The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Chapter Nine

By: Rogue Knave

The woman was immediately aware of my presence inside her mental shield, and her mind suddenly became a roaring inferno of chaos and heat, intended to distract me, and keep me from being able to find her inner mind. Disoriented, I simply dove forward, hoping that it would be the right direction. Suddenly the chaos around me disappeared, and I found myself resting tranquilly inside the woman’s mind. Behind me I could still sense the roiling inner chaos, but I didn’t have time to play around. Thrusting deeper into her mind I sought a place where I could place my commands. I kept searching… and searching. After a while I stopped in confusion. Something wasn’t right. I should have easily found the woman’s inner mind by now. When I took the time to observe what was around me, I noticed that everything seemed somewhat simpler than it should, as though her mind were even less complicated than that of an animal. Could this be another line of defense created to protect her mind? Forming another probe I thrust it against the image of her mind that surrounded me… and it popped like a bubble. Stunned, I glanced around. What had just happened? When I poked her mind it had burst, and yet I was still floating in her mind! Now, however, the vast and awesome network of a human mind surrounded me. I had been in an illusion, another trick to disorient me, and to protect her mind. I hadn’t even imagined developing these levels of self-defense. William had been right, I could learn a lot from this woman.

This time, when I dove deep, I quickly found her inner mind. At that same moment, I felt a scratching, and then a battering, against the inverse mirror shield that I had placed around the woman. She had abandoned her attempts at self-defense, and was now attempting to mount an offensive. I didn’t think she could get through the shield, but suddenly I realized that she could enter my mind through my own hollowed out probe. Icy shards of fear slashed through me as this realization hit me. Hurriedly, I created a one-way shield over the end of my probe, trembling as I realized what would have happened to me if the woman had found this weakness before I had. Wasting no more time, I quickly adjusted her mind. She immediately stopped her attack and lowered her shields. I made sure that she would be submissive, obey me completely, and would desire to help us, not betray us.

With the adjustments to her mind complete I was able to glean all the information from her that I wanted. Her name was Ashley, and she was 26 years old. Although her parents were from Taiwan, she had been born and raised in the good old US of A. She had been handpicked, because of her astoundingly powerful telepathic ability, to work for a mysterious group of people known only as the “Counsel.” She didn’t know much about the highest levels of the Counsel, but she had served them in both Asia and Europe, so she believed it to be a large international body. This explained the helicopters.

Over the past eight years her powers had grown considerably, and she had been rewarded with greater responsibility. Now she was in charge of her own team of six operatives: two telepaths (including herself), two movers, a ghost, and a clairvoyant. She always received her instructions via a handler and, therefore, had never actually met any of the Counsel’s upper echelon.

I wanted to know about the rings, so I searched her mind until I had learned everything that she knew about them. The gemstones were an incredibly powerful tool that allowed telepaths to effortlessly enter the minds of people who were protected by hematite gemstones. But physical touch was required in order to do so. They called the stones “blood gems” because, in order to attune the stone, which was just a common quartz crystal, it had to be soaked in the future owner’s blood, together with a crushed hematite gemstone, for at least six hours.

A stone could only be attuned once, and was therefore useless to anyone other than its creator. The discovery had been made nearly twenty-five years ago, and the Counsel jealously guarded the secret. As far as Ashley knew, only those Counsel servants who had telepathic ability were aware of the blood gems’ powers, and they were sworn to secrecy on pain of death.

Before I left Ashley’s mind, I sought out information about why the Council wanted Jess so badly. She didn’t know for certain, but she believed it had something to do with Jess’s dormant psychic ability; whatever it might be. I withdrew from her, and sat down on a nearby log to think. If the Counsel were after us before, they would redouble their efforts now that I had captured one of their own. They would kill us all, rather than risk knowledge of the blood gems leaking out. It was the single tool that secured their supremacy in the world. From what I had gleaned from Ashley’s mind, the Counsel had tremendous wealth and power. We would have to be extra careful now. And I needed to make one of those stones for myself. It would make our travels much easier.

Turning to Cindy I asked if we had any syringes. “I’m not sure,” Cindy answered, cautiously. “What do you need it for?” I explained what I had learned from Ashley about blood gems.

“William gave me an unbound stone when we saw him this morning. I would like you to draw my blood so that I can attune the stone to me.”

“Ok,” she answered hesitantly, “but are you sure you want to do that?”

“Cindy, we don’t have a choice,” I replied. “Our enemies are armed with these stones, and having one ourselves, while not really leveling the playing field, will make it much easier to survive and evade capture.”

Accepting my logic, she turned to search through a medical pouch while I looked in another. A few moments later she said, “I can’t find any syringes, but there are some razor blades here.”

“That will do,” I agreed. I found two Ziploc bags, and Cindy dug a piece of her hematite jewelry from her pack. It took me a bit to remove the small stones from her bracelet, but soon I had eight small hematite stones, which I placed in one of the bags. Then I laid the bag on a large flat rock, and crushed the stones into a powder with another rock. Then I asked Cindy to make a small cut on the outer edge of my forearm. It had always seemed strange to me that, whenever blood was needed in the movies, they always sliced their palms open with a giant carving knife, effectively making that hand useless until it had healed.

As Cindy was about to make the incision I said, “Wait!”

Startled, she drew back. “What?” she asked. “I want to try something,” I replied. Searching my own mind I found the nerves for my left arm and blocked the signal to my brain. Instantly it felt like my entire arm was simply gone. It didn’t hurt, or feel numb; it simply felt as though it didn’t exist.

“Ok,” I said, “go ahead.” When Cindy made the incision, I felt nothing. The blood ran off my arm and dripped into the second bag.

“How much do we need?” Cindy asked. “I don’t know, but I’d rather use too much than not enough.” I answered. Soon there was a pool of blood in the small bag. I added the crushed hematite, and then the ring with the unbound stone. I couldn’t move my arm when the nerves were desensitized like this, so I fiddled with the block until I was able to limit the affected area to the tiny incision itself. The cut was so small that I hadn’t really needed to block the pain, but it was an easy trick that might come in handy if someone got hurt badly.

Carefully sealing the bag, I stuck it into a pouch on my backpack. We would have to wait six hours before we would know if this had worked.

Looking at Ashley, I saw that she was still lying on the ground, bound hand and foot, and terrified. “Ashley, listen to me,” I said. “Calm down now. You are not in any danger, and we will take good care of you.” The commands that I had placed in her mind seemed to work because she immediately relaxed, and began to calmly take stock of her surroundings.

“I need a bathroom real bad,” she said.

“There it is,” I answered, untying her bonds and pointing into the woods. “But Ashley, you will not try to escape or harm me or the people under my protection in any way, is that clear?” She nodded her head in response, but I placed more faith in the commands that I had given her, than I did in her assent.

A few moments later she walked back to our little campsite and I assessed her from the corner of my eyes. She was several inches taller than either Jess or Cindy, probably around 5′ 10″, and was so thin that I suspected that her body was hard and boney. But in spite of all that, there was something cute, even beautiful, about her, in a none-traditional way. She looked at me, and I quickly averted my gaze, but she had seen me. When I glanced back at her, I could see that she was a bit nervous. I found her to be quite attractive, and my curious gaze pondered her hidden treasures, but the attraction wasn’t more than the superficial appreciation of a beautiful woman, unlike the night that I had first met Jess. I wondered why I had responded so strongly to Jess.

“Do you have anything to drink?” she asked. Cindy tossed her water bottle to Ashley who drank deeply. “My mouth feels like it’s full of cotton.” She said. That was probably from all the chloroform.

“What did you do to me? I… can’t use my telepathy.” Ashley asked, her voice shaking. “I looked to see if you had hidden a hematite stone on me somewhere, but couldn’t find one.” I understood her fear. I had only been using my talent for about a month and a half, and I couldn’t imagine living without it. It would be worse than losing my eyesight.

“Don’t worry,” I answered, “you still have your abilities. I placed a shield around your mind that stops you from being able to reach out. While I was in your head, I saw that you have done some pretty nasty things to a lot of people. I understand that you had to follow your orders, but you took great pleasure in hurting people, often going far beyond what you had been told to do.”

She had no answer for me. Nothing she said could contradict what I had witnessed firsthand in her memories. She just looked down at the ground, embarrassed.

“I cannot allow you to continue hurting innocent people; otherwise, I would be as responsible as you.” I explained. “Today you begin a new life. You will serve me and help me train my telepathy, and we in turn will try to help you rediscover your humanity.” Ashley nodded her head in resignation. “But I am not like you.” I continued, “You need not fear that you will be mistreated while you are with us.” Relief flickered across the woman’s face.

When darkness fell, we started a small fire deep under the trees, and heated up some water for coffee and tea. The temperature plummeted quickly when the sun dropped below the trees, and we munched on some of our meager provisions before packing up and hitting the trail. “Ashley,” I said. “I’ve been wondering how you were able to find us so quickly. We were very careful, and rarely went into town.”

“We used clairvoyants,” she answered. “If you had stopped more often on your trip we would have found you much more quickly. We just kept checking gas stations until we found one where you had filled up. Our clairvoyant is quite gifted, and as soon as we had a general direction he was able to track you from gas station to gas station.”

“Are they still using clairvoyants to track us now?” I asked.

“Yes, we... they, have two clairvoyants, and two ghosts,” she answered.

That would make escaping them a little more difficult. The intuitives wouldn’t be much use to our pursuers in these woods, but the ghosts would be. If we were in a city the many electromagnetic fields would make it more difficult for them to follow us. Our only advantage was that sneaks couldn’t travel more than eight or ten miles, and they could only be “out of body” for ten to fifteen minutes before they became exhausted. If we could get far enough ahead of them we would leave their range, and our pursuers would be required to depend on the much slower use of claivoyancy.

“What is the best way to escape an intuitive?” I asked.

“By making your trail as varied and complicated as possible, not planning ahead, so that even you don’t know where you are going, and staying on the move.” Ashley replied. “This makes your trail more like a maze than a straight line.”

With ghosts on our trail, I wanted to get a few more miles under our belt before stopping for the night. Shortly after we started walking it began to snow, lightly at first, but soon even our owls could not see through the white out. We struggled onward, seeking a place sheltered from the wind where we could stop for the night. It seemed like we had been pushing into the bitter wind for hours, and our limbs were numb with cold, when we finally stumbled on a house. I wondered if this was the outskirts of Metaline Falls; we had been heading in that general direction. Squinting through the wind and snow, I could just make out that some lights were on in the building. The snowstorm would make this a safe place for us to spend the night. I didn’t think our assailants would be able to stay out in this weather any more than we could. But we would have to get moving quickly in the morning.

“I’m going to give you back your ring.” I said to Ashley. “I’m also going to lower the shield that has kept your ability blocked. You will not use your telepathy unless I give you express directions to do so.” Ashley nodded her head, and I dug her ring out of my pocket, handing it to her.

“Is that a wise idea?” asked Jess, Cindy’s dark eyes backing up her question.

“We don’t really have a choice,” I answered. “If we stay out in this weather we may not make it through the night. Don’t worry. I have placed a command in her head that requires her to obey me completely. She cannot disobey, even if her life depends on it.”

“Ash,” I said, “I want you to go push the doorbell. When someone answers the door you are to use the ring to make the person remove all hematite jewelry. I will take it from there.”

The rest of us waited in the dark as Ashley walked up to the door and pushed the button. A thin, middle-aged man answered shortly, and Ash, extending her arm, touched him briefly on the shoulder. Immediately the man began taking off a ring, and then his watch. As soon as he dropped his watch I was able to sense his mind. His name was Dave, and he lived alone.

Within minutes we were all sitting around a table drinking tea and coffee, and thawing our numb extremities in the warm kitchen air. Looking across the table I studied Ashley, sitting by herself a little apart from everyone else. She was definitely a beautiful woman. She began to squirm nervously, and avoided my gaze when she noticed that I was studying her. Judging from what I had observed of her memories, she was probably afraid that I would treat her like she treated other people. In her mind, I had witnessed a few of the many awful things that Ashley had done. She had enjoyed humiliating people, specifically men, and had strong dominatrix desires. She liked to hurt people, and she liked to be in charge. I was disgusted by her as a person, but couldn’t help but admire, and desire, her physically.

We prepared quick meal of instant soup from cans we found in Dave’s pantry. As we were finishing up, he walked over to the table with an apple pie that he had pulled from the freezer and warmed up. We hadn’t asked him to do this but he seemed to really enjoy our company. When were finished, we all got up from the table, and Dave led us downstairs into the basement. There he showed us a guest room with a simple double bed, and another two-person bed that pulled out of a couch in the basement living area. The women were desperate to wash up, so I followed Dave back up to the kitchen and helped him wash the dishes. He seemed like a nice, if very lonely, guy.

The women took turns showering in the two bathrooms. By the time I was done with the dishes there was hardly any hot water left, so my shower was short. I came out of the basement bathroom, and saw the ladies standing and sitting awkwardly around the room. There was tension in the air, but I wasn’t sure why.

“What’s up?” I asked Cindy and Jess.

“There are only two double beds, and we don’t want to share with her,” Cindy stated.

“Ok,” I said, “The three of us will share one bed, and Ashley can have the other one.”

We were all exhausted so it was only a matter of minutes before the lights were out and I found myself sandwiched between Cindy and Jess. I had a dull ache in the back of my head from the stress and exertion of the day, and I was desperately tired. Jess lay on her side in front of me, snuggled up with her back against my chest. Cindy was behind me, her breasts lightly touching my back and her left arm draped over my chest. My left arm was wrapped tightly around Jess, just under her breasts. The gentle caress of Cindy’s nipples tickled my back, and the feel of Jess’s breasts on my arm, rising and falling as she breathed, overcame my weariness. In spite of myself, my dick slowly hardened, pressing against Jess’s lower back. It wasn’t long before she could feel my prick, hard and swollen, pushing against her. She reached behind her and massaged my cock with her left hand, and I followed the gentle curve of her breasts with mine. After a few minutes of this, she guided my penis to her vagina, and I slowly pushed my way into her from behind. Cindy felt our movements, and her hand trailed down my chest and across my stomach to find out what was going on.

Cindy’s fingers held and massaged my balls while I pushed and pulled slowly in and out of Jess. I dropped my hand down to Jess’s groin and began to slowly rub circles on her pussy, keeping time with my thrusts. She began to breath heavily, and then to whimper quietly. Cindy was still massaging my balls with her left hand, but I could feel her other hand rubbing her own clit. I pulled both of their minds into my own, as had become our custom. Instead of the usual heat of a raging fire when our desire meshed, this time was more like red-hot embers, crackling and hissing contentedly. But the heat seemed to spread through us, and in short order the fire in our minds was stoked with fresh fuel.

Jess pulled off of my cock and, turning to face me, pushed me onto my back and climbed on top of me. Although she was incredibly tight, she was so wet that she slid easily down my dick. She motioned for Cindy to bend over in front of her, and she began to grind herself against my pelvis bone with long, hard thrusts. The friction inside Jess’s vagina was incredible. I could feel her cavity walls sliding and rubbing against the entire length of my dick. Cindy bent over double in front of Jess who grabbed Cindy by the hips, and pulled her towards her until she could suck onto Cindy’s cunt. Cindy’s lips gently touched my own, and I reached up to fondle her hanging breasts. Her large pink nipples were as hard as little pebbles under my curious fingers.

We had become accustomed to the fact that the amazing orgasms achieved by our mental unity also caused us to reach climax much more quickly. The coals of passion had burst into flame, and as we came together we trembled and shook, trying our best to make as little noise as possible, because of Ashley, who had chosen to sleep on the pullout bed just outside our door. Trying to remain quiet in the tsunami of passion that engulfed us only served to heighten the physical pleasure.

As the glory of the orgasm faded, and we collapsed onto the bed, breathing deeply, I saw Ashley standing in the door to our bedroom, sadness and loneliness etched plainly upon her face. She saw me looking at her, and slipped away. I wondered about the pain I had seen in her eyes. She seemed to be a tough, dominant woman, who didn’t need anyone. Why had she been so stricken by our performance?

My last thought as I drifted off to sleep was that I had forgotten to check on my blood gem. I would inspect it first thing in the morning.