The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Implantation Part 3

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction! Any similarity between characters, places, or concepts in this work and those in any other fictional work, in physical reality, or anywhere else are coincidental. This story portrays Graphic Non-Consensual Sex, surgical procedures, and wanton mental, physical, and sexual manipulation. The author does not condone any of these things and further does not believe that the methods herein described would work. If you want to do any thing like the acts herein described then: YOU ARE MENTALLY ILL AND SHOULD SEEK HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really mean that last sentence... you know who you are.

All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced or posted except upon the Erotic Mind Control Story Archive at or by permission of the author.

cat: MF, NC, MD, MC, PREG

No actual sex in this episode; I’m expanding the story a bit. Loosely inspired by The Book, but I wanted to create a situation where most mind control was technology driven as opposed to some innate or learned ability. As such, I’m going to use this as an excuse to explore different mind-control techniques. OK, enough crap, on with the story:

***Several Months Later***

Patricia and Moneta had both conceived and Patricia was just beginning to show. John had decided to hold off on Helga for a while since he needed her as a lever to keep the militant feminists on the campus under control via her position in HWR. If she got mysteriously pregnant, it would definitely hurt her position with the Femi-Nazis on campus. Many people might not understand John’s motivations at this point; after all, he had claimed total power over the minds and bodies of three very hot women, and could have any other specific woman he desired. What more could he want?

Although John definitely was aware of the personal perks of his new power over women through the device he could implant within them, and the augmented immersion rig (he had kept his three women full of cum constantly over the last few months). He also wanted to have a profound wide reaching impact upon society. That is not to say that he wanted to make all the world his slaves, but he did want to change societal views of what was considered desirable for a mate. All his life, John had marveled at how jocks who had trouble with simple arithmetic or the most basic principles of history, or science were swooned over by dozens of girls, while at the same time, people like John who did not have 200 pounds of muscle on them were over looked at best, or even snubbed BECAUSE they had brains. It doesn’t take a genius to extrapolate this sort of trend, and see that smart people are being bread out of the human race in favor muscle heads. Some might say that John’s conclusion is over stating the problem dramatically, but he saw himself as an altruistic man wrestling human evolution back from the brink of catastrophe!

As such John needed a mind-influencing mechanism that could reach large populations of people without mass surgery, etc. For a month or two, John worked on a subliminal message system that could be deposited in standard news print, but the messages that he was trying to deliver were largely abstract: (intelligent = desirable mate) and did not seem to be picked up easily from this method of delivery, he did covertly modify the campus news paper printing machinery such that this subliminal message would be deposited microscopically in the headlines of the campus rag, in the hopes that long term exposure would have a greater effect than in his tests, but he was not holding his breath for any dramatic results.

Patricia suggested that the implant could be modified to look like one of the contraception-implants that are given to women (The ones that release the same chemicals as in the birth control pills). However this had two major problems: 1. Those implants are placed in the arm, significantly distant from the skull and brain that the neurons must grow into, and 2. Everyone’s brain works differently i.e... different neural pathways are associated with different thoughts-memories-or actions in different people. This is what had required that each imposed state that John applied to one of his women, have been recorded from that same woman after the neural mesh had grown into place. The first problem was a technical one and could probably be eliminated, but the second problem was theoretical in nature and would require more knowledge of what structures in the brain were held in common between different women, and to what degree they represent the same concepts-actions-etc. Additionally, this would still only reach a small minority of women, and would eventually be detected by a government, or other group capable of bringing organized resistance to bear against his efforts, or if traced, against him directly.

Nonetheless, John began doing structural studies, identifying which actual portions of the brain were being activated when he imposed a state via the implant on his three women. This required, CAT scan, and real time MRI equipment, but Helga was able to “convince” the Physiology Director to open up the schedule for use of this equipment. The sight of Helga-Iron-Bitch-From-Hell seducing the old academic was true proof that John had completely over written her personality. (She later reported that for a man of about 60, he was still quite vigorous in bed!...Viagra, it’s the gift that keeps on giving!).

If John had been interested in giving up the secret of his implant technology, what he learned about the structure/function of the brain would have won him about seven Nobel Prizes (and as many life-time prison terms). He learned that the although the higher brain functions, such as abstract thought and reasoning were located together in the brain, the functions like the sex drive were actually distributed through out the brain, but they only connected to the rest of the brain through the regions associated with the senses. He reasoned that if the distributed neural mesh that coordinated the sex drive in a woman could be made to connect to other parts of the brain in a controlled fashion, then a conceptual trigger could be designed that would render women horny when exposed to it. For example, if a woman were to have her sex drive associated with her knowledge of computers say or other “nerd” field then, every time she were confronted with a computer, the word computer, or even the idea of a computer, she would become sexually excited.

This gave John a new immediate goal... instead of overwhelming mind control, perhaps some mechanism to create a thought-association, was what he needed to create. John was just beginning to get started working on this when he was interrupted one day by Helga: “John, there are some people here to see you.” John walked to the conference room beside the lab and found two men sitting in it. They were right out of some early 80’s spy film... mirror shades, black suits, ear-phone with flesh colored coiled wire going down their necks...the whole nine yards. John’s first impression was: “OH, Shit!", his next was, “They can’t know much, or else they would simply arrest me not come to ask questions.” One of the Mirror-Shades stood and said “I’m Dick this is Vince, your Mr. Vice yes?”

John accepted Dicks hand shake, (Which was like shaking a three day dead fish.) and said “Um, Yep.”

Dick got up as John sat down and closed the door to the conference room. “Mr. Vice, we’re representing a private investigation firm, employed by the University. It seems someone has been distributing subliminal messages via the campus news paper, and we’ve been hired to look in to it.”

John sat and listened, tried to look surprised at this revelation, it rapidly became clear that they expected some sort of response from him. What would someone who was innocent say to that?... “Well, if its some sort of expert opinion your after, Neuro-Biology is not the right’d want Psychology or some such thing.”

“Oh yes I’m sure,” said Dick “actually we’re hear due to a possible connection: the recent behavior changes of Patricia, your newly hired lab tech, as well as the changes in the behavior of your supervisor Dr. Driveski.”

John was freaked out to hear this said so bluntly (how could these men possible see the connection unless they already knew quite a bit?), what should he do? Act dumb? No, clearly these men knew something else they would not so boldly point out something like that. But, it was also clear that this was NOT some internal University investigation. “Um, Who did you say your with? What agency or company?”

Vince, who had remained silent said, “So you’re aware of these behavioral changes then? You don’t seem very surprised by the statement. You also don’t seem at all curious about the nature of the subliminals in the paper. One might find that very odd.”

John recognized that these men knew quite a bit about what he had been up to these last seven months and that they were only looking for some sort of incriminating statement or confirmation from him. He quite wisely decided that he was not going to be goaded into saying anything and instead sat silently looking at them.

After about ten seconds of that Dick got a little smirk on his face and reached into his suit coat pocket and produced a small spray can. John was completely unprepared for Dick to spray him in the face. For a moment nothing happened; John was still just starting to react, when the world seemed to grow dim and slow. The last thing John saw before passing out, other that the very annoying smirks on Dick’s and Vince’s faces, was (through the plate glass of the conference room) other Mirror-Shades interrogating the members of the lab and inspecting John’s equipment. Darkness. Darkness, and pain. Darkness, and pain, hands and legs bound and cramping from inactivity, ball gag.

John had been awake and in this condition for about four hours by his guess; there was little evidence to judge the passage of time (A part of him noted from previous reading on the subject of mind control that disorientation of the subject’s time sense was the classic first step... so maybe this is intentional). He was lying on a dry poured concrete floor in absolute darkness, he was very effectively bound and secured at three points behind himself to what felt like steal rings protruding from the concrete. Other than the smell of his own urine...he’d had to relieve himself about an hour ago... there were no smells, or sounds of any kind...sensory depravation?

He hears a door open behind him, blinding light reflected from a tiled wall in front of him, a loud crack sound, and a stinging pain in his back....tranquilizer dart his mind identifies even as it slips back into darkness.


Pleasure. A mouth rapped around his penis providing expert suction.... he orgasms just as he wakes up. He sits in a plush office/den like room, a fire burns in the fire place to his left; many books line the walls; the Persian rug has got to be worth more than all the money he’s ever owned combined. He sits in a opulent but sturdy Oak chair with hand embroidered cushions and a strait back; his left arm is held to the arm of the chair by two plastic ratchet rip-cords. A blond, totally naked and quite well endowed, is continuing to suck on his now softening penis. There is a desk in front of him; behind it a man in his sixties sits in a large overstuffed leather chair watching him.

“Vanessa is very talented, don’t you think?”

Guarded silence from John.

To Vanessa “Yes very good my dear, he seems much revived why don’t you leave us...don’t want Mr. Vice distracted now do we?” Vanessa rebound his pants, and slinked out of the room through the door behind John. John could not entirely resist watching her perfectly proportioned body as it passed him.

John had the sense to recognize when he’s playing by someone else’s rules, and waited for the other man to make the opening moves.

The man seems to understand exactly what is going on inside John’s head and begins speaking in the manner of one who has said this sort of thing many times and is now quite practiced.

“Before I explain who I am and who I represent, I’d like to run over who you are and exactly what we know about you... in my experience this makes things go faster.” Slight pause to see if John wanted to insert anything, then continuing. “You are what we call a Manipos which means ‘One who Controls;’ that is to say you have developed the ability to control the minds of others.” John continues to present a guarded expression, but not being a terribly good poker player is obviously very nervous. “You specifically seem to focus on subliminals and standard immersion style technology, but have some how managed to get a much greater level of rigid control from such techniques than we had thought possible.” John tries not to show his relief that they had not found any of his equipment for the implants, or if they had, did not recognize it as not being related to his ‘official’ research.

“You see John, your not the only Manipos; back in the 1200’s several different people who had learned to control minds though a variety of largely unrelated methods came into contact with each other and decided to pool their various studies into what came to be called the Ars Mutos, ‘The Art of Changing Others.’ Back then their primary methods were based upon drugs, simple illusions, and black magic.” In response to an arched eye brow from John, the as yet unnamed man said: “The Friary (as we still call it for the original members used the cover of monks to hide their operation in its early days)... As I was saying, The Friary only concerns itself with results. If reliable mind control can be achieved with a method, we do not care if it is explicable or not. But I digress, I was telling you of our history, The Ars Mutos as passed on by The Friary, had the purpose of developing and passing on methods of mind control to those judged worthy... for you see this power comes with responsibility the Manipi must secretly direct the development of the human race. Of course for their own good, the masses should have the illusion of control.”

Seeing John’s brow furrow in thought, he smiled and said “I see your an Idealist, one who admires the ethics of those who say that the masses should control their own destiny. A Romantic notion, but consider: Through out human history, just an elite few have had the vision, the brilliance, and the ruthlessness to create the future, while the rest of the mass of humanity followed half asleep, unaware of where they were going or why. How many people in Nazi Germany were actually responsible for the death camps and slave labor imposed upon the Jews?... Very few, but in a very real way ALL the German soldiers were fighting for that system without even knowing it... does this make those soldiers ‘bad people’, No... they were simply being manipulated. History has shown that if someone is not keeping the masses under control, then that power vacuum will be filled by someone like Hitler, or Stalin, or Mao, causing all to suffer: Manipi and Masses alike. We prevent that. If we see a potentially dangerous movement starting, we subtlety cause it to be un-favored in the public eye; it’s amazing how much of what you see and hear around you actually boils down to such manipulations: to buy a product, to elect a representative, to think a certain way, to work a certain way, even to view certain things desirable and others repugnant.

John cleared his throat and said, “So if what your saying is to be believed, and this Friary organization has been preventing ‘dangerous’ movements how come Hitler, and Stalin, and Mao, and other tyrants have existed?”

The Man smiled as if upon a star pupil and said, “Excellent observation John! You see, up until 1939 we had believed that the only political threat to the human race via mind control was if the leaders of a country came under the influence of some rouge Manipos, so we took steps to prevent, and diagnose such a situation. Sadly we were mistaken, such an attitude was perfectly appropriate back in the middle ages when our organization was first formed, but with the coming of the modern era we have been forced to see that manipulation of the masses, if carefully orchestrated, can be even more powerful than controlling their leaders. Naturally therefore, we monitor all publications and broadcasts for potentially dangerous manipulation such as subliminals, and that is how you came to our attention.”

“You see John, every time someone develops the ability to control minds, certain definable changes in his behavior, and the behavior of those around him, tend to occur, specifically he (they are almost always male, but we do have a few female members) tends to use his new-found power for sexual conquest. As Vanessa’s presence must have indicated to you, we don’t really have a problem with that, provided a Manipos behaves in a reasonably discrete fashion, their private behavior is their business. Nonetheless, this makes for a reasonably easy tag by which we can identify the Manipos within the local environment, which is how we traced the subliminals in the campus newspaper back to you.”

“Most Manipi however are people The Friary has selected and trained; the Ars Mutos has undergone quite a bit of improvement since its early days. We have developed many different fields as diverse as: drug induced suggestion, a more potent form of hypnosis, a few rare cases of true telepathy, ultra-sound, immersion, subliminals, there are even a few people who have demonstrated reproducible control using the old black magic techniques from the origins of the Art.”

The man perked up as if he was finally saying some thing different from the prepared statement. “Then very rarely, we have people like you; people who develop mind control techniques independent of us, and that we subsequently find through our monitoring of the public. I must admit that our techniques in such cases as your self may seem harsh, but I assure you that it is necessary. A rouge Manipos who feels threatened can be one of the most dangerous individuals in the world, and must be treated as such until we know more about him. So I apologize for how you were treated by our field agents, and later in our holding cell as we were investigating you. Typically, when we find a Manitos such as you, we determine if he can be safely approached based upon all available evidence and then offer him membership in The Friary. And it is that honor, that I, Winchester David Morest the Third, am now offering you. With membership in The Friary you will have access to all our records concerning how each mind-control method has worked or not in the past, of course you would be required to submit data concerning you unique process, but it would not be added to the archive until ten years after you expire from natural causes... (in this way each new member does not feel as if they are giving up an advantage to receive something of potentially lesser value.)”

“Mr. . Morest...”

“Please, Call me Winchester.”

“Winchester then,” continues John “May I ask what would have occurred if you had not found me ‘approachable?’”

Winchester scowled and said “Well, Hrmmm, lets just say it wouldn’t have been a tranquilizer dart we would have shot you with...... Understand, such situations are very rare, usually associated with an insane Manipos: I’m sure you can appreciate that someone with an unstable mind shouldn’t be controlling the minds of other’s.”

John sat up and crossed his legs and said “So in a very real way I don’t really have a choice as to whether of not I join the Friary... It seems you kill those who your not willing to admit.”

The scowl on Winchesters face deepened “Whether you decide to be active in our organization is up to you, but over the years we have learned that the population of Manipi needs policing even more than the masses... so either way we will be keeping an eye on you.... understand that we will only interfere with your activities if you break any of our two cardinal rules: 1. Secrecy, and 2. No un-approved manipulation of the masses... do what you like to individuals or even small groups, but the larger public opinions are not to be manipulated except in a long term planned manner.”

“Ah,” said John, realizing that now they had come to the meat of the issue “and what is the Friary’s long term plan for humanity, I don’t think I could support or give aid to your group without knowing that.”

Winchester’s frown disappeared, “It is as I suspected, most of the time when we find a new Manipos, his manipulations are purely selfish in nature stuff like ‘All women find me irresistible.’ and such. Your subliminals in the campus newspaper however were more general and fundamental namely: ‘Intelligence = Desirable Mate.’ This was different, and marked you as both potentially very valuable or very dangerous. But, to answer your question, we presently have two standing long term policies concerning the masses: 1. Encourage reason and logic over emotion as their primary motivating factor. (There are other groups that are opposing us in this goal). 2. Prevent mind-control techniques from being commonly available. (We slipped up when a traitor to our group, Freud, released data about the unconscious mind to the masses, but as a whole we’ve been successful in this goal, even turning that betrayal into an advantage.).”

Winchester took a cigar out of an oak box upon his desk, after John declined to partake of them, Winchester clipped and lit it; inhaling deeply, he continued “You see, we’re not just some group of adolescents out to have sex with every movie star on the planet. What I said earlier about how the masses need to be controlled for their own good, we don’t relish that fact, we’re trying to change it. That’s what the long term policies are all about: most of the mind control techniques that work on more than one person at a time, and are suitable for manipulating the masses are very weak; if we can get them to use their reason above their subjective feelings, then we’ve rendered them largely immune to the kind of public relations hype, and choreographed media spectacles that allowed Hitler and his ilk to control the minds of the masses. Even subliminals have less effect on more rational people. Hence the first policy. We can counteract the manipulations of a few rouge Manipos groups, but if many techniques become public knowledge, the situation would spiral out of control. Hence the Second policy.”

Winchester leaned forward and looked John in the eye. “The Friary has always sought to prevent the harm that mind control could do to humanity; that’s a great responsibility. Greater responsibilities however, grant greater privileges.”

John smiled and said, “I think we can come to some arrangement.” He then explained his observation/reasoning concerning the selective breeding happening on college campuses. “It seems to me that my goal to cause intelligence instead of sports-ability to be the predominant sexual turn on for college populations would work in quite nicely with your first long term policy.”

Winchester said “I don’t have the authority in the Friary to sponsor a change in the direction of one of the policies, but I could propose at the next board meeting that you be given a special dispensation to conduct research into methods that might lead to such a complex mass manipulation to alter such ingrained public opinions. It would have to be limited to a small geographic area, say the campus, and of course you would be expected to report your findings back to us. If you can demonstrate that it can be done, then you can bring implementation of it up for a vote of all the Friary members.” They talked for hours after that, ironing out the details.