The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Doors of Her Mind

Chapter 2: Reception

“Open the door of your mind, heather.”

“It’s open for you.”

“Is your mind open very wide for me, heather?”

“So wide. I’m so deep. So open.”

“Good girl, heather. Are you deeper than you were last time?”

“Yes, I am. I’m so deep. I didn’t think I could go this deep.”

“Very good. Do you see the doors within your mind?”

“Yes. I see them.”

“Are you ready for me to begin to open the doors, heather?”

“Oh, yes! I’m so ready. I want that so much.”

“Look at the brass plate on the first door. It says, “Reception”. Can you see that?”

“Yes. Reception.”

“What’s behind this door, heather?”

“The reception room.”

“What happens in the reception room?”

“I receive you? Deeper into my mind?”

“That’s right, heather. You become much, much more receptive to my deep control after we explore this room, isn’t that right?”

“Yes. Much, much more receptive to your deep control. I want that.”

“Good girl. I want you to look down, and notice a necklace that you’re wearing. Hanging from the necklace is a whole set of keys—beautiful bright shiny keys. Each one is fastened to the necklace with a quick release, so you can instantly remove it. What do these keys open, heather?”

“The doors within my mind?”

“That’s right. Remove a key now, the key to the reception room. Notice how beautifully bright and shiny it is. Take a moment and gaze at it, and notice that you slip even deeper into hypnosis.”

“Yes. The bright key hypnotizes me.”

“You want to hand the key to me, don’t you, heather?”

“Yes. I want to give you the key to my room, so you can control me even more.”

“Good girl, heather. Hand me the key now.”

“Here. Here’s the key to the room in my mind. I want you to open it.”

“Very good. You see me fitting the key to the lock and turning it. Watch as I open the room. The room is lovely, beautifully decorated, welcoming. You want to invite me into the reception room, don’t you?” “Yes. Please come in.”

“Thank you. Now I want you to look around and notice what’s in this room, heather. It’s the most beautiful reception room you’ve ever seen, isn’t it?”

“Yes. So beautiful. It’s perfect.”

“Yes, it’s just perfect. You feel completely comfortable here, and very, very comfortable having me with you, don’t you?”

“Very much. I want you here. It’s just right.”

“Now pick out the most comfy looking couch and sink down into it. So relaxed, and completely comfortable.”

“Mmmmmm. So nice.”

“Now I join you on the couch, just the two of us here. How do you feel about that, heather?”

“Wonderful. I want you here with me. I want to welcome you.”

“Very good, heather. You feel beautifully relaxed, and deeply responsive. Now, I want you to look around the room. Notice that there’s a set of closets on one wall. There are three of them, each with a sign on the door. Do you see the closets?”

“Yes. Three of them.”

“We’re standing in front of the first closet now, the sign says “doubt”. This is where you store any doubts about what I’m doing with you. For you to fully welcome me into your mind, we must clean out this closet. Are you ready to clean out the closet of doubts?”

“I don’t want to have doubts. I’m ready.”

“We’re opening the closet now. It’s dark inside, and there are musty old boxes where your doubts are kept. Are you wanting to clean the closet out, completely empty it and leave it very clean?”

“Yes. Please help me clean it out.”

“The doubts within your mind are revealed to you as you open the boxes. Tell me about each doubt as you uncover it. Go ahead and open the first box now, and tell me about the doubts within it.”

“I have doubts about whether you can take me as deep and far as I want to go.”

“Repeat after me now, heather, ‘You have the power to take me as deep and far as I want to go’.”

“You have the power to take me as deep and far as I want to go.”

“Say it again, feeling the deep certainty.”

“You have the power to take me as deep and far as I want to go.”

“Say it once again, and as you do, discard the box that stores that doubt. Throw it out, where it no longer affects you.”

“You have the power to take me as deep and far as I want to go.”

“Is the doubt gone now, heather?”

“Yes. I know that you can take me where I want to go.”

“Good girl. Open the next doubt. What is it?”

“I doubt that I can respond to your conditioning as deeply as I want.”

“Clean out the box as you say, ‘I will respond as deeply to your conditioning as you require’”

“I will respond as deeply to your conditioning as you require.”

“Again, and let go of the doubt.”

“I will respond as deeply to your conditioning as you require.”

“Complete certainty now, deep within your mind. Once again.”

“I will respond as deeply to your conditioning as you require.”

“What’s happening, heather.”

“That doubt is gone. I know that I’ll respond completely. I can feel it right now.”

“Good girl. Tell me of your next doubt.”

“I doubt whether you’ll want to train me completely. I think you’ll get tired of me.”

“I want you to listen very carefully, heather. You don’t need to repeat now, just listen to my words and take them in very, very deeply. Listen very carefully and believe what I tell you. I am going to train you completely, heather. I am going to fully condition your body and your mind so that you will serve me fully and completely. Do you understand what I’ve said, heather?”


“Do you want that, heather?”

“Oh, yes.”

“Do you believe what I’ve told you, heather?”


“Once again. As I speak, you clean the doubts from your mind. I’m going to fully and completely condition you, very, very deeply, and then you’ll serve me. My deepest desire is to have you as my hypnotized slavegirl. I want you, will condition you completely, and will keep you for as long as you wish to serve. Are you feeling any doubts?”

“No. You’ll condition me completely. You want me. I know that now. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. What’s the next doubt, heather?”

“There are no more. That’s the last.”

“Is the closet empty now?”

“Yes. Completely empty.”

“And you see that the closet is very clean, fully aired out, don’t you?”

“Yes. So clean. So nice. No doubts at all.”

“Good girl. The next closet is labeled “fear”. Would you like to air out that closet?”

“Oh. I would.”

“The closet is open now, tell me what’s in the first box.”

“The fear that I won’t please you.”

“heather, the only way you could displease me is by not doing your best. Will you always do your best when you’re with me?”

“Oh, yes. I will. I want to do my best, and I want to please you.”

“I know that at times you may struggle, and may have a hard time following my suggestions. All I require is that you do your very best. You’re doing your best right now, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I am. I’m wanting to.”

“Yes. I can tell. Do you promise to try very hard to always do your best, heather?”

“Yes. I’ll always do my best.”

“Good girl, heather. I’m very, very pleased with you. I will always be pleased when you do your best, heather. Do you believe what I’m telling you?”

“Yes. Yes, I do.”

“Good girl. Is that fear gone now?”

“Yes. It’s gone. I’m surprised. This is so easy.”

“Yes, it’s easy to follow my suggestions. What’s in the next box, heather?”

“I’m afraid that I’ll lose myself.”

“Tell me more about this fear, heather.”

“I want you to change me. I’m fascinated by the idea of being conditioned and transformed; it’s so erotic. But I’m scared that there won’t be anything left—that I won’t be me anymore.”

“Is this a large fear or a small one, heather?”

“It’s rather small, but it’s there.”

“Of course. Are you feeling deeply under my control right now, heather?”

“Yes. So deep. So controlled.”

“And I’m beginning to rearrange your mind, isn’t that so?”

“Yes. Removing doubts and fears.”

“Do you feel you’re losing yourself right now, in this moment, heather?”

“No. I feel like I’m becoming more myself.”

“That’s the way it will always be, heather. Even when I change your thoughts and ideas very deeply, the essence of who you are will always be with you. I’m going to make you more yourself through my suggestions. It’s not possible for you to lose yourself, heather. Do you understand?”

“Yes. I understand.”

“How does that make you feel?”

“Better. Good. I can be myself, but still respond completely.”

“That’s exactly right. Are you ready to let go of your fear, heather?”

“Yes. It’s gone now.”

“Good girl. Are there other fears in this closet?”


“Tell me of the next one.”

“I’m afraid you’ll make me do things I don’t want to do. I mean, I want you to make me do things, but it might go too far. I don’t want to lose my job or forget my friends.”

“I want you to listen carefully, heather. I’m not going to change your life in ways that would hurt you. Your job is important, and I want you to do well at it. Your friends and your family are important, and I want you to spend the time and energy needed to nurture your relationships. I’m not going to cause you harm, or change your life in ways that would hurt you. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

“Yes. I understand.”

“Do you believe I can make you do things, but without hurting you?”

“Yes. I do. I believe you.”

“How do feel right now, heather?”

“Relieved. Good. Free. You’ll make me do things, but won’t hurt me. I know that now.”

“Good girl. Is that fear gone now? Is the box empty?”

“Yes. Completely gone.”

“Good. Are there other fears in the closet?”

“No. It’s empty now.”

“Is the closet very clean now, completely aired out, filled with light?”

“Yes. Feels so good. I feel so free.”

“Very good. The last closet says “reluctance”. Are you ready to clean that closet?”

“I think so. Yes. I am.”

“What’s in the closet, heather?”

“Nothing. It’s empty.”

“You feel no reluctance?”


“Look more closely. Aren’t there one or two boxes in this closet?”

“Yes. Just one. A small box.”

“What’s in the box, heather?”

“I’m worried that you’ll make me do or say things in front of my family and friends that will embarrass me. I’m reluctant to do that.”

“Which do you want more, heather, to feel my deep, deep control, or to hold onto that reluctance?”

“Your control.”

“If I make you do things that embarrass you, will that be exciting?”

“Yes. Yes, it will. I’m blushing. I don’t know why, but it excites me so much.”

“Do you need to feel reluctant?”

“No. I want your control. I’ll do anything you tell me. I want to feel helpless.”

“Do you want to feel helpless to resist even if I make you do things that are embarrassing to you?”

“Yes, I do. I’m so excited.”

“As you feel that excitement, you can let go of your reluctance.”

“Yes. I can. I can let it go.”

“Tell me when your reluctance is completely gone, heather.”

“Completely gone. The closet is empty and clean.”

“Good girl. We’re back in the reception room now. Can you feel how open and receptive your mind is?”

“Oh, yes. I can. I want to let you inside completely. I am. Completely. I’ll do or think anything you tell me.”

“Good girl. Give me a welcoming hug now, and feel your mind open even more. Feel how very, very receptive you are.”

“Oh. This feels so good. I’m completely receptive. More than I ever imagined. This is so nice.”

“Very good, heather. Now it’s time to go up the stairs. Up. All the way up. And awake now.”

“Wow! I can’t believe how that worked. It was so vivid, so real. It really was like things were being cleared out of my mind; I could feel it.”

“Great! Feeling differently now?”

“I am. I hadn’t even realized the doubts and fears I was carrying around. Well, I mean, I knew they were there, I think about them, but I hadn’t realized how deep and important they were. It’s amazing. It really does feel like they’re completely gone. Are they really? Are they completely gone?”

“No. Not completely. Although it may feel that way at the moment, those negative feelings will tend to return on their own. But each time you become aware of a thought of doubt, a feeling of fear, a hint of reluctance, you can imagine yourself back in that closet, cleaning that thought or feeling out of your mind.”

“Cool! I’ll love doing that.”

“And as you do that, the doubts and fears and reluctance will fade, become less and less important. And as you continue to visualize as I’ve suggested, the feelings will return less and less frequently.”

“Oh, that’s so great! I really want that!”

“I know you do, heather, and it’s your enthusiasm that’s making this so easy for you. As we continue, I want you to let me know if any issues come up for you. Will you do that?”


“Great! And if you ever feel the need, we’ll have another session in this room, and I’ll help you clean out any doubts or fears or reluctance.”

“That sounds so wonderful. Did you mean what you said about always being pleased with me if I try my best?”

“Definitely. Could you feel the certainty when I told you that?”

“Yes. You sounded completely sincere, and in that moment, I was crystal clear. I just wanted to check.”

“I am completely sincere. I’m very, very pleased with you, heather, and will continue to be. You’re trying so hard, and doing so well. I can tell you’re doing your very best, and I appreciate that deeply. It’s a pleasure to train you.”

“Oh … thank you. I’m blushing again. Thank you so much.”

“It’s my pleasure, heather.”