The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Love or Lust?

Chapter 7


Tina moaned and sighed in pleasure as she felt Allan snuggled up behind her. The morning light shone through her window and she could hear birds chirping in the tree just outside her window. The previous night had been the best she had ever felt. Even as he slept, Tina could feel Allan’s love for her radiating from him. It made her wonder why she didn’t just take Allan from the beginning.

“Good morning dear,” Alex said entering the room.

“Mom!” Tina whined quickly sitting up while using the blankets to keep her and Allan covered.

“Oh relax dear,” Alex grabbed Tina’s computer chair and sat in it, “You don’t have anything I haven’t seen before.”

“What about Allan?” Tina tried to move to put herself between Alex and Allan.

“He’s a bit bigger than I expected,” Tina could feel her mom probe her memories, “I think you hit the jackpot dear.”

“Mom!” Tina whined.

“Alright, alright,” Alex grinned, “I’ll stop probing. We do need to discuss what you plan on doing next though.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Tina grabbed a nearby robe and put it on underneath the covers.

“Well, you still need to tell Allan about being you being psychic. There’s also Alice and what he will do when he finds out about her.”

“I don’t see any problem,” Tina got out of bed and put on her slippers, “I’ll tell Allan about my powers when I’m ready and I’m sure he’ll understand about Alice. That’s if she’s even still around for much longer.”

“Don’t get so full of yourself,” Alex stood up, “You’re good dear, but helping Alice is going to take a lot longer than you think. We still don’t even know if we can do it. I don’t know of any psychics who have succeeded in wiping a person’s memory.”

“I know I can do it,” Tina looked down, “I know I can restore her.”

“I believe in you dear,” Alex hugged Tina, “Still you need to be prepared for the worst. We’ll continue this discussion later. Emma has breakfast done, I’ll send her up with some new clothes for Allan. I don’t think he’ll be wearing those anymore.”

Tina looked down at the pile of ruined clothes Alex was pointing at and smiled, “Yeah, I guess I did go a little overboard last night.”

* * *

Allan stared nervously across the table at Alex. Ever since he had come down she just smiled and watched his every move. It was like she was staring into his soul and judging him in silence. It made him very uncomfortable and wish that Tina would hurry with her shower.

“Oh relax,” Alex finally broke the silence, “I’m not going to do anything to you. As of yesterday you both were consenting adults. What you do in the bedroom is none of my business.”

Allan practically choked on the toast he was eating. Alex was almost as blunt as Cindy, “Um, I really didn’t intend for things to go like that last night.”

“Like I said I’m not here to judge,” Alex grabbed a cup of coffee from Emma, “I know you’ll take good care of my girl. I do have one question for you though.”

“Okay....” Allan cautiously set down his piece of toast expecting the worse.

“I’m sorry if this comes out weird, but it’s very important for me to know. There’s far more to Tina than you realize. I won’t go into details now, but it’s important to know if you think you can handle it. Do you think you could love my daughter still despite these secrets?”

“That’s kind of hard to say,” Allan played around with a few crumbs on his plate, “I don’t know what those secrets are. What I do know is that I’ll do whatever I can to make her happy. I can’t see anything that would really make me change my mind about that.”

“We’ll see,” Alex smiled and took a sip of her coffee, “Very good answer though. I think you’re going to be perfect for my girl.”

“Mom!” Allan heard Tina whine from behind him, “Stop asking him such weird questions. He doesn’t need to know any of that stuff yet.”

“It’s okay,” Allan got off his chair and walked to Tina, “She didn’t tell me anything. I know you’ll tell me when you’re ready.”

“Good boy,” Tina smiled sweetly and kissed Allan on the cheek, “We need to stop at your house and get your books.”

Allan tensed up as he thought about seeing his family so soon, “I can do without. It’s mostly review today. We don’t want to be late for school do we?”

“Alright,” Tina let out a sigh, “You have to go home sometime though. Can’t avoid your family forever.”

“Thanks,” Allan breathed a sigh of relief. At least now he had some time to think about what to say to his parents and Gregg.

* * *

Tina did her best to keep an eye on the road as they headed to school. Allan wasn’t thinking too hard about it, but her mother’s words had an effect on him. She just couldn’t understand why her mom would tell Allan she had a secret. Was she trying to force her hand? Tina knew her mother had her best interest at heart, but sometimes her methods seemed questionable at best.

“So what are our plans today?” Allan asked, breaking Tina’s stream of thought.

Tina stared at Allan and gave a big grin, “Remember what you said last night?”

“Huh?” Allan looked a bit confused.

“You said that you would submit to me,” Tina placed her hand on Allan’s thigh, “You said I would have complete control over your life. Well I’m going to exercise that control dear. I’m going to start with your wardrobe.”

“What’s wrong with my clothes?”

“Oh nothing’s wrong with it. The point of my exercise though is twofold. First, it will demonstrate my control. I’ll be making all the decisions of the clothes you’ll have in your closet and what you wear. The second is a plain fact I don’t want my boyfriend wearing things off the bargain rack from the local Wal-Mart.”

“Alright,” Allan looked down submissively, “Anything else?”

“Well,” Tina moved her hand up, “Last night was so wonderful. I think we can be a bit late for school don’t you?”

“Um...” Allan tensed up a bit, but a quick push from Tina relaxed him, “Of course, whatever you want.”

* * *

“Way to go Allan,” Rick grinned and gave him a light nudge, “No one saw you go home last night and you didn’t show up for first period. Who knew you had it in you?”

Allan stared at the floor and went completely red. Tina had a very large appetite. He spent much time wondering if his small body could take it. Something kept him going though and Tina seemed to really enjoy it. Her smiling face always made him feel warm inside.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Allan tried lying, a skill he wasn’t good at.

“You’ve got a bad poker face,” Rick grabbed the desk in front of Allan, “So who do you plan on getting next?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Allan looked up into Rick’s eyes.

“Well you got Tina. It’s time to move onto your next conquest.”

“Tina is not just some simple conquest. She’s my girlfriend. I’m not going to move on just because I had sex with her.”

“So you did have sex!” Allan felt his face go red again upon realizing his friend just got him to admit directly to sleeping with Tina, “I knew it! Some people owe me a lot of money now.”

“Can you keep this serious?” Allan tapped his finger in annoyance.

“I’m always serious. I hear some of the other girls are beginning to check you out. Now is the perfect time to dump Tina and get as much as you can.”

“I’m not that shallow,” Allan sighed, “I got the only girl I want.”

“Oh you are such a wimp,” Rick turned around, “Loosen up a bit and have fun. Love is for pussies.”

* * *

“Tina can we talk?” Wendy asked as she and Tina began walking out of the classroom.

“Sure Wendy, what’s up?” Tina already began probing Wendy’s thoughts. It seemed she was feeling guilty about lusting after Allan and was ready to come clean.

“I have a confession,” Tina looked at the ground, “I want to sleep with Allan. I know he’s your boyfriend and all, but I just can’t seem to ignore these desires. I didn’t know what to do, so I figured the best thing would be to tell you the truth.”

Tina smiled as something buried in Wendy’s emotions came up. All the years of pretending to be friends had finally gotten to her. She actually thought of Tina as a friend, “It’s okay Wendy. Allan’s a great guy, it’s no wonder you want him.”

“Oh no,” Wendy looked up wide-eyed, “I didn’t mean I love him. This is purely physical. I don’t know how to explain it. I don’t want a relationship, I just want to have sex with him.”

“Oh?” Tina raised an eyebrow.

“I don’t know where the feelings are coming from,” Wendy looked back down, “I value our friendship too much to just act on these feelings.”

“Don’t worry,” Tina laughed, “Everyone gets urges. I don’t think any less of you for having them. I do appreciate you telling me though, I wouldn’t want to endanger our friendship as well.”

“Really?” Wendy looked up hopeful, “I always thought we hung out just because we were popular.”

“That’s Christie’s line of thinking,” Tina wrapped her arm around Wendy as they entered their next class, “I think we are going to get along much better now.”

“Thanks Tina,” Wendy smiled as she took a seat, “Thanks for understanding.”

* * *

“Hey Allan!” Wendy called out as Allan made his way to the cafeteria.

“Um hi,” Allan greeted awkwardly. The last time the two had spoken, it wasn’t exactly on friendly terms. Now she seemed to be treating him like her best friend, “Do you need something?”

“Well...” Wendy tapped the floor with the tip of her foot, “In a way I want to apologize to you.”

“Apologize for what?” Allan felt confused.

“Well, the way I treated you when I found out you and Tina were dating. It’s not my right to interfere with you two. I know this is going to sound odd, but I would like for us to be friends. After all, I think I should be on good terms with my friend’s boyfriend. I still don’t know what she sees in you, but it must be something special and I’m not going to question it.”

“Thanks Tina,” Allan held out his hand and shook Wendy’s, “I know we’ll get along fine.”

“Now Tina said she has some things to take care of so she can’t join us for lunch. How about I treat you as a way to kick off our friendship.”

“Alright,” Allan turned and started walking beside Wendy, “I think we’re off to a good start already.”

* * *

Tina frowned as she picked up a designer shirt off the rack. She wasn’t mad about the shirt itself, but the thoughts coming from Allan. Specifically the memories of the day. It was good that he and Wendy were friends, but Rick had really overstepped his bounds. Allan wasn’t taking his advice seriously, but Rick was still too bad an influence on him.

“So anything happen at school today?” Tina asked as she tossed the shirt onto a stack of clothes already in Allan’s arms.

“Um...” Allan looked up a bit, “Wendy and I seem to be on better terms now. I’m actually rather surprised about that. I guess having one less enemy is good though.”

“Anything else?” Tina asked impatiently.

“Not really,” Allan shifted the weight of the clothes to something more comfortable.

Tina tapped her foot a bit. She could tell Allan wanted to talk about the conversation he and Rick had, but he didn’t want to anger her. For a few moments Tina considered using her powers to make Allan talk, but decided against it. She could use it against him later to establish more control.

“Alright go try these on,” Tina ordered pointing to the dressing room.

“All of them?” Allan asked as he looked at the huge stack wide eyed.

“Of course,” Tina replied, “I have to know how they’ll look on you. It’s not like your old clothes, you just can’t pick your size off the rack and call it good. Now hurry up, I want to get home soon.”

“Yes mistress,” Allan joked as he turned around.

“You know it,” Tina patted Allan on the butt to hurry him along. She needed to get Rick out of his life and she already had a plan on how to do it.

* * *

“I’m home!” Allan called out.

There was silence in return. Allan figured the rest of the family had gone out for something. That would give him plenty of time to put away his clothes without getting pestered by his brother. Quickly he made his way across the house to his room. The bags he was carrying were rather heavy. Tina had bought him enough to completely replace his wardrobe. Every last bit of his old clothing was to be tossed out and replaced with what she bought.

As Allan made his way up the stairs and down the hall he ran into Cindy. She seemed to have just gotten out of the shower as her hair was wet. Her outfit was as ridiculous as ever when she was home. A man’s dress shirt up top completely unbuttoned with no bra and a pair of boxers.

“Cindy!” Allan yelled.

“What?” Cindy acted innocent as she took a few steps towards Allan, “Is something wrong?”

“How many times have I asked you to dress more appropriately?” Allan turned around, “Rick may not mind, but I do!”

“Oh come on, it’s not that bad is it?” Cindy wrapped her arms around Allan and he could feel her bare chest against his back, “Nice shirt by the way. Is it made of silk? I really like silk.”

“None of your business,” Allan rotated around Cindy while keeping his eyes off of her so he could get to his room, “And put on something decent will you?”

“Do you hate my body that much?” Cindy called as Allan shut his door, “It’s rather rude to ignore a woman like this.”

* * *

“Hello Tina,” Christie said as Tina approached her at the school entrance, “So what did you want to talk about?

Tina blew into her hands. It was unseasonably cold and she could even see her breath, “Oh, not much. I’m just getting annoyed by your holier than thou attitude you have about Allan and I. I’ve decided to finally do something about it.”

“Oh?” Christie raised an eyebrow, “What, are you going to threaten me? Even you wouldn’t be able to deal with the consequences of that. My dad is the sheriff you know.”

“Oh I have no intention of threatening you,” Tina reached into Christie’s mind, “You see I have no reason to threaten weaklings like you.”

“What...” Christie gasped out against Tina’s restraints.

“You are incredibly strong willed to be able to talk,” Tina took a step forward and ran her right hand down Christie’s body, paying special attention to her tits, “Oh you’ll do nicely. I need someone to be a sex slave to Rick you see. He’s talking too much to Allan and needs a nice toy to play with. I figured who better to be that toy than the person who seems to be defying me the most.”

“You.. Can’t..” Christie tried talking through clenched teeth.

“Oh I think I can,” Tina smiled, “You can feel my power. You know I can do it and nothing you try will stop it. Sure you have high resistance, but I’m already almost done. By the time the first bell rings you’ll be begging to be fucked by Rick. Sure you won’t have much real emotion left, but that’s beside the point.”

“I’ll... I’ll get you..” Christie used the last of her strength as Tina’s programming took over.

“Have a nice new life,” Tina turned around and headed to her car, “I’m sure Rick will treat you right.”

* * *

Allan gently stroked Tina’s hair as she lay in his lap. Looking over the hill he could see the entire town. Tina let out a long yawn and looked up at him smiling, “What are you thinking about?”

“Rick’s got a girlfriend, apparently it’s Christie” Allan said shrugging as Tina kept her face neutral, “I’m surprised you didn’t know. Isn’t she one of your friends?”

“We sort of had a falling out,” Tina closed her eyes again.

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Allan leaned back using his hands to support him.

“Oh I’m not that upset. Christie and I never were that close. Mostly friends because of our social status and all that. I guess it’s good she found someone to be with.”

“Yeah, Rick seems pretty happy. He’s finally stopped bugging me about you.”

“Rick was bugging you about us?” Tina opened her eyes again, “You never told me about that.”

“I know,” Allan had a guilty look on his face, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hide it from you, but I didn’t want you to be angry. You look better smiling.”

“You’re still getting punished,” Tina grinned, “Call your parents. Tonight you stay at my place.”

To be continued.....