The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive



Author’s note: This will be an ongoing story, but each individual title will take place independently of the others. There may be occasional overlap of characters, but mostly these will be a collection of unique stories. Enjoy!

Aly grinned as she looked in the mirror at her specially ordered t-shirt for the local Pride festival. ALY THE ALLY it stated in bold rainbow letters against a lovely royal blue background. Seemed perfect for the event, even if it did risk giving strangers the opportunity to suss out her first name without any effort. Heck she figured, if you couldn’t be open about your name at a Pride event then there was just no place safe left in this world.

She also loved the fit if she was honest. While her B cup breasts were modest, they were an enticing tear drop shape and as perky as the happiest cheerleader from her Community College. While sex hadn’t been much of a factor in her life since she and Max broke up six months ago, she still liked the feel of people’s gaze on her lithe frame, broken only by the absolute J.Lo sized ass she ported around with her every day.

For that she wore her usual choice of tight workout leggings, although given how much she expected to be sweating today she choose for a dark navy blue instead of the light gray she tended to enjoy using to draw men’s stares in her day to day. It was all for just a bit of fun, and if it got her worked up enough to enjoy some quality time with herself later, a menage a mois as she liked to think of it, then so much the better.

Even though she wouldn’t be looking for any significant interest today since lesbians tended to take off once she made clear she was straight as an arrow, the gay men did tend to be as handsy as a drunk frat boy without any of the risk, so she was fine with making sure she was prepped to showcase her wares.

A quick application of some light makeup to give that subtle glow without looking done up and she was out the door. Skipping lightly with anticipation she bumped straight into her poor neighbor Steve and tumbled to the floor with him taking the brunt of her relatively insignificant weight as she fell backwards on top of him. Struggling to get up she giggled a bit internally as she noted that they were basically in a clothed reverse cowgirl.

As she started to get up, her hands went to his thighs, and she could have sworn she heard a quiet groan from Steve as her ass pressed innocently into his stirring crotch. How flattering she thought. Even though Steve was far too much of a gamer boy nerd to really float her boat, she was sure she could feel a not insignificant joystick stir in his pants.

“Help me up will you,” Aly asked him.

“How exactly?”

“You know, just push,” she grinned as she looked over her shoulder at him and shook her tush a little. “It’s just a butt. Now come on, push.”

Steve looked about like he was expecting someone to come out and announce the prank, or his arrest, but as they were clearly alone in the hallway he sighed, placed his hands on her ample cheeks and provided support as she squirmed her way up and off of his prone body. She had to admit that the feel of his strong hands (gamers!) sinking into the malleable flesh of her backside left her with a pleasant warmth.

However, she had places to be and Steve, while cute, just wasn’t her type.

“Thanks Steve!” Aly reached down and offered him a hand. He took it and leapt nimbly to his feet.

“Anytime,” he grinned back sheepishly. “Hey, I love your shirt. I was going to go to Pride but my guild has a raid today and I’m the only tank who can stay alive long enough to do any real damage.”

“Your what has a what today?”

“Nothing,” Steve mumbled sheepishly. “Have a nice time today.”

“Thanks. Good luck with your thing!”

With that Aly bounced off into the day while Steve sat and watched the ass he had just been palms deep in disappear. He sighed, not for the first time in his life, over the fact that he had absolutely no game other than the ones he loved to play online.

The Pride event had been nothing short of outstanding. Aly had been playfully groped by both queens and drag queens, had a couple of lesbians take a shot at getting her to switch teams, or even pinch hit, and her t-shirt had been a huge hit. She had a number of invites to parties that promised to be psychedelic, music infused dreamscapes, and a couple of possible gay bff’s pursuing her like a chiffon gown.

The one and only thing that kind of caused her beaming smile to dim in the least was that some dude in all black had been hovering around the periphery of her activity for the last half hour or so. Despite the occasion it felt like he was a looky-loo there to enjoy some of the public displays of female on female affection in this demonstrably unembarrassable crowd and she knew it was just a matter of time before he decided to…

“Interesting shirt,” said the voice from behind her.

Aly rolled her eyes then turned around with a wide smile, cursing that she hadn’t followed her instinct to get out of there about 5 minutes ago. As she expected, it was the dude who had been casing her. He was tastefully dressed despite the inappropriate color and was speaking from a respectful distance. She quickly sized him up as likely to annoy, but non-threatening.

“Thanks,” Aly beamed with a wide fake smile. Anything to get this over with as quickly as possible. “I had it custom ordered.”

“Obviously,” he dismissed. “But I find the sentiment interesting, not the production history.”

Oh, so he was one of those. Overly impressed with his own opinions and word play. Well, that was easy to enough to deal with. It’s not like she lacked for experience with this type.

“Ok, so thanks for the chat. I’m heading out with my friends now though so…”

“What I find interesting,” he interrupted as she was turning from him, “is that it makes no claim as to an ally of what? Are you simply a free ranging ally of everything?”

Now Aly was getting irritated. She knew she shouldn’t rise to the bait but sometimes these idiots made it so she couldn’t help herself.

“Are you trying to tell me you’ve got quips but can’t figure out what the shirt’s message is through context clues, genius?” Aly gestured around at the Pride festivities in full swing.

“So you’re an ally of everyone and everything here today. I mean statistically this crowd is going to be full of just as many domestic abusers, drug addicts, murders and rude people as any other crowd. Should the context clues cause me to surmise that you support all those things?”

Aly decided this wasn’t going in a direction she wanted to engage in and was just about to turn and walk away without giving him the dignity of a response when the stranger took off his sunglasses. It was for the briefest of moments, just a quick Tom Cruise on the Risky Business poster kind of thing, but she found herself struck. Did he have little glistening whirlpools for eyes instead of pupils?

“Your eyes,” she stammered. “What’s wrong with your eyes?”

“How very Rosemary’s Baby of you dear. But forget about my eyes and answer my question.”

Fine she thought. Clearly she had a bit too much sun today, but she might as well answer his question before disappearing into the crowd.

“Of course not. I just meant that I’m obviously an LGBTQ ally. I would think that would be obvious.”

“Not really. This community is no more of a monolith than any other. So there must be something specific that makes you consider yourself an ally? Do you think they are a better class of person than others?”

“I mean, no, well, maybe, but that’s not what my shirt is about.”

“Perhaps the politics? Do you agree with all the political issues of everyone here?”

Aly was about to answer when he moved his sunglasses once more, this time to rub his eyes, and again she thought she caught a glimpse of something…mystical in those eyes.


“Not really,” she answered thoughtfully for the first time in this conversation. “As you pointed out earlier it’s not possible to do that.”

“True, true he responded gently rubbing his chin.”

As he did so, Aly couldn’t help but notice the ring on his middle finger (had it been there before) that appeared to be a swirling galaxy. Kind of looked like the Milky Way as best she remembered from Freshman Astronomy.

“That ring is beautiful. What kind is it?”

“Oh this little toy? It’s called a galaxy ring. A galaxy ring for a Galaxy Man,” he chuckled to himself. “They say that the bearer can control the reality of whatever celestial system it contains. I’m glad you like it.”

“It’s beautiful,” Aly softly whispered. Then she realized she’d been drifting a bit and shook her head to clear it. “I’m sorry, what were we talking about?”

“The nature of your ally ship. It must be something fairly specific by definition does it not?”

“I’m not sure. I mean…”

“You’re not sure. That’s fine. Maybe I can help,” he offered.

“Oh, um…” Aly paused for a moment, almost certain his ring had just pulsed slightly, but as she turned to look he caught her chin. She felt a heat flow throughout her body and a growing wetness between her legs. She was feeling so…submissive?

“Maybe I can help,” the stranger repeated.


“If you tell me your full name it might offer a clue. Oftentimes we resonate with our history. There are stories upon stories which can be revealed with a delicate look at the intricacies of a name. They carry quite a bit of power.”

“It’s Aly Desiree’ McAnally,” she answered, feeling the words flow out as though seduced.

“Aha!” he exclaimed triumphantly. “It’s so clear”

“What?” she inquired more eagerly than she intended. For some reason this mystery really had her attention.

“Well as I’m sure you know, names change somewhat over the years from their origin, but yours is quite clear don’t you think?”

“What do you mean?” she asked confused.

“Aly Desiree’ McAnally. What does Desiree’ look like or sound like it might be a translation from?”

Aly thought for a moment before answering brightly, “Desire! Aly Desire. Sounds like a drag queen name.”

“Aly Desire or Aly desires?”

Something about the way he posed the question caused a wet heat to surge through her body. Aly desires? What does she desire?

“What does Aly desire?” she asked breathlessly.

“I should think that would be obvious dear. I mean one quick glance at your last name and it appears certain that Aly desires anal. It certainly would make sense to be an ally for that at a Pride parade don’t you think. And it is specific enough that it makes sense to be an ally for that practice.”

Wait she thought to herself. That’s not right. Why would I…

“Why would I desire anal?” she posed to him.

“I’m afraid you would have to be the one to answer that.”

“But I don’t even like…”

Cutting her with a quick downward move of his sunglasses Aly found herself drifting in his eyes. They really were like little whirlpools.

“Nothing matters except that it is obviously true.”

“It is obviously true,” Aly repeated under her breath.

“Aly desires anal.”

“Aly desires anal,” she responded. As the glasses snapped back into place Aly found some voice again and exclaimed, “But I don’t even like anal.”

A few snickers from the crowd around caused Aly to shrink down in embarrassment. The kind stranger came closer and put a comforting hand on her back. It felt warm.

“Have you ever experienced anal before Aly?”

Her mind immediately flew back to that one time with Max that, after a very expensive date and a lot of pleading, she had agreed to try it. But even though Max was not blessed with anything other than average size she had only been able to take 5 or 6 strokes before the pain caused her to pass out. She woke to a panicked Max and a world in which she would never have to hear him begging for anal again.

“Once. It hurt. I didn’t like it”

“That’s unfortunate. But we’ve all had bad versions of things we genuinely like. For instance, I love steak but if you serve it to me even one tick over medium rare my enjoyment of it is torpedoed.” That does make sense Aly thought. She wanted to clarify but found the words she needed were not coming to her. “You know,” he mused, “when I get a bad steak I send it back to the chef. And if I don’t trust the chef to get it right the second time I’ll just leave and cook my own. Ultimately I’m my own best ally.”

“Own best ally,” Aly mumbled softly.

“Perhaps that’s the answer. You are an ally for anyone who desires anal sex…including yourself. You want to make sure that you and they get the experience they want!” The stranger was making a lot of sense Aly had to admit, but it was difficult to focus on as his hand had drifted down from her mid-back to right at her waistline while they talked. And the warmth she’d felt when he first placed it now seemed like a molten fire dripping down her body. Everything felt amazing, but she was feeling a particular heat in the tight rosebud protected by her plump butt. She could even feel it clenching and releasing as though trying to coax a partner to…

“Please grab my ass,” Aly suddenly requested of the stranger. “I need it.”

Without so much as an acknowledgement the stranger dropped his hand to the midline of her lower ass cheeks, squeezing both sides while his index finger pressed into the middle of her cleft and put just the slightest pressure on her virgin (minus that one time) asshole. Even the promise of penetration nearly made Aly buckle. The stranger noticed and pulled her up straight with both hands firmly on her shoulders.

“Please,” she begged, “do that again.”

Her body burned with desire, one particular desire, and she felt an orgasm approaching as his hands reached back around her and…

“What are you doing?” Aly exclaimed as he turned her around and gave her a gentle push into the surrounding crowd. She saw one of her new friends from earlier approach her with concern.

“Aly girl, you ok. You look like, well I don’t know what you look like but are you ok?”

Aly quickly turned to look for the stranger but there was no sign of him.

“I’m fine I just…I was talking to this…You know I think I just need to head home and sort some things out.”

And with that Aly disappeared into the sea of humanity around her, needing to figure out how to live with this clarified purpose in her life. Around her no one else noticed or cared. Even her new acquaintance threw up a silent thank you prayer that he wasn’t one of those existentially confused young white girls and rejoined the party with a vengeance.