The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

You’re Gonna Love It

“Did you check out that song I recommended yet?”

Brandy fought not to roll her eyes. Instead she put on a polite smile and said, “Sorry, Renee. I’ve just been so caught up with getting these quarterly reports done. It keeps slipping my mind.”

Renee did a big puppy dog pout, which Brandy just found incredibly adorable. As unprofessional as it was, Brandy had found herself fantasizing about sleeping with her coworker more than once. Even now she felt the daring urge to kiss Renee and take her right here in the break room. Of course Brandy could never actually go through with it. She was technically Renee’s manager, which lead to some problematic issues, not to mention that she wasn’t even sure if Renee was into girls.

All Brandy knew for certain was that Renee really wanted her to listen to this damn song. She must have asked her at least ten times this week, and Brandy had to keep giving excuses. The worst part was that Brandy would love to listen to the song for her. It was just her stupid stressful job being in complete control of her life and making her forgot about everything else.

“I really think you’d like it, is all,” Renee told her, and there was just something in her voice and the cute excitement in her eyes that Brandy couldn’t resist.

“Well, I am going to be stuck in my office doing paperwork for two hours. I suppose I could listen to some music.”

“Really?” The sheer happiness on Renee’s face already made it worth it. Brandy felt an intoxicating heat flushing through her body, and quickly turned away as it started turning to arousal. Can’t go having dirty fantasies about cute coworkers, especially not in front of said cute coworker.

“Just send a link to my email,” Brandy said over her shoulder, hurrying out of the break room before she did anything to embarrass herself. It felt like her face was tomato red, and she was already getting wet. How did Renee manage to put her in this state every time?

Her office became a refuge, and as Brandy shut the door behind her she was grateful that it had come with tinted glass so no one could see inside. The other managers had cited something about privacy when they were put in place, although Brandy didn’t want to think about what the other managers might be doing behind those blacked out windows. Or who they might be doing. Some people could be so unprofessional.

It was a welcome relief to collapse into her chair. The desk was piled up with reports waiting to be finalized, and Brandy was ready to throw herself into work to put this schoolgirl crush that could never come true out of her head. Only Brandy stopped herself. She had promised. And it would only take a few minutes.

The image of Renee’s dazzling smile settled it for her. Brandy quickly opened her email, butterflies rumbling at full force in her stomach. Maybe it wouldn’t even be there yet. But already she saw an unchecked email from Renee, with the title: YOU’RE GONNA LOVE IT!

Brandy wasn’t sure about that. She wasn’t exactly a music person, and she’d frustrated plenty of girlfriends with her complete lack of interest in anything musical that wasn’t also classical. Maybe this would be a pleasant surprise, Brandy told herself as she took a pair of headphones out of her purse, the ones she used for making calls while walking. Once it was plugged into her computer and faint static crinkled in her ears, Brandy opened the email.

The first thing she noticed was how odd the link looked. It wasn’t to any of the popular sites Brandy knew about but never visited. Instead it seemed to be a garbled string of letters and numbers, highlighted and underlined in crisp blue. Brandy moved the mouse over the questionable link and hesitated. What far-flung corner of the internet was it going to send her to? Now that Brandy thought about it she couldn’t even remember what band this song was supposed to be from. Talking with Renee always put Brandy into a happy fog, and the details tended to escape her.

The thought of Renee’s smile gave her heart, so Brandy decided to roll the dice. She clicked the link, and her browser transported her to a blank white page. There was no writing. No images. Was the link broken?

Then a techno beat thundered out of her speakers. Brandy almost yanked her headphones away, but instead she turned the volume down to something more manageable. Once it wasn’t blaring Brandy had to admit that the beat was pretty nice, although it was hardly anything memorable. Kinda like the ambient music they played in the elevators. Electronic music was never her favorite, but Brandy hoped that maybe the singer would be good.

To her disappointment the singer’s voice was autotuned to the point that it sounded entirely like a robot speaking. Brandy couldn’t even make out the words at first. Just garbled computer talk.

Her head dipped, and her eyes fluttered. Brandy shook herself awake, wondering why she suddenly felt so tired. Her body was practically made of concrete, while her head felt stuffed with cotton. The wave of exhaustion had seemingly come from nowhere, and she almost forgot about the soft, relaxing music in her ears until the singer came back on. To her surprise Brandy could understand the singer clearly now, the voice almost feminine but still electronic.

“You’re a slave to your pleasure.”

Brandy rolled her eyes. This was why she hated modern music. The lyrics were all so weird.

“Your pleasure takes you deeper. You want to drop deeper. Total pleasure waits in trance.”

“It doesn’t even rhyme,” Brandy muttered, crossing her arms. Or rather she meant to cross her arms skeptically, but her hands only lifted an inch and wobbled in the air, before dropping back into her lap. Brandy frowned at her limp arms. That was strange.

“You’re a slave to your pleasure. Your pleasure takes you deeper. You want to drop deeper. Drop into a mindless trance. Total pleasure waits in trance.”

She didn’t understand what the singer meant by going deeper. Deeper how?

Although, the pleasure she understood. Brandy actually felt quite a bit of pleasure. She let out a small moan as her arousal hit her all at once. Brandy was incredibly fucking horny, and her body felt wonderful. She all but melted back into her chair, a smile spreading on her lips.

Yeah, she felt the pleasure alright.

And the pleasure took her deeper.

A tingly numbness passed over Brandy’s head. Like her brain had fallen asleep. She tried to fight it, but she didn’t even know what it was. And the more tingly her head felt the more pleasure she felt. So maybe it was okay. Brandy relaxed, deep sensual joy flooding into her body as she stopped resisting. Then that numb, odd sensation filled her head, deeper this time. Novocain for her brain, Brandy thought idly and giggled to herself.

She did manage to figure out she had it backwards. The pleasure hit her first, and then her mind got cloudier, harder to think. The pleasure took her deeper. And she wanted to drop deeper.

“I want to drop deeper,” Brandy mumbled, and it was like an elevator she didn’t even know she was in started going down. She felt herself dropping. Deeper. Deeper towards…

“Trance…” Brandy slowly blinked her eyes, having trouble keeping track of the pretty shapes and colors blurring across the screen. When had they appeared? Wasn’t the screen blank before… blank like trance… There was something about trance…

“My pleasure takes me deeper…” Brandy said, the words coming from nowhere. She couldn’t think, not with the beautiful music pounding in her head. Insistent, never stopping, making her feel so good. The answer was in the words that melodic singer whispered to her. Brandy had the sudden image of herself as a terrified actress on stage, caught in the spotlight and unable to remember her next line. Then from the darkness off stage the voice whispered her lines, telling her what to say next. So helpful. The music told her what to say. Told her what to think.

“I want to drop deeper. Drop into mindless trance.”

Yes, she was mindless. Brandy didn’t realize it in a conscious way, of course, since she was mindless. It was simply the truth. She was in a mindless trance. And…

A smile drew across her face as the music reminded her what to say. “Total pleasure waits in trance.”

What she felt next was pure joy, pure ecstasy, pure sex. It was better than any orgasm she’d ever had. Brandy gurgled a senseless sound of happiness as she spread her legs, letting her dress ride up to her hips. She needed more pleasure.

“I’m a slave to my pleasure,” Brandy recited as she slipped her panties down to her ankles. Her eyes were as blank as her head, reflecting the colorful lights flashing from her screen. Her fingers easily slipped into her cunt, and she came almost as soon as she started fingering herself.

“I’m a slave to my pleasure,” she confirmed. “My pleasure takes me deeper. I want to drop deeper. Drop into a mindless trance. Total pleasure waits in trance.”

Then Brandy saw it. What had been waiting for her all along, down here in the trance. There were words written across her screen. Somehow she knew they’d always been there, invisible to a mind that was busy and hectic with thoughts. But mindless eyes could read the words, and now she read them clearly. Tranceslut.

“Tranceslut,” Brandy repeated, accepting her place. She was a tranceslut. She would be a tranceslut. She loved to be a tranceslut. “I am a tranceslut.”

Another orgasm rumbled through her empty head, and must have lodged a stray thought loose. For a moment Brandy’s eyes clouded over in confusion at what she was doing. Fucking herself in the office. She shouldn’t be doing that. But it was too good to stop. Then she thought of Renee, who’d sent her the wonderful, perfect, addictive song.


Brandy imagined herself naked for Renee, fucking herself like a good mindless tranceslut.

“Renee,” Brandy moaned, eyes turning blank and happy again. “Renee… I’m a tranceslut. I’m a slave to my pleasure. My pleasure takes me deeper. I want to drop deeper. Drop into mindless trance. Total pleasure waits in trance. I’m a slave to my pleasure.”

Brandy gave up her free will as her body stripped off her clothes. She would be a good mindless tranceslut. Just as the music wanted. Just as Renee wanted. She would be a good mindless tranceslut for Renee.

* * *

Renee thought of Brandy listening to the song and nearly squealed to herself in excitement. Anxious weeks of wondering if her manager had listened to it yet were finally paying off. Soon she’d find out if her ridiculous plan had worked.

Her heart was a bass drum going wild in her chest. She couldn’t work like this. Not when she kept picturing Brandy listening to the song, a smile starting to form on her face…

This time Renee did squeal, earning some odd looks from the other cubicles around her. Screw it. She couldn’t work like this. Had to blow off some steam or she’d explode.

Renee rushed to the other end of the office and snuck into the bathroom. She slid down her pants and already had her headphones in. Just a few minutes of listening to one of her favorite hypno files should calm her down. Some trancing, some cumming; it was just what the doctor ordered. At least if she was mindless for five minutes she wouldn’t anxiously be worrying about what Brandy thought of the song.

Ugh, it was such a lovely song too. Classy violins just like Brandy liked. And the cute singer, crooning a lesbian love ballad for her girlfriend. Was it too subtle a way to find out if Brandy was gay? Or was it the opposite of being subtle? Either way, Renee was hoping that Brandy would have some kind of reaction to the song. If it was positive, Renee could ask if she’d ever felt that way about someone. About a girl. If she was looking for a girl to feel that way about.

Renee whipped her head back and forth to get the frantic thoughts away. Why did she have to resort to such a dumb plan just because she was afraid of asking her sexy hot manager out on a date? She could definitely do with five minutes of mindless joy. With her alarm set on her phone, Renee held down on the search bar to plug in the copied address to her favorite hypno file: tranceslut.

Only she instantly cursed herself. She wouldn’t have the link saved. She’d copied the link to the cute gay song as part of her dumb plan and sent it to Brandy. Renee groaned. How was she going to calm down now?

Except when she glanced back down at her phone the link was there, the random string of letters and numbers so familiar Renee thought she could recite it by memory. That wasn’t right. She deleted the link, then pasted from the phone’s memory again. And again the tranceslut web address showed up.

Renee felt like she’d been shot in the heart by a crossbow. Or at least so terrified she wished a random crossbow bolt could put her out of her misery. Fingers trembling she brought up her email. Opened the email she sent to Brandy.

And saw the jumbled string of characters that made up the link to tranceslut.

“Oh fuck.” Renee’s hands shook, her brain completely losing all functionality. She noticed a small check mark in the corner, indicating that the email had been opened on the other end. “Oh fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck!”

Renee shot to her feet. She paced around the tiny restroom like a caged tiger. Or maybe more like a lobster in a tank waiting to be boiled. She’d sent her boss an erotic hypnosis file. Bare minimum she was getting fired for this.

She had to set things right. Renee ran out of the bathroom, then forced herself to stop and walk slowly, casually, as if she didn’t send her boss a creepy fetish audio that talked about being a slave to her pleasure. An electric thrill shot up Renee’s spine as she thought the words, the words her mind was trained to accept, but even her favorite mantras couldn’t do anything when she was this terrified.

With a strained smile pasted on her face Renee walked up to Brandy’s office. The door was shut, the blacked out windows revealing nothing. Was she already on the phone with whoever did the firing in the company? Renee couldn’t imagine how much trouble she was in.

She took a deep breath. The only thing she could do now was explain the accident and throw herself on Brandy’s mercy. Renee rehearsed how she’d apologize in her head for about a full minute, then said fuck it and opened the door.

“Brandy, I’m so sorry about the mix up with link and I—”

Renee rambled that far before it struck her what she was seeing. Brandy was in her chair, naked and fingering herself absently, her eyes blank as she slowly mumbled words under her breath. Renee took it all in: the way Brandy’s skin shone with sweat, how incredibly hot her empty eyes were, how there was a puddle almost dripping down the chair beneath her.

“Holy shit,” Renee muttered, not sure how long she was standing there staring at the hottest thing she’d ever witnessed. Then she remembered the entire office behind her and quickly spun about. Impossibly, not a single person in the office had bothered to look over their way and seen Brandy hypnotized and masturbating and very naked. Renee shut the door and locked it. She leaned her head back and let out a long, agonizing breath. This was just a wonderful dream. She’d turn around and Brandy wouldn’t be in the chair masturbating.

When she turned back, Renee saw that she was half-right. Brandy wasn’t in the chair; instead she was on her feet and masturbating, smiling a too-wide smile right at Renee.

“Hi,” Brandy said, still pumping her fingers away at her pussy as casually as if they were chatting in the lunchroom.

There were a million things Renee wanted to say, so obviously all she could manage in reply was a pathetic, “Hi.”

“I finally listened to the song.” Brandy was talking slowly, almost dazed. Her eyes were like perfect mirrors, with seemingly no intelligence behind them at all. Brandy looked like a sexy, mindless robot, masturbating because she’d been programmed to.

“Fuck this is so hot.”

Renee hadn’t meant to say it out loud, but it made Brandy giggle.

“It is very hot. I love being a tranceslut. I’m so grateful you sent me the song.”

“That- that was a mistake. I didn’t mean to.”

Brandy tilted her head from one side to the other, like a puppet not in control of its own actions. “It was a mistake?”

“Yes. That file was… it was my file that I listen to. I didn’t mean to send it to you.”

Again her head tilted to the other side. Like a metronome. Brandy’s smile widened. “It is good you sent it to me, though. I love being like this. It was a happy accident. I am so happy as a tranceslut.”

Renee shivered, so horny it felt like her head was about to pop. This was a literal dream come true. “But you’re not supposed to be a tranceslut.”

“It does not matter what we are supposed to be. I am a tranceslut now. I am so happy as a tranceslut now. So this is right.” Brandy’s head kept rocking back and forth, and Renee had to stop her eyes from following her back and forth. “I should thank you for making me a tranceslut. You make me so horny, Renee. I am a slave to my pleasure.”

Renee had heard those words thousands of times, and spoken them mindlessly plenty of times herself. And yet they’ve never sounded sexier than spilling from Brandy’s lips.

“I… I shouldn’t… this isn’t…”

Brandy walked up to her, head rocking back and forth as her fingers never broke stride while fucking herself. “Do yo want me?”

Renee bit her lip to stop from confessing how badly she wanted this.

Brandy’s plastic smile faded. She frowned, and there was something sad in her eyes now. “Okay. I understand if you do not want me. I am sad I can not fuck you. I have wanted to fuck you for weeks. I have made myself cum many times fantasizing about fucking you. You have brought me so much pleasure.”

Crazy as it was, Renee could buy that she’d accidentally brainwashed her manager with an erroneous link. What seemed truly impossible, on the other hand, was that Brandy had been into her too.

“You really think about me?” she asked quietly, hardly daring to believe it.

“Of course,” Brandy replied as she fingered herself. “I would normally lie and pretend I was not, as it would be inappropriate for me to be attracted to a coworker. But now I am a slave to my pleasure.”

“…a slave…” Renee whispered, not even aware she’d spoken.

“I only want to confess the truth. That I want you very much, Renee. I would like to date you. And also fuck you in many different positions. But I can not make you fuck me if you do not wish.”

Renee had been staring longingly at Brandy’s fingers working at her cunt, but now her head snapped up to attention. “You can’t?”

“No. I am a tranceslut. I have no control over anyone. I am a slave to my pleasure.”

Renee’s eyes began to dip. “I am… a slave to my pleasure.” She shuddered, like shaking off a cold breeze. Brandy tilted her head from side to side, eying her closely. “Well, I guess we- No. No I have to put you back to normal. Just have to wake you up so we can—”

“I am a slave to my pleasure,” Brandy announced in clear, crisp words.

Renee paused, mouth open, as a wonderful blanket wrapped over her thoughts. “I am a slave to my pleasure,” she replied, voice hushed. Her eyes fluttered, her body slumping back against the door. “What’s ha—”

“I am a slave to my pleasure.”

“—ppeeenniiing I am a slave to my pleasure.”

“I am a slave to my pleasure.”

Renee didn’t have a chance to recover, her eyes half-closed as she automatically recited, “I am a slave to my pleasure.”

“My pleasure takes me deeper.”

“My pleasure…” This time Renee’s eyes rolled back into her head, her body going limp against the door as a surge of pleasure washed through her. It was such a familiar sensation, and yet having Brandy here with her, naked and entranced too, made everything far more intense. She had no way to fight how deep the pleasure sunk into her body. Or how her mind began to slip down into trance, dragged under by her need for more. The mantras were like tethers pulling her down. She could drop so fast if she wanted. Become what she wanted to be.

Renee plummeted into her own mind. The trance would swallow her whole. Just like it had swallowed Brandy. They would be-

Her phone’s alarm rang loudly from her pocket, snapping Renee right out of the trance. She shot awake so fast it felt like she’d been teleported in from another planet. Renee started panting, her entire body buzzing with intense arousal over what she’d just experienced. She’d never gone that deep into trance before. Brandy had almost dropped her into trance so they would fuck.

From a moral standpoint she knew it wasn’t right, but it didn’t stop Renee from thinking that it was the hottest thing ever. Renee shut off the alarm on her phone, grateful she’d set it back in the bathroom. Before Brandy could talk, Renee stood up straight to say, “Brandy, you have to let me help you.”

“You are mistaken, Renee. I’m the one who needs to help you,” Brandy smiled back with that mindless happiness glowing radiantly off of her. “I am a tranceslut. I have no control. If you are a tranceslut, then you have no control. We will be trancesluts together. Slaves to our pleasure.”

The words hit her with all the force of a sledgehammer. Her already feeble resistance shattered, and set loose the wild hope that she didn’t dare to indulge in. “Trancesluts… together. Slaves to… our pleasure….”

“We would not be in control.”

“Which means… no one could blame us… if we fucked each others brains out?”

“No,” Brandy said, and this time there was something genuine to her smile. A hope in her eyes that Renee hadn’t noticed before. “If we both become trancesluts, then I could fuck you as I’ve wanted to for so long. If you do not wish to fuck me, then you are free to leave.” Brandy raised a hand to point at the door. Renee waited to see if this was a trap, but Brandy stood her ground silently, making no move to entrance her again. And it would be so easy to at this point. Renee’s pussy was dripping and her mind was so shaky she was certain that a single mantra uttered by Brandy would break her completely.

Brandy really was giving her an out. Renee could leave and not become a tranceslut. Only, why would she want that?

If Brandy really did want her… if she wanted her to be a tranceslut… then how could Renee refuse?

The simple answer was she couldn’t. So she stopped resisting.

“I am a slave to my pleasure,” Renee said, picking herself up off the door even as she felt her consciousness being dragged out of her body. She was sinking, drifting away. Soon she’d be mindless. Only pleasure and desire with no control. The exact same as Brandy. She almost wished that she could be there to enjoy it. But the temptation to have two brainwashed trancesluts fucking was just too hot to resist.

“I am a slave to my pleasure,” Brandy repeated, happy to let Renee take the lead.

Renee unbuttoned her blouse with numb fingers, the heat and need growing in her chest. “My pleasure takes me deeper.”

“My pleasure takes me deeper.”

“I want to drop deeper,” Renee said, her voice coming from so far away. Already her thoughts were leaving, drifting away in the wonderful pleasure that trance brought her.

“I want to drop deeper,” Brandy agreed. She slid her fingers out of her pussy, and reached up to help strip Renee faster.

“Drop into… mindless trance…”

She’d never been able to drop without the music before, but staring at Brandy’s naked beauty, Renee could almost hear the music playing just for them.

“Drop into mindless trance.”

Renee heard the command and shuddered in ecstasy. Her eyes slipped shut as she faded away. When her eyes opened they were blank, obedient. As mindless as Brandy’s. She didn’t react at all as Brandy knelt down to remove her panties, revealing how wet she was. Renee was too entranced for shame. There was only her desire now. Only obedience. Only the pleasure.

Oh god the pleasure.

“Total pleasure waits in trance,” some blank voice said, and Renee knew the truth of it. This was the greatest trance she’d ever experienced, and the pleasure was unlike anything else.

“Total pleasure waits in trance,” another voice promised, and then Renee’s tranceslut body felt fingers entering her pussy. The tranceslut melted against the touch. Dropped to the floor. Mumbling her mantras incoherently. She’d never met another tranceslut before.

But tranceslut Brandy happily took the lead. Kissing her, sucking her tits, eating her out, making tranceslut Renee eat her out. It was all perfection. They were slaves to their pleasure. And so they indulged without restraint, because they no longer had any way to hide how badly they wanted each other.

By the time Renee woke up it was dark out. She had no clue how much time had passed, or how many times she’d cum. All she knew was that she was still naked, draped in Brandy’s arms on the floor, and that Brandy was kissing at her neck affectionately. In short, she’d never been happier in her life.

“Finally awake?” Brandy asked, giving her another kiss.

“I think so,” she mumbled, trying to make sense of her thoughts. “I’m still fuzzy. I don’t think I’ve ever dropped that deep before.”

Brandy giggled. “Me neither. But I’ve never been in trance before so that was a first. That was a lot of firsts for me.”

Renee blushed, and wriggled around to face her. “Um, so just to be clear…”

As if expecting what she was about to ask, Brandy smiled and said, “I meant everything I said. I’ve had a crush on you, had no idea how to deal with it, and that getting turned into a tranceslut to finally fuck you was the single hottest thing I’ve ever done.”

Renee bit her lip and stuffed down the urge to squeal in delight. “Just so long as we’re on the same page.”

“That file is really something,” Brandy mused, burying her head against Renee’s chest. “I was just so horny and happy. It’s amazing.”

“It’s one of my favorite hypno files for a reason.”

Brandy bolted upright, her eyes shining greedily. “There are more files like that?”

“There’s tons. And they all do different things, although not all of them work as well as—”

Brandy gripped Renee’s shoulders tight. “I want to listen to them all.”

“I think I’ve created a monster.”

The intensity in Brandy’s expression faded, and she giggled again. “No, you made me your tranceslut.” Then she blushed and shyly peeked at Renee with her hair covering part of her face. “At least I hope I’m your tranceslut.”

Renee brushed Brandy’s hair back and cupped her cheek. “From this day forth you are my tranceslut.”

Brandy bent down and kissed her. Then slid a hand between Renee’s legs, making her moan happily. “And I claim you as my tranceslut too. So we’ll always be together.”

“I’d like that,” Renee said as she pulled Brandy in for a kiss and enjoyed the wonderful things her hand was doing to her. Then she broke into a smirk. “You really should check out the actual song I was telling you about, though. I really think you’d like it, and—”

Brandy smiled begrudgingly at the adorable girl in her arms, then announced, “Go deep for me, tranceslut.”

And Renee’s excitement drained away, replaced with a lazy happy grin as she felt her mind instantly sinking back into the pleasure. “No… fair…” Renee mumbled, but the smile on her lips betrayed how much she was loving this.

Brandy’s eyes darted to the clock. Everyone else had already left for the day, and no one appeared to notice their absence. “Fuck it. Might as well have some more fun.” As tranceslut Renee mindlessly began to paw at her body again, Brandy rested her head back and said her new favorites words. “I am a slave to my pleasure.”

Instantly she felt her own mind draining away, losing itself to pure lust and pleasure. Brandy faded into pleasure, letting her true tranceslut self come back out for some more fun with her tranceslut lover.