The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Cascade Effect Part Three

DISCLAIMER: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance between characters in this work and actual persons living or dead is entirely accidental. This work contains scenes of explicit sex between adults and is intended for the entertainment of adults only. If you are offended by depictions of adult intercourse or if you are less than the age of majority in your jurisdiction please do not read or download this file. Because this is a fantasy, characters in this work engage in unprotected sex in a universe where AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases do not exist. In reality sex without protection is unwise and nothing in this work should be taken as condoning such activity, or any of the other activities depicted herein. Hope you enjoy this story.

This story contains M/F, M/C Special thanks to the readers for all the feed back.

amy was leaving the classroom when suddenly she had a purpose higher than just getting herself off. She turned and reentered the classroom closing the door and went straight to her desk computer. she felt deep inside this was a purpose, a task, a meaning for her life. amy’s fingers flew with a mind of their own. As she finished, she pressed send and was rocked by an orgasm so hard it was impossible to stop the moan that erupted from deep within her. As she returned to earth she felt so good it was a task her Master had given to her. she had completed it and she felt so good now she had gotten her reward for being such an obedient slave. If someone asked her what she had just done she did not know aside from the orgasm that had rocked her little submissive world. Part of her caught on a distant thread of thought, “was i like this always?? why am i doing these things?? i need help.” but then the ghost thought disappeared. And it made her giggle as she answered herself out loud, “i don’t care, i love this feeling and my Master. He will be so proud of me.”

As she continued to return to earth she looked at the classroom door. What she saw made her blush so deeply. The wood door with one 4 inch by 6 inch window in it. The window had so many faces trying to look into the classroom through such a small space to catch glimpse at what was going on. To see what made that moan. And why their teacher who was always such a Bitch had the door closed and was about to make them all late. The Bitch’s first rule was you will be on time to My class in your seat, book open, and ready to take notes before the late bell. If any of these items were not met you were asked to go to the office for being late and not ready for her class. And if that happened you were in detention. Too many detentions had put many of the students that played sports in danger of not being able play. This hit them were they lived because if you don’t play no scouts see you. No scouts limited the chances at getting a scholarship to collage. A chance many counted on. She got up and walked on shaky legs towards the door. her unrestrained breasts swaying as she moved. She grasped the door knob and turned it taking a large step back to avoid the flood of so many students bursting thru such a small opening in a rush to their seats. She then followed the path back to her desk. Legs more stable but her breast still swaying with each step. She was a sight to be seen. The class had gotten it to their positions as they were trained just as the late bell rang. Their trained attention was on their teacher amy but she was not what they were used too. She was a vision that some of the boys had imagined in their deepest wet dreams. And some of the girls had similar dreams of her.

amy taught as she did each day Monday thru Friday from her podium. Her lecture was very informative as always. But this lecture was very different. The whole class was very attentive. But their attention was not on the subject being instructed it was on trying to catch a glimpse at their teacher dressed so differently from normal. Some of the students had that smile that is hard to get rid of. Some girls who had boyfriends in the class were getting pissed at their boyfriends due to the looks on their faces and the lump in the pants. For some of the girls they knew they would use this little problem against them in the near future to their full advantage. As the period of instruction came to an end with the bell ringing. Many students moved slowly and oddly. Most were boys trying to cover lumps in their pants or wet spots. But most moved slowly to continue to look at their teacher who was very much out of character. amy had one thing in mind getting to the female teachers bathroom to get some relief. her next period was open so she could take her time and perhaps orgasm several times.