The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Dark as Light: Dance Card — Chapter 6

IWL: William Gibson

“You understand this isn’t a one time exercise. You will have to retain commitment day after day. You will have to keep choosing.” Kevin warned them.

“I know.” Small Chest said as she slid up and down on him. “But this part is easy. Sex on command is simple. We were doing that before Wilhelm came into our lives. Football and baseball jersies gave us baubles and that got them into our pants.”

“None of them actually looked me in the eye.” She went on as she lifted Kevin’s hands to her bare breasts. She continued flexing so she traveled up and down on him. “None of them. Not a one who had the most reason to see me, the real me, did.”

“I was an object. A desire. A prize. A pair of breasts to play with. A mouth to kiss their mouth until they wanted it to kiss their dick instead. A vagina to stick their dick in while they sucked my tits. Or they whispered sweet nothings in my ear. Until they could go brag to their buddies that is.”

“They wooed me. They chased me. They pursued me. But they were never after me, just this body, just this toy riding you. I’m done. I quit their game.” Small Chest went on sounding half way to climax and lost at the same time. “You are more aware of me as a person than any of them ever were. Even like this I feel better standing here than I did laying there for them. This body is just another toy in your room, but even like this you see the person inside me.”

“Small?” Big Chest said in a whisper.

“I’m tired Big.” Small Chest whispered back without breaking rhythm. “Even this hollow exercise is better than my life. I just want to turn my brain off. For a while at least, I just want to let it all go.”

Kevin raised an eyebrow. “You want me to turn your mind off tomorrow?”

“Yes sir, Please.”

“You want to be as mindless as those two?” He pointed at Betty and Veronica.

“Please.” She said leaning forward to kiss him.

“You three go get a shower and go to bed.” Kevin ordered. Dropping out of Small Chest when he finally felt himself coming close to popping.

“Yes sir.” They said grabbing their clothes and filing out, still nude.

“Betty. Come here, mount me, be vigorous.” Kevin ordered after lying down on his bed. “Veronica, come kiss me so I can enjoy you.”

“Now this I could get used to.” Kevin laughed as Betty mounted him. She was already starting to swivel her hips and thrust him into her. He said nothing as Veronica kissed. She was very good at kissing, and his hands filled with bare breasts to enjoy.

* * *

“I don’t get it Angelique.” Kevin said, taking a seat at the burger place the next day. He looked both lost and tired in equal measure. “Small sounded so tired. Just plain tired.”

“She is.”

“Why? How? I put in more hours of work and school than they do.”

“This will seem long winded, but it takes a lot of words to say. Because she, well all of them really, have been living in a world they don’t understand.” She answered trying to convey a point Kevin is ill equipped to understand. “You have a family. Parents that love you. A stable home. None of those three have ever had that. I had a family. I had parents who loved me. I had a home. Losing those nearly drove me over the edge. Now imagine never having had those at all.”


“After all that, imagine finding yourself in a place where someone does. They have been trading sex for attention for years. Then something happened and they were no longer completely in control of themselves. They were sent out to blow and be fondled by Tim and Mark. As hollow as that was, the boys at least paid some attention to them outside of sex. That had not happened before. For the first time someone saw them, as people, not as tits and ass to fondle and fuck. As screwed up as Tim and mark handled the whole situation, as helpless as they were, trapped allowing the boys free access above their wastes. They also talked to the girls. They spent more non sex time with them than their boyfriends had.”

“I hadn’t umm…”

“Then one weekend they were sent to you. Presented as literal sex toys or slaves as a birthday treat because their target turned them down. That had not happened before. No one had ever declined them, and they didn’t know what to make of it. You were very male to begin with. They were also ordered to blow and fuck you. Up front and in your own bed. They couldn’t help offering their bodies to you. They had to ensure you used and enjoyed them, or else. They were feeling humiliated because they couldn’t stop offering themselves to you. They found themselves smiling as they posed for enough nude pictures to fill an album. Smiling as you filmed them going down you. Smiling and giggling on film fucking you. You had three porn queen cheerleaders in your room, who literally couldn’t say no to anything you wanted on or off camera. Then you did the most unexpected thing.”

“I did?”

“You did. They offered anal because they had to, and you declined. That had not happened to them before either. Every single guy they got naked with had taken it, and not all of them had waited for an offer before they did. Yet you not only declined, you ordered them to stop offering it. The fear of your pictures and video as blackmail evaporated at that moment. Nude on camera as you took them serially, and you still treated them better than any of their boyfriends. In your room unable to refuse any order you gave them, your literal sex slaves in triplicate, performing on camera, and at that moment you treated them better than their boyfriends.” She went on, repeating herself for emphasis.

“That is horrid.”

“That is also a sad truth. Then when they couldn’t get dressed without your permission. You did something even more unexpected. Not only did you allow them clothes, you went one better. You started talking to them. Not commenting about how they looked. Not complimenting them on their compliance. Not talking about them to them, you talked to them, as people. You valued them.”

“They are people.” Kevin stated.

“At that moment when you could have been doing them and they would have no choice but to be maximizing your pleasure in them. You treated them better than they were treated in their own homes. Tim and Mark talked to them as an index into hopefully being able to score other girls on their own. You did the most unexpected thing, and talked to them, as people.”

“Well they are.”

“Even when you punish them, you treat them better than their own families. That is why three cheerleaders chose to run away from home to come live with you. That is why they don’t care that they are yours. They aren’t concerned that you use them for sex, they like that. You do the thing that no one else in their lives had, you treat them like people. Even when you send them out, you care about them as people, and you check them when they come back. They are your property, yet you treat them like your pets as needed, and your friends the rest of the time. They have never had it better in their lives.”

“Oh.” Kevin repeated in shock.

“They went down hill while we were together. That was because of me however, not because of how you treated them. Even when they were not yours, not available at a whim, you still spoke to them and treated them like people. Even when you had no reason in the world to care, you did. You saw them suffering. You figured out why. Then you invited them to live with you. They have never been happier. I know I am repeating myself a lot saying this, but they have never had it better in their lives, period. They just don’t know quite what to do with all that happiness.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“Have you been using them?” Angelique asked, trying a different approach.

“Yes. B and V as well as the tripps. They line up each morning, before the start of their shift here, and each evening. I played through the weekend and kept playing. I also added each night that none of them have an assignment.”

“And how are you holding up?”

“I’m exhausted. Physically mostly for now, but getting there mentally as well.”

“Not to be blunt.” Angelique mumbled, looking embarrassed. “But anything at all out of Betty or Veronica?”

“Nothing. No matter how much or little I play, nothing.” Kevin answered, looking haunted. “I have followed all the guidelines. Nothing. Either there is nothing in there, or it will take more than I can do.”

“Our assessment as well. A specialist finally has an opening. Please put them back in the headgear by morning. Robyn will be by about six to collect them.”

“I can do that. No offense, but being rid of them will be nice.”

“Thank you for trying.”

“Can I ask a favor?”

“Worst I can do is say no.”

“I tried the headgear on the tripps. They were seriously pissing me off. They took it. But they just laid there looking frightened. It didn’t seem to work very well on them. Can it?”

“They would need the meds first, but yes.”

“I didn’t try that. The instructions were firm about watching doses so I didn’t.”

“Understandable, and appreciated.”

“Can I get three sets of that headgear, with meds this time?”


“I want the tripps to try the headgear on when properly dosed.”

“For how long?”

“I’ll tell them one night but make it three.” Kevin groused angrily, but Angelique could tell it was pique, not a serious plan. The joke showed how frustrated he had become with them. She could see how determined he was to do right by them, however.

“Three days?” Angelique asked, unwilling to show her own reaction. She didn’t want the laughter she felt inside to leak out and betray it.

“I’ll make sure they get water.” Kevin reassured her. He was letting his frustration out to play. It was nothing more than ‘I am frustrated and I just want to vent to someone. “I want them to wake up hungry. I want them to know they might have been enjoyed. I also want them to have no sense of the passage of time at all. Make it seem like a few hours at most.”

“Why?” She asked as though puzzled, playing along.

“Pressure. Sex means nothing to them. I am afraid that being my puppets and playthings is actually comforting to them. They can predict me so they aren’t scared of me. They know I won’t hurt them, and I won’t. I still need a way get their attention though, and I don’t have one.”

“An entire weekend to let them stew over?” Angelique laughed out loud.

“Use them, definitely use them.” Kevin grinned evilly. “You can even bring Tim and Mark over for one last go at salvaging them. If you can, great, If not, it’ll make a great trap for them.”

“Excuse me?” She hissed at his non sequitur segue.

“Look. You are out of manpower, and woman power. Hell, you are out of people, period.” Kevin stated flatly, suddenly serious. “I know Wil. He is debating the best way to use Tim and Mark. They are known quantities. Unstable individually, but predictable together, which makes them both potentially salvageable, and potentially usable.”

“I see someone has been studying.” Angelique complimented while calming down.

“Use the tripps to recruit or trap them. They need to think of girls as more than sex anyway.” Kevin stated flatly.

“What else are you thinking?”

“What else?”

“Oh come on.” Angelique laughed, hiding her worry at the shadows she sees in Kevin. “What else?”

“Is this tech related to how you make UCA workers?”

“Make workers?”

“Look Angelique.” Kevin said flatly. “I know there is a fair amount of mind control being used. It is not as simple as hypnosis. It is deeper, much deeper. My question is whether the headgear is related.”


“Oh.” He sighed.

“What were you planning?”

“I wanted to use it to give them commands for later. Some live action puppet theater.”

“You can already simply order them.”

“I don’t want them to know they have been given orders.”

“Oh.” Angelique smiled, laughing again. “I see. It so happens the headgear with B&V are custom. That does open some possibilities. Wait, does that make you their Archie?”

“Their Archie, Angelique?” Kevin asked. He was a little concerned by her apparent need to make jokes.

“The base tech is slaver gear. These do a soft overlay of voice.” She went on. “We found them in Vargas. One of our consulting nerds took one apart. He did a few tweaks to the normal prescription to change that. The visors can now allow the wearers to accept some verbal input, instead of just storing them. The end result is them no longer just standing there passive, they can be commanded. Barely, but it is still enough to handle some basics.”

“Verbal puppets? Literally?”

“Very Literally. Still in the earliest testing phase though.”

“Cool. Kind of gross, but cool.”

“We thought so too. It should work with the package the tripps already have. We aren’t bringing them all the way in right now despite initial plans to. We simply don’t have the resources.”

“You’re out of people.”

“And tech, and drugs, and technicians, and, and, and...” Angelique said, shrugging in resignation.

“Can the headgear do conditioning?”

“No, that takes a Table at least. A Slab is better.”

“Table? Slab?”

“Sorry. We tend to use the terms interchangeably among ourselves, but there are differences. Think of the Table as a hospital bed. The Slab is the immersive one. The Table is fast, but mostly does surface stuff. If you have enough will then you can fight it if you really want to. The Slab is slow, but deep. You can program just about anything you want with a Slab.”

“Sounds involved, invasive, and expensive.”

“They are. In time, resources and money. The tripps and I have been on a Table. I need it to work and they want it to, so it will. Initially they may have been able to fight it, but by now they want the external controls because their lives improved with it. Right now all of our Tables and Slabs are in or en route to Vargas.”

“So while I can make the trips do anything I want. I just can’t make them decide or want to do anything I want. Half deduction, half guess to be honest. Largely from reading between the lines of the reports and other stuff that came with Betty and Veronica. Or did I miss something?”

“That is correct.” Angelique complimented him again. She was truly surprised at the pieces he had managed to connect.

“What I want to do is use the headgear to put them on best behavior for a while. I know I’ll need some help designing it, but I want to trap them in behaving bodies.”

“You want to implant behavioral limiters?”

“Yes.” Kevin confirmed.

“Why exactly? What specific thing do you want to do?”

“I want to fully script a week. Have their bodies only do what is scheduled. How they do what is scheduled is up to them. But they have to be there. If it is time for homework. They will sit at their work area or desk.”

“Now that seems extreme.” Angelique laughed all the way to her eyes.

“I tried making them line up and guide me in.” Kevin explained as he tried to understand her quick mood changes, and the constant jokes and giggles. “They do it, morning and night. No complaint. They just stand there and take it. Short of issuing orders for every little thing, I can’t get them to do more, however.”

“So they stand there as you have them?”

“Oral. Vaginal. They stand there and take it. As many times as I want. Even filming them doesn’t seem to phase them. They smile all the way to their eyes no matter how male I am with them, no matter what I do. Even filming each other with. However, getting them to do home work...”

“Stand there while serially screwed on camera for some before school porn, fine. Do home work, no way?” Angelique laughed, moaning. Slowly tears formed as she kept laughing. Finally, she was bent over holding her stomach laughing.

“Angelique.” Kevin asked, worried. “Are you ok?”

“Sorry. Sorry.” She apologized a while later. “I guess I needed to laugh.”

“They are funny. They are also no laughing matter. I do not understand why they refuse to learn.”

“Kevin.” Angelique said looking at him seriously now. “You don’t have any siblings, do you? Or even any close cousins?”

“No. Why?”

“Listen for a minute. The first thing to understand about the tripps is that they are young. Not young in age, but young in maturity. You are far more mature than they are in all the ways that really count. They look up to you, and they are jealous of you.”

“They do? They are?”

“Yes. You are their own age, yet you carry authority and have the respect of those they respect. What you are dealing with is acting out for attention. The sex is just a thing to them. It means nothing to them, other than you are paying attention. It is your attention they crave right now. They misbehave slightly because they know you will keep having sex with them, at least a little. Even if that sex is simple usage, you are still paying attention to them. They can guarantee it that way, and that is all the further they are thinking. Besides, how many hours of them performing on command do you already have from your favorite birthday present of all time? Seriously though, if you are in them, you are with them, they know you are seeing them.”


“They may not like the way you do it. But they like the fact that you do it. Even if all you are adding to your personal porn collection, you are definitely enjoying them. It is the attention they are after. Like I said. When you are in one of them, you are with her. It’s just the way you are. The ‘being with’, is what they are after. The sex is just the only way they recognize that they are getting it. If anything, the video is just proof. I wouldn’t surprised if they sometimes watch and rewatch it themselves.”

“Oh.” Kevin stammered in shock.

“It is more than house breaking them, which they also need. You need to raise them as well.”

“I do?”

“Yes. If I may make a suggestion.”


“I will arrange for the headgear and the meds to go with them. The hardware is easy even if it will take a day or two. Can you depend on them getting in trouble by Friday?” Angelique asked.

“I am this close to spanking them right now.” Kevin admitted holding up his thumb and finger only hair’s width apart.

“Ignore them until Friday. Let them run wild if they want.”

“Like they don’t anyway.” Kevin lamented, rolling his eyes comically.

“I know, but listen. As soon as dinner is over at work, bring them home. Give them a large dose of the main stuff. It is a hypnotic and an amnesic among other things. It will start hitting in minutes. Once it starts, lay them on their beds and put the headgear on them after giving them second part. White noise and other generators will have them in sleep storage in half an hour. After that, they will be just like B&V. Their bodies will follow physical movement prompts. No memories will form. The headgear blocks coherence from reforming. They will stay that way until you remove it. Without the right preparations done in advance, it won’t put them put under on its own though. Which is why your experiment failed.”

“How long do I leave them like that?”

“All weekend.” Angelique informed him flatly. “This will mean guiding them through a bunch of female stuff. Tough, live with it. We can also use them for testing Tim and Mark if Wil agrees. They go under at six on Friday night, and they wake at six on Monday morning to get ready for school.”

“Oh. That should be interesting.”

“Do what you want over the weekend. They won’t know.”

“All they will know is they wake up starving Monday morning.” Kevin said gulping as he thought it through. Looking at it for real for the first time instead of as a fantasy. “Then they have to eat and get ready for school as fast as they can.”

“Once the threat is established. The discipline can begin.” Angelique said with a smile.


“Yes. Monday night after dinner put them back on their beds. Dose them, then put the headgear back on them until the next morning.”

“All week?” Kevin asked, not quite understanding.

“Every day. You think they will panic on Monday. Wait for Friday.”

“And this denies them the time and attention they want?”

“Yes. They behave badly during the day, I know them. Then they don’t get ‘attention’ that night. You do. You get to play with and enjoy them all you want, but they get nothing out of it. Also, they lose time.”

“Oh crap. That will be doubly bad since the next weekend is Thanksgiving.” Kevin gasped.

“They wake hungry and stiff Monday, then spend the week like that, day after day. Ultimately having nine days to look forward to. Come Friday, they will be begging for any way to not have that happen.”

“With nothing left to bargain with.”

“Exactly.” Angelique smiled with an expression straight out of Amina’s war chest.

“After that they either self-modify their behavior or lose twelve hours a day.”

“They’ll be begging for assignments.”

“Oh man.” Kevin gasped. “That is mean.”

“Yeah. Ain’t it.” Angelique smiled beatifically.

* * *

“Tim, Mark.” Wilhelm said while sitting down to join them at lunch.

“You’ve been busy, man.” Tim laughed.

“Yes I have. We need to talk.”

“So talk.”

“Do you two understand why I took the tripps away?” Wilhelm asked.

“I assumed the experiment, whatever that was, was over.” Mark said, frowning nervously.

“I just enjoyed’m while we had’m.” Tim remarked.

“And that Tim, is why.” Wilhelm informed them. “You both did. They had a job. They failed. The failure is yours, but they have been punished for that failure anyway.”

“Job? Failed? Punished?”

“Yes. They were instructed to use themselves to give you both confidence and knowledge. To help you both make progress socially. Not to climb the social ladder, but to equip you to understand it.”


“You both showed a promising start to those lessons, but then you simply stopped making progress.”


“I doubt either of you said anything to the other. But by now you have noticed all your pictures and video of the tripps is gone.”

“Umm.” Tim and Mark said, looking at each other.

“I ordered them to treat you two as a failed social experiment because you both failed. Instead of going along with gentle pressure, you played. Had you made progress. Had you shown more definition of being individuals. Had you even played slackers convincingly, they would have continued to allow you.”


“Even that. Even discovering the reason you lost the chance to keep banging three cheerleaders. On the record so to speak. Do either of you honestly think no one knew they were being black mailed into doing the two of you? Even with all that, the most you can come up with to say is ... oh.” Wilhelm almost growled at them. “Are you two clowns even aware that they are living in Kevin’s house now?”

“I heard something.” Tim admitted.

“I thought it was bogus.” Mark added.

“Those collars the teams gave the girls. The leashes that go with them. Those are Kevin’s now. The teams gave Kevin their leashes.” Wilhelm lectured quietly so as not to draw too much lunch time attention at school. “All the teams have to do is put the collar or leash on their bed and they will report to him wearing it. You know what that means.”

“Oh man.” Tim whispered.

“He is also allowed to place them if he has permission. It makes no difference from the girl’s point of view. Seeing that on their bed means they report to Kevin in his room. They pissed the teams off one weekend and got punished in a new way. The teams left the collars and leashes on them under their uniforms. They wore them at school with the handle of the leash dangling under their skirts. They then had to tell Kevin about it, at school, and this was before they moved into his house.”

“You’ve changed Wil. You’ve left our strat behind, man. I don’t know what stratum you are in now, but it ain’t ours. You have a UCA girl living in your house and you both have a really hot, really friendly cheerleader as a house sitter.” Mark said. It was half observation and half accusation. “I think you score on both of them. Further, I think they both know it. I don’t understand in the slightest, but I don’t think they mind either. I don’t think it bothers them sharing you.”

“And if I do?”

“I haven’t seen Kara around.” Tim said accusingly. “In fact. I haven’t seen a lot of the women in your life around lately. The only ones I have seen are Amina and Angelique.”

Yeah man.” Mark joined in. “What is happening?”

“Be at Kevin’s house at seven on Friday night.” Wilhelm ordered angrily as he left.

* * *

“You three are not going to work tonight.” Kevin informed the Tripps. They had just arrived home from practice Friday evening to change clothes for their evening shift at the UCBJ.

“We aren’t?” Big Chest asked.

“Undress. Drink the glass on your nightstand, not the vial. Open the box. Lie down.”

“Yes sir.” They replied, sighing. All three of them were depressed. Kevin had taken them standing in a line morning and night for several days in a row. Once he woke them to take them in the middle of the night. Then he stopped. They still lined up each morning and each night, however. It had been days since he actually touched one of them, and they are getting worried.

“Umm, sir.” Mid Chest asked while staring in horror at the headgear style she recognized from Betty and Veronica. It was not identical, but it was obviously the same basic design.

“Put it beside your pillow and lie down on your beds.” Kevin ordered.

“Yes sir.” She said. She complied as hours of simply lying there while afraid to move replayed in moments.

“Can you feel the drink hitting?” Kevin asked Big chest as he knelt over her. His erection ready.

“Yes sir.”

“Pick up the vial.” He ordered as his tip just touched her.

“Yes sir.”

“Drink it. Lay back. I am going to have my fun. Once you feel the vial hitting you will put the headgear on.”

“Do I have to?”

“You can leave.”

“Yes sir, I will obey.” She said, drinking the contents of the vial. She did nothing as Kevin entered her or as he grasped her breasts. She lay there while Kevin thrust hard into her. When she felt herself blinking, she donned the headgear. In less than a minute her face was slack and she was panting in time with him, her last impression that of Kevin pumping away at her freely.

“Your turn.” Kevin said, moving to Mid Chest.

“Yes sir.” Mid Chest said. She was fighting back tears as she complied. In two minutes, she was as gone as Big Chest.

“A request sir.” Small Chest said when Kevin knelt over her.

“Aren’t you scared?”

“Terrified sir.” She admitted freely.

“Let me hear it, then.”

“Will you put a vibrator in me after you know I will accept you. Then let me drink the vial and put the headgear on while you take me orally instead.”


“I want the feel you as I slide away. I want the last thing I know to be your taste.”


“Because I would find being able to get you to climax satisfying. It would let me sleep better knowing I had done something right today.”

“Alright.” Kevin agreed. She enjoyed him taking her even if he was a little rough. Then she moved to accommodate him placing not one, but two vibrators in her, both running. The instant he entered her mouth, she got to work. She faded off with a sigh to the feel of the vibrators humming away, the taste she wanted which she half swallowed, and the pleasant feel of him filling her mouth.

* * *

“Are they ready?” Wilhelm asked Kevin as he got out of the van.

“Ready and waiting.” Kevin said while getting into the van. He was shaking his head, glancing at Tim and Mark who were looking confused.

“You don’t mind us using your place?”

“I’ll be at work the next few hours, they won’t. The break will be nice.”

“Ok, later then.” Wilhelm said closing the door and motioning the driver to go.

“Is who ready?” Tim asked.

“Come on. Its time.” Wilhelm said leading them inside.

“Time for wh...” Mark was asking when they entered the den. Silence reigned as the boys stared. The tripps lay on their beds, nude. Something goggle-like covers their eyes while projections with ear buds built in dropped neck-ward.

“One moment.” Wilhelm said, going to a computer to check something. He spends two minutes going between screens. Tim and Mark just stare at the peacefully resting girls. “They’re out.”


“Go ahead. You won’t bother them.” Wilhelm said as he moved to Small Chest.

“Go ahead?” Tim asked.

“Yeah. Go ahead.” Wilhelm said. He pinched Small Chest’s nipple, which firmed.

“What the?”

“This is what you want, isn’t it?” Wilhelm asked while retrieving a tray from beside the computer.

“Want?” Mark asked as Wilhelm motioned them over to him.

“Here. Watch.” Wilhelm said, taking an odd looking needle from a tray on a dresser. He dipped it in an alcohol bath before holding it up to Small Chest’s left earlobe, slightly below the device.


“Pay attention.” Wilhelm said as he gently pushed the needle through her earlobe, piercing it.

“What the fuck?” Tim demanded, staring at the newly pierced ear.

“Oh my god.” Mark whispered. Small Chest had not reacted at all.

“You wanted toys.” Wilhelm said. He left the needle in place as he stood up, heading for Medium Chest.

“Jesus Wil.” Mark said, intercepting. “Get that out of her ear.”

“Go ahead. Poke, play, fuck them.” Wilhelm said dismissively as he moved around Mark. He was stunned by Wilhelm’s attitude.

“Wil?” Tim asked in shock.

“They can’t stop you. They will never know.”

“Why?” Tim demanded.

“They are being punished.”

“How can you do this?”

“They earned it.”

“No one has earned this.”

“Wil. What is going on?” Mark asked. “Why are you doing this? I know you were black mailing them.”

“Not me.” Wilhelm replied. “The teams. They knew what the headgear would do. Still, they took the drugs and put it on. They knew this would happen, and they did it anyway.”

“No one would do this of their own free will.”

“They fucked you two on orders. Why not this?”

“They could have walked away. We never forced them.”

“You also just used them for sex.” Wilhelm said angrily. “I am responsible for them. I tried to use them to help you two, and them at the same time. I thought they could teach you two, and you two could teach them. They learned, not much, but more than you two did.”

“What did you think we were going to learn Wil? How to climb the social ladder?”

“No. How to recognize how hollow the ladder is. How desperate the people on it are.”

“Desperate?” Tim asked.

“Did either of you two ever wonder how these three could be blackmailed into doing sex on command?”


“They want on the teams because they want cheer leading scholarships. They are a lousy fit. They work the wrong way because they lack some things. You two have those things. Yet you also lack many things they have. I tried to help both sets. Those scholarships are so important to them. Their need is so desperate. They allow this to happen to remain in the running.”

“Oh.” Tim and Mark whispered almost as one.

“They have continued trying. They screw up far more often than they progress.” Wilhelm hissed angrily at his friends. “But they keep trying. They don’t just accept things and live with it.”


“As I said. They are being punished. They need points to knock down the pile of demerits they have, or else they will be dropped. Here are the rules you are going by. Body play, one point. Oral play one point. You pop in their mouth and they swallow, one. Vaginal play until you are temporarily soft, one. Both of you in her at the same time, two. Pop in her mouth during it, double that. Anal, two. Any consideration at all toward them, they lose one.”

“Are you fucking serious?” Mark demanded.

“I think he is.” Tim said staring. Three female bodies to play with. A reward for being a sex hungry teen. A penalty for thinking of them as people, yet. “I think...”

“Think what?” Mark asked hesitantly.

“I think I’m done. This is too much. This is wrong.”

“Yeah.” Mark agreed. “I don’t care if you wake them and they have fun. I’m done. I am out of here.”

“Yeah.” Tim whispered. “Me too. I don’t know what you were hoping for Wil.”

“But count us out.” Mark finished.

“Are you sure?”

“Damn sure Wil. God damn sure.”

“Ok then. Let’s go grab a burger.” Wilhelm said while going to the computer and tapping a few keys.

“Now you want to eat?”

“Now we need to talk.” Wilhelm said flatly as he headed for the door.

“Wil. The needle. Her ear?”

“If you’re worried about it, go pull it out.”

“What the hell is with you?” Mark asked, frowning as he pulled the needle out. He put it in the tray by the computer and then paused. “Are these brain waves?”

“Like I said. We need to talk.”

“Yeah. I think we do.”

* * *

“Oh god.” Small chest moaned as she woke. Even with the display off, the headgear still blocked her from seeing. However, the noise canceling was off so she could hear. Bleary eyes refused to focus or stay open when the headgear came off. She ached, not just sore, but outright ached. Even a deep breath was semi painful. It was like she had done a quadruple workout with no warm up or warm down. Or more likely, hadn’t moved in days.

“Someone kill the fucking alarm.” Big Chest whined, or tried to. Her voice broke, crackling. Her aching body absolutely refused to move enough for her to get up.

“Owwwww.” Mid Chest moaned as aches and pains warred with her empty stomach.

“I win.” Small Chest moaned minutes later. Literally crawling out the door into the hall on her way to the bathroom. For her, the full bladder had won.

“Bitch.” Big Chest moaned as she rolled on her side. She then proceeded to fall off her bed while trying to get up.

“I smell fresh french toast in the oven.” Mid Chest said, feeling like crying as her body took its time to start moving. It complained every step of the way.

“How can I hurt like this if he didn’t leave any bruises?” Mid Chest asked an hour later in the kitchen as she gingerly ate.

“There’s food. Its hot.” Big Chest moaned. “Eat now. Think later.”

“Home work.” Mid Chest moaned wolfing down her second helping while her laptop booted. “I have a couple of things I just want done. Then I can laze unless I get an assignment.”

“Fuck homework.” Small chest replied between bites.

“Fuck me.” Mid chest said, staring at the screen in shock. She was no longer sleepy, no longer hungry. “Fuck us all.”

“Mid?” Big Chest asked.

“Look.” Mid Chest said turning her laptop so the others could read the screen.

“Monday!” Mid Chest squeaked as the others stared in silent shock at the clock. “Its fucking Monday!”

“School!” Big Chest gasped looking at the clock.

* * *

“Do you suppose you got their attention?” Wilhelm asked Kevin at lunch. As usual they were sitting well away from the noisy crowds in the cafeteria.

“I don’t really know. I left just before they got up.” He said smiling. “So far they have managed to not be anywhere near where I am today.”

“Did you at least feed them?” Amina asked.

“No. I did gave them water. Especially at about four am when I set their wake time. That way they would wake up with full bladders to get them moving.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen them more scared.” Angelique laughed, joining them.

“Did Tim and Mark get what they wanted, or did you?” Kevin asked, looking at Wilhelm.

“They’re thinking things over.” Wilhelm replied evasively.

“Planning on bringing them in over Thanksgiving?”

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. Planning on me as well?”


“Why not?”

“You don’t need it. I’m only considering those two because we need the bodies.” Wilhelm answered looking closely at Kevin. “I can’t use them as they are.”

“And me?”

“You’re fine as you are. We can trust you.”

“Trust me?” Kevin asked. “You loaned me three teenage cheerleader working girls. I’m living a fantasy. I have three young women living in my house that I control. My parents know I score them. My mother even knows that there is a minimum amount per week. Their biggest concern is that I don’t let it interfere with my grades. She asked if Angelique had explained about using protection while we were together. When I said yes, that was the end of it.”

“I am trusting you to raise them.” Wilhelm informed him seriously. “They are like children in a few specific ways. It is impossible for them to get what they need on their own. You will have to supply it instead.”

“You have good instincts.” Angelique told him. “Use them. Like the headgear, continue to get and hold their attention. You finally understood that the sex was just their way of being held or noticed.”

“Is this all because they went above and beyond that first weekend?”

“In large part, yes.”

“Normally we handle stuff like this in other ways.” Wilhelm said. “We have to use what we have at this time, however, because there is literally nothing else we can do. They shouldn’t be getting the number of assignments they are right now. It should be once a week, twice at most.”

“Not three, or more?” Kevin asked. “I thought that was over the top.”

“It is. And we can’t keep using as many under-agers as we are for typical assignments. It draws attention, the wrong kind of attention. Not that we have much choice. Right now it is just them and a girl named Leandra or Lindra or something like that. Her family moved so that gives us four underage workers where we should have eight. That ignores the other dozen we would normally have for assignments. So I am sorry, your three are going to continue getting too many assignments, as are the few adult workers we had to hold onto. It is way too many, truth be told. Nothing I can do about that until something else gives, however.”

“So running the burger place on local underage girls is just keeping it open for now?”

“Yeah. As for the tripps however. Let’s see how they do with this latest before we make any long term plans for them.”

* * *

“Homework done?” Kevin asked, opening the door to the tripps’ room that evening.

“Yes sir.” They replied nervously.

“About time then.”

“Yes sir.” They said nearly as one. Clothes went in neat piles beside their beds and the three formed a line, standing at parade rest.

“Is this what you think of yourselves?” Kevin asked.

“Is what sir?”

“On your beds. You know the drill.”

“Yes sir.” They said complying. Their disappointment was obvious.

“Put your legs back together.” Kevin said while putting a glass and a vial on each night stand.

“No. Please.” Small Chest pleaded.

“Goodnight.” Kevin said, putting the headgear beside them.

“Goodnight sir.” Small Chest said with tears before draining the glass. Then she took the vial and put the headgear on. The other two followed suit.

* * *

“They’re down.” Kevin said, reporting to Angelique when he arrived at the UCBJ.

“You sure?”

“I waited half an hour and then checked.”

“We’ll see how they do from here then. Kind of a slow night. I’m doing some research, have fun down here.” Angelique told him as she headed up to her office.

“I’ll call if I need you.”

* * *

“Angelique.” Big Chest said the next day at morning break. The three of them sat across from her.


“We quit.” Mid Chest said flatly.

“Here are our uniforms.” Small Chest said digging her uniform out of her book bag. “We are off the teams. No more cheer leading for us. We stay with Kevin, no problem. We take assignments, no problem. We are his personal sex toys and workers, no problem.”

“We will find another way to pay for college.” Big Chest said just as flatly. “Even if we have to save every dollar we earn on our backs, we will find another way.”

“It has gone too far.” Mid Chest said, gulping slightly. “Kevin gets our bodies. I, we, are cool with that. The timeouts however, that is too far. We accept this means no cheer leading scholarship. As she said, we will find another way.”

“We are employees and assets. We will accept no more random torture from the teams. We will, of course, continue to honor the markers we already have. We will ensure people know we are. We will live up to and live down the social aspects, no problem. Our words are good and we will ensure everyone knows it.”

“Kevin is welcome to us.” Big Chest said sighing. “He can use us. Nothing changes except we quit the teams. He is welcome to drug us. He is welcome to use us. He can do as he wishes with us. We accept him, we reject the teams.”

“Is this your final word?” Angelique asked, attempting to hide how startled she was, and how worried.

“These are Kevin’s asses now, not yours.” Small Chest growled.

* * *

“Not what I expected.” Wilhelm said, frowning at lunch when Angelique filled him in.

“So they take assignments from Kevin. They welcome Kevin using them as sex toys, but they reject the teams?” Amina asked.

“According to what they said, yes.”

“Any guesses what’s going through their heads?”

“I think they fear the timeouts more than anyone suspected they might.”

“Any idea what happens now Wil?” Amina asked.

“Not really. They shouldn’t have been able to reject the teams. Not without walking away from it all.”

“What about their schedule? Have either of you looked at how many assignments they are doing? They have been raking in some serious money, but it has also been hard on them, very hard. But no, I doubt that alone would be enough.”

“Unless they really do accept Kevin’s authority.” Angelique replied, smiling and then frowning. “Unless they really are clinging to him for stability. That would mean things were worse at their original homes for them than I thought, far worse than any of us thought. More so than even our oh so pessimistic P.I.s reported.”

* * *

“Is your homework done?” Kevin asked, entering the tripps’ room after dinner.

“Yes sir.” They said, undressing and forming a line.

“I understand you quit the teams.”

“Yes sir.” Small Chest answered.


“No more torture. Whatever they thought it would accomplish, we no longer care.”

“Then why are you standing like this?” Kevin asked. “You quit the teams. I no longer have any hold over you.”

“We talked.” Mid Chest replied. “We live here now. We accept your authority. We still accept assignments. We are yours. We are publicly honoring the black marks. While we are willing to lose the teams, we are not willing to take that hit on our social standing.”

“Social standing?” Kevin asked, not understanding.

“Those black marks are a social contract.” Small Chest explained. “We took them on as debt. Walking away from the teams does not change that debt. If we walk away from the debt then we make liars out of ourselves. It would mean our word would be worthless. We gave our word, we walked away. Until that debt is worked off nothing changes.”

“If we don’t work them off, then we lied the entire time.” Mid Chest continued. “If we can’t live up to our word, then we are nothing. So we stay yours. Everyone that cares, knows we are yours to do with as you please. Those black marks can be either our social damnation, or our salvation. Minus the teams, we now have to use them for salvation. That means being honest and admitting you basically own us until graduation.”

“The teams could have forgiven the debt, but you can’t. We dug the hole. We climbed into it. This is how we climb out of it. If you simply forgive the debt then you make us liars, you damn us socially. If the sport-tards want to score us, they have to come to you. You can be greedy. You can rent us. You can loan us. None of us will have another boy friend without your permission. Not that we want another one either, you are more than enough.”

“Once we graduate.” Mid Chest said, smiling. “The minor stigma of being your toys becomes a major marker in our favor. It is proof that we live up to our word. All we need you to do is prove you control us occasionally.”

“You can do as you wish for yourself of course.” Big Chest said next. “We were serious. These are your asses now. We accept you. You can use the control state. You can hypnotize us. You can drug us. You can order us. You have us, we are yours.”


“The teams were better than our original homes. You are better than the teams.”

“What will you do now?” Kevin asked.

“We know we are broken. So broken that we can’t see the break.” Big Chest went on. “We need a new beginning, and we want you to make it.”

“Take us.” Mid Chest picked up speaking. “Mold us. We know you don’t want sex slaves, so we are not worried about that.”

“Don’t just use the controls.” Small Chest said next. “We meant it. Drug us. Hypnotize us. Use that to give us what we need. If you want to keep putting us in the headgear, fine, we accept. But you do it for yourself, for what you want, for what you think we need, not for them.”

“Do not change us on the outside.” Big Chest pleaded. “Change us on the inside.”

“We have no center.” Mid Chest said resuming. “Give us one. Put one there. You have not humiliated us in public no matter how much trouble we got into, thank you.”

“You have the drugs here, use them. Hypnotize us, drug us, have sex with us and make us better people inside.”

“Why the emphasis on hypnosis?”

“Because nothing scares me more.” Small Chest admitted. “I am done running. From the past. From the future. From others. From myself. From expectations. From everything. I always feel halfway out of my own control. So I want to know what complete loss of control feels like. I want you to make some change to me. Give me a compulsion. Give me a trigger. Make me experience it.”

“I can’t do that to you.” Kevin informed her. “I don’t know how, and it would be a betrayal.”

“I am sure Angelique could show you how. If not, Sir or one of his ladies could.”

“Sir? His name is Wilhelm.”

“I know. I have the knowledge. The controls are still in place, however. He can force us, but he won’t if we are yours. And as long as he can force us, he is sir.”

“Oh. Not sure what to say about that. Won’t me sending you on more assignments be a betrayal as well?”

“No sir.”

“Ok then. What do the three of you want right now?”



“Feel us. Fondle us. Fuck us.” They say in triplicate.


“We are tired sir.” Small Chest explained. “We are tired and we need to feel something. The headgear makes the isolation worse. I know it has been days, but it feels like weeks. I need something.”

“Come here then.” Kevin said kicking the beanbag chair into the middle of the room then flopping in it.

“Thank you.” Small Chest said, almost falling on him.

“Come on you two.” Kevin said as Small Chest opened his pants.

“Thank you.” Big and Mid Chest said. They draped a blanket over Small Chest as she mounted Kevin. Moments later they had snuggled into him, one on each side. Lying with their backs to him, they each settled one of his hands on their bare breasts. Then Small Chest lay forward, covering them all with the blanket. She relaxed onto Kevin, pushing him deep into her.

“Now this I could get used to.” Kevin joked as he could finally release the stress that he had been holding. Relaxing now that the girls truly feel safe. With both hands were full of a bare breast on two different girls. Kevin went to sleep to the feeling of the one he was still in almost purring with her head under his chin.

* * *

“They don’t just still accept assignments. They want them?” Wilhelm asked Kevin at morning break.

“Yes. They meant it.” Kevin said frowning. “How is it that at night you work as a mind controller. Yet you still attend high school during the day?”

“I only have one girlfriend living with me.” Wilhelm laughed, deflecting.

“I have to say.” Kevin quipped. “When you and Angelique decided to splurge on birthday presents for me...”

“God.” Wilhelm laughed, almost crying. “Can you imagine what this looks like from the outside?”

“I quite regularly try not to.”

“Yeah.” Wilhelm said, sobering.

“Where are A and A?”

“Figuring out what to do about the squad.” Wilhelm explained. “That wasn’t show yesterday. They really quit the team. That has repercussions.”


“Word has spread that there are three open spots, the competition is fierce.”

“You recruiting as well?”

“We can’t. No resources left.”


“We have one Slab, for emergencies only. And five beds, my prototypes.”

“The ones you used for the tripps and Angelique?”

“Yes. How much do you know about that anyway?”

“Someone else controlled Angelique. He was a monster toward her.”

“Let me say yes. And it needs to stay there.” Wilhelm told him flatly for emphasis. “That is for her to discuss if and when she decides to.”

“I don’t understand yet, but I can accept it. Been wondering about some things.”

“What kind of things?”

“The kind that make no sense.” Kevin said with an odd look. “Like why three girls, the tripps, are so desperate. I have also noticed a difference between how they respond to the controls, and how they respond to you.”

“You have?”

“Yes. I don’t know mind control, which this obviously is. Don’t bother denying it, I don’t care. You seem to be trying to help them.”

“Go ahead.”

“You did something to them, like what was done to Angelique. They respond to you. No, let me say that differently. Their bodies respond to you like Angelique’s does ... And Amina’s doesn’t.”

“And?” Wilhelm asked, intrigued.

“Whatever you did to make their bodies respond to you like that, I believe that is what is so hard on them. They need something from you which they are never going to get. I have partial control of them, yet they keep trying over and over to give themselves to me. No matter how hard they try there is something they can’t give me ... or get from me.”


“Thanksgiving is coming up. I want you to use that time to transfer whatever it is you took from them over to me. They need something you took. You are never going to provide it. If they are to be mine, then they must be mine. Let me have the tools to actually satisfy them. Allow me to give them what they need. They are suffering. You did this, so you have a responsibility to take care of them.”

“I hadn’t considered you permanent. You are more Angelique’s project. I have bigger things on my mind right now.”

“Things have devolved Wilhelm. You broke something when you tried to help them. Instead of just making them behave a certain way, you gave them sort of a need.” Kevin nearly lectured. “They are unable to meet that, now ingrained, need. You denied them that. They were broken one way from their old lives, now they are broken in another way from you. You need to fix it.”

“You’ve grown.”

“So have you.”

“You’ll have to keep them. If I do what you are asking, you’ll be stuck with them. You’ll be working with us for the next decade running them the whole time. If you move, they go with you. They won’t be able to leave you.”

“And you have been content to watch them suffer. They need something from you. I don’t know what it is, but not having it is hurting them. Holding them back as well I believe.”

“And you can give it to them?”

“I can at least try. You aren’t.”

“Can you sign on? Can you commit to a decade with us?”

“I hear more behind that than just the question.” Kevin said curiously.

“Did you have a pet when you were younger?”

“A Labrador retriever.” Kevin answered smiling in memory. “A golden-chocolate mix.”

“This puts me in an uncomfortable spot.” Wilhelm explained. “I can do what you want. I can also bring you in as well. However, to do that with what I have available will mean certain trade offs.”

“Trade offs?”

“I was learning when I did them and Angelique. I made some mistakes.” Wilhelm said, rubbing his temples. “I didn’t realize what had happened until after this current mess started.”


“I took their bodies from them.” He finally admitted. “They don’t have real control of their own bodies right now. And that distance creates certain pressures.”

“Care to elaborate on that?”

“No. I can’t fix it with what I have available. What I can do however, is shift the problem from me to you.”


“Yes. Right now their bodies crave me. Not them, their bodies.”


“Like I said. I screwed up. I can fix it. I know how ... now.” Wilhelm said, looking very lost. “I figured out how, while studying Vargas. In fact, that is where I figured out that I had screwed up and how it happened.”

“But everything you have is tied up there.” Kevin stated.

“Yes. My prototypes have some limitations. I was still learning the concepts. I can’t fix what I broke using the prototypes, but I can move the break.”

“You can make their bodies want me like they want you right now?”

“Yes. They are suffering from attention deficit disorder, but not in the usual sense of A.D.D.”

“They’re pets.” Kevin said in sudden comprehension. “Puppies you won’t play fetch with or take for walks. Kittens you won’t hold or cuddle. So they are acting out. Being cranky, noisy, whatever it takes to get some attention they recognize as attention.”

“Precisely. I am convinced Jan and Cindy at least have known all along what is happening. I think that they have been waiting for me to realize what I did and fix it.”

“No wonder they do everything they do. They get the attention and sex they want. They get everything from me except the acceptance they need from you.” Kevin whispered. “Oh god man. If you were trying to design a torture to destroy them you couldn’t have done much better.”

“No. I don’t believe I could have.” Wilhelm admitted sadly. “I wish we hadn’t taken them, given how things have gone. I should have, would have been able to fix this long ago …”

“What about Angelique? She went through the same routine.” Kevin asked interrupting.

“She’s different. She knows why I’m not laying a hand on her. It drags on her, it annoys her, but she has come to accept it because she understands it.”

“And if you explain to the tripps that you don’t want them and they almost sicken you then they will go downhill even quicker.”

“They know I have large amounts of disdain for them. That I dismiss them as actual people. It annoys them, because the controls drive them to try to fix that. It is something like a game to them, kind of a complex puzzle they are fascinated by. However, if they discovered how I really feel. If they knew they actually nearly sicken me. They might consider suicide. The emotional whiplash would be to much for their level of emotional maturity.” Wilhelm admitted. “Which is why I’ve been avoiding them. If they catch even a hint the disdain is just a cover, not a motivation.”

“Jesus Wil. What are you going to do?”

“I am going to ask my friend and neighbor if he wants some very playful pets.”

“This is what you meant by commitment isn’t it?”

“Yes. We won’t have the resources to fix this for at least two years, maybe five.” Wilhelm told him sighing. “I have been concentrating on Vargas because I have to. Three of them versus ten thousand or so. I am sorry, but as inhuman as it is, there is no contest.”

“I know and as disgusted as it makes me, I have to agree. I don’t get one thing though.”

“Because simply interacting with them will mold them.” Wilhelm answered before Kevin could even form the question. “If I spend time around them, they will start adapting to me. They would steadily improve until they discovered the truth, which would happen no matter how hard I tried to hide it.”

“Then after they are mine?”

“They will adapt to you. Over time. It takes time to happen. If they discovered how I want them to be, they would become that instead of themselves. I have slowed this as much as I can by staying away.”

“So what you are saying is?”

“Once they are yours, you will be the ideal they will adapt to. They will copy you. Emulate you. Be just like a pet or a child. They will crave your attention and approval. They will self modify. Likely without being aware that they are doing it, in order to be liked by you, and be more like you.”

“How long would it take to fix if you had the resources?”

“A month or so.” Wilhelm answered sadly with a lost look. “In that month I can save dozens in Vargas, however. It only takes a day to a day and a half to get the victims in Vargas ready for long term warm storage. The headgear will normally only work for about two weeks. With the mods they can be kept in that state for months to years as long as bodily functions are taken care of. The mods make them able to eat solid food. Able to use a toilet more or less properly. Obedient to any and all touch or guidance while stored.”

“But it takes a day, day and a half.” Kevin said unable to wrap his head around what Wilhelm was carrying. “So in the time it takes to fix one of the tripps, you can store two dozen from Vargas so you can fix them right later.”

“We are already losing some.”

“God Wil. I don’t know how you are doing it. How can you carry that around?”

“I’m not sleeping much right now.”

“I’m not sure I’m going to, from simply knowing about it. I know I couldn’t if it were my job.” Kevin sighed. “Tell you what. You helped me Wil. More than you have any idea. I owe you. I’ll take them. I’ll run them. I know from over hearing Angelique and Amina that you are buying a warehouse out by the old truck stop. If you can get the truck stop as well I can raid the storage warehouse for games to put an arcade in it to provide cover. I will run the girls out of it. We will provide the cover and extra staff you will need.”

“Really?” Wilhelm asked, unsure what to feel.


“I’ll have the beds made available. The Slab as well. We can’t give you the full treatment all at once, but we can give you a hell of a start. You are definitely on management track.”

“I am becoming more than a failed quarter back’s son, Wil. I am defining my own identity. The tripps are helping with that.”

“I’ll have Amina and Angelique ask them about final transfer.”

“Because it would be an order, or worse, an expectation, coming from you, right?”

“I have to give them as much choice as I can. It is my responsibility.”

* * *

“The first thing I want to say is you are not here because you are in trouble.” Amina told the tripps once everyone was seated in Angelique’s office at the UCBJ.

“You are also not in trouble for dropping the teams, or for any other reason.” Angelique informed them. “From either of us, or anyone else involved. You chose to drop the teams. We respect that.”

“Thank you.” Small Chest said.

“We understand you intend to continue accepting assignments.” Amina asked.

“Yes ma’am. We know we could be forced. However, based on how you have treated us over all, we do not believe you or Sir would do so.”

“No we would not.”

“Thank you again. It. This. Is scary to talk about.” Mid Chest said grimacing. “I can feel you in my head. Both of you. I know I’m scared to think about what Sir will think of us quitting like that. Especially after he worked so hard and long to keep us a place on the teams.”

“That is actually part of why we are here.” Angelique replied. “You were brought in against your will because of your profiles.”

“We were?”

“Yes. The UCA forcefully recruits those who use sex as a weapon.” Amina said speaking up. “However, it’s not that simple. Not that direct. Nor is it that blunt. No one knew what your home lives were truly like. Because of not knowing, and because we failed to discover that, we mis-evaluated you. That bad evaluation falls on us, and we are here in part to correct that mistake.”

“We fit your profile then?” Big Chest asked somewhat confused.

“No. Actually, you did not. The evaluation is complicated. Factoring in your home lives as we have discovered they really were means that you were not inside the profile. Minus the true extent of your home lives, you were within it. I know it sounds weird, but your behaviors were reflective, not malicious.”

“Your impatience, belligerence, anger, frustration and other detrimental behaviors; they were your way of acting the way you had learned growing up. It was literally how you had been raised. Or should I say, how you had learned to act at home. You then brought it to school thinking that was the way the world worked.”

“Umm, yeah.”

“A lot was going on all at once over the summer. That is not an excuse. It is a statement. We were wrong to bring you in the way we did. You should have been approached and help offered instead of harvesting you.”


“Yes. Oh.” Angelique said frowning. “We owe you an apology and I offer that now.”


“We also owe you another apology. That one because detailed follow up, post collection, did not take place. If it had happened, we would have found the truth and been able to fix our mistake.”


“Yes. Fix. You should have been offered the chance to leave long before this. Unfortunately that did not happen. We are also forced to admit we can not freely offer that chance now.”

“Not that we want out.” Small Chest said, confused. “But why?”

“All the equipment used for that,” Angelique told them “except the stuff used on you three and me, is committed elsewhere. We are unable to free you immediately because we are already using the equipment needed.”

“We saw Betty and Veronica. That was bad. They were like life sized sex toys. They cleaned, they fucked, that’s it.”

“Except what was used on us?” Mid Chest asked after Small Chest obviously missed the point.

“Yes. Except. What was used on us is for testing only. A way to bring someone in so a deep evaluation can be done. It brings you in, but with some limitations.”


“Yes. The controls implanted with it are what we call identity locked.” Angelique explained. “We, all four of us, went through at the same time. We have almost exactly the same conditioning. I am as much a subject and just as controlled as you three are.”

“Oh. Then why are you so umm...”

“Because I know myself better than you three do. I know my body belongs to Wil. I accept both it and him. He accepts both me and my body. He is welcome to anything he desires. Yet if you will remember, there are things he refuses me.”

“I remember the bed thing.” Mid Chest said, staring hard. “I wondered why you used me as a fill in for what you really wanted. I was your substitute ...”

“Yes.” Angelique said, talking over her. “You were. You did a very good job as a stand in. In fact if I remember correctly, you had to swallow twice.”

“Yeah.” Mid Chest said softly as she gave nearly silent giggle. “It was great.”

“And that is the same feeling you constantly want because you were made to want it.”

“Oh. Umm.”

“Just as I was. My favorite feeling remains hip to hip with him buried in me. After thrusting away as we french kiss.” Angelique said blushing.

“Ohh.” The tripps all say with a sound just above a moan.

“You were right.” Amina said. She was looking at Angelique, surprised.

“Being basically given to Kevin has felt great hasn’t it?” Angelique asked them.


“Yet you miss even that hollow moment. Have you felt half as good at any time since Wil climaxed in your mouth?”


“And you keep giving yourselves to Kevin over and over. Enticing him to play more and harder.”

“Yes.” They said, looking down and embarrassed.

“But no matter how hard he takes you.” Angelique asked. “No matter how much he uses you. It still lacks something you can’t even define?”


“Would you like to know what that missing bit is?”

“Yes!” All three said desperately.

“What is missing is Wil. He doesn’t want you. Not that he really has anything against you, but he isn’t interested in you. So no matter how good a job you do. It never feels quite right. There is this hollow. This thing you can’t define that isn’t there.”

“Yeah.” Mid Chest sighed.

“The reason for this is the controls are identity locked. It makes you want him and his approval.”


“As we were saying, however.” Amina resumed. “Normally this would have been fixed a long time ago. Things went off the rails with the attack on Virginia, and have stayed off ever since.”

“This is weird. I know I should want it fixed. I should want it fixed right now.” Mid Chest said. “Yet I find myself unsure. Can you?”

“Yes. We have the ability. As mentioned however, there is a problem with it.”

“What problem?”

“How much do you know about Vargas.”

“Enough to know that what ever happened there, it is pure hell.”

“I hate to do this to you.” Amina said. The tripps are surprised to see that she meant it. “There are three choices. Leave things the way they are which will get progressively harder on you. Take you to Vargas where the stuff we need is and fix this.”

“We could get out?”

“Yes. You have the opportunity to leave. If we take you to Vargas then we can remove the controls. The only thing left would be a block stopping you from talking about all this.”

“You said three?”

“Yes. We could reassign the controls to Kevin directly.”

“What aren’t you telling us?” Small Chest asked. “Couldn’t you just give us the rest of whatever it is you have?”

“Yes we could. What she can’t bring herself to say however, is that even though she has to offer the out, she is praying you don’t take it.” Angelique said, interrupting.

“Why not?”

“Because, and this is not your fault by the way. Not even a little.”

“Sounds ominous.” Small chest joked.

“It is like this. We could either finish you, or free you in about a month, though it could easily run longer...” Angelique said hesitantly.

“What neither of us wants to say is, it looks like you three are having a melt down.” Amina said. “This means we have to do something. It’s safety, we have no choice except to act on that. On the other hand, we need to use the stuff where it is now.”

“What happens if we use it?” Mid Chest asked.

“In the time it takes to do each of you.” Amina replied. “We can put over two dozen like Betty and Veronica into warm storage. We need to do that in order to stop further mental deterioration until we can help them for real.”

“And because we are having this melt down, something has to be done with us?”


“What happens if we leave things alone?”

“You continue to crave and act out to get attention from Wil. Which you already know you will never get, which will make you act out more.”

“Not an option.” Big Chest stated flatly with a shudder. “Next?”

“We put you on the Slab. Doing a full package or a removal will put us about twenty five people behind schedule. Each.”

“No.” Small and Big Chest said as one while Mid Chest just shuddered. They all know what will happen to the ones like Betty and Veronica if treatment is delayed.

“The only other option is to use what we have here and reassign the controls to Kevin.”

“Ok.” Mid Chest said, unsure what the problem is.

“Problem.” Angelique told her. “You know that empty ache you feel now? If we transfer the controls to him, then Kevin will fill it instead.”


“What she can’t say.” Amina broke in. “Is that just like you crave Wil’s attention and want to do things for him now. You will crave and want to do things for Kevin. Just as you are so willing to bend yourselves for Wil right now. You will then do with Kevin.”

“He already commands us. So what?”

“He can make you do things, yes. He can’t make you want to do things. That would change.”

“You mean?”

“Yes. You would find yourselves adapting to him. No more orders. Simply knowing what he likes or wants would give you a desire to be or do whatever that is.” Amina explained. “Wil has been protecting you. Being around him would accidentally change you. This would mean Kevin would be changing you by simply being there.”

“We would become his pets. He would raise us, mold us, make us his own. We would be remade in some ways in his image, right?” Mid Chest asked.

“Yes. The longer it went on, the more you would adapt. The way things are going, you would be his for years. A minimum of one, likely three or more before we could actually fix this.”

“And the whole time our accommodation to him would alter us. Make us no longer who we are?”

“Yes. The effect might be minor, it might not. It depends on you three and him both. These controls are not intended for long term use like this.”

“Will it take this hollowness away?” Small Chest asked in whisper.

“Yes.” Angelique said holding back tears. “It would also mean little by little becoming what he wants to see in you. The alterations would remain after you left. They may be dulled, but they would remain.”

“Would I lose this always feeling alone inside, this feeling of unworthiness that reminds me of my old home?”


“Can we have some time to think about it?”


“Thank you.” Mid Chest said as the tripps all rise as one. “We will let you know what we decide.”

Small Chest added. “Tell Kevin we would appreciate him checking in on us tonight. Even if he just takes the opportunity to play with us. We have missed him.”

“Ok.” Angelique said as the door closes.

“What do you think?” Amina asked.

“I think they will choose to take the transfer. Not without a lot of soul searching though. But I think they will do it.”

“So do I.”

“Are you ever going to tell Wil the real problem with his beds is drugs and protocol, not tech?” Angelique asked softly with a half grin as though embarrassed. “They are better than your beds, at least your generics. Though they are still far shy of being a slab.”

“Excuse me?” Amina asked startled.

“Oh come on.” Angelique laughed this time. “I do read you know. UCA internal security is a joke on purpose. I know you have to have used Wil’s own bed on him at least in dealing with a very underage girl whose name is oddly redacted. Very likely on Kara as well given the schedule. At least initially on both of them anyway.”

“He can’t know.” Amina said seriously. “His stuff is good, really good. Much better than a bed by the way, but yes, still well shy of being a slab though. Similar enough to existing stuff to work with as well. It will work for most things non core, but won’t really handle Vargas. And some of his stuff is already being incorporated into ours. Which is why he can’t know. A couple of things he showed us another approach on. Our people made better versions of them, experience counts heavily, but using his approach. We have to keep that ball rolling. We need the innovation, and it has to stay a secret, especially from him. I had to fight to keep him from suspecting when I couldn’t have kept my mouth shut if he had thought to ask.”

“I know, he can’t know. I have these compulsions toward him. I also know he is still learning. If he knew he would order me to keep it a secret so he could figure it out for himself.”

“That sentence doesn’t actually work.” Amina replied, staring.

“I told you. I’m smart. And Amina. Do you honestly expect ME! of all people, to miss any even potential signs of something related to Dr. Tanjira’s work?”

“No.” Amina admitted with a look of defeat.

“Then breaking the identity lock without breaking the subject is the first thing that happens.”


“I’ll keep quiet.” Angelique promises. “You have my word.”

“Thank you.” Amina sighed. “Wil has to finish learning on his own. He can’t have Dr. Tanjira’s work as a guide. It is part of the pact that put him in charge.”

“As I said. You have my word.”

* * *

“So what are our pros and cons?” Big Chest asked as they walked home to Kevin’s house.

“First.” Mid Chest said flatly. “I am not going to Vargas. I could never live with myself. I’m a bitch, I don’t deny that. Taking that route however, that goes well beyond bitchiness. Those are true victims there. So I’ve had a lot of sex on command, I had a lot before that. With what I saw of Betty and Veronica, however. I couldn’t allow even one of them to be held back because of me. I have a full identity of my own. What little they have is dying. If I go, I condemn them. I take away their chance to be a person again. What would that make me?”

“Us actually. And I only see one question.” Small chest says stopping and looking at the others. “Do we want to become more like Sir or Kevin?”

“No matter what else happens. I prefer being Sir’s sex slave to our old lives. Being a step father’s or mom’s boy-friend’s younger model sex toy is much worse. They will want us when they are high or drunk. Then they will want us high or drunk. They will eventually get violent, we all know that. God alone knows what they would do to us or share us with, then snicker about it behind our backs and we would have no clue. This way we also get paid. Paid very well in fact.” Mid Chest said flatly.

“Yes.” Big and Small Chest agreed nearly as one.

“I know Kevin has pictures of us. I know he has video of us. He has had all of us completely helpless and had his way with all of us.” Small Chest whispered with an off tone. “Yet he has not even once hurt us. Even when we were his slaves, he saw us as people, even when we didn’t.”

“Even when we had reduced ourselves to nothing, made ourselves property.” Big Chest said fighting back tears. “Even when we thought we understood and wanted him to control us, and we gave him everything any male could want as a fantasy. Even owning enough blackmail material we made sure he had, to force us to do anything he wants from now on. Even at our darkest, he never saw us as other than people. We may have been in a dark place, but he maintained hope for us even when we had forgotten it.”

“We would, I believe, be better off with Kevin than staying with Sir though.” Mid Chest said next. “I know that will make Kevin Sir to us. I want Kevin to own me. I want him to control me. I don’t want to play this part anymore. I want it to be real. I, we, we all want the same thing. We don’t want Kevin as just our Sir. We want Kevin to be our master don’t we. Is this conversation insane to anyone else?”

“Yes. I look forward to Kevin being Sir, but I also want him to be master. I like the idea. I like forgetting assignments as Sir has made us. I would be happy being Kevin’s slave and doing assignments. I have never been happier or more secure than coming home to Kevin.” Small Chest agreed.

“Amen sister.” Big Chest says closing her eyes for a moment. “Amen. May that prayer be answered.”

“Amen for myself as well. I’ve been meaning to ask.” Mid Chest said next. “How are you doing now that your Mom and Step Father have moved away?”

“Better. I know all my Step Father saw in me was a body to play with. He was going to take me by force soon, I know that. I take it is about the same for you two?” Mid Chest nodded in agreement with them nodding to her. “Your mom is somewhere between puzzled, pissed and relieved. They knew what was going to happen. They either felt they couldn’t do anything about it, or didn’t care. Even when Kevin or Sir punish me, I know they are seeing me. As long as he is in me, I know he is with me. No matter what, I am more than just a body to him.”

“I am just glad to have escaped, it was getting bad. We all know what we’re going to do, don’t we?” Big Chest asked, sighing.

“I propose we keep diaries.” Mid Chest said. “Not the ones for assignments. Not the ones on our computers. Real ones. By hand. We are going to be different people. I accept that. I know they took us without asking.”

“But I’m glad they did.” Big Chest said tearing up. She held the tears back, however, through force of will, even if only barely. “I don’t want to know where I would be if they hadn’t. I refuse to even think about it. I think we all know anyway though, don’t we?”

“Thirty minutes of diary time every day without exception. We keep a record so the new us can come to know the old us. So they know we aren’t, weren’t, bad people. As Kevin molds us, as we change, we will lose memories. Just like childhood slowly fades. So will all this. I don’t know who Kevin will end up making us, but I believe it will be better than we are now.”

“I can’t believe we are doing this.” Mid Chest said.

“Doing what?” A new voice asked.

“Hi Quiche.” Big Chest said, deflecting as she saw someone approach.

“Keisha.” The girl laughed back, smiling.

“You know you always look good enough to eat.” Mid Chest laughed, grateful for a distraction. Keisha is with her friend Zahira. Both have the soft brown skin of east Indian descent, with just a hint of something a little further east. They retain enough Caucasian features to give them an exotic look that boys like. This attraction remained despite them always dressing in modest, full body dresses, and never flirting with the boys. That only made the girls more interesting, really.

“Are we interrupting?” Keisha asked.

“Nothing that can’t wait.”

“Good. Zee has a problem. We need your help.”

“What the?” Kevin asked just after two in the morning. He had come into the tripps’ room as per their request. He planned to give them attention they indicated a desire for. He had easily found Mid Chest’s bed in the dark and had crawled up over her.

She had done nothing as he slid her covers aside and knelt over her. She still did nothing as he set his erection between her breasts. He waited for her to open her mouth, as his middle of the night play normally started. Instead, hands had folded breasts over his erection.

Kevin knows the tripps. He knows them and their bodies better than their doctors do. He knew instantly that these breasts were too small for Big Chest, too big for Small Chest, and too lush for Mid Chest.

“Hi.” A voice belonging to none of them said softly. If she was insulted or worried, none of it was carried in the tone.

“Oh god. Kevin.” Mid Chest said, waking to the noise and turning on a light.

“Keisha?” Kevin gasped. Looking down at the young woman holding her breasts cupped over his erection. She was looking up at him with an odd grin.

* * *