The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Dream Crystal

Lesson Four—Enhancing the imagination

“You’re almost ready to begin journeying with the Dream Crystal now. This exercise will enhance your imagination, readying you to take a series of journeys. On this tape, you’ll get a taste of what it will be like for you—the pleasure of traveling to far-off realms, of immersion in new experiences.

“Imagination is an important key to using the power of the Dream Crystal. By focusing on the crystal, and attuning to it you’ll find it easy to visualize places, people, events. You’ll learn techniques for seeing, hearing, feeling, thinking what I suggest, making it easy to journey to other lands and other times.

“Get settled and comfortable now. As with the last exercise, you can gaze at the crystal, or see it in your mind with eyes closed. Chose the method that works best for you. Press the button when you’re ready to continue.

“Let’s begin by using all the techniques you’ve learned so far. Start by releasing and relaxing. Focus on your breathing, and feel your body let go. Press the button to continue when your body is deeply and completely relaxed. ...

“Now focus on the glow within the crystal. Relax and focus. Deeply focused. When you feel deeply and completely focused, press the button to continue. ...

“Now allow your mind to relax. Let yourself enjoy a relaxed and open mind. When your mind is deeply relaxed, and your mind is fully open, press the button to continue...

“You’re relaxed, open, focused now. All your attention is on my voice and the crystal. Nothing distracts you. You’re floating, feeling peaceful, open to all my words. We’ll begin exercises in imagination by visualizing forms. See a white ball in front of you. If this is easier with eyes open, do the exercise that way, with eyes open. If it’s easier with eyes closed, do the exercise that way, with eyes closed. You’ll quickly find the best way to respond, and each time you follow my voice and perform this exercise, your visualization will become more vivid, more intense, more real. Take a few moments to focus on the white ball. It’s hanging in space in front of your eyes. It’s completely smooth, completely featureless, an even, unblemished white. When you can see it clearly, press the button to continue...

“Watch the ball now ... the white ball. You see it clearly, and you’re focused on it. Nothing but the white ball and my voice now. Notice that the ball is beginning to turn pink. Notice the pink color is deepening, becoming richer. It’s a deep pink now, and the color continues to deepen, turning red. Let the red color become rich, deep, vivid. Notice how lovely the ball has become—a beautiful intense red color. Now the color is changing slowly to purple. Watch it become a bright purple color. Becoming deep intense blue now. Blue throughout. Notice how each color change becomes more vivid, and how enjoyable and easy it is to watch the ball changing colors. It’s becoming green now, a very rich green. Now the color is changing to yellow, a full, vivid yellow. Now the color is fading. And it’s back to white again.

“Let’s watch the ball change shape now. It’s turning into a cube. A perfect, white cube. Watch the cube begin to rotate, slowly at first ... now speeding up ... faster ... now almost a blur; it’s spinning so fast. Slowing now ... slowing ... and it’s standing still again. The cube is becoming a pyramid now—a white, featureless pyramid. Watch the pyramid, as it becomes the Great Pyramid in Egypt. See the sand surrounding the pyramid. The hot sun is beating down. At the left you can see a pair of palm trees. On the right are three camels. How many humps do the camels have? Notice how clearly you can see them. The whole scene—pyramid, sand, trees, camels—is so clear and vivid, so real. As we continue to journey, these scenes will become more and more real. They will become real.

“Now watch the pyramid change shape—transforming into the Eiffel Tower. The sand becomes green grass. You’re standing beneath the tower now, looking upward and you see the girders spiraling upward. Notice how blue the sky is. The air is fresh, clean, a brisk spring breeze. Already we’re traveling to far-off places. Isn’t this fun? Notice the clouds in the sky—white and puffy. There’s one cloud beyond the tower that’s like a fluffy cotton ball. Watch the cloud and let the tower fade away. Nothing but the cloud now. The cloud becomes denser, firmer. It’s the white ball now. Watch the ball. You could reach out and touch it, it’s so real, but don’t. Now the ball is losing its substance, fading, becoming transparent. And you’re gazing into the heart of the Dream Crystal again, the ball has disappeared.

“Are you surprised at how easy that was? With a focused, relaxed, and open mind, with your willingness to follow my voice, you’ll find that visualization is very, very easy for you.

“Auditory imagination is also enhanced through the power of the Dream Crystal. Listen now and in a moment you’ll hear the sound of wind blowing through the treetops. The wind is gentle now, soothing. It’s such a lovely, relaxing sound. You can hear the leaves rustling as the wind caresses them. The wind is picking up, blowing harder now. Hear the leaves moving more forcefully. The wind begins to whistle, just a bit, and you can hear the slow creaking of branches as they sway back and forth. The wind is even stronger now. The whistling is getting louder. You begin to hear the sound of the surf. The wind is whipping up the waves, and you hear them crashing into the shore. The storm is growing stronger, and you hear the wind and waves booming. Now the storm is passing over, and the wind is quieting. There’s only a gentle breeze now, and you hear the soft, soothing sound of the waves lapping at the shore. Notice how listening to the sound of the sea is relaxing you even more. So gentle, rhythmic, soothing. You can hear the seabirds. They are crying ... calling. Notice how rich and full their voices are.

“Listen now to the sound of a flute playing nearby. You hear it play a simple, but lovely melody. Enjoy the sound of this beautiful tune. The tune is playing again, but this time there is an orchestra accompanying it. Play attention to the different instruments. Hear the strings, both the high shimmery violins, and the low, deep cellos. Focus on the bright sounds of the horns. The clarinets and oboes take a short solo, listen to them. Now notice the drums, the beat they are lending to the music. The music fades now, and you hear only my voice. You’re focusing on its sound and how easy and enjoyable it is to listen deeply.

“That was lovely, wasn’t it? Did you notice how rich and full the tones were? As your imagination becomes stronger, you’ll hear any sounds, voices, noises that I suggest, and it will all be completely real.

“It’s easy to feel sensations as you learn to journey with the crystal, and respond to my suggestions. Imagine a soft, thick piece of velvet rubbing over your left cheek. I’m rubbing your check with the velvet, very slowly and softly. Feel the deep pile of the fabric, how very soft it is. It’s a very, very lovely feeling, isn’t it? As you focus more and more on the sensation you’re wishing that I’d rub your whole body with it, aren’t you? Now I’m replacing the velvet with silk. The softest, most finely woven silk you’ve ever encountered. I stroke your left cheek with the silk, then stroke your right cheek. Now I’m stroking the silk over your lips. Feel how sensuous this is.

“Let’s continue to reinforce your physical sensations. Place your left hand on top of the pile of bricks I’ve placed before you. Let your hand rest on the bricks, and begin to notice their surface. Feel how hard they are, their rough texture. Grasp a brick and heft it. Feel how solid and heavy it is. Run your hand over the brick. Feel its shape, notice the edges are a bit sharp in some places, more rounded in others. There’s a logo stamped into the brick reading “Dream Crystal.” Run your fingers over the letters stamped into the brick. Feel how they rise and fall. Trace the letters with your fingers, but without looking at them, and see if you can make out the letters simply by touch alone.

“You’re back in your own room now. Feel the contact of your body on the furniture. That was fun and easy, wasn’t it? As you respond to the power of the Dream Crystal, and as you follow my voice, the sights, sounds, sensations of journeying become more and more real and enjoyable.

“We’re finished with this exercise. Each time you work with this tape you’ll notice the power of your imagination becoming stronger, more vivid, more real. As we begin to journey with the Dream Crystal on the next few tapes, you’ll find it all becomes completely real for you. You’ll be in the places I suggest, seeing the sights I suggest, hearing the sounds I suggest, feeling the sensations I suggest. This is such a wonderful experience, and you’ll enjoy it more and more as you learn to immerse yourself more and more deeply.

“Take a few moments now to sit quietly with eyes closed, remembering the sensations and experiences of this lesson. When you’re ready, open your eyes, turn off the tape, and enjoy thinking about the power of imagination, and where it might take you.”