The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Captain Tommy’s Hot Ass Ho’s

Chapter 17—Vicki Vacuous

“You want some action, you go see Captain Tommy.”

It sounded stupid, Phil Franken had thought and it sounded even stupider when he found out who Captain Tommy was. How was some stupid carny going to get him laid.

But Alex was adamant. You want some action, you go see Captain Tommy. According to Alex, he’d already been there three times, and he was planning on going back again before the carnival left town.

What was this Captain Tommy, Phil wanted to know. Was he a pimp? Was he something like that.

“No-o-o-o,” was Alex’s answer. No, but with a generous amount of uncertainty. Alex didn’t think the carny was a pimp, but he wasn’t sure what he really was.

Maybe that’s what kept Phil away for as long as it did. The stories, Alex told, were fantastic in and of themselves. They were stories of women who came in the night but were gone in the morning. That certainly sounded like hookers and pimps to Phil but Alex assured him again that it was not.

But what if it was. Phil didn’t want to get involved in something illegal.

But Alex said it wasn’t but he couldn’t tell Phil what it was. All he could say was that the women came in the middle of the night.

Maybe it was an escort service, Phil told himself, but if it was, why couldn’t Alex say so.

Whatever it was, Phil decided, whatever it was, he’d come to the point where he didn’t much care what it was but whatever it was, he wanted to find out for himself. That’s what had him prowling the arcade looking for something that Alex couldn’t quite explain.

The only problem was he couldn’t seem to find the booth. It should be right here, he told himself. It should be right here.

But it wasn’t.

Maybe that was the secret, Phil thought. Maybe the secret was there wasn’t anything there at all. Maybe it was all just a joke played on gullible people like himself. Maybe that’s all it was.

Only, Alex had seemed so certain.

Of course, if he was gullible, then of course he’d think Alex was certain but he just didn’t think his friend would do that to him.

Of course, maybe that was a mark of just how gullible he really was.

Maybe he should go, he told himself. Chalk this one up to a lesson learned. Another nice guy who’s too gullible for his own good.

“Step right up, ladies and gentlemen. Step right up and see what wonders abound. Step right up and see what Captain Tommy has to offer you.”

Phil turned and there he was. Even if the man hadn’t said his name, he would have recognized the man from Alex’s description. He was an old man with an old, lined face. He wore an old, dark cowboy hat out of which flowed his old, white hair. But his voice was strong and when he looked at Phil, Phil could sense the vibrancy in his eyes. The man might have been old but that was only a chronological state. This was a man who knew how to live life.

The man looked at Phil. “How about you, son? You want to see what Captain Tommy has in store for you?”

Phil looked at the man and then he looked around him. Why did he feel like he was suddenly being tested. He took a step closer and then he took another. “Are you talking to me?”

The old man smiled. “I think I am,” the man said, “so how about it, son, are you up for something new?”

Phil took another step. “What exactly are you offering,” the man asked.

The carny smiled. “Why don’t you come over here and find out.”

Phil took another step and then another. He’d come this far, he told himself. He wanted to know. He was closing distance between himself and the man’s booth. “So,” he asked again, “what exactly are you offering?”

“Now, son, just between you and me, I think you already know why you’re here.”

“Yeah? And why do you think I’m here?”

The man smiled and he lowered his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “Son, I think you and I both know you want to get laid.”

Phil gasped. Was it that obvious? Get a grip on yourself, he told himself. It was just a lucky guess on the old man’s part. Heck, depending on what the man did, maybe it wasn’t just a guess. Maybe it was a logical conclusion. “Yeah, but what do you do,” Phil asked again.

“I help gents like you, for a fee, of course.”

“Yeah, but what do you do?”

“First, you give me twenty dollars. I let you see what I have. If you see something like, you can take it home with you, for a fee, of course.”


“Listen, son. It doesn’t get any simpler than that. You want to see what I have, you pay the money. You don’t want to see what I have, then walk away, don’t expect to come back later looking for a second chance.”

Phil wasn’t sure why but he had the feeling the man was playing straight with him. If he wanted to see what the man had, he was going to have to pay the twenty dollars and he was going to have to pay it now. Phil pulled his wallet from his pocket and he extracted a twenty-dollar bill. “You win,” he said even as he handed the money over.

The old man just looked at the money but then he shook his head. “No,” he said. “No. I don’t think so.”


“I don’t think so.”

“But why?”

“I don’t like your attitude. You got to want to do it and I just don’t sense you want it.”

“I want it.”

The old man shook his head. “Sorry. I’m not buying it.”

Phil wasn’t sure why but he could feel the anger building inside him. “Listen, I want to see what you got.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Listen,” Phil said. “I want to see what you got.”

The old man seemed to reconsider. “I don’t know,” the man said. “I’m usually a pretty good judge of character and I put a lot of stock in first impressions.”

“I want to see what you got,” Phil said again.

The old man smiled as he took the bill out of Phil’s hand. “I’m just playin’ with you, buddy,” he said. “So you want to see what I got.” He reached under the count and he pulled up a box. “Go ahead and feast your eyes on this.”

It was just a plain metal box, Phil thought. He’d paid twenty dollars to look at this. He turned the box around and opened the hasp. There’d better be something really good inside.

Black cloth covered the contents but when Phil pulled the cloth aside, he found a set of cards. One look was enough to know that these cards were not of a cheap variety. These cards had substance and quality and the colors were exquisite.

Wait a minute. For a moment, Phil thought he saw the image of the girl on top move, but that had to be a figment of his imagination.

He moved to another card. Man, he loved the names on those cards. The girls were naked and they were hot, but somehow, their names just sounded so fucking hot. Look at this one, he thought. Melanie Melons. Well hell. There was little doubt what that name was supposed to represent. Hell, the girl had a hold of her ample tits. That much was obvious.

And then there was this one. Vicki Vacuous. There was no doubt what that was supposed to represent either. Her face said it all.

Wait a minute!

The man stared at the girl’s picture. Her eyes had blinked and then her head had actually turned. What the fuck!

“See something you like, son?”

“Yes, I mean no. I mean, this picture—”

“It’s okay, son.”

“But this picture, I mean, it’s going to sound crazy, but this picture moved.”

“You know, that’s all well and good, but what you really have to ask yourself, son, is does it make your dick hard.”

“Yes, but—”

“No buts, son. If it makes your dick hard, then that’s the one you should buy. Anything else is just overthinking the problem.”


“I’m telling you. If it makes your dick hard, that’s the one you ought to get.”

Phil stared at the picture. She was a golden blond with short hair. He could see the lines of her slender neck and he could see the way they led to her firm, full breasts. It seemed as if she were playing with her tits just for him, her fingers pulling on her nipples, her ...

Wait a minute!

And yet he couldn’t take his eyes off her. “I’ll take this one,” he said.

The old man looked to see which one Phil was holding and for a moment if Phil had been looking at him, Phil might have seen something akin to sadness cross the old man’s features, but it was only there for a moment. “Vicki Vacuous,” the old man said. “A most excellent choice. That will be one hundred dollars.”

“For what?!”

“For the privilege of taking her home with you, of course.”

Phil had remembered Alex had said something about buying pictures but he was having a hard time remembering just what it was his friend had said. All he knew was he couldn’t take his eyes off of the blond with the full, young tits.

“You’re going to have to pay first before you can take her home with you.”

Phil hardly gave it another thought as he reached in his wallet and pulled out five more twenty-dollar bills.

The old man smiled as he took Phil’s money. “You have fun,” he told the man and with that he turned away to look for other customers.

Alex had told him it would go this way but Phil hadn’t believed it. Not even when he’d found Captain Tommy, even then he hadn’t believed it, but so far, everything was going just the way Alex had said it would.

Take it home. That’s what Alex had said. Take it home and let the girl come out.

Let the girl come out. What the hell did that mean? Oh sure, Phil knew what Alex said would happen, but he didn’t really believe that shit. Girls didn’t just come to life off of a card like that.

He took the card home and he put it on his table. He had half a mind to call Alex and ask him just what the hell he was supposed to do now but doing that would be admitting just how stupid he’d been so instead, he flipped on the TV.

Every once in a while, he’d pick the card up and he’d look at it again. Every time, it would get his dick hard all over again when he looked at the short-haired blond with the nice, round tits, but a picture on a card was a far cry from getting his cock fucked.

Somewhere along the way, Phil faded out.

He awoke to find a pair of lips kissing his own and a hand stroking its way over his chest. “What the hell,” the boy exclaimed and then he was pushing back. “Who the hell are you?”

The blond looked almost hurt as she pulled back just a little. “I’m Vicki Vacuous.”

Phil could see it now, now that the girl wasn’t pressed up against him. Same blond hair. Same full, round tits. “But ... but how?”

The girl looked confused. “I’m Vicki Vacuous.”

“I know that, but—”

“I’m Vicki Vacuous,” the girl said again.

Phil could feel the girl’s hand sliding down off his chest and down between his legs. “You’re not much of a talker, are you?”

“I’m Vicki Vacuous.”

“Yeah, I know. You told me that already, but I think I know what you really want. Why don’t you get my cock out of my pants.”

The blond flashed him a smile and then her hands gratefully worked the zipper on the front of the man’s pants. Her hand reached inside and it wrapped itself around Phil’s cock.

“Yeah, you like that, don’t you?”

“I’m Vicki Vacuous.”

The man grinned. “I get it. You’re not much into talking, are you. That’s okay. Just get my cock out of my pants.”

The girl pulled Phil’s cock out of his pants and she looked up expectantly at the man.

“So what are you going to do with that,” Phil asked.

“I’m Vicki Vacuous.”

“Yeah, yeah, I got it. Why don’t you just suck my cock.”

The blond just looked at the man. Her eyes blinked and then she was sliding her body down and letting her mouth slip down around Phil’s cock.

“Oh fuck,” the man groaned. “Oh fuck, yeah. Keep it up. Keep sucking me like that.”

The blond just kept sucking and the man groaned.

“Wait,” Phil said suddenly. “Wait. Stop.” He had to push the blond off of his cock. “I said wait,” he told the blond.

“I’m Vicki Vacuous.”

“Yeah, I know,” the man said, “but wouldn’t it work a whole lot better for you if I was naked, too?”

“I’m Vicki Vacuous.”

“Yeah right. Of course, you are.” He took the blond by the hand. “Come on,” he said. “Follow me.”

The man led the girl to his bedroom and rather quickly, he’d divested himself of his clothes and he’d hopped up onto his bed.

“Come here,” he said.

“I’m Vicki Vacuous.”

“Yeah, I know, but that’s old news. Get over here and suck my cock.”

The blond climbed up on the bed and then she was slipping between the man’s legs and once again, he felt her mouth sliding down around his cock.

“Oh fuck,” the man groaned. “Oh fuck.”

The girl just kept sucking.

Phil groaned again. As much as Alex had led him to believe that something like this could happen, he still hadn’t believed it. Even when he’d first seen the naked blond, even then, he hadn’t believed it, but now here he was with the blond sucking on his cock and there was no denying that it was actually happening.

“Oh my God,” the man moaned.

The girl didn’t stop. She just kept sucking.

“Oh my God. Oh fuck, I’m going to cum.”

And still the girl kept sucking.

The man groaned again and in the next instant, his cock surged inside the blond’s mouth. He just couldn’t help it. It happened.

If the blond was happy or sad, she showed no indication of it. In fact, she showed no indication of anything at all. She just kept sucking on Phil Franken’s cock.

And she was still sucking on it. Even after his cock was seemingly done, her mouth kept sucking on his cock and amazingly, his cock was responding to her. Amazingly, he could feel himself getting hard again.

And still, she kept sucking on his cock.

“Wait,” Phil moaned. “Wait. No more.”

Still, the blond sucked his cock.

He almost had to push her from his cock. “No,” he said again. “No more, please.”

The blond pulled back.

Phil Franken looked at her, sitting back and looking like she was just waiting to here whatever it was he wanted to do next. The man groaned. He could still feel the way his cock was resonating to the feel of his cock inside her mouth. “God damn,” he said, “you know what you are?”

“I’m Vickie Vacuous.”

Phil smiled. The girl sure did have a one-track mind. He shook his head. “That’s not what I had in mind. You’re one hell of a cock sucker,” he told the blond, “but that’s not exactly what I had in mind. I think you can be so much more than that.”

“I’m Vickie Vacuous.”

Phil grinned. “I know. Get over here,” he told the girl. “Get over here and lie down on the bed.”

The blond laid down on the bed.

Phil was up on his knees and looking down at the girl. “Now spread your legs for me.”

“Okay,” the blond said and with that, she spread her legs.

The man stroked his cock even as he slipped in between her legs. “Do you want me to fuck you,” the man asked.

“I’m Vickie Vacuous.”

Phil shook his head. “I know that,” he said. “Tell me you want me to fuck your pussy.”

“I want you to fuck my pussy.”

The man grinned. That really was all he wanted. He pressed his cock up against her little, hairless pussy and then he shoved his way up inside her. The man groaned. “Yeah, you like this, don’t you.”

“I’m Vickie Vacuous,” the girl said.

Whatever. The man drove his cock between her legs. It didn’t really matter whether she liked it or not. What mattered was how good it felt to feel his cock between her legs.

The girl moaned.

“Play with your tits,” the man told her.

The girl played with her tits.

“You know what I liked about you,” Phil said even as he stroked his cock in and out between her legs.

The girl shook her head.

“I liked the fact that you were blond. I liked your firm, young tits, but most of all, I liked the fact that you didn’t have a brain in your head. You know why that is?”

The girl shook her head and moaned as that cock continued to fuck her.

The man grinned even as his cock worked its way deeper inside that tight, little cunt. “I liked it because I wanted a girl who was willing to fuck and who wasn’t going to argue about what she wanted. That’s the kind of girl you are, isn’t it,” the man said. “You’re not going to argue with me, are you?”

The girl moaned. “I’m Vicki Vacuous.”

The man just grinned. “You know what? I was kind of hoping you’d say exactly that but why don’t you play with your tits for me.”

The blond played with her tits.

It wasn’t like Phil hadn’t noticed Vicki’s breasts before. In fact, they would have been nearly impossible to miss, but seeing her playing with her tits was giving him and even greater appreciation of them. “Fuck,” he groaned. “Fuck, do you like that? Do you like playing with your tits?”

“I’m Vicki Vacuous.”

Yeah right, the boy thought. He deserved that. A girl like her needed to be told what to do. “You like playing with your tits, don’t you? It makes you so hot to play with your tits.”

The girl moaned as her fingers played with her tits.

“Tell me you love to play with your tits.”

“I’m Vicki Vacuous,” the girl purred, “and I love playing with my tits, but I’d like it even more though if you were sliding your cock right here,” and as if to make sure Phil understood what exactly she was talking about, she pushed her tits together and she let a finger slide between them.

Phil hadn’t even asked her to say that but it was almost as if the girl seemed to read his mind. He pulled his cock out of her tight, little cunt and then he was sliding it up over her body. “You want this, do you?”

“Yes,” the girl pouted. “Between my tits. Fuck me please.”

The girl’s fingers diddled with her nipples even as she held her tits open for the man. Her blue eyes looked innocently devoid of thought as she watched him slide his cock between her breasts.

“Oh yes,” the girl moaned. “Oh yes. I’m Vicki Vacuous. I want you to fuck my tits.”

Phil groaned. Having the girl looking up at him, having that look of want in her eyes, feeling his cock slide between her tits, this by itself would have been worth the hundred dollars all by itself but now that he had her, now he realized there was one other thing he wanted just as much.

“No,” the girl moaned as the man pulled his cock from between her tits. “No. I want you to fuck my tits.”

“I know, but I want you to turn over.”

The girl grumbled at that but reluctantly, she turned herself over.

Phil stroked his hand over the girl’s butt. “Come on,” he told her, “let me get a better look at this.”

“I’m Vicki Vacuous.”

“I know you are, honey, but let me get a better look at that ass of yours.”

The blond scrunched herself up and suddenly her butt popped up off the covers.

For a moment, Phil was awestruck. The card had only shown her from the chest up and that had been enough to entice him but he’d always wondered what the girl’s butt had looked like. He’d always hoped that her butt at least matched the rest of the package. He’d never dared hope that her butt would be even better. He couldn’t help it. He grabbed the girl’s ass. It felt so perfectly round in his hands. “Do you like it when I do this?”

“I’m Vicki Vacuous.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know that, but do you like it when I put my hands on your ass?”

“I’m Vicki Vacuous.”

The man sighed. “I don’t care whether you like it or not. Just tell me you do.”

The blond moaned. “I love it when you touch my butt.”

Phil could feel his dick get even harder when the girl said that. He already knew what he was going to do. “Say it again,” he told the girl.

“I love it when you touch my butt.”

Phil knew he couldn’t hold back. He brought his cock forward and once again, he was shoving it up against the girl’s pussy. He shoved and he groaned. Oh fuck, he told himself. Oh fuck. It felt even better to do it this way.

“Unnhhh,” the girl moaned. “Unnhhh.”

The man entered her again and the girl groaned again. “Yeah, you like that, don’t you.”

“Unnhhh,” the girl groaned again.

Phil groaned. His friend was right. This was the way to go. He groaned again. He only wished it could keep going on and on and on.

But it wouldn’t. Even Phil knew that. He could feel the cum surging up out of his balls and as much as he wanted to make it last, he knew he also wanted to feel what it would feel like to cum in the blond’s hot, little cunt.

Phil woke up the next morning. It took him only a couple of seconds to realize that he was naked and only a couple seconds more to remember why he was naked in bed. It was the girl. It was Vicki. Damn, she’d been good.

Phil rolled over and there beside him was a body, a girl’s body, a blond’s body, Vicki’s body.

Phil shook his head. That wasn’t right. Alex said she’d be gone in the morning. That wasn’t right.

He gave the girl’s shoulder a push and the girl’s eyes opened. “Hello,” she said.

“What the ... who the heck are you?”

“I’m Vicki Vacuous.”

“Yeah but ... but why are you here?”

“I’m Vicki Vacuous.”

“But I thought you were supposed to be gone.”

“I’m V-v-vicki ... Vicki ... wait.”


“My name’s Sh-sharon. I’m ... I’m ... who are you?”

“My name’s Phil.”

The girl seemed to be a whole lot less dense than she’d seemed the day before. She noticed her nakedness and she noticed Phil’s. “Hold on,” she said. “What just ... oh my god ... you fucked me last night, didn’t you?”


“I remember. I ... oh god ... I remember.”

She might not have been as muddle-headed as she had been the day before, but she still had the short, blond hair and she still had the firm, young tits, and she still was able to get Phil’s dick hard all over again.

The girl noticed that Phil’s cock was getting hard. She reached out and she wrapped her hand around the man’s cock. “What’d you say your name was again?”

“My name’s Phil.”

“Well, Phil. How about you fuck me again, and then I got to get the heck out of here.”

* * *

They’d be moving on soon. Captain Tommy knew that and it couldn’t happen soon enough to suit him. Some places were easier than others but when people started to put two and two together, it was time to move on.

As was his daily habit, the old man pulled out his little metal box and he started to count. Twenty cards just like there were supposed to be. That was as it should be only now, one of them was blank that hadn’t been that way the day before.

That was also as it should be. He didn’t have to search through the cards to know which one was missing. He already knew. It was Vicki’s time. He just hoped she enjoyed the rest of her life.