The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Quick Summary: The serpent bearer visits women who need guidance in their self-discovery. Kerri is her most recent student, and the lesson comes just in time for Kerri to welcome her soldier husband home.

Quick Notes: This was written for Blue Lyric’s Dawning of the Age (January 2007) expo and edited slightly based on feedback. Comments are welcome at .

Wise as Serpents

by Bad Penny

Three am. Well past the time for any decent activity. Kerri could hear her mother now: “Why are you out so late? You have a child now, a husband overseas. You should be at home.”

Mother or not, wife or not, she deserved...well, Kerri wasn’t sure what she deserved, but certainly more than what she had now.

Three am. Well past the time for safe driving. Her car wandered with her mind. Kerri jerked herself back to attention as the car inched over the centerline. Fear woke her up, brought everything into sharp focus.

She slid the car back into her lane, fingers tight on the steering wheel. No cars, thank God, but if someone had been coming...Kerri shook her head. She couldn’t let her mind wander again. Too dangerous.

Three am. She wasn’t the only one out well past her time. She rounded the curve—three miles from home, from the disapproving mother, from the eighteen-month-old daughter, from the photos of her absent husband in his dress uniform, his combat fatigues, his army shirt stretched tight over his broad chest and shoulders. She rounded the curve and found the truck bearing down on her, headlights in her lane.

Kerri sat transfixed, knuckles white on the wheel. Brake or swerve? Neither would do her much good. The road was too narrow, and she and the truck were both taking the curve faster than the sign-recommended forty-five miles per hour. Equal blame in that, at least.

She closed her eyes and waited for the impact.

Five frantic heartbeats, then ten. Fifteen. Twenty, and no impact. No screeching brakes. No horn. Kerri opened her eyes.

The truck’s headlights blinded her, but aside from her quick breathing, her own pounding pulse, there was no sound, no movement, nothing except the woman silhouetted by the truck’s lights.

Wait, woman? There was a pedestrian? Oh, God, where had she come from?

The woman stepped forward. “Well, now. It looks like you’re in a bind, sweet thing.” She reached out and—

Something slithered off the woman. The steering wheel shuddered, and then something pebbly and dry looped around Kerri’s hands and coiled up her arms.

Kerri found her voice and screamed.

“Hush now,” the woman crooned, bending low over the hood of Kerri’s car. “None of that.” She pulled. Kerri felt an odd little lurch, and then she was outside shivering as more snakes—oh, sweet God, how many were there?—coiled around her, slithering up her legs, around her waist, around her neck and chest, between her breasts. They were almost tender, almost pleasant, almost...

Kerri whimpered. She couldn’t admit the last almost—erotic—to herself.

“It’s all right, sweet thing.” The woman stepped forward and stroked one of the snakes wound around Kerri’s shoulders. It tightened under her touch.

Kerri gasped. Her skin prickled, and her growing heat chased away the chill of the night air.

“I’m here to help.”

“Help?” Kerri asked, her breath fogging in front of her.

“Oh, yes, but there is something you must give me.” The woman leaned in, and now Kerri could make out her face, pale in the glare of the truck’s headlights, lips unnaturally dark.

She kissed Kerri. One of the snakes—serpents, a firm voice corrected—slid down over Kerri’s mound, between the folds of her sex—cunt, the same firm voice said.

And oh, God, she was wet! Kerri started to protest, but opening her mouth gave the woman access to her, and oh, God, her tongue was forked and long and...

Kerri twined her hands in the woman’s hair, trying to steady her trembling knees, but oh, it was so hard with the rhythmic slide of the serpents around her, squeezing her tight, coiling around her breasts, tongues flicking over her nipples—hard and aching for this, the firm voice said.

“Yes,” Kerri breathed, and the serpent down between her legs slid just right and she...she was...

Say you’re coming, the voice commanded, and the woman broke off the kiss, licked a line down Kerri’s neck, bit down at the junction between her neck and shoulder.

“Oh, God. I’m...I’m...” Kerri breathed. Her knees gave out, but the serpents held her up, whimpering and helpless.

She felt the woman smile against her. “Next time, sweet thing, we will make a game of this.”

And then Kerri was back in her car, two miles from home, not a truck in sight.

Had she imagined it? Her...her sex throbbed, wet and swollen. Kerri squirmed, and the friction sent a trembling thrill up her spine. No, she hadn’t imagined it, though as she pulled into the driveway and let the warm light of home spill over her, it was safer to believe she had. She held her hands up in front of her, willing the trembling to stop.

Willing her...her sex to stop aching.

Whatever had happened, it could not happen again. Kerri exited the car, locked it, smoothed her skirt—too short, her mother had said, frowning in that way only mothers could frown—and picked her way along the walkway to the porch.

Her mother was waiting up in the living room, sitting in the rocking chair by the fire. “It’s late,” she said without turning around.

“I gave Mary-Beth a ride home.”

“She was drunk?”

“She’s twenty-two, ma. Old enough to drink.”

“You’re not.” The unspoken, “You’re not even twenty,” hung between them.

Kerri balled her hands into fists. It had always been like this with her mother, but it was worse now. “Which is why I drove her home.”

“You shouldn’t be out with them.”

Kerri sighed. No, she supposed she shouldn’t. Mary-Beth and the others weren’t really her friends. She knew them through Randy, and she knew Randy wouldn’t approve of her going out with them without him.

Randy didn’t approve of a lot of things. That was probably why her mother approved of him. At least, she approved of him now. Before, when he had been the “much too old for you” boyfriend “up to no good”, her mother had done her best to keep Kerri from seeing him.

She had only grudgingly given her consent to the marriage. Kerri rubbed her belly, finally smooth and toned again after her pregnancy. Kerri knew full well what had finally made her mother give in.

“Did Mercy give you any trouble?”

“An angel as always,” her mother said dryly.

“Then I’ll check in on the angel and go to sleep.”

Mercy was awake and babbling when Kerri peeked in the room. So she didn’t feel guilty about scooping her out of the crib and settling down in the chair by the window. “Mommy had a weird encounter tonight.”

Mercy giggled and grabbed a handful of Kerri’s hair. “My mommy! Hi mommy!”

Kerri smiled and dipped her head to inhale her daughter’s sweet scent. “Your grandma’s right. You are an angel.” An angel, and she should be enough. Kerri hugged her close. Mercy was enough.


“Yes, it’s late. Bedtime for good little angels and their mommies.” She retrieved her hair from Mercy’s chubby little fist and rose, setting the baby back down in the crib. “You going to fall asleep now?”

Mercy smiled up at her. “Tired?”

She stroked Mercy’s hair. “Yes, tired. That’s my girl.” Yes, Kerri thought, heart swelling with pride. Mercy was her girl, and she’d give her a good life. That was more than enough.

* * *

Her daily routine made her encounter with the serpent woman seem like a dream. In fact, as the days passed, Kerri convinced herself it had been a dream. She had been sober when she drove Mary-Beth home, but the girls had snuck her a couple of beers early in the night. Beer always gave her weird dreams.

“Oh, sweet thing, I wasn’t a dream.”

Kerri shrieked, clutching her robe tight at her throat. “You!”

The woman sat on her bed, dark hair spilling over her shoulder like...well, like a serpent. She was naked, sitting tall and proud so her breasts were thrust forward, large and full and commanding. It took a supreme amount of effort for Kerri to drag her eyes from the erect nipples, so dark and tight against pale skin, and up to the woman’s face, to her black lips and dark eyes.

“How did you...who are you?”

“I am the serpent bearer.” She spread out her arms, and a pair of serpents just...appeared, their scales impossibly emerald. They snaked down her arms and coiled at her wrists, the muscles beneath the scales expanding and contracting something forbidden.

Kerri squeezed her eyes shut. When she opened them, the woman was still there, and the serpents were still pulsing around her wrists. Kerri licked her lips. “What do you want with me?”


Kerri opened her mouth to say something—anything—but her mind was blank, so she clamped it shut again.

“Don’t worry, sweet thing. The nature of the these games imbues people with wisdom.” She rose and the serpents dropped from her wrists, making their way towards Kerri.

Kerri backed up against the wall. “I don’t want to play!”

The woman smiled. “Of course you do. I could not be here otherwise.”

“No! I’ll...I’ll scream. My mother, she’ll—”

“She’ll not hear. Just as that driver did not see. We are between moments, sweet thing.”

Kerri strained to hear something beyond the sound of her pulse. The serpents scraped against the floor, whisper-quiet. Beyond that, all she could hear was a chime, like a tuning fork, a high, clear note that grew louder and louder the more Kerri focused on it.

She covered her ears and shook her head. “Stop it. Please!”

“After our game,” the woman said, her voice cutting through the chime. She ran her fingers along Kerri’s jaw.

“No, please. I’m married.”

“I know, sweet thing. Your man will be home soon. You’ll see. Word will come.”

Kerri’s stomach tightened. She had no doubt the woman was telling the truth. Randy had been deployed for so long, she could almost believe he’d stay away forever. Almost. He was due to come home, at least for some leave, maybe even for good.

And then Kerri would have to deal with him. With being his wife. At least she could handle being the mother of his child.

“I can make being his wife easier for you.”

Kerri opened her eyes. The woman was too close. Kerri noticed, with odd fascination, that instead of a smattering of freckles across her cheeks and nose, she seemed to have scales. Kerri found herself reaching up to trace them, the woman’s skin pebbly under her fingers.

The woman smiled. “Come to bed, sweet thing. I’ll show you yourself.”

Kerri ran her hands over her thighs. “This...this is a dream.” She let the woman pull her back towards the bed, let the woman work loose the tie of her robe, let the woman push it off her shoulders so it slid down her arms and collected at her feet.

“No, sweet thing.” The woman trailed a finger down Kerri’s throat. “But I’m sure you’ll keep telling yourself that.” She pushed Kerri down onto the bed.

A pair of serpents coiled around Kerri’s legs, pulling them apart so she was on display. Another pair would around her arms, pulling them over her head so her breasts were pulled high. Kerri squirmed. “Please,” she said, wincing at how feeble her plea sounded.

The woman touched her lightly, running her fingers up Kerri’s thigh. “Please what, sweet thing? Continue or stop?” Her fingers stopped at the fold of Kerri’s thigh.

The serpents tightened. A pool of warmth gathered low on her—Kerri bit her lip—in her cunt. Kerri arched up. “Please.”

“Please what?”

The warmth turned to wet tension. It spread up Kerri’s spine, slithered around her nipples so they tightened and tingled, squeezed at her chest until her breath quickened. Oh, God, she felt alive. So real.

She should feel vulnerable, restrained so. Exposed so. All the times she had been with Randy, not bound like this, but spread open beneath him like this, had made her feel small and helpless, completely at his mercy as he entered her, as he filled her, stretched her impossibly wide.

But this time, she felt...bold. “Please,” Kerri breathed, “show me more.”

The serpent binding her right hand withdrew. The woman smiled and guided Kerri’s hand down to rest at her throat. “Your voice, sweet thing. You are allowed to use it.”

She slid Kerri’s hand down between her breasts. “You will learn in time what sort of touch you like here. For tonight,” she drew Kerri’s hand over her mound, “we will focus here. I should leave something for you to discover with your husband, hmmm?”

Kerri wanted to shake her head, but she found herself nodding instead.

The woman made Kerri trace a slow circle with her finger. “Your clit, sweet thing. You do know what it is, yes?”

Pressure gathered behind the nub. “Yes,” Kerri breathed. She tilted her head back and closed her eyes, letting the woman guide her fingers down to the folds of her cunt. She was already wet, but the woman helped her tease out more, helped her find just the right way to touch and stroke until her tension peaked and broke.

“Very good, sweet thing,” the woman said, stroking Kerri’s hair. The serpents coiled back around the woman, dipping low over her shoulders and around her breasts. “I will leave this one with you.” She removed a scarlet serpent from around her neck. “She will help you understand.”

“Understand what?” Kerri murmured. The serpent settled at the hollow of her throat. It bit her, filling her with a syrupy warmth that lulled her to sleep.

* * *

Kerri wanted to believe the second encounter was a dream, but every so often, something slithered in her mind, forcing her to take notice of the things around her. Like Mary-Beth with her kind words that turned as sharp as her smile when her target was out of earshot.

Why would she treat Kerri any differently from the others. Kerri couldn’t tell if the thought was hers or whispered to her, but either way, it was valid. So she grew cautious around Mary-Beth, put great thought into what she should and shouldn’t say. And while in some ways, such caution made her life more difficult, Kerri found it easier to be around Mary-Beth. She no longer had a knot of worry in her stomach, worry that something she said would find its way to the wrong ears.

And she was forced to notice her mother, forced to acknowledge that yes, her mother was bitter, and her plans for Kerri were different than the ones Kerri had for herself, but they were practical plans, plans borne out of love and regret that she hadn’t given Kerri more.

And finally, she was forced to notice herself, not just the way her body reacted to her touch—though the self-discovery was pleasant—but also how she reacted to others. How she let Mary-Beth and the others draw her into their games, how she had the power—no, the right—to set her own rules with them. How she still let her mother treat her as a child, how she had an opportunity to open a dialogue with her mother as a woman if she was willing to act like one.

“What brought on this change?” her mother asked one evening after Kerri set Mercy down for the night.

“What change?”

“You’re acting like an adult all of the sudden. Three Fridays in. Turning down invitations from those friends of yours.”

Kerri shrugged. “Staying in doesn’t make me an adult, ma.”

“No.” Her mother turned back to the sink. “Reasons why you’re staying in might.”

She kissed her mother’s cheek. “Maybe I’ve decided it’s better to moderate my fun. ‘Night, ma.”

Then Randy’s phone call came. “We’ve got an end date. December thirty-first. I’ll be home on the third.”

Kerri was too stunned to speak. After a pause, too long of a pause, she said, “For real?”

“Yeah. For real.”

She should have been happy. She tried to force herself to be happy, but she only felt hollow. So instead of squealing—like she suspected Randy wanted her to—she said, “I’m so relieved. It’s been...well, it won’t feel real until I see you.”

Randy was silent for a moment. “Don’t jinx it.”

She laughed. “I won’t. You’ve got a daughter to hold for the first time.” Mercy was a safe topic. Randy had once said his greatest regret so far was being deployed a week before Mercy’s birth. Kerri had no reason to doubt him.

“How is she?”

“Ma says she’s an angel. I’m a little biased and agree. She’s talking a lot now.” She knelt down next to Mercy’s playpen and held the phone out. “It’s your daddy. Say hi.”

Mercy kept playing with her plushy bunnies. “My mommy! Hi mommy!”

Kerri brought the phone back to her ear. “We’re working on the daddy.”

“She sounds happy.”

“I do what I can.”

“I know.” Randy paused. “God, Kerri, I can’t wait to get home.”

“I can’t wait, either.” She was fairly certain she wasn’t lying.

The days leading up to Randy’s return passed too fast. All of the sudden, she was on the base with the other wives, entertaining an increasingly restless Mercy as they waited for the 39th’s plane to land. “Home?” Mercy pleaded, blinking up at her with wide blue eyes. Her father’s eyes.

“Not yet, sweetie. Daddy’s coming.”

Mercy frowned. Kerri shifted her to one hip and fumbled for her wallet. “Daddy,” she said, flipping her wallet open to Randy’s picture. “We’re happy to see him.”

Mercy scrunched up her face. “Happy?”

“Very happy.”

A high, clear chime sounded. “Who are you trying to convince, sweet thing?”

Kerry yelped. The woman—serpent bearer—was leaning against the door leading out to the tarmac, her serpents coiled around her neck and arms, writing around her hips, down her legs.

“I have my daughter here,” Kerri said, fear trembling down her spine. Mercy felt too heavy in her arms, uncomfortably still, too much like a doll.

“And a darling girl she is.” The woman glided towards them. “Too young for me to visit, but perhaps in time.”

Kerri tightened her grip on Mercy. “Leave her alone.”

“Not all women need me, sweet thing. Perhaps your daughter will discover herself on her own. But if she doesn’t,” she stroked Mercy’s fair hair, “I will help her, just as I helped you, sweet thing.”

Kerri took a shaky breath. “What do you want?”

The woman smiled and placed her hand at the hollow of Kerri’s throat. “Oh, there’s no need to worry, sweet thing. We have already had our sport. Perhaps I’ve just come to say farewell.”

Kerri narrowed her eyes. “And perhaps you’ve come for another reason.”

The woman laughed. “Ah, I’ve given you too much, it seems. I best give you the rest.”

“The rest of what?”

She leaned forward and gave Kerri a chaste kiss, her hand still on the hollow of Kerri’s throat. Then it was as if she was pressing inside Kerri, coiling behind her sternum. The rest of me, sweet thing. Now stand tall. Kerri found herself straightening. Here comes your man.

* * *

As reunions went, Kerri supposed theirs was touching. Randy cooed over Mercy, much to Kerri’s relief. She’d been worried he’d feel odd around his daughter. Pictures weren’t the same as flesh, and he hadn’t had a chance to hold Mercy when she was born. It wasn’t just his regret. It was Kerri’s, too.

He was even pleasant to her mother when they arrived back home. And her mother was pleasant to him, preparing, in typical ma fashion, his favorite meal—beef stew with fresh sourdough bread.

Randy had two servings. “First real food I’ve had in ages.”

“I’m happy to oblige,” her mother said, and her smile didn’t seem strained like it used to with Randy. She rose and began clearing away the plates. “My sister’s been making noises about seeing Mercy again. Why don’t I take her to spend the night?”

“Ma,” Kerri said at the same time Randy said, “Thanks.”

Privacy. Of course her mother would leave. She didn’t want to deny Kerri a proper reunion with her husband, but she didn’t want to hear it, either. Kerri supposed she’d feel the same way in her mother’s position.

The first thing she said after her mother pulled out of the driveway with Mercy tucked safely away in the car seat was, “We’ll need to find our own place.”

Randy leaned against the door, his shirt stretched tight over his chest. He’d lost some weight, so his pants hung a little loose on his hips, but he still had broad shoulders, a firm chest. He was still, to coin one of Mary-Beth’s phrases, fucking hot.

Yes, quite, sweet thing. You should take him. He is your man.

Kerri startled at the serpent woman’s voice in her head.

Randy was watching her, his expression unreadable. “You’ve changed.”

The serpent woman reached through her and made Kerri smile, but it was Kerri who said, “I’m growing up. I’ll change even more.” And it was Kerri, emboldened by the spike of lust the serpent woman sent down her spine, who stalked towards him. “For the better, though.”

He raised his eyebrows. “Oh?”

She had to rise up on tiptoe to kiss him. Kerri kissed him the same way the serpent woman had kissed her, firm, demanding, wanting. Yes, sweet thing. Take what we want.

Randy’s eyes widened. Kerri couldn’t blame his shock. She’d never taken initiative like this. After a moment’s hesitation, Randy wrapped his hands around her waist, pulled her tight against him, kissed her back.

And God, it was wonderful! Lust made her dizzy, and if it weren’t for the serpent woman grounding her, Kerri was pretty sure she’d swoon. Randy’s hands were hot, and his touch lanced straight to her cunt.

She ran her hands down his chest. “I’ve missed you.” And the serpent woman found all the things Kerri kept locked away and made them spill out of her mouth. “I’ve wanted to touch you for so long. I’ve wanted to kneel before you and suck your cock. I’ve wanted to push you down and fuck you. I’ve wanted to feel you inside me. On me. I’ve wanted to hear you say my name when you come.”

Randy gaped at her. “Kerri?”

She got her hands under his shirt, nails scraping lightly up his abdomen, up to his pecs, over his shoulders. He didn’t fight her as she forced him out of his shirt, though the look he gave her when he was topless was a mixture of confusion and lust.

“I want,” she said, nipping at his throat, “to take you. To make you mine.” She ground against him. His cock was hard against her thigh. She reached down to squeeze him through his pants.

“Oh, God, Kerri. This isn’t like—”

She silenced him with another kiss. He grabbed her wrists, squeezed them once, then fumbled with the button of her jeans. He kissed her neck, then nipped at his ear. She moaned and tilted her head back to give him better access.

“Bedroom,” she ordered, stepping out of the tangle of her jeans. She nudged him back, working loose his belt.

“Kerri, I’m not complaining, but this isn’t like you.”

Kerri smiled, a wicked smile she couldn’t blame entirely on the serpent woman, and knelt before him, lowering his pants.

“Oh, fuck, Kerri. You’ve never...”

She cupped his balls and licked a slow trail up the underside of his cock. He was so hard, his skin so soft and smooth, that Kerri couldn’t resist taking her time. She liked the feel of him in her mouth, the taste of his precum, the strangled little sounds he made, the way his hands tightened in her hair.

The more worked up she made him, the wetter she grew. The serpent woman purred in her mind. Yes, sweet thing, like that. Show him he is yours.

He tensed. “Kerri, I’m...”

She drew back. “Not yet. We’re not done.” She rose, her knees a little wobbly from her own lust, and pushed him down on the bed. She straddled him, sliding along his length, refusing him penetration.

She—or maybe the serpent woman—peeled off her shirt and bra. Randy’s hands were immediately on her breasts, almost reverent with their gentleness. She pressed them to her. “Harder,” she said, squeezing his fingers. “Pinch. Tease.” She leaned forward and braced one hand on the mattress above his shoulder. She slid her other hand between them to hold his cock steady as she sunk down on it.

As wet as she was, as horny as she was, the penetration was still more than what she was used to. Endure it, sweet thing, the serpent woman said. It will only last a moment.

She was right. The familiar sharp pain soon gave way to a pleasant burn. Kerri felt it build behind her clit. She straightened up. Randy’s cock shifted inside her, and Kerri gasped at the perfection of the angle.

Randy gazed up at her. “Show me what you want.” He slid his hands down to her hips, rubbing tiny circles on the small of her back with his thumbs.

Let me, sweet thing, the serpent woman said, and then Kerri was riding Randy, playing with her breasts, telling him how good it was, how full she felt. And then the heat peaked and she couldn’t say a thing, just moan and clench around him and keep riding him until he came.

You see, sweet thing? You can both be satisfied. The serpent woman slithered down her spine, making Kerri shudder. Time stopped for an instant, and she felt the soft brush of the serpent woman’s hair on the back of her neck.

“I will leave my companion with you,” the serpent woman said, and the scarlet snake coiled around Kerri’s neck. Kerri watched its head dart between her breasts, and then the snake dipped inside her, coiling behind her heart. “Consider it a gift, sweet thing.”

“I do. Thank you.”

The moment passed. Kerri slumped down, panting, and rested her cheek on Randy’s chest, listening to his heart.

“You have changed for the better,” he said, cradling her close.

“Yes,” Kerri yawned. “And I’ll keep growing.”

The snake shifted inside her. Yes, sweet thing.