The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Part 4

There it was, right between the dislodged pillow and the sofa cushion—my purple dildo.

I was mortified. I mean, I’m not a prude or anything. But I was sure this would make him rush for the door. He had to be thinking I was some kind of sex maniac, leaving a dildo out where he could see it, then begging him to hypnotize me. While that thought frightened me to my core, part of me had to admit that it may have been accurate. Maybe I had become a sex-crazed bimbo in the span of two days. What was wrong with me?

“Oh... Mark, no, no, no, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean... I mean I just forgot to... I it’s not ummm...”

“K. It’s fine.”

“No, I mean, I didn’t mean ... it’s just that I forgot and.. it’s not like I use it much.. I just pulled it out and... ummm...”

“K,” he said more forcefully drawing my embarrassed, unwilling eyes back to him. “It’s fine.”

I stared at him. I think my mouth opened and close as I fought for words that would not come.

“K, you are a young, heathy, red blooded woman. Of course, you are a sexual person. It’s OK. Sexual health is nothing bad. It’s as important as any other kind of health. I just think you picked an unusual place to leave it, that’s all”

“Well, right before you came over I was.. .I mean... not, you know, right before... I mean... ummmm... I don’t use it ... ummm... much... it’s just that after last night I was so... umm.. no, I mean, ummm.. I got kinda.... ”

He laughed gently.

“K, if it makes you feel any better, that’s the same kind my sister has, I think.”

“ummm... no, I only pulled it out to... umm... it.. what? I mean... wait... your sister? that’s a bit... creepy? Your sister? Did you and her... ummmm...”

“Oh of course not. Geez, I’m not a perv. No, but she left hers out once in the living room. I kinda grabbed it while mom and dad were coming in the front door. Of course, I teased the shit out of her when I gave it back. But, honestly, I told her the same thing I will tell you. You are a strong, healthy woman. I’d much rather have you get some release this way than pick up some creep at a bar for a one-night stand, or get into a bad relationship just because you need a little sexual relief.”

I stared at him. What else could I do? On some level, his words made perfect sense. On another level, he was speaking Martian. Never had I known a guy to accept something like this so easily. Never had any of them actually told me they didn’t see me as a sexual object, but as a person with sexual needs herself.

“You know, K, frankly, I’m just happy you got to release some tension.”

“Oh, I couldn’t.” I had one of those moments when my mouth replied before my brain caught up. The moment I said it, I regretted it. What was I doing, telling him about my sexual frustration? Hell, I may as well just start doing porn movies for him or something. I was still working through his reference to his sister. Was he telling me that he thought of himself like a brother to me? If so, did I just provide him a creepy view into my sexual frustrations?

“Oh?” he asked casually. “Well, I guess sometimes that happens. Do you think there was any particular reason? Or were you just tired or something?”

Something in me deflated. My shoulders sagged. I was having this inner struggle and I lost.

“Mark. I... " I swallowed hard and looked away. I had the feeling that it was now or never. If talking about my sexual activity and frustrations while he was staring at my dildo didn’t make the perfect time to tell him about my newfound connection between arousal and hypnosis, then I would never find one. If I didn’t at least bring it up now, I would never do it.

I have never been one to back down from a challenge. I push through my fear. As a vaulter, you cannot be afraid of the bar. You will fall; you will fall badly sometimes. You will get hurt. Deal with it. Face it. Running from it is not an option. When you are hanging in the air after clearing, you are going down, so just prepare and hope for the best.

But this was different. If I screwed this up, I felt like my life was over. If I drove him away, I could only imagine a half-life, without this newfound fetish. Or perhaps I would chase this forever, finding every random online hypnosis video and file and strange man to trance me, only never to get back to what Mark could do with a “SNAP”.

And, worst, it was Mark. He was this perfect guy. Now that I had seen what he could do to me while I was tranced, I wanted more. But, if he said “never again” (I shivered inside thinking of that), I still wanted him. I wanted him because he was Mark. He was the guy who brought dinner and laughed with me. He was the guy who always treated people with respect, even when they took advantage of him. He was even the guy who commented on my sexual needs without trying to take advantage of me.

He was Mark.

I breathed deeply and forced myself to look him in the eye and not get lost in them.

I laughed at myself as I started.

“Mark, I ... have a ... ummm... a bit of a confession to make. I don’t understand it. And I don’t want to screw this up. I mean, us. I mean, not us like we are an us, I mean.. .um.. well, I just don’t want to.. I don’t know... I don’t know how you will take this. But I think it’s important that I tell you, Just please promise me that you won’t flip out on me—at least until you hear what I have to say, OK?”

He looked almost indignant. “Of course. You know you can tell me anything.”

“Yeah. Well, here goes. Last night.. I don’t know... something happened.” I looked away and spoke to my floor. “When you, you know, did what you did with the suggestion or whatever with my hands. ”

“Did you have any side effects? I tried to—”

“Just shut up and listen,” I said gruffly, but not angrily. We had the kind of friendship where we could do that to each other and not take it badly. It was part of what I loved about him; I could be myself.

I glanced at him to see him grinning and knew he was OK.

“No, Mark. it wasn’t some post-hypnotic thing. It just... um... OK.. it turned me on.”

“Oh,” he said, almost sounding disappointed that this was all I had for him—like he was expecting this to be shocking and I had told him I went out shopping or something mundane.

“No, no, Mark, I don’t mean like ‘OK, I’m a little turned on by that’.. no I mean... like it was the most intense erotic experience I’d ever had. I mean, it rocked my world. And... and... it got me thinking. Like, you know how people are gay, but in the closet? Then one day, they realize they are gay and say it’s like finding themselves? It was kinda like that. I.. ”

Once I was started, the words got easier. It was almost as if I was talking to my floor and not him. But I still had to stop and steady myself before going on, since the next part was worse.

“I... so... last night ... after you left, I umm.. well, let’s say I replayed it in my mind with some, you know, embellishments. And, I swear, I had the biggest orgasms I’ve ever had in my life! I mean, never... never has it been like that. I was on my knees in the bedroom and ..”

“you were on your knees?”

“Ummm... well.. ummm.. yeah... I ... it seemed right somehow.. anyway, the point is... I swear I almost fell over and passed out from how intense it was. And, today, I spent all day online trying to figure this out.—hypno-fetish sites, mind control forums, even BDSM sites.. Mark, I need to figure this out! I can’t be some weird, kinky.. I dunno... hypno-slave girl wanna be! That isn’t me. But.... but... God... maybe it... is? I’m so confused right now. I just know I’ve never been this turned on by anything or... or... any.. um.. one. ”

I glanced up and he was looking at the dildo. I was sure I had blown any chance I had with him, and he was thinking I was a weirdo.

“So, that was from last night?”

“No. No, today I ... I tried to um.. get relief, you know? But it didn’t work. I don’t know. It wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted to wait for.. um.. for.. um... tonight... for.. umm... I wanted to be tranced—like completely. And I wanted you to take control.. I... I mean... I wanted to ... I ... don’t know what I ... ”

“Hmmm,” he stared ahead thoughtfully. “You know, K, it’s not that unusual for people to have some kind of submissive fetish. It really isn’t that surprising. There are successful women who need to let go and submit for a while and maybe there is something, I don’t know, societal I guess, about men playing the dominant role and women being more the submissive types. Is this something you have done with some—oh, I’m sorry if this is too personal, just tell me—but is this something you’d done before? Like past boyfriends or something?”

“NO! No, no no no no! Hell NO! No I never, ever, ever even fantasized about it. I swear! Hell, most of the guys I’ve been with just wanted to get off as fast as they could. But even when it was more ... umm... playful, it was never, ever anything like this! I ... I always... I like making my own decisions. I like being on top during sex I... oh... wait.. TMI, right?”

“Hmmm,” he said again, staring ahead in thought, his eyes occasionally darting across the room, then returning to stare ahead.

I sat like a nervous school girl outside the principal’s office. The adrenal rush passed. I closed my eyes and prayed that he would accept me and not think that I was some disgusting pervert. But I knew that I would not blame him if he did. In fact, I felt he may have been right to think that.

“Your parents,” he started slowly, still lost in thought, “they divorced when you were... what? 11? 12? and it was like brutally traumatic for you, right?”

“Well, I mean.. yeah. I mean, one of my brothers got in to drugs because of it. And I mean, who wouldn’t be—wait, how did you know?”

“You told me?”


“Like 3 years ago. Well, you didn’t exactly tell me. You were talking with a few of us when Liola told you her parents were divorcing and you were trying to make her feel better and let her know that it would be all right. You struggled though. I saw your eyes mist over and could tell you were fighting back tears, even after all those years.”

“You.. you noticed that? I didn’t think you were paying attention.”

“K, I always pay attention to you,” he said casually, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

“Dammit, Mark! How dare you have the perfect thing to say at a time like this!”

He laughed.

“And I remember your break up with Carl. I remember how rough it was.”

“Yeah. I tried to, you know, shrug it off, but I guess I didn’t do a good job.”

“You seemed hurt.”

“No, not hurt, just ... pissed off. More at myself than him. I couldn’t figure out why I ever dated him. And then we spent so much time arguing. He said such really hurtful stuff. And yet I stayed with him. I knew I didn’t love him. Hell, I didn’t even like him much. But I was like some stupid girl who was afraid to end it. Then when he dumped me—HE dumped ME for fuck’s sake! After all I’d put up with—I was just pissed.”

“MmmmHmm. I remember. That’s was the first time I ever cooked for you.” He chuckled ruefully, “Remember? I invited you over with some friends? You know, I never told you this, but I didn’t plan it that way. I was planning to be just you and me. I really wanted to ask you out, but...”

“WHAT??? What the....Damn, Mark! I ... you wanted to date me? Geez, I had such a crush on you.. what ... why didn’t you man up and ask me?”

“Mel told me not to.”

“That bitch!”

“She said to wait until you got some closure from Carl. Otherwise it would be a rebound thing and we both would get hurt. And she said you’d sworn off guys for a while.”

I sighed. Damn. To think we could have been dating for years. It felt like wasted time. “She just wanted you for herself, you know.”

He shrugged.

“We talked at that dinner, remember? And you mentioned how your high school boyfriend broke up with you.”

“Yeah, the night before the prom. Because he wanted to take someone else; he DID take someone else. And I ... ”

“Stayed home.”


“You know, K. I wonder. You say you have never had a submissive experience in a relationship. And you have always wanted to be on top. And you can’t seem to trance to online videos or anything. And yet, one moment and you feel like a monster inside you has been set free, right?”

“THAT is a good description, actually.”

“Do you think it’s a trust thing? I mean, so many people have hurt you—ex-boyfriends, your parents, probably your brother when he got into the drugs. Do you think that this has always been there? But you just never felt comfortable bringing it out?”

When he said that, it clicked. It was like the bell that rings in the game shows. Something inside of me went *DING* “that’s the number one answer”.

I nodded. “maybe. Umm... Mark. I know this sounds weird. And I know it’s probably not your thing, but.. could we try? I mean, like.. I’m not talking about whips and chains or anything. I just mean, can we try something... " I took a deep breath, “maybe, you know... erotic? Not sexual! I don’t want to force you into anything. But, maybe just something, like something I wouldn’t normally do with you that has an erotic flair? To see like, if you are right and, you know, I have always wanted this but was just afraid of getting broken or something?”

“K, you know I’d never hurt you.”

“Oh, I don’t care if you do. I don’t mind getting hurt.”

He looked confused.

I continued: “I’m used to getting hurt.” I slapped my bandaged knee. “I am an athlete. It’s part of the gig. I can take a little pain. And emotionally, even. I’m strong. I’m a fighter. You have to be to do what I do. But, what I know is you won’t HARM me. That ... to me, that makes all the difference. If, I mean, just hypothetically, if we were, you know, getting playful and you were to, I dunno, spank me or something... I’d be fine with it. Like, OK, it hurts It will be that way for a day or two, and remind me of the time we had. But you won’t harm me. You won’t do anything that would leave me broken. That’s what matters. I think that’s why I can ... why you can..” I snapped my fingers and grinned.

He shifted in his chair. I glanced down, and I swore I saw a bludge in his jeans. I grinned wider—not only because this was having an effect on him, but because, for the first time I could remember, he seemed uncomfortable and unsure of himself. I had finally rattled him. And somehow that made me almost start laughing, in spite of the situation.

“So, all right, um.. K... Umm.. OK... right. I .. yeah, we can try something small. Maybe just an experiment. Ummm... we ... we should talk about limits and boundaries, though. What is ... what is .. outside your.. what can I ask you to do that wouldn’t like ... that you wouldn’t be, you know, something you would be OK with?”

“Anything. ”

“No I mean... ”

“No limits. None. Make me do whatever you like. Trance me. Make me your puppet.”

“K, I know that’s a nice fantasy and all, but, it ... I mean what if I asked you to do something outside your, you know, comfort zone?”

“Please do. I want it. No, really Mark. I’m serious. Look, I trust you, I really do. And I know that you won’t do anything to harm me. Anyone else, I mean literally anyone else, I would be worried. I’d think ‘what if I wake up next morning to images of myself nude all over the internet?’

“But, Mark, it’s you. If you can put me under and make me do it, then it must mean that I wanted to. If you told me to walk down the street naked, or to send nude photos to my mom—heh.. actually, I might love doing that, just to see her reaction. And maybe piss her off. Anyway, I know you won’t harm me. And, I want to see where this goes. So, yeah, I won’t be angry, I promise. No matter what. I want to let go and not have to think about limits or restrictions or mentally evaluate whether something is a good idea. I just want to be... ummm.. .yours. I mean.. you know, just to see what it feels like.”

He thought for a few moments without speaking.

“Consensual non-concent, huh?”

I nodded. “Yes.”

“I will do it on one condition.”

I was nervous, but asked “OK, name it.”

“Saturday night, you go out on a date with me. Not hypnotized, not controlled, not erotic, even. Just a date. I’ve wanted to date you for a long time. And I’d like to treat you like a princess for an evening.”

“Mark, you are amazing and all, but sometimes you can be so dense. OF COURSE I will go out with you! No conditions. Geez, even without the stuff we talked about. I love being with you.”

He smiled and nodded.

He held his hand in front of my face. *SNAP*

“5... wake now and open your eyes.”

I was laying on my sideways on the sofa like I had fallen on my right side. I had no memory of moving. But I was getting used to that.

“How are you feeling?”

‘Mmmmmm .... so good.”

“Here, take some water.”

I sat up and drank a little. My thoughts were slowly coming back.

“So, did did I? You know?”

“No, I just put in a surprise.”

“Oh.. ok.. Umm... are you going to.. um.. are we going to .. you know.. um... are you planning to ... ummm... well, take me? I mean it’s OK if you are, I said no limits and I meant it, but I just wanted to know. ”

I started talking quickly, like I do when I’m nervous.“It would be OK, but I kinda wanted to remember it, you know, the first time... I mean, I ... not that I should assume you want it.. or that there will be a first time. Or a second, for that matter. Or anything, but I just, well it’s up to you. But I just thought you should know that, if we, you know, um, make love or anything, I’d kind of like to remember it. And if you don’t want to, that’s fine too. I don’t mean to pressure you or anything—I’m sorry I brought it up. Sometimes I say things that—”

“K.. shut up.”

It wasn’t like some kind of erotic thing. Or hypno control. It was just him being him. And it stopped my words instantly. It was cute, really—the kind of way we talked to each other.

“K, you are a very attractive and sexy woman. I’ve always been attracted to you. But, I don’t want tonight to end that way. I want it to be special if we decide to move to that point.”

I smiled. I was both elated and disappointed at the same time. I just nodded.

“But, I do have two surprises for you. The first, " he motioned to mu laptop, “is that I used your laptop to video this entire night. Well, everything after we moved to the sofa. When I realized you couldn’t remember anything while you were under, I thought it would be a good idea. Need to make sure you are OK with everything and.. you know, consent and all. Besides, it would be good for you to go through it and see what you think. You can keep it. Delete it. Or whatever. But I thought you should have it.”

I looked over and noticed the green light on the camera on. I had never bothered to look before.

I nodded.

“The second surprise.” He stood up and looked at down at me. He said three words:“Subspace now, Kendra”.

For an instant, my only thought was that he actually said my name. He always called me “K” and calling me by my name was strange coming from him.

And then it hit. It was like a wave washing over me, taking all my will with it. I felt completely subordinate to him. He was the Owner. I was nothing. And I wanted more than anything else to please him. But I was so nervous I might do something wrong or make him unhappy. That thought almost made me ill. He was all that mattered. My silly thoughts. My worthless achievements. My whole self was nothing. All that mattered was pleasing him.

It had a familiar feel to it. and I realized that it was the same feeling I had the night before, when I slid to my knees by my bed and started rubbing myself like a maniac. Only, the intensity now made that look like kindergarten and this like grad school.

Without planning it, I slid from the sofa to my knees on the rug. I clasped my hands behind my back so that my forearms were parallel to the floor and hoped I was doing it right. I bowed my head. I did not dare raise my eyes to look at him, without being told. I was not worthy of that honor. And, in truth, I didn’t want to be. I wanted to feel small, controlled and owned.

“Good girl,” he said.

I shuttered and drew a sharp breath as my whole body spammed with something like a combination of a thrill and sexual arousal and complete joy. It was like winning the lottery, while having an orgasm at the same time. My only fear was that I had trembled too much and displeased him.

“Stand,” he commanded simply.

He did not say how. So I stood quickly and dropped my hands to my side. I kept my head lowered in deference and my eyes cast down. He had not commanded me to, but I desired it. And it seemed right.

“Now, Pet. I am going to give you a simple instruction to carry out. You will do it for me, won’t you?”

‘Yes, Sir.” My words just came out. They did not have the feel of hypnotic compulsion, but just the right thing to say in my current state of mind. He deserved all the respect, all the obedience. I deserved nothing. I wanted nothing except a chance to please him. I had told him that I wanted to be his, and now I was.

I worried that “Sir” might be wrong. What if it offended him? Should I have said “Owner,” since that is what he was? Or maybe “Master”? But he had not told me to call him that. And I worried it may be too presumptuous. I had not earned the right to be his slave. I was just his property, if he even wanted me. I was pleased he called me “pet,” since this acknowledged he owned me. I was not a stray. I was his. On a deep level, this made me feel fulfilled. My smile at the thought only suppressed itself because I was intent on listening to his words to make sure I understood what was required of me.

“Good girl.”

Again the shiver of pride and pleasure. Had I been good enough to make the Olympic team and had I won the gold and set a world record, I would not have been as thrilled as I was because he thought I was a good girl, and my actions seemed to please him.

“When I tell you to, you will slide your hands up your body, slowly. Caress your body. And slide them up your skin, slowly. Then, inch by inch, slide your top off over your head. Once it is off, toss it on the sofa behind you. Then slide one hand into your shorts, and start to play with yourself for me. With the other hand, I want you to play with your nipples and breasts. Do you understand?”

“Yes Sir.” My voice was toneless. I was excited that he had given me a way to please him. But my mind was a bit dazed. I did not think it was a hypnotic trance, but more like my mind was overwhelmed by the experience, so part of it turned off, leaving only the need to submit. I chewed my lip as I thought about it and how excited and aroused I was.

“Good girl”.

Again the intake of breath. The gold medal. The mini orgasm.

“Do it now.”

Part of my mind told me I should be nervous. What if I did it badly? But I was strangely calm. After all, I was doing what he told me. This obedience was sending so much sexual arousal and pleasure through me, I knew I could never want anything else.

I moved my hands to my hips. Slowly, I raised them to my navel, sliding them along my bare mid-rift. I already had goosebumps. The touch just highlighted them. I moved in a zigzag pattern up my tummy, gently caressing my skin. My eyes stared at the floor, still lowered as they should be. My head was bowed slightly.

It was a strain to move so slowly, because each touch sent erotic thrills through me. I wanted to just rip my clothes off and fuck him. Or fuck myself while he watched. The slow burn was excruciating. And irresistibly hot. I chewed my lower lip while my hands obeyed him.

When I reached the bottom of my sports bra/top, I took a sharp breath. My arousal was off the charts. My ragged breath teased my lungs. I was trembling as I slipped the top up off my breasts. The air in the room was not cool. But to my hot body, if felt so.

It did not occur to me that I was stripping topless for Mark. I was obeying my Sir, my Owner. On one level, I knew this was Mark, my friend. And he had never seen me topless. I did not lose my identity. I was the same person who was talking with him on the sofa, as if we were equals. I was the one he, and only he, ever called “K”. I was the athlete. I was strong woman who hung out with him and his friends, and told him to “shut up” when he talked too much.

But I was also completely his, now, if only for this instant. I wanted nothing more. I suspected that he had implanted this into my subconscious. when he hypnotized me. But I also knew that he did not. He just brought out what was always there. I did not want to lose the rest of myself or of my relationship with him. But this felt so right, like it was the natural conclusion of everything I had ever been through. And I wanted it. Even if it meant losing everything else, I wanted it.

Once my top was over my head, I carelessly tossed it on the sofa. My hand slid instantly to my waistband and then under, finding its way to my bald, needy, soaking wet pussy. When I touched it, I almost orgasmed immediately.

My other hand went to my nipples. They were already impossibly hard. I teased them gently for only a moment before I started to get rough. I don’t know why. Rough sex had never been an interest to me. But now, it seemed right. I wanted the pain. I wanted to be degraded. I wanted to be treated as an object. And twisting my nipples drove me crazy with lust. The pain was like a switch connected directly to my aching pussy. I don’t know how I managed to hold off an orgasm for more than 10 seconds, but somehow I did.

“How do you feel Pet?”

My breathless words came out in gasps: “Like .. I should... kneel for you ... Sir.”

“Then do so.”

I dropped to my knees. I was self-aware enough to be mindful of my bad knee. But too lost in desire and need to stop what I was doing.

“Do not cum, Pet.”

“No, Sir.”

“Are you close?”

“Oh, YES SIR! " my panting words came in sputters, " on.. the...edge...nnnnn”.

“Good Girl.”

It almost sent me over the edge. But somehow, it was different. It was like a full body orgasm, that did nothing to easy my pussy’s hunger.

“Return to me Kendra.”

For a moment, nothing changed. I was on the floor, kneeling, with one hand buried in my cunt, and the other twisting my nipples. But, slowly, I felt my mind clear. The need was still there. The arousal was still intense. But the slave part stepped back a few inches. I had always been Kendra. But had been overwhelmed by the need to submit. Now I still was Kendra. And the need to submit was still there. But different, no so much less intense, but balanced with a broader concept of the world. I was still submissive. And in a deep way, I was still his. But now, there were other things that mattered, too.

I kept pleasuring myself, though. I kept the nipple twisting. And the clit rubbing. But it slowed. I knew if it didn’t, I was going to cum right in front of him any second.

I was biting my lower lip hard as I looked up at him, for the first time able to discard the thought that it was improper. I’m sure he could see the wanton lust in my eyes. He was Mark, still, again. And my desire to please and obey him collided with my desire to fuck his brains out.

It was not that he was my Owner and also Mark. He was my Owner exactly because he was Mark.

With a herculean effort that I didn’t know I had, I pulled my hand away from my pussy and out of my shorts. I was breathing as heavily as I would be after a hard run. My body was covered in sweat.

I devoured him with my eyes, while I leaned back against the sofa, gasping for air, wanting to rub my pussy again. Wanting him to take me back to the subspace, bend me over, and fuck my lights out.

He smiled, gently. “Here, let me get you a towel to clean your hand.”

“No.” I said. Instead, I stated into his eyes, put my fingers in my mouth, and sucked them like they were his dick.

He raised his eyebrows and seemed to swallow hard. I was hoping that was not the only thing that was hard.

When I was done, I pulled my hand out and stared at him.

“So, K, what do you think?”

“Fuck, Mark. That was unbelievable! I said that last night was the most intense erotic experience, but this made that look like a dull movie! I am so fucking horny right now. I just.. .please fuck me. Please. Just take me anyway you want! I just need to get off! Or I need to get you off!. I don’t even care which.”

“K, I would love to, but ... I.. not yet. Not like this. But don’t worry, I have another surprise for you. But, as difficult as it is for me to say this, it’s late, I have to work in the morning, as do you, so I think now is the time I need to leave before I do something I would regret.”

“I wouldn’t regret it.”

He smiled gently. “Not like this,” he said, almost to himself. “Come, Pet, walk me to the door.”

When he called me Pet, it made me grin. I could tell I was not hypno-hazed, although, to be fair, I was pretty deep into the subspace, so maybe it was not all gone yet. But, I thought it more just something I liked. It was a term of endearment that also showed his control. People care for pets, even love them, but still own them. It made me feel special. Maybe he could love me and yet own me.

Reluctantly, still flushed with arousal, I stood up and walked hin to the door. I thought to put my top back on while he gathered the bag be brought with the containers that had held food what seemed like a lifetime ago. But I decided against covering up. He had seen me twist my nipples for him already. Seeing them hard for a few more minutes was tame in comparison. Besides, I thought, maybe it would make him change his mind about spending the night.

When we got to the door, I reached around him to open it and he stopped me. He touched my chin, directing my gaze upward. He was looking into my eyes—not my nipples—when he leaned in to kiss me. His lips hovered before mine for what seemed a lifetime. I could feel his breath. I could feel how soft his lips were as the grazed mine. My desire peaked, again.

I had instinctively closed my eyes, but I opened them again when he delayed. I looked at his face and smiled. I forgot I was topless. I forgot the hypnosis. I just waned him to kiss me. Part of my brain wanted to just throw my arms around him and pull him into a kiss. But the rest of me wanted to wait. The anticipation was as sweet as candy. The “oh my God, Mark is actually going to kiss me” anthem played in my head.

When his lips finally closed the distance and touched mine, my eyes snapped shut without thought. My hands somehow made it around his neck. I pulled him into me and pulled myself into him, careless of my toplessness or anything else.

His kiss was as strong as it was gentle. I had butterflies in my stomach, for the first time since high school. And in a very not-like-me moment, my knees got weak.

When he pulled way, I did not try to hold him. I wanted to, but my arms were like jelly. I just opened my eyes and smiled.

He smiled back. “I have been waiting,” he whispered, “years to do that.”

“Mmmmmm... took you long enough.” I said smiling. “But, it was worth it.”

We stared into each other for a moment. And in a strange way, he was not Mark the Owner. Or Mark the Friend. He was Mark the Boyfriend. And yet, he was all three. I wanted to belong to him as a girlfriend, as a friend, and as a pet, all at the same time.

“Are you sure,” I asked quietly, smiling gently “that you don’t want to spend the night?”

He grinned his reply. “Well, I really want to. But, I really, really don’t want to rush it. I’m tired, K. Believe it or not, it’s been a long week for me. And tonight strangely took a bit out of me. But I also don’t want to take advantage of you.”

“Oh Geez, Mark! Like I wasn’t the one taking advantage of you. You have know idea how much I want to through you down and just fuck you, right here on the floor!”

“Yeah, but, it can be like drinking too much. The hypnosis, the submission, the arousal. It can cloud your thoughts, even after we stop. And it can make you want things that you wouldn’t if you thought about it.”

“I want you.”

He smiled.

“And you have me. But—”

“I know. My brain is whispering that it makes sense but, my body is screaming.”

He turned and opened the door and said: “Oh right, that last surprise... Subspace now Kendra.”

I was on my knees before he completed turning the handle. Hell, I would have probably dropped there anyway, had I even thought he might have wanted me to.

My eyes looked down as my head bowed. I wanted to raise them enough to maybe catch a glimpse of his bulge. I had a strong hope that he would use the fact that I was on my knees to allow me to suck his cock. You don’t to spend the night, dude? Fine, then let me suck your brains out of your cock. I fought hard to not think about his dick in my mouth. I could imagine him cumming down my throat. I could almost taste him and smell the sweet, sticky cum. Oh, and to feel him spasm against my tongue would have kept me happy for a week.

But I forced the thought out of my mind. I did not dare look at him. Or even imagine that I could pleasure him. He was the one who would decide what would happen. I was just a pet.

I had a dim realization that he had opened the door and stepped into the hallway. It spawned two thoughts: first, I was kneeling and topless. Anyone who walked by would see me. And not just kneeling and topless, but head bowed, arms clasped behind, pushing my breasts forward. My wanton submissiveness was as obvious as my hard nipples. But he was my Owner. If he wanted to display me to the world, then I was happy to obey. Modesty was not for pets like me. And I was sure that I would have been willing to crawl up and down the hall, knocking on every door and telling them what a horny, slutty, slave girl I was, if he had commanded it. But, at the same time, I knew he would not. I instinctively knew that he had watched the hall and had he seen any other people, he would have protected me.

He was my Owner. But he was still Mark. He was my Owner entirely because he was Mark.

The second thought I had was to wonder if he was going to leave me like this. Would he just close the door and leave? And if he did, how long would I stay like this? I knew the answer to the second question: I would stay as long as I could until he released me. Certainly, I would be exactly like this in the morning. And continue until my endurance wore out—which, in my case, would be a while.

But whatever he did, whether leaving me or exposing me or leaving me there with the door open all night, whatever he did would be the right thing. Whatever he did was exactly what I wanted and craved.

“Pet,” he said from above me. I did not look up, but listened. “When I close this door, here is what you will do. You will stand, lock the door, and strip naked. Then you will find your dildo and clean it. You will take your dildo and your phone and lay on your bed. You will remember tonight, and get lost in the feelings of submission to me. And you will masturbate with your hands and with your dildo. But you will not orgasm. I will call you later with further instructions. You won’t fail me, will you Pet?”

“OH GOD, NO SIR!” The intensity of my reply startled me. But the thought of failing his instructions was just to unfathomable, too disgusting, to even contemplate.

“Good Girl”

The wave of pleasure almost made me lose my balance.

“Good night Pet.”

“Good night, Master.” I said it without thinking this time. It was somehow proper now. He was my Master, my Owner and my controller.

Then, I heard the door close.