The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Part 1

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction intended for adults only. Do not re-post or print this story without explicit permission from me. Please send any comments or feedback to


I can’t believe I let her talk me into this, thought Michelle, staring at the fire-less fire pit. “Now, you do eventually plan to have a fire, in your fire pit, right?” Michelle complained. Amber only responded with her usual goofy smile, she so often used, that simply meant I know what I’m doing.

Amber had insisted that a camping trip, in the middle of nowhere, was just what the two of them needed. Their first year of college had been a nightmare, so Amber immediately began making plans for an “out of city adventure”, as she called it. Michelle was already hesitant about the idea. Once she learned Amber’s whole plan, or lack of said plan, she outright refused. Michelle’s idea of camping was in a state park, surrounded by other campsites, with no chance of getting lost and just a short walk away from running water. “Come on, where’s the fun in that?” Amber scoffed, when Michelle first objected to the plan. “My way will be way more fun! It’ll be an adventure!” Amber wouldn’t relent and eventually it was Michelle who relented, as was usually the case. Michelle considered it a victory that she was able to talk Amber down to just the one night, instead of the two nights, she was originally insisting.

Michelle and Amber have been best friends since the 2nd grade and Amber had a knack for talking Michelle into so-called “adventures”. To Amber’s credit, most of her half-baked plans worked out and even Michelle admitted they were worth it. She supposed that’s why she let Amber get away with it. Michelle trusted her and Amber never let her down, for the most part. “What could go wrong?”, Amber had said, with that goofy smile. That damn smile of hers was usually the final nail in the coffin of Michelle’s reluctance.

They had driven an hour out of Boston, parked at the hiking trail, spent a half hour following the trail and another finding the perfect spot. To Michelle’s relief, they found an actual campsite. It was a small miracle, considering the area wasn’t a campground per-say. There was a small hill, at the top of which had a raised flat section, perfect for their tent, but still plenty of tree cover. The weather forecast for tomorrow was less than great, so they set up a tarp over the tent, using the trees. At the bottom of the hill was a pre-made fire pit, which got Amber really excited. Amber loved her campfires. There was even a half-cut log turned into a makeshift bench for fireside seating. It wasn’t until the sun had set, when they realized there were no matches. “’What could wrong?’ is what I believe you said,” Michelle reminded Amber. She insisted it wasn’t a problem and continued rubbing two sticks together in a fashion she swore she learned from some reality TV show. That didn’t give Michelle any confidence. Thankfully, she had thought to bring extra battery powered lanterns. They hung them around fire pit, giving them some light. “Amber, come on, it’s hopeless. Just sit and relax.”

“Without a fire to watch?” Amber replied aghast.

“We can watch the stars”. That made Amber give her a funny look. Michelle gave her a funny look back, “What’s wrong with that?”

“The stars? How romantic.” she said with more than a hint of sarcasm. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were trying to make out with me again.” That made Michelle laugh. A few years back, in high school, they had both just gone through bad breakups. In a fit of man hating teenage angst, they tried kissing each other. It was awkward and not much else. The only good to come of it, was that it provided a good source of amusement, whenever either of them needed to lighten the other’s mood. Neither of them ever had trouble finding a new boyfriend, so they quickly moved on and now only bring up the “incident” when they want to make the other laugh. Amber, with her long blond hair, was the tallest of the two. Michelle had short red hair and her breasts had filled out more than her friend. Amber tended to tease her on that as well. What’s so funny about bigger breasts, is beyond me.

Amber looked like she was about to say something, but before she could, another voice came out from the darkness. “I hope I’m not interrupting”. Amber let out a startled yelp. Into their camp walked a woman, whose height even rivaled Amber’s. She had long black hair, that went well past her shoulders. She was quite beautiful, stunning even. Michelle guessed the women was in her early thirties, though the way she handled herself and her manner of speech made her seem older. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” she said in a soft voice.

“Can we help you?” Michelle asked, getting up, not sure what to make of their guest.

“Oh, I’m fine dear. You’re kind to ask. I actually thought I might help you.” She spoke in a oddly precise manner, like she was choosing each work carefully. It made Michelle a little uneasy. The women continued, “I was out for a walk and couldn’t help but overhear your predicament. I happen to have an overabundance of spare matches. I brought some for you two.”

“Really!?” Amber said in excitement. “Your a lifesaver.”

“It’s my pleasure, believe me.”

Michelle was a bit sceptical about her sudden appearance. “You said you were out for a walk? In the middle of the woods?”

“Oh yes, you see I live just over there”, she responded pointing out into the darkness. “Actually, you are camping on my property.”

“Crap, sorry.” Now Amber sounded worried. “We didn’t know, I mean we can move if it’s a problem”.

“Oh don’t worry about it, my dear. If I didn’t want people camping here, I wouldn’t have set up this area. I like having guests nearby”.

“That’s great, I mean thanks”. Amber got up and offered the mystery woman her hand. “I’m Amber and this is Michelle”.

“It’s so nice to meet you two.” She responded, while shaking Amber’s hand. She then handed over a box of matches. “I hope these are of use. I do have to get back to my house now. I hope you both have a wonderful night.”

“Thanks a bunch.”

“Yes, thank you,” Michelle also said, still finding the situation a little odd.

“Trust me, it’s no bother.” Then she was gone, almost as suddenly as she had appeared.

“That was a little strange”, Michelle said in a quiet voice, a little nervous the women might overhear.

“Oh don’t be so paranoid. That was really nice of her.”

“I know, but still.”

“It’s bonfire time!” Amber said with a renewed excitement.

“I’m sorry Amber, I have to turn in.”

“What? Already?”

“It’s past eleven and I barely slept last night, worrying about this trip.”

Amber gave her best pouty face while saying “party pooper”.

“I know, but I’d just end up falling asleep on your shoulders anyways. Don’t use up all the firewood and I promise we can spend some time around the fire tomorrow morning.”

“OK, good night then.” Amber said in somber tone. Michelle couldn’t help but notice the disappointment in her friends face, but she really was exhausted and needed sleep. I’ll make it up to her tomorrow somehow, she thought as she entered their large green tent. As she was getting into her sleeping bag, she could see the light of the fire start up through the green vinyl. Tomorrow will be different.


Amber was disappointed, but not with Michelle. Despite the fact that Amber had been looking forward to this trip the most, she felt as if she was the one who let Michelle down. This trip was meant as means to forget about school, at least for the weekend. Their first year of college had been rough on Michelle. When they found out they were both accepted at BU, they were ecstatic. They had visions of rooming together, going to party’s, even helping each other with school work. The reality was quite different. Due to some bad luck, they were unable to room with each other, they were unsuccessful in getting outside their own social circle of 2 and their workload was too much and different to study together. Amber got along with her roommate well enough, but they didn’t get especially close over the year. Michelle on the other hand was not so lucky. “She’s the worst”, Michelle had simple put, so many times. Her name was Janet. She was lazy, inconsiderate and loud. So essentially, the complete opposite of Michelle. Despite everything, Amber was enjoying college, but she wasn’t about to admit that to Michelle. Amber wanted to make Michelle feel better and trip out of the city seemed like the perfect plan.

How could I forget the matches? Bonfires were her favorite part of camping. Ever since she was a kid, camping with her family, she just liked sitting by the fire and watching the flames as they ate away at the logs. At least she would get to do that now, even if it was just by her self. She was grateful for the women’s generosity. I should have asked for her name. She had tried to, but the women had left before Amber could ask. She said she lived nearby and there can’t be many houses around here. Maybe I can find her address on Google and send a thank you note.

Using one of the matches, Amber started the fire and sat back down. It was like any other fire at first, but then Amber noticed it seemed to grow a bit larger than usual, get much hotter and the color started changing to… green? The fire was definitely taking on a green hue and it was getting more pronounced. There were also extra pops and hisses, coming from the burning wood, creating little flashes of light in the flames. Amber had never seen anything like it and didn’t know what the cause was. Nothing had seemed different about the firewood they bought at the small roadside store. Whatever the cause, she liked it. She found the mysterious flashes oddly captivating. Each pop gave her a slight thrill and she would try to predict where the next would be. It was like watching a thunderstorm in the distant clouds. Each flash creating unique shapes within the tendrils of green flames. Everything else seemed to melt away, as the fire and it’s wonderful flashes engulfed her vision.

Time didn’t seem to matter anymore, so she didn’t know how much had passed, when someone sat beside her. She hadn’t even noticed her walk down to the fire. “Michelle?..”

“No, Honey. Not Michelle”, said a soft and quiet voice, which was both foreign, yet familiar.

Still looking at the flames, she muttered “Who?..”, but remembered before she could finish. The voice was that of the women who had given her the matches. Her name... She started to turn toward her, but was interrupted.

“Keep looking at the fire my dear. You seem to be enjoying it. I wouldn’t want to take that away from you.”

No, she thought. She didn’t want that. She loved how relaxed it made her feel. It was very similar to that feeling when you first wake up in the morning. Your bed feels like the most comfortable place in existence and it takes all your willpower to get up, but only this was seemingly everlasting and her will power was lacking.

“Your friend, is she asleep?” Asked the women.

With barely a thought, Amber answered “Yes.”

“A pity. I was hoping you’d both get to enjoy the fire tonight. Oh well, that just means we get some private time, so I can get to know you better.”

That sounded nice to Amber. She could use the company and hadn’t realized how lonely it was sitting beside a fire by herself. That loneliness started bubbling up again when the women got up. As if reading her mind, the women said, “I’m just grabbing a couple more logs for the fire. It’s almost out.”

It was almost out, Amber noticed. There was still enough flames and green flashes to hold her attention, but they were much smaller than before. The heat wasn’t nearly as strong either. Suddenly, the fire burst up again, when the women placed a log in the fire and another. The area grew bright once again and the air hot.

“That’s much better,” she said as she sat back down next to Amber. “Now Amber dear, I must apologize for my rudeness earlier. I needed to get back to my house and forgot to introduce my self. I am Elizabeth.”

Elizabeth, that’s her name, Amber thought. She wanted to say something back, but couldn’t think of what to say.

“The fire is beautiful isn’t it,” said Elizabeth, interrupting her struggle to think. “I’m sure you noticed the green tint and the light show. I call it Wildfire. I admit that it is a creation of mine. The fire pit’s ashes were laced with a sort of accelerant which affects the flames. It’s intended to give the watcher something to concentrate on, rather than their everyday stresses. People come camping to forget their worries of work or family and to not have to think about such things. Isn’t that right Amber?”

“Yes,” she responded, again almost instinctively. That was exactly why they came here. She was tired of worrying about Michelle’s college life and wanted to relax.

“Good. I thought so. Just keep watching the flames and the flashes. With every flash, you can feel your stress pop into nothingness, just like the lights. You have to nothing to worry about when you’re here with me. Let me handle those pesky thoughts that are troubling you. Life can be so stressful, when you don’t know what to think. Let me help you. I’ll tell you what to think. Does that sound good to you?”

“Yes.” Amber felt an arm wrap around her, holding her close, helping her feel safe. She liked the feeling.

“You and Michelle, are you just friends?”

“We’re best friends,” Amber replied, thinking of her sleeping friend in the tent on the hill above them.

“Have you ever gone beyond that friendship?”

“We kissed once,” the memory came forward, along with the suppressed awkward feelings.

“Did you like it?”

“No, it was weird.”

“Are you sure you didn’t like it? Think back again to that kiss. It must have been nice. A kiss between two friends as close as you, would be something special.” Elizabeth said in a soothing, seductive voice..

“Yes,” it was. How did she not realize it until now. The memory seemed to change, become clearer. That kiss they shared was one of her happiest moments.

“I know it was. You must love her very much.”

It was true, Amber did love Michelle. There was always that best friend, sisterly love between them, but this was different. It was more than that. Michelle meant the world to her. Michelle was her world.

Elizabeth started sliding one hand up and down Amber’s arm. She was rubbing her legs, with the other too. It felt amazing and she let out a sigh. With some guidance, Amber let her head rest on Elizabeth’s shoulder, who began whispering, “If you love Michelle, that means you love women. You love their shape, their feel. The thought of a woman’s naked body and their soft breasts excites you. You yearn for the touch of playful fingers on your nipples, a sensual tongue between your legs. I know how wet this is making you. You can’t resist these feelings. You don’t want to resist. Only a woman can show you the love you deserve.”

Amber was squirming, listening to every word. Elizabeth’s fingers brushed her breasts, causing her to whimper in pleasure. Everything she said made sense. Everything she said was fact. Giving in to Elizabeth’s truths felt right. She stopped hearing the words directly and just soaked them in. The flood of new feelings was almost overwhelming. If Elizabeth wasn’t there to sort it all out for her, she knew she wouldn’t be able to handle it. Elizabeth was a true friend to her, just like Michelle. They were both always there for her and she would always love them for it. The free fall of emotions started to subside. Amber could feel her head clearing up and the world coming into focus once again.

“Look at me, my Love.”

The fire was still raging and hot, but Amber found she was able to look away. She turned towards Elizabeth who was no longer holding her, but had moved back a couple feet, so Amber could get a good look at her. Elizabeth’s top was gone. Her large firm breasts glistened green, her sweat reflecting the fire. Amber had never seen a more beautiful sight.

“Elizabeth, I…”, tears started to well up. She had never felt so happy.

“I love you too,” Elizabeth finished for her, with a warm smiled, before grabbing Amber into a big hug. Amber felt Elizabeth’s naked breasts against her own, making her desire only grow. They parted just enough, so Amber could give Elizabeth the most passionate kiss she had ever given anyone. Again, they parted, this time so Amber could pull her shirt over her head. Elizabeth helped unclip Amber’s bra. Her small, but perky breasts came free and she felt her nipples grow stiff, despite the heat. Elizabeth’s hand found her way into Amber’s shorts, under her panties, parting the lips of her wet pussy. Amber let out a loud moan as a finger entered. “Shhhh, Honey. We don’t want to wake Michelle, now do we.”

“I kinda do,” said Amber with quiet giggle.

“She’s not ready for our love just yet,” Elizabeth responded with a slightly sterner voice. Her voice softened again, “But she will be, later. For now, let’s just enjoy each other, quietly,” she said with a sly smile. They dared not strip any further, for fear of splinters, but that didn’t stop them from bringing each other to climax. Amber needed a little coaching, never having fingered another woman before. Once they both had their “turn”, Amber laid down, putting her head in Elizabeth’s lap. She avoided looking into the flames, afraid it would put her into a trance again, when she wanted to be fully aware of how good she felt. Elizabeth let her fingers run through Amber’s hair. She seemed to sense Amber’s fear, “You don’t need to worry about it entrancing you again my love, not unless you let it. It only works if you are unaware of it’s power or if you let yourself be taken by it.”

That made Amber feel better. “The fire changed something in me. I feel different. Better, but different.”

“That wasn’t the fire. The Wildfire is just a tool. I changed you or better put, awakened another part of you.”

Amber moved her body and head, so she was looking up into her lovers face. The wildfire reflected in Elizabeth’s eyes. “Wildfire… That’s a pretty name. How’d you come up with the name?”

Elizabeth answered, “I… I got it from a book.” Amber saw a brief look of sadness cross Elizabeth’s face, revealing there was more to the story. Elizabeth saw her puzzled face and smiled. “I never was a good liar. Wildfire was the name of someone I knew a while back.”

“Was this someone special?” Amber already knew the answer, but had asked anyway.

Elizabeth answered, “She was very important to me, but I had to leave her and that was a long time ago.” Amber could detect more than just sadness in her voice. A few minutes passed before Elizabeth spoke again. “Come now, let’s talk of happier things. Your sleeping beauty, Michelle.”

That made Amber sit up, beaming. “Can I wake her?!”

“No Honey, let her sleep. In fact, you should get some sleep too. I know I’m exhausted.”

Amber put on her pouty face for the second time this night. “Party pooper.” Elizabeth got up and put her shirt back on. There was no bra. Anxiously, Amber asked, “Tomorrow, can you awaken Michelle, like you did for me. I know she loves me, just as much as I love her, but she needs help realizing it.”

“She does need help, your help in fact.”

“I’ll need more fire wood.”

“No, that won’t work in daylight. I have other ways though, at my place.”

Amber smiled and got closer, so Elizabeth could go over the plan. I’m sorry I screwed up our camping trip, but I’ll make it up to you Michelle. Tomorrow will be different.