The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

All the usual disclaimers apply.

For the record, Maura has appeared in a number of previous stories. Ayumi was a character in “Scenes #2”. Abby appeared briefly in Watching Heidi, Part 1 and got a mention in Part 2.

* * *

Wine Club


Hey girl!




Guess who’s gonna be in your town in two weeks?


No way!


And guess who’s joining her!


OMG! Haven’t seen you guys in forever! So excited!


So you don’t mind if we crash at your place? We can do a proper girls night out.


I insist you stay at my place. It will be awesome! ;)


Perfect. I get in on Friday. Gotta do work stuff in the afternoon.

We’ll get to your place around 5:30pm, 6pm or so


Gotta run, but I can’t wait.

See you soon!


See you soon!

Maura tossed the phone on the couch and double checked the windows and curtains were closed, which they were. The living room was cold with the air conditioner running full blast and the hum of the machinery would muffle what was going on in the bedroom. The coldness of the air was not entirely pleasant, being naked and all, but it didn’t matter. She’d be warming up soon enough. And it made her nips real stiff, which she did like.

She moseyed over to the bedroom, teasing herself as much as the woman waiting for her. She stopped at the door frame, striking a pose of deliberate informality. She had only been gone a moment to answer the text, but the brand new pussy slut had been busy and Maura liked what she saw.

Kei had lost the bra and the panties and she was roughly playing with her clit. It was cold in the bedroom as well, so her nipples were even longer, and thicker, and harder than Maura’s and Maura loved it. Not that the cold was the only reason they were looking so turgid, but still.

“Mmmmm. You look good,” Maura purred. Kei groaned and worked her clit all the harder.

“Don’t you think I look good?” Maura asked innocently.

“So good ...”

“And do you need to have a little cum now?” Maura kept up the faux innocence.


“And why do you need it so bad?”

Kei took a deep breath, “Because Mistress commands it. Because Mistress permits it.”

“Exactly right,” Maura said as she made her way into the room, Kei eyeing her pussy with hunger. Maura slipped onto the bed, then her finger slipped into Kei’s twat, and soon the both of them were very warm indeed.

* * *

There was barely anything left in the tank as Ayumi crossed the agreed upon finish line. She made it 3 more steps before she had to stop, hands on knees, sucking in the air. She didn’t dwell on the fact that her two running partners, both at least 15 years older than her, had beaten her to the spot by at least 10 seconds.

“How long?” Ayumi gasped.

“36 minutes,” Abby said, consulting her watch. She at least sounded a little winded still. “Pretty damn good for 3 miles.”

“Pretty damn good,” Luz agreed.

Ayumi felt recovered enough to stand up straight and her pussy almost instantly went moist. The two older women looked so hot, in every sense. Luz, with her long brown hair and come-hither Spanish accent, and Abby, tall and strong looking with her coffee skin and straightened hair and amber eyes. Both had the kind of big, round titties Ayumi loved to play with, especially now with the sweat damp marks in the cleavage of their tops. Working out always turned Ayumi on a bit.

The agreed upon finish line had been Luz’s car. And she reached for the driver’s door, “Sorry to run and run, but I have a million things I have to get to.”

“Before you go,” Abby said, “I was thinking you might want to join us at our Wine Club on Friday?”

“Really,” Luz seemed flattered. “That’s so nice of you.”

“It’s a lot of fun,” Ayumi confirmed. “Everyone there is really cool. You’ll love it.”

“This coming Friday?”


“I don’t have any plans, so that would be nice.”

“Perfect,” Abby said. “Come to my place around 7p and we all can walk over.”

As Luz drove away, Ayumi and Abby shared a knowing look.

“Your place or mine?”

“Mine, it’s closer.”

* * *

Danika shot a hateful look into the living room, “She’s up to something, I know it.”

Erin, Danika’s best friend and kitchen table partner, took a sip of her lemonade and said, “She’s been acting different, that’s for sure.”

The divorce had been rough enough, Danika reasoned. Did her father have to take up with a whore like Kei so soon after? She knew exactly what her Dad saw in Kei, it was so obvious and so typical, she thought less of her Dad for it. Kei was a lot closer in age to Danika than she was to her Dad. A lot closer. And she had that long blond hair, and those blue eyes, and those C cups, and a sprinter’s ass. The thought of her father as a horn dog made her want to puke.

Danika knew her hatred for her Dad’s new girlfriend wasn’t healthy. It was harmful, even. She consoled herself with the thought that the feeling was entirely mutual. Kei could not have shipped Danika off for her first year of college fast enough, and she couldn’t have thrown up more barriers whenever Danika brought up the idea of coming home for a holiday, or fall break, or whatever. At least Danika and Kei understood each other.

Or they had, until about a week ago, when Kei had suddenly become sweetness and friendliness personified. Whatever Kei’s plan, Danika wasn’t fooled.

“What do you think she’s up to?” Danika asked.

Erin sighed. She was a good friend, but that didn’t mean she believed Danika.

“I don’t know and I don’t understand why you care.”

“How can you say that?” Danika asked.

“Because it isn’t a big deal,” Erin said. “It’s obviously physical …”

Erin didn’t mention the part about Danika’s dad being really hot, or the fantasy she occasionally indulged in where Danika’s dad forced her to blow him. That would not have been acting like a friend.

“... and either he’s going to get tired of her, or she’s going to get tired of him. And then it will be over. It’s not like she’s your new Mom or anything.”

“Jesus, don’t even say that.”

“All I’m saying is time is on your side. So just calm down.”

Which was the moment Kei chose to stick her head into the kitchen, “Heading to the mall. You girls want to come?”

“We’re fine”, Danika muttered.

“Can I bring you back anything?”

“I said we’re fine!” Damika snarled.

“Ok, see you in a couple hours.” If Kei noticed Danika’s tone, she gave no indication.

The front door closed and with Kei’s jeep safely half a block down the road, Danika whispered, “I don’t care what she’s up to. I’m not falling for it.”

Erin just rolled her eyes.

* * *

Waze did a flawless job guiding Luz to Abby’s house. As Abby had promised there was plenty of on street parking. Abby met her at the door, Ayumi was with her.

“It’s just a couple of blocks from here,” Abby explained, “but we’re going to pick up some friends and all walk over together, alright?”

True to her word, the friend’s house was barely a block away. Obviously they were expected, because Abby and Ayumi let themselves in.

“Who’s ready for some vino?” Ayumi called. Kei stepped out of the kitchen.

To Luz’s left, she could see two bored looking young women, 19 or 20 she guessed, eyeing them.

“And who’s this,” Kei asked.

“Where are my manners,” Abby chastised herself. “Kei, this is Luz. Luz, this is Kei.”

Mutual salutations, with Kei giving Luz an appraising once over, followed by a smile.

“Ready to go?” Abby asked. All agreed they were and made for the door. Then Kei stopped.

“Danika, Erin … would you like to go to Wine Club?”

The two blinked in shock.

“We’re under age,” Danika feebly said.

“Please, are you saying you never drank back at school?”

Danika definitely could not say that.

“I don’t think it will be a big deal. Abby, what do you think?”

“It won’t be a problem at all,” Abby smiled and looked directly at Danika.

Danika looked at Erin and could tell immediately Erin wanted to go. Still, something didn’t feel right …

She looked back at the older women. The one she didn’t know, Luz, didn’t seem to be paying much attention. But the other three, Kei, Ayumi and Abby were looking directly at her. It wasn’t an unfriendly look, but it wasn’t exactly friendly or welcoming either. It was intense. Aggressive even.

And it was that intensity that caused her to falter. She could say no to Kei. But all three of them?

“I guess,” she finally said.

“Great,” Kei smiled. Abby and Ayumi looked pleased.

It was a gorgeous summer night, still light at 7pm, but the sun was low enough that it wasn’t hammering relentlessly on everything, just warm and comfortable. Danika and Erin had become separated; Erin was towards the front, chatting with Kei, Ayumi was talking with Luz. Danika assumed she was walking by herself …

… until a pair of arms wrapped around her left arm and she could feel a large breast pressing against her triceps. The suddenness and the intimacy of the gesture shocked her.

“So baby, how are you?” Abby asked.

“I’m fine,” Danika’s voice shook.

“Mmm-hmmm,” Abby said as if in agreement. “Summer going ok?”

“No complaints.”

“That’s good,” Abby reached up as if to pick something out of Danika’s hair, but played with a lock instead. Danika turned her head to protest, this kind of touching was completely inappropriate and she was going to say something about it.

Then their eyes locked. The older woman looked so … confident. It wasn’t the lewd and gross kind of confidence like so many guys she knew that thought they had a magic dick. It was the “I know something you don’t” kind of confidence, and judging from Abby’s toothy smile, she was more than willing to share, if Danika let her. For a second, Danika wondered if she was making a mountain out of a molehill. The eye contact held.

No! This was not ok

“I need to talk to Erin,” Danika whispered as she extracted her arm.

“Of course, baby,” Abby’s voice was husky. “We’ll talk later.”

Danika marched to the front of the pack, pulling Erin away without so much as an explanation and dragging her nearly to the opposite side of the street.

“This was a mistake,” she whispered to Erin.

“Would you please calm …”

“Abby is acting really weird,” Danika forced herself not to look at the older woman.

“Acting weird how?”

Danika took a quick look around to make sure no one was in ear shot, “I think she’s hitting on me!”

Erin looked skeptical, “You think?”

“I’m really pretty sure.”

“Wow, where to begin,” Erin shook her head. “First, you could do much worse!”

“This is serious!”

“Seriously crazy,” Erin responded. “Second, let’s say she’s hitting on you.I’m not saying she is, but let’s pretend for a second. So what? You’ve never been hit on by a guy you weren’t interested in? This is exactly the same thing. It’s not like she’s going to do anything in front of all these other people.”

“I don’t know. I just have a bad feeling.”

“Like your bad feeling about Kei?” Erin asked. “I’ve been talking to her. She’s trying to be nice. Just give her a chance, and if it doesn’t work, then we got some decent wine out of it for once. C’mon.”

For a second, Danika considered that maybe Erin was right. But the other women had transferred to one of the driveways, and Danika looked up. Ayumi was knocking on the door.

“Oh my God,” she grabbed Erin by the arm. “I know where we are.”

* * *

Maura smiled when there was a knock on her door, precisely at 7:15p, as promised.

She opened the door. Abby and Ayumi piled right in, singing an impromptu song about the glory of Wine Club, followed closely by Luz, who was as gorgeous as Ayumi had promised. What surprised Maura was Danika and Erin were there as well, Danika looking unsure, Erin looking frustrated with Danika. Maura was sure the plan had been to get them more towards the end of the summer, but fortune favored the bold. And there was plenty of wine.

Erin marched up to Maura, practically dragging Danika with her, “Kei invited us.”

“And I am glad to see you,” Maura answered truthfully. “Both of you. Come in.”

* * *

Danika dragged Erin to a corner of the room, “This is crazy. We should get out of here.”

“What’s wrong now?”

“One of our teachers is going to give us wine?”

“Former teachers,” Erin corrected. “We graduated a year and a half ago. I’m going to be 21 in 4 months, you’re going to be in 6. No one is going to care. Would you please just allow yourself to have some fun?”

Unconvinced, Danika rejoined the group.

* * *

Crissy dragged Maura to a corner of the room, Lara following close behind.

“Ummm, what happened to girl’s night out,” she asked.

“Guys, I am so sorry, I fucked up. I thought Wine Club was next Friday,” Maura said. “But it’s ok, we can fix this. We just sit here an hour, have a glass or two, and then we call an Uber to take us downtown.”

“Are you sure,” Lara asked.

“Positive. And everyone’s really nice. You’ll love them.”

“And what happens to them when we leave?” Crissy asked.

“They can stay here and finish the wine.”

“You’ll let,” Crissy did a quick head count, “six people just sit in your house and drink wine?”

“Ayumi will keep them in line,” Maura assured her.

Crissy thought it over, “Is the wine any good?”

Maua smiled, “It will change your life.”

* * *

The wine was uncorked and left to breathe. While they waited, the women broke into smaller groups, sitting on the couches or on the floor, chatting pleasantly. Except Danika, who was determined not to let her vigilance wane. As she watched the women, it occurred to her. All of them, every single one, was beautiful … including herself, truth be told, and she thought about her brief encounter with Abby. She snuck a glance and confirmed the black woman continued to eye her hungrily; Abby wasn’t even trying to hide it. Did the others notice? Some of the others, but not all, seemed to have their eyes on someone. It was so hard to tell

Crissy and Maura, for example, on the loveseat on the opposite side of the room, chatting easily, the very picture of platonic friendship. Danika had heard more than enough of the boys back in high school comment on Maura’s hotness. Gross, to be sure, but it didn’t change the fact Maura was gorgeous. And Crissy was equally so, with her long straight blond hair and tits big enough to not be missed, but not obscenely so, and her legs that went on forever. Hot girls would get with hot girls, one would think. And yet, nothing going on with those two, it seemed.

But what about Kei and Ayumi? There was nothing overt, but it looked to Danika like there was something going on. The way they looked at each other, the way they smiled, the way they touched each other when they made a point. She was sure. Danika had no idea what Ayumi’s deal was, but she knew what Kei’s was … she was dating her freaking Dad! There was no way she would hit on a girl right in front of her, was there? Kei was a skank, sure, but she wasn’t stupid. How stupid did you have to be to hit on someone right in front of your boyfriend’s daughter?

And Luz was right there. If you want to get it on wih a girl, even the straightest, most homophobe girl had to admit that Luz was hot and sexy and MILFy as fuck, and she was right there! It’s not like they were ignoring her, but they weren’t vibing with her like with each other. It didn’t make sense!

She didn’t dare look at what Abby and Lara were up to. For a moment she’d hoped that Lara might distract Abby, because Lara was also stupidly hot … an asian hard bodied girl with the blackest, shiniest, most beautiful hair Danika had ever seen. But no dice, she could still feel Abby’s eyes on her.

“This was a mistake,” she said to Erin. “I’m telling you, this was a mistake.”

“Danika, please …”

“Do you not see what’s going on over there?”


Danika pointed with her chin at Kei and Ayumi.

Erin sighed, “I see three people having a chat.”

“Kei and Ayumi are all over each other!”

“They are not all over each other,” Erin sighed. “Look, if you want to leave, then leave. I’m going to stay and have a good time.”

Two wine glasses were thrust into their faces, one for each of them.

“Enjoy, but go slowly and really take the time to experience the wine, ok?” Maura said.

Erin and Danika took their glass.

“Oh, and Erin, why don’t you come over with Crissy and me? There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.”

Erin shot Danika a hard look, “I’d be happy to.”

Danika scanned the room. The chit chat had stopped as the women took their first sip and not knowing what else she could do, Danika did as well.

And she had to admit Erin was right about one thing. If nothing else, they were going to get some good wine out of this, for once.

* * *

Luz was enjoying herself immensely!

Ayumi and Abby had delivered on their promise that everyone would be so nice. Kei was a delight. They were having such a nice talk when Maura served the wine, which was delicious, so much so she was happy to accept the proffered second glass, even though the first one was hitting her hard! She promised herself take the second glass slowly. She was having such a good time, she wanted to draw it out.

She leaned back heavily into the couch cushions, so comfy, they seemed to envelope her. She could feel herself letting go of everything … her stress, her anxieties, her inhibitions. She usually kept those well under control anyway, the exercise helped with that. But now, it was all gone. It felt like it could never come back. Instead, there was a warm tingle in her tummy, pleasant and reassuring, growing by the second. It filled up all the space for bad thoughts. She felt so happy.

Stretching out, her feet coming to rest on the ottoman. She took another, leisurely sip of wine, surveying the room; Maura, Erin and Crissy on one end and Abby, Danika and Lara on the other.

Maura, Erin and Crissy were leaning very close to each other, like they were going to kiss, talking in hushed tones. It looked so … intimate, so inviting. All three of them were gorgeous, Maura like an auburn haired model, and Crissy like a blond model. And the raven haired Erin, she was adorable, her whole vibe was the super hot girl who had no idea how hot she was. Luz wondered what they were talking about.

But her attention, again and again, returned to the other three. Abby, her lifelong friend, so beautiful, so regal, so strong and confident. She was eyeing up Danika, she wasn’t even trying to hide it, not that Luz could blame her. Danika had that sexy-girl-next-door thing on lockdown, especially now, looking as befuddled and uncomfortable as she did right now. Such a provocative combo.

But the one her attention kept returning to was Lara, who had a gorgeous face and the most beautiful, long hair Luz had ever seen. And her body was magnificent, curvy and toned, hard in all the right places and soft in all the others. Luz understood perfectly well the level of work it took to get a build like that; she admired the commitment. Maybe they could work out together?

And then she could see the aftermath of that work out. It was clear, real and visceral. The two of them, together, in the shower, hands gently moving over the other’s body to wipe away the sweat and the salt, kissing gently. The kiss gathering steam, their hands moving more urgently, until there was no pretense that they were cleaning each other. Hands moving to between the other’s legs, touching, then softly rubbing, fingers slipping between swollen lips, then thrusting in and out, faster then faster still. Luz had never ever considered fucking another girl, but the vision was so delightful, and so sexy, then she didn’t question for a moment.

The sensation of hands on her body brought her back. Kei and Ayumi were on either side of her rubbing high up her thighs, stroking her ribs, caressing her tits, and she liked it. Then Kei leaned over her and bent forward and suddenly they were kissing. It started slow, a brushing of lips, a whisper of tongue, all the while gathering momentum until Kei plucked at the buttons on Luz’s blouse. Blindly, Luz’s hand reached out and found one of Kei’s breasts. She kneaded it gently, thrilled with its heft. She could feel the nipple hard in the palm of her hand.

The last button undone, Kei straightened up, removing her t-shirt in a single movement. Luz peeled off the blouse, then reached behind her back to unclasp her bra. Ayumi had taken a station on her knees, in front of the couch, between Luz’s legs. Luz fell back to the cushions.

“How is this happening?” she thought to ask, even as she lifted up her ass to help Ayumi get her leggings off.

“Because Mistress has claimed you,” Kei replied simply. “Through Ayumi and me, Mistress has claimed you.”

Luz still had questions, but it didn’t matter, because it was wonderful. What Kei had said, it sounded so wonderful, it felt so wonderful. Luz couldn’t bring herself to question it.

Then Kei was on her again, mouths pressed together. Luz moaned over and over. She could feel Ayumi’s delicate fingers playing with her cunt. Too soon for her taste, Kei broke the kiss.

“Ayumi has something she wants to ask you,” Kei gasped.

Luz looked down. At some point, Ayumi had lost all her clothes. She continued to gently finger Luz’s twat, a coy smile on her face. In her peripheral, Luz could see Kei peeling off her shorts.

“It’s a simple question, really,” Ayumi smiled the wider. “Do you love Mistress?”

Luz’s eyes went wide. Her abs tightened and and she almost came on the spot.

“Say that you do, and you can join us.”

By now, the answer was obvious to Luz.

“I do, I love Her,” Luz sobbed, as Ayumi nursed on her clit. “La Amo … La Amo … La ahhhh…”

Her whole body convulsed, legs rigidly straight, hands clutching at her tits. Her only awareness, other than the bliss emanating from her pussy, was that she would do anything for Mistress, bring anyone to Mistress, for the chance to feel that again.

When awareness fully returned, she saw Kei’s wet pussy, bald save for a small tuft of hair on the mons, hovering above her. It was the most beautiful thing Luz had ever seen, and she wanted it. She wanted it for herself, and she wanted it because she knew Mistress wanted her to take it.

She reached up, wrapping her arms around Kei’s thighs, hands coming to rest on Kei’s hips, to pull the blond down. Her new friend tasted delicious. Kei’s eyes slammed shut. She arched her back, hands playing with her gorgeous tits. Luz’s eyes stayed open. She didn’t want to miss a single moment as she brought this incredible creature off and truly became a slut for Mistress.

* * *

When the first glass of wine was served, almost 45 minutes into the single hour Maura promised was all they would spend there, Crissy was worried that Girls Night Out was becoming Girls Night Down The Tubes. But as promised, the wine was fantastic, and she was still getting her chance to catch up with Maura. Erin was a slight damper on the conversation, but she seemed like a nice enough kid. Finish the first glass, go easy on a second, and Girls Night Out could be salvaged, Crissy decided. And Maura was already serving the second glass to folks.

“Maybe go real easy on that second glass,” Crissy thought. The wine was hitting her hard. One glass in and she felt very relaxed. Giddy even. She quickly scanned the room to see if the wine was affecting the others the same way.

Everyone seemed fine, basically. Abby and Lara were chatting pleasantly. Danika sat apart from them a bit; Erin did say her friend was a bit uptight by nature. Luz was looking relaxed, lounging comfortably on the couch with a dreamy smile on her face. Ayumi and Kei leaned in close, whispering conspiratorially.

She giggled to herself. They’d have to start Girls Night Out soon because she was feeling super horny suddenly, so she was going to need herself a man real soon. She scanned the room a second time.

“Of course, if worse comes to worse, maybe I’ll just nab one of these bitches. They’re hot enough,” she thought.

Crissy blinked in surprise. Where the fuck had that come from?

It wasn’t like she’d never been with a girl. Truth was, she hadn’t been impressed. In her (limited) experience, the idea that girls just somehow knew better how to fuck other girls hadn’t been born out by the evidence. And yet, here she was, not just thinking she’d take one of these, any of these, women as an alternative. She was suddenly thinking she might like that better.

Like Erin. She was hot as hell. The best part was she clearly had no idea how hot she was. It was irresistible.

Where the fuck was all this coming from?

Erin said something, and from her inflection, she was waiting for a response.

“Sorry, zoned out for a sec. What were you saying?”

“Just that my whole Senior year was wiped out by COVID. No prom, no graduation, and classes were kind of a joke.”

“That sucks,” Crissy agreed. “My senior year was fantastic. I had a blast.”

“Yeah, it sucked. But Ms. Thomas was great. It felt like she was the only one of my teachers not mailing it in when we went virtual.”

It took a second for Crissy to put it together, “Wait a sec. Are you saying Maura is one of your teachers?”

“Was,” Erin corrected. “ I graduated over a year ago. But yeah, she was my English teacher senior year. Danika’s also.”

Crissy couldn’t help but notice Erin looked a bit flushed.

“What are we talking about?” Maura asked as she returned, handing Erin and Crissy a glass of wine each. She sat back down on the couch, considerably closer than she had before.

“How COVID wiped out senior year,” Erin said. Crissy knew this was her chance to ask whether feeding wine to underaged, former students was entirely appropriate. She didn’t say anything. She was dying to see how it played out.

“Yeah, that was a drag,” Maura said. “But it turned out ok in the end.”

“You know,” Maura continued, “Erin was one of my best students.”

“Really?” Crissy said.

“Oh yeah, it was a riot having her in class,” Maura grinned lasciviously. “All the boys were lusting after her and she had no idea.”

“Really?” Crissy and Erin said.

“Absolutely,” Maura said. “She thinks she’s hiding it with all the baggy tops she wears, but Erin has a great set of tits. You weren’t fooling anyone, by the way.”

Erin was dumbfounded. A moment of silence.

“Erin, why don’t you take your shirt off and show Crissy how great your tits are.

The girl looked stunned. Crissy recognized the look. Erin was’t stunned because she’d been asked to do something inappropriate or over the line. She was stunned because she’d been asked to do exactly what she wanted to do. The t-shirt came off in a flash.

“The bra also. Let Crissy get a good look,” Maura said. Erin reached behind to unclasp the bra, then it was quickly gone.

Maura had been right. They were big and gorgeous. Erin had the roundest nipples Crissy had ever seen, blood red against her peachy skin tone. Erin’s raven black hair just reached the top of her nipples.

“What did I tell you?”

“They’re beautiful,” Crissy whispered.

“Why don’t you play with them a bit? Erin doesn’t mind, do you?”

“It’s ok with me,” Erin sighed.

Shyly, Crrissy reached out to touch Erin’s breast. It was even softer than it looked, except for the nipple, which was rock hard. She gently stroked the nip, then let her hand drop to caress the underside.

“Use both hands,” Maura urged. “Really get in there.”

“What am I doing?” Crissy silently asked herself even as her other hand reached out. She was a little rougher now, kneading Erin’s tits, twisting and pulling at the nipples. Erin cood happily.

“Give them a taste,” Maura’s voice was noticeably huskier now.

Crissy leaned forward. She knew, it wasn’t going to stop at this. She didn’t care anymore. Her pussy was an inferno. She kissed around Erin’s nipple, then ran her tongue over the nub before she began to gently suck. It felt perfect in her mouth. After a short while, Erin’s fingers tangled themselves in Crissy’s hair, guiding the grown woman to the other breast.Crissy was being swept away now. She slurped on Erin’s nipple now, bathing it in her spittle. Crissy came back up for air, gasping, she and Erin staring at each other in shock over what had just happened.

“Now that you’re such good friends,” Maura continued, “I think it’s only fair, Crissy, that you show Erin yours.”

Crissy reached down to the hem of the little black dress she’d worn for the now forgotten Girl’s Night Out. As she pulled it up, she said, “If we want to be really fair, you’d show us yours.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” Maura said, plucking at the buttons of her blouse.

Crissy’s dress swept over her head. She hadn’t bothered with a bra, the look she was going for involved a lot of side boob. In an instant, she was down to her panties, a lacey white affair.

She had just enough time to register that Maura was removing her tights as well before Erin was on her. The girl’s technique was clumsy, she handled Crissy’s tits roughly as she frantically moved from one to the other, kissing, licking and sucking. Crissy cared not at all; Erin’s enthusiasm turned her on even more. She slipped a hand down to her cunt and began fingering herself.

Then Erin was moving up Crissy’s body, kissing and lapping at the sweat that had formed on Crissy’s chest, then collar, then neck, then jaw. Finally, their lips met, tongues reaching deep into the other. It was easily the hottest kiss Crissy had ever experienced. Then Maura was gently pushing her way into the scrum and the kiss became three way. It went on and on.

Maura gave them each a firm push; Erin and Crissy tumbled to the floor, Maura naked before them. Crissy quickly removed her panties. Erin scrambled to get the rest of her clothes off, and soon enough they were on their knees looking up at Maura.

“Do you understand what’s happened?” Maura asked. “Do you get why you’ve been turned into lesbo sluts?”

Crissy and Erin did not. They waited eagerly for Maura to enlighten them.

“It’s because of Mistress, because She commands it, and we must obey.”

Crissy and Erin didn’t know who Mistress was, but no matter. They knew, in their souls, that Maura was right.

“And every time some hot piece of ass makes you cum, or you make her cum, it’s Mistress’ gift to you.”

They could see it, all the hotties out there in the world for them. Waiting.

“And all Mistress asks is that you bring them to her, like I have brought you,” Maura concluded. “Co-workers, friends, your cousins, or your nieces or your sisters, or your Mom. It doesn’t matter. All of them must be sluts for Mistress so that they can be as happy as you are now.”

Maura was right, Crissy understood that now. Fingertips alighted on the top of her head, and she saw it was the same for Erin. They were being guided gently to Maura’s beautiful, wet, perfect cunt. Crissy knew what was coming next, and she wanted it. With the girls she’d been with before, she’d licked pussy; she hadn’t liked it that much. But this was different. She wanted it so bad, it intimidated her.

And that was her only hesitation. She wanted to do a good job. She wanted to make Maura cum so hard, to make Maura happy and to make Mistress proud. It terrified her, if only for an instant, that she might fail.

Then she remembered her fellow slut. Blindly she reached out her hand and found Erin’s. She held it tightly; Erin squeezed back. Together, they descended on Maura’s twat, Crissy sucking on the labia while Erin swatted on the clit with her tongue. Soon both their heads were bobbing up and down, stopping occasionally to kiss each other before returning to task. Maura fell back on the couch, legs spread wide, index fingers and thumbs pulling at her nips.

Crissy’s anxiety evaporated. Maura’s groans and the way she moved her hips assured her she and Erin were doing it right. Maura was thrashing about now, jerking back and forth, panting and moaning loudly. She was close, Crissy knew it and stabbed her tongue deep into Maura’s snatch.

“Yes … yes … yes,” Maura was whining. “Fuck … oh fuck me … keep going … keep going … yesssssssss!”

Crissy felt Maura’s pussy go aflutter. Erin mewled quietly as her lips formed around Maura’s clit. Hands were on the back of their heads, crushing them both into Maura’s cunt as she ground out the last of her orgasm on their faces. Then, with a heavy sigh, Maura collapsed back onto the couch. Still in the throes of unreasoning arousal, Erin and Crissy turned on each other, bodies pressed tightly together, breath hammering as they kissed.

Hands tangled into their hair, pulling them apart. Maura was somewhat recovered now; she gracefully slid off the couch to join them on the floor. First she kissed Erin, then Crissy, then Crissy found herself lying on her side, staring into Erin’s wet pussy. Erin was on her side, leaning into Maura’s cunt for a second time. Maura was already kissing softly all around Crissy’s twat.

It was a little awkward at first, with the clit kinda sorta on the side and limited room for her fingers, but it didn’t really matter. Erin’s pussy was as fresh and as sweet as Maura’s and soon she was lapping away at it quickly, her tongue broad and flat. She improvised, moving a hand so her fingers could tickle Erin’s butthole. The way the girl jerked and yelped told her she’d done right, so she did it again and again and soon Erin’s hips were pistoning forward and back. And then there was what Maura was doing to her pussy … she had no idea a tongue could do that! No clue at all!

Her orgasm came on suddenly, she barely had time to register its imminent arrival before it was on. Every muscle in her body seemed to lock, and yet, she trembled uncontrollably as she squirted on Maura’s face and screamed into Erin’s snatch. She pushed a finger into Erin’s butt, and now the girl was moaning and spasming.

Finally it was over, and Crissy was left panting heavily, Erin’s scent all around her. She could hear Maura giggling and Erin murmuring “Oh my God” over and over. After a moment, Maura began to stir. She sat up and whispered a command.


The idea of it re-energized Crissy and she pivoted. Once again, it was Maura’s pussy in her face, only now it was Erin licking hers. This time, though, Crissy took her time. She took in Maura’s scent, every detail and fold of her friend’s cunt, as she wiggled forward. As she did, she ticked off the faces in her mind, her hottest friends, her sister, her Mom, who still looked amazing in her 50’s. Soon, they would know the same gratitude and the same pleasure she felt as she began to lick. Very soon.

* * *

Danika looked on with astonishment when Kei and Ayumi began molesting Luz. Astonishment turned to horror when Erin, eagerly, whipped her t-shirt off and Crissy began sucking on her tits.This was exactly what she was warning Erin about; it was EXACTLY what she was warning Erin about on the walk over. Erin had been completely unconcerned. Now she was acting a total lezzie slut.

Then a pair of very large breasts pressed into her back, and a chin came to rest on her right shoulder, and there was no doubt who that was. Two dark hands reached around to massage Danika’s breasts. The girl’s body went rigid with the shock of it all.

“It’s time,” Abby whispered, planting gentle kisses on Danika’s neck and shoulder.

Danika twisted her head as far to her left as she could.

At the edge of her vision, she could see Lara frantically removing her clothing.

“Stop,” Danike quietly begged.

“Too late for that.”

“This isn’t happening,” Danika told herself. She closed her eyes and kept them shut for a long moment, to give it time so when she opened them, iit would all be over. It would all be proved to be a mistake, or a misunderstanding. Or something.

But Abby never stopped kneading Danika’s titties. And when she opened her eyes, she could see Erin sucking on Crissy’s tits. Crissy had the most outrageous tan lines Danika thought possible. The contrast of milky white skin next to smooth golden brown skin captivated her.

That’s when Abby changed her position. The black woman slid gracefully to the floor, coming to rest directly in front of Danika. In an instant, she unbuckled Danika’s belt and moved to the fly on her jeans. Lara had taken Abby’s spot behind Danika to play with the girl’s tits. She paused only to pluck at a button or two on the blouse before going back to groping Danika.

The audacity of it angered Danika. She had not consented to any of this.

“Stop,” Danika said, but her voice was still a whisper. “I said stop!”

“We can’t,” Abby explained. “It’s what Mistress wants. She commands, and we obey.”

Lara kissed Danika’s ear, “I don’t understand it either. But it’s what we have to do. We just have to.”

The mention of “Mistress” made Danika’s pussy flutter. She had no idea why. But when it was over, her anger flared anew, only this time, there was a new target. Danika was mad at herself. She’d known something was wrong here. She’d known when Kei had invited them to come along. She’d known when Abby had first started acting weird. She should have walked away. She should have refused to come along, or just walk away when things started getting strange. But she’d been weak. She’d been too afraid of looking like a loser or a bitch. Not this time.

“Let me go, dammit,” Danika growled, kicking her legs and thrashing about. “I said let me go.”

It didn’t go according to plan. She’d badly underestimated how much stronger Abby was than her. The older woman controlled her easily. Everytime Danika kicked, Abby was able to use that to pull her jeans down just a little further. So focused on Abby, Danika could put up almost no defense to Lara. It only took a few moments before Danika had exhausted herself, draped limply and breathing heavily in Lara’s arms. Her blouse hung open and her bra cups pushed down. Lara giggled as she pulled on the hard nipples. Danika’s jeans were long gone, Abby was gently rubbing her pussy through her yellow panties. Even Danika couldn’t deny she was soaking wet now.

“You don’t have to do this,” Danika whimpered. Abby was rubbing harder now. It felt so good. “Just stop and I promise I won’t tell anyone.”

“Oh I absolutely have to do this,” Abby said.

“It’s ok,” Lara assured her. “Everyone else is.”

Danika could see that much was true. The others were fucking like their lives depended on it; Ayumi was sucking on Luz’s twat and Kei was settling herself on Luz’s face. Crissy and Erin were double teaming Maura’s pussy.

Danika fell back on the couch, utterly defeated. Her nerve had failed her when she knew she should have walked away and didn’t. Her strength had failed her when she’s thrashed about and Abby held her in place like she was a child having a tantrum. And now whatever had gotten into the others was worming its way into her. Her nippless had never felt so long and tight, a fact Lara was taking full advantage of. Her pussy was an inferno, Abby’s stroking it was making it hotter by the second. She felt weak, pathetic even. It was all her fault. And now, Abby was peeling her panties down and she was too much of a feeb to stop it.

“Mmmmm, there it is,” Abby purred. “You don’t know how much I’ve been wanting this.”

Danika didn’t understand. She looked up, “Huh?”

Their gazes locked. Abby eyes, the most beautiful shade of amber green, held an unmistakable quality. Danika saw desire.

“Ever since Mistress got me, I’ve been watching you,” Abby explained. “Watching you and, when I got really worked up, playing with myself thinking about you. I made myself cum sooooo many times thinking about your gorgeous little cunt, and there it is.”

Danika blinked in shock. This time, the mention of Mistress made her pussy feel like it was doing cartwheels.

“I don’t understand,” Danika whimpered. “Who’s Mistress?”

“Mistress is everything,” Abby said as if it were self-evident. “This is what Mistress wants, for all women to realize they’re lesbo whores, and we obey. And to thank Her, we bring Her other hot pieces of ass like you. All we need to do is fuck, and cum like we never have before, and bring Her more girls. That’s how we let Her know we love her.

Silence for a moment, but for the sounds of the other girls ecstasy, broken finally by Lara.

“That’s so fucking hot!”

Abby leaned in, her tongue dragging across Danika’s slit. Danika’s back arched and she moaned like the whore she now was. Lara leaned in to kiss her, scorching and deep. Danika reached up to hold Lara’s head in place. When it was over, Lara scootched forward a bit to let Danika feast on her tits. They were big, and round, and obviously fake and Danika didn’t give a shit.They were soft and warm and they felt so good in her hands and in her mouth. But as wonderful as Lara’s tits felt, and there was no doubt in her mind before the night was over she’d find her way back to Lara’s tits, there was one thing Danika really wanted.

Lara knew just what it was. Her tit released from Danika’s mouth with a lewd pop. Then she slung a leg over Danika’s face, and there it was, hovering just over Danika’s face. Lara’s pussy looked sloppy and wet and just begging for Danika’s mouth. Danika roughly pulled Lara down, then she began to lick wildly. She had no idea what she was doing. All she knew was she wanted her tongue on Lara’s cunt, deep inside Lara’s cunt, everywhere on Lara’s cunt all at once.For her part, Lara sighed and mauled her tits as she grinded her puss on Danika’s mouth.

Even with Lara’s twat smothering her, Danika could hear the others, their groans, their shrill cries of thanks to Mistress. Then clear as a bird call in an otherwise quiet field, came one voice above the others.

“Fuck … fuck yeah … fuck … fuck me … fuck!”

It was Kei and though she couldn’t see it with her eyes, she could see it in her mind, Kei cumming on Luz’s gorgeous face. Danika felt joy. Joy for Kei because she knew her Dad had never made her cum like that, could never make her cum like that, because Kei had Mistress now. And Kei had brought her to Mistress now. Despite the absolute bitch she’d been to Kei, Kei had brought her to Mistress.

Her body shook and her cunt wept. Her legs wrapped around Abby’s head and pulled her in while Danika crushed Lara’s twat to her face. All she could smell or taste was pussy; she was lightheaded from lack of air as she wailed her release.

Lara collapsed next to her, twitching in post-orgasmic bliss and Danika was sucking in the air, deep breaths so urgent she almost devoured them, only to expel them powerfully. She stared limply at the ceiling. It took her the longest time to find the strength to sit up.

Already the other girls were finding new partners. Crissy and Abby had descended on Ayumi, the three were standing on their knees in the middle of the room kissing each other frantically. Luz still lay on the couch, only now it was Maura between her legs and using her fingers to gently tease the older woman. Kei and Lara had moved to Maura’s old seat. They sat next to each other, very close,reaching between the other’s legs so they could finger each other.

Erin lay at their feet, slowly touching herself for Kei and Lara’s benefit. With an effort, Danika rose and stumbled over to Erin, dropping to the floor heavily next to her friend. She snuggled up to Erin, body pressed into her friend’s side, head in the crook of Erin’s neck so she could lick up the sweat on her skin and gently kiss her shoulder. On its own, her hand moved to caress Erin’s breast. Erin’s head turned and she kissed Danika, and their relationship changed. Erin was no longer Danika’s best friend; she was the girl that Danika wanted right-fucking-now.

Taking her time, Danika turned around, kissing along Erin’s chest and collar along the way, until they lay tete-beche. Danika inched her way forward, lips brushing gently against lips, then throat, then breast.

“Fuck yeah,” Kei murmured, having figured out what was happening next.

“Keep going,” Lara urged them quietly.

Danika obeyed. She made her way lower, swirling her tongue in Erin’s belly button before starting the final part of her journey. Erin spread wide for her, and after some awkwardness, making sure her legs were just right, Danika was ready. Erin was already licking her and her back arched. Danika’s head dipped down, her fingers pulled open the gooey labia, and she began to feed.

“Hot,” Kei whimpered.

“So hot,” Lara agreed.

* * *

It was almost 5am when Danika finally left. Maura and Crissy had retreated to Maura’s bed by this point, Lara and Luz were tangled up in each other on the couch. Ayumi, Abby, Kei, Erin and Danika made their way along the quiet, dawn-lit street.

Kei and Danika broke away at Danika’s house. Erin snuck Danika a sly smile and thumbs up; she knew exactly what Abby and Ayumi were going to do to her when they got back to Abby’s place. Danika gave Erin an encouraging thumbs up in return. Kei made for her jeep.

“Got to go to my place for a bit,” she explained.

Danika was disappointed, but consoled herself with the thought that she could really use the sleep. She waited until the jeep turned the corner at the end of the block before heading in. Her father was already getting ready for work.

He was incredulous, “You’re just getting in?”

Danika shrugged. What was there to say?

“Where the hell were you?”

“Kei invited me and Erin to her wine club.”

That stopped him in his tracks, “You and Kei went out?”

Danika nodded.

“Well, I don’t like the idea of you drinking when you’re still underaged,” he shrugged, “but you’re 21 in 6 months, and I won’t lie, I’m kind of relieved to see you two not at each other’s throats.”

Danika smiled. If he only knew …

“So do me a favor and don’t make staying out all night a habit, and I think we can let this slide,” he said.

“I promise.”

“Great,” he smiled. “Going to be a late one tonight. You’re on your own for dinner.”

“No problem,” Danika was already on her way to her room. She was asleep before he cleared the driveway.

* * *

No dreams, no perception, no movement … until she felt herself being moved. The tiny bit of awareness still tethered to the real world deduced this immediately; soft hands were gently maneuvering her onto her back. And still she slept.

She slept as she felt something press against her slit, and even her unconscious recognized that feeling. Her legs wrapped automatically around slender hips.

She didn’t wake until something pushed in, reaching deep inside her still sopping pussy, until it slowly withdrew and pushed in again.

It was Kei, biting her lower lip, eyes feral. She was thrusting a little faster. Danika nibbled on her neck.

“I’m going to dump your Dad tomorrow,” Kei whispered. Danika moaned. What else could Kei do? And it was a little hot, the way Mistress had stolen Kei away.

“But you can come to my place anytime. It’ll be our secret,” Kei was going faster now and Danika was panting in time.

“And we need to figure out which of your hot little friends to bring to Mistress.” The bed was shaking, making creaking noises. Kei was so fucking deep in her now. Danika thought of her friends, how all of them could be sluts for Mistress. Her Mom even; that would be incredible … Erin and Kei double teaming her Mom. They’d be down for it, Danika was sure, and Mistress would make sure Mom was down as well. But first things first. Her arms wrapped around Kei’s back, crushing them together.

“Shut up and fuck me,” Danika commanded.