The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Disclaimer: This story will contain some adult content as well as some moments of intense violence. No one under 18 is to read please. The management.

Part (3 of 3) The Ultimate C·A·T· Fight

Cat ran through town towards Mini Mountain. She was happy to meet up with Brad.

She reach the Rocky Outcropping portion of Mini Mountain.

“Brad! Brad?! Where are you? Come out. Come out wherever you are.”

“Looking for this?” Cat looked up and saw E-CAT holding Brad by the back of his shirt so he dangled like a shopping bag. She then threw the sleeping Brad towards Cat. He hit the ground and actually bounced then rolled to a stop.

“What did you do to him you sadistic psycho bitch?!”

“Nothing to permanently damaging.”

“Let me guess the military has sent you as a last resort to bring me back. Right?” E-CAT simply started laughing.

“What’s so funny?”

“You really think I’m taking orders from them. Ha. In case you haven’t noticed CAT we’re gods among men. And I intend to rule them as one. And the only thing standing in my way is you Miss Goody-Two shoes.”

“So you plan to enslave mankind. And I’m the only thing standing in your way huh? Well I won’t let you.”

“Enough idle talk. Prepare for battle.”

The two girls charged at each other. Cat punched at E-CAT’s chest but she quickly blocked the punch and countered with an uppercut to Cat’s face.

The girls lept back and at the same time said “Pyro Blast” Beams of energy shot from both girls’ palms and the two beams connected with each other resulting in a huge explosion. Flinging E-CAT into the mountain side and Cat over the edge of the outcropping. Cat was able to grab the edge of the outcropping and pull herself back up.

Once back on firm ground Cat jumped into the air pointed her foot so she’d be able to do a dive bombing kick to E-CAT.

E-CAT saw this and crossed her arms over her head and braced for impact. Cat however landed behind E-CAT and with all her might karate chopped at each of E-CAT shoulders severing her arms.

“You bitch.” E-CAT said. She then screamed in pain as the bloodied stumps where her arms used to be pulsated and two new arms burst out. “I guess I’m armed and dangerous again.” E-CAT ran forward and punched Cat several times. Cat made several attempts to block E-CAT’s blows but she just wasn’t fast enough.

Cat fell to the ground after the barrage of punches. She saw a large rock on the ground and flung it at E-CAT. E-CAT pyro blasted the rock to pieces but Cat emerged from the smoke and delivered several punches to E-CAT face.

E-CAT grabbed one of Cat’s fists when she tried to punch her again and said “Pyro blast” Both of their hands exploded from the attack.

“Smart. Real smart huh E-CAT” Cat said panting and letting her hand regenerate.

The two girls charged at each other again. Both punched at each other and simultaneously hit each other in the face. E-CAT recovered faster and attacked Cat with another barrage of punches. Cat made a vain attempt to block them but E-CAT was just too fast for her.

“Ha I thought you’d be my only challenge in taking over this pathetic planet. But you’re just a weakling.” E-CAT said. “Oh and another thing. Pyro blast”

The energy blast shot right through Cat’s shoulder.

“Aaaah.” Cat exclaimed examining the gaping hole in her shoulder. Cat momentarily let her guard down to let the wound heal but when she looked up E-CAT was right on top of her.

E-CAT punched Cat hard in the stomach knocking the wind out of her. Cat fell to her knees gasping for breath. E-CAT grabbed Cat by her long black her and pulled her over her shoulder by it.

“Good bye CAT” She said. E-CAT then flung Cat by her hair like a baseball into the air. When Cat had flown a good distance away she held out both her palms and said “Double Pyro Blast!” Beams of energy came from both her palms and went directly for Cat. They exploded on impact. When the smoke cleared Cat was gone.

“Good riddance to bad rubbish.” E-CAT said. “Now the only thing left to do is enslave 7 billion people. Which may prove easier then I think if my powers can travel through the air waves.”

“You’ll have to fight all us if you’re going to enslave us.” Someone said. It was followed by a chorus of “Ya”s. A rock then hit E-CAT on the back of the head.

E-CAT looked up and saw a majority of Quad had positioned them selves on an area above the Rocky Outcropping. They had been attracted by the explosions that occurred during E-CAT and Cat’s fight.

The remaining South Street Sharks were at the front of the angry mob. “You murdering bitch take this.” they said. Everyone started throwing rocks and trash and whatever else they could find.

“Annoying pests. You’ll make fine court jesters for the new queen of the world” E-CAT said reaching for her sunglasses. But a blast of energy shot through her chest.

She turned around and let her wound heal “Who did that?”

“I did” Cat said reappearing in front of her. Her cloths were torn and blood ran down her face. Her long black hair that normally laid flat appeared to be blown upward by an unseen wind. And she looked royally PISSED OFF.

“Why won’t you just stay dead?” E-CAT said.

Cat started laughing. “What’s so funny? I kicked the crap out of you before and I’ll do it again.” E-CAT said.

“I don’t think so. For you see Dr. Zion was afraid this might happen. You turning evil and having some sort of dream of mad conquest. So he gave me one ability you’ll never have. I like to call it Evolution.”


Cat removed her sunglasses and energy began to crackle around her like lightning. Cat started screaming in pain. Her muscles doubled in size. Her eyes were no longer spiraling but normal and blood red. And her hair was now a silverish grey spiked out an random directions.

“Some ability. All you did was get a freaky new hairdo and judging by your eyes you’ve lost one of your main abilities.”

“I may no longer be able to hypnotize people but I’ve gotten so many new talents. Like this for example.” Cat held out her hand and bent her fingers at the knuckle. “Scatter blast.” Small balls of energy shot from her finger tips in various directions towards E-CAT.

‘Their movement is too erratic. I can’t dodge them.’ E-CAT thought and braced herself for the attack. All ten energy balls connected with their target and exploded.

Cat looked at the resulting cloud of smoke. “I know you’re still in there. Those weren’t nearly strong enough to defeat you.”

E-CAT charged from the smoke punched Cat in the stomach. To her dismay it had no effect what-so-ever. Cat quickly grabbed her hand and began to squeeze it hard.

E-CAT screamed in pain as the bones in her hand began to crack. “Give up! NOW! I’m stronger then you’ll ever be.” Cat shouted.

“Never. Now die insect.” E-CAT put her hand inches from Cat’s face. “Pyro blast.” The blast hit Cat’s face and exploded knocking E-CAT free from her grip.

“Let’s see you survive that bitch.” E-CAT said laughing. But when the smoke cleared Cat was still there unscathed. “No way.” Cat’s image dissipated. ‘Oh crap she’s on the move and going much faster then I can at top speed. I can’t track her movements.’ E-CAT thought.

Cat appeared in front of her and let loose a barrage of punches. This time around it was E-CAT who couldn’t block the blows.

E-CAT ran away a short distance. “Now here’s another new technique.” Cat said. she pressed her two thumbs and index fingers together making a triangle, and shouted. “Arctic wind.” A cold wind full of snow and ice blew towards E-CAT encasing all of her body but her head in a shell of ice.

Cat walked up to her. “I’m going to slap some sense into you.” Cat slapped E-CAT across the face as many times as she could before the ice melted.

“You bitch. I’ll make you pay.” E-CAT said. She punched at Cat repeatedly. Cat was able to block each blow using only her middle finger.

“Enough” Cat said and punched E-CAT in the stomach so hard she flew backwards about five feet. “I’ve had about all I can stand out of you E-CAT. I’ve given you several chances to give up your fruitless attempts to defeat me. But now you’ve driven me to something I really hate to do. Killing.” Cat clutched her hand in a half-fist “Bio-Bomb.” She said and a ball of energy formed in her hand. Several spikes of energy dotted its surface. Cat then threw the Bio-Bomb at E-CAT. It stuck in E-CAT’s shoulder.

E-CAT made a vain attempt to remove and then said. “You bitch. Take this thing off me right now.”

“You have ten seconds left to live E-CAT I suggest you use them wisely.” Cat said.

“Damn. Damn You.... Wait I get it this is a joke. You hate killing people. You’re so nice and pure hearted you wouldn’t even kill your greatest enemy.”

“Nope I’m serious. Five seconds.”

“Oh crap. Come on Cat. PLEASE CAT. I DON’T WANT TO DIE. I WOULDN’T HAVE REALLY ENSLAVED HUMANITY! PLEA...” The Bio-Bomb went off in a huge fiery explosion. When the dust settled there was no trace of E-CAT left only a gaping crater.

Cat exhaled deeply and returned to her normal state, and put on her sunglasses. She then heard the sound of one person clapping.

She turned around and saw Brad had woken up and was applauding her. Then the people gathered on the cliff side above erupted in applause and screams, shouts and whistles. Cat couldn’t be happier.

Epilogue: The Aftermath

The people quickly accepted their unique new resident after she had saved the earth from enslavement.

All the victims of E-CAT’s hypnotic control returned to normal after she was destroyed. And Cat returned Mange to normal.

The military has denied the existence of Project CAT, and has given up any hope of retrieving their hypnotic super solider.

Cat is now enjoying a normal life again, spending time with new friends and at high school.

She was last spotted at the prom in the company of Brad.

The End