The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Jessica’s Dangerous Games Part Three & Four.

by Jeanne Brannesecca March-April 2001

-Part Three-

Jessica had left her apartment that morning for good. She had put on her white jeans and powder blue jacket, which she associated with her last vacation. Her dearest possessions had been packed; two photo albums and some letters, a few clothes, some jewelry and some cosmetics, into her gym bag and walked away. She had thought she was going to the bus depot, to try to get far away from Devon, the husband she had no memory of marrying. And Joe Rashad as well, the man who last night she’d hoped could save her but hadn’t. She had planned to get as far away as she could get with the cash she had hidden in the tin behind her dresser. Perhaps it should have bothered her more that there was more there than she had remembered putting away.

She had been determined, so why then was it that she now stood across the street from the large Rashad house, the last place in the universe she wanted to be?

Her head bowed. She crossed the street, unable to stop her legs from moving. She did not look up as she climbed the steps. She heard the door open and soon stood in the entrance way. Kamira closed the door and then waited silently.

A wave of rage crashed through Jessica to see an innocent child having any part in the degrading affair. A tear slid down her cheek. Kamira looked up at Jessica curiously, then asked, “Are you going to live here now?”

Jessica looked at her and nodded. This morning as she had desperately decided what to take with her, she had hoped to at least do something, go somewhere to defy Devon. She had anticipated putting up a struggle, and creating a scene if anyone came after her, but now she was experiencing a new level of terror. She was fully conscious, and had been all the time. Fully herself, and yet unable to extend her will even to her own body.

Kamira lead the way into the house beyond the dance studio. They entered the dining room, where not long ago she had sat across from Azura’s father thinking to herself how warm the Rashad family was. Joe was sitting at the table now, with his back to her. She didn’t care.

Kamira stopped at the bottom post of a staircase while Jessica brushed past her and turned, and went up the steps. When she reached the top she could see Devon waiting by an open door at the end of the hall, rubbing his pale brown beard with one finger and grinning slightly. She wanted to grab the rail, to collapse on the floor and never let go until physically forced, yet she walked straight to him instead.

Beyond was a grand bedroom. The four poster bed was made with a cranberry colored spread and trim. Devon took her bag and motioned for her to sit on the bed.

“What a nice surpirse,” he said in an overly pleasant fashion. She sat in front of him, sinking lightly into the feather mattress beneath, and looked away. With one hand on her chin he nudged her into looking up at him. She had guessed the wicked grin would still be there, and she was not disappointed. “Not talking to your husband? Your lover who goes to such trouble to look after his little girl?”

Her throat was dry, her tone flat. “What do you expect me to say?”

He seemed amused by her words. “What do I... ?” He trembled with sudden anger, she became afraid and flinched nervously. “Well, I... sorry would be a start, a recognition of how childishly you’ve behaved! And to the one person,” he removed his hand from her jaw and stalked away a few paces, “who has believed in you, had faith in you, while you have done nothing but embarrass me.”

Embarrass him? Had he truly gone mad? The small hairs on Jessica’s arms rose. “I... I apologized to you many times, Dev...”

Devon turned at the gable window. Her eyes had followed him in surpise. “No! No more lies!” He ran his hand through his hair. She looked away. “What kind of woman rejects and abandons her own baby son Jessica?” His voice was choking with emotion as if he might begin to weep, which alarmed Jessica beyond anything she had known so far from him. “I was worried about you. So many young women, pretty women, your age, are mixed up in terrible things. Drugs, prostitution... women alone get raped Jess!”

Was she really hearing this? How could he mention rape given all that he had done?

“I have prayed for you, for so long.” He walked back over to her and squatted in front of her. She could smell his familiar cologne. Why hadn’t she ever noticed it in her apartment? He put his hand on her knee. “You can’t run away from the truth Jessica, you are my wife, you belong to me. I belong to you.”

Jessica shuddered. She wanted to say something, but what? “I don’t,” she began and then had to swallow, “I don’t remember those things. I don’t remember any of those things! I don’t remember any of those things!” She continued to say it, increasingly loudly, on the brink of a nervous breakdown.

He slapped her on her mouth, hard. She stopped and looked at him covering her stinging lips with her hands.

“I’m sorry, I... didn’t want to hurt you, but you made me. Just like you’ve made me do a lot of things I don’t like doing.”

Why couldn’t she get up? Why couldn’t she simply walk through the open door? If only she could float out of her body and go far, far away...

Devon gave a loud sigh. He stood up and turned away from her. “I love to see you when you dance. Did you know I had been watching you? Of course, you must have.” He was almost laughing. “That’s why you’re here, today. Because no matter how you fight against me you love me. If you didn’t you wouldn’t be here. Nobody can fight the truth for long.”

He turned, his grey eyes soft, the smug grin completely gone. She really believed that he was sincere, that he believed what he was now saying to her himself.

“Jessie. You need me. We could be so happy together! A family... you just need to learn your place, for your own good, for our good. I’m not a whole man without you.” He gestured, waving his arms wide. “I mean, it’s not as if I haven’t had to submit, to accept my place you know. Have you ever thought about that?”

She found the courage to speak again even though her lips still throbbed from his blow. “If you love me, then let me be free.”

He smiled at her, almost sympathetically she thought; dare she hope he might actually listen to reason? “Don’t you understand, nobody is free. I am certainly not. I’m not free of you. I’m not free of all my responsibilities. There is no freedom Jessica, ever, it’s only the illusion of freedom, and it is a terrible thing! It has been a weakness on my part allowing you your illusions. I know that now. The Qur-an shows how to be free is to be without Allah, and that is a terrible state. It’s freedom which I am trying to save you from. But I want you to see the wisdom of this and to submit.”

Jessica was simply astonished. she felt weak to the pit of her stomach. She felt very small and alone. She had an impulse to reach out to Devon, but she resisted. Something in her just would not allow herself to trust this man again, in any way, or about anything.

For a long time he stood there and looked down on her, then he sighed again. “Well, I will leave you to think on my words. Is there anything you would like sent up to you for lunch?”

Jessica shook her head negatively.

“Well, I’ll let you be alone for awhile then. I have work to do. We will expect you to be at the table for dinner, with the rest of the family.” He turned to leave. “Oh, and little Sam is asleep next door, to your left. I know he is still very little, but I think he misses his Mommy terribly. Azura has been taking care of him for you.” With that he left. She could hear him going down the wooden steps.

Almost robotically she brought her legs up and lay her head on one of the pink satin covered pillows. There had been some truth to what Devon had said. She wondered if it was possible it could all be true? She imagined herself marrying Devon, and giving birth, but it didn’t seem posible. Why would he allow her to remember worse things, things that made him look terrible, but not their marriage and birth of her son? She couldn’t think any more about it now; she was emotionally and mentally exhausted!

Jessica failed to hear Joe leaving by those same steps not long after Devon.

* * *

Jessica opened her eyes. Mrs. Rashad was leaning slightly over her and talking. Jessica looked to the window and saw that it was bright and sunny now. Why did she look for meaning and omens in such things? Still it made her feel a little better.

“It is good to see you this time, Jessica. To see you here by your own choice,” the older woman told her.

Her own will?

“Would you like to help me when I prepare dinner?” Jessica looked into nervous but smiling eyes.

“I suppose so...” she answered and sat up. She was glad to see she was still wearing what she had laid down in.

Mrs. Rashad passed her a brush and she took it over to the vanity mirror and brushed her hair. Her eyes looked vacantly back at herself and she concentrated to achieve some other expression and settled for annoyance.

Azura entered carrying a baby in fuzzy pale blue pajamas, tummy down on her shoulder.

Jessica’s expression turned to anxiousness. Azura tilted her shoulder backwards toward Jessica. The baby suddenly looked at her. “Say hello to Mommy, Hassam,” she said gently, smiling.

Jessica felt numb. The baby was very cute. His hair was dark brown like her own. She wondered if she looked as bewildered as he did. She couldn’t help but smile when the baby suddenly smiled at her. She didn’t want to argue with Mrs. Rashad and Azura anyway. She wiggled her fingers gently at the baby and it put his tiny hand around one of them. She looked at Mrs. Rashad beaming at the scene. She almost wanted to believe the lie herself just now.

* * *

While she sat at the dining room table, as the four men were served first, Jessica wondered where those other women were she had seen once? Karima had not been present the only other time she had stayed for dinner, and was not at the table either. Nor had Joe, but he was here and looked at her coldly the few times she could get his eyes to make contact.

Mr. Rashad spoke to her once to say that he was glad to see her, and that he hoped she was feeling better. Devon gave her a brief summary of the Ramzy importing and exporting business he was now a partner in.

Jessica helped to clear the table afterward.

-Part Four-

“Come now my dear,” Azura cajoled, tugging at her arm, “it will be good for you. Change into your costume. Do it for me if not for yourself.”

“I’m sorry, I just don’t feel up to it,” Jessica pleaded.

“You and I, in the studio. I know it would do you so much good to dance.”

Somehow Jessica found herself being talked into it. She would like to dance, just not here.

The two women entered the bedroom Jessica was led to believe was her own. She reached into the closet and pulled out the bag she had left with that morning. She had put the beautiful costume in even though it was a frivilous thing to be carrying with her when she had planned to go far away. Azura closed the door behind her and she changed into the costume.

* * *

Jessica couldn’t believe who she saw when she entered the dance studio. It was Karen!

“How?” she gasped, then smiled at her friend, glad to see her and hoping somehow she could tell her something of what had been happening to her.

“I’m glad you’ve worked things out finally, Jessie,” the shorter woman said smiling at her. She came forward and took Jessica’s hand and squeezed it. “Azura invited me, to see you dance.” Her expression turned concerned. “You won’t mind at all, will you?”

What Karen was saying took a few seconds to sink through. Jessica slightly shook her head, without really thinking she replied, “Oh, of course not.”

Karen was admiring the plum colored outfit again as the drums began. Azura took her place before the far wall and Jessica moved quickly to join her.

Karen took a pillow seat on the floor near the change room. At first she moved hesitantly, but after a short while Jessica began to let herself give in to the music. She twirled and shook her hips. She couldn’t help but smile at Karen then.

Suddenly she began to feel hot all over, as though her skin was glowing like fresh lava. She moved, her face serene, as if possessed.

She saw the eyes again, behind the beaded curtain. Were they Devon’s eyes, or Joe’s? She became excited, deep inside her. She gestured her arms; they seemed to know what to do on their own. The drums became wilder, the reedy sound of a woodwind instrument filling her mind, talking to her. She felt like a flower ready to spring open her petals. Just as suddenly as the trance had come upon her it left. She stopped dancing, exhausted, frustrated.

Azura also stopped dancing upon seeing Jessica stop.

“Oh Jessica! That was amazing!” Karen looked at her wide-eyed. Jessica smiled again, why did she feel a need to not make Karen uncomforatble, not involve her in her problems?

“Thanks,” she replied finally, having caught her breath quickly moments ago.

“And you as well, Azura. I wish I could dance like that.”

Azura guided Karen in a few of the hand movements as the music continued to play.

Jessica felt drawn to the beaded curtain. Without the other two women noticing she padded over to and through the entrance.

Devon was sitting with Joe at the table, papers spread upon it.

“I thought I would brew some coffee,” she found herself saying, surprising herself, “can you show me where everything is?”

Both men rose and she followed them to the kitchen.

“Can’t you remember, Jessie?” Devon laughed at her. “It wasn’t that long ago that I showed you how to make coffee for me.” The image of a huge gold colored metallic sort of pot, the top bulbous portion sitting atop a bottom bulb, flashed through her mind moments before Joe produced it from one of the lower cupboards.

She padded over, a jewelled ankle bell bracelet tinkled as she moved. Devon put his arm around her waist. She felt a thrill run through her center. Just as quickly she was repulsed and moved away from him to his visible disappointment.

She took the top off of the thing Joe had set on the counter. It was quite large. The top came off and there was a basket. Joe had a paper sack of ground beans which rested inside a plastic ziplock bag. From this he scooped and paused to show Jessica to add two and a half scoops. Their eyes met, his looked sternly back, but she could not read any meaning in them, and felt a flush of the same frustration she had felt dancing return.

She put the lid back on and took the bottom to the tap to fill with water as Devon had told her to, she thought, or was she remembering him telling her?

She stood and watched as the coffee began to brew. The two men returned to their papers, Devon having arranged nine small cups on a circular tray. The aroma of fresh beans, weak at first, then stronger, seemed heavenly, and yet she was mostly a tea drinker. She could hear music coming from the studio still, and also from the back rooms.

* * *

Jessica had served coffee just like a trained servant to all four men, in the large back room past Devon’s office. And then also to Karen, Azura, her mother and a strange girl she had not met before but who seemed familiar. She too wore a costume. She sat with them on cushions. Jessica sipped at the strong coffee, but was somehow unable to speak. They were talking about her. She smiled vacantly. Devon was showing off her submission to her friend Karen! She looked to Karen who was very animated and cheerful next to her, her hand on her arm sometimes saying how happy she was that all had worked out in the end.

Then Jessica, Azura and the other girl, Carol, danced for them.

* * *

Someone was shaking Jessica. She was annoyed by this as she wanted to sleep just now. Someone was holding her up, she felt carpet below her feet. She opened her eyes. They were in the room with the cranberry colored duvet.

“Come on Jessie, just long enough to get changed for bed.”

She looked at Devon, he was grinning blandly. “Bed...” she repeated with a bit of a slur. He let her down upon the bed. She woke a little then. “You aren’t going to... be with me, are you?”

“No, not if you don’t want me to that is. Do you want me here Jessie?”

Jessica wondered how she had gotten drunk. “No. I don’t.” she said flatly, keeping herself propped up with both arms. What was he doing at the dresser? He was getting something.

He handed her a neatly folded shiny pink nightie. She didn’t take it. He put it on her lap. She looked up at him. After a few seconds, or minutes, Jessica wasn’t sure, he left, closing the door behind him.

* * *

Something under her nose woke Jessica. Something smelled strangely attractive to her. She was wide awake suddenly. She was lying across the bed with her legs hanging over the side a pink garment twisted up in her hands. To her side near the head of the bed Joe was putting a glass stopper in a small glass vial.

“What time is it?” she asked. Her mouth tasted awful!

“Not too late,” he said softly, one corner of his lips curling upward. Something about that was attractive to her. “Do you trust me, Jessica?”

She sat up and looked him in the eye. Hesitantly she nodded.

“Good. No matter what happens I want you to know this. You are not crazy, you never married Devon, and you have never given birth.”

Jessica had longed to hear someone say such words to her, but now they didn’t seem to mean as much to her as she would have thought. They didn’t renew her hope. What was wrong with her?

“I have your bag in my car,” he said as he slid his arms under her. She was still in the costume. She began to squirm away, but he quickly withdrew so she hadn’t needed to go far. “It is best if I carry you, you might not be quiet enough. Please, I’m offering you a chance to be free. Don’t make me regret it.”

He leaned near her again, she could smell his warm male scent, and it excited her even now in her confusion. Still, she gave her assent cautiously.

Joe moved cat-like through the dark house with Jessica’s light frame in his arms. She had her arms around his neck and her head curled into his shoulder. She felt molten so near to him, wishing the sensations could last an eternity. The sweet ache from below made her whimper once. She was disappointed when he set her on her feet in order to open a door.

She felt cool air on her fevered skin and she looked at the starry sky. She followed him down the steps after he had carefully closed the door. There was a long 1970s type of car in the alley behind. He opened the door for her and she slid in on the cold seat. She was chilled now. He reached behind her and draped her blue jacket around her like a blanket, then he got in on the driver’s side and started the car.