The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Love Toy’s Reprieve

Chapter 3 “I Would Love to Meet Your Family, If We Can Get Away.”

At about ten AM we checked out of the hotel and we were on the road. It was about a three hour trip to get to the Capital, so I figured I should call my sister-in-law, so I dialed her number. I knew asking Brenda to stay overnight, was a mere formality, but knowing my sister-in-law, one that needed to be observed. Still, I smiled to myself. I have four brothers, so by no coincidence, I have four sister-in-laws. While they are all very different people, they all have one thing in common: I am one of there favorite people in the whole world. My good old chivalrous streak had endeared me to all of them. I suspect that at least once in their lives, my brothers have heard the same comment from their wives: “Why can’t you be more like Sam?” While I don’t know this for sure concerning three of my sister-in-laws, I know Brenda has said it, because she had told me. When my Ex, Bethany told me she wanted a divorce, my “sisters” made it clear on no certain terms who they were siding with in the dispute. They almost went as far as having an intervention for Bethany, but I talked them out of it. Of course, despite being the youngest, Brenda was the ringleader.

“Hello Sam” came her chipper voice.

“Hi Bren. Do you and Dan have plans tonight” I asked.

“Nope. Just Monday night TV.”

“In the mood for some company?”

“You mean you’re coming for a visit?” she said in an excited voice.

“Yes. If it’s OK, I’d like to bring someone.”

“You have a gal pal?” asked Brenda in an even more excited voice.

“It’s a long story, but the answer is, yes. Her name is Jennifer” I replied.

“It’s about time!” she laughed. “What time should we expect you? Dan should be home by about five.”

“We have some errands to run in the city, so we can aim to be there around then.”

“Great, Dan will be quite excited” said Brenda

“I can’t wait to see you two and my adorable nephew!” I grinned.

We then exchanged affectionate goodbyes and I disconnected.

“Your sister-in-law seems to like you a lot” smiled Jen.

“What can I say? She has good taste” I boasted.

“I won’t argue with that comment”, as out came her crooked smile and I felt myself begin to get hard.

After willing away my erection with thoughts of baseball, we chatted aimlessly about things we liked and did not like. For the most part our level of compatibility was excellent, though I threatened to turn her on to jazz and she returned the threat with Enya.

By the time we got to the Capital it was just a bit past twelve-thirty and we were pretty hungry.

“I know a nice little restaurant which is open for lunch” I offered.

“We should probably just do fast food. I see a Sonic over there.”

“I agreed. “You’re right. The Federal Building should be open for several more hours, but we want to resolve as much of this as we can today.”

I pulled into the driveway and found a parking place. As we were eating lunch, I noticed that Jen had an almost rapturous look on her face.

“You really like that hamburger” I said in between bites of my own.

“It tastes so good. In fact everything tastes really good.”

“It is good as far as fast food hamburgers go, but you are savoring every bite as if it were prime rib” I noted.

“Honey, you have to understand that over the past couple of years, all I’ve had to eat were supplements and unflavored soy food” That’s all love toys are required to eat” said Jen.

I felt terrible. Her existence over the last two years had been devoid not only of all the things that make life worth living, but simple things we all tend to take for granted.. I made a promise to myself that I would help her make up for lost time after she was safe.

The thought then crossed my mind. What we were doing by going to the Federal Building had an element of danger to it. If I went in with Jen, I could potentially be questioned and my identity could be discovered. My mind harkened back to a television show I used to watch called Nowhere Man. The main character was constantly fighting unseen forces, some actually within the government, in an attempt to get his identity back. As we were dealing with a device or entity this powerful, it was doubtful that it could exist without the involvement or help of some individuals in government and law enforcement. I further reasoned that the one thing that may have been keeping Jen safe was that they did not know who I was, so they could not find us. I decided to push my paranoia to the limit, because you are not really paranoid if someone really is out to get you.

“Sorry to change the subject on you but there are some things we need to do before we go to the Federal Building. This may sound crazy, but I don’t think we can take any chances. It also may involve you doing things that you may feel uncomfortable doing” I said.

“If I can’t trust you, then who can I trust? I’ll do whatever you think is right” she added.

About three hours later I was sitting in a rent-a-car a block around the corner from the Federal building. The car had tinted glass so it made it hard to see inside the vehicle. It took a while to get one of the particular parking spaces I wanted, but my tenacity won out. Jen had already arrived by cab about an hour ago as planned. I had turned my cell phone off, but we had purchased two pay-as-you-go cell phones under Jen’s name and we each had one. She had called on one to tell me that she had arrived. About two and a half hours later I got another call on Jen’s new cell. Since Jen was the only one who had the number I felt safe answering. Actually it was not Jen.

“Master, it is complete and I will be right with you” said Jezebel on Jen’s other new cell phone.

“Are you being followed?” I asked.

“Yes, Master. There appear to be two men following at a discreet distance.”

“How far?”

“About twenty-five meters” she responded.

“Listen Jezebel, when you turn the corner, sprint as fast as you can to the white Lincoln parked about halfway down the road. The door will be unlocked. Jump in as quickly as possible”

“Yes Master, I will obey.”

I had picked this parking spot with great care. I drove around for more than an hour to ensure that I would get a place in the vicinity of my target area There was an entrance to a parking garage just around the corner about thirty feet in front of where I was parked on the road. I turned my head back to see when she turned the corner. About a minute later, I saw Jen sprinting toward the rent-a-car and she jumped in. “Duck!” I whispered. About thirty seconds after that, I see the men she described turn the corner they became panicky; as if they were looking for something that was not where they expected it to be As they ran past the garage, they looked down the road and then they both turned back and ran into the garage entrance. I waited about ten seconds and then turned on the ignition and pulled out of my spot and down the road.

“Quickly Jezebel, remove the batteries from these phones.”

“Yes, Master.”

By the time we reached the car rental place, it was about six PM.

I quickly placed a call from a pay phone to Brenda

“Hey Bren”

“Hey you. I’ve been trying to call you” said Brenda.

“My cell is dead so I’m calling from a pay phone” I fibbed.

“Are you still coming?”

“Of course, sis, we just got a little delayed. Hopefully we can see you in about half-an-hour”

“Dan is really excited to see you and we both are looking forward to meeting Jennifer”

“Looking forward to seeing you too Bye” as I disconnected.

I quickly got back into my car which was parked at the rent-a-car place. Jezebel/Jen was already inside as we drove away.

“Jezebel, please let me speak to Jen”

“Yes Master”

After the requisite pause, “Well that was exciting and a bit scary” said Jen

“I’m sorry that I had to put you through everything” I said.

“Well you were right about practically everything. When I first got to the record area, I told them that I needed obtained new ID’s, as mine had all been stolen. When I explained that my fingerprints were on file, they told me that they should be able to help and they contacted the state records office about my birth certificate. About ten minutes later I was escorted up to the FBI office, because when my record was pulled, it had been ‘red flagged’. I told them, our little cooked up story about my being kidnapped into sex slavery and that some Good Samaritan had helped me to escape and gave me the money to come here”

“So my name was never given?”

“No. though they did ask. I told them you did not give it to me. When they asked me why I didn’t go to the police, I told them that my pimp had told me that he had contacts in the police department and if I did, he would find out about it and kill my daughter. They asked me if I could identify my pimp in a mug book. I then told them that I was tired from my ordeal, and asked if I could come back later in the week. The agent in charge agreed and gave me his card and I thanked him and left” said Jen.

Don’t you mean ‘Jezebel’ when you said ‘me’ or ‘I’” I observed.

“Yeah, whatever. I still told her what to say” said Jen with a pout.

“I just wanted to make sure it was Jezebel, because she would be the more convincing liar”

“Yeah, I suppose she would be” admitted Jen.

“Do you think they believed her?” I asked

“Not sure, but you can always ask her”

“I’ll do that later. Right now I just want us to be us right now. So were you able to get a birth certificate?” I asked.

“Yes, it’s in my pocket. It was faxed over from the state record office, once my identity was confirmed. Oh by the way I have some change for you” said Jen

“What’s mine is yours. Keep it” I smiled.

“It’s only eight bucks. I’m in love with a big spender” laughed Jen.

“I’ve learned to be a cheapskate because me divorce wiped me out” I laughed.

“I wish I had your wife’s attorney” said Jen wistfully.

“Bad subject. I’m sorry I brought it up”

I almost felt a sense of despair when I looked at Jen. Divorce was a painful experience for me. For the longest time, I felt unwanted. While I knew that Jen did not still love Adam, I knew she might have feelings of depression over her divorce too; especially since hers was forced on her without her knowledge or consent. Then I had my epiphany. I already knew that I had fallen in love with Jen. My heart ached at watching her so blue. It was not how I wanted to do it, but I saw my hands hit the turn signal and my foot moved from the gas pedal to the brakes.

“I can’t have you bummed out when you meet my family. So I have to find a way to make you happy”

“Good luck” she frowned. “Where are we going?”

“To a parking lot…” as I smiled at her.

I then pulled the car over quickly into a strip mall parking lot and parked in an out of the way place.

“We can’t do it here” laughed Jen, assuming sex.

“No we can’t, but I can do something else, but you will need to get out of the car first.”

“OK” she said quizzically.

Once we were both out of the car, I ran around to the passenger side and quickly kissed her passionately. She returned the kiss eagerly. I then broke the kiss and dropped to one knee. Jen gasped.

“Jen Porter, will you marry me?” I asked nervously.

“Yes!” screamed Jen as she pulled me of the ground and into her arms before planting another kiss.

When we got back on the road I smiled at her.

“So you’re in a better mood now?” I laughed

“You mean, you tricked me?” said Jen giving me a dirty look

“No. I really want to marry you! I was going to wait, but I figured why bother. I know that I want to be with you, I just wasn’t sure that you’d say ‘yes’” I said.

“I love you. Why would I say no?” asked Jen

“We only met about a day and a half ago. I wouldn’t blame you for wanting to wait, at least until we got out of this mess”

“I know what I want. I want you. If you want to wait, I certainly would understand…” began Jen.

“And take a chance of losing you; not likely. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted in a wife”

“You mean a homeless fugitive” laughed Jen

I laughed. Her joke only proved that she got me in a way that no other woman ever had.

“The real reason I proposed was that if we got caught and went to prison, we could always have conjugal visits”

We both began to laugh so hard that I almost ran us off the road. I figured we should cut back on the jokes for the time being.

About ten minutes later I pulled into Dan’s driveway. Both Dan and Brenda came out of the house smiling at me as we all exchanged greetings and hugs. I was very close to my family. We all grew up together all five of us within a seven year span. As Dan was the youngest, and I was the oldest, I felt that I needed to keep him from getting picked on, so we got pretty close. He was even the best man at my wedding.

“Guys, I would like to introduce you to Miss Jennifer Porter, the love of my life”

“Hello Jennifer. I must say you’ve made the right choice. Sam is a keeper. I knew he was head-over –heels because it is written all over his face” said Brenda as she hugged Jen.

“Thanks, I feel the same way about him if you couldn’t tell. By the way Brenda, please call me Jen”

“Only if you call me Bren” laughed Brenda.

“Look out, we have Bren and Jen” laughed Dan.

“Has a nice ring doesn’t it” I said.

“See, we’re destined to be sisters” laughed Brenda.

“Bren… ixne on the arriageme” said a frustrated Dan.

“Oh, come on Dan, I can see he loves her and that she loves him too. So my best guy pal Sam, when are you going to get off your butt and propose?”

“Brenda!” said Dan

“That’s OK, bro, I have an answer for her. Bren, I proposed to Jen ten minutes ago and she said ‘Yes’!”

At that point, my sweet and cute sister-in-law went completely berserk and started screaming and then hugging everything in site: namely Jen and me. I looked at Jen apologetically, but she just smiled and hugged Brenda back. Dan of course was used to his wife’s outbursts. He just smiled at me. “Nice choice bro, she’s cute” said Dan

“We have to go out and celebrate!” exclaimed Brenda.

“OK, but not until I get to see my little nephew” I smiled

“It was a little to cold outside, so we left him in his playpen” said Brenda.

We followed Brenda and Dan into their Dutch Colonial home. We found Daniel Samuel Borden who was about eighteen months old, playing with his favorite stuffed animal, gnawing it like a dog with bone. I sat down on the floor to get a better look.

“Teething huh?” I smiled.

“That’s my big boy. Come see your Uncle Sam and Your Aunt Jen” as she picked little Danny out of the playpen,

Brenda put him right next to me and he crawled up on my legs.I held him steady. “It’s been a long time since I saw you, little guy. You were only eight months then” I smiled as I was talking to someone who could not understand a word I was saying, but did not care. He was just too darn cute.

After we had played with my nephew for a little while Brenda smiled at me. “Why don’t you and my big strong husband bring in your bags.”

“Actually we’re traveling a little light” I smiled.

“No time to pack” added Jen.

“OK, what’s going on with you two” said the Dan who was able to talk.

“It’s a long story, better saved for another day” I said.

“Well, as long as you aren’t in any trouble” said Brenda.

“Nothing too serious” while lying my ass off.

There was an awkward moment of silence which Brenda broke. “Well if we’re going out to celebrate, you can’t have your lovely fiancée going out in those sweat pants. Jen, you look about my size, let’s see what I have to make you sparkle like you should. Honey, could you please call Rachel and see if she’s available tonight?” Brenda then herded my future bride upstairs to provide her with the makeover that only Brenda was capable of doing

After Dan had called and confirmed that their babysitter could come, he pulled me into the den. “Look Sam, I know I’m the little brother here, but I’m worried that you aren’t telling me the whole scoop”

I hated to lie to my brother, but I did so out of love. The more he and Brenda knew, the greater their potential danger. I tailored the lie to fit part of the truth.

“Jen is running away from an abusive ex-husband” I stated.

“Surely now that you’re in the picture, he‘ll give up” said Dan.

“You don’t know this guy. He’ll pursue her until I can prove that we’re married. Even then I’m not so sure he’ll stop. To make matters worse, he had friends in high places and when I say high, I mean really high” I dissembled with a hint of the truth.

“That’s terrible. You know I work in the Governor’s Office. I can place a call to the State Attorney General. I know him pretty well” offered my brother.

“Thanks for the offer, bro, but this is one battle I think I need to fight on my own” I smiled. “If I find that I can’t, I may take you up on your offer” I grinned, hoping that he that he’d back off”

Dan smiled at me and then started shaking his head.

“What?” I asked.

“Another Damsel in Distress, huh?” laughed Dan.

“Yeah, I’m a regular “D-I-D magnet”

“Please don’t be mad at me, but I have to ask…”

“Yes, she loves me. Brenda will back me on that” I anticipated and then laughed.

“I can see that you are hung up on her, not that I blame you. She looks like an angel”

“She is an angel and she deserves far better than she’s gotten out of life” I added.

“And you’re going to give it to her?” asked Dan.

“You better believe it” I replied.

Dan and I shot the shit for a bit longer. As the State’s Assistant Counsel, he always had a story about some mucky muck with their head in the troth or defending the state against ridiculous claims. I figured that he probably shouldn’t be telling me these things, but he never gave names and I figured that he trusted me not to blab.

“Ahem…” I heard Brenda’s voice.

I turned my head and saw my beautiful sister-in-law dressed to the nines. The woman who was standing next to her was stunning. I almost didn’t recognize her with makeup, a new hair style. She was waering a beautiful black cocktail dress with a pearl ensemble for jewelry. When she saw my expression, she gave me a crooked smile.

My new fiancée walked over to me because I was not capable of moving. She whispered in my ear “You like?”

I just nodded because I was dumbstruck. Jen giggled and walked out with her new BFF and future sister-in-law. I was sure they were plotting my undoing, as now I was the one that was underdressed.

I ran after them “What about me!”

“We are already thinking about what we are going to dress you up with” laughed Brenda as she and Jen waited at the foot of the stairs. I quickly caught up with them followed by Dan.

“Time to make you as pretty as me” smiled Jen and she kissed me on the cheek, no doubt leaving a lipstick stain.

“That ain’t gonna happen” I laughed.

“Don’t fight it bro, you can’t win. Bren is a force of nature” smiled her husband.

“Yeah, I kind of figured that out over the last ten years or so” I smiled.

About half an hour later, my nephew would not have recognized me. I had showered and shaved and was wearing one of Dan’s old Armani suits and a pair of shoes that were maybe a half size to big. While the suit was a trifle too tight and a trifle too long, I had to admit, I looked pretty darn good when I saw myself in the mirror. Brenda and Jen checked out their handiwork with approving smiles. As we waited for the babysitter, passed the time pleasantly by making goo-goo eyes at little Danny and when she arrived, we left.

At first, dinner was quite of polite and fairly inconsequential. Jen seemed to soak up every word that was being said and promptly answered most of the questions asked of her. Then my sweet sister-in-law asked the one question I was hoping that she would not ask.

“So Jen, do you have any kids” she smiled

“I have a daughter; her name is Samantha. She is almost five.” said Jen casting her gaze to the floor.

“Jen is having custody issues, so this is probably not a good topic” I said quickly.

“I’m sorry sweetie! Is there anything I can do? As Dan’s an attorney, we know several good lawyers” said a concerned Brenda.

“We might take you up on that” I smiled as I put my hand on Jen’s.

Jen looked up at me. I could tell that she was holding back the waterworks. Then her face went strangely calm.

“Yes, we really would appreciate it. My ex-husband has been a jerk about the whole thing” said Jen calmly.

I noticed Dan and Brenda exchange glances. I could tell that they were non-verbally expressing their concerns to each other. I then cleverly changed the topic.

“Brenda, I was hoping that you could take Jen and I ring shopping tomorrow. Needless to say, I wasn’t planning to propose today, but I couldn’t help myself.”

“Say no more! I’d be happy to help” smiled Brenda.

“Thank you Bren, that’s so sweet” said Jen evenly.

I continued to rub Jen’s hand on the table, and then realized that I might have let a “construct genie” out of the bottle. “Jen, darling I love you” I said hoping that Jen would come out and respond. I then leaned over and kissed her on the lips sweetly.

After a brief pause and then some tears “I love you, too” said Jen trying to smile.

“Oh my God, that is the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen! Why don’t you talk like that to me anymore, honey?” said Brenda

“I tell you I love you every day” protested Dan while mock glaring at me.

“At the end of phone conversations don’t count. Right guys?” asked Brenda.

Jen was too politic to respond I on the other hand said, “Sorry bro, she’s right”

“Some help you are” said Dan trying to look angry. “Look my darling wife, I don’t always say I love you with my mouth, but I say it whenever and where ever we are when I look at you. You’re even lovelier now than on the day we were married and on that day I thought you were the most beautiful woman in the world. You’re the mother of my child and I adore with all my being!” preached my brother.

A few tears came to Brenda’s eyes. “I can’t stay mad when he talks like that. Come here, you” Brenda and Dan then shared an equally sweet kiss.

After the kiss broke, Dan smiled. “By the way honey, I love you”, he laughed.

“You’re such a smart ass!” laughed Brenda though some tears. “Jen honey, I think we need to fix our makeup because these knuckleheads are making us cry.

After they left for the washroom, Dan looked at me. “Some help you are.”

“Hey, you had a great speech ready” I laughed.

“Yeah, but now I have to write another one for the next time I piss her off” he laughed.

“Come on, bro, looking at your beautiful wife, should give you all the inspiration you need” I laughed back.

“Yeah, I have to admit that I’m lucky with Bren” said Dan.

“I feel the same way about Jen”

An awkward uneasiness seemed to come over my brother. Followed by a silence that lasted until our dates returned. Upon their return, Jen and Bren were smiling and holding hands as if they were old school pals. The rest of the conversation apparently concerned female topics, as I was not interested in much the girls were saying. Dan was even quieter than I was. This continued until we walked through their living room door. After the babysitter had been paid, Brenda indicated that we had a busy day of ring shopping ahead and that we should probably turn in.

“Let me show you two to the guest room” smiled Brenda

As we followed her up the stairs I notice Dan walking into the study.

When we got to the room, Jen yawned. “I could really use a shower about now.”

“Fine honey the bathroom is on the second door to the left. I have towels and robes in there.”

“Thanks Bren” as she hugged her new BFF, crooked smiled me and walked out the door”

“Do you think she wants you to join her” teased Brenda.

“I wouldn’t be surprised, but I think I’m about to get grilled first.”

“Not grilled, maybe a bit sautéed.”

“OK dear sister-in-law, what do you think of my, Jen?”

“Well honey, it looks like you may have got it finally right!” said Brenda.

“You mean you actually approve of her!” I tried not to overplay my surprise.

“I do and I don’t” she replied cryptically.

“I’m an optimist, so let’s start with the good”

“Your Jen is about as sweet a person as I’ve ever met. She’s a lovely girl, but she cleans up like a goddess. She’s fun, smart, caring and seems to love you an awful lot. I also get the feeling that she is a better fit for you than Bethany ever was. I think I can see myself getting quite close to her because I really like her and she is about my age, you cradle robber” she laughed.

“OK, now for the bad” I said.

“She’s broken, my darling boy. She’s like most of the women you’ve dated in that way. I do give you a better chance of fixing her than the others” she said before pausing putting her hand on my shoulder. “What scares me is that she has you mixed up in something dangerous. I know you well enough to know when you are trying to downplay something.”

Damn! Smart, beautiful and intuitive, I thought. Dan is a lucky guy, but at the moment I was not so lucky.

“I wish I could tell you what is going on, but…”

“Don’t worry about me. I’m sure you have your reasons, but you have to promise me that you won’t take any unreasonable risks; otherwise, Pete becomes my favorite brother-in-law. You get it?” she emphasized.

“I couldn’t let that happen” I smiled. “I promise to be careful, sis”

“You know if you two make it through this, I will be planning your wedding” she laughed.

“I wouldn’t ask anyone else.”

“Like you even have a choice, silly boy” she grinned.

“What about Dan?”

“Your brother isn’t a dummy, though sometimes I call him that to keep him attentive” laughed Brenda.

“If I asked him not to intervene, do you think he would honor my request?”

“You’re just a big dummy too. Of course he won’t. He loves you too much.”

“Bren, you have to promise me that you’ll talk him out of doing anything!”

“You really look scared” she said.

“I am and I’m afraid that he’ll make the situation worse for all of us.”

“All of us?”

“If your husband gets involved, I’m worried that he will put you, Danny and himself at risk.”

“I better have a word with him, then” said Brenda sensibly. “For now you seem to need a shower too. Why don’t you join Jen? That way you can save some water” she smiled.

“We all know how important saving water is to the environment” I laughed.

As I left the room, I had a feeling of dread. It past over me quickly as I realized that Brenda would be able to convince Dan to butt out. I opened the door of the bathroom.

“It’s about time” said a voice behind the shower curtain.

“Brenda had some tough questions for me” I said as I began to strip.

“I thought she might.”

“Don’t worry. She thinks the world of you. She told me in her estimation, which is always correct, that you were smart, loving, fun, beautiful.” I had finished undressing.

“She didn’t say beautiful.”

“I think the word she used was lovely” I said as I walk into the shower. ”But she also said that you clean up like a goddess, and that is an exact quote” Jen did look like a goddess under a cascade of water. I leaned over and kissed her and she hungrily returned suit.

“What else did she say” she said in between kisses.

“She said that you were totally in love with me.”

“She’s right…. but that one isn’t so hard to see” said Jen before deepening the kiss.

A minute later Jen broke the kiss. “Look, two handrails and a no slip floor. Perfect for doggie or something else” as the crooked grin came out to play.

“Let’s go for doggie” as she turned around, got on the ground and grabbed one hand rail and extended her ass high in the air. I got behind her, grabbed the other one and angled my rock penis for penetration. Then I lean forward as Jen pushed back impaling herself on the first try.

We seemed to groan out simultaneously, before getting into a good rhythm. I continued to saw into her for about five minutes, I groaned as Jen’s sweet pussy grasped my member tightly for a second before loosening and letting me continue. “How did you do that?” I grunted.

“Uh… Jezebel…showed me…” she moaned in passion, as she did it again.

“Oh…” I moaned. “Can’t take… much more… of that”

“Uh… this?”, as she moaned as she did it again.

“Uh huh…” I groaned into her back. Apparently my groan seemed to reverberate all over her body and increased her passion

“Ugh… that felt…so good“, she grunted as she did her little parlor trick again. That was all I could take.

I thrust as far and as hard as I could into her tight but creamy depths and came really hard. She began to push back frantically as her orgasm seemed to be approaching. I knew it had arrived when she screamed.

We stayed like that for a few minutes. I felt the warm water pouring down my back as my cock was still impaled below that amazing heart shaped ass. Her beautiful pale honey blond hair darkened from the water. I just wanted to stay like that forever, but then I realized that it could not be too comfortable for Jen, so I reluctantly let myself fall out of her and used the handrail to push myself to my feet. Jen followed my lead.

A few minutes later we were back in our room finishing toweling off. Jen then found a hair dryer and started to try to lighten her wet curls. There was a knock at the door and I put on my robe and answered the door as Jen was already in her robe.

“You guys were loud! I think the neighbors across the street heard you” Brenda teased knowing that Jen would not be able here her over the din of the hair dryer.

I laughed. “We weren’t really that bad were we?”

“No, I actually couldn’t hear anything” she laughed and then she turned serious. “I just thought you should know I was too late.”


“Dan talked to the Attorney General and he made an appointment with the Deputy Attorney General tomorrow.”

“Damn!” I cried out as I threw the towel down hard that I had been holding. “Did he say if he found out anything?”

“Only that your bride-to-be has been a missing person for more than two years before resurfacing today at the Federal Building.”