The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Aphrodoritol 20mg

Chapter 3 — Babysitter Gets a Ride

A sense of calmness had fallen over the house. Its young inhabitants now fast asleep, the only testaments to life that could be heard were the faint slushing of the dishwasher and the steady tick-tock of the grandfather clock in the foyer. The sun had long since set, and inside, the only light to be found emanated from the 19-year-old’s phone as she rested on the living room sofa.

“I want to see you so bad”

“Not as bad as I want to see you”

“Hey, when you get back on campus do you want to come over to my dorm room? Jeremy went home for the weekend and I was thinking we could maybe binge watch a show or something.”

“That’d be nice, but don’t think you’ll be getting all handsy or anything. You know I’m not that kind of girl”

“I’ll be a gentleman, I swear.”

“Oh hey, I think they’re here. I’ll call you when I get back on campus.”


Tiffany texted her boyfriend a heart emoji as a pair of headlight beams came to shine through the living room window. She slipped the phone into her purse and popped another handful of popcorn in her mouth, then climbed off the couch to greet the couple making their way towards the front door.

“Hi guys!” Tiffany cheerfully greeted the pair as they came through the front door. “How was date night?”

“Oh, pretty good I guess,” Glen offered first, returning her smile before turning to look at his wife. “What do you think hon?”

“What do I think?” Mae purred, placing her well-manicured hand on her husband’s chest. “I think if that was pretty good, then great would kill me.” With that, Mae leaned in and gave her husband a deep kiss.

“Ew, gross!” Tiffany snickered, mock-covering her eyes.

“Yeah, gross!” Glen bantered with his wife.

“Hey,” Mae giggled, “she’s an adult now. Besides, that was nothing compared to the show I put on for that cute waitress who kept flirting with you.” Tiffany groaned, cupping her hands over her ears.

“OMG.” Tiffany whined. “Seriously Mae, TMI. Help me out Glen!”

“Oh no. Don’t drag me into this,” Glen protested, heading toward the kitchen. “I’m grabbing a snack. Honey, pay your sister.”

“Okay stud. I’m going to shower and I’ll meet you upstairs,” Mae replied. She made a gesture like taking a pill as she added “You better grab one of those—ehem—while you’re in there. I’m ready to get freaky and lose control!”

Tiffany groaned a second time. The last thing she wanted was for her big sister to start a conversation with Glen about his Viagra in front of her. Thankfully, Glen didn’t say anything and rounded the corner into the kitchen. Mae turned on her heels to face her younger sister.

“Okay girlie, how much do I owe ya tonight?”

“Well, 6:30 to 11:30 would be $60 for the babysitting. I’ll knock off $10 because my nephews are the cutest five-week-olds ever, but I’m adding $20 for your gross kissy talk just now,” Tiffany quipped. “So that’s what, 70 bucks?” Mae chuckled at her sister’s comment.

“More than fair for all the fun we had tonight.” Mae reached into her deep cut cleavage, pulled out a wad of bills, and counted out $80. “I’ll toss in another ten bucks for all the ‘kissy talk’. I’m just excited. It’s the first night since the twins came that Glen can hop back in the saddle, if you know what I mean.” Mae gave her a wink, and without her brother-in-law nearby to be embarrassed in front of, Tiffany shared a giggle with her sister.

The girls said their goodbyes, and as she pulled the front door shut behind her, Tiffany overheard Mae remind her husband that she’d be in the shower. Flopping down into the driver’s seat of her beat up hatchback, she fished her keys out from her purse, popped them into the ignition, and with a turn of the switch… nothing.

“Shit.” She tried it again, but the engine wouldn’t turn over. After a couple more unsuccessful attempts to get her car going, she gave up and found herself knocking on his sister’s front door

“Oh hey Tiff, what’s up?” Glen asked as he opened the door. She explained what was going on with her vehicle, and Glen thought he could get it going. He slipped on his shoes and headed towards his younger sister-in-law’s car.

“Try it now” he called from under the hood while checking the time on his phone. Tiffany turned the key, encountering nothing but silence. This whole process repeated a few more times. Glen would try something. He’d check the time. Tiffany would try the ignition. The car wouldn’t start. Finally with a sigh of resignation and another look at his clock, Glen threw in the towel.

“Sorry Tiff, I tried everything I know to do, I think you’re going to have to bring her into a shop tomorrow.”

“Dammit,” the college student cursed under her breath before addressing Glen. “So what’s the plan? Could I sleep on you guys’ couch tonight and I’ll call a tow truck tomorrow?” From the worry in his eyes, Tiffany knew the answer before he spoke.

“Uhm, well, uh, I don’t know if that’d be safe,” Glen stuttered. Tiffany raised an eyebrow at his statement as he continued. “How about you just take our car and bring it back tomorrow morning before I have to head to work?”

“That would be great, except I can’t drive a stick shift,” Tiffany reminded him.

Glen’s next idea was to call her a cab. As he talked to the dispatcher his face fell, and after ending the call Glen informed Tiffany that it’d be an hour before a cab was free. Tiffany checked a couple ride share apps, only to strike out there too.

“So should I just get a cab and hang out here until th—”

“No no, I don’t think that’s a good idea either,” Glen shot back. “Say, how far is the campus from here?”

“Not too far, maybe ten minutes,” Tiffany offered.

Glen checked the time yet again.

“Okay, yeah, yeah, It’ll be close but I think that would work,” Glen mumbled to himself. Addressing Tiffany he said “Listen, I can give you a ride, but we’ve got to leave right now. Cool?”

“My savior!” Tiffany joked, giving Glen a quick hug. She gathered up her purse while he slammed the hood, and a moment later they were on their way towards the university.

For the first half of the ride, everything seemed pretty normal. Glen and Tiffany chatted about college life, being a new parent to twins, and various other small talk. Then all of a sudden Glen got really quiet.

“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck,” he muttered under his breath.

“Glen. What’s wrong?” Tiffany asked, concerned for her sister’s husband.

“It’s uh, it’s nothing Tiff. It’s just that my mouth is super dry. Hey, there’s a water bottle in the glovebox. Could you pass that over here?” Tiffany pulled out the water bottle, and was fairly impressed when he managed to down its contents in a single gulp. After draining the water bottle, Glen drove in relative silence, his eyes wide and knuckles white on the steering wheel.

Thanks to a couple traffic lights, it took a little longer than usual to get down near the university, and Tiffany was starting to get worried about Glen. She couldn’t quite make it all out, but it sounded like he’d said something about thinking he had more time than this. As they approached the turn leading onto the campus, Glen had gone totally silent. He also wasn’t slowing down to turn.

“Hey Glen, this is the turn up here. Glen, slow down. Glen!” Completely ignoring Tiffany’s instructions, Glen maintained his speed, passing the street leading onto the campus.

TIffany felt her heart begin to race as she repeatedly asked Glen what he was doing. Glen briefly gave her an almost predatory glance, but didn’t reply as he turned back to the road and kept on driving. Tiffany squirmed in her seat, thinking this was definitely out of character for her sweet, happy-go-lucky brother-in-law who was almost famous for his gentle nature.

At long last, Glen started slowing down. Tiffany exhaled, hopeful that he was getting ready to turn back to campus. Instead of making a U-turn though, Glen directed his car into a dimly lit dead-end alley situated between a couple long-vacated warehouses. Something was wrong. This wasn’t the Glen that Tiffany knew. Her heart was ready to beat out of her chest as he brought the car to a stop inches from the wall at the end of the alley. Illuminated by the dashboard and the headlight beams bouncing off the wall in front of them, the girl was sure she saw a lustful look in his eyes as he turned towards her.

“Glen, what are we doing here? We passed the campus like a mile ago.” Tiffany’s voice shook as she spoke. “I’m kinda getting freaked out.”.

“Tiffany,” Glen began. As soon as he spoke her name, she couldn’t help but pick up on an overpowering smell almost akin to honey. “Be calm. You don’t have to be afraid. You know I’m a good guy.”

Initially Tiffany wasn’t sure about that. What good guy practically kidnaps his own sister-in-law and brings her to a creepy back alley? Then again, aside from this moment, he’s always been so kind to her. Everyone always talks about how sweet he is. Even during the years when Mae treated him like garbage he still doted on her. No, Glen really is a good guy. Realizing she’d been panicking for no reason, she let out a sigh of relief.

“Well, of course Glen,” Tiffany confirmed as she felt her conviction of his goodness still growing. “You’re one of the best.”

“That’s good to hear. Listen, I’ve had some things I’ve needed to get off my chest for a while, stuff that most people just wouldn’t believe. Since it’s already too late for me to stop this, I might as well get it all out with you. Whatever I say is okay with you. You’ll believe what I tell you, and you won’t judge me for it. Oh, also, if I ask you to do anything, you’ll be happy to do it for me. Does that sound fair?”

Tiffany gave his instructions a lot of thought. Could she really be okay with this? Being happy to do anything he asked seemed like a big request. She could almost hear a small voice inside her warning of danger, but she wasn’t going to panic. This is Glen. He’s a good guy. With that, her concern melted away.

“Sounds good to me,” Tiffany responded, smiling kindly at her sister’s husband.

“Okay, it’s a lot to unpack. It started about a year ago when I bought some pills. Things with your sister weren’t so good at the time, and I was looking for a way to fix our relationship.” Glen paused, looking at her full, firm breasts in the dim light. “You know, would you mind taking off your shirt for me?

“I guess not.” Tiffany furrowed her brow a little. Something didn’t feel quite right about what Glen had asked her for a moment, but she quickly realized she was happy to comply and her concern passed. As he resumed speaking, Tiffany unbuttoned her blouse and pulled it off, revealing a deep pink bra underneath.

“Thank you. So, by the time the pills arrived, I had decided they were too dangerous. I was going to toss them out. Then we had this huge fight. I don’t know if you ever noticed, but Mae used to be pretty coldhearted towards me at times. I just couldn’t take it anymore.” Tiffany could see the pain in Glen’s face as he relived the memory.

“Yeah. I know,” the girl replied as Glen eyed her lacy bra, “I hate to admit it, but it was kind of the open secret of the family. I love her to death, but Mae always was a bit of an ice queen. I was so glad when she told me you guys started going to that marriage counselor. That guy was a miracle worker.”

Tiffany thought back to her sister’s transformation a year earlier. Prior to getting help, Mae always seemed upset with Glen over something. She said she loved him, but couldn’t help herself from pointing out all his flaws. Then she and Glen started going to marriage counseling and practically overnight her entire demeanor changed. Suddenly Mae didn’t have a care in the world. She doted on her husband. She even traded in her frumpy clothes for a whole new sexier wardrobe so she could ‘look nice for Glen’. Tiffany wouldn’t have believed it if she hadn’t seen it.

“That’s just it,” Glen continued. “That wasn’t really a marriage counselor, Tiff. I did all of that to Mae, using the pills.” Tiffany arched an eyebrow.

“Wow, really?” Tiffany believed him of course. She was just impressed that these pills of his could do that.

“Really. After the fight, I said ‘screw it’ and decided to take one of them. The results were…dramatic. I wasn’t prepared for it, and I fucked up. See, these things let you change people in any way you want, and the person you’re changing can’t stop it from happening. On that topic, would you please take off your bra?”

Tiffany wasn’t really sure how taking off her bra was on the same topic as Glen’s pills. Still, he was a good guy and she was happy to do anything he asked, so as he continued telling his story she reached behind her back and unhooked her bra to take it off.

“Anyway,” Glen went on, “what I didn’t realize at the time was that the pills also—oh God, those are beautiful.” As her bra fell to the floorboard exposing her tits, Tiffany couldn’t help but blush at Glen’s compliment.

“Um, thanks,” she replied to his stare. She was okay with everything Glen said, but she definitely felt a little embarrassed as he ogled her in the dimly lit vehicle. “So, you were saying?”

“Right, right. So I can change others when I take the pill, but what I didn’t know was that it would also change me. For as long as it’s working, it makes me some sort of total horndog with an almost overwhelming urge to dominate and fuck whoever I’m with. That part happens every time I take the pill, but the first couple times I took it, I just absolutely lost control. It was like I was possessed. I did some awful things that I’m not proud of Tiff. I made Mae pay for those first five years of marriage where she was always belittling me by slowly turning her into a human sex toy. She begged and pleaded for me to stop the whole time, but piece by piece, I destroyed who she had been. What I did haunts me to this day Tiff. No matter how she treated me over the years, it was wrong for me to repay her like that, and once the pill wore off I was mortified at what I’d done.”

The topless girl felt tears of sympathy well up in her eyes. Glen is such a good guy. She couldn’t judge him. It was a difficult time in his life.

“Oh Glen,” she said, patting him on the leg. “We all make mistakes. It’s okay. What happened next?” Glen’s eyes met hers before he looked down to her exposed breasts in the dim light, and then looked back at her face with a warm smile.

“Thanks Tiff, you’re so sweet. Hey, could you slide over here so I can feel up your tits while we talk?”

Tiff took a second to think before she slid across the bench seat and leaned on Glen as he put his arm around her shoulder, reaching down to fondle her tits. Some part of her realized that this was definitely odd—she’d never even let her boyfriend grope her like this. But hey, Glen’s a good guy and she’s always happy to do whatever he asks, so it’s all good. She let out a gentle sigh as he gave one of her breasts a squeeze, and Glen returned to his story.

“After that first dose, I had transformed your sister into a cock-crazy slut on the outside, who was still the old Mae on the inside. If I’d have let her leave the house, she would have spent the rest of her life out there begging any man she could find to take her in every one of her holes. The kinkier and more degrading it was, the more she would have begged for it. All the while her old self was trapped inside her body and forced to watch. Like I said, I fucked up. I knew I had to do something.” As she listened to the story, Tiffany accidentally interrupted Glen, letting out a low moan as she found herself getting turned on as Glen’s fingers toyed with her nipple.

“Sorry about that Glen. What happened next?”

“No worries Tiff. Hey, do you think you could pull out my cock and stroke me a bit?

Tiffany wasn’t sure she wanted to do that. She’d seen a few dicks, mostly from idiot boys sending her pics on social media, but she’d never actually touched one before. She knew she should be happy to do it—this was Glen, after all—but she honestly didn’t know where to begin.

“Um, I mean, I can try,” she started as she leaned over him to start pulling off his pants, “but, Um, can I make my own confession?” Glen nodded and she continued.

“The thing is that, I’ve never, um, wow,” Glen’s pants and boxers slid to the floor, exposing Tiffany to her first real cock. “I’ve never actually touched a boy’s, you know.” Glen smiled at her innocence.

“It’s called a cock, Tiff. Don’t worry, it’s hard to mess up. Just lean back against me like you were. That’s right. Now hold it in your hand. Don’t squeeze too hard, but you don’t want to be too gentle either. Yeah, that feels nice. Okay, not slowly stroke back and forth. Yeah, hmmm, that feels good. Go nice and slow. I want to take my time with you.”

Tiffany kept stroking Glen slowly and couldn’t help but shake a feeling that something was off. Not enough to panic her—she knew she didn’t need to panic. Still, it was a little strange she’d do this with her brother-in-law when it was strictly off limits with her boyfriend. Glen continued on his story.

“So, after I completely fucked Mae’s mind with the first pill,I tried to fix things by taking another pill. Long story short, It took me four doses before I could control myself enough to turn her into what she is now: a genuinely loving, devoted wife who wants to be sexy for her husband and desires kids as much as I do. Kids are amazing, Tiff. You want to be pregnant and have your own kids pretty badly.”

As she thought, she realized that he was right. She did want to have her own babies. And she wanted it badly. As she considered how cute she’d be with a baby bump or raising little twins like Mae and Glen, a part of her decided she really needed to get going on this.

“Anyway, I’m getting off track,” Glen went on as Tiffany continued stroking him. “While I was fixing her, I really hated how changing Mae would scare her so much at first. I’m a nice guy, I don’t do terror. So I hacked the system. I started out by telling her not to panic and to be happy to do anything I asked, just like I did with you.” Tiffany gave him a look.

“So you’re controlling me?” Tiffany asked.

“Sweetie, I’m playing with your tits while you stroke my cock. Think about it.” Tiffany did think about it, and found herself nodding in realization. She wasn’t panicked by it—there was no need to panic—but still, it was shocking to realize she was under Glen’s control..

“This worked out perfectly for us,” The husband and dad went on. “I could get out some of my horndoggedness, and she was totally fine with it. I decided I wanted to use the pills more often, so I even made her love the idea of me controlling her. You love the idea of me controlling you too, Tiff. It gets you all turned on.”

Tiffany found herself agreeing with her brother-in-law. She really did love it, growing even more turned on than she’d been earlier. Just thinking about how he was controlling her right now made her groan in delight. Glen checked out his wife’s hot young sister’s body before going on.

“I really think you should get naked girl. I’m going to finger your pussy while I finish this confession, and then I’m going to control you like you’ve never been controlled before.”

Tiffany moaned in delight at the thought, and quickly shed her clothes, returning to Glen’s side. He slid a finger along her pussy lips, making her shudder.

“Of course,” Glen went on, “I couldn’t help but make a few fun changes to Mae. Suddenly, she loves whatever I love, and if I want to roleplay something with her, she’ll truly want it as much as I do. That’s why I said it wasn’t safe to stay at our house earlier, Tiff. See, for the last couple years, I’ve wanted you pretty bad. So when I told the new and improved Mae about my fantasy of fucking you, she wanted me to have you. We spent so many nights fucking each other’s brains out where Mae would pretend to be you.” Glen found Tiffany’s clit and began working it as he continued on, making her sigh in ecstasy.

“I knew with the drug in my system, if you were anywhere on the property I would have taken you then and there. I hoped I could get you to campus before it kicked in, but I’m kinda glad I didn’t, because now you belong to me, just like your big sister.”

“I’m, oh, hmmm, I’m sooo glad too.” Tiffany groaned out. Glen picked up his pace on her clit, and before long Tiffany found herself bucking in her first orgasm from a man as she enjoyed the thought of being Glen’s personal plaything.

The rest of the night went by in a smoldering hot blur of passion. It was a night of firsts for Tiffany. After giving her first handjob, Glen taught her how to give her first blowjob, and thanks to a few of his suggestions, she decided that she loved them. As Glen gave her instructions, she learned what worked and what didn’t, and made a mental note to ask her older sister for some pointers later.

It was also her first fuck. Lowering herself onto him in the dimly lit alleyway, she cried in pleasure as Glen pushed into her for the first time, taking her virginity. After resting on his hardness for a moment, she slowly began pumping her body up and down. Glen grabbed her tits and told her how much she loved being his fucktoy, and she knew it was true. As her bouncing on Glen grew faster and more desperate, she moaned his name, fully realizing that she’d need him inside of her all the time from now on.

Once they both arrived back at the house, it was even the night of her first lesbian sex. At first she wasn’t too sure about it, but after Glen explained things, Tiffany’s eyes were opened to just how fuckable her sister was. As their naked bodies pressed together and their lips met in passion, Tiffany had to admit that Mae was fucking sexy. Moments later, Tiffany found herself falling in love with the taste of pussy, eating out her big sister while Glen stuffer her needy cunt with his cock. As for Mae, she discovered that Tiffany was even more fun than the waitress she got to play with after Glen had popped a pill earlier in the evening.

Sometime after 3am, Tiffany finally fell asleep, her arms still wrapped around her naked sister as her pussy leaked Glen’s cum. Mae let out a sigh of delight. As she slowly drifted to sleep next to Tiffany, she couldn’t help but smile at how wonderfully the night ended, and all it took was sabotaging her little sister’s car.