The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

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The Hypno Shop

Part II More Progress

During the week I kept an eye out for Cheryl, and caught a brief glimpse of her at lunch one day. She was with friends. Simply beautiful was all I could think. In the past she always was alone. Things were happening.

The time seemed to move so slowly, I guess I was looking forward to seeing her again, in my store that is.

She came on time. You guessed it. I’m going to tell you what she had on. A pant suit and flats, but this time she was showing some cleavage. I asked her how she was doing and did she use the relaxing technique I mentioned. Yes, she told me, it works very well. I’ve been under some stress at work and whenever I feel it I use what you suggested, it works. I never felt I was in a trance, but just deeply relaxed. Thank you for that treat. Will it continue to work, she asked me? For sure, I have done the same thing with many others, some have been using it for years.

She was very pretty. I had to get used to looking at her and not stare. Again I noticed that she was wearing what can be known as barely there hosiery and shoes with almost no heels. She was not tall or short, I’d say about 5′ 4″ and did I mention she seemed to have petite breasts that I could only imagine with their upturned shape.

Enough of this, she came to work and I asked if she were ready to continue. As we entered the room I watched her closely to see how she handled it.

As I had suggested she had a hard time keeping her eyes open and said, that’s strange, as soon as I entered this room I felt as if I were extremely relaxed. I am having a hard time keeping my eyes open. I told her that was fine, she should sit down and give into the feeling as she watched the light dot above her head.

As she settled into the chair and raised her head so she could see the dot I began her induction. I quietly suggested she was becoming very relaxed, the more I spoke the more she would sink into her trance. Soon it was obvious she could hardly keep her eyes open. I encouraged her to feel the relaxation and when the time was right let her eyes close. 30 seconds later and I saw her eyes begin to flutter, good, I told her, that’s what I want to see.

Let your eyes close and deepen your hypnotic trance. As I said that, I could see her whole body settle into the couch with a big sigh.

She was on the edge of a deep hypnotic trance. I told her to deepen her trance and when she was very hypnotized let me know by raising her first finger.

Almost five minutes passed before I saw her finger rise up. By that time she was slumped way down in the chair, her head was hanging down on her chest and she seemed to be in a deep sleep. In fact she was, a deep hypnotic sleep, a deep hypnotic trance.

I wanted to test an idea, could I quickly put her back to that important moment in her life, her first orgasm, the situation that is still causing her distress?

I quickly deepened her trance and told her she was moving in time to a moment that happened during her fifteenth year. I gave her the date and time. It was that day but about an hour before the woman came over.

She did not move during my instruction, then all of a sudden she started to giggle. I asked her what was so funny. I’m trying on a new pair of pants I just purchased, I like how I look in them.

I asked her to describe where she was and what she looked like. I’m in my bedroom, standing in front of my full length mirror. I’m about 5′ 4″ tall, with long brown hair, brown eyes and a nice tan. I think I am very pretty and the boys all want to talk to me and take me out. I have a nice figure. However, of all my girl friends I have the smallest breasts. I ask her what size bra she would wear. She thinks for a moment and says a 30 A cup.

OK I say, what do you think about your body in general. Well my girl friends tell me I have a cute figure. I think that is because I am the smallest. But they all say they I have the best legs. Remember this is all coming from an fifteen year old Cheryl. Her voice is different, younger sounding and as she talks she is now sitting up in the chair. Her eyes are closed and I can tell she is in a deep hypnotic trance.

I tell her I am going to snap my finger once and she will instantly be the Cheryl of today, and when I snap them twice, she would instantly return to the 15 year old Cheryl. Did she understand, I asked. Yes, she quietly told me.

Did I mention Cheryl’s age? Well I almost fell out of the chair when she told me she was only a few years younger than myself. She was 38. I thought I had heard her wrong, but when I asked again, she told me the same thing.

I was interested in the depth of her hypnosis. So I did a test. It was a stage hypnotists trick, you know the one I mean, stiffening the person and suspending the hypnotized person between two chairs.

So I tried it. I had her stand and told her she was stiffening. I watched her become stiff. I leaned her back and placed your body between two chairs. Her heels on one chair, her head on the other. Nothing in between.

I did not want to hurt her so she was only in that position for ten seconds or so. Once she was standing I looked at her for a while. I find that stiffened pose so sexy. But with Cheryl it seemed to make her even sexier. Standing there with her head in an upward tilt, her arms stiff at her side and though I could not see her legs I knew they were very stiff and so sexy.

Enough was enough. I told her to relax and helped her to the chair. She was still the fifteen year old Cheryl, but I was going to put my suggestion and the depth of her hypnotic trance to work.

I snapped my fingers twice and she sort of jumped a bit, then slumped back into the chair. I asked her how old she was. Her voice was that of the mature Cheryl when she told me 38.

I was impressed with what just happened. I was quite nervous because what I was going to do might not work. If it didn’t, what would happen? I snapped my fingers twice. She seemed to jump or give a start and sat up in the chair. How old are you Cheryl, I asked. With a giggle she told me 15.

I was so impressed now. I knew she was under deep. I had never done this kind of work before, so you can understand I was nervous. I did not want to traumatize her any more than she already had been.

You know what was next, you would do it too. No not that. I wanted to see if she would go back and forth easily. I tried the snapping a few times and almost lost track of her age. But whenever she was fifteen she always sat up in the chair, that was the clue.

All this took about thirty minutes.

First I wanted to reenact her heightened state of sexual arousal. She was fifteen now and I told her in five minutes her friend would be coming over to be with her while her parents were out.

As the time passed I could see her change. It was almost fifteen minutes since I gave her the suggestion. All that time she was speaking to an imaginary person. Who was that woman? Soon I could see she was becoming aroused and went through the whole thing again. I let her move through her orgasm, I wanted to work with that feeling.

Once she settled down I snapped my fingers twice. She slumped down in the chair.

As before she was quiet active during her orgasm. Her hips bucked as she pushed up to receive her lovers tongue. At the moment of climax, her whole body quivered as she pulled her legs open. As the quivering moved thorough those shapely legs she stiffened and came. Every thing was the same, because that is all it could be. I had to fix her clothes and get her back together. I only hope she did not stain her underwear.

Once she was back I instructed her to not remember what had just happened but whenever she was in this hypnotic state and I snapped my finger once she would instantly become a fifteen year old Cheryl and when I snapped them twice she would become the thirty eight year old Cheryl, did she understand, yes, she said. I reinforced the hypnotic amnesia. I felt we were so close. I gave her other suggestions that were kept from her conscious self, too.

One, two, three, awake. I asked her how she felt. Great was the only thing she said. But I saw the big smile come to her face and the tears well up in her eyes. I got scared, did she remember? When she stood and asked to give me a hug I knew it was not that. Cheryl was just so happy.

She asked me how she did. All I remember is when I came into this room I got so relaxed and when I looked at the spot and listened to your voice that was it. Good, you did very well. We are very near, I think. She did not ask any questions, (one of my suggestions, to be happy and accepting).

She was very excited to know she might be able to have orgasms and wanted to know when I thought that would be. I told her soon, we had to move slowly, and not cause any further harm. I told her maybe a few more sessions. I know she was closer than that, but didn’t want to raise her hopes, to much. We made an appointment for the next evening.

I was both nervous and excited by the time Cheryl arrived. We chatted about our day at work. She seemed to have many pant suits and business type suites with very long skirts. She was wearing a long skirt tonight. She looked, well what can I say. I saw a few men looking in the window as we sat there and talked. She was that good looking, men could not help themselves.

I could see she was anxious and when I asked if she was ready, she got up and said, lets go.

As soon as she entered the room, as per my suggestion, she again just made it to the chair. She smiled and said she did not know what had come over her, just like the last time. I told her to look at the spot and relax, just let the relaxation move through your body. As I talked I could see her eye lids fluttering, she was almost there. A moment later, I told her to close her eyes and enter a deep hypnotic trance. As before I had her work on deepening the hypnosis and used the same finger indicator.

This time it was only a few minutes before the finger moved up. Cheryl was into her hypnosis. I did not need to do any testing, I could tell she was very deeply hypnotized and ready.

I had thought about what I could do to help her. There were two ideas working in my mind. One to make her forget it ever happened. The other seemed more realistic, to have her not feel she was a bad girl and try to make it seem a good experience. Both, I felt, would get her past this moment, with a positive memory. She would know what happened was......Well lets see.

I opted to go with the second choice.

I snapped my finger once. Instantly she sat up and giggled. I asked Cheryl how old she was today. Fifteen she replied and giggled. The voice was her teenage sound. I moved her to the moment just before her older friend arrived. I spoke to her and told her I was a friend of her fathers and said that she was a good girl, but sometimes good girls are asked or encouraged to do something that they might feel is bad. She had to remember if this happened all she could do was the right thing. And if it got out of control she should do anything to protect her life. I told her she was a beautiful young woman and sometimes this affects adults in a way, well, they may they want something from you that you are not ready for, like sex.

She told me she understand, but she had a serious look on her face and seemed to want to speak. I told her to share with me what she wanted to say.

Cheryl was quite direct. She told me the last time her older friend stayed with her she told Cheryl that she was a big girl now, a young lady. Young ladies were able to have sex, but at her age not with boys. But having sex with her was ok, because it was only with boys that was not ok. Cheryl said she understood but it troubled her. She told the other woman that she was not ready for sex , yet, even with her. Nothing happened that time.

I could see what happened, the woman was working on Cheryl, giving her time, but she could not wait and she seduced Cheryl. At least that was my understanding.

After Cheryl told me her feelings about having sex with this other woman I had to, some how, convince her that it was ok to have sex with her and change what happened into something that was ok, She had to see herself as a good girl.

So, when she finished her story, I took over. I told her that her friend was correct, having sex with boys, at her age, was not ok, not for her until she was older. I left older as an unknown number, and not confuse her at that moment. But, I said, if her friend wanted to teach her something about sex, that was ok, good girls learned from older women about sex and sexual things. She would teach Cheryl how to touch herself and how to touch another woman. For now that kind of sex was what good girls did.

Of course, I did not believe this but had to find a way to resolve her inability to have an orgasm and enjoy a healthy sexual life. It sounds strange as I write it now, but I was into it then, and sounded very believable. Cheryl listened and nodded her hypnotized head. She was taking it all in.

I asked her to tell me what was ok for good girls. She repeated what I had told her. At her age no sex with boys until she was older, but it was ok for her to learn about sex from her older friend.

So what will you do now, I asked her? What will you do when your older friend comes over later today? This is what Cheryl told me. I will listen to her because she is older and knows what is right. If she talks about having sex with me I will let her and learn what it is about, what it feels like, and enjoy it, because good girl want to learn about sex and older woman know about sex.

So you will enjoy it and not think it is bad? Yes, she told me. Well we will see.

I moved her to the moment the woman came through the door.

I told Cheryl to tell me, moment by moment, what is happening. This is how it unfolded in her mind, with my suggestion in place.

She came in and they greeted. (It may seem different from what you read before, that is because Cheryl’s reality is changing according to our conversation.) We kissed on the cheeks and sat down. Our conversation was mostly about me and school, then told me what she was doing. You are a very pretty girl, she said, and wanted to know if I had any boy friends. At that time I had admirers but nothing serious, I was only fifteen.

She asked me if my parents had spoken with me about sex. They did, I knew about intercourse, getting pregnant, how boys wanted to have sex but I should wait until I understood about love and felt love for a man before I slept with him. I am only fifteen, I told her, so I know I was to young to have sex with boys. She smiled and said I was well taught.

Then she asked me some hard questions. Did I pleasure myself? I did not understand. That’s making myself feel real good. I said I did not understand what she was asking. She smiled and said she understood. Did I know what orgasm was? I told her my mother told me that’s what adults have when they make love. She did not tell me how it felt.

She laughed. Well I guess you’ve never experimented with touching your self. Touching myself I asked? Touch where. She pointed between her legs and said here, touching your vagina and clitoris. I had heard of those parts. We talked about them in health class. But the teacher never told us it felt good when they were touched.

Let me demonstrate on my self she said. With that she pulled off her pants and underpants.

I was sort of embarrassed, but last year a bunch of my friends showed each other their pubic hair. Each of us had different amounts and different colors. Just like the hair on our heads. We just looked at each other’s hair, maybe that was exploring.

She got back to the main story. Her hair was real dark and she had lots of it, much more than me. She sat back on a chair and told me to sit in front of her. She used her fingers to open her vagina and pointed out her clitoris or as she called it her clit.

She showed me how to find it and how to rub it. Then she began to rub her own clitoris. As she did, I could hear her moan and say how good it felt. She pulled her legs open and fingers rubbed her clit faster and faster. Soon she was breathing hard, like she was running fast, her hips were humping and she began to give out a long yesssssss which was quite loud. Then all of a sudden she gave one large thrust upward and her fingers disappeared into to her vagina. She quivered, her legs shot out and then she collapsed onto the chair. She moaned for a few minutes and every so often her body twitched as she slowly removed her fingers from her vagina.

Later she told me that was one of the best orgasms she ever had, and it was because I was watching. I did not understand, but thought it was part of the learning.

Now, she said, it was my turn. I said ok. I’ll help you, she told me to take my pants and underpants off and sit down on the chair. She had put a towel down on the chair, which was good because as she had her orgasm she shot some fluid out from her vagina, I was so close some of it splashed in my face.

Do just what I did, she told me. I did not feel uncomfortable touching myself because I was learning something new and she said it would feel real good. I could see it felt good to her. She surely screamed loud when she had her orgasm, would I do the same?

Let me say that I was quite nervous as she told what was happening. Picture this. She was sitting in a chair in my office, thinking she was in her own living room, legs spread, beginning to learn how to pleasure herself. Though she had all her clothes on she was working her clit, or the best she could through her skirt.

I did have standards and a moral sense of some sort, or at least I thought I did. What was I doing, was I crazy, what if she remembered? I’d be in jail for what, rape? Who knew, but I felt if I could help her, it was worth the risk and so far it was going well.

But I will let her continue her story. So far it was all good girl learns.

The older woman told me to run my fingers through my public hair and feel the sensations. It did feel good. Now let your finger slide up and down your slit. What was that, I asked? Oh yes, your young, that’s your vaginal lips, by parting them you will discover your clit and and pleasure. I followed her directions. Everything was soft and getting wet. It all felt so good. I’d never felt any thing like this before. She helped me locate my clitoris. When she touched it, ever so gently, it sent a wave of real good feelings through my body. I gasped when she touched it again.

That’s it she said. Now you touch it. I did, it felt so good, all I wanted to do was rub it. The more I did this the more pleasure I felt. I sensed I was breathing hard, just like she did. I could hear myself making little sounds. I liked to hear me make these sounds.

She told me if I rubbed it faster I would feel more pleasure. I did it and all of a sudden my hips began to buck on their own, I was gasping. I could not believe the amount of pleasure building in my self. I was doing this. It felt so good. I was a good girl who was learning how to feel real good. I could think of nothing else. All that mattered was how to receive more and more and more pleasure. I was real wet and it helped me to slide my finger over my clit, now its my clit, and wow, did it feel good. I wondered when I would have this thing she had, called an orgasm. As my mind said the word the pleasure doubled, no increased ten times. I stiffened, I could hear myself copy her, yesssssss. My body shook and quivered. My vagina inside seemed to be squeezing and releasing as lights seemed to flash all around me. Then it, the pleasure, seemed to ease up and stop. I wanted to take my finger off my clit. And did.

All the while she was kneeing right in front of me watching and for a while holding my legs open. After a while I seemed to pull them in and when I came, that’s what she called an orgasm, coming, my legs shot straight up. However, I did not squirt any liquid that time.

I felt like crying. She held me and said I did good. I was a good student. But there was more to learn, as she stuck her tongue out at me.

It was weird. I did not feel bad about this. I was a good girl, learning what good girls did for pleasure, and at my age it was not having sex with boys but still finding a way to feel sexual pleasure. I liked it and thought, did my friends know about this. I asked her if I could share this with my friends and she said probably not now, but I would know the right time.

(All that she was living through was not what really happened. If you read the first part you’ll read what did happen. This is a fiction she is making up to replace the bad experience and hopefully only remember this memory, allowing her to establish a healthy orgasmic life.)

She continues. I remember falling asleep and waking up to a wet feeling on my pubic area. When I looked down I saw her gently licking my vagina. At first I was scared, but she said relax, this was part of the lesson, lean back and enjoy. As she said this I began to feel pleasure. Her tongue was slipping into my vagina and lapping all around it. Mmmmm, it felt real, real good. Oh yes, I could hear my self say.

I was becoming excited, sexually stimulated she called it. What ever it was, I liked it. It felt a little different than me touching me but the effect was similar, pleasure. The more she used her tongue the better it felt. I was telling her to do it faster. Already I had a sense of what was going to make me come. All of a sudden a bolt of lighting seem to flash before my eyes. She had found my clitoris with her tongue and was licking it with intensity.

Before I realized it, my hips bucked as a tremor or pleasure rocketed through my body. I stiffened again, I screamed yessssss that’s it, I’m going to come, make me come. I didn’t know where that came from. I bucked once more, she kept her tongue on my clit till I relaxed. I had had my second orgasm and it was even better than the first.

We talked about what happened and that sometimes girls helped each other by pleasuring one an other. It was different than self pleasure, but neither was bad. She knew lots of good girls who did not wish to be with men yet but still wanted to feel sexual pleasure and this was a way.

She told me sometimes boys will lick girls there but I should only allow this if I was first old enough to feel love for him. You cannot let him make you feel anything but good about yourself. Don’t let boys pretend to pleasure you so you will do the same for them. At least until your old enough to understand what is happening. But that is years away. For now use your finger and maybe I will help you from time to time, if you wish it. You will have to ask me, ok, I agreed.

So far she was performing well under her deep hypnotic trance. She came twice in the chair and luckily she did not stain her pants. Her clothes were rumpled from thrusting her hips and pulling her legs up and out. I tried to fix them but decided to give her a memory that would be understandable when she noticed their appearance.

I reinforced her trigger. Told her not to remember what had happened but that her memory of that fateful day in her fifteenth year would now be what she told me and never again would she think it was bad, or she was a bad girl for doing it. Her memory would be of remarkable pleasure and learning how a good girl learns about sexual pleasure. She would not think of it as a lesbian experience but just girls learning about themselves by themselves. It would all seem healthy now.

Would it work? Would this replace the original experience? Could hypnosis erase one memory and have it replaced by a fictional story? Would her subconscious believe the new story? We would see.

I brought her out of the hypnotic state. She told me she felt great. How long was I hypnotized, about forty minutes I told her. Whew, a long time. Did I do good, she asked. You did wonderfully. At our next session I will help you remember what it was that has kept you from having full pleasure. She accepted this and even though her clothes were wrinkled she smoothed them out and left with a big smile. I think I picked up her humming as she floated out of the storefront.