The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Five Easy Pieces

IQ 100—Anger

They couldn’t do this to her.

The fact that they were only served to piss her off even more.

How stupid was she? That’s what Breanna kept wondering. Just how stupid was she?

Perhaps that wasn’t the right way of looking at things. It wasn’t exactly that she was stupid per se. It was just that she didn’t have any interest in being smart and that pissed her off.

Breanna knew that she’d attended a university. She knew that she’d graduated and she knew she’d been in high demand almost from the time she left school. She knew she had a bright mind and she knew what she’d been able to do with her mind, and she knew she could do things other people couldn’t. She reveled in that. She liked being better than everyone else.

Only she wasn’t better than everyone else anymore and that’s what really pissed her off.

Her problem was she knew she knew things. She just didn’t care about the things she knew.

People had always talked about her before and different conversation, but they were talking about her now. They didn’t say it to her face but they didn’t have to. She wasn’t stupid ... at least, she wasn’t stupid yet. She could see the people looking sideways at her. She could hear the whispers or see conversations come to an end as soon as she came into a room.

Yep, she knew they were talking about her and she knew what they were saying wasn’t good.

What the guys were saying was bad enough. They seemed to think that she was finally filling out nicely, that the way she was going, it was only a matter of time before she started putting out, and what made it warst of all was she was afraid they might just be right.

But compared to the guys, the women were even worse.

She knew what they were calling her. Slut. Flirt. Hussy. Whore. And there were other things as well and it was all so untrue. It was just because she couldn’t remember what she was supposed to do.

It was because someone was turning her into a bimbo.

She’d thought it was her boss, at first, and she’d confronted him, but he said he didn’t do it. Of course, just because he said it didn’t mean she took it at face value. She wasn’t that stupid ... yet.

And that was part of the problem, too. If she were going to become a little fucking bimbo, why did it have to be so fucking slow. Why couldn’t it just happen overnight and then she’d be so fucking stupid that it wouldn’t even matter to her what she’d lost.

And just the thought that she was having thoughts like that was enough to piss her off all over again.

Still, she tried to tell herself, still, there might be a chance to reverse it. There might be a way to turn it around. Sure, she could tell her mental faculties had been reduced but she wasn’t totally stupid.

She wasn’t totally stupid. Not yet.

The problem, Breanna knew, was she was getting distracted. Every time she tried to think, she ended up thinking about something else.

Breanna sat at her desk and she stared at her computer screen. Concentrate, she told herself. Concentrate. It shouldn’t be that hard. Just concentrate, but the more she looked at the screen, the more boring it became, and the numbers on her screen, she knew they meant something if she could only find the connection that would put them all together.

Concentrate, she told herself. Concentrate.


She could do this, she told herself. She could concentrate. She could concentrate on what it felt like to get her pussy fucked she thought and her hand started to move.

Reluctantly, she pulled her hand back but it was so hard. Her pussy knew what it wanted and it didn’t much care whatever it was that “they” had done to her.

No, she told herself. Not that. Concentrate on your work ...

But it was too late.

Concentrate, she told herself. Concentrate on what it feels like to get a cock in your pussy.

She pulled her skirt up and she let a hand slide between her legs. She’d been wearing her skirts shorter and she hadn’t even noticed that but it did make it easier for her to get her hands on her pussy.

Concentrate on what it feels like to get a cock in your pussy.

He was standing there in the doorway to her cubicle. She wasn’t even sure how she knew that he was there but she just knew. She spun around to face the man.

He was a man she’d never seen before. He was rather non-descript but she liked his face. Belatedly, she realized her legs were spread and now the stranger was looking between her legs. Breanna was embarrassed. The man had to have known what she was doing and somehow, that just made it all that much hotter.

“I see you’ve been enjoying yourself,” the man said.

Breanna blushed at the double meaning of that phrase.

“I suppose you’d like to have some help getting yourself off.”

Before Breanna could even ask what he meant by that, the man was stepping forward and he was reaching under Breanna’s skirt and he was pulling her panties down.

What are you doing? That’s what Breanna had wanted to say but it was only moments later that she realized those words had remained unsaid.

She was spreading her legs and she was pulling up her skirt. She knew the man could see her bare, little pussy but she knew she wanted him to see it. She let her fingers drift between her legs even as she looked up at the man.

She didn’t say a word. She just let her hands wander between her legs even as she watched the man watching her.

Reluctantly, she pulled her hand back but it was so hard. Her pussy knew what it wanted and it didn’t much care what “they” had done to her.

He had his cock out. It was a nice, long cock, she thought. Just the right size to fill up her pussy and she did so love to have her pussy filled.

And still he just stood there, stood there watching her even as his hand stroked his cock and for her part, she couldn’t take her eyes off of that hand as it stroked that cock.

“You want some of this,” the man asked.

She looked up at him. It was the first words he’d said in quite a while and she smiled shyly. “Yes, please,” she said meekly. “I’d really like to have some of that.”

The man took a step forward and then he took another. He grabbed at he girl’s thighs and then he was pulling her forward, pulling her bottom right to the edge of the chair and then he pulled her legs up and pushed her knees apart.

Breanna moaned softly to herself. She knew this was just where she wanted to be. She knew she wanted to feel that cock between her legs.

Breanna couldn’t help but gasp as she felt that cock slide between her legs. Perfect, she told herself even as she moaned yet again. It was absolutely perfect.

It was incredible, she told herself. It was incredible. She couldn’t believe it but the man had just stuck his cock inside her and already, she felt as if she were on the verge of cumming, and the man, he just kept fucking her just the way she liked having her pussy fucked.

She moaned to herself. She was going to cum. It was inevitable. She was going to cum so fucking hard.

She needed to cum. She needed the man. She needed his cock. Harder, she told herself. Harder. Fuck me harder.

It was almost as if the man seemed to sense her need without her even having to say it. He fucked her harder and Breanna moaned again. She was going to cum. She was going to cum so hard.

All she had to do was to look at the man and she knew. He was going to cum, too. He was going to cum just like her. He was going to cum in her pussy and she knew she wanted it to happen.

Breanna moaned as she felt it, the surge of cum between her legs and the corresponding squeeze of her lips around that cock. She moaned again. It felt so good to be fucked.

Breanna gasped as reality once more took hold in her mind. There she was in her office with her hand between her legs. There was no fantasy man. There was just her and her hand and there was her pussy that was cumming so fucking hard.

And Breanna was pissed.

They’d done this to her. It had to be them, whoever “they” were. She definitely hadn’t been this turned on by sex before.

God damn it, she told herself. Stop playing with your God damned pussy.

Reluctantly, she pulled her hand back but it was so hard. Her pussy knew what it wanted and it didn’t much care whatever it was that “they” had done to her.

Breanna went back to staring at the screen. She knew what the numbers meant but she just had no interest in them. She tried to sit there and focus on them. There’d been a time, she knew, when she actually liked doing this but now this was all just so BORING!

Get up and go get yourself some coffee, she told herself. It wasn’t going to solve her problems but at least it was something she could do that didn’t involve her sitting there looking at that stupid computer screen.

Jeanie Lyons and Marva Donovan were in the break room when Breanna entered. “So I was telling him,” Jeanie was saying, “I was telling him, if you want me to do that, then you’re going to have to do something for me first.”

Marva nudged her friend and then she nodded almost imperceptibly in the direction of the doorway and suddenly, conversation ground to a halt.

Girl talk, Breanna thought. They were having girl talk, and then, why don’t I have girl talk.

To ask the question was almost to answer it. Who was she going to have girl talk with. She had no friends here, but she wanted to do it. She wanted to have girl talk.

She got her coffee and she came back to the table where Jeanie and Marva were sitting. “Hey, guys,” she said, “mind if I sit here.”

She could see by their reactions that they did but she took a seat anyway.

“What are you guys doing?”

“Nothing,” Marva said.

“What are you talking about?”

“Nothing,” Marva said again.

“Listen,” Jeanie said. “I gotta go.” She looked at Marva. “I’ll catch up with you later,” and with that, she got up and walked out.

“What’s wrong,” Breanna asked.

Marva turned on her. “What the hell’s the deal with you?”


“Don’t give me that what crap. You know what I’m talking about. You run around like little miss high and mighty and suddenly, you’re trying to act like that’s not you at all. You’re not fooling anybody, you know.”

“But I’m not trying to fool anybody.”

“Yeah right. You go ahead and keep on saying that,” and with that, Marva got up and walked out, too.

Breanna looked after the now departed Marva. But I’m not trying to fool anybody, she wanted to say, but there was no one there to hear her.

Work went slowly. She found it hard to keep her mind on her work and even harder to keep her mind off getting her pussy stuffed full of cock. Work was just so boring and getting stuffed by cock was anything but.

Finally though, finally it was quitting time. She couldn’t wait. The last half hour of the day had been so long. She kept looking at the clock on the computer and then she’d look back at the work and she’d sigh to herself. The time just seemed to go on forever and ever.

She’d had a lot of time to think during that last half hour of work and she’d come to a decision. She wasn’t going to let them do it. She was her own woman, damn it, and there just wasn’t any way she was going to let them do what they were trying to do to her.

It sounded good to her mind when she said it that way but as soon as she asked herself how she was going to stop it, that’s when she started to draw a blank. She knew her intelligence had definitely been diminished and if she wasn’t as smart as she had been, who knew what else they might be doing to her, too.

The only way to beat them, she told herself, was to keep doing what she always did. They’d already taken something away but if she stayed true to herself, if she kept being herself, then they couldn’t take that away from her.

She was almost home when something caught her eye. It was a flash of neon and before she realized what she was doing, she was pulling into the parking lot.

What was she doing here, she asked herself.

She was going to get her nails done, she answered back.

But the plan, she tried to tell herself. The plan. What about the plan?

What plan?

The plan about being true to yourself, she told herself.

What about it?

You’re going and getting your nails done.

Yeah, so?

So you’re supposed to do stay true to yourself. You’re supposed to only do the things you always do.

Yeah, so?

So when was the last time you got your nails done?

I ... I ...

You never get your nails done.

I ... I ... well, it’s not because I don’t want to.

Yes, it is.

Shut up, Breanna told herself.

But the plan ...

Would you shut up about the fucking plan. I’m just getting my nails done, okay. It’s not like it’s the end of the fucking world, okay?

B-b-but ...

Listen, it’s just my fucking nails, she told herself. Besides, you know you want them done, too.

Her practical side tried to tell herself no but even her practical side was getting all tingly over getting her nails done. Maybe her other side was right, the practical side told itself. After all, it was just getting her nails done. What could it hurt?

“Can I help you,” a woman asked almost as soon as Breanna had entered the shop.

“I want to get my nails done.”

The woman looked back over the shop. “It’s going to be a bit of a wait,” she said. “Maybe a half hour.”

“That’s cool,” Breanna said. “I’ll wait.”

What are you doing, her practical side grumped. You should come back when they’re less busy.

We’re waiting, Breanna told herself. She’d already learned that her practical side could be bullied around and she wasn’t about to give up the advantage.

Fine, her practical side said, but you’re going to regret it.

Breanna sat down to wait. She picked up a magazine and she started to leaf through it. It was only then that she realized what it was she was reading. It was one of those tabloid magazines, the kind you’d find in the supermarket but this one seemed particularly lurid.

Put that back, her practical side.

Shut up!

“Hey, can I ask you a question?”

Breanna stopped leafing through her magazine to see the mousy-looking blond standing over her.

“Which do you think looks better,” the blond asked, holding up first a green bottle of polish and then holding up a gold bottle. “This, or this?”

“I don’t know,” Breanna said. “I guess I like the green one. It kind of looks like the color of money.”

The blond looked at the bottle. “Hey, you’re right. That’s kind of cool. I like that. Thanks.”

“Sure, no problem,” and that’s when Breanna realized it. She didn’t have time to look at a stupid magazine. She had to pick out her own color that she wanted on her nails.

It turned out the problem wasn’t as hard as she’d thought it would be which was good because having just got off of work, the last thing Breanna wanted was to have to think about something hard. It turned out the choice came down to pink or pink or ... or pink.

She chose a color. It was pink, of course. It was called Cotton Candy, and Breanna liked it because it sound so light and airy and fluffy.

Breanna’s hand tightened around the vial. No, she told herself. No. She couldn’t do that. Pink was just so ... so ... aarrgghh. Just the color she’d selected, Cotton Candy. God. She shook her head. What was she thinking? The color was light and fluffy. Is that the image she wanted to portray to everyone? Did she want to tell everyone that she was light and fluffy-headed.

Although being fluffy-headed, that didn’t sound so bad.

No, she told herself. No. She wasn’t going to give into this.

The woman from the nail shop seemed to pick just that time to arrive by Breanna’s side. “Miss,” she asked, “are you ready?”

Breanna stared dumbly at the shop attendant and it was only then that she realized what it was the girl was asking her and she nodded her head.

“I see you’ve already picked out a color.”

Breanna looked down at the bottle of pink nail polish still in her hand. She wanted to tell herself no. She wanted to toss the bottle away but instead, she just nodded.

“If you’ll follow me then.”

Breanna got up and followed the woman. Meekly, she took a seat in front of the manicurist and she offered up her hands.

“Oh my,” the other woman said. “Look at these. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”

Again, Breanna nodded meekly.

“Well, don’t you worry honey. We’ll have you looking pretty in no time at all.”

Breanna smiled gratefully. She wasn’t sure why but that statement suddenly just made her feel so warm and gooey and good. It wasn’t that she hadn’t thought she was pretty before. It was just that looking pretty had never been that important to her before and for some reason, now it was.

There was something almost sensual about the way the manicurist held her hand. Breanna knew the woman was just doing her job but still, that meant she had to hold her hand and Breanna found that almost intoxicatingly sensual.

Her breathing quickened. What the hell was wrong with her, she wondered. She wasn’t into girls, and yet ... and yet, there was something.

“Are you all right,” the manicurist asked.

Breanna nodded numbly. She didn’t bother telling the girl just how wet she was feeling between her legs. After all, what would have been the point.

The manicurist nodded and Breanna went back to staring at the other woman’s tits through her tight, little top. She fought back the urge to moan as she wondered what it would be like to let her tongue slide up between the other girl’s legs.

Stop it, she told herself. Stop it. You’re not into girls that way.

Breanna left the shop over an hour later with a new set of nails and with a very wet pussy.

She’d soon discover that things were different with her newly lengthened nails. Tasks that had been easy before were now more difficult and then there was that other thought, the thought of what it would feel like to have one of her newly elongated nails slide up inside her wet, little pussy.

Even handling the keys to her car was difficult with her new nails but she kept thinking about it. She kept thinking about what it would feel like to have one of her newly painted fingers working its way up inside her wet, little hole.

It would feel good, she told herself. It would feel really good, but she knew what would feel really better. She could fuck herself with her finger any old time but what she really wanted was a nice, hard cock.

Almost as quickly as that thought came into her mind, Breanna knew what she was going to do. She was going to go to a bar and find some guy and she was going to let him take her and her new nails home and she was going to let him fuck her brains out.

Breanna moaned to herself. She felt so slutty when she had thoughts like that, but damn it, it just felt so good.

Breanna shook her head to try and clear it. What the hell was she thinking. She just couldn’t go out and fuck any old guy that she didn’t even know. That was crazy.

That was crazy, she agreed with herself. That was crazy good.

She swerved the car suddenly off the roadway and she pulled up in front of a well lit store. In no time at all, she was inside the store. She knew what she was looking for and in no time at all, she had her purchase in hand and she was walking out of the store.

She threw the new box of condoms on the passenger seat of her car. Yeah, she told herself. That was crazy, crazy like a fox.

The place was called The Watering Hole. An appropriate name, Breanna thought for a bar and besides, as wet as her pussy was getting, an appropriate name for her as well, but she hadn’t picked the place for its name. She’d picked it because it was close to home so once she had the guy picked out, there wouldn’t be any wasted time getting him home.

She looked out of place in the bar. It was definitely a blue collar sort of crowd and she was definitely a white collar kind of woman, but from Breanna’s way of looking at things, that just made it even better. It meant every eye was on her from the moment she entered the place and that was just the way she liked it.

A waitress came up to her. The girl might have been 18 but Breanna wondered if she was old enough to drink any of the products she was serving. She put a napkin down in front of Breanna. “Can I getcha something?”

Yeah, how about your pussy in my face.

Stop it, Breanna told herself. Stop it. She wasn’t here for that. She was here to get her pussy fucked. “How about a glass of white wine,” she told the waitress.

“Sorry. We don’t have that.”

“Okay. How about a Diet Coke?”

“Sorry. All out.”

“How about a beer then?”

“Coming right up,” and with that, the waitress flounced off to get the drink. Bitch, Breanna thought. They probably had what she wanted behind the bar but the bitch wouldn’t have looked so smug with Breanna’s face between her legs or better yet, with the girl laid out on top of the bar with Breanna’s face between her thighs and with bartender ramming his cock between Breanna’s thighs.

Stop it, she told herself. That wasn’t what she was here for. Sure, she was here to get fucked but she wasn’t here to pick up some little fucking bar slut. She was here to get a dick.

The waitress brought her drink and Breanna sat where she was, pretending she didn’t notice the guys pretending not to watch her.

She wondered how many of them she could take. As horny as she was, she was sure she could probably take on at least half the bar.

But no one was making a move on her. She’d figured sooner or later, someone would but so far, no one had. As horny as she was, she was willing to take the first one she could get.

A man got up and walked to the back of the bar. After a moment, Breanna got up and followed him.

“I was wondering what that looked like.”

The man looked up, startled to find a woman in the men’s restroom. “What are you doing here?”

“I told you. I was wondering what that looked like.”

“Wondering what what looked like?”

Breanna was close enough to reach out and touch the man’s cock. “I was wondering what this looked like,” she said again, “and I was wondering what it might feel like if you stuck it in me.”

She could feel the man’s cock jump in her hand. He was definitely getting hard and she liked that.

“So what about it,” she asked. She gave his cock a squeeze. “Do you want to stick this inside me. Do you want to fuck me.”

“Damn, girl, you don’t play hard to get at all, do ya?”

Breanna shook her head. “Why should I,” she told the man. “I know what I want. I know I’m good looking and I know what I like, so how ‘bout it, stud? Do you want to fuck me or not?”

The man looked at the girl. “Squeeze it and say it again.”

“Say what again.”

“Ask me if I want to fuck you.”

Breanna grinned. Her plan was definitely working out even better than she might have hoped. She gave the man’s cock a squeeze. “My name’s Breanna,” she cooed, “and I’d really like to have you fuck me. Would you fuck me, please?”

The man grinned back. “With an invitation like that, what can I say?”

“Does that mean you’re going to do it,” Breanna asked.

“Yeah, sure,” the man said. “With an invitation like that, what can I say? Sure, I’ll fuck you.”

“Oh goody,” Breanna gushed. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

The man grinned. “You sure are a hot, little slut, aren’t you?”

She wasn’t a slut, Breanna told herself. She just wanted to get fucked, but if that’s what the man wanted to call her, that was fine. She knew what she was and that was all that mattered.

“So that just leaves us one little question?”

Breanna raised an eyebrow. What question?

The man laughed. “Just one little question. Just where are we going to do it? You’re place or mine?”

Breanna nodded. That was the question but she had the answer. “I don’t care where. Just wherever’s closest.”

“Well now, if that’s what you want, there’s a third choice.”

“What’s that?”

“If time is of the essence,” the man said, “we could do it right here. I could bend you over the counter and fuck you hard right here in the men’s room.”

Bend me over, Breanna thought. That sounds ... no, she couldn’t do that, that’s just too cheap, too slutty, she couldn’t ... but still, it would save time, and hey, it would save time in the morning having to kick him out of her bed—

“What do ya say,” the man asked.

“I don’t know,” Breanna said hesitantly.

“I thought you said you wanted to fuck.”

“I do.”

“Then prove it.”

Then prove it. She was being challenged. He didn’t think she could do it, Breanna realized, but getting fucked in the men’s room of a bar, that was pretty damned slutty.

And you know what? Who’d know the difference. She’d get what she wanted and she wouldn’t have to take the guy home with her. It didn’t get much better than that.

“Well,” the man asked.

“I’ll do it.”


That’s when Breanna knew. He’d been teasing her but she’d just called her bluff. Ha. She’d shown him. Yeah, maybe she was being a bit on the slutty side, but hey, what was wrong with that? She let go of his cock and she turned herself around so she could wiggle her ass at him. “You heard me,” she said. “Let’s do it.”

“You’re serious!”

“Absolutely.” Breanna put her hands on the counter in front of the sink and she let her ass sway slowly from side to side. “Come on, now. You promised. Don’t keep me waiting.”

The man didn’t hesitate for long. In moments, he was coming up behind her and then he was lifting up her skirt.

“Oh yeah,” Breanna purred as she felt the man’s hands on her ass. “Oh yeah. That’s it. Come on, baby. Fuck me.”

She could feel the man pulling down her panties and she moaned all over again. Her pussy was so wet but in a matter of minutes, she was going to have her pussy taken care of. She couldn’t wait.

She could feel the man’s cock as it pressed up against her cunt and Breanna moaned again. “Come on, baby,” she purred. “You know what I want. Stick it in. Do it. Stick it in.”

The man seemed to hesitate if only for a moment and then his cock was moving forward. She couldn’t help but moan as her pussy accepted that cock. She needed to be fucked. She needed to be fucked so bad.

She looked up into the mirror over the sink and she could see the man standing behind her. “Oh God, baby. Oh God. That’s what I need. Fuck me. Fuck me hard.”

“Damn, girl,” the man said. “You really do want this, don’t you?”

“Oh yeah,” the girl moaned. “Oh yeah.”

The man groaned and Breanna just knew. He wasn’t going to last all that much longer but that was okay because she knew she was right there on the verge. She knew she was about to cum, too.

She looked up in the mirror and that was all she needed to see. He was giving her everything he had.

The man groaned again. “Oh fuck,” he groaned. “Oh fuck.”

The girl couldn’t have agreed more as she felt the man cum inside her and almost in the same instant, she felt her pussy start to cum. She liked that. She liked it a lot.

Breanna felt the man pull her panties up and then she felt his hand pat her panties against her pussy. “Damn, babe,” the man said. “You really are one hell of a fuck.”

Breanna knew the man had walked out of the restroom and she knew she had a choice. She could either stay here and wait for her next cock or she could get up and leave.

Breanna chose to leave. She wasn’t some skanky, little slut. She might not be as smart as she once was and she might be a whole lot hornier, but whoever it was who’d done this to her had lost this round at least. She still had enough self-control to not fuck the whole bar and besides, she hadn’t had to bring one of these guys home with her, so she was feeling pretty good about herself.

That is, right up until she got to the car and she saw the still unopened box of condoms on the front seat of the car. Damn, she thought to herself. Not as smart as she’d thought she’d been. Damn.