The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

UC:Fates Act 7 Part1

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This future set story is a result of a more than gross number of hours straight on a job. Six and a half days in, straight through, we finally found and fixed the problem. I had reached the point where caffeine was having paradoxical affects, it was actually calming me.

To wound up to sleep, unable to concentrate on anything coherently, I began writing down the randomly spawning ideas as a way of unwinding. Sixteen hours later I had a sixty thousand word rambling mess of mostly connected ideas. When I finally woke, I found that it just somehow hung together enough to intrigue me.

After trimming the redundant stuff out, removing historical notes not really part of the story and cleaning up the rest as best I could after removing the self contradictory items. I wound up with this which I felt at least some others would enjoy for amusement value if nothing else. If there is enough positive feedback, I will continue to work on Charles and Lisa’s further adventures. If someone is interested in playing in the world, please feel free to drop me a note and we can talk. I have the world defined and explanations for everything, but I also have an ongoing series already.

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“I don’t believe this.” The man says staring at the mirror showing events in Donalson as it becomes the Hearthhold Emel under the leadership of Micah the first, Blood Lord and Hearthholder.”

“Is that actually an Emel?” The Unnamed asks pointing to Sien.

“Must be.” He answers, “That would definitely make her Sien since I can account for the others.”

“Incredible, but I thought the Blood Queens would be killed if they returned.”

“Loop hole.” He answered, “She isn’t actually back. She kneels humbled at his feet, his servant, likely willing to be if she is still alive.”

“This is going to complicate things isn’t it?” She asks.

“Mightily.” He answers grimacing.

“How so?”

“Hearthholds are neither Magist nor Techist.”


“He is also a new ruler, one known to be inexperienced, that means the Legents will be watching closely which means I can’t go back there now.”

“Which means we just lost Donalson?” Land Mother Kilsin asked.

“No.” The Unnamed broke in, “It means no more Donalson and Emel is not our ally.”

“I don’t understand.” Micah says to Legent Jeff.

“What part?”

“The one where I get elected to an office I didn’t seek.”

“Wake your servant.”

“Yes sir.” Micah replied releasing the humbling on Sien.

“Well Sien Emel, would you care to explain what you thought you were going to accomplish?” Legent Jeff asked with a knowing smile.

“My only goal Legent.” Sien replied while looking around the room trying to understand what had happened and was happening, “Was to ensure the people got a voice. I had hoped that Donalson would lose and that you would provide safe passage to those with me despite my fate.”

“Despite your fate?”

“Yes Legent.” Sien said still kneeling, “My only desire, my only hope in doing this, was to leave Donalson hope. They were betrayed by the stewards and I had hoped they would recognize that.”

“Leave who hope?” Legent Jeff asked.

“The people of the kingdom of Donalson. I do not believe based on what I have learned of them here that they want to go war, but I believe they feel trapped since you the Legents put the stewards into place when you took down my ancestors. Since you have not replaced them, you must endorse them and all I had hoped to accomplish was to give the people a voice, to make you hear them hoping that they could choose another path for themselves.”

“So you expected to die giving back the voice to the people that your ancestors took away?”

“Expect Legent, but I had hoped to get Micah and the rest out.”

“Then there is a detail to be seen to.” Legent Jeff said waving his arm at the hall wall. It shimmered for several hearts then became a similar hall filled with people, many of whom looked familiar, all of whom were already watching them, and obviously had been for a while.

“Nicole?” Sien whispered seeing her cousin alive and well, and in a wedding gown.

“I present a tardy wedding present.” Legent Jeff said to the wall, “I present the Mother and the Father, the Hearthholders, Emel.”

“Who?” Sien asked looking around puzzled then stopped as his words sank in. There was in Donalson only a single individual bearing the blood of Emel, her.

“I present to Dest the Blood Lord Micah the first, Hearth Father of Emel, and his to be wife, Blood Queen Sien, Hearth Mother Emel.”

“Micah?’ Sien asks looking up at him.

“We live.” Micah answers, “You live, we all live.”

“But you now have a legacy to live up to.” Legent Jeff answered.

“And one to live down as well Legent.” Hearth Mother Sien Emel answered

* * *

UC:Fates—Septus : Finitus

“This is incredible.” Tagoni whispers while staring at the floor of the new war room in Dest.

“I’ve been working on it for days while we wait for the delegation from Emel.” Charles tells him as he watches Tagoni and the generals of the alliance, “It is I think one of the hardest things I have ever done really.”

“I have to ask Hearthson.” A general that Charles is unable to remember the name of asks, “How did you manage this? I was amazed enough when the Legents made a wall into a mirror, but this, an entire floor that responds to our words to show maps and information, it is incredible beyond words, almost unbelievable.”

“It was a lot of work,” Charles admits, sighing, “and it has left me exhausted. I know it looks like a large spell but in truth is more machine than Magic. Will it work for you?”

“Yes!” Everyone in a military uniform, Techist and Magist alike, echoes whole heartedly.

“I know what you did Charles.” Tagoni says, still looking dazed. “As the Techist I was, I would be amazed beyond words. As a Magist now, I can appreciate that this is even more work than it looks like, and it looks like a lot. Seen as Techist Machinery or Magist Spells it remains nearly beyond belief.”

“Any who doubted your power,” Nicole laughed, “Have learned for themselves what I did, that you are more, far more, than you appear.”

“Can you show others how to do this?” House Mother Michelson asks, “Or do we need to have you go to our capitols to make us our own rooms like this?”

“Since I have the most direct access to Kandra right now, I will try showing her how first. Otherwise, I will have to travel a lot. The work itself is not that hard, but I have to be able to show the technique in the mind since I lack the words to convey the pictures.” Charles replies staring at her. Something in his words that most miss draws an odd look from Tagoni. He is still adjusting to how close to a perfect copy Kandra is of her cousin Brenhar, and hence the creature Brenna that Brenhar and Lucas made. That adjustment has lead him to observe people in general, Charles in particular, much closer.

“Either way I fear it will be a while.” Tagoni says sadly, keeping his observation to himself until he can be sure what it is and what it means. “No matter how this works out with Emel, no matter what Micah and Sien can or cannot do, we still have the Kallows to deal with.”

“I don’t understand,” Kandra asks, “How Sien was allowed to live after challenging the way of things. Her Clan was forbidden to return on pain of death. Yet she not only returned, she challenged and was somehow chosen to lead them when it was her ancestors that brought the war that ended all of her adult family line.”

“Because child.” Legent Wilhelm says, startling everyone as he made them aware of his and several other’s presence.

“Action and reaction.” Legent Amina continued.

“That which was taken has been returned.” Legent Kara went on.

“Taken? Returned?” Kandra asked, then looked embarrassed that her mental question has leaked out.

“Think child.” Legent Alice says softly.

“Think what?”

“Look at history and tell me what was taken by the blood lords.”

“My foremothers took their people’s lives,” Nicole joined the group announcing, “power, choices and even their very deaths into their own hands by force. That is why the seven clans of Blood Lords were reduced to seven children.”

“Continue!” Legent Alice commands, startling Nicole by her firmness of voice compared to her normal gentleness.

“They took death.” Nicole went on, “Which Yen returned.”

“They took power.” Nicole continued boldly, “Which I returned.”

“And?” Legent Alice asked, smiling.

“They took life and choice.” Nicole said quietly, “Which Sien returned in offering up her life while calling for the people to voice their choices. She called for the vote, knowing her life was forfeit. She intended to exchange it for the lives of her party and for returning the stolen voice to the people. Either alone would have been seen as just, but together they are the mark of determination and maturity. She intended to get the highest price for her death, and did.”

“And we Legents respected that.” Legent Wilhelm said, smiling. “It took all three of you, but between you, you recognized the real sins of your foremothers and forefathers, not just the atrocities.”

“Why didn’t you kill me?” Nicole demanded and where it had been quiet before, it went silent now.

“We decided to give you a chance.” Legent Wilhelm answered flatly.

“You’re lying.” Nicole challenged.

“Bold words.” He answered darkly.

“Necessary, you’re lying to all of us. I’m no Hearthdaughter, but I’m not stupid. I am not like I was anymore either. My eyes are open now, and seeing.”

“We have never denied that we sometimes lie for the greater good.”

“Are we, all of us, Blood Queens and Vale daughters and the rest, are we going to be enough?”

“It depends on many factors. Your forces are not used to working together where the Kallows are.”

“I wasn’t asking about the Kallows and you know it.” Nicole stated as an accusation.

“Nicole?” Tagoni asks puzzled.

“The Kallows are not the problem.” Nicole states, still staring at the Legents, still accusing. “Win or lose, you don’t actually care. You care about the whole world. This is just a cusp that tells you about other things.”

“We care about all people.” Legent Amina breaks in gently.

“Can we stop this if it comes to that? Are we enough? Or is it already too late?”

“Are you asking what I think you are asking Lady Nicole?” Legent Kara asks, surprised.

“A gentle tip into the madness yes; a plunge, not likely.” Legent Amina answers grimly.

“I thought not, I just wanted to be sure.”

“You have other questions?”

“Yes, but I know not how to ask them. My vision exceeds my words.”

“Then let us speak of this away from here, walk with us.” Legent Wilhelm commanded gently, indicating Nicole was to precede the Legents out.

“What was that about?” Tagoni asked once they were gone.

“Nothing important until equinox.” Lisa answers, coming in.


“Kandra.” Lisa said, turning to her. “Charles is tiring. Finish exhausting him. Give him a good and proper massage. Ensure he sleeps for a well and truly relaxing while; the longer, the better.”

“Yes ma’am.” Kandra answers nervously. Everyone has known that Charles and Lisa weren’t physically together, and hadn’t been for a while. This is the first sign of acknowledging it from either of them in that time, and it lacked all trace of her normal subtlety.

“Meanwhile, Strategist in General Tagoni of the Alliance, the council and I have some issues of strategies to discuss that this war room will make much faster and easier to cover.”

“Welcome Legent Jeff.” Hearth Father Micah, the youngest Hearth Father ever, said rising from his throne to welcome the visitor.

“I greet you Hearth Father.” Legent Jeff said formally and something in Micah’s stomach went cold.

“What can we do for you?” Micah asked mimicking the formulae of speech he has been learning of late. Having discovered that running away as he desires would force a civil war. He understands now that no matter how badly he does, him staying is better for the people, his people now though he still doesn’t understand that part, than his leaving.

“I am here on official business.” Legent Jeff answers holding up a small, ornately carved, wooden box.

“Where shall we begin then Legent?” Hearth Mother Sien asks nervously.

“We begin with a present for you both.” He answers, closing to a step away from them as he opens the box to show two rings inside it. They bear the logo of the UC with the word “FATES” in two half circles encircling the logo. A single F, two A’s, two T’s, two E’s and a single S encircle each ring. All the letters except the E’s are depressed. Both know what these are.

“Fates?” Micah asks astonished, “Us?”

“Yes. You. For you both, take them.”

“I am not worthy of that honor Legent.” Sien tells him. “I am not in truth worthy of this seat and I know it. However, this is my duty now, so it must be; but that, to be a Fate, to hold and mold the fates of others, that is beyond me.”

“And why are you not worthy?”

“I am a killer Legent.” Sien answers flatly, “I helped take a life not in the defense of life, but out of spite.”

“Yet as has been said, you stand forgiven by the one whose life has been returned.”

“I cannot forgive myself though Legents.”

“You question the will of the Legents?” Legent Alice asked grimly as she entered.

“No Legent, but I am...” Sien is saying when she is cut off.

“Then do as you are told.” Legent Alice orders gesturing at Sien, throwing from her throne like a rag doll with will driven power.

“Legent?” Sien asks astonished as she instinctively taps the power of the noonday sun via Blood Seed to shield and stop herself from hitting the wall. A vague distortion in the air around her is visible where the shield stays, ready to defend.

“Alice?” Legent Jeff asks curiously.

“She is afraid.” Legent Alice answers him. “And that is good. Yet too, it is not enough. She must face and overcome her fears before it is too late. This continued hesitation will get too many people killed.”

“I should have died Legent.” Sien announces, speaking as herself, not her new rank. “We all should have died for what we did. We abused our gifts to the death of another. I know better now, but I should have known better then. I knew the lessons. I knew the words, but I did not understand them... nor did I live them.”

“Yen made a knowing sacrifice.” Legent Alice told Sien as she began projecting force at her, compressing Sien’s shields to pin her against the wall. Distortions in the air partially obscured Sien behind the impact of shield meeting shield.

“I know that.” Sien growled.

“Nicole made a purposeful sacrifice.” Legent Alice pronounced.

“I know.” Sien grunted, straining as the pressure kept increasing until her Blood Seed enhanced shields were fully visible in the open air, and still the pressure increased.

“Yet you, you chose the easy way out.” Legent Alice said with disgust. “They sacrificed knowing they would live and have to live with theirs, but you, you chose the easy way out.”

“I offered my life.” Sien grunted again as the wall behind her made funny noises from the stress as Legent Alice kept pushing harder and to Sien’s surprise, her shields held. “I was and am prepared to die for my duty.”

“Duty, death, what is it with you? Why always the easy way out?” Legent Alice asked, grinning.

“What do you want from me?” Sien demanded, shocked her shields were holding even while the wall behind her began shedding dust as the stone compressed from the stress.

“For you to make a real sacrifice.” Legent Alice shouted as their shields now made noise, a sparking where they met that kept getting louder.

‘Listen.’ Sien heard whispered in her mind, Legent Alice’s voice only quiet. ‘Listen to me Sien.’

‘Legent?’ Sien thought back at the voice in her head. She was accustomed to such because her collar had done nearly the same while she wore it.

‘Excellent, now pay attention. I do not hate you. The floorshow is for your people and the rest of the audience. You have spies for the Kallows in your court and you must find them quickly.’

‘We thought that there were spies, but we do not know how to find them.’

‘Do somewhat as you did for Dest, but be careful.’

‘Why not just come talk to me, to us?’ Sien asked. ‘Why this?’

‘Because you must not be seen as favored of the Legents. It will weaken your position later. By standing up to us now, you can be seen as strong now and later.’

‘What do I do?’ Sien asked, knowing she was in over her head.

‘Fight me out there where the others can see. While we are fighting, I will be publicly cursing you. While it will be for real, I am also giving you a gift, one that will be needed later.’


‘Come fight me for real and see.’

“Enough.” Sien shouted out loud while pushing her shields as hard as she could to gain room. “What do you want from me Legent? Have I not I done enough? Isn’t my life enough?”

“That depends Emel.” Legent Alice answered mockingly.

“On what?” Sien demanded and realized that for however long the conversation in her mind had seemed; only a heart had really passed. No one, not even Micah, realized that she and Legent Alice had spoken.

“Your heart.” Legent Alice shouted, projecting enough force to shove Sien against the wall even harder this time. “And your soul.” She finished as Sien went through the wall into the sunlit courtyard outside.

“Heart and soul?” Sien asks, energized by the now unfiltered sunlight and something else she feels rising from within and around her.

“You have rage.” Legent Alice announces, stepping through the hole in the wall and attacking again.

“Of course I do.” Sien shouts as she is shoved back half a fathom, though her shields hold.

‘There is a gift waiting Sien.’ Sien hears in her mind, ‘Yet it is also a burden, a terrible burden, reach out around you, listen, feel.’

“What do you want from me?” Sien demands out loud, pushing back though not attacking.

‘Open your mind, feel.’ The whisper continues.

‘You want me to attack?’ She thinks back.



‘Trust me.’ The whisper says.

“Think Sien of Emel.” Legent Alice shouts as another attack goes out. This one pierces layer after layer of shields until Sien is thrown to one side violently. She lands fathoms away on the wide lawn lining the one hundred fathom by one hundred fathom square.

“Think what?” Sien demands in a slurred drawl, her stunned mind momentarily fascinated by the blood dripping from her nose to the grass.

“Life. You were willing to die for your goals. Willing to give your life to ensure your people got out and these people had a choice.”

‘Reach out, feel.’ The whisper says.

“I was. I am.” Sien shouts back defiantly as she tries to put her uninterested legs back under her.

“Really? Are you willing to do more than that, daughter of Emel?”

“Yes.” Sien says normally. To her surprise everyone in the square hears her and stops, staring at them, waiting for her death.


“Yes!” Sien affirms and something wiggles in her mind. A moment passes where the world blurs and then it is clear again. The fog of the last eight moons is gone. She is herself again, free of the Hearthson’s controls.

“Prove it!” Legent Alice demands and Sien feels another attack coming.

“Prove what?” Sien demands. Something wiggles in her mind again and she finds the power to shunt this attack. A part of her notices that there is more than power in that power, there is information, knowledge, things begging to be understood.

“Your determination.” Legent Alice laughs.

“Why?” Sien demands pausing for a heart as she decides. Then she does the unthinkable. She attacks the Legent. From somewhere inside her determination meets with will. Together, they gather from in and around her all the latent power of the place, the leftovers of Thumb, and uses them.

“Because I asked.” Legent Alice grunts when Sien’s attack hits. For the first time outside of legend, a Legent is forced back. It is only a hands width, but it has not happened in an age.

‘Better,’ The whisper laughs, ‘But keep practicing. There is more there, put the pieces together, make the little pictures into a bigger one, align them with your will.’

“” Sien demands. She shouts one word at a time, attacking with each word. Each attack is a little stronger, each a little more coherent, each shout a little louder. Each one sings in her louder and a little louder again. It is like the whole of Thumb is humming with and inside her. Each time Legent Alice is forced back, never as far as that first unexpected time, but it keeps happening.

“You are cursed Hearth Mother Sien Emel, for I have released the bindings on your mind.” Legent Alice laughs, “Neither the Hearthson nor your Hearth Father can command you in body or mind any longer. Now is when you pay the price daughter of Emel. Prove yourself, prove your clan. The only thing holding you back, the only thing making you behave, is you. I shall be watching...and waiting.”

“I have traitors in my court Legent. I have enemies at my border. What would you have me do? What can I do that will not bring the wrath of the Legents, yet will preserve my people?” Sien tried to demand but the words come out sounding tired, “They chose to allow the return of an Emel to replace the corrupt steward, and I shall not betray that trust. I shall defend my people Legent, even from you if I must, but I shall not betray that trust.”

“Use your gifts child.” Legent Alice laughs dropping her shields, “Use what you have. Mistakes will be made. The price will be paid. So be it. You have proven yourself willing to die for them. Now, are you as willing to live for them?”


“Then use your gifts, find your traitors.”

“It is wrong.” Sien whispers as tears of sorrow form and fall, but she can feel those around the courtyard hearing her, “It is a betrayal, the same betrayal they suffered before. They deserve better.”

“Yet in no more than three fortnights, Emel will fall if you do not find them.” Legent Alice informs her, ensuring all hear the words.

“Chaos!” Sien hisses.

“You must risk your own life, or risk the Hearthhold’s.”

‘You are doing well.’ The whisper in her mind says, ‘Now finish this.’

“Go.” Hearth Mother Sien Emel orders the Legent Alice.

“What?” Legent Alice demands out loud.


“We will be watching.” Legent Alice says menacingly as she turns to walk past a confused looking Micah walking to Sien carrying the two rings from the box Legent Jeff presented.

“And I will be waiting.” Sien answers shakily. She takes a much needed hug from Micah, not trusting her legs to keep supporting her on their own.

‘Put on the ring.’ The whisper says.

‘Why?’ She thinks back.

‘Trust me.’

“Thank you Micah.” Sien says. She takes a ring and holds it up for all to see before donning it.

“Are you ok Sien?” Micah asks.

“No, but that doesn’t matter right now.”

“Why not?”

“Because we have work to do.”

“What kind?”

“We have traitors to find.” Sien answers and then shouts, “Neall, gather the court.”

“Yes my lady.” Capt. Neall answers. He turns to the Palace guard to issue orders so he doesn’t see Sien’s legs let go. She collapses on the grass, dragging Micah with her.

“How are this Micah and the teen Blood Queen doing in Emel?” The Man asks Land Mother Kilsin as they sit at dinner.

“Apparently she is not entirely popular with the Legents.”

“Something bad happen?” He asks, smiling at the thought.

“Yes. Just before sixth bell their time, Legent Alice had an argument with this Sien.”

“That sounds ominous.”

“They fought.”

“An argument is not enough to fix things for us.”

“Not with words, they fought for real.”

“You mean really fought?”

“Yes, and it was no farce. Legent Alice put her through a wall of the throne room into the main courtyard.”

“The Legents have been known to do show and tell before.”

“Sien attacked and forced her back a step.”

“She what?” He asked coughing, knowing the amount of power that would take and astonished that one of the Emel would have that much. He was also astounded that she would dare; even if ordered.

“They traded attacks for half a gross of hearts before the Emel daughter ordered the Legent to leave.”

“Then perhaps there is hope yet.”

“She was given a time table to bring her house in order.” Land Mother Kilsin went on. “Legent Jeff presented rings marked ‘FATES’ like those the Hearthdaughter and son wear. The rings are the same style that was presented to Lucas and Brenhar, as well as Tagoni and Nicole.”

“Sounds like there is some dissension in the ranks of the Legents.” The unnamed observed with a smile. Her words and her thoughts seemed well aligned to any who did not know her well, but drew a glance of surprise from her Land Mother.

“It was Alice that attacked.” He murmured, thinking. “That one rarely too never, if ever at all, actually obeys orders. Except ... there is one she might follow. So if Alice is following someone’s game plan, then I have an old enemy out there hunting me still.”

“An old enemy?” The Unnamed asked.

“Yes, old. I would cheerfully choose to face the Legents instead of facing her again.”

“Who?” The Unnamed asked quietly in a new tone. Excitement lit her eyes, yet she disguised her thoughts with open avarice for power and knowledge.

“Likely the single most dangerous individual to ever live. She was a lethal force long before the April Fall. All it did was make her more dangerous yet. I have killed her. My side has killed her. The Legents have killed her. Many have killed her, yet she keeps returning.”

“She regenerates like you do?” The Unnamed asked, her thoughts leaking through the intentness of her eyes.

“Yes, but I know how to kill me or the Legents either one. I lack the power to kill them, but I know how. Her, death just doesn’t seem to keep hold of her. I also know she is not within a hundred leagues, likely not within five hundred.”

“You fear her.” The Unnamed asked, truly surprised. “Even in death.”

“Yes.” He admitted without hesitation. “But death is not the word you are looking for, not with her. I last killed her, burned her body, scattered the ashes and buried the bones leagues apart over a millennium ago, and I still keep my watch wards and detectors for her live after all these years.”

“Damn!” The Unnamed whispered, “And I thought I knew some paranoid people.”

“By her actions I know the Hearthdaughter is cut from the same cloth.” He said, eyes focused on nowhere. “I have lived a long time and the species has changed, yet eventually, nothing remains totally unique. Another of the same potential had to be born some day, and it appears that day has come. Minds like hers are rare, but once something manages to get through, once that extra layer starts thinking, they never stop.”

“How is it that you sound happy and sad at the same time?” The unnamed asked. Her hopes and plans still showed, but were set aside by curiosity and patience. Killing him would have to wait. Even if she succeeded, which was unlikely she freely admitted to herself, to fail to learn of others with his sort of power would place her at a likely lethal disadvantage.

“Wait until everyone you ever allied with has been gone for a thousand years.” He replied sighing deeply, “You find yourself sitting down with your mortal enemies for tea and crumpets just for the company. The funny thing is, so do they.”

“Crumpets?” Land Mother Kilsin asks.

“Sorry, a type of breakfast biscuit served as a snack in formal settings in my youth.”

“So you know the Legents then.”

“I knew them before and I know them now.” He replied sounding lost. “There were five hundred of us left when first we sat down to divide the world. Not by geography, but by approach. They sought to save the population by harnessing the darkness inherent in you. I, we that is, sought to save the population by harnessing the abyss.”

“Darkness? Abyss?”

“We are the Abyss my dear Land Mother. We all carry the darkness within us. Eventually, the Legents succeeded in harnessing the Magist traits. They became strong enough to harness and use instead of just breaking technology. Then my brethren went back to fighting the Legents.”

“They lost?” The Unnamed asked.

“They died, by ones, by twos, by the tens. They stood. They faced the Legents, and they died for the doing.”

“How many remain?”

“Me. I am alone. I barely remember my own real name because I have been alone so long.” He said and tears were visible, forming in his eyes though none fell. “My project, what eventually became the Blood Lords, started with a young man. He was half irish and half abbo, I noticed he had a real gift for understanding the flow of chaos, so I began there.”

“Irish? Abbo?” Land Mother Kilsin asked, unsure if she had pronounced them correctly.

“It doesn’t matter anymore. There are no races from that time left. I chose women for him, eventually finding a pattern to those he fathered children with. It took centuries, but eventually, I produced a set of cousins, seven of them, that managed to touch each other’s minds. They began the march toward the power you have now. They were the first to have stable, usable Magic. They were the first few that didn’t just break Technology by being too close to it. The Legents own work descends from them.”

“Usable Magic?”

“Usable. Before them, all of what eventually became the Magists were little more than sources of improbable outcomes that broke any complicated machines.”

“So we are all your children now?” The Unnamed asked.

“No, I have no children. A byproduct of the fall made us all enormously powerful, yet sterile. We cannot have children with any of you, or with each other.”

“You are only matching what the Hearthson has already done then.” The Unnamed accused.

“Yes.” He admitted heavily.

“You do no more, show us no more, than he has used or done.”


“You know more, but refuse to tell us?” Land Mother Kilsin asked.

“Yes, for your own protection.”

“Our own protection?” Land mother Kilsin asks, surprised.

“Yes, ask the Unnamed how much power she can draw on and then how much she can safely use.”

“Well?” She asks the Unnamed.

“I have about as much strength, Magic that is, as the first dozen of your girls combined.”


“That much power I can use freely.”

“Incredible again.”

“Then I have about that much again that I can use safely.”


“I can draw a lot more than that, but I am dependant on the controls he implanted in me to even experiment with it.”

“The collars on my girls truly necessary then?” Land Mother Kilsin asked.

“Very.” The Unnamed answered, “A single mistake at the power levels they are using could immolate them. Their limit is actually the control the boys know how to use.”

“The boys?”

“Yes.” The Man answers, “I know it seems funny, but the better the boys know the girls, the more power the girls can use.”

“And that is why you insist they use the girls?”

“Yes. With rare exception, using the girls sexually is the only way for them to get to know the girls the right way in less than many years time. It is also why I insist the girls have one day per week where their handler is humbled and serves them. While this way works quickly, it also causes potentially severe problems. That is I have implanted impulses in the girls to treat their handler on that day the same way he treats them the rest of the time.”

“So if he is gentle, they will be as well.”

“It is all I can do to force balance. There is nothing, save how far the girls let go during the collaring, to prevent him from having one of them morning and night. However, if he does then the girls will each want to have him morning and night for their day.”

“Then he wakes sore and tired.” Land Mother Kilsin laughs.

“Yes.” The unnamed agrees, “But the less control a girl gives him, the sooner the collar pulls her back when using that power.”

“So the further he can force them the further they can go as well?”

“Not exactly, force works but being freely available to him is better. It is less traumatic. It is about truth and the ability to tell how you are really doing. That is why the Blood Seed was so strongly unlocked in the Hearthson’s pets. He took control, real control. Not the almost play acting we experiment with here, but real, true control. He owned them. So strong was his control that even Brenhar enjoyed balancing the books with the boys of Michelson merely because she was ordered. She enjoyed doing it, this despite taking them up to three at a time and them not being gentle with or caring about her.”

“He made her enjoy the abuse?” Land Mother Kilsin asked aghast.

“And she remembers enjoying it, still does even though she knows it was induced.” He answered with an odd tone, “What happened sickens her, but the memory remains pleasant to her.”


“Yet his control of the three Emel went even deeper.”

“Ughh.” Land Mother Kilsin said shivering.

“Now we have located three girls for the second set and we need a handler for them.” He told her.

“I will have a list of males made up.”

“No need Land Mother, I know which one I need already.”

“Who?” she asked.


“My son? Why?”

“Because I shall not be the one who trains him.”

“She will?” Land Mother Kilsin asks, pointing at the Unnamed.



“Because it must be cross gender or there will be some issues I cannot guarantee I can deal with. She has already practiced introducing the boys we have.” The Man said smiling, “That was to ensure that she knew how. The first dozen girls needed three or four guys that she used for practice in order to teach Danus properly.”


“Sinda, Sandy.” Lisa says, joining them on the covered porch overlooking a small lake.

“My Lady.” Sandy replies smiling with a nod of her head.

“I am sending you both back to Ericson.”


“Charles and I are going to be delayed for a while dealing with this mess, with the Kallows. I would appreciate it if you two could look after our lands until we get back.”

“Of course my lady.”

“I am Lisa to the two of you.” Lisa says firmly, chiding her. “You have been my best friends and sometimes my only friends.”

“Is there something wrong?” Sinda asks, concerned by something in her tone.

“You have been my friends even when I wasn’t yours, or even my own for that matter. I got you killed Sinda, and it is a blessing that you were returned. I dragged you both down with me when I fell and I am sorry for that.”

“You have nothing to apologize for my lady.”

“I told you, at the very least when we are alone or in private, I am Lisa to you both. You need never call me anything else.”


“I am Lisa Ericson to you two, and you are the Stewards Ericson. While Charles and I are away you speak with our voice. You act with our authority. So please, return home. Look after our lands until we can return to them.”

“We shall.” Sandy replies formally while Sinda just blinks.

“We shall look after your lands. We shall hold your place in your stead until you return.” Sinda finally says, very formally.

“Thank you my friends.” Lisa replied, “I love you like sisters even if I forget to say it a lot.”

“We love you too...Lisa.”

“Thank you, you have no idea what that means.” Lisa mumbled just loud enough for them to hear as she turned away with tears taking her sight.

“She knows.” The unseen Legent Amina whispers to the equally unseen Legent Kara where both stand watching the scene with Lisa, Sandy and Sinda.

“It might work out differently this time. These events don’t happen the same way every time. It could still work this time.”

“Not likely given how fast things are happening, but we have to let it play out. They have to have the chance to succeed, and live.”

“I know, but if they fail the lives lost always hurt so much.”

“Is this the whole of the palace staff Captain?” Sien asks Neall.

“Yes my lady.”

“I am Sien to you Captain. I am always Sien to you.” She replies, “I shall not have this go to my head.”

“I dare not in public even if I wanted, and you are too hard on yourself.”

“Maybe, but the only two choices I see are between unacceptable and unpalatable.”

“As I said, you are too hard on yourself.”

“Just because the sheep will follow the goat doesn’t make the goat worth following.”

“Maybe not,” He quipped, “But better a goat than another sheep.”

“We’ll see.”

“Yes we will my lady, yes we will.”

“I told you, I am Sien to you Captain.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Kandra.” Lucas said, interrupting her on her way to a meeting.

“Consort.” She replied, stopping.

“I’m Lucas, I doubt I’ll ever get used to that title.”

“I am expected. What can I do for you?”

“We have to talk.”


“Now,” Lucas told her firmly. “Walk with me.”

“Of course.” She replied nervously, following him as he went outside.

“I and a number of others have noticed changes in Charles, the Hearthson.”


“What is happening? Is something wrong?”

“I can’t really discuss it.” Kandra replied uncomfortably.

“I’m afraid we must insist.” Lucas said, nodding toward a group of people approaching.

“What you are asking,” She replied, shaking her head, “is private.”

“It involves our survival Kandra.” House Mother Michelson says as the group she leads spreads out around Kandra and Lucas, “So you shall answer.”

“I’m not even sure what you’re asking.”

“I have known him for moons, over half a year.” Lucas said seriously. “In all that time I have noticed that he is losing something.”

“Like what?”

“He used to smile. He used to laugh.” Lucas told her. “As time has passed I have watched him grow serious at first, then gloomy.”

“Why talk to me? Why not talk to him?” Kandra demanded, looking at the collection of people around her. House Mothers Michelson, Thomson, Yasan, and Kelsini. King and Queen Dest and half a dozen generals of various armies.

“I’m sorry, but time flows like a river Kandra.” Lucas said in an odd tone while grimacing as he projected something Magist based at her that tickled the other Magists, “Now answer.”

“He almost does not sleep unless exhausted or drugged.” She hears herself answer.

“Why?” He asked. His discomfort with asking is easily visible.

“He was connected with Sinda when she died.” Kandra hears her voice answer. “What are you doing to me?”

“He felt her die?” Lucas asked, ignoring her question.

“He mumbles in his sleep sometimes. He thinks a part of him might have died with her and not come back. He relives the memory of her passing, not even being held by her relieves it. That is why he does not share a bed with Sinda or Sandy anymore.”

“Does he still share a bed with Lisa?”

“Lucas!” She objects and then hears herself continue. “Never. They seldom sleep in the same room anymore and she has stopped borrowing me, my body that is, to enjoy time with him.”

“Are they fighting? Growing apart?”


“Then why sleep apart?”

“She is up all night plotting and planning, looking for a solution to something, trying to figure out what is really happening.”

“And him?”

“He tries not to sleep so he won’t relive Sinda dying or remember killing Jack.”

“And the tide is high.” Lucas says firmly and Kandra feels something funny as she internally steps back from herself.

“Proceed.” Kandra’s voice says for her, sounding distant to her inner ears.

“Elucidate your suspicions.”

“I believe,” Kandra hears herself answer as though she were speaking for herself, voicing her own suspicions, “that Charles suffers nightmares of both Sinda, whom he was strongly connected with, dying as well as killing Jack.”

“Sinda is alive now and Jack was killed in self defense. Does Charles understand that?” Lucas asks.

“No. He knows, but I do not believe he understands. He doesn’t just remember it. I believe he relives it.”

“Relives it?”

“Yes, like what happened at the wedding, but from his own memory. Mostly he just mumbles in his sleep, but sometimes he speaks plainly.” She answers, “When he does talk, it is always the same, word for word, tone for tone. Then he asks for forgiveness, he prays to Chaos and Order to forgive him. He apologizes for what he has done and then cries. Sometimes the whole cycle starts over again, time after time. Sometimes I am able to interrupt the cycle and he sleeps afterward, other nights it does no good and he just clings to me as he lives and relives the whole thing over and over.”

“The Swan has Sung and thank you.”

“What the hell did you do to me you bastard?” Kandra demanded, hitting Lucas in the chest weakly around tears of rage and betrayal for being used like that.

“I took advantage of Charles not changing things more than he needs to.” Lucas answered coldly, looking haunted. “I know the words and phrases and other things that control you because they are nearly the same as the ones that bind Brenhar. I know the secrets of using them from her. You know the power he has, what he can do. We are concerned, and a little scared.”

“Why me? Why not just ask him, or Lisa?” Kandra demanded.

“We need her working on what she has been. We also need him.”

“You need him? And that justifies this kind of violation? Rape would have been nicer. At least then I could tell myself that it wasn’t me. Whatever you did made me answer as myself.”

“I know, and I am as sorry as I can allow myself to be.”

“Not good enough.” Kandra hissed, pushing him out of her way to leave.

“Kandra Michelson.” House Mother Michelson said flatly.

“Yes House Mother.” She replied angrily without turning.

“The intrusion was necessary. We are worried about him, he is not well.”

“I know.” Kandra admitted nearly growling. “I know that better than anyone.”

“As much as the Hearthdaughter has done for us,” Lucas said, “It all descends from what he has brought about.”


“Without him our options are limited to history.”


“If we repeat history then we are just picking up where the Sync wars left off.” Lucas told her sadly, “If that happens we know what happens next.”

“What does that have to do with me?”

“No one is closer to him right now than you are Kandra.”


“As of this moment you have one job and one job only Kandra.” House Mother Michelson said flatly, though with a sound of real sympathy. “You put yourself into his sphere. You placed yourself at his side, so now you are going to stay there.”

“Stay there?” She laughed turning to face them, “As though I could leave without his permission.”

“You will remain.” House Mother Michelson continued coldly. “You will do everything in your power to stabilize him, to keep him well. You have no other job, no other duty, no other concern.”


“If he needs sating, sate him. If he needs to talk, talk with him and know that it is confidential now. If you can bring them closer together again, do so. If not, be whatever you need to be. Guard him, look after him, make him as well as you can. We are sorry for what we had Lucas do, but we had to know your own suspicions. You would never have shared those. Short of a need unto death, we shall not intrude on you like this again.”

“Why the worry? The concern?” She asked, getting scared. Being of an upper house by blood and upbringing, she knows the power of that promise, worth the paper it is written on if the needs of state weighed in again. So even the token promise means the mothers know they may have to intrude again and are trying their best to apologize in advance, not a good sign.

“Nicole warned us to help him. She said he is suffering.”

“I will do what I can.” Kandra promised.

“I am sorry about what I did Kandra, I truly am.” Lucas apologized. “But we had to know.”

“I understand Consort.” She replied angrily, turning to glare at him, “I am not calm about it, I cannot forgive you, but I can understand. That will have to be enough.”

“I understand.” Lucas said looking away from her challenging gaze.

“I know that there are spies for the Kallows among you.” Hearth Mother Sien announced, ensuring that everyone gathered in the courtyard heard her.

“I have been given an ultimatum by the Legents to fix this. I already of course and had hoped to find a kinder way, a gentler way. The problem is that now I have been given a clear mandate and a timetable, so I must act.” Blood Queen Sien said formally and with a heavy heart.

“Yet we are aware of the betrayals you have faced.” Hearth Father Micah said, also ensuring that all can hear him, “The Blood Lords betrayed you one way, the Stewards Donalson in another. In spite of that, we know we are in danger. We know we have to do something about that danger.”

“Speaking as the Blood Queen Emel.” Sien said sadly, “I have sworn to end that threat.”

“Yet as a Hearth Mother I must also bring and enforce Justice.” She continues.

“So we have come to a compromise.” Micah says, speaking as the Blood Lord now. “In fourteen days time, one full fortnight, we shall reconvene here in this courtyard. At that time, by our wills, enforced by our Magics, no untruth shall be permitted, no lies spoken. All officials shall be re-sworn; every office, every rank, every individual.”

“The first shall be Sien and I, witnessed by the Legents themselves. After that shall be our guard captain, Neall, and his men. After that we will do those serving in the palace itself, then the others until we are done.” Micah continues, this time speaking as the Hearth Father.

“In the meantime you have a fortnight to decide if you want to remain in the capitol.” He goes on Sorrowfully, “No one who leaves here in that time shall be pursued for leaving. We shall ask no questions. Any who do not wish to take oaths like that, under those conditions, are free to refuse. Those refusing shall temporarily be relieved of their posts until they can have their loyalty to Emel and its people verified by those who have so sworn. Further, no blemish or lessening shall be attached to those who decline. This is voluntary...and shall remain so. Some will have secrets they wish to keep, others just won’t like the idea, we accept both.”

“We would rather not do this, but we have no choice.” Sien breaks in nearly crying, “We need a known cadre to start. Then we can build on that. We shall not be part of verifying loyalties. We shall be part of only what we need to be in order to keep a government running. This is a responsibility we take seriously. This is a responsibility we shall not shirk nor shy away from. There shall be no witch hunts, no mass arrests, no mass incarcerations and no suppression of dissent. The less we need to do, the better job we are doing.”

“We shall not watch you closely.” Micah says projecting, a sadness in his tone, “If any are to be watched, let it be you watching each other as it always has been. Think what you will, suspect whatever fancies you. However, act on none of those suspicions, keep your council and watch what happens when the oaths are sworn. Remember who stays, remember who goes, and always remember the golden rule, innocent until proven guilty, all others lead to the madness of the mob and you are better than that.”

“We know we shall miss some spies, we know we shall insult some people, yet we step gently for we shall not go where my foremothers went. Decide for yourselves what loyalty means apply it your own actions, not anyone else’s. We go now. We shall see you in a fortnight at dawn, then spend the day in truth. Go with order.”

“Do you understand now Danus?” The Unnamed asked as he tries to copy her shield.

“Somewhat.” He answered nervously. Days of being Seed bound, forced to practice, released, made to practice, being rebound, then made to practice then released again to practice, over and over have left him wary of trusting his own thoughts.

“Do you want me to take you through the steps again?” She asked with a smile.

“No!” He answered desperately as he remembered his lessons. The memory of her controlling his every action and sometimes his very thoughts haunts him. He is still tired from last night, and the memory scares him.

He is over her, his hands on her shoulders as he fills her. Her hands gesture and he feels himself thrust harder into her again. He wants to play with her bare breasts so tantalizingly close, yet unreachable. He yearns for release as he backs out part way at another gesture and she asks a question. He hesitates and she gestures again, another unsatisfying thrust and no bare breasts. He backs away as she repeats the question. His first thought is forced out and this time the thrust felt better. Then he is backing away again. Two, then three questions in a row he answers in time and he is allowed to play with a bare breast until he misses a question. Then it is hollow thrusts again until he gets the next one right. He doesn’t remember the questions, though he knows them. He knows that somewhere inside he has the knowledge. His last memory of the night was thrusting at her with both hands filled with bare breasts as she congratulates him before kissing him. His world devolves to his thrusts and her taste.

“Then just let yourself react, go with it.” She orders.

“Yes ma’am.” He answers as the shield forms.

“Keep this up Danus and you may get to ride me as yourself tonight for a while.”

“Like this?” He asks nervously as the shield finally firms.

“Excellent, now keep up like this or I will give you more oral lessons instead of giving you more oral.”

“Yes ma’am.” He gulps, praying to Order he is getting it right.

“How is it going so far?” Nicole asked Sien by Mirror.


“I heard you got into your first scuffle as Hearth Mother.” Nicole teased.

“That was no scuffle and I’m no Hearth Mother.” Sien replied, “I...Legent Alice decided I needed to display independence.”


“Very ouch. I still have sore spots and a few cuts left to heal.”

“That was...”

“I know, a full week ago, and no, I am still not quite healed. I’m sorry we had to call our diplomatic people back. Legents Jeff and Alice informed me we have too many Kallows spies here so I am to clean house before starting anything as delicate as diplomacy.”

“Double ouch.”

“Do you remember the tales of the grounds keepers from family history?” Sien asked.

“The ones about how the grounds keepers were the real rulers in a way?”

“Exactly. Remember how we used to think that those tales were about teaching something to do with getting your hands dirty and how gross it was?”

“Yeah, icky.”

“It’s not about that.” Sien said softly. “I finally understand it. The Capitols, like Thumb here, are alive.”



“I know they like to tell us stuff, but you mean like really alive?”

“Yes, really alive, in a sense anyway, and we can draw on them for power if need be.”

“Then is it like cousin Ruloph thought, the Blood Lords are the Land Lords?” Nicole asked in an odd almost disconnected tone.

“Ruloph, haven’t thought of that nutcase in years. Blood of the land though. I didn’t have a clue until Legent Alice showed me while we were,” Sien quipped and you could hear the quote marks, “’disagreeing’, of course.”

“Of course.” Nicole laughed as thoughts and ideas, remembrances of things written in ages past took on new meanings in light of Sien’s words. “Why just tell you something when they can bloody your nose with it as well.”

“How are you and Tagoni getting along now that you are officially married?”

“Well. Very well. He knows he is in most ways a figure head. He doesn’t even pretend to be qualified. He just tries to help people get along by providing an excuse to explain things in little words. Then he leaves it to me to translate Techist to Magist and back.”

“Do you love him?”

“I didn’t, not at first, but now? Yes, very much so. Do you love Micah?”

“No, but I like him.”

“And you have a Hearthhold to think of?”

“And I have a Hearthhold to think of. Whether I love him or not is beside the point.” Sien said sadly.

“What were we thinking?”

“You mean attacking like that?”

“Yes, that was beyond stupid.” Nicole admitted. “We had no right. It was Brenhar’s fight, one she brought on herself. We should have stayed out of it.”

“Have you seen Terl?”


“And? What has he learned while we have been having our adventures?”

“There is no Terl anymore.” Nicole answers sadly, “Yen told me, Lisa broke his mind by accident while learning. Now he is just a thing that Muren of Michelson has. He is officially her consort, but in reality I think she has him in a collar like Tagoni had me or Micah has you.”

“Not anymore, Legent Alice fixed that.”

“She did?”

“Yes, as part of announcing I had spies that I needed to take care of, she removed the commands from me and unbound my mind. Of course, now I have to be careful about using power. I don’t have the limits imposed by the collar or Charles’ control, so I can really hurt myself if I push too hard.”


“More or less my thoughts. Sorry about Terl, I actually liked him.”

“You’re debating having Micah replace the collar aren’t you?” Nicole accused, “That’s why you are babbling.”

“I like my freedom.”

“But you need to be able to control your power. The histories are emphatic that our power is not safe without the external controls until we reach our majority.”

“And that will give Micah a decade to get used to having me in a collar. Once I am in it, I won’t be able to make him remove it. I could be in it for life.”

“I think you can trust him if it comes to that.”

“I don’t want to and I don’t want to have to. I hate not being sure that my thoughts are my own.”

“Then after you do your house cleaning, ask your people.” Nicole advised, “Our ancestors took choice from the people, return that last little bit. Rulers serve the people in how they rule their lands. They must be both above the people, and bound to them.”

“I can ask them if they think I will need it.” Sien admitted. “Or I can ask the Legents to take my Magic like they did yours.”

“You are doing well.” The Man said to Danus as he watched Danus complete the final set of shield and attack exercises almost flawlessly.

“Thank you.” Danus replied, sweating. “I needed it to be perfect.”

“It nearly was, but why?”

“Because I’m sick of being her puppet. Her appetite for sex is exhausting and she makes me do everything with her, over and over while quizzing me on everything about this.”

“You have the seed magic exercises to go yet.” The Man laughed. “Then we can proceed.”

“No, I got those as well. She’s been making me practice on the already collared girls and then using me herself.”

“Excellent. I shall bring the first one.”

“Tomorrow, tonight I sleep.”

“Are you sure you want to do this Sien?” Micah asked over dinner on the night before the gathering.

“No, no I don’t Micah, not at all.” She answered nervously. “I don’t want to do this, but I don’t have time not to. I have to betray them in order to save them. I’m sorry, but perhaps whoever they replace us with will fare better.”

“Look Sien.” Micah said quietly, pain in his voice. “I didn’t ask to be assigned you. I didn’t want what was done to you. I didn’t and still do not like it.”

“Yet we had our duties.” Sien agreed.

“I can leave. I can walk away and leave you here in peace.”

“No Micah. That will not help and would not bring me or our people any peace. Not my people Micah, our people.”

“I don’t see how you don’t hate me.” Micah whispered. “I know you don’t love me. I know you can barely stand me. You tolerate me because you are afraid of the Hearthdaughter and the Legents.”

“Her name is Lisa, get used to using it.”

“I do not want someone who does not want me.” Micah said, rising. Then he stopped and sat back down while watching a small, bright yellow bird alight the table on the open porch. They both stare fascinated as it pecks at first his plate, then hers.

“I haven’t seen any birds here in the capitol, at least not outside the parks.” Sien said in surprise.

“It is a barn bird. They nest in bushes, shrubs and barns. They sing in the mornings, announcing the all clear for the day.”

“The all clear?” She questioned. The interruption disrupting the emotions of the moment, breaking the emotionally bound chain of events before they can conclude.

“Yes, they don’t sing if there is danger.”

“Interesting, and how often do they attend dinner?” Sien asked.

“Never.” Micah replied, rising again. He is surprised that the bird didn’t leave immediately. “I’ll be in my study.”

“You don’t have to go.” Sien pleaded.

“Yes I do. I’m not forcing myself on anyone. You hold me each night, but I have come to recognize that it is just habit. You were forced to, so you keep doing it. It is just an echo. It’s not real and I need something real in my life.”


“I accepted you because I had to. I didn’t want you. I wanted nothing to do with you. She made me accept you. I had no choice, no real choice, my family needed help they weren’t going to get anytime soon, even in Michelson. So I accepted you. I used you to save my family from hardship. I let my frustration and my helplessness shade how I treated you and I am sorry.”

“You have nothing to apologize for Micah, nothing at all.” Sien swore as tears welled. “I deserved what I got, what happened to me. Every bit of it, and more.”

“No.” Micah replied closing his eyes to hide his own tears. “No you didn’t. I was scared. I had to help my family but I didn’t want to be involved, and I took my frustration out on you, I’m sorry.”

“I took a life Micah. I killed Sinda. We all did, on purpose.” Sien cried as her tears finally escape. “Our target was Charles, but we didn’t even look. We just attacked blindly. You have nothing to be sorry for, I needed to be punished, to be ended, but I wasn’t, she wouldn’t.”

“I am no longer your penance Sien. I never wanted to punish you.”

“And you never really wanted me either did you?” She asked, blinking at him. “When I couldn’t say no, even when I no longer wanted to, you didn’t want me, don’t want me.”

“I didn’t, don’t...I don’t want anyone who doesn’t want me, and you don’t want me. I don’t know what you do want, but I’m not it.”

“That’s just it Micah, I don’t whom, I don’t know what, I want. I have lived all my life with history bearing down on me, deciding whom I could date, whom I might be allowed to marry, whom I couldn’t, all planned out for me in advance. The only thing I had to do was live my life.”

“Only that life for you to live was not your own?” Micah asked, displaying an understanding well beyond what she expected of someone of his years or birth station.

“Yes.” She whispered to his retreating back.

“What do you think Lisa?” Tagoni asked as he finished outlining the results of his experiments with using Magists to intercept catapults.

“Wonderful.” She smiled. “Truly astounding. I know some have used magic to enhance the range of the catapults and ballistas, but I have never heard of intercepting the rocks in the air.”

“How is Charles doing?” He asked without warning.

“Not well.” Lisa admitted. “He isn’t sleeping much despite Kandra’s best efforts.”

“Why aren’t they your efforts as well?”

“Are you asking as our friend, or the alliance general?”

“Both really. As a friend I am concerned. As the general however, figure head though we all know I am, there is also...concern. We don’t know what all he can do, and what we do know scares us, myself included. I have witnessed him teaching the Kimer and the Vale daughters how to use their own power, then matching them, several at a time.”

“I know.”

“I also haven’t seen him push hard to do it. Whatever he can do now, whatever his actual limits are, matching all three Kimers and seven of the Vale daughters at the same time doesn’t even make him sweat. And put bluntly, that scares even me, and I both like and trust him. As for the rest...”


“Lisa, he’s not doing well. He is far too powerful to not keep on hand where we can both see and watch him. He is also not stable enough for us to trust if we don’t know what is happening.”

“He is expanding his horizons.”

“Lisa,” Tagoni pleaded. “Give me something I can tell them.”

“There was an incident.” Lisa said softly. “When we got back to Ericson we found a council already in session waiting for us. They informed him that he was to father children with the heirs in all four Familydoms and he declined. One of the Clan Mothers from Yasan demanded to know what the big deal was with this boy that all the Mothers would want his children by their heirs.”

“She tried to find out?” Tagoni asked quietly.

“Yes, she tried hard, really hard. The incident was covered up, but he...but something happened with him.”

“What happened Lisa?”

“She asked how powerful he was, as one Magist to another.”

“She challenged him?”

“Without formal warning. Her attack, from frustration since she hadn’t been told much of anything, penetrated his passive shields to strike him. One heart passed, then her shields faded. The next heart he retaliated.”


“Very bad. Her shields were gone, but her armsmen had theirs up as well as the three Family Mothers with her. Even if hers had been up it wouldn’t have changed anything. The Clan Mother and the two of the three Family Mothers along with most of their guards died from the shock wave or the thermal blast. We never did find all of them, the pieces that is, but no one asked any more questions of him. After that he got moody. Not angry, just prone to rapid changes in emotional state.”

“What of the survivor?”

“She is now acting Clan Mother, and terrified. I believe they will soon replace her with someone more stable. There are certain sounds that set her off. She will be years recovering, assuming she ever does.”

“How has Kandra been doing keeping him quieted so that doesn’t happen again?” He asked as his voice went soft thinking about what those people felt as they died.

“She is doing well,” Lisa admitted, “thankfully. Since I can’t be with him. I don’t dare.”

“You would beat Brenhar’s record for youngest pregnancy by years wouldn’t you?” Tagoni asked in awe.


“It’s Sinda, Jack, the stupid Clan Mother and the rest. He is finally beginning to grasp just how strong he is isn’t he?”

“People are dying around him Tagoni, and he feels responsible.” Lisa told him as she fought back tears. “So many were lost at the lake and I can’t seem to convince him of the truth.”

“That there was nothing better to be done. Nothing else anyone could have done. Those people were already dead by the time he reached the water. All he did was reduce their number somewhat.”

“He is making the leap from tactician to strategist Tagoni, slowly and painfully, but it is happening and he is beginning to grasp the truth.”

“What truth?”

“That the changes that have occurred, every difference between a year ago and now descends from his actions, from things he brought into the world.”

“So he feels responsible for it all?” Tagoni asked quietly.

“Yes. As his horizons expand, he sees more of what he did, of what his actions have wrought. He feels helpless, trapped, and not even my connection to him, our back channel, not even that is enough to calm him now.”

“He is beginning to grasp the import of his power then? Realizing just how different he really is.”

“Yes, and how little he is different from us, yet how vast that difference is. I’m powerful Tagoni, make no mistake. I can take the Vale daughters or the Kimers one on one easily. I can likely take most if not all of them, together.”

“Yet he is something else again?”

“Yes, and he is beginning to understand that. There is a flaw in the world Tagoni, a flaw he sees past even further than I do. The difference between he and I is small, so small you cannot see it. The difference between Brenhar and I is just as small. Yet the gap in power between he and her is vast, a chasm you could not leap across, let alone see.”

“And you are the only bridge, the only thing connecting us to him.”

“Yes, and I can’t be with him. I can’t comfort him. I can’t help because then I will be with child.” Lisa admitted, “If you think you have seen him push so far, it has all been for Brenhar’s child. Think how far he will go to protect a child with me, if I dared take the time.”

“I would rather not if you don’t mind,” Tagoni replied quietly while blinking slowly, “just thinking in that direction makes my head hurt. I have come to understand how little difference there is between the different levels of capability we Magists have, yet how vast a chasm those differences create. Yet his abilities are visibly and clearly more, and his reactions, the only thing he has done so far is react, are stronger than our actions. As for his actions should he choose to act...”

“His reactions are strong. They carry vast power, and I think you fear as I do,” She whispered, “that if he should act then will he be stronger than all of us?”

“So,” Tagoni began again, “how is Charles doing? Is he well?”

“Thank you, people of Emel, for coming.” Sien says, projecting to ensure all of those gathered in the square can hear her.

“We called you here so that we and you can know where all of us stand.” Micah continues.

“That is why we asked Legents Jeff and Alice here today.”

“They are here to force us, both of us, to speak the truth when we tell you of what we intend here today.” Micah announced.

“Once we have sworn, we will silence all lies then start with the highest officials being sworn in. Then they shall go from there and we shall have no further part.”

“You shall witness, everyone here is witness.”

“All I, we, shall do is ensure that in this square today, everyone shall answer with the truth. They shall one and all be free to refuse to answer any question, but should they choose to answer, it shall be truth.” Sien continues in an odd tone.

“So beware your questions and your words.”