded in a hurry, feeling exhilarated at the image I was concocting. Phew! That’s hot! Was I thinking it or saying it aloud? As I pondered about this, I heard Katherine’s voice resuming its calm teaching tone.

“You can see, this is a completely normal reaction in all of us watching the process of hypnosis. Because of the reactions the hypnotist gets, the idea of control is very present. You begin to think on who you could control with it, and what you’d make them do”. Again, Katherine was explaining something to one of her alumni. “This fantasy is specially common on men. Maybe because they feel they can’t control women, you know?” There were a few female laughs from her audience.

“OK Gene, enough for today, class is about to finish! Go to your desk in the back, please”. I felt as if a cloud had raised from my head. She was being the young professor again. I shyly looked down and turned to the class, stepping down from the front, where there was a single step signaling a physical frontier between teacher and students. I was feeling my limbs still sleepy, though.

“Don’t forget your shoes” I heard Katherine say. My head turned back, then I looked at myself. I was barefoot! Confused, I looked around until I noticed my shoes scattered around Katherine’s desk, one really far from the other, looking like I had thrown them in the air on a rush. Also my socks! Quickly, feeling the heat coming to my cheeks, I bent down to pick up the stuff and ran to my seat, while Katherine’s students laughed, and some of them clapped. How come I hadn’t realize that sooner? As soon as I sat down, I began to put them back on. I noticed that the laces in the shoes were still tied, like I had taken them off in a rush. Had I been following Katherine’s instruction to do so? If not, what then?

I could hear Katherine talking in a low voice to her students, like doing a recap of the whole incident. When I looked up at her, she was writing something in the chalkboard. I took a moment to savor her chubby but somewhat sensual figure, in her stretch black pants and Robin Hood black boots. She was writing a name in the chalkboard, her back to us, and I couldn’t understand why her ass seemed so sexy to me now, when she actually seemed, in terms of figure, like a younger version of Martha, the woman sleeping in the first row (Katherine’s face was her biggest asset; she just has the figure of a normal American girl). As I lifted a leg to put on the corresponding shoe, I noticed a lump in my crotch. My dick was hard inside my pants! I stupidly tried to get it down, as if someone could see it through the desk. The words Katherine was writing on the chalkboard were “Milton Erickson”.

“So you see, this is the way you do it and whenever you want the subject to get back under, you make a slight movement or say something that already registered in his or her mind as associated with falling deep into that state they know and like to be in”. With this, she snapped soundly, and as I was seeing her fingers in the air, a wave of relaxation bathed me again and I felt my weak body parts leaning forward, slowly but steadily, impossible to be stopped, until the surface of the desk was really close to my face and I could see some drool still shining on it, and an giant invisible hand engulfing my brain in a mushy embrace of nothingness, dark and lull and sleepy and groggy, returning to a more silent and happy place.

“Wake up, sleepyhead” I heard Katherine say briskly, her voice really close. I felt my eyes opening and my head slowly took off from the surface of my desk, leaving a pool of drool where my mouth had been resting. I was feeling like I had slept for eight hours. Students were already leaving, paying no attention to what was happening in the back of the room. Martha, now looking livelier, was leaving too, while talking excitedly to one of the boys. She didn’t look back at me.

Katherine and Gabrielle were standing right in front of me, gazing at my sleeping form like slightly worried mothers. I opened my mouth to talk, but no sound came out until I made some noises to clear my throat, which felt dry. I gulped some saliva and said, now in an audible voice: “I’m sorry”.

“What for?” Katherine said.

“I fell asleep in your class”.

“Don’t worry, I was counting on it!” she laughed. “It usually happens to subjects when they’re used to my voice. You didn’t disturb anyone, really”.

“You were sleeping like an angel” Gabrielle said. “What are you doing here?”

“I… I wanted to talk to you, I couldn’t find you at the mall”.

“Is it about this morning?” Gabrielle said. Then, reading my expression, she turned to Katherine. “He’s worried”.

“I told you” my hypnotist said. “You should have waited, it’s too soon”.

“Katherine wanted me to wait until she was gone from town” Gabrielle explained me, “before I hypnotized you. That way you wouldn’t be concerned with having two bosses around”. She smiled, always the brat.

“Don’t tell anyone” I mumbled.

Katherine picked on that right away. “See, he’s worried because you know his friends. Even his ex!” She turned to face me. “You don’t have to be concerned about that, Gene. We’ve talked at length about this”.

“I wouldn’t put you at risk with anyone Gene” Gabrielle said, looking genuinely concerned.

“I think we should erase his memory of it for the time being” Katherine said in a clinic tone, looking at Gabrielle and ignoring me.

“Wait” I said, but neither of them seemed to listen. “What…?”

“If you think it’s for the better...” Gabrielle told Katherine.

“If we keep it this way it’s a bit too much information for him” Katherine explained her. “He’ll be constantly horny, thinking about what could happen”. Katherine was being the teacher again. Gabrielle nodded, her smile being replaced by an attentive student face.

“I don’t understand...” I was still trying to get their attention.

“Shhhh. Don’t worry. This won’t hurt” Katherine told me. Then, she opened her eyes wide. “Look into my eyes now, Gene”.

I did, losing all notion of anything else around them. Katherine had the most engaging eyes I had known, and I was now dropping into them like swimming pools.

“Sleep!” SNAP

“Wake up” SNAP

My head was now raising up from the desk; there was a pool of drool there. I rubbed my face with the arm of my sweater, in order to dry up my chin. God it seemed like I had been sleeping for eight hours! And where was I? Yes, in Katherine’s classroom. Katherine herself was looking at me; she was the only person in the room.

“Hi sleepyhead!” she said, smiling.

“I’m sorry. I slept on your class”.

“Don’t be. You didn’t miss much anyway. Do you know the way home? I have to go to the diner now, you know”.

“Yeah, sure!". I yawned and stretched my arms horizontally, in a cat-like squirm that made Katherine laugh.

“You OK? Any worries?”

“About what?”

She smiled. “OK then. See you tomorrow”. She turned around and left. By the time I finished stretching and walked out of the classroom, still feeling a bit in the clouds, she was nowhere to be seen.

As I was walking back to the apartment, I tried to remember what I’d done during that day or the day before, but I couldn’t remember a thing. I think I had followed Katherine into a store... but nothing else after that.

(to be continued)