The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

[I’ve had a number of requests for a gay male version of Bigger, so here’s something along those lines.]

University Experiment

May 2009

mc / mm / gr

Thanks a lot for coming. We’re really glad to have you here. I assume Lisa out at the front desk explained the whole thing to you? No? Hmm, she’s supposed to run everyone through the briefing. Well, no harm done, I can just tell you what to expect.

This is a study, part of the University’s ongoing clinical work to map the human brain. So just think, you’re actually doing something really important for science. Exciting, right? Heh. What? Oh, I can’t really say a lot about funding sources, eventual goals, that kind of stuff. But I can assure you it’s for a good cause, and that your participation is going to help us out a lot.

Oh, no, it shouldn’t take very long. You’ll be in here—you read the forms before you signed them, right? Ha! I certainly hope so. You’ll be in here overnight tonight, but after that you’re free to go, though we can ask you to come back for up to 2 checkin visits at some point over the next month.

OK, great, so it sounds like we’re on the same page. Well, I can’t tell you much about what we’re going to do because an important part of the experiment is seeing how your brain reacts to surprising stimuli and if I told you everything, it wouldn’t really be that surprising, would it? Ha ha, of course. No, nothing like that. Of course, it’s all quite harmless.

We do have one small thing to take care of before we get started. Oh, I know, this looks scary, right, like some alien gun? It’s nothing like that. It does—whoa, easy there, I’m not going to hurt you—it does go against the side of your neck like this, but - no, I promise, take a deep breath, it’s going to be fine—when I pull this trigger all that happens is -

OK, OK, OK, calm down. Calm down. Sit back down. Maybe I lied a little bit. Yes, I can see that hurt a lot. Don’t worry, though. No, don’t worry. No, I’m not lying about anything else. Please, it’s like pulling off a band-aid. I just thought it would make it easier if you weren’t all anxious about it hurting. I see that. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry about it. I know it hurt. It’s over now, and there’s nothing else like that. OK, yes. Yes, sit back down, take a deep breath. I assure you, you’re in very good hands and we’ll take good care of you. We work for the University, we’re a major academic institution with significant government funding, not some lab full of spooks.

Phew, OK. I was beginning to think I’d have to sedate you! What? No, no, sorry, bad joke. Of course not, no, nothing like that around here anyway.

That was just injecting you with a compound that lets us track the activity in your brain. Yeah, it’s neat stuff, you don’t have to wear a big creepy metal helmet or anything. We can just track it with sensors built into the room. OK, I guess we’re ready to get started, then.

I’m going to start by saying some phrases, and I just want you to listen to them passively. They won’t make much sense, but I just want you to sit quietly and listen to them closely. Think of this as a control—we want to see what your brain looks like when you’re processing information that isn’t meaningful to you at all. That way we’ll be able to tell how your brain is reacting when we feed you information that you do understand. Ready? OK, here we go.

Unit begin installation and programming. Code one, one, eight, nine, three.

No? Well, I told you. It doesn’t mean anything at all. Don’t worry about it.

Unit begin installation and programming. Code one, one, eight, nine, three.

Unit begin installation and programming. Code one, one, eight, nine, three.

Unit begin installation and programming. Code one, one, eight, nine, three.

Yes, I know it seems odd, I know I’m saying the same thing over and over. Yes, it sounds kind of like some weird science fiction movie. But please, I really need you to just sit still and listen.

Unit begin installation and programming. Code one, one, eight, nine, three.

Unit begin installation and programming. Code one, one, eight, nine, three.

I’m sorry, I can’t let you go to the bathroom right now. Really, I need you to sit still. This won’t take much longer. No, please just sit still. Yes, soon, I promise.

Unit begin installation and programming. Code one, one, eight, nine, three.

Hello? Hello? Hey, anybody home?

Ahhh, very nice. I was starting to get worried. It usually doesn’t take that long for it to get into the brain. Thought maybe we had a dud. And I’m looking forward to working with you, so that would have been a disappointment. Now, let’s get this going.

Unit key to my voice. Confirm.

Surprised? Don’t worry, that wasn’t you talking. Well, it was your body, but not you. I guess you know that, since you didn’t try to say anything. Don’t worry about what it means. Well—ha!—it’s not like you can do much about it, anyway.

Unit go subconscious.

Well, well, welcome back! Oh, I bet that was strange. Yes, I know you couldn’t move. And yes, now you can. What a perceptive boy you are. Sit down. Sit down. Look, you’re not getting out of this room. It’s locked from the outside. Yes, I know what I said about all the government funding. You’re ranting, you sound like a crazy person. You can’t really do anything about it. Just sit back down. Stop it, stop pounding on the door. Nobody’s going to let you out. Everyone does this, and eventually they all

Sit down.

There, that’s better, isn’t it? Oh, you didn’t want to do that? Well, you sure did it anyway, didn’t you? And you’re stuck sitting down, aren’t you? That’s because I haven’t told you that you can get up yet.

You’re still raving like a lunatic. Do try to make some sense, young man. What? Oh, you just want to know what’s happening? Yes, of course, and now that I’ve got you configured properly I can tell you, it won’t make any difference. What? Of course it was a lie, yes, we don’t actually care if you’re surprised by what we tell you.

Here’s the actual truth. This is an experiment funded by the department of defense. I’ve been working on manufacturing little microscopic robots that can penetrate the blood-brain barrier and tinker with your mental functioning. Yes, essentially I’m talking about mind control. Behavioral adjustment. Manipulating your desires.

Oh, the staff out there? No, they’re not “in on it”, in so many words. My current research is on making these little nano-bots at reasonable prices. I got them working a long time ago but they were prohibitively expensive. But all the staff out there got a shot of the first batch, so they just help me obediently with my work now.

You’re just another test subject for one of the new batches that we’re now able to produce at very low prices. We’ve gone through a few subjects so far but there were some abnormalities, some negative side effects of the corners we cut. What? Oh, hah, you’re worried about them, now? I’d be more worried about myself, if I were you. But no, I’m happy to tell you—when they started getting some of their free will back, the nanobots were still persuasive enough that when I told them to drink some poison they did it without hesitating. Oh, ha! Come off it. Yes, poor little test subjects, now they’re dead. I’m the one that had to get rid of the bodies. Yes, if yours don’t work, I’ll have you kill yourself too. Well, let’s hope they work, then. Well, I certainly am, anyway. You may change your mind on that!

As for me, I frankly get to do whatever I want with you testers once I determine whether or not the stuff works. The military isn’t too concerned about my processes, just my results. Which means I got to put out an ad looking for male college students, and I had my staff filter them for the attractive ones, like you, with that svelte body with those big sexy muscles, and now I get to do whatever I want with you.

OK, you’ve been crying and shouting and screaming for the last several minutes while I’ve been trying to patiently explain all of this to you, and I’m getting a little sick of it, so

Shut up.

Ahhh, the soothing sound of silence. Try all you want, that mouth of yours won’t be making any noises now. It’s got better things to do, anyway. Now, let’s see. I did my research on you before you came in here, you know? High school track star and football running-back, now turned swimmer. Meticulous about your workouts. Real all-American type, everybody loves you. Even your girlfriends, even though—oh, look at you, all wide-eyed, how adorable—yes, we have footage of you having sex with quite a few girls. And look, in all of them, let’s just put them all up at once for fun, I know I’ve enjoyed watching them, you’re quite domineering. Bossy. Like to tease the girls and make them beg for it, do you? What a Casanova, this one.

Let me be really honest with you: I could just leave you in a dumpster somewhere now that I know the formula works. But that would be such a waste. I’d much rather have some fun, and for me, that means taking your whole life and twisting it inside out and watching you suffer and watching you fight but seeing you lose to me, watching as I force you to tear your own life to shreds one step at a time.

Yes! Now you can cry! Look at you blubbering! Where’s that big, domineering, all-American man now? “Oh, no, mister, please let me go! Please don’t hurt me!” Keep on begging, bitch-boy, you’re just making me hard. Yeah, actually, let me show you here—here it is, it’s my cock, and look at how big and hard you’re making it with your begging.

Ha ha! That’s right, now your tune changes. I’m a faggot? You bet your sweet little mind-controlled ass I am. Oh, yeah, filthy faggot, disgusting, you bet. And I suppose you’re proud of how straight you are? We’ll see about that.

Oh, but first things first. I’ve been looking forward to this all week while I jerked off looking at your photos and watching you on all our hidden cameras. Just a moment, I have to page out to the front for this one.

Devin? Yes, send him in, tell him to bring all of it.

Ah, Devin, thank you so much. You’ve done excellent work. Leave them all right on that table. And Devin? You can cum now, for your good work.

Hah. What? Oh, sorry, that was Devin, he’s one of mine. Yes, I tend to keep them all in those skimpy little thongs when nobody from the outside is around, and you’re one of them now so no need to pretend. Did you like watching him orgasm? Did you like watching the jism drip out of his thong? No? You thought it was gross? Because you’re not a faggot? Of course, I forgot, silly me.

Enough about that, for now. See those boxes, on the table?

Stand up and open them.

Yeah, that’s right, genius, it’s a cake. Nice fucking detective work there. Yeah, it’s for your fuckin’ birthday, exactly, right. Some mouth you’ve got on you. Yeah, and the other ten boxes are for the ten birthdays after that, right? Yeah, they’re all cakes. Different kinds, but all nice and rich. Pounds of butter, cups of sugar, dozens of eggs. You know, just the thing for a fatboy like you.

Ha ha ha! You heard me right. No, of course not, not yet. In fact, why don’t you

Take off your shirt.

Yeah, look at that body. God, you vain little prick. Look at those pecs, look at that washboard stomach. What’s that, eight hundred hours in a gym? Look at the time you spent just to get looking like that. Well, easy come, easy go, my little pet.

Take a bite of the cake.

Ha ha! Look at you, wanting to comply but trying to figure out how. Use your hands, idiot! No, you don’t get a knife and fork. I want to jerk off while I watch you stuffing your face like a fucking pig. Oh yeah, that’s right, just like that. How’s it taste? What’s that? I can’t understand you through all your hysterical crying, fatty. Yeah, you’re gonna look real good with a few more pounds on, aren’t you?

Go look at yourself in the mirror.

See that body? Now imagine it softening up. Imagine those abs slowly fading under a nice soft layer of subdermal fat. Imagine those pecs swelling up, first looking maybe even more muscular, until it’s clear it’s not muscle, it’s fat. Then imagine it all going off the deep end, and you balloon up like one of those morbidly obese people you like to sanctimoniously mock right now. So big you need a cane just to walk around on your legs, which by then will just be masses of fat rolls tapering down into feet so fat the rolls spill over your orthopedic shoes. Yeah, fat boy, get huge for me. Oh, fuck it, now I’m really horny -

Eat the whole cake as fast as you can.

Ooooh yeah, fatboy, grab it by the fistful. Shove it in your mouth over the box so it catches the chunks of moist cake and frosting that fall so you can lick the box out at the end. Oh yeah, scream if you want, but only through the mouthfuls of cake. Keep eating. Oh yeah, look at that, those little fuckers got in your brain good, didn’t they? You’re not the boss anymore, kid. I’m the boss. And I’m going to fuck you up so bad you’ll never have a hope of recovering.

Nice work on that cake, fatboy. Oh, wipe that frosting off your tear-streaked face, you little bitch. We’re just getting started. Oh, still got some fight in you? Yeah, I like it when you talk back. Yes, of course I realize the human body would take months to put on that kind of fat, and no, you’re right, I don’t intend to drag this out that long. You see, the nanobots are great and all for simple behavioral control, but for the military’s purposes they wanted a bit more. And it turned out it wasn’t all that hard to let them mess with your brain at some other levels. Thyroid function, pituitary function, all that hormonal shit. It lets me do things like this:

Store all that energy as fat.

Oh yeah? Gosh, you feel funny? You think? Hey, maybe it’s the nanobots reprogramming your digestive system to pack your fat cells full hundreds of times faster than a normal human is capable of. Maybe it’s that whole fucking cake you just ate.

Ooh yeah, look at that, keep staring at yourself in the mirror while it happens. See that? Feel that? Yeah, I can see it from here. Look at that spare tire starting to form. You haven’t had one of those in a long time, huh? Oh man, look at it swelling out right now. I love this part, I fucking love it. Watching you inflate with fat in real-time just like a human blimp.

Oh yeah, they always do that, grabbing it just like you. Yeah, maybe if you squeeze your new love handles you’ll just cough it back up as cake, right? Ha ha ha, not a chance, fatboy! Looks like it’s about stored that cake. Good thing we’ve got more.

What? Oh, yes you are. Ha ha, yeah, keep begging, you know how hard that gets me. Ooh, yeah, here, I’ll tell you what—if you beg well enough to give me an orgasm without me even touching my cock, then we’ll call it even and I’ll let you go.

Ooooh, fuck yeah, what a mouth you’ve got. You beg real good, kid. Oh yeah, oh man, yeah, beg for it. Beg me! Oh, fuck yeah! Listen to that mouth! Yeah, tell me you’ll do anything! Tell me you’ll do anything I say if I let you go! OOOOH FUCCCCCKKKKKKKKK!!!!

* * *

Phew, that was amazing. You did really well, begging like that. You can stop now. What? Oh, leave? What, are you fucking kidding me? No, of course I was lying. That’s ridiculous. But instead of leaving, you’re welcome to

Eat another cake.

HA HA HA HA! I love that!! I don’t even know how you could believe a promise like that, but I guess you did! Look how crushed you are! Aww, looking so pathetic and full of self-loathing as you realize what you just did. Well, don’t worry, soon those thoughts will be drowned out by the horror of shoving that next cake down that hole. Yeah, ooh, eat it like you’re starving, fatboy. Get huge for me, fatboy, get fucking huge. Ooh yeah, I can see your belly starting to form even as you eat. Mmm, you’re gonna look good when you’re four hundred and fifty pounds. Ha ha ha ha, yeah, cry about it, bitch. Cry!!

While you’re busy eating that cake don’t mind me waxing philosophical here. I can still jerk off while I do it, mmmm. I think what it is, you know, it’s like, right now I’m watching you do the thing you absolutely least want to do in the world. You worked so hard for that body, and for so long, and now look—you’re shoveling fistfuls of cake down your hungry fucking hole and fattening yourself up. That’s power that I have over you! That’s control! I can take you and give you a single shot to the neck and next thing you know you’re destroying your own life just because I said so. God, it gets me hard. I fucking love it. I love it.

Why’d you stop eating? Oh, you ate the whole thing? Wow, that was fast. Let’s take a moment to enjoy your body putting it to good use as fat. Mmmmm, yeah, you can see your pecs filling out a bit, softening up. Ha ha ha, your desperate choking sobs just make me want to shoot a load. Look at that, your lower back had such a clean taper to it, that sleek muscle tapering down into your ass, but now it bulges out into back fat down at the bottom, a little mushroom-top.

As much fun as this is, I don’t have all year, so

Eat all the cakes.

Don’t mind me, I’m just coming over here to grope your body as it expands into a bloated, disgusting blob. Yeah, keep eating, fatboy. Oh, you don’t want my hands roaming your body, do you? Too bad you’re so consumed with stuffing your face. Otherwise you could probably stop me, or at least take a breath and ask real nice. Too bad your mouth is so full. Yeah, cram another big mound of cake and frosting right in there. Yeah, I like that look of terror and rage in your eyes. Keep eating, bitch. All the cakes, fatboy.

You know, for such a thin little thing like you were when you walked in, I gotta hand it to you—you can really eat. Five cakes already! And look, your body’s just steadily inflating like you’re sucking on a bike pump. Oh yeah, you feel those extra pounds? Your arms are filling out nicely, plumping up so you can’t see those nasty veins anymore, and your pecs aren’t so perky anymore, now fattened up and resting on your nice, big new gut. Yeah, that gut spills over your waistband like a huge balloon full of lard. Mmm, keep on eating, fatty, we’re going to get you so big you can barely move.

Ha ha ha, I love how you lurch when I press my crotch against your butt, but just keep on eating anyway. Let’s get these jeans off of you. I bet all I’ll have to do is release your belt, and... yep! Look at that, one by one, the buttons blew right off. How’s that feel, growing so fat you rip your jeans apart? There the seams go, with nice loud long ripping noises. And all I have to do is peel them off your big, fat body. And look at that, Fruit of the Loom. Those must be really uncomfortable, eh? Wedged up your big fat ass-crack like that, now? Let me help you. Oh look, the waistband on them tore off just as easily. Look at you now, fatboy, naked as the day you were born, but about 300 pounds heavier!

Looks like you’ve still got several cakes to go, and man, I can’t help myself, staring at your hot ass. I think I might just have to fuck your hot, fat butt. Ha ha ha, yeah!! Look at you thrash when I say that! But you can’t tear yourself away from the cake, can you? Oh, maybe you just didn’t like me calling it “fucking.” You’re right. How careless of me. What I meant to say is that I’m going to rape your hot, fat butt. Yeah, you came in here to make a few extra bucks for beer money for college, and now look, you’re a big fat lardass too addicted to cake to stop me from raping you in the ass like a fag. What a day, huh?

Ooh yeah, it’s hot watching you try to get away. This room isn’t that big, you know. Look at you, waddling around like a fat food addict, carrying a whole cake while you try to stay away from me. Where are you going to go, fatboy? Better not stop eating, the little bugs in your brain won’t let that happen. Gotta keep eating more, and sooner or later I’ll corner you. And while I chase you like I’m doing now, I’ll, yeah, I’ll spit on my hand and stroke my cock with it so when I finally catch you...

Gotcha! Ha ha ha, look at you fighting like a cornered pig. Fighting and squealing through mouthfuls of cake. Fight all you want, fatboy, it just makes the ride better for me. Oh, yeah, I can feel my tip rubbing against that hole. Yeah, keep clenching it, make it hard for me. Doesn’t matter, I’m just gonna... ooh, push right in, fuck YEAH! Oh my GOD, I can feel you gripping down on my cock, it’s so tight inside your virgin butthole, oh FUCK YES! How’s it feel getting raped, fatboy? What’s that? I can’t understand what you’re saying, it just sounds like you’re screaming, but I can’t make out words. Maybe you should try saying it without cake in your mouth. What’s that? You can’t stop eating cake? Oh, man, then I guess you can’t stop getting raped in the ass!!

Oh yeah, fuck yeah, fucking that hot fat ass, look at how it jiggles when I slam into your hole, feels so fucking hot, oooh, yeah, ooooooh fuck, so hot watching you down there on all fours like a fat pig eating all that cake, fuck yeah, watching my cock slide into your ass, watching your whole body jiggle like jello every time I slam all the way in, fuck yeah, fuck yeah, oh yeah, fuck, fuck fuck fuck FUCK!!

* * *

Wow, that was amazing. Hey, in case you didn’t realize it, I just came inside your ass. Yeah, I can see it trickling out of your hole. Oh, sorry, guess you still can’t stop eating long enough to wipe the trickle of jizz off of your leaking asshole. Look at you. I can’t wait to watch the videos later. You look like a depraved, fat whore.

Ha ha ha, I love this shit. I run this department and nobody outside it has any idea what’s really going on, and the military pays me all the money I want because I deliver mind-controlled soldiers to them, and in the meantime I get to lure in the hottest boys on campus and just fucking shatter their lives and watch them suffer, subjected to everything they fear and loathe, making all their worst nightmares come true. Who wouldn’t love this job?

Oh, look at you, fatboy. On the very last cake. Do me a favor and

Eat it slowly

Oh yeah, just like that. Savor every bite. Make it sexy. Yeah, let me see that frosting-and-cake-coated fist of yours slowly shoving that huge fistful of German chocolate cake into your open, disgusting mouth. Your lips are just coated in the stuff, and chunks of crumb-filled frosting are smeared all over your face and falling onto your chest. Yeah, it’s orgasmic, isn’t it? Well, except you’re still sobbing, that ruins the effect a bit, but I kind of like it because it makes you look so depraved, eating this cake in slow motion all sexy-like while convulsive sobs wrack your body. Well, of course you’re a prisoner. You’re a prisoner in your own body. To my lovely little bugs, so teeny-tiny and yet capable of completely overpowering your free will and making you do whatever I tell you to. That must be very frustrating, mustn’t it? Yeah, that’s right, keep eating, fatboy. Get even bigger. Actually while you’re eating with that one hand, why not

Rub your belly with the other and moan like a sow in heat through the cake

Oooh, yeah, now that is hot. Listen to you, grunting and moaning like a big fat cow ready for breeding and milking while you stuff your big, fat face full of fucking fattening cake. Yeah, keep doing that, fatty. Yeah, ooh, why don’t you

Get down on your knees and elbows

Mmm, yeah, look at you cramming cake into your fucking maw while you rub your bloated, hanging belly with the other. Yeah, really push your hand into that gut so it sinks in nice and softly. Make that big hanging gut sway side to side. Let’s see what you weigh now... ha! You came in here at, what, 175? Come on, guess what you weigh now. That’s right, moan it through the cake. 200? Oh, please, even you’re not that stupid. That’s way too low. Higher, fat boy, higher. 250? Nope. Here, I’ll give you a hint. Each of those cakes was 20 pounds, and you just ate a dozen of them.

HA HA HA! Look at the dawning realization! Yes, that’s right, my big fat piggy, you’re 250lbs heavier than you were just an hour ago. You’re 425lbs. You’re fucking massive, bloated, a disgusting morbidly obese human balloon full of fat. That’s 250lbs of pure lard. That’s just dead weight. You’ll have trouble getting in your car. If you had to walk more than maybe a hundred feet you’d collapse, you’d need one of those motorized carts they have at grocery stores. Ha ha ha! Look at you crying still—I’m surprised you still have it in you, you’ve been sobbing hard for just about the whole hour! Yeah, fatboy, you got pumped full of fat and ass-raped when all you thought you signed up for was a little innocent experiment.

I’m afraid, though, that it’s time to part ways for now. Oh, don’t look so sad, we’ll have our checkin visit. And it won’t be later in the month like we said. It’ll be in 2 days. Because between now and then, I want you to

Go find every woman you can that you’ve slept with and beg her to fuck you again.

Yeah, you should be scared, because it’s going to be fucking humiliating. Yeah, beg me to take it back, but you know I won’t. You’ll do anything? I know you’ll do anything. I put fucking robots in your brain that control you, so I can just make you do anything. I don’t need your consent. In fact, it’s more fun without it.

Come back in a couple days and let me know how that went.