The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Buccanneer Barbie

Chapter 9—Filling Holes

Coming into port is never an easy proposition. Out there on the open sea, you know who your shipmates are. For better or for worse, you learn who you can rely on and you learn which ones are unreliable and those conditions don’t change just because a ship is in port. What does change is the crew itself. There is always attrition and that means the ship must always be on the lookout for new recruits. That means when a ship sails back out again, there will be new crew members to be assessed and new alliances to be made.

But it is one of the basic rules that eventually, a ship must come into port and so it was that the pirate ship rolled into port.

Barbie looked at her First Officer. He was the only male member of her crew. She even wondered if he’d be back but she thought he would. Skipper and Sammie were at his beck and call but it was only through their relationship to him on the ship. They were his cabin boys. If he left the ship, he wouldn’t need cabin boys and more importantly, they wouldn’t need him. She hoped he understood that.

“You understand what we need,” Barbie asked again.

The man nodded. There were at least five girls who said they’d be leaving so that meant there would be holes to fill. “I know what we need,” he said.

Barbie looked out over the port. “What are you going to do first,” she asked.

“First, I’ve got to look up an old friend.”

“And then?”

“I don’t know. I’m thinking of seeing how well Skipper and Sammie perform on dry land.”

Barbie grinned at that. She wouldn’t mind seeing how well they performed on dry land, too, but as far as she was concerned, those two belonged to Ken. She wasn’t going to do anything which might upset the ship’s delicate crew balance.

“How about you,” the man asked. “What are you going to do?”

Barbie looked out over the sleepy little port-side town. “I don’t know,” she said. “I just really don’t know.”

* * *

The same could not be said of Kayla. She knew exactly what she was going to do because Heather had told her what they would do and Heather was someone she knew she just couldn’t resist.

She knew because she’d tried. She tried to resist the teen and each time she tried, she seemed to lose just a little bit more of her will to resist. She was there in her cabin but it was Heather who was in her bed and it was Kayla between the teen’s legs and it was Kayla who was licking the teen’s pussy.

This morning had gone no differently than everyone that had proceeded it. She’d awakened before Heather because she’d known that that was what was expected of her. She’d laid there in her bed and she’d watched Heather sleep and all the while, she could feel the need building inside her.

She’d wondered what would happen if she didn’t awake early or if she didn’t let herself think what she was thinking. She’d even tried it once or twice but she soon discovered that it just wouldn’t happen that way. She had to do as she was told and that meant she had to get up early and she had to wait for Heather to awake.

And so it was that when Heather had awakened, Kayla was there waiting for her.

There were no pleasantries exchanged. Heather merely looked at Kayla as if Kayla were her property and she said the same thing she always said. “Who do you belong to,” she asked.

There seemed always to be a part of her that wanted to lie, that wanted to tell Heather that she didn’t belong to her. That part never died and always with dawn’s first light, always that question would make her remember that part of her and for a moment, she thought she would tell a lie.

But truth always won out. Kayla would stare into the teen’s eyes and she’d just melt. “You,” she’d answer. “I belong to you,” and each time she said it, it just felt so right and every time she answered right, she was allowed to let her tongue slide in between Heather’s thighs and once again, her day would begin.

This day, she knew she was going to go into town with Heather and she knew she was going to help Heather find cute, little girls that could be brought under her spell. She knew she would be drugging them and she knew she had no choice because she knew she’d do whatever Heather wanted.

* * *

Mandy knew she’d be looking for girls, but she wasn’t looking the way Kayla was looking. For the time being at least, she was out from under Kristi’s thumb and she knew she’d be looking for new recruits for the crew. She was good at it because she knew what to look for. She was sure she could find a number of good candidates.

It was a chance to get off the ship and it was also a chance to get away from Kristi. She knew all she had to do was pack up and go but every time she thought that, she knew she wouldn’t leave. She wondered if that was Kristi’s doing. She wondered if Kristi was making her stay. That worried her but what worried her even more was she might be staying because she wanted to stay. What worried her most was that she might enjoy being under Kristi’s thumb.

* * *

There was no doubt as to what Heather wanted. In fact, she’d made that abundantly clear. She wanted young, little innocents. They didn’t have to be virgins but they couldn’t be a total slut either. “Ideally,” Heather had told Kayla, “we find ourselves a girl who’s got a boyfriend, someone who’s devoted to him, someone who thinks she knows what sex is all about and then you help me take her, and we teach her what devotion is all about.

There was a time when Kayla would have resisted but that time was long gone. When Heather had first said what she wanted to do, there had been a very small part of her that had screamed no, but the concerns of that part had been swept aside with incredible ease and now she was a willing participant.

They were following one girl in particular. She had long, brown hair and a cute, little face and she’d been shopping with some friends but now almost miraculously, she was off on her own. She had bags in both hands and she was walking down the street.

“I say we catch up to her and force her into an alley and make her take the drink,” Heather said.

“Come on,” Kayla protested. “You can’t do that.”

“Why not?”

“Well for starters, you try to do that, she’s going to scream.”

“That’s where you come in. You’re going to cover her mouth.”

“If I’m covering her mouth, how are you going to make her take the drug?”

Heather opened her mouth but nothing came out. “Good point. I hadn’t thought of that. So what are we going to do?”

“I don’t know,” Kayla said. “I’m working on it.”

“Well, work quicker. Work harder. I want her.”

* * *

Not everyone was cut out to be a pirate on an all-girl ship. Mandy knew that. Of course, one had to be a girl. That knocked out a lot of potential candidates right then and there.

One had to be willing to work. One had to be willing to be at sea for long periods of time, and first and foremost, one had to be willing to be without boys for long periods of time.

That’s why Mandy liked runaways.

That’s what she was following now. The girl had on a pair of tight jeans and a loose top. Already more than once, the young blond had looked over her shoulder and Mandy was sure the girl had made her. That’s why she’d had to drop back. She didn’t want to spook the girl.

The girl took a left on Wabash and Mandy scurried to catch up. There were a lot of cheap dives down here. Probably the girl was staying in one of those.

* * *

For a moment, it looked as if the girl was going to take a bus somewhere and Kayla was fully prepared to hop on the bus if that was what it was going to take to keep up with her but at the last minute, something changed.

The girl talked with someone at the bus stop and then she looked at her watch and she shook her head. You didn’t have to be a mind reader to know what had happened. The girl had missed her bus.

Kayla watched. It was all up to the girl now. It was up to her to make the next move.

She looked up the street as if she expected a bus to suddenly miraculously appear and then she looked at her watch. One more look up the street and then she shook her head again and she picked up her bags.

“Come on,” Kayla said.

“Where are we going,” Heather asked.

“I have no idea,” Kayla answered back. “We’re going wherever she’s going.”

* * *

Dammit, she’d lost the girl. She’d been right there but when Mandy took the left on Wabash, there was nothing but a line of cheap hotels, all showing their age. The girl had to be in one of them, but which one. She couldn’t go in every one of them and even if she could, the girl would probably be in her room. No, it was unlikely that the girl would be hanging around in the lobby just waiting to be found.

Nope, Mandy told herself. This one was a bust. You had to expect that when you went looking for recruits. You didn’t win every single time.

* * *

They watched the girl enter a coffee shop. Kayla looked up the street and then she said something to her owner.

Moments later, Kayla was crossing the street. She picked the girl up almost as soon as she entered the shop. She was sitting over in the corner looking out the window and talking on her phone, but Kayla looked away. She went to stand in line as if she were just any other ordinary customer.

She paid for her coffee and stepped away from the counter. She’d already planned which way she was going to go.

“I understand,” the girl was saying, “but it’s imperative that I see Dr. Van Pelt.”

The girl listened to the answer on the phone.

“No,” she said as her voice got more irritable. “You don’t understand. I don’t want this. I want you to make it go away.”

“Jules,” Kayla said. “Jules, is that you?” She could already see Heather entering the place.

The girl looked up. “I’m afraid you have me confused with someone else,” she said. “My name’s not Jules.”

Kayla paid her no attention. She looked up and waved at Heather. “Hey,” she said. “Hey, looky here. It’s Jules.”

That was all it took. The girl turned and looked at Heather and in that instant, Kayla dumped the drug in the girl’s drink. She felt bad about what she was doing but not as bad as she’d feel if she failed her owner.

The girl looked back at Kayla. “I’m afraid you’ve got me mixed up with someone else,” she said.

“Are you sure?”

The girl smiled almost condescendingly. “I think I know my own name,” she said tersely, “and now if you don’t mind, I’m on the phone.”

“Yes, of course,” Kayla agreed. “So sorry to have bothered you,” and with that, she got up and walked away.

“You’re sure this is going to work,” Heather asked as she and Kayla walked off to find a nearby table.

Kayla nodded. “Don’t look but I’d be willing to bet that even now she’s drinking her coffee.”

* * *

Ken enjoyed having a girl on each arm as he entered the club. He knew people were watching him and he liked that.

He let the waitress lead him and Skipper and Sammie to a booth.

Apparently, being on dry land hadn’t done anything to diminish their need to satisfy him. Both girls snuggled in close to him. That much was obvious but what the patrons of the club couldn’t see is what they were doing with their hands.

Ken fought back the urge to moan. It happened to be Sammie’s hand on his cock but it didn’t really matter which one’s it was. It could just as easily have been Skipper’s.

“You like that,” Sammie said and her hand stroked him even harder.

“Oh yeah,” the man groaned.

At just that moment, the waitress approached the table. “Hi. My name is Christine,” she said. “Can I start you folks off with some drinks?”

Sammie slowed her hand on the man’s cock but to Skipper’s disappointment, it was clear she had no intention of relinquishing her hold on Ken’s cock.

Ken looked at the waitress and then he looked at the two women. “I think they’re kind of busy right now,” he said, “but I guess I’ll have a beer.”

“Right away, sir,” the waitress said and with that she went off to fetch the beer.

“I like her,” Sammie said.

“Me, too,” Skipper chimed in.

“You do, huh? What do you like about her?”

“She’s cute,” Sammie said.

“Yeah, and she’s Asian. We don’t have many Asian girls on the ship,” Skipper said.

“We don’t have ANY Asian girls on the ship,” Sammie corrected her.

“Well, I know that,” Skipper said, “but I wasn’t going to say that. I just said she’s cute, and besides, I think she’d be a good, little playmate for Sammie here while I’m fucking your cock.”

“For me,” the black girl protested. “I was thinking just the opposite. I was thinking she’d be a good, little playmate for you while I’m fucking Ken’s cock.”

“You are such a fucking slut,” Skipper said.

“I know I am and so are you,” Sammie shot back.

“Well, I didn’t say I wasn’t,” Skipper shot back, “but I was here first.”

“Yeah, I guess that’s why he needed to get me,” Sammie shot back. “Because you weren’t good enough to keep him all on your own.”

“Ladies,” Ken tried to interject.

“Slut,” retorted Skipper.

“Whore,” Sammie shot back.

“Stop it,” Ken said. “Stop it now.” He knew they really weren’t mad at one another but he needed them to stop bickering with one another. “I take it you like Christine,” he said.

Both girls nodded.

“And I take it you girls think it might be a good idea to get her on our crew.”

Again, both girls nodded.

“Then I think the three of us had better put our heads together and figure out just how the hell we’re going to get her on the ship because she’s going to be back here any minute now and we’d better have a plan before she comes back.”

* * *

The only other time Kayla had been involved in the application of the drug was when she herself had been the victim so she’d never been able to see the drug at work.

The girl had finished her phone call and now she was sitting there at her table and looking out the window. Kayla wondered what she was thinking but she knew it didn’t matter. In just a little while, she’d belong to Heather’s pussy and then she wouldn’t have to think about anything else.

Kayla watched the girl take another sip from her coffee.

She felt bad about what she was doing but she kept telling herself she really had no choice. She had to do what she was told.

The girl took another sip from her coffee and then she just sat there.

“It’s time,” Heather said. “Let’s go pick up the little slut.”

Kayla wanted to say “No, leave her alone,” but she didn’t. She just got up and followed Heather to the table.

Heather slid into the sheet across from the girl. “Well hello again.”

Kayla watched the brown-haired girl stare blankly across at Heather.

Heather smiled mirthlessly. “I’d ask you what your name was but you and I both know that’s not important, not anymore.”

The girl just stared.

“Heck, I might as well just call you pussy slave,” Heather said, “because you and I both know that’s what you are.”

Kayla just watched. “Say no,” she wanted to say but she said nothing. She just stood there and watched.

“Isn’t that nice,” Heather said. “I can see you already know what you are. You’re a slave to my pussy.”

The girl said nothing.

“In a moment, you and I are going to get up and we’re going to find a nice, quiet place where you can show my pussy what a good, little pussy slave you really are.”

The girl still said nothing.

“Don’t worry about your bags. My friend will carry those. Now just stand up like a good, little slave and follow my pussy to your new life.

Both Heather and the girl stood and when Heather walked, the new girl followed.

What else could Kayla do? She picked up the girl’s bags and she followed along behind.

* * *

“You looking for me?”

Mandy whirled to find the blond standing behind her, a knife in her hand.

“You looking for me,” the blond asked again.

There was no point in denying the obvious. Mandy nodded.

The knife moved just a little. “Why?”

“You know the ship that just came into port?”

“What about it?”

Mandy smiled to herself. She was pretty sure the girl had no idea what Mandy was talking about but she knew the girl didn’t want to admit it. “It’s a pirate ship.”

The girl snorted. “Yeah right.”

“It’s the truth.”

The girl seemed to consider that. “So what if it is?”

“So I come from that ship.”

“Yeah, and so.”

“So we’re looking for recruits to help fill out our crew.”

The girl snorted again. “Lady, you’re full of shit. Do I look like a pirate to you?

Mandy smiled. “When it comes to this ship, I think you’d fit right in.”

“Why? What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means it’s an all-girl crew.” She didn’t bother to tell the girl that their First Officer was a man.

“Yeah, right.”

“Yeah, right.”

The girl seemed to think that over. “Okay, let’s assume for just a moment that I actually buy what you’re telling me. What’s in it for me?”

Mandy looked around her. “You live down here,” she asked.

“Why? What’s that got to do with anything?”

“You asked me what it’s got to do with you. It’s just a question. Do you live down here?”

The girl hesitated. “Yeah,” she said. “I live down here.”

“What’s that cost you to live here?”

The girl hesitated. Finally, she said, “One fifty a week.”

“And you got food and other expenses and you pay for that how?”

“I don’t think that’s any of your damned business.”

“What do you do? Turn tricks. Sell your pussy for room and board and maybe a little something extra?”

“Fuck you.”

Mandy pretended she wasn’t but she was watching the knife in the girl’s hand. As long as that knife didn’t come any closer, she knew she was on the right track. “We can give you more than what you got and you won’t have to be such a fucking slut.”

“Fuck you.”

“You said that already.”

The knife point was hesitating. “A pirate ship, huh?”

“Yep, and we even got ourselves a new espresso machine.”

The knife wavered and then the girl folded it up. “I guess we can talk,” she said finally. “Come on. Follow me.”

* * *

A nice, quiet place, it seemed, was the alley back behind the coffee shop. Heather finally picked a spot. “You know, I’ve never done this in public before. It should be fun.”

The girl, of course, said nothing.

“What’s your name, slave?”

Heather hoped the girl wouldn’t answer. It would mean she hadn’t yet fully accepted what she now was.

“My name’s Amy,” the girl said.

“Well, Amy, we both know who you belong to now but I think it’s time you showed it to yourself just how much a pussy slave you really are. Get down on your knees.”

The brunette dropped to her knees.

Heather made a show of pulling up her little, black skirt and then she was making a show of stroking herself over her panties. Amy’s eyes never left that finger. “Is this what you want,” Heather asked. “Is it?”

Amy nodded. She just couldn’t take her eyes off that finger.

“You’re a fucking, little pussy slave, aren’t you?”

Amy nodded. She couldn’t take her eyes off that finger.

“I think you’re going to have to do better than that. Go ahead and tell me you’re a little, fucking pussy slave.”

The girl stared at Heather’s finger. “I’m a fucking, little pussy slave,” she said breathlessly.

Heather tapped a finger against her panties. “I’ll bet you’d like to see what’s under here, wouldn’t you?”

Amy nodded breathlessly and in spite of herself, Kayla was nodding right along with her. She couldn’t help herself. She just had to see her owner.

Heather grinned. “You’re going to have to beg for it, slave. You’re going to have to beg to see my pussy.”

“P-p-please,” Amy begged. “Please. Can I see your pussy?”

“That’s good, slut, but I think you and I both know you can do better.”

“Please,” Amy begged again. “Please, can I see your pussy?”

“Is that the best you can do? I don’t know. Maybe I should just go home or better yet, maybe I should get someone else.”

“No wait.”

“You got something better? Let’s hear it.”

“I need your pussy,” Amy begged. “I need your pussy. I need it so bad. Please let me have your pussy.”

“That’s getting better,” Heather said.

“I need your pussy,” Amy begged. “I need it so bad. Please. I’ll do anything you want me to. Please. I’ll give you whatever you want but please. Please, I need your pussy. I need it so bad.”

“Well now, that is better. I guess maybe you do deserve a bit of this,” and with a small flourish, she took off first the skirt and then the panties.

Kayla could feel her pussy getting wet just from seeing Heather’s pussy and she was sure the new girl was feeling the same.

Steps rose up to a second story landing but Heather wasn’t going to climb the steps but they were perfectly suited for her to sit her ass down on them and to spread her legs for the girl. She looked at Amy even as she fingered her now-naked pussy. “Why don’t you crawl your ass over here and show me what you can do with this.”

Amy didn’t hesitate and in spite of how much she wished it were her between Heather’s legs, Kayla could hardly blame the girl for doing that which she so desperately wanted to do.

Heather was looking down at Amy even as her hand stroked her hair and then she looked up at Kayla and she smiled. “You know, I think someone needs to have her pussy licked.”

Kayla moaned. She wished she could somehow “misunderstood” what Heather had said but she knew full well what was meant by that. She knelt down in the alley and then she was sliding a hand up under Amy’s skirt.

Amy pulled back from between Heather’s legs and then she was looking back at Kayla. “Hey,” she said. “Hey, what are you doing?”

Heather’s hand slipped back around Amy’s head and then she was pulling her forward. “Come on,” she cooed. “Don’t stop now.”

That was all it took. Once again, the young brunette looked in between Heather’s legs and then she looked up at her and smiled. “Okay,” she said and then once again, she let her mouth slide in between Heather’s legs.

If the girl felt Kayla lifting up her skirt, she gave no indication of it. If she felt Kayla’s hand on her ass, she gave no indication of that either, and she didn’t even react when she felt Kayla’s hand pull down her panties but when she felt Kayla’s tongue slide in between her legs, she couldn’t help but let out a low, whimpering moan.

“Don’t stop,” Heather said and once again, she was pulling the girl forward.

Kayla hated having been the one to help put another soul in Heather’s clutches, but she knew she just couldn’t help herself. She had to do what Heather said and that was why she was licking the new girl’s pussy. She knew if she ever wanted to taste Heather’s pussy again, she knew she had to make the new girl cum.

The new girl was moaning against Heather’s pussy and Kayla took that as a good sign. She had to make the new girl cum.

But Heather was moaning, too. Kayla didn’t like that. If the new girl couldn’t make Heather cum, then maybe Heather would discard her like so much wasted trash, but if the new girl could make her cum ...

Kayla knew the new girl was close. She was very close. She was so very close.

The new girl’s tongue slipped from between Heather’s legs. “Oh my God,” she moaned but then Heather pulled her back.

The new girl was cumming. Kayla knew that. That was the good part, but Heather was cumming, too, and from Kayla’s way of looking at it, that was so very bad.

“Come here, you two.”

It might have sounded almost playful the way she said it but both Kayla and Amy knew what it was. It was an order and instinctively, both of them knew that from now on, they were going to be sharing Heather’s pussy.

* * *

The girl’s name was Julie. “I don’t get it.”

“What’s not to get?”

“It’s a pirate ship with an all-girl crew.”


“So what do you do without guys?”

Mandy wasn’t dense but it was all part of the game. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, you know, what do you do without guys.”

“You don’t have to have guys to have fun.”

“What do you—oh wait, no way. You’re not saying what I think you’re saying are you?”

Mandy put a hand on the girl’s arm. “Have you ever been with a woman?”

“What?! No way.”

“I understand. I get it. You’re just too scared. I understand.”

“Scared? Scared of what? A bunch of fucking dykes? You gotta be fucking kidding.”

Mandy nodded knowingly. This was going to be easy. “I know what you mean,” Mandy said. “Girls like you, you’re all the same. You’re all so scared.”

“Why do you keep saying that? I’m not scared of you.”

“Don’t worry,” Mandy said confidentially. “I won’t tell anyone. It’ll just be our little secret.”

“What’ll be our secret. What are you talking about?”

“You’re afraid of being with another woman. Don’t worry. I’ve seen it before.”

“I am not afraid of you.”

“Sure, you’re not,” Mandy said in a tone that made sure the other woman knew she didn’t believe a word she’d said.

“I’ll show you,” the other woman said. “I’ll show you. I want you to lick my pussy.”

Mandy looked at her watch. “Look really, I gotta be going. I thought maybe you would be a good fit for our crew but I can see now I was wrong.”

Out came the knife again. “I don’t think you heard me,” the other woman said. “I said I wanted you to eat my pussy.”

“You really don’t have to do this,” Mandy said.

The knife was moving again. “God damn it, bitch. I said eat my fucking pussy.”

It was easy after that.

Julie took down her jeans and then she took down her panties. “Get down there, bitch. Get down there and lick my god damned fucking pussy.”

Mandy’d already known she was going to like Julie’s pussy. The girl had just the right amount of plumpness in her bottom that just drove her crazy. She knew all she had to do was get her tongue on that cunt and from there, it’d be easy.

Julie pulled a chair away from the wall and she sat down and she spread her legs. “I said get down there,” she said again.

Mandy didn’t want to move too fast. She hesitated and then she was dropping down and sliding between Julie’s legs. Her hands pushed against the thighs and then they were sliding up the legs even as her tongue slid into place.

“Oh fuck,” the girl moaned and then she moaned again. “Oh fuck.”

Mandy’s hands were all the way around the other girl’s waist. She could feel the top of the other girl’s butt as her tongue went after Julie’s clit and she moaned to herself. She knew she was going to have to feel even more of that ass.

“Oh fuck,” Julie moaned as Mandy tongued her even harder. “Oh fuck. What are you doing to me?”

Mandy didn’t say anything. She just kept licking.

“Oh fuck,” the girl moaned. “Oh fuck.” Her hands flailed about. “Oh fuck, you’re going to make me cum.”

Mandy already knew that. The girl was right there on the edge.

The girl gasped and then she moaned. “Of fuck,” she moaned. “Oh fuck. I can’t believe you’re doing it. Oh fuck.”

The girl was cumming hard. There was no doubt about it. Mandy knew it would take a little more convincing and there was still that ass to get her hands on but she already knew she had Julie signed onto the crew. Dammit, this was what made these recruiting trips so fun.

* * *

If you’d asked her, she wouldn’t have been able to tell you why she’d done it. Even now as she was leading the way back to her apartment, she was wondering why she was doing it.

She’d brought the beer back to the table just as she’d been asked to do but when she got there, there was only the man and one of the other women. “Where’s the other woman,” Christine had asked.

“She’s under the table,” Ken had said. “She’s sucking my cock.”


“We drew straws,” the other girl said. “I lost so she got to go first.”

“Go first?” Christine couldn’t believe she was hearing this.

“Oh yeah,” Skipper said. “I mean I’ll get to go next after she’s done, but by then my dinner will be here and it will probably get cold while I’m sucking on his cock, but I don’t really care just so long as I do get to suck on his cock.”

“Wait a minute. You want to suck on his cock. I ... I don’t believe it.”

“You don’t believe what,” Skipper asked.

“I don’t believe any of it.”

“So you don’t believe Sammie’s under the table sucking on his cock?”

Christine shook her head. No, she didn’t believe it.

“Sammie,” the girl had said, “she doesn’t believe you’re under the table. Why don’t you show her where you are.”

Christine hadn’t seen it at first but then she saw it, a small black hand poking up from under the table and that’s when she realized it was true.

So why was she here? Why was she leading the man and these two women back to her place?

Well, one reason was because they’d challenged her. The girls had both made sure she could see the cum on their lips before they swallowed it down. It was almost as if they were taunting her, like they thought she would actually want to suck the guy’s cock. Like she’d actually want to she’d thought with disgust but there was just something about the way they were telling her what she could and could not do and she hated having people tell her she couldn’t do something.

But that by itself wouldn’t have been enough to make her do what she was doing. She knew what the answer was. The answer was Mike.

Mike was her boyfriend. Well, her ex really, although she was still thinking that maybe they could get back together again, only Mike was a fucking ass hole. Here he was telling her that she didn’t know how to put out and then she finds out he was banging her girlfriend Keiko all along. What a fucking ass hole.

And it wasn’t like she didn’t want to have sex? She did really, but she didn’t want him to think she was a slut so that’s why she’d gone slow. Well, that and the fact that she was scared, but it definitely wasn’t that she couldn’t put out.

Well, fuck him. She’d show him. She’d show him good.

She took her key out and she put it in the lock. Still, she asked herself, all things considered, why was she here.

She pushed the door open and she led the others inside. “It’s not much,” she said with a shrug of her shoulders, “but it’s all mine.”

“I think it’s just fine,” Ken said.

“So what happens now.”

“Now,” Ken said, “now, I think Skipper and Sammie have something they want to share with you.”

Christine’s attention was back on the other two women and it was only then that she noticed them moving in around her. “Hey,” she said. “Hey, what are doing.”

Skipper’s hand was pulling at the zipper on her jacket. “Well, first of all, we got to get you out of these warm clothes.”

“Hey, knock it off,” Christine protested. “I don’t play like that.”

“You hear her,” Sammie said even as her hands played with the zipper on Christine’s skirt. “She doesn’t play that way.”

“I heard her,” Skipper said as she slid a hand inside the now open jacket, “and it’s such a shame. She’s got such a tight, little stomach.”

“I’m serious, guys.”

“She’s serious now,” Skipper said.

“Oh, I know that,” Sammie said as she ran a hand over the girl’s little panty-clad bottom.

Christine could feel the one girl unbuttoning one of the buttons on her blouse even as the other one was sliding a hand down inside her panties. She could feel the girl’s hand on her ass. Just what the hell was she doing.

Another button had come undone and then still another. She could feel the black girl sliding her hand between her cheeks and she could feel a finger pressing up against her hole. Why was she liking this, she kept asking herself and why wasn’t she saying no.

“I think she’s got some cute, little titties,” Skipper said as the last button pulled free.

Christine bristled at that if only for just a moment. She wasn’t proud of her tits. They were way too small but it was clear that wasn’t what the girl meant at all. She had her hand on her tit and there was no mistaking what that moan meant.

“They’re so cute,” said the one girl.

“Oh yeah, I know,” said the other as her hand also started fondling her tits and suddenly for the first time in her life, Christine didn’t feel subconscious about her tits.

It wasn’t long before she was finally out of her panties and then the two girls were taking turns running their hands back and forth between her tits and her pussy and it just did feel so good but why was it making her wet and just when had the girl’s managed to get just as naked as he now was.

“I think we should get her ready,” Sammie said.

“Get me ready for what.”

No one, it seemed, was going to answer that. Instead, they sat the waitress down and then the girls took turns moving between the lips between her legs and between the lips on her face. She wanted to moan but it seemed as if one of the two of them was always kissing her but one thing was certain.

She was going to cum.

She was going to cum.

She was going to cum so fucking hard.

And then she did and suddenly both women were vying for time between her legs. Both women wanted to get their tongues on her cunt and that just made her cum even harder.

“I think she’s definitely ready,” Skipper said.

“Definitely,” Sammie agreed.

Ready for what, Christine wondered.

She was about to find out.

Ken was naked, too, and he was sitting in a chair, stroking his cock. “Would you take a look at that,” Skipper said.

Christine was looking.

“You don’t get a chance to get something like that every day,” Sammie said.

“It’s an honor to get a cock like that,” Skipper said.

“You should be on your knees,” Sammie agreed.

Christine let herself be lowered to her knees and then she let herself be led forward.

“Yeah, you like this,” Skipper said.

“You want to be a cabin boy just like us,” Sammie agreed.

Suddenly, Christine realized what they wanted from her. They wanted her to suck that cock and for some reason, that didn’t seem so bad. It’s an honor to get a cock like that.

Skipper and Sammie were still there as she slid in between Ken’s thighs. They were stroking her body and telling her what a good girl she was. They were stroking her hair and telling her to suck him harder and Christine knew it was an honor to get a cock like that.

She didn’t really need their help, at least not anymore. She could suck his cock all on her own.

It was an honor to get a cock like that.

She thought she was going to make the man cum and in spite of what she’d thought before, she couldn’t wait. She wanted to make that cock cum. She wanted to feel it in her mouth but at the last moment, the guy pushed her off.

She looked up at him with deep, dark eyes. “Please,” she pleaded. “Please let me finish it off.”

The man shook his head and it was only then that Christine realized what he had in mind.

She climbed up onto the man’s lap and her hand wrapped itself around his shaft. She led him to her waiting hole. She had no idea what the other girls were doing and she didn’t much care. All she knew was she needed to get fucked with that cock.

The man grabbed her ass even as she moved herself up and down on his cock. She liked that but what she liked most was the feel of him inside her.

“You like that, don’t you?”

The best Christine could manage was an anemic, little nod and a long, low moan. She didn’t have time for words. She knew that. She needed to get her pussy fucked.

She was going to cum. She knew that. She was going to cum and she more than anything, she wanted it to happen.

The man groaned and that’s when she felt it. He was cumming inside her. Oh my God, the girl thought. He’s cumming inside me and then almost immediately, her pussy started to cum, too.

She stayed just like that with his cock buried deep inside her. She loved it. She loved having him cum inside her. She knew she was going to quit her job. She knew she was going to be a pirate, but most of all, she knew she loved having him fill up her hole.