The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Chapter 22 — Hunting Signs

Sage moaned yet again. She’d thought the first time had been good but the first time was only that. Over the days and weeks since it had happened, it had only gotten better.

Sage moaned yet again.

She knew Tara knew what she’d done to her. She knew it because it pleased her to let Tara know. She wanted Tara to know just how she’d been co-opted. She wanted Tara to know how she’d been turned into a love slave and she wanted Tara to know that there was nothing she could have done to stop it.

Of course, it wasn’t like Tara would have stopped it, not anymore. She loved being Sage’s love slave and she couldn’t imagine being anything else and she was so glad that Sage had chosen to use her.

Sage moaned yet again. She couldn’t help it but that tongue between her legs was just too good.

Tara licked her mistress’s clit and then she looked up with adoring eyes. “Are you going to cum for me,” she asked.

“You know I am,” Sage told her. “Is that what you want me to do.”

“I want it so much,” Tara replied and then once more, her tongue was sliding back between Sage’s legs.

So perfect, Sage thought. Tara’s reactions were so perfect. Sometimes, it almost surprised even her, but really, why should it, except that Tara was her first slave, and even if one thought there might have been mistakes the first time around, there weren’t. Tara was perfect.

Sage moaned as that perfect, little tongue once more worked its way over her clit. Oh geez, that was good. That was so fucking good.

Tara’s tongue seemed to know instinctively what it was her mistress needed and that tongue willingly gave Sage everything she wanted and more.

“Oh fuck,” Sage moaned. “Oh fuck yeah. Eat me. Eat me. Come on. Eat my pussy. Eat me.”

Tara’s tongue didn’t change a single thing that it was doing. It just kept eating Sage’s pussy and Sage kept moaning louder and louder.

There was no doubt anymore about what was about to happen. It was just a matter of time. “Lick me,” Sage moaned. “Lick me.”

Tara’s willing tongue did exactly that, licking her mistress’s clit over and over again.

“Oh fuck,” Sage groaned and then she groaned again and her body shuddered as her pussy once more came under Tara’s clever, little tongue.

Tara knew her mistress was cumming and there was nothing that made her happier. Her tongue continued to lick her mistress’s clit even as her mistress continued to cum. For Tara, there was no greater calling than making her mistress cum.

The two women kissed and then they kissed again and Tara snuggled close. It was such a pleasure to be there in the morning, to wake up next to her mistress, and to be ready to give her mistress whatever it was that her mistress might require.

Sage didn’t fall asleep as fast as her slave. She lay there in the dark even as she let her mind enter Tara’s mind. There was something she’d been thinking about for quite some time now, and it was time, she decided, it was time for her to put her ideas into effect. It wasn’t hard for Sage’s mind to find what it wanted or to make the changes that it wanted to make.

As far as Tara could tell, the next morning when she awoke, absolutely nothing had changed. She was still in love with her mistress and she would still do whatever it was that Sage might want of her. There was nothing better than being of service to her mistress.

Sage was already up and out of bed by the time Tara awoke and that was unusual because usually, Tara was up before her mistress so that she could lick her mistress’s pussy but this day, she woke up alone.

Still, waking up later didn’t preclude the possibility that she might still get to lick her mistress’s pussy, but when Tara walked out to the kitchen, she found that Sage was already up and dressed.

“There you are, sleepyhead. I was wondering when you were going to get yourself up.”

“I’m sorry,” Tara immediately apologized. “I must have overslept.”

Sage just laughed and waved it off. “Don’t worry about it,” she said. “It’s all right. I had to get up early anyway.” She didn’t tell Tara that this was just the way she planned it.

Tara nodded. Sometimes, there was all right, and then there was all right. One was okay and the other one wasn’t and Tara couldn’t help but wonder which one this one was.

“So what are you going to do on your day off today,” Sage asked.

“Spend it with you,” Tara asked hopefully.

Sage shook her head. “Not today,” she said. “I’ve got some errands to run.”

“I could help you run them,” Tara said.

Again, Sage shook her head. “Not this time,” she said.

Tara looked crestfallen. “If it’s about my waking up late—”

Sage cut her off with a wave of her hand. “It’s not that. It’s just that I’ve got other things to do and I need to do them on my own.”

“But I could help you,” Tara moped.


It wasn’t really the way she’d said it that convinced Tara. It was something else. Just a feeling really, but Tara knew that arguing wouldn’t do her any good.

“So what are you going to do,” Sage asked again.

“I don’t know,” Tara said. “Just bum around the apartment, I guess.”

For a moment, Sage seemed disturbed by the answer, but then her demeanor changed. “Well, if that’s what you want to do,” she said and she left it at that.

Tara nodded. She had no idea what she was going to do and she still had no idea what she was going to do when Sage left the apartment an hour later. The truth was that she’d told her mistress she was going to stay inside but now as she sat there all alone, she realized that really wasn’t what she wanted to do.

Tara moved about almost aimlessly. She still had no idea where it was she was going, but she had the feeling wherever it was, the decision had already been made for her.

She wandered into a nail salon. She could get her nails done, she told herself, and here at least, there would be people around her.

“Can I help you,” said the lady at the front desk.

“I guess,” Tara said.

“You guess,” asked the lady at the front desk. “Do you know what you want?”

Tara stared helplessly. She wasn’t even sure why she was here. All she knew was she wanted to be around people.

“Do you know what you want?”

“Pedicure,” Tara said finally although getting her mind to think at all was so hard.

“A pedicure. Well all right then. Did you have anyone special in mind that you wanted to do the pedicure for you?”

Tara shook her head.

“Well all right then. A pedicure, huh. Nancy here can help you with that.”

Tara still wasn’t sure why she was here except she was sure it had something to do with her mistress. She wasn’t sure what it was her mistress wanted her to do, but she had a feeling that whatever it was, there was a reason why she was here.

Well not here, exactly, Tara thought. She didn’t have to be in this very spot but she had to be out. That was it. She had to be out and about.

But why? That was what Tara didn’t understand. Why did she have to be out and about?

She was looking for something. Tara hadn’t realized that at first but she was looking for something and even then, she didn’t know what it was she was looking for.

It was almost second nature to her now, for her mind to scan the people around her. She knew she wasn’t a T1 so she knew she couldn’t read minds but she could pick up on emotions and feelings and especially so if those thoughts and feelings were strongly held and there was one mind that was radiating strongly, one mind that cried out for attention.

In the crowded shop, it wasn’t easy to find the one she wanted, but she was sure it was there.

She almost lost it. The girl was standing at the cash register, getting ready to pay for getting her nails done. In a moment, she’d be gone, but in that moment, Tara’s mind locked in on hers.

Her name was Missy. Tara never questioned how she came to know that. She was just sure that that was what the girl’s name was. Missy wasn’t much younger than her. She’d just started her Freshman year in college and her boyfriend had dumped her.

No, that wasn’t it. Not exactly. The boyfriend hadn’t dumped her. He’d betrayed her.

Missy had come home late one night. She’d been working in the computer lab and she was tired. She was dragging and she knew she had a class early in the morning the next day and she looked forward to nothing more than going home and going to sleep.

But when she got back to the apartment, the lights were off. Hardly a surprise, but it meant her roommate was still out and that was fine.

She let herself in. She moved into the bathroom. She brushed her teeth. Only a few steps more and she’d be in her bed, and ...

And she turned on the light, and there in her bed was her boyfriend and her roommate.

They were asleep and they were naked and there was no doubt what they’d been doing. Missy stared at them and they stared back at her. “Get out,” she demanded. She wasn’t even sure who it was she was talking to. “Get out. Get out. Get out of my fucking bed.”

As tired as she’d been, she’d still stripped every piece of bedding from her bed. That night, she’d found an old blanket and she’d rolled herself up in that and she’d cried herself to sleep.

She’d gone to class the next morning and luckily, her boyfriend had gone. She wasn’t sure he had. He could have just switched over to her roommate’s bed and he could have been there in the morning. She was glad he hadn’t because she just didn’t want to deal with it in the morning.

But the problem was, it was going to have to be dealt with sooner or later, and so far, that hadn’t happened. That was what Tara got from the girl’s mind and Tara knew, she had to meet her.

Now that she knew who the girl was, she could actually identify the girl by sight. The girl was getting ready to pay her bill and in a moment, she’d be gone. “Can you hurry it up,” Tara said.

“Fifteen minutes,” said Nancy.

Tara looked at the girl at the register. She’d be gone long before then. “I just remembered somewhere I have to be,” she said. “I have to leave now.”

Nancy didn’t care about that. “Fifteen minutes,” she said again.

Tara could see the girl paying her bill. “No, I’ve got to go now,” she said. “I want to stop now.”

It was clear that Nancy was disgusted with this turn of events. “Fine,” the woman said. “Let me just put a top coat on.”

“No time. Please. I need to go.”

“Fine.” For a moment, Tara thought Nancy was going to throw her shoes at her but it was only for a moment and then Nancy slipping Tara’s shoes on her feet. “There you go,” she said tersely. “All done.”

Tara practically leapt out of the chair. She wasn’t even sure why Missy was so important to her. She just knew she was and now she’d left the shop. She had to find her.

Tara practically threw her money at the girl at the cash register and then she was on her way. Where was she? Where was that girl?

Missy wasn’t moving all that fast and Tara thought she understood why. She couldn’t go to her boyfriend’s place. That much was sure, and really, she couldn’t even go home. She really had nowhere to go.

Tara quickly caught up with the girl. “Hey,” she said.

Missy turned and looked warily at the newcomer. “Hi,” she said.

“You look like you could use a friend,” Tara said.

Missy shook her head. “I’ve already got friends,” she said.

She didn’t know, Tara knew. She didn’t know that Tara already knew. “Perhaps you’re looking for something else then. Perhaps you’re looking for a friend that can help you get back at a friend.”

It really was as easy as that. “What’d you say,” she said.

“Maybe I was wrong,” Tara said. “Maybe you didn’t need that.”

“No wait. I want to know what you said.”

It was so easy. The girl’s mind was so easy and so open. Tara might have been just a T2 but the girl was so receptive to whatever Tara had to say. “I was just thinking you looked like you could use a friend, maybe a friend who could help you get back at someone else,” and even as she said it, she was making the girl want what Tara wanted.

“You could help me,” asked a now-interested Missy.

“Maybe what you want is someone who could help you get back at them.”

“Yeah,” Missy agreed.

“And maybe the best way to get back at the person who’s done you wrong is to show that person that you don’t need him at all.”

“Yeah,” Missy agreed again. “Yeah. I got to show him.”

“I can help you do that.”

That seemed to snap Missy out of her reverie. “Wait a minute. How can you do that?”

“Maybe what you need is a different kind of friend.”

“A different kind of friend?”

Maybe it wasn’t exactly being felt on a conscious level but Missy was feeling something. The only thing was she wasn’t sure what that something was.

Tara put a hand on Missy’s arm. “Maybe what you need is a new kind of friend.”

Missy looked at the hand on her arm.

“Maybe what you need is a way to tell them that you don’t need them anymore.”

Missy nodded. The other girl was right. She didn’t need them anymore.

“I think you should come with me.”

Missy hesitated. What Tara was saying somehow made sense to her but what she couldn’t understand was why.

Tara knew. She could feel the other girl’s mind and she was trying to get the other girl to go the way she wanted her to go. She wasn’t as good at it as Sage but with Missy already feeling betrayed and with her in need of a new friend, Missy was ripe for the taking. Even a T2 like her could take her. “Come on,” Tara said. “Come with me.”

And still Missy hesitated.

Tara ran fingers over Missy’s arm. “Come on. You know it will piss them off if you do it. They’ve underrated you. They’ve taken you for granted. They don’t think you have it in you.”

Tara could feel the fire suddenly burn brighter. All it would take was just a little more pushing.

“Come on. You know you want to. Let me show you the pleasure you know you deserve.”

Missy had been hesitant but now, slowly at first, now, she was coming around.

“Come with me,” Tara cooed. “Be with me. Want me.”

Tara could feel it. Missy was suddenly opening herself up to something she’d never really considered before.

“Come with me,” Tara urged. “You know you want to. Come with me.”

The last vestiges of resistance were being swept away and suddenly, Missy stepped forward as her mind suddenly cleared. She’d been a fool, she told herself. She’d been a fool worrying about what other people thought when what she really cared about was standing right here in front of her. It didn’t bother her that she didn’t even know the other woman’s name. It only bothered her that it had taken so long for her to come to her senses. She stepped forward and she wrapped her arms around Tara’s waist and she kissed her new love.

“Come with me,” Tara said again and this time, Missy willingly followed.

They went back to Tara’s apartment, to the very bedroom that Tara and Sage still shared. Tara could feel her own heat rising. She couldn’t wait, she told herself. She couldn’t wait to try out her new toy.

Missy’d been quiet almost all the way back, but Tara didn’t think that was a bad thing. It seemed almost as if Missy was now at peace.

For her part, Tara found herself flushed with excitement. She wasn’t even sure why. It was just that she knew she had someone she could control.

Tara led her new friend to her bedroom. Missy was a busty brunette and she was a timid girl. Tara stroked her hair to put her at ease and then she kissed her again.

The brunette sighed and Tara knew it was time.

She took her time letting her hands pull at the girl’s top. Her hands reveled in the feel of Missy’s skin and then girl sighed as Tara kissed her again.

Tara pulled the top off and her hands squeezed Missy’s breasts. “Do you like this,” she asked.

Missy nodded just as Tara knew she would and then off came her bra. Tara’s lips kissed Missy’s breasts and then worked their way higher and higher until finally, her lips were once more on Missy’s unresisting lips.

“You like this, don’t you?”

Again, Missy nodded and Tara’s hands worked their way back down over Missy’s now bare skin, and the busty brunette shivered as those hands caressed her skin and then Tara’s hands were on her skirt and Tara’s hands were sliding her zipper down.

“Why don’t you slide out of those for me,” and Tara loved the feel as Missy wriggled her hips free from her skirt.

Missy was wearing nothing more than her panties as Tara snuggled close and the two women kissed. Her hands slid down and she was gripping the other woman’s ass, and then her hands were sliding in the other woman’s panties, and after that, Missy wasn’t wearing anything at all.

“You need someone to treat you right, don’t you,” Tara purred. “You need someone to be your friend.”

Missy nodded.

“I know what you want. You want me to be your friend.”

Again Missy nodded.

“You know you can trust me. You can trust me to be your friend.”

Missy nodded yet again.

“I only want what’s best for you. That’s why I’m going to eat your pussy. I only want what’s best for you and I want to make you feel good. You know that’s right. I only want to make you feel good, and you know that’s what you want, too.”

Tara could sense the acceptance in the other woman.

“You know what you want,” Tara cooed. “You want to lay on this bed and you want to lean back and you want me to slide in between your legs.”

“Yes,” the girl moaned and then, “wait!”

“There’s no time to wait. You want to lean back. You want it now.”

“I want it now,” Missy moaned.

“Lean back then,” Tara cooed, and this time, there was no resistance.

Tara slid between the other woman’s legs and then her tongue was licking her clit. “Yes,” Missy moaned and then she moaned again. “Yes. Do me like that. Do me right there.”

There was no doubt about it. Missy’s needs were aligning with her own and that was just the way she wanted it.

“Oh geez,” Missy moaned. “Oh geez. That’s it. Make me cum.”

Tara’s tongue was doing exactly that as it stroked the other girl’s clit.

“Oh fuck,” the other girl moaned. “Oh fuck yeah.”

Tara could feel Missy quivering underneath her and still she kept right on licking her pussy.

“Oh geez,” the girl moaned. “Oh geez.”

Tara finally pulled herself back. “Did you enjoy that,” she asked the other woman.

“Yes,” Missy moaned. “It was great. I didn’t know ... I didn’t know it could be like that.”

“But now it’s time to return the favor. Now it’s time to do the same thing for your new best friend.”

Missy hesitated and Tara knew this was the time. She should accept it. She should accept Tara as her new best friend, but what if she didn’t ...

Missy smiled even as she rolled Tara over onto her back. “I love taking care of my friends,” she said even as she started to work her way inside Tara’s clothes.

It wasn’t long before she had Tara down to her underwear and then it wasn’t long before Tara wasn’t wearing even that. “I’ll show you,” she murmured. “I’ll show you how I take care of my friends.”

Tara just smiled as she let Missy slide in between her legs but moments later, that smile disappeared as it was replaced by a look of astonishment, followed quickly by a lusty moan as Missy’s tongue worked its way between her legs. Oh fuck, Tara thought. Oh fuck. She might not have been experienced, but Missy sure was one heck of a pussy licker.

She looked down. She couldn’t believe it. She couldn’t believe what that woman was doing between her legs.

Her body shuddered. Almost, she thought. Oh geez, she was almost there. It hadn’t taken all that long to get where she was. Was she really that needy. Was she really that in need of having someone make her cum or was it the girl that was doing this to her.

Tara couldn’t help but moan again. Did it really matter, she asked herself even as that tongue made her pussy jump all over again. Oh geez, did it really even matter.

She was going to cum. Tara knew that. She was going to cum and she was going to cum hard.

She gasped as her pussy almost came. She wanted to cum so bad. She was right there on the verge but it was almost as if her own body was teasing her, but even as she thought that, she could feel it happening. She could feel herself cumming and she couldn’t help but moan. It just felt that good. She moaned all over again. Damn, she loved this.

* * *

“Well now, what have we here?”

Tara suddenly looked up to see Sage standing there at the foot of her bed. “I-I’m sorry,” she suddenly stammered. “It was just that I—”

Sage silenced her with a wave of her hand. “No need to explain,” she said with a smile. “I understand that even a slut like you has needs.”

Tara felt a wave of relief cascade over her. Her mistress understood, but then of course, she did. Her mistress was great and her mistress was wonderful. Of course her mistress understood.

“Aren’t you going to introduce me to your new friend.”

Of course, Tara thought. How rude of her. Of course, her mistress would want to know who’d Tara had brought home with her. She’d been stupid not to see that right from the very start. “This is Missy,” Tara said.

Sage nodded but she already knew that because she’d already peeked in the girl’s mind. Now though, as Missy sat there in bed, her body still naked from her love making with Tara, Sage looked even deeper.

Not bad, Sage had to admit. Not bad at all. She could see the controls that Tara had put in place and she smiled to herself. Not bad for a T2 but she could do better.

She strengthened those controls. Missy wasn’t just in love with Tara. She was devoted to her, too, and of course, that was even more true between her and Sage. She would never tell Tara this, unless of course, Sage wanted her to, but she was totally and completely devoted to her mistress’s owner. She would do anything in the world for her and just the thought of being allowed to serve made her breath quicken.

Sage grinned. “Well names are all well and good,” she said, “but when I said you should introduce me, I was thinking of perhaps something a little more intimate.

More intimate, Tara thought. Of course, she should have thought of that herself. What was she thinking?

But already, it seemed, Missy knew what was expected of her. Already, she was looking at Sage in a way that Tara truly understood.

Sage laughed. “I think she likes me.”

“Well of course she likes you,” Tara wanted to say. “Who wouldn’t like you?”

“I think she wants to lick my pussy,” Sage said. “You don’t mind do you?”

Mind, Tara thought. Why would she mind. She’d be honored if her mistress would use her slave.

“Perhaps you should help me,” Sage said.

There was no question at all in Tara’s mind as to what was meant by that. Sage wanted Tara to undress her. She wanted Tara to get her ready to have her pussy licked so Tara did what was expected of her.

“And now,” Sage said, “let us see what delights your friend has in store for me.”

Tara watched as Missy slipped between Sage’s legs and she watched as Sage’s eyes just kind of rolled back. It wasn’t just her, Tara told herself. It was the girl. It was Missy. She was a natural at this. She was a natural at licking pussies.

“Oh fuck,” Sage moaned.

She should have been jealous, Tara told herself. She should have been jealous. That should have been her between her mistress’s legs, but she just couldn’t bring herself to begrudge her mistress what her mistress wanted.

Sage was looking at her and Tara knew what she wanted. In moments, she was kneeling down and in moments, she was sharing time between her mistress’s legs.

Tara couldn’t help but feel elated. Her mistress still wanted her and she couldn’t help but take longer and longer turns between her mistress’s legs.

Maybe she shouldn’t have been so possessive, Tara told herself, but she just couldn’t help herself. She wanted to be the one who made her mistress cum.

And then it was only her between her mistress’s legs. She wasn’t sharing time anymore. It was only her and it was no one else and that’s when she felt it, a timid hand on her ass, a hand that stroked her butt before slipping between her legs, a hand that seemed to almost revel in the wetness that it found between her legs.

And then it wasn’t just a hand that she felt between her legs. It was a mouth and a tongue. It was Missy’s tongue and Tara moaned all over again. This was what she needed, to service her mistress’s pussy even as she was served herself.

It never occurred to her that any of this might be wrong. It never occurred to her that she was supposed to be hunting T1s and not licking their pussies instead and even if it had occurred to her, she would have known what she needed to do. She needed to service her mistress’s pussy. She needed to make her mistress cum.

And then even as her own pussy started to cum, she felt her mistress start to cum and Tara knew she wouldn’t have it anyway. She was a slave to her mistress’s pussy and Tara knew she wouldn’t have had it any other way.

* * *

Sage basked in the aftermath of what she’d done. She could let Tara go out and hunt and she could trust her to bring pussies back for her, and in so doing, she would increase her network of pussies who were ready to pay homage to her body.

That was definitely the way it was supposed to be.